
Hawkins / Attraktor





Attraktorfelder – Feldwirkungen








Attraktor Poisson Saturne,
Nicolas Desprez









Der Roger Bannister-Effekt

Roger Bannister, 2009

Roger Bannister (1929-2018) hatte als Läufer eine körperliche Leistungs-
grenze überschritten, die bis dahin nicht überschritten worden war. Im Jahr
1954 schaffte er es als Erster, eine Meile (~1,6 km) in nur vier Minuten zu lau-
fen. Nach ihm schafften andere Läufer es auch, diese Hürde zu nehmen.



Siehe auch: ► Sport

Attraktorfelder – abgeschwächte Abbilder der Ursprungsquelle

David Bohm [BW 507] postulierte, dass hinter der entfalteten und der unentfalteten Ordnung die Kraftquelle (Gott) steht.
Seit 2007 sprach auch Stephen Hawking [BW 499], der geniale britische Mathematiker und Kosmologe, davon, dass das Bewusstsein die treibende Kraft im Kosmos sei. Zu demselben Schluss ist der Quantenphysiker Amit Goswami früher gelangt.


Laut Hawkins gibt es Gegenteiliges, Gegensätzliches, nur scheinbar. Attraktorfelder sind nicht das Gegenteil der universalen Quelle, sondern jeweils niederere Bewusstseinsgrade als die universale Quelle.


Collage: Auge im Himmel

Attraktoren erzeugen / beinhalten Kontext, der sich mit entsprechenden Inhalten füllt.


In weiter gefassten Attraktorfeldern, höheren Stufen der Entwicklung beziehungsweise Bewusstseinsgraden, er-
weist sich der Mensch als bewussterer Mitgestalter in der Schöpfung als dies davor der Fall sein konnte.
Siehe dazu Um BW 200 und Um BW 500.


Nach dem Psychotherapeuten Carl Gustav Jung [BW 520] füttern viele Verstandesfelder einen Archetypen, der die Entsprechung eines Attraktors, eines Gottesbildes, eines Götzenbildes ist, das kein Einzelner aus eigener Kraft er-
zeugen könnte.


Wenn sich ein neuer Attraktor formiert, sind zunächst nur wenige Individuen aktiv engagiert, ihn aufzubauen. Wer eine neue Ordnung konzipiert, wird als Spinner, Genie oder Gemeinschaftsunverträglicher angesehen, wie der Lebensverlauf von beispielsweise Jesus und Sokrates zeigt.


Am kritischen Umschwungsmoment eines Attraktorfeldwechsels wird mit dem geringsten Kraftaufwand die stärkste Wirkung erzeugt. Siehe auch: Schmetterlingseffekt.


Katalyse – Turbulenz – Aufruhr – Große Trübsal

  • Die Chemie kennt die Katalyse als einen vielschichtigen Prozess, der eine (bio)chemische Zustandsveränderung (inklusive Attraktorfeldwechsel) einleitet. Im Verlauf einer intermediären Stufe sind der chemische Katalysator oder das biochemische Enzym zusammen mit den Reaktanten an einer chemischen Reaktion beteiligt. Sobald das Endprodukt vorhanden ist, werden sie wieder unverändert freigesetzt. Katalysatoren können den so genannten Katalysezyklus viele Male durchlaufen.
  • In der Physik treten chaotische Bewegungen von Fluiden oder Luft auf. Der Fachbegriff für dieses Phänomen lau-
    tet Turbulenz.
  • Die Soziologie kennt Macher und Aufwirbler, Aufrührer und Whistleblower, die r-evolutionäre und involutionäre Transformationen auslösen, einhergehend mit emotionalem Aufruhr, der gebundene Energien freisetzt. Der Wand-
    lungsprozess setzt sich bis an den kritischen Punkt fort, an dem das (Attraktor)Feld umschlägt, wonach sich ein neues Gleichgewicht der Kräfte zu etablieren beginnt.
  • Die Theologen bezeichnen die Übergangsphase von einem Zeitalter zum anderen als die Große Trübsal.


Durch schwach schwingende Attraktoren entstehen Krankheiten, der Genesungsprozess erfolgt infolge der konzentrierten Ausrichtung auf hoch schwingende Attraktoren. Jesus' Rat an Wundergeheilte lautete:

Sündige nicht mehr!

Übersetzt heißt das: Wechsle dauerhaft das Attraktorfeld, dem du dich aussetzt!

Siehe auch:
Wirkung und Schicksal menschlicher Katalysatoren
Kollektiver Umgang mit lichttragenden Katalysatoren (Übersicht)
Fünf untereinander austauschbare Seinsebenen – Amit Goswami
See also: ► Nine principles of successfully navigating change

NASA Columbia Weltraumunglück 2003 – ein Feldeffekt

Am 1. Februar 2003 geschah ein NASA-Unglück, als die Weltraumfähre Columbia beim Wiedereintritt in die Erdatmosphäre auseinanderbrach und verglühte.

