
Hawkins / LinearitaetvsNichtlinearitaet








Der Mensch im Pentagramm
Gezeichnet von dem deutschen Alchemisten
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim (1486-1535)



Paradoxe Wortspiele

Lineare Sichtweise: God is nowhere.Übersetzung: Gott ist nirgendwo.
Nichtlineare Sichtweise: God is now here.Übersetzung: Gott ist jetzt hier.


Frage: NO Godor kNOw God
Übersetzung: Kein Gottoder Gott erkennen
Antwort: Mensch, erkenne dich/das SELBST.Ratschlag am Eingangstor von Mysterienschulen
Siehe auch: ► Paradox und ► Witze
Wo Gott (nicht) wohnt – Paradoxe Wortspiele
See also: ► Where God does (not) live – Paradoxical wordplays

Fortschreitende Stufen des Erkennens nach D. Hawkins

Ein linearer (formgebundener) Gedanke wird
→ Registriert (wahrgenommen)
→ Erkannt
→ Betrachtet
→ Gewahrt.


Nichtlineare Feld-Orientierung
Im nichtlinearen virtuellen Feld
→ wird (durch den Beobachter) beobachtet

laut Heisenbergs Unschärferelation beeinflusst der Beobachter das Feldgeschehen.,

→ wird (durch den Zeugen) bezeugt,
→ ist das Licht des Bewusstseins gegenwärtig,
→ ist das Manifeste als All-Sein (SELBST) gegenwärtig,
→ ist das Unmanifeste (Gottheit) gegenwärtig.


Inspiriert durch: ► D. Hawkins, Licht des All. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 392, 2003

Gegenüberstellung Lineares Denkmodell ⇔ Nichtlineares Denkmodell

Newtonsches Denkmodell

BW bis 499
Quanten- und stringphysikalisches Denkmodell

BW ab 500+
Ego, Selbst, esGEIST, SELBST, ICH
Inhalt ausschließlichKontext einschließlich
Zwang [Überwältigung], zwingendKraft [Wirkmacht], ermöglichend
Entweder-oder, Sowohl-als-auchWeder-noch, Alles-in-allem
Weltlich, irdisch, MaterialSpirituell, geistig, Leben
Materiell, physisch, relativImmateriell, metaphysisch, absolut
Getrennt, erschöpflich, endlichVerbunden, unerschöpflich, unendlich
Sichtbar, außerhalb, farbigUnsichtbar, innerhalb, transzendent
Von begrenzter Dauer, Anfang-Ende, aufeinanderfolgendZeitlos, ewig, gleichzeitig, synchonistisch, fortlaufend
Ortsgebundenheit, hier-dortNichtlokalität, diffus, überall
DimensionUnermesslichkeit, Unmessbarkeit
Begrenzt, endlich, unvollständigUnbegrenzt, unendlich, vollständig
Wahrnehmung, MeinungVision, Eingebung Essenz
Wunsch, Motivation, wollenIntuition, Inspiration, Befriedigung, Erfüllung
Schneller, weiter, höher, größer
Spontan, gelassen; im Hier und Jetzt seiend
Eigenschaft(en), Preis, aufwändigWesentliches, Wert, mühelos
Etwas über etwas wissen, kontrollierenEtwas immanent wissen, es sein, vertrauen
Fassbar, greifbar, Objekt, TeilUnfassbar, un(be)greiflich, Feld, das Ganze
Bewegt, reisend, gespannt, hörbarStill, bleibend, entspannt, schweigend
Kontrollierbar, berechenbar, wägbar, messbarBrauchbar, unwägbar, unvorhersagbar
Fakt, Definition, präzise, konkretBedeutung, Sinn, Hintersinn, allgemein, abstrakt
Unterscheidbar, getrennt, grenzsetzendGleich, eins, auflösend
Struktur, QuantitätAllverbundenheit, Qualität
Beweis, wissenschaftlichSelbst-nachweisend, selbstverständlich, mystisch
Konflikt, StressFrieden, Erleichterung
Nehmen – HABENGeben – SEIN
Wandelbar, verletzlichUnwandelbar, unverletzlich
Hinsehen, dingorientiert, objektbezogen, gedanklich, IntellektWissend sein, bezeugen, beobachten, Bewusstsein
!!! -
Angeregt durch: ► Tabelle in D. Hawkins, Das All-sehende Auge, S. 413-415, 2005
Inspired by the linearity vs. nonlinearity chart in I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 298-299, 2003
Siehe auch: ► Wissenschaft und ► Spaltdenken ⇔ Feldbewusstsein – Vier = 3:1 Entwicklungsphasen



