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Hindu priest giving blessing Belur, Karnataka
Wortherkunft von Segen
Das Substantiv Segen entstand als Rückbildung aus dem mittelhochdeutschen Verb segen(en) (althochdeutsch seganōn).
Es bedeutet "das Zeichen des Kreuzes machen, segnen". Im Lateinischen bedeutet "signare "(be)zeichnen, (ver)siegeln".
Das Substantive "signum" bedeutet "Zeichen". Die deutsche Redewendung "das Zeitliche segnen" weist auf den alten
Brauch hin, jemanden zu segnen im Sinne von "Gottes Segen auf ihn herabrufen" oder "sich von ihm verabschieden".
Segnen [engl. blessing] stammt von dem französischen "blesser", "blessure" = Wunde. Der größte Segen erwächst aus
den Stellen, wo der Mensch verletzt wurde, wo er schwach ist.
Zitate zum Thema Segen und Segnen / Blessing
Zitate von D. Hawkins

Jakobssegen: Jakob segnet Josefs Söhne
Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669) niederländischer Maler,
Museum Schloss Wilhelmshöhe, Kassel, seit 1752
- Ein spiritueller Lehrer vermittelt seinen Segen nicht nur durch die Worte selbst, sondern durch die hohe Bewusstseinsenergie, welche seine Worte begleitet. Das All-sehende Auge, S. 71, 2005
- Wegen der Naivität des Geistes und seiner Anfälligkeit für Irrtü-
mer, zusätzlich zu einer Gesellschaft, deren Kennzeichen "Nicht-
Wahrheit" ist, bildet die Entdeckung einer überprüfbaren Metho-
de zur Festlegung von Wahrheit gegenüber Unwahrheit, sowie
auch des tatsächlichen Grades der Wahrheit, einen wunderba-
ren Durchbruch und Segen für den spirituellen Sucher.
Das All-sehende Auge, S. 341, 2005
Quotes by D. Hawkins
- I thank, Thee O Lord for my existence. The great gift of life itself do I treasure. I give thanks to Thee O Lord in the name of all of mankind. I think that's all we can do for the human condition. God bless you all. I love you all. I love you all. God bless you all. Amen.
Long Beach, California, Seminar The Clear Pathway to Enlightenment, DVD 3 of 3, 1:01:45 minute, 8. March 2008
A Special Blessing From Dr. Hawkins
- I bless you in the name of the Lord and I pray for your happiness and the beauty that you bring into the lives of others. Through your Love, Divinity flows through [you] Love, and when you Love, you radiate Divinity to that person. Love is the Presence of God. God and Love are both the same thing. So, when you Love somebody, you bring God into their life.
Newsletter from Veritas Publishing, 1. August 2012

End of Sertig Valley near Davos in Switzerland
- [S]it with your arms slightly raised and hands held out, not to receive as in Eastern traditions, but on the contrary, to radiate out that which you would give to the world and humanity. Sitting quietly with hands held out as if to bless the world, you become a channel of God and radiate out unconditional love. You give all that you are infinitely capable of giving. You are an antenna of radiance. You begin with a prayer, something like what St. Francis of Assisi [LoC 580] said, 'As your servant, o Lord, I give what you have given me.' As you do this you awaken to what the world is crying for and automatically you radiate that and you suddenly realize who you are. It is all non verbal. It may take years to get it. It is simple and direct like a laser. You become a radical laser beam. You keep
doing that and that which humanity needs will reveal itself to you, and that which humanity is, will reveal itself to you and eventually that which is the Real Self will shine forth in an absolute Harmonious Perfection. The mind is stilled.
Teddy and Otis Carnie, Synopsis and Study Guide to Power vs. Force. An Anatomy of Consciousness, Part III, "Realization of the Presence of God", Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 8. June 1996
- Question: I would like to speak compassionately to a person that is dying. He is not spiritual. What can I say?
Answer: You can bless them. Look deep in their eyes, you can then "see" their soul. In my practice I did that with "impossible" patients where everything had been tried and I connected my actual reality with their actual reality (which is the same thing). Sometimes that healed them. Mother Teresa did the same thing. When they were healed they saw that their crippled bodies no longer mattered.