Weltraumfähre Discovery hebt ab.
NASA Kennedy Space Center, Mission STS-124, 31. Mai 2008

Die nachfolgende Untersuchung kam zu dem Schluss, dass es keine eine simple Ursache für das Unglück gab. Man könne auch keinem der NASA-Mitarbeiter die Verantwortung dafür zur Last legen. Die unzureichende Iso-
lierung der Raumfähre Columbia sei die Folge des Feldeffekts innerhalb der Gestalt NASA gewesen, so stand es auf dem Titelblatt der Zeitung Interna-
tional Herald Tribune
vom 27. August 2003 zu lesen.


In most organizations, hidden ground rules govern what can be said and what cannot. Such cultural rules run deep, and they ty-
pically resist change.
At NASA, for example, the cultural ground rules that contributed to the Challenger explosion sixteen years be-
fore were still operating in 2003, leading to the Columbia shuttle disas-
ter. The panel that investigated the Columbia tragedy went beyond the technical cause – a chunk of flyaway foam that damaged a wing – to
blame an organizational culture where engineers were afraid to raise safety concerns with managers more worried about meeting flight schedules than about averting risks. Head of NASA Sean O'Kee-
fe said in the aftermath of the Columbia tragedy that no employee who speaks up about safety concerns, even to outsiders, would be repri-
manded in any way. But since 2003, NASA has become even less transparent as a result of pressure put on political appointees to the agency to keep employees, including a NASA scientist concerned about global warming, from publicly expressing views not in keeping with current administration policies.
Warren Bennis (1925-2014) US American scholar, professor of business administration, organizational consultant, pioneer of contemporary leadership studies, author, Daniel Goleman (*1946) US American psychologist, science journalist, author, James O'Toole, US American journa-
list, Patricia Ward Biederman, US American writer, Creating a Transparent Culture, presented by the publication Leader To Leader,
No. 50, 4. September 2008


Reference: ► Video presentation (engl.) by Max Bazerman, Ph.D., US American professor of Business Administration,
Harvard Business School, Unintended Evil: The Challenger Disaster was Preventable, presented by the US American
web portal Big Think, YouTube film, 2:46 minutes duration, posted 15. November 2011
Siehe auch: ► Kultur
See also:
NASA space shuttle disasters 1986 and 2003 – a field effect of rankism
Occult-Luciferian roots of US space defense agency NASA

Entropie – Anthropie – Chaostheorie

Die Chaostheorie beschäftigt sich mit höheren Ordnungen und mit der Entwicklung des Lebens.


Attraktorfeld ist ein Begriff, den die Chaostheorie zur Beschreibung von nichtline-
aren Dynamiken benutzt. Es beschreibt ein Energiemuster, das tatsächlich in ein offenes System hereinzieht, in dem sich Entropie (Verfall, Chaos) vollzieht. "Chaos" entsteht, weil sich die Entropie schneller ausbreitet als das offene System sie vertei-
len kann.
Bei dieser Ausgangslage kann zweierlei geschehen:

  1. Das System wird von Entropie überwältigt und stirbt schließlich.
  2. Es öffnet sich eine Gabelung, aus der eine gänzlich neue Ordnung hervorgeht.


Die Chaostheorie besagt, dass neue Ordnungen (beziehungsweise höhere Be-
wusstseinsebenen) als Folge der Anwesenheit von höheren Attraktormustern auf-
tauchen, welche das vorhergehende System in eine gänzlich neue Seinsordnung hereinziehen.


Die Gottheit ist das ultimative Attraktormuster, das dem Menschen ermöglicht, sich fortschreitend aus den Banden des Egos zu disidentifizieren, es zu rekontextuali-
und sich in Hinwendung auf höhere Bewusstseinsebenen zu entfalten. Dieser "Attraktormuster-Effekt" des SELBST, auch Tipping-Point (Wendepunkt) genannt,
ist die Erfahrung von Gnade.


Siehe auch: ► Entropie – Anthropie – Zeitbegriffe

Zitate zum Thema Attraktoren und Feldwirkungen / Attractor fields and field effects

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

Starke Attraktoren (Verhaltensmuster) vs. schwache Attraktoren (Verhaltensmuster)

