Hawkins / Krankheit
Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)
The Doctor, 1891 |
Es gibt keine unheilbaren Krankheiten, |
Pathogenese – die Krankheit steht im Mittelpunkt
Salutogenese – die Gesundheit im Mittelpunkt
Im klassischen Heilungsgebet durchläuft man zusammen mit Jesus alle Stationen des eigenen Lebens:
Begrüße Jesus.
Lasse es beim Heilungsgebet nicht bei einem Mal bewenden. Nimm dir täglich mindestens eine halbe Stunde Zeit dafür, vielleicht einen Monat lang, bis du ganz tiefe Heilung erfährst. Nimm dir Zeit für das tägliche Gebet, vielleicht einen Monat oder besser 40 Tage lang, bis du ganz tiefe Heilung erfährst. Danach bete morgens und abends in tiefer Dankbarkeit. |
Drei Gebetsanliegen im Krankheitsfall
Quelle: ► Prof. Tomislav Ivancic (1938-2017) kroatischer römisch-katholischer Theologe, zusammengestellt und herausgegeben von Andrea von Rechberg, Heilung im Gebet, S. 42, Grafocommerce, Salzburg, 6. Auflage 2005 |
Siehe auch: ► Gebete |
Die vier Schritte zur Loslösung von Notstandsgefühlen1 im nichtintegeren Bereich lassen sich beispielsweise anwenden bei
Wer loslässt, wächst über seine wollüstigen Begierden und Gefühle der Scham, Schuld, Angst, Wut und des Stolzes hinaus und erreicht einen gelassenen, nicht verhafteten Zustand, in dem er gleichermaßen in Frieden ist, ob nun das Verlangen vorhanden ist oder nicht, ob es auftaucht oder verschwindet. Der Gelöste betrachtet sein Verlangen aus der Haltung der Harmlosigkeit und weiß, wann es angemessen ist und wie es angemessen zu befriedigen ist.
Um eine Bewusstseinsstufe hinter sich lassen zu können,
Beschleunigen: Die Haltung, dass die anstehenden Schatten-Empfindungen noch stärker auftauchen mögen, ist eine beschleunigte Form, '100 Prozent Verantwortung zu übernehmen' für das, was da ist. Man anerkennt