Sedona Satsang Q&A, Sedona Creative Life Center, 2 CD set, 8. November 2006
Zitate von anderen Quellen
Persönliche Bekenntnisse
Auf die Nachfrage des Physikers Albert Einstein hinsichtlich des indischen Grußes Namaste gab Gandhi folgende Antwort.
- Namaste! Ich ehre und segne den Platz in dir, in dem das gesamte Universum residiert. Ich ehre und segne den Platz des Lichts, der Liebe, der Wahrheit, des Friedens und der Weisheit in dir. Ich ehre und segne den Platz in dir, wo, wenn du dort bist und auch ich dort bin, wir beide nur noch eins sind.
Zugeschrieben Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi [BW 760] (1869-1948) indischer hinduistischer Weiser, spiritueller Führer der indischen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung, Menschen-
rechtsanwalt, gewaltloser Widerstandskämpfer zur Durchsetzung politischer Ziele, humanistischer Weiser, asketischer Morallehrer, Pazifist, Publizist, zitiert in: Namaste – Begrüßung und Ehrerbietung, präsentiert von der Webseite Waldorf-Ideen Pool, undatiert
- Nimm dein Leben wie es ist! Denke nicht: "So könnt' es sein."
Fluche keinem deiner Tage! Was du tragen musst, ertrage!
Alles, was dir je begegnet, segne, und du wirst gesegnet!
Bo Yin Ra [Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken] (1876-1943) deutscher Maler, esoterischer Autor, zitiert in: zitate.eu
- Je wacher wir werden gegenüber dem Segen, der in uns hineinfließt durch alles, was wir berühren, desto mehr wird unsere eigene Berührung Segen bringen. Bruder Dr. David Steindl-Rast (*1926) österreichstämmiger US-amerikanischer katholischer Benediktinermönch, Psychologe, Anthropologe, Vertreter des interreligiösen Dialogs zwischen Christentum und Buddhismus, Spiritualität und Wissenschaft, Quelle unbekannt

Isaak segnet seinen Sohn Jakob, 1638
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Niederlande
Govert Flinck (1615-1660)
niederländischer Maler
- Du musst Zeiten des Friedens und der Stille finden, auch wenn
du sehr beschäftigt sein magst, denn es muss nicht lang sein. Du wirst feststellen, dass jene wenigen Augenblicke, die du in stiller Verbindung mit Mir verbringst, in allem, was du tust, Wunder wir-
ken werden. Anstatt dich in ein Projekt zu stürzen oder etwas zu tun, weil es getan werden muss, wird deine ganze Einstellung in allem, was du unternimmst, eine Einstellung des Segnens, Lo-
bens und Dankens sein. Weil deine Einstellung und deine Art, an die Dinge heranzugehen, stimmen, kann nur das Allerbeste da-
raus entstehen und allen Seelen, die damit zu tun haben, Segen bringen. Eileen Caddy (1917-2006) britische spirituelle Lehrerin, Mit-
gründerin der Gemeinschaft Findhorn Foundation, Schottland, Autorin, Herzenstüren öffnen, Greuthof, 33. Auflage 2004
- Preise MICH, von dem aller Segen fließt, und wenn du es tust, wird in deinem Herzen die allgegenwärtige Christus-Schwingung angeregt werden. [...] Erkenne, dass aller Segen allein von mir ausgeht, und das wird dir helfen, dein Herz mit Lob zu füllen. Ruby Nelson, Das Tor zur Unendlicheit, S. 102, Aquamarin Verlag, Grafing, 1999
Referenzen: de.Wikiquote-Einträge ► Segen und ► Fluch |
Quotes by various other sources
But I say unto you,
Love your enemies,
bless them that curse you,
do good to them that hate you,
and pray for them who despitefully use you, and persecute you.
Matthew 5, 44 (NT) King James Bible, 2003
Looking at his disciples, he [Jesus] said:
Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.
Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied.
Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.
Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult
you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man. […]
But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort.
Woe to you who are well fed now, for you will go hungry.
Woe to you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep.
Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for that is how their fathers treated the false prophets.