  • Wertschätzend  .…….......  Ausnutzend
    Anerkennend  ……………..  Neidisch
    Anleitend  ………………….  Nötigend
    Annehmend  ………………  Ablehnend
    Anziehend  ………………... Verführerisch
    Aufrichtig  ………………….  Berechnend
    Freiwillig  …..............……..  Pflichtbewusst
    Ausgewogen  ……………..  Extrem
    Auswählend  ………….......  Ausschließend
Visuelle Darstellung eines Lorenz-Attraktors
Die Fähigkeit, zwischen Mustern hoher und niedriger Energie zu unterscheiden, ist eine Frage der Wahrnehmung und einer Unterscheidungsfähigkeit, welche die meisten Menschen durch schmerzhaften Versuch und Irrtum lernen. Versagen, Leiden und schließlich Krankheit resultieren aus dem Einfluss schwacher Muster. Erfolg, Glück und Gesund-
heit gehen von starken Attraktormustern aus.
[…] Das Nachdenken über die Paare von unterschiedlichen Qualitäten kann einen Prozess der Bewusstseinsanhebung auslösen, so dass wir allmählich der Muster gewahr wer-
, die in persönlichen Beziehungen, Geschäftsbeziehun-
gen und all den verschiedenen Interaktionen wirken, die das Gewebe des Lebens ausmachen.
FU Die Ebenen des Bewusstseins. Von der Kraft, die wir ausstrah-
, Kapitel 9 "Kraft in Einstellungen und Verhaltensmustern", VAK
Verlag, Kirchzarten bei Freiburg, 1997


  • Diese unsichtbaren Energiefelder erstrecken sich außerhalb von Zeit und Raum [...]. Das All-sehende Auge, S. 129, 2005


Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • Powerful attractor patterns make us go strong, and weak patterns make us go weak (when measured by the process of kinesiology or muscle testing). Love, compassion, and forgiveness, which may be mistakenly thought of as submissive by some, are, in fact, profoundly empowering. It's a simple clinical fact that in the long run, the weak cannot prevail against the strong. That which is weak falls of its own accord. Source unknown


  • Man thinks he lives by virtue of the forces he can control, but in fact he is governed by power from unrevealed sources, power over which he has no control. Because power is effortless, it goes unseen and unsuspected. Force is experien-
    ced through the senses; power can be recognized only through inner awareness. Man is immobilized in his present condition by his alignment with enormously powerful attractor energy patterns, which he himself unconsciously sets in motion. Moment by moment, he is suspended at this state of evolution, restrained by the energies of force, impelled by the energies of power. Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, "Preface", S. 12, Veritas Publishing, 1995; "Introduction", S. 37-38, Hay House, February 2002



Sri Yantra
  • Genius […] seems to proceed from sudden revelation rather than conceptualization, but there is an unseen process involved. Although the genius’s mind may appear stalled, frustrated with the problem, what it is really doing is preparing the field. […] There is a struggle with reason which leads, like a Zen koan, to a rational impasse from which the only way forward is by a leap from a lower to a higher attractor energy pattern. Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 164, Hay House, Februar 2002




The bigger aura will succeed eventually.

Ref. to AA meetings calibrating at LoC 540

  • Attractor patterns tend to dominate any field; thus, all that's really necessary is to EXPOSE oneself to a high-energy field and
    one's inner attitudes will spontaneously begin to change. This is a well-known phenomenon among self-help groups it's reflected in
    the saying, "Just bring the body to the meeting." If you merely expose yourself to the influence of higher patterns, they begin to "rub off," or, as it's said, "You get it
    by osmosis."
    Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 17 "Physical Health and Power", S. 211, Hay House, February 2002



  • Unless there is an underlying attractor pattern (i.e. level of consciousness), nothing can be experienced. Thus, the entire manifest universe is its own simultaneous expression and experience of itself. Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 19 "The Database of Consciousness", S. 249, Hay House, edition 2012


  • The larger social issue is how, in view of the dark side of mankind's behavior, one can maintain compassion. It's a relative world; everyone acts from his own level of truth and therefore believes that his actions and decisions are
    "right" – it's this very "rightness" that makes fanatics so dangerous.
    […] The really grave danger to society lies in the silent and invisible entrainment that stealthily conquers the psyche.
    In this process, negative attractor fields are covered up by rhethoric [LoC 180] and the manipulation of symbols. Moreover, it isn't the obvious message of the negative input, that destroys consciousness, but the energy
    field that accompanies it.
    […] [W]e forget that every heinous crime that man is capable of has been perpetrated
    in the name of God. Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 24 "Resolution", S. 286-287,
    Hay House, Februar 2002




Individual entrainment as a field effect – cultural belief systems

  • Like a radio that converts unseen energy waves into intelligible sound, the brain is a receiver instrument of the energies of thought forms. Thus the attractor fields of the nonlinear domain of consciousness influence many 'minds' and brains simulta-
    neously. Like an unseen radio transmitter, the attractor field radiates a field which is accessible to those instruments with which it has concordance. (Note that the mechanism is concordance and
    not causality
    A calibrated level of consciousness then exists as an independent field that contains concordant thought forms attu-
    ned to the 'frequency' of that attractor field. The field therefore sustains, supports and gives a 'home' to similar thought forms. If an individual mind attunes to that level of consciousness, the field then tends to potentiate the emergence of associated thoughts. This may result in the phenomenon of entrainment as the associated emotions increase the energy of alignment and commitment to the field and its personification as 'me'.
    Thus, we see great masses of people emoting and behaving in concert as though hypnotized.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 215, 2003