Pyramidale Gesellschaftsstruktur vs. heterarchische Kreis-Kulturen:

Wir leben noch immer in einer 'Entweder-oder'-Kultur, nicht in einer 'Sowohl-als-auch'-Kultur. Wir achten noch immer auf Rangfolgen, statt uns zu vernetzen. Statt eine zirkuläre Weltsicht zu vertreten, betrachten wir das Leben noch immer aus hierarchischer Sicht. Tatsächlich haben wir im Lauf der menschlichen Geschichte größtenteils anders gelebt. Es ging um Verbundenheit, nicht um Rangordnungen. Der Kreis war das Paradigma der Gesellschaft. Video Fernsehinterview mit Gloria Steinem (*1934) US-amerikanische Feministin der neuen Frauenbewegung, Frauenrechtlerin, visionäre politische Aktivistin, Gründerin und Herausgeberin des feministischen US-amerikanischen Magazins Ms., Journalistin, Autorin, @katiecouric: A Woman's World?, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Fernsehsender CBS News, Gastgeberin Katie Couric (*1957) US-amerikanische Talkshow-Moderatorin, Fernsehjournalistin, Autorin, YouTube film, Minute 37:29, eingestellt 22. Juni 2010

Zitate zum Thema Linearität ⇔ Nichtlinearität / Linearity ⇔ Nonlinearity

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Nicht-lineares Lernen ereignet sich mehr durch Anlagern an Vertrautes denn als logisch fortschreitende, prozessori-
    entierte Anwendung des Intellekts. Bewusstsein hat die Tendenz, als automatische Folge des Erwerbs neuer Informa-
    tionen fortzuschreiten. Rückblickend kann es dann Informationen einordnen, die vielleicht gefehlt hatten oder nicht verstanden worden waren. Jede Enthüllung bringt die Integration voran und führt demnach weiter zu neuen Einsich-
    ten. Das All-sehende Auge, 2005


Quotes by D. Hawkins

  • You can't believe in kinesiology because it calibrates at 600, which is the line between the linear and non-linear [be-
    yond linearity]. Most of the time I don't believe it either, and you don't have to believe it either. You just use it like a screwdriver or pliers or a hammer, just as a tool. I have a certain reverence for it. It had been taught by Dr. John Diamond and others as a local phenomenon, which we discovered that it's not.
    Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, 3 DVD set, 16. October 2004
⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • All that is really meaningful and significant in human life is nonlinear, invisible, and nonmeasurable.
    Source unknown


  • In overview, we can see that from time immemorial, man has tried to make sense of the enormous complexity and fre-
    quent unpredictability of human behavior. A multitude of systems have been constructed to try to make sense of that which is incomprehensible comprehensible. To 'make sense' has ordinarily meant to be able to be definable in terms that are linear: logical and rational. But the process, and therefore the experience, of life itself is organic
    – that is to say, nonlinear by definition.
    This is the source of man's inescapable intellectual frustration.
    Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 37, Hay House, February 2002


  • A multitude of systems has been constructed to try to make that which is incomprehensible comprehensible. To "make sense" has ordinarily meant to be definable in terms that are linear – logical and rational. But the process, and therefore the experience, of life itself is organic – that is to say, nonlinear by definition. This is the source of man's inescapable intellectual frustration.
    Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 53, Hay House, February 2002