Luke 6, 20-26 (NT)
- "bless" and "blessed": bless (v.)
Old English bletsian (i.e. originally perhaps ‘mark or consecrate with blood’),
Northumbrian bloedsian "to consecrate, make holy, give thanks,"
Proto-Germanic *blodison "hallow with blood, mark with blood," from *blotham "blood"
blessed (adj.) late 12c., "supremely happy," also "consecrated" (c.1200), past participle adjective from bless (v.)
Latin benedicere ‘to praise, worship’, and later by association with bliss.
Old English bibles translate Hebrew brk "to bend (the knee), worship, praise, invoke blessings".
The Latin benedicere and Greek eulogein mean "to speak well of, to praise."
The Latin immolare (see immolate) means to "invoke or pronounce God's blessing upon".
- The English word blessing is related to the French word blessé, meaning wounded, or blessure, meaning wound.
The wound is a blessing; the blessing comes as a wound.
The wound wants to change us. We cannot heal and stay the same. To change we have to surrender to what we do
not yet know. We are going into something unknown. That is why it can be hard to heal.
To take the path of healing is to take the path of the wound.
That is, to surrender to the wisdom of the wound, to receive the wound as a blessing, to trust that it knows what
we do not, that it knows how to liberate us from the knowledge we cling to.
Newsletter Message from Henry: Wound and Blessing, presented by Mountain Cloud Zen Center (MCZC), 3. November 2015
- What seemed once to be a special problem, a mistake without a remedy, or an affliction without a cure, has been transformed into a universal blessing. Sacrifice is gone. And in its place the Love of God can be remembered,
and will shine away all memory of sacrifice and loss.
⚡ A Course in Miracles [LoC 550], text book, chapter 26.II.7, The Foundation for Inner Peace, 3rd edition 1976, revised
edition 1996
- The blessing is next to the wound. African saying
Englische Texte – English section on Blessing
Etymology of blessing
The old English blçtsian stems from a prehistoric Germanic base that also produced the English word "bleed" and "blood". The original sense of "to bless" seems to have been "to mark with blood."
The English word "bless" is a native English word, coming from Old English blēdsian, meaning 'to consecrate', from Germanic *blōþisōną. This word is cognate with and derives from blood. The semantic link is that consecration was done with blood in former centuries.
The French "blesser" is borrowed from Frankish, the Germanic *blaitijaną – which means 'to bruise' – and thus cognate with the (dialectal) English word "blate".
The French word for wound is "blessure". "Blessure" same root as "blessing". Words and actions that hurt most are those that touch into one's unique gifts because human gifts and wounds are secretly connected.
It takes older people who can act as elders to bless the dreams and aspirations that young people attempt to carry.
"Unfortunately, modern mass culture and modern education tend to obscure and ignore natural genius while promoting
a massive sameness amongst its citizens. The education of genius involves an awakening from within that needs
a blessing from others more than it needs instruction from them. Genius is unique in that it already knows what it
is here to do and does not need traditional instruction. More important is acknowledgment and mentorship as genius
fosters genius." Michael Meade Mosaicvoices.org, US American storyteller, scholar of mythology, psychology, anthropology,
ritualist, spokesman in the men's movement, author, Mosaic Genius Project Your Genius is Calling, YouTube film 9:57 minutes du-
ration, posted 5. February 2015
"The "second nature" of a person (the innate capacities) needs two kinds of attention.
- The person has to attend to it themselves.
- It also needs the other kind of attention which used to be called a blessing – the attention, especially from some-
one who's respected, someone who says, "I saw that. I heard that. I see the seed of life you're coming from."
If these two kinds of attention don’t happen, a kind of death is occurring, a withering. Interview with Michael Meade Mo-
saicvoices.org, US American storyteller, scholar of mythology, psychology, anthropology, ritualist, spokesman in the men's movement, author, Watering the Seeds of the Future, presented by the US American magazine EarthLight, host K. Lauren de Boer, January 2002
Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins
Links zum Thema Segen und Segnen / Blessing
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- Wikipedia-Einträge Segen
- Anthrowiki.at-Eintrag Segen
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