Sunrise at Peñón de Ifach, Calpe, Spain
  • The field of conscious awareness is not timetracked, and it is silent, autonomous, effortless, peaceful, all encompassing, and unprogrammed. It is free, un-
    bound, spontaneous, tranquil, and not subject to birth or death.
    Discovery of this field is simple, easy, and relaxed. The realization is a consequence of 'allo-
    wing' rather than 'trying'. It is surrendered to rather than acquired. As desire for and the ego’s obsession with control are relinquished, the field presents itself for re-
    cognition. Traditionally, the relinquishment of the ego’s programs has been described as arduous and difficult, requiring many lifetimes to accomplish. On the contrary, a profound humility and willingness to surrender all to God at great depth makes it possible for the transition to occur in a split second. Thus, the pathway to enlightenment may be viewed as a slow process or a sudden one. When realization locates its identity as conscious-
    ness itself, the dominance of dualistic perception fades away and the final doorway to Revelation is close at hand.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 308, 2003



  • A significant observation is that the exact locus of the process of evolution, including form and function, is specifically within the field of consciousness itself, where the anlage of form is a pattern potentiality that was termed a Morpho-
    genetic field
    by Rupert Sheldrake. (Calibrates as true.) Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 29-30, 2005



The effect of NASA culture:

The Space Shuttle Columbia disaster on 1. February 2003 was the result of a rankist climate.

  • "Events" emerge as a consequence of the inner qualities of content and field, and the explanatory principle of one-to-one causation that dominates our current so-
    ciety is an insufficient explanation for events. The accident involving the insulation of the space shuttle led initially to a search for singular cause or a responsible indi-
    vidual, but none was found. Then, with a brilliant jump of consciousness, the re-
    searchers deduced that the event was the impersonal consequence of the "cli-
    mate" of NASA at the time. [Ref. International Herald Tribune, headline 27. August 2003]
    Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 56, 2005


  • The content of the field is the consequence of the quality of the field itself (e.g., the "broken window" principle). […] 
    The source of the phenomenon is endogenous, intrinsic, and innate, and not exogenous as the consequence of
    externals. Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 10 "America", S. 158-159, 2005


  • From consciousness research, one can quickly confirm that the adoption of an attitude immediately invites in that en-
    tire field of consciousness, which then unwittingly begins to dominate the personality and thoughts. What are consi-
    dered to be "my thoughts" are merely thoughts common to that particular energy field and are not really personal
    at all.
    It is well to avoid rather than oppose negativity and resist the temptation and illusion that one can play with it
    and not get burned. The nonintegrous fields of consciousness contain seductive programs that are extre-
    mely cunning.
    They have been crafted and refined over the centuries and are thereby cloaked and disguised in
    seductive presentations. Jesus Christ said do not oppose that which is negative but merely avoid it. Research as
    well as extensive clinical experience demonstrate that one cannot really just "play" with the fire of nonintegrity;
    therefore, the spiritually aware learn to discern that which is a lure.
    Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 252, 2005


  • In the headlines twenty years ago was the example of an airplane's flying at a high altitude when the fuse­lage flew
    off and just one person out of the hundreds of passengers aboard was sucked out the door. People congregate
    in groups because they are aligned with the same attractor field.
    When fish at the bottom of the sea swoop
    about in schools or birds fly in flocks, each one is where they are, not as a result of their alignment with the others
    but because they are all attuned to exactly the same attractor field. Each one, individually, is following a powerful
    magnetic-like field that in turn is subject to the next higher attractor field, and so on up to Divinity. (The above pas-
    calibrates at 995.)
    Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 2 "Guilt and Vindictive Hate", S. 57-58, 2006




Field related emergence of: Possiblity ⇔ Probability ⇔ Certainty


  • Energy fields are so powerful that they dominate our perception. They are really portals out of which we see
    the world. We often hear that this is really just a world of mirrors, and that all we experience is our own energy
    field reflected back upon us as perception and experiencing. Healing and Recovery, S. 32, 2009


  • The various energy fields influence our emotions and are indicators of a process going on in consciousness. They influence how we see and experience the work as well as how we experience our relationship to something that is greater than the personal self, which the world calls a Deity. It is a relationship to a greater field of consciousness
    and the powerful fields that come about at the higher levels. Healing and Recovery, S. 308, 2009


  • Safeguards against being programmed by society are:
    • (1) emotional detachment, in which all information is viewed as provisional;
    • (2) awareness that ordinary mentalization is unable to discern perception from essence; and
    • (3) knowing that the wolf often hides beneath sheep's clothing.
This suspension of belief is the practical application of the basic dictum to "wear the world like a loose garment."
To "be in the world but not of it" is a mode of attention that nevertheless still allows spontaneous inter-
action and function in society.
Along the Path to Enlightenment. 365 Reflections from David R. Hawkins, edited by Scott
, Reflection of September 13th, January 2011