  • It is important to recognize that that which is beyond form is not reached through form or by the manipulation of form. Therefore, involvement in esoteric or occult practices is a snare and a delay. These practices are byways which lead to astral planes, enthusiasts, and proselytizers, all of which are endless in number. There is no power in geometric figures, mandalas, icons, paintings, statues, or recitations. Any value that ensues is by the intention, dedication, commitment, and faith of the seeker. The world is full of well-intentioned but naive reciters of mantras, lightworkers, worshippers of sacred objects, amulets, charts, holy places [i.e. Lourdes [LoC 510], Druid remains, mystical charms, and sites for pilgrimage, such as Machu Picchu [LoC 510], Stonehenge [LoC 520/599]1, the pyramids [in Egypt, LoC 520], the Ganges [LoC 520], ancient temples, energy vortices, and all the rest. This could be called 'making the circuit', but eventually, one has to go within. Heaven is within you, said the Lord, Jesus Christ.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 156, 2001


  • In the Reality of nonduality, there is neither privilege nor gain nor loss nor rank. Just like a cork in the sea, each spirit rises or falls in the sea of consciousness to its own level by virtue of its own choices, and not by any external
    force or favor. Some are attracted by the light and some seek the darkness, but it all occurs of its own nature
    by virtue of divine freedom and equality.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 262, 2001


  • Although the ego identifies with the linearity of form and time, its life stems from the nonlinear. This is intuited as an ephemeral, intangible, indefinable reality or ultimate Source. I. Reality and Subjectivity, first page of chapter 16, S. 273, 2003



The linear vs. the nonlinear Absolute

Mere presumptions vs. self-revealing principles

  • Adherence to basic spiritual principles is requisite to major transformation and of these, faith, devotion, and surrender are its primary modalities. It merely requires the surrendering of any and all belief systems and the understanding that all fear is an illusion due merely to clinging to a positionality and its perceptions, including one's adherence and faith in the familiar, customary paradigm of 'reality'. Nothing is actually the way the ego has perceived it for the linear dimension is merely presumptive, and the nonlinear Absolute is a very different paradigm that operates on totally different principles that are self-re-
    rather than sequential understandings or comprehension.
    Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 18 "Full Enligtenment", S. 266, 2006


  • Because Reality is nonlinear, it cannot be localized or encoded in restriction of form, such as secret messages, co-
    des, numbers, and inscriptions, or hidden in runes, stones, the dimensions of the pyramids, the DNA, or the nostril
    hairs of the camel. Truth has no secrets. The Reality of God is omnipresent and beyond codification or exclusi-
    vity. Codes are indicative of man's imagination and not the capriciousness of Divinity. Discovery of the Presence of
    God. Devotional Nonduality
    , chapter 11 "Characteristics of Spiritual Truth, Integrous Teachers, and Teachings", S. 179, 2007


  • In contrast to the descriptively objective linear para­digm of reality represented by the levels of the 400s, non­li-
    near spiritual realities begin to express in the high 400s
    and then become dominant at level 500 (Love) on up
    to 1,000, which is the maximum power of energy possible in the human domain.
    Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 93-94, 2008





  • The non-linear has a probe in linearity, and that's your ego. It's checking, is this molecule good, is this one good? It's information processing. Before it gets invested in something, it checks it out. We find out what about the ego is it that we need to surrender? It's the experiencer. It's only the experiencing that matters – it isn't even just the juice, it's the experience of the juice. You don't have to surrender 10,000 things; you only have to surrender one thing.
    Sedona Seminar Alignment, 3 DVD set, 16. April 2005




Nonlinearity stands for the spiritual realm.

