Hawkins / LinearitaetvsNichtlinearitaet
Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)
![]() Der Mensch im Pentagramm |
Siehe auch: ► Paradox und ► Witze ► Wo Gott (nicht) wohnt – Paradoxe Wortspiele |
See also: ► Where God does (not) live – Paradoxical wordplays |
Ein linearer (formgebundener) Gedanke wird
→ Registriert (wahrgenommen)
→ Erkannt
→ Betrachtet
→ Erlebt
→ Gewahrt.
Nichtlineare Feld-Orientierung
Im nichtlinearen virtuellen Feld
→ wird (durch den Beobachter) beobachtet
→ wird (durch den Zeugen) bezeugt,
→ ist das Licht des Bewusstseins gegenwärtig,
→ ist das Manifeste als All-Sein (SELBST) gegenwärtig,
→ ist das Unmanifeste (Gottheit) gegenwärtig.
Inspiriert durch: ► D. Hawkins, Licht des All. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 392, 2003 |
Angeregt durch: ► Tabelle in D. Hawkins, Das All-sehende Auge, S. 413-415, 2005 Inspired by the linearity vs. nonlinearity chart in I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 298-299, 2003 |
Siehe auch: ► Wissenschaft und ► Spaltdenken ⇔ Feldbewusstsein – Vier = 3:1 Entwicklungsphasen |
Wir leben noch immer in einer 'Entweder-oder'-Kultur, nicht in einer 'Sowohl-als-auch'-Kultur. Wir achten noch immer auf Rangfolgen, statt uns zu vernetzen. Statt eine zirkuläre Weltsicht zu vertreten, betrachten wir das Leben noch immer aus hierarchischer Sicht. Tatsächlich haben wir im Lauf der menschlichen Geschichte größtenteils anders gelebt. Es ging um Verbundenheit, nicht um Rangordnungen. Der Kreis war das Paradigma der Gesellschaft. Video Fernsehinterview mit Gloria Steinem (*1934) US-amerikanische Feministin der neuen Frauenbewegung, Frauenrechtlerin, visionäre politische Aktivistin, Gründerin und Herausgeberin des feministischen US-amerikanischen Magazins Ms., Journalistin, Autorin, @katiecouric: A Woman's World?, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Fernsehsender CBS News, Gastgeberin Katie Couric (*1957) US-amerikanische Talkshow-Moderatorin, Fernsehjournalistin, Autorin, YouTube film, Minute 37:29, eingestellt 22. Juni 2010
Mere presumptions vs. self-revealing principles
Nonlinearity stands for the spiritual realm.
Persönliche Bekenntnisse
See also: ► Lao Tzu and ► Tao |
Note: The two coexisting orders are expressed in different cosmologies, world views and theories.
In Walter's Theory of Everything (TOE) the universe is shaped as a giant double bubble expressing a Lorenz attractor dynamic oscillating between its two basins of attraction.
The 1D time in the linear bubble and the 1D space in the nonlinear bubble bond at the Planck level interface resulting in a polarized 1D axis stretching across both domains.
According to Katya Walter's TOE human life happens within twin bubble domains – in a Lorenz oscillator caught in a giant Klein bottle universe built by a nonlinear fractal chaos. It is being influenced by the universal unified mind combined with the tiny human minds. This is assembling the continual chaotic flow of events that humans experience. |
Note: The organic growth number pattern expressed in the Fibonacci numbers 0–1–1–2–3–5 and the Golden ratio. |
Sources: ► Lao Tzu (604-531 BC) Chinese sage, philosopher, founder of Daoism, author of Tao Te Ching, verse 42, 6th century BC ► Michael S. Schneider, US American mathematician, educator writer, Magical Egypt – Living Geometry, YouTube film, minute 3:30 (Fibonacci sequence), YouTube film, 9:16 minutes duration, posted 4. February 2010 ► Michael S. Schneider, US American mathematician, educator writer, Michael Schneider – Constructing The Universe, presented by the West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, YouTube film, 1:07:11 duration, first aired July 2010, posted 10. February 2018 | ||||
References: en.Wikipedia entries ► Entanglement and ► Lemniscate and ► Fibonacci numbers 0–1–1–2–3–5 and ► Golden ratio |
The 11 dimensions of the double bubble universe comprise three cooperating subsets
Events subject to abrupt, seemingly random changes, emerging in an nonlinear progression are created by mind and matter.
Beyond the ego's limits men can tap into the antimatter realm below the Planck level. In dreams, sleep, meditation, remote viewing, channeling, and other altered states of conscious- |
See also: ► Cosmology and ► Quantum physics |
Quotation |
Level of consciousness |
I envy people who have faith, I just can't get my head around it. Billionaire Edward Cole [secular minded] | Greed, Rationality |
Maybe because your head's in the way. Mechanic Carter Chambers [wise] | Linearity [intellect] cannot grasp nonlinear spirituality |
Quoted from the movie The Bucket List, |
See also: ► Faith |
Siehe auch: ► Die Dichotomie zwischen linearem Denken ⇔ nichtlinearer Spiritualität |
Englische Werke
Links zum Thema Linearität ⇔ Nichtlinearität / Linearity ⇔ NonlinearityLiteratur
Über Nichtlinearität, Chaos, Fraktale und selbstregulierende Systeme
Externe Weblinks
External web links (engl.)
Audio- und VideolinksAudio and video links (engl.) |
1 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 362, 2005 ⇑
2 Katya Walter, Ph.D.,
The Universe is Alive and Well: in a new TOE, Kairos Center, 28. December 2010 ⇑
3 20th international conference of the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas, 22-24 July 2010 ⇑
4 Katya Walter, Ph.D., deleted abstracts: Could the Arrow of Time be a Strange Attractor? and A New (and Very Old) Key to Nonlinear Dynamics ⇑
5 That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing. Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, translated by Dennis W. Hauck cited by Nicki Scully, Alchemical Healing. A Guide to Spiritual, Physical, and Transformational Medicine, Bear & Company, Rochester, S. 321, 30. September 2003 ⇑
8 On this stream, one may see an ever-changing pattern of vortices, ripples, waves, splashes, etc., which evidently have no independent existence as such. Rather, they are abstracted from the flowing movement, arising and vanishing in the total process of the flow. Such transitory subsistence as may be possessed by these abstracted forms implies only a relative independence or autonomy of behaviour, rather than absolutely independent existence as ultimate substances. David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, Boston, S. 48, 1980 ⇑
9 Down the Rabbit-Hole, title of chapter 1 of the book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, used as a metaphor for adventure into the unknown ⇑
10 The questions you are asking are already happening on their own, and you become aware of 'Oh, I just asked that' 1/10,000 of a second after the phenomenon. With full enlightenment, that 1/10,000 of a second [delay] disappears, and suddenly you are transformed into a different dimension of existence. The delay between a that and a me disappears, and that which you are is all there is. Interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins, US American spiritual teacher, Conversations about the Teacher and the Student, part III of III, presented by the dissolved US American Four Corners Magazine, Pamela Becker, August/September 2007 ⇑
11 Rediscovery of Charles Darwin's distorted evolutionary theory ⇑
12 Video presentation by H.H. 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso (*1935) Tibetan monk, leader of the Gelug or "Yellow Hat" branch of Tibetan Buddhism, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 1989, Vancouver Peace Summit 2009, presented by the Canadian broadcast television network CTV Television Network, part 2 of 4, 2/3rd section, minute 50:13-55:00, Vancouver, Canada, Sunday 27. September 2009 ⇑
13 Linearitaet vs Nichtlinearitaet [Linearity ⇔ Nonlinearity Chart] ⇑