Thinking – Knowing – Being



  • There is an attractor field for each level of consciousness.
    Marietta, Georgia, Seminar Title unknown, Unity North Atlanta Church, 24. April 2004


Polar view of planet Jupiter
  • You become the field. Now you’ll notice the first thing about the field; Let's say I would like to become con-
    siderate of others, instead of always irritable.  Minute 3:20-3:32
  • I’d like to be loving and considerate. You can think about being considerate for the next four years and it will not diminish it at all. You've already done that. It doesn't work.  Minute 3:32-3:46
  • You bypass the mind. There is no point in mastering the mind, you just bypass it. You bypass it. Don't go there. You just become the field of that which you aspire! You don’t think about being nice to people; you choose that that is what you value. So you become the ex-
    pression of the field!
      Minute 3:46-4:11
  • Now as you become the field, its expression in the linear field is automatic! You don't have to think about what to say.  Minute 4:11-4:21
  • The bird goes (knock, knock knock)…. And you go (knock, knock, knock) …. It’s like the automatic response of "isness" to "isness"! Joy! with Joy! Life acknowledging Life! It doesn't require any thinking. It doesn't require separateness. It’s an automatic consequence. It doesn't involve thinking. It's the way you are being in the world. The way you are. What you have chosen; what you have chosen to be.  Minute 4:21-4:57
  • So as you choose to be something you begin to pull to it that which is appropriate to that way of being. The thought to respond to the bird with knock, knock was automatic. It was spontaneous.  Minute 4:57-5:17
    Sedona Seminar Identification and Illusion, DVD 2 of 3, track 1-2, 14. August 2004


  • Just be the Field and stop being a person in the Field! Marin Seminar Title unknown, Unity Church, 24. September 2004


  • The field is invisible, all encompassing, without space and time, forever and always present, the infinite. The human mind cannot conceive it. It is exquisitely gentle and powerful. The field is infinitely powerful, like a giant elec-
    tromagnetic field with no ending. The field is so powerful that it includes all potentialities. Within the field, potentiality is actualized by intention. Karma is innate potentiality. If you continuously hold a thought, it will become happening. Otherwise no one would become enlightened.
    Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, DVD 1 of 3, opening lines, 16. October 2004


  • Potentiality becomes actuality when conditions are favorable. Sedona Seminar Vision, 3 DVD set, 25. February 2005

Zitate von anderen Quellen


  • Die Lebenskraft ist nicht im Menschen eingeschlossen, sondern um-
    strahlt ihn wie eine leuchtende Kugel und kann in die Ferne wirken. In diesen halbstofflichen Strahlen kann die Vorstellungskraft eines Men-
    schen gesunde oder krankmachende Wirkungen hervorrufen.
    Philipus Aureolus Paracelsus [Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombast von Hohenheim] (1493-1541) Schweizer Arzt, Mystiker, Alchemist, Astrologe, Philosoph, Laientheologe, zitiert in: Artikel von PD Dr. Jakob Bösch (*1942) emeritierter Schweizer Psychiater, Chefarzt der Externen Psychiatrischen Dienste Baselland, Privatdozent für Psychiatrie und Psychosoziale Medizin, Universität Basel, Autor, Wissenschaftliche Grundlagendes geistig-energeti-
    schen Heilens
    , Teil 1, PDF, präsentiert von Schweiz Med Forum, Nr. 21,
    S. 511 22. Mai 2002


Interview mit Rupert Sheldrake (*1942) englischer Biochemiker, Pflanzenphysiologe, Forscher in Parapsychologie und morphischer Resonanz, Autor, Rupert Sheldrake: The delightful crackpot [Rupert Sheldrake: Der entzückende Spinner], präsentiert von der
US-amerikanischen Nachrichten- und Meinungswebsite Salon.com, David Bowman, 23. November 1999

Morphogenetische Felder (Griechisch morphe = Form + ''Genesis' = Gestaltwerdung / Entstehung)

Sheldrakes morphogenetische (morphische) Feldtheorie ist ein hypothetisches biologisches (potenziell soziales) Äquivalent zur elektromagnetischen Feldtheorie. Morphogenetik bewirkt:
a) die Ausbildung der festgelegten Form eines Lebewesens,
b) die Steuerung seines Verhaltens und des Verhaltens der jeweiligen Spezies,
c) die Koordination/Steuerung im Zusammenleben mit anderen Geschöpfen.
Siehe auch: Sheldrake, Der Siebte Sinn des Menschen. Gedankenübertragung, Vorahnungen und andere unerklärliche Fähigkeiten,
FISCHER Scherz, 1. April 2005

  • Die Materie ist nicht mehr die fundamentale Realität, so wie es beim alteingesessenen Materialismus der Fall war. Felder und Energie haben heutzutage mehr Gewicht als die Materie. Die Endpartikel der Materie sind zu energe-
    tischen Schwingungen innerhalb von Feldern geworden.
    Rupert Sheldrake (*1942) englischer Biochemiker, Pflanzenphysiologe, Forscher in Parapsychologie und morphischer Resonanz, Autor, The Sense of Being Stared At, S. 4, Crown, New York, Hutchinson, Erstauflage 1. Mai 2003


  • Es gibt immer mehr Nachweise (Belege) dafür, dass, wenn immer mehr Menschen etwas lernen oder ausführen, es anderen leichter fällt, dasselbe zu erlernen oder zu tun. Ein Experiment des britischen Biologen Rupert Sheldrake beinhaltete drei kurze, ähnlich klingende japanische Verse –
       a) ein sinnloses Kauderwelsch aus unzusammenhängenden japanischen Wörtern,
       b) ein neu formulierter Reim und
       c) ein traditioneller Reim, den Millionen von Japanern kennen.
    Weder Sheldrake noch die englischen Schulkinder, die er dazu veranlasste, diese Reime auswendig zu lernen, konn-
    ten die Verszeilen zuordnen. Keiner der Probanden verfügte über japanische Sprachkenntnisse. Es stellte sich heraus,
    dass die Zeile c), die sich am leichtesten auswendig lernen ließ, genau der in Japan gebräuchliche Reim war.
    Diese und andere Experimente führten Sheldrake zu der Annahme, dass es ein Kraftfeld von Gewohnheitsmustern
    gibt, das
       a) alle Menschen verbindet,
       b) die Gewohnheiten aller Menschen beeinflusst und
       c) von ihnen beeinflusst wird.
    Dieses Feld enthält (unter anderem) auch das Muster dieses japanischen Reims. Je mehr Menschen gewohnheitsmä-
    ßige eingeschliffene Muster – bezogen auf ihren Wissensstand, ihre Wahrnehmung oder ihr Verhalten – befolgen, des-
    to nachhaltiger ist es im (morphischen) Feld vertreten und desto leichter lässt es sich von anderen nachempfinden (re-
    plizieren). In der Tat existieren solche Felder auch unter anderen Geschöpfen und Erscheinungsformen (Vögel, Pflan-
    zen, sogar Kristalle). Sheldrake bezeichnete diese Phänomene als morphogenetische Felder – Felder, welche die
    musterhaften Ausprägungen und die äußere Form der Dinge beeinflussen.
    Kurznotiz Morphogenetic Fields [Morphogenetische Felder], präsentiert von dem Co-Intelligence Institute, 2003-2008

Quotes by various other sources

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Romans 12, 2 (NT)


Personal avowals

  • One might not believe one is a certain way, but social influence is very strong. I discovered that racism [sexism, etc.] can be ingrained in you even though you don't want it to be. Audio interview with Annette Jahnel (*1962) South African photographer, artist, world traveller offering the project "Searching for Galileo", public speaker, author, Interview With Author Annette Jahnel, presented by the US American radio station Voice of Vashon, Vashon Island, Washington, program "Prose, Poetry & Purpose", host March Twisdale, minute 2:02, 1:02:20 duration, recorded summer 2014, posted 5. October 2014
  • One cannot resist it. It gets you below the belt and not in your mind, your brain just counts for nothing, your sympathetic system is gripped. It is a power that fascinates people from within, it is the collective unconscious which is activated, it is an archetype which is common to them all that has come to life. And because it is an archetype, it has historical aspects and we cannot understand the events without knowing history. Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, The Symbolic Life. Miscellaneous Writings – Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 18, S. 164, Princeton University Press, 1. February 1977





  • There comes a time when the pain of continuing exceeds the pain of stopping. At that moment, a threshold is crossed. What seemed unthinkable becomes thinkable. Slowly, the realization emerges that the choice to continue what you have been doing is the choice to live in discomfort, and the choice to stop what you have been doing is the choice to breathe deeply and freely again. Once that realization has emerged, you can either honor it or ignore it, but you cannot forget it. What has become known can not become unknown again.
    Gary Zukav (*1942) seatofthesoul.com US American spiritual teacher, author, Soul to Soul. Communications from the Heart,
    S. 42, Free Press, reprint issue 24. Juni 2008

Morphogenetic Fields (Greek morphe = form + ''genesis' = coming into being)

Biologist Rupert Sheldrake: The Morphogenetic (morphic) field theory is a hypothetical biological (potentially social) equivalent to an electromagnetic field that operates to shape the exact form of a living thing, and may also shape its behavior and coordination with other beings.

  • Matter is no longer the fundamental reality, as it was for old-style materialism. Fields and energy are now more fundamental than matter. The ultimate particles of matter have become vibrations of energy within fields.
    Rupert Sheldrake [LoC 460] (*1942) English biochemist, plant physiologist, researcher in parapsychology and morphic resonance, author, The Sense of Being Stared At, S. 4, Crown, New York, Hutchinson, 1st edition 1. May 2003


Grains of pollen sticking to a bee will to be transferred to flowers.
  • There is mounting evidence that as more and more people learn or do something it becomes easier for others to learn or do it. In one experiment, British biologist Rupert Shel-
    took three short, similar Japanese rhymes -– one a meaningless jumble of disconnected Japanese words, the second a newly-composed verse and the third a traditional rhyme known by millions of Japanese. Neither Sheldrake nor the English schoolchildren he got to memorize these verses knew which was which, nor did they know any Japanese. The most easily-learned rhyme turned out to be the one well-known to Japanese. This and other experiments led Shel-
    drake to postulate that there is a field of habitual patterns that links all people, which influences and is influenced by the habits of all people. This field contains (among other things) the pattern of that Japanese rhyme. The more people have a habit pattern – whether of knowledge, perception or behavior – the stronger it is in the field, and the more easily it replicates in a new person. In fact, it seems such fields exist for other entities too – for birds, plants, even crystals. Sheldrake named these phenomena morphogenetic fields –
    fields which influence the pattern or form of things.
    Short entry Morphogenetic Fields, presented by The Co-Intelligence Institute, 2003-2008



"Things" are patterns of activity.


  • The ego is the single biggest obstruction to the achievement of anything. Between-ness is the act of acting without ego. You act, but you are not the actor. You do things, but you are not the doer – and you know you are not the doer. It's the ability to hold the head at a dead standstill in order to effect certain changes. You desire the change, but you do not care if it comes to pass. Richard Rose (1917-2005) US American mystic, esoteric philosopher, investigator of paranormal phenomena, poet, author, cited in: Dave Gold, After the Absolute. Real Life Adventures With A Backwoods Buddha, GoldiUniverse, 1st edition 10. September 2002


  • Time for you to see the field. [...]
    There's only one shot that's in perfect harmony with the field.
    One shot that's his [...] authentic shot. And that shot is gonna choose him. There's a perfect shot out there trying to find every one of us. All we got to do is get ourselves out of its way and let it choose us. Look at him, he in the field. [...]
    You've got to look with soft eyes. See the place where the tides, and the season, the turning of the earth. All come together. Where everything that is becomes one. You've got to seek that place, with your soul. Seek it with your hands, don't think about it, feel it. Your hands are wiser than your head's ever gonna be.
    Video movie excerpt The Legend Of Bagger Vance Clip 2 Seeing The Field, from The Legend of Bagger Vance, US American
    film, 2000, YouTube film, minute 0:38 and 2:30, 5:18 minutes duration, posted 9. September 2012


  • The Intention Experiment: scientifically controlled, web-based experiments testing the power of intention to change
    the physical world. Discoveries of the Zero Field:
    • "Men are indivisible from their environment (versus the thesis: people are isolated from the world)."
    • "Living consciousness is an integrated entity increasing order in the world (versus the thesis: the brain is the isolated seat of consciousness)."
    • "Cells and DNA communicate through frequencies (versus the thesis: humans are survival machines powered
      by genetic coding)."
    • "Communication occurs in the subatomic world. A universal recording medium allows that everything communicates with everything else."
    • "The brain perceives incoming signals in pulsating waves."
    • "Human consciousness has the power to heal oneself and the world."
Video interview with Lynne McTaggart (*1951) US American alternative medicine activist, lecturer, publisher, journalist, author of
the international bestseller Living The Field, 2003, updated 2008, The Intention Experiment, 2008, The Intention Experiment, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 52:49 minutes duration, posted
March 2008  
Subject to fee

Englische Texte – English section on Attractor fields and patterns / Attraktorfelder und Muster

NASA space shuttle disasters 1986 and 2003 – a field effect of rankism

  • Relatively small problems can turn into major crises because of rankist behavior. Silencing of "whistleblowers," truth tellers, or dissenters, for example, can mean loss of information crucial to organizational functioning. This, in turn, reduces the or-
    ganizations's capacity to effect optimal outcomes. Before the 1986 U.S. ["Challenger"] space shuttle disaster, lower ranking individuals within NASA repeatedly tried to call attention to the shuttle's faulty O-rings, later found to be the source of the shuttle explosion. Higher-ranking officials silenced those voices, the launch occurred as planned, and the shuttle blew up minutes later.
    Robert W. Fuller, Ph.D. robertworksfuller.com (*1936) US American professor of physics, college president, dignity and rankism researcher, lecturer, author, Dr. Pamela Gerloff (*1955) US American rankism and dignity researcher, "Project on Civic Reflec-
    tion", co-author, Dignity for All. How to Create a World Without Rankism, chapter 7 "Rankism in Organizations: Lessons from NASA", Berrett-Koehler, 2008


Messier 92 in the Hercules constellation
  • In most organizations, hidden ground rules govern what can be said and what cannot. Such cultural rules run deep, and they typically resist change. At NASA, for example, the cultural ground rules that contributed to the Challenger explosion sixteen years before were still operating in 2003, leading to the Columbia shuttle disaster. The panel that investigated the Columbia tragedy went beyond the technical cause – a chunk of flyaway foam that da-
    maged a wing – to blame an organizational culture where engi-
    neers were afraid to raise safety concerns with managers
    more worried about meeting flight schedules than about averting risks. Head of NASA Sean O'Keefe said in the aftermath of the Columbia tragedy that no employee who speaks up about safety concerns, even to outsiders, would be reprimanded in any way.
    But since 2003, NASA has become even less transparent as a re-
    sult of pressure put on political appointees to the agency to keep employees, including a NASA scientist concerned about global
    , from publicly expressing views not in keeping with current administration policies.
    Warren Bennis (1925-2014) US American scholar, professor of business administration, organizational consultant, pioneer of contemporary leadership studies, author, Daniel Goleman (*1946) US American psychologist, science journalist, author, James O'Toole, US American journalist, Patricia Ward Biederman, US American writer, Creating a Transparent Culture, presented by the publication Leader To Leader, No. 50, 4. September 2008



Disaster breeding climate of NASA:

The Space Shuttle Columbia disaster on February 1, 2003 was the result of a dominating defective climate within NASA. The investigative commission concluded that no single NASA employee could be found as having "caused" the space accident.

  • "Events" emerge as a consequence of the inner qualities of content and field, and the explanatory principle of one-to-one causation that dominates our current society is an insufficient explanation for events. The accident involving the insulation of the space shuttle led initially to a search for singular cause or a responsible individual, but none was found. Then, with a brilliant jump of consciousness, the researchers deduced that the event was the impersonal consequence of the "climate" of NASA at the time. [Ref. Headline of International Herald Tribune, 27. August 2003]
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Truth vs Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 56, 2005


  • [T]here was virtually no discussion about the fact that seven astronauts had their lives at stake. The discussion turned entirely technical. It had very much of a managerial feel to it, and the ethical part of the decision faded from aware-
    Video presentation (engl.) by Max Bazerman, Ph.D., US American professor of business administration, Harvard Business School, Unintended Evil: The Challenger Disaster was Preventable, presented by the US American web portal Big Think, 2:46 mi-
    nutes duration, posted 21. October 2011, YouTube film, reposted 15. November 2011


See also:
Dignity and Culture
Rankism, humiliation and indignity ⇔ Dignity for all, always – Robert W. Fuller
Quotes by Robert W. Fuller – Dignity ⇔ Rankism
Occult-Luciferian roots of US space defense agency NASA
Siehe auch: ► NASA Columbia Weltraumunglück 2003 – ein Feldeffekt

Intention Experiment (2008) – Lynne McTaggart

Results of the Intention Experiment
Discoveries of the Zero Field:
Scientifically controlled, web-based Intention experiments tested the power of
collectively focused intention to change the physical world.
༺•༻Holistic interconnected zero field discovery
Right brain hemisphere
Confuted reductionist mechanistic thesis
Left brain hemisphere
1. Men are indivisible from their environment.
Nature ⇔ nurture is obsolete.
People are isolated from the world.
2. Living consciousness is an integrated entity
increasing order in the world.
The brain is the isolated seat of consciousness.
3. Cells and DNA communicate through frequencies. Humans are survival machines powered by genetic coding.
4. Communication occurs in the subatomic world.
A universal recording medium allows that everything communicates with everything else.
5. The brain perceives incoming signals in pulsating waves.
6. Human consciousness has the power to heal oneself and the world.
Sources featuring Lynne McTaggart (*1951) US American alternative medicine activist, lecturer, publisher, journalist, author of the international bestseller Living The Field, 2003, updated 2008
► Video interview The Intention Experiment, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith,
     52:49 minutes duration, posted March 2008  
Subject to fee
Article The Intention Experiment, presented by the website https://lynnemctaggart.com, 2007
Book The Intention Experiment, Atria Books, paperback, 5. February 2008
See also: ► Intention and ► Neuroscience




From the moment of my birth
To the instant of my death
There are patterns I must follow
Just as I must breathe each breath.
Like a rat in a maze
The path before me lies
And the pattern never alters
Until the rat dies.
And the pattern still remains
On the wall where darkness fell
And its fitting that it should
For in darkness I must dwell.
Like the color of my skin
Or the day that I grow old
My life is made of patterns
That can scarcely be controlled.

Source: ► Paul Simon (*1941) US American singer-songwriter, poet
See also: ► Poems

Index: Attraktorfelder / Attractor fields – Bücher von D. Hawkins

Englische Werke

  • Buch 5E, Abschnitt 2, "Physiologie der Wahrheit", S. 165

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins


Links zum Thema Attraktoren und Feldwirkungen / Attractor fields and field effects


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Flocks of birds, fireflies, fish AND objects manage to synchronize and act as a unit.

Exploring the miracles of quantum world

Referring to sound-figure experiments of Ernst Chladni and Hans Jenny; sounds correlated to organic patterns in nature, philosophical implications

Formations created by a flock of birds

Video links (engl.) – Animations


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