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Persönliche Bekenntnisse

  • Ich war gewissermaßen Gefangener der linearen Nichtgleichgewichtstheorie, weil die Systeme in der Nähe des Gleich-
    gewichts mathematisch mit Hilfe linearen Näherungen beschrieben wurden. […]
    Dissipative Strukturen aber sind Wesen aus einer nichtlinearen Welt, und zu der Zeit, als ich sie untersuchte, gab es noch wenig wissenschaftliches Interesse an Nichtlinearität. Ilya Prigogine (1917-2003) russisch-belgischer Physikochemiker, Philosoph, Nobelpreisträger für Chemie (Dissipative Strukturen, Selbstorganisation, Irreversibilität), Die Gesetze des Chaos, Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung, 1993, Insel Verlag, 1. Januar 1998
  • Das Irdische ist eine Illusion, doch verweigerst du dich ihm, wirst du nur schwerlich zum Buddha werden. Das Über-
    irdische ist wahr, aber wenn du daran festhältst, wird sich sein Glanz verhüllen. Gautama Buddha [BW 1000] (563-483 v. Chr.) indischer Avatar, Lehrer der Erleuchtung, Zentralfigur des Buddhismus, Quelle unbekannt


  • Ihr stellt euch den (Einen) Geist […] als etwas vor, das auf die gleiche Weise untersucht werden kann wie eine Ka-
    tegorie des Wissens oder wie ein Konzept. Wer seinen Geist auf diese Weise wie Augen benutzt, wird sicher ver-
    muten, dass Fortschritt etwas ist, das sich in mehreren Stadien vollzieht. So ein Mensch ist jedoch von der Wahr-
    heit so weit entfernt wie die Erde vom Himmel. Huang Po (Huangbo Xiyun) [BW 960] (770-~850 n. Chr.) chinesischer
    Chan-Meister des Zen-Buddhismus, Der Geist des Zen, Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2000

Quotes by Katya Walter


Binary chunks ∞ analog flow

  • The ancient Chinese I Ching [expressing binary numbers counting from 0 through 63] provides an astoundingly complete model […] in a clever shorthand that uses binary/digital sequencing plus analog flow. Katya Walter, Ph.D., US American multi-disciplinary scientist, physicist, I Ching scholar, Jungian scholar, A New (and very Old) Model for Nonlinear Computation, presented at
    the Sixth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Tokyo, July 1995


  • Chaos theory developed an odd vocabulary where fractals, the Julia and Mandelbrot sets, the butterfly effect and the strange attractor suddenly opened up a new "nonlinear" reality. This fractal development can be found in the DNA struc-
    ture which Watson and Crick discovered in the 1950s. Amazingly, this phenomenal use of number also exists in the
    I Ching, developed according to apocryphal Chinese history, in 3322 BCE.
    Katya Walter, Ph.D., US American multi-disciplinary scientist, physicist, I Ching scholar, Jungian scholar, A New (and very Old) Model
    for Nonlinear Computation
    , presented at Sixth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Tokyo, July 1995


Water droplet, upward "rebound" jet
surrounded by circular capillary waves
  • [E]ach system – genetic code or I Ching – gives a micro-
    cosmic rendition of a larger principle of cochaos theory. Fortunately, these two models, ancient and modern, pro-
    vide a means to observe a mathematical paradigm that is perhaps inherent in the fabric of the universe itself. Numbers create the patterns of the universe. Analogs form the networks of qualitative resonance in the ti-
    ming and spacing of matter and energy, while linears develop the discrete sums that quantify units of what-
    ever is being spaced or timed.
    Together – as analinear number – they give a flowing, connective quality to the universe's discrete quantities. To merge the analog with the linear in cochaos patterning provides a truly uni-
    versal computation method.

    Conference speech by Katya Walter, Ph.D., US American multi-disciplinary scientist, physicist, I Ching scholar, Jungian scholar, A New (and very Old) Model for Nonlinear Computation, sponsored by the Sixth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Tokyo, Japan, July 1995



Cochaos patterning: Merging the analog with the linear

  • Chaos patterning can predict an overall pattern, but it cannot specify any exact detail of its next manifestation. A mathematician can determine its general form but not the exact contents. Patterned chaos has its own special signature:
    ➤ Order in the midst of apparent disorder
    ➤ Cycling that repeats with continual slight variation
    ➤ Scaling that fits one level into another like nesting boxes
    ➤ Universal applicability.
Katya Walter, Ph.D., US American multi-disciplinary scientist, physicist, I Ching scholar, Jungian scholar, A New (and very Old) Model
for Nonlinear Computation
, presented at the "Sixth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction", Tokyo, July 1995


  • To balance and harmonize the analog and linear functions of number is the special gift of analinear computation. It
    is evident in the ancient I Ching and in modern DNA. By combining unitized counting with flowing proportions, this paradigm creates nonlinear equations, or more appropriately, analinear equations.
    Katya Walter, Ph.D., US American multi-disciplinary scientist, physicist, I Ching scholar, Jungian scholar, A New (and very Old) Model
    for Nonlinear Computation
    , presented at Sixth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Tokyo, July 1995


See also: ► Lao Tzu and ► Tao

Englische Texte – English section on Linearity vs Nonlinearity / Linearitaet vs. Nichtlinearitaet

Double bubble universe ♦ Entanglement ♦ Lemniscate

After decades of studying multi-disciplinary sciences Jungian scholar, Asian scholar, and physicist Katya Walter, Ph.D., presented
a theory on the Double Bubble Universe in her book Double Bubble Universe. Mind and matter in a new TOE (2010).2
Walter offered her Theory of Everything (TOE) also at the 20th international conference Society for
Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences
.3 / 4
The hologram of emergent ongoing reality
within three domains and eleven (4+4+3) dimensions
Planck constant
DomainMatter ∞ EnergySpace ∞
Ratio 3:1

physical world
Familiar everyday world
Space of incarnate humans
Known pole of gravity
Matter ∞ Energy

Quantity ∞ quality
Spacetime 3D space

1D time
3D space
Matter tardyon particles

1D time
ranging from slow speed to speed of light

Interface, Zeropoint
Intermediary oscillating world
Multitudinous tiny doorways carrying beats of graviton data, dynamically knitting the two giant domains together8
Mobius loop
Lorenz attractor
Warped Spacetime 2D space

2D time
Transient condition
Rabbit hole9
1/10,000 of a second delay10

Nonlinear nonphysical world
Unfamiliar complementary world
Space of disincarnate humans
Lost pole of gravity

Hidden reversing-mirror reciprocity
Explained by mathematics / inversion laws of physics
Antimatter ∞
Tacyonic energy

Quantity ∞ quality
Timespace 3D time

1D space
3D time
ranging from speed of light2 up to infinite speed
1D space
Antimatter tachyon particles

Note: The two coexisting orders are expressed in different cosmologies, world views and theories.

Various theories juxtaposted
Holomovement cosmology
Implicate and explicate order
by David Bohm
Implicate order
Ubiquitous, unmanifest, wavelike, visible for "eyes to see" – "information field interpenetrating every point in space-time" corresponding with the right brain hemishpere
Explicate order
Localized, manifest, visible, touchable
corresponding with the left brain hemishpere
Tiller Model
by William Tiller
Conjugate physical = Etheric
Inverse space & Frenquency
Right hemisphere sensing
Direct space & Direct time
Left hemisphere sensing
Darwin's Evolutionary Theory
reviewed by
David Loye11
Rediscovered Darwinism
Partnership – Cooperation (2007)
21st century human mindset
Reduced Darwinism
Domination – Competition (1859)
19-20th century human mindset
Social cosmology by H.H. Dalai Lama12Fundamental cultureDignity
"On the fundamental level there are no differences between all human beings. Mentally, emotionally, physically we are the same. On that level there is hardly any reason to fight."
Secondary culturePride
"On the secondary level there are a lot of divisions and barriers. On the secondary level there are different nationalities, different races, different colors, different religions. [...] Many man-made problems, I believe, are due to too much emphasis on the secondary level of differences. We are forgetting the basic oneness of human beings."
Map of Consciousness13
by David R. Hawkins
Nonlinear paradigm
Quantumphysical cognitive model

LoC 500+
Linear paradigm
Newton's cognitive model
LoC up to 499
It is only necessary to shift from devotion to the world to devotion to God and the spirit.
David Hawkins, Along the Path to Enlightenment. 365 Reflections from David R. Hawkins, Reflection of October 9th
Four Stages Of Spiritual Growth
by Rev. Michael Beckwith leaning to the four sectors of David Hawkins' MoC
Third kingdom – Spiritual reality
Things are done THROUGH ME.
Fourth kingdom – Enlightened states
Things are done AS ME.
First kingdom – Ego
Things are done TO ME.
Second kingdom – Linear mind
Things are done BY ME.


In Walter's Theory of Everything (TOE) the universe is shaped as a giant double bubble expressing a Lorenz attractor dynamic oscillating between its two basins of attraction.

  1. The familiar domain, the linear physical world – above the Planck constant level – is the known pole of gravity.
    It has 3D space carrying 3D matter as tardyon particles / 1D time (spacetime) carrying 1D energy as waves going up to the speed of light.
    The single giant mind (unified field) is vast energetic cloud dwells in the linear realm, powered by tachyonic energy.
  2. The hidden domain, the nonlinear nonphysical world – below the Planck level – is the lost pole of gravity.
    It has 3D time (timespace) carrying 3D energy waves going from the speed of light2 up to infinite speed / 1D space carrying antimatter as tachyon particles.


The 1D time in the linear bubble and the 1D space in the nonlinear bubble bond at the Planck level interface resulting in a polarized 1D axis stretching across both domains.
The mirror-dimensionality of the twin bubbles harbors the paradoxical. Therefore, the white right hand glove may suddenly
turn inside out to become the left hand black glove.


According to Katya Walter's TOE human life happens within twin bubble domains – in a Lorenz oscillator caught in a giant Klein bottle universe built by a nonlinear fractal chaos. It is being influenced by the universal unified mind combined with the tiny human minds. This is assembling the continual chaotic flow of events that humans experience.

PhysicsStandard modelDiscoverer – Physicist – InitiatorTime frame
Old physicsClassical mechanicsIsaac Newton 17th-20th century
New physicsQuantum physicsMax Planck, Albert Einstein, various quantum physicists Beg 20th century


The fractal origin of the universe builds a double bubble shape of giant conjoined twins.
In its giant Lorenz oscillator, a strange attractor shape employs a
fractal master code in the primal causative event prior to the creation of the
Four great primals
0. SpaceGOD O-1-1The Tao gave birth to One.
1. EnergyPattern – Pater 1-2The One gave birth to Two.
2. MatterMattern – Mater 2-3The Two gave birth to Three.
3. TimeCreation unfolding 3-5The Three gave birth to all of creation.

Note: The organic growth number pattern expressed in the Fibonacci numbers 0–1–1–2–3–5 and the Golden ratio.

Lao Tzu (604-531 BC) Chinese sage, philosopher, founder of Daoism, author of Tao Te Ching, verse 42, 6th century BC
Michael S. Schneider, US American mathematician, educator writer, Magical Egypt – Living Geometry, YouTube film, minute 3:30
     (Fibonacci sequence), YouTube film, 9:16 minutes duration, posted 4. February 2010
Michael S. Schneider, US American mathematician, educator writer, Michael Schneider – Constructing The Universe, presented by
     the West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, YouTube film, 1:07:11 duration, first aired July 2010,
     posted 10. February 2018
References: en.Wikipedia entries Entanglement and ► Lemniscate and ► Fibonacci numbers 0–1–1–2–3–5 and ► Golden ratio


The 11 dimensions of the double bubble universe comprise three cooperating subsets
each of which containing both space and time, matter and energy.


Knot of eternity

Events subject to abrupt, seemingly random changes, emerging in an nonlinear progression are created by mind and matter.


Beyond the ego's limits men can tap into the antimatter realm below the Planck level. In dreams, sleep, meditation, remote viewing, channeling, and other altered states of conscious-
can humans draw from the domain of giant universal mind, the Akashic record, the Collective unconscious, the Oversoul, the archetypes, spiritual teachers, ascended masters. The tachyonic data bank (huge mind) stores fractal patterning. It contains the past, present, and speculations on the potential future of the universe.
The ability to tap into awareness beyond time, space, or the grave is called an evidence of the "soul". As "souls" humans exist in fractal patterns within the vast tachyonic cloudbank below the Planck level in the universal mind itself.
After the demise of the physical body in the secondary level the "soul" continues to live in the fundamental domain.
The ancients named the cycling fractal iterations of the soul by the term "reincarnation".

See also: ► Cosmology and ► Quantum physics


Perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who
desires to see it, and having seen it, to find one in himself.

Plato (427-347 BC) Ancient Greek pre-Christian founder of the
occidental philosophy, writer, Platonic Socrates: The Republic, 360 BC

Dilemma between linear thinking ⇔ nonlinear spirituality


Level of consciousness

I envy people who have faith, I just can't get my head around it.
Billionaire Edward Cole [secular minded]
Greed, Rationality
Maybe because your head's in the way.
Mechanic Carter Chambers [wise]
Linearity [intellect] cannot grasp nonlinear spirituality

Quoted from the movie The Bucket List,
YouTube clip The Bucket List – Trailer, Memorable quotes from The Bucket List, 2007

See also: ► Faith
Siehe auch: ► Die Dichotomie zwischen linearem Denken ⇔ nichtlinearer Spiritualität

Index: Linearitaet vs. Nichtlinearität / Linearity vs. nonlinearity – Bücher von D. Hawkins

Englische Werke


Links zum Thema Linearität ⇔ Nichtlinearität / Linearity ⇔ Nonlinearity


Über Nichtlinearität, Chaos, Fraktale und selbstregulierende Systeme

Externe Weblinks

External web links (engl.)

Audio- und Videolinks

Audio and video links (engl.)


Interne Links




1 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 362, 2005

2 Katya Walter, Ph.D.,
The Universe is Alive and Well: in a new TOE, Kairos Center, 28. December 2010

3 20th international conference of the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas, 22-24 July 2010

4 Katya Walter, Ph.D., deleted abstracts: Could the Arrow of Time be a Strange Attractor? and A New (and Very Old) Key to Nonlinear Dynamics

5 That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing. Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, translated by Dennis W. Hauck cited by Nicki Scully, Alchemical Healing. A Guide to Spiritual, Physical, and Transformational Medicine, Bear & Company, Rochester, S. 321, 30. September 2003

6 Wormhole

7 3:1 Principle

8 On this stream, one may see an ever-changing pattern of vortices, ripples, waves, splashes, etc., which evidently have no independent existence as such. Rather, they are abstracted from the flowing movement, arising and vanishing in the total process of the flow. Such transitory subsistence as may be possessed by these abstracted forms implies only a relative independence or autonomy of behaviour, rather than absolutely independent existence as ultimate substances. David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, Boston, S. 48, 1980

9 Down the Rabbit-Hole, title of chapter 1 of the book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, used as a metaphor for adventure into the unknown

10 The questions you are asking are already happening on their own, and you become aware of 'Oh, I just asked that' 1/10,000 of a second after the phenomenon. With full enlightenment, that 1/10,000 of a second [delay] disappears, and suddenly you are transformed into a different dimension of existence. The delay between a that and a me disappears, and that which you are is all there is. Interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins, US American spiritual teacher, Conversations about the Teacher and the Student, part III of III, presented by the dissolved US American Four Corners Magazine, Pamela Becker, August/September 2007

11 Rediscovery of Charles Darwin's distorted evolutionary theory

12 Video presentation by H.H. 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso (*1935) Tibetan monk, leader of the Gelug or "Yellow Hat" branch of Tibetan Buddhism, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 1989, Vancouver Peace Summit 2009, presented by the Canadian broadcast television network CTV Television Network, part 2 of 4, 2/3rd section, minute 50:13-55:00, Vancouver, Canada, Sunday 27. September 2009

13 Linearitaet vs Nichtlinearitaet [Linearity ⇔ Nonlinearity Chart]

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