
Hawkins / Ebene310




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Bewusstseinsebene 310

Bereitwilligkeit – Menschen guten Willens BW 310


  • Ebene: Bereitschaft, Bereitwilligkeit
  • Emotion: Optimismus, Zuversichtlichkeit
  • Prozess: Intention, Absicht, Vorsatz, Ziel, Zweck
  • Selbstbild/Lebensauffassung: Erwartungsvoll, hoffnungsvoll
  • Gottesbild: Begeisternd, inspirierend


Hohlweg im Sommer



Beschreibung – Bereitwilligkeit

Auf der bereitwilligen Bewusstseinsebene findet eine bedeutsame Öffnung statt, die Menschen befähigen kann, ihre
persönliche Bewusstseinsstufe selbständig weiter zu erhöhen. Menschen auf dieser Stufe sind "guten Willens". Sie
verrichten Arbeiten nicht nur korrekt, sondern gut; Erfolg bei allen ihren Unternehmungen ist die Regel. Sie lernen
schnell und sind sehr eifrige Schüler und Schülerinnen, denen daran gelegen ist, sich in der Gemeinschaft und für
die Gemeinschaft zu engagieren. Ab dieser Stufe beginnt die Bereitschaft, auch innere Themen anzuschauen und
zu bearbeiten, und die Menschen sind imstande, sich distanziert zu sehen, Selbstkritik zu üben und ihr Verhalten
zu korrigieren. Ab hier kann die Erhöhung des Bewusstseins eigendynamisch verlaufen und ist nicht mehr auf be-
stimmende Einflüsse und Impulse von außen angewiesen.


Laut Hawkins steht es allen Bewohnern von westlichen Industrieländern frei, bei "gutem Willen", die BW-Stufe von
310 zu erreichen.

Zitate zum Thema Bereitwilligkeit (BW 310) / Willingness

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • Acceptance and willingness to forgive and let go of the judgmentalism that precedes juice is incredibly powerful in raising the level of consciousness. Source unknown




  • This very positive level of energy may be seen as the gateway to the higher levels of awareness. Whereas – jobs, for instance, are performed adequately at the Neutral level, at the level of Willingness, work is done well and success is common in all endeavors. Growth is rapid here; these are the people chosen for advancement. Willingness implies
    that one has overcome inner resistance to life and is committed to participation. […] by level 310, a great opening occurs. At this level people become genuinely friendly, and social and economic successes seem to follow automati-
    cally. The willing are not troubled by unemployment; they will take any job when they have to, or create a career, or become self-employed. They do not feel demeaned by service jobs or by starting 'at the bottom'. They are helpful to others and tend to volunteer, contributing to the good of society. They are also willing to face inner issues and do not have major learning blocks.
    […] self-esteem is high and reinforced by positive feedback from society in the forms of recognition, appreciation,
    and reward. Willingness is sympathetic and responsive to the needs of others. Willing people are builders of and contributors to society. With their capacity to bounce back from adversity and learn from experience, they tend to become self-correcting. Having let go of Pride, they are willing to look at their defects and learn from others.
    At the level of Willingness, people become excellent students and represent a considerable source of power for
    society. Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 11 "Willingness", S. 203, 2005


250NeutralityIndifference, withdrawal


  • Resistance subsides when there is a clear understanding that what is being surrendered is not of intrinsic value but
    it instead imagines to be of value solely because of the "juice" or the payoff the ego extracts from that position. The principle of willingness needs only be applied to the ego's payoff and not to the object or condition desired. One
    can ask oneself the question, Is this worth giving up God for? Thus, ego positionality has a price, which is where the willingness should be addressed.
    Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, chapter 6 "The Experiencer", S. 118, 2007


  • The person on the level of Acceptance, through willingness and letting go of resistance, has accepted that they are
    the source of happiness in their life. There then arises the conviction of self-sufficiency and the capacity to create something that is satisfying. As a result, that person is no longer limited by powerlessness or victimhood. That person knows that if they are put on a desert island some place, a year later they will have a coconut factory going, a tree house built, or be teaching French to the natives. The person will have found a relationship and even started a new family. Healing and Recovery, S. 406, 2009

Zitate von anderen Quellen

  • Es ist eine Eigenheit des Studiums der wahren Esoterik, dass sie freizügig vor allen ausgebreitet werden kann,
    denn das WORT erreicht nur diejenigen, die bereit sind zu hören.
    Papus (1865-1916) bedeutender französischer Okkultist, Esoteriker, Theosoph, Rosenkreuzer, Martinist, source unknown

Index: Bereitwilligkeit / Willingness – Bücher von D. Hawkins

  • Buch 1, S. 79
  • Buch 2, S. 443 (Skala)
  • Buch 3, S. 553 (Skala)
  • Buch 5, Kapitel 11 "Bereitwilligkeit", S. 221-229, 399 (Skala)

Englische Werke

  • Buch 1E, Hay House, S. 68 (Skala), S. 86-87
  • Buch 4E, S. 412 (Skala)
  • Buch 5E, Kapitel 11 "Willingness", S. 203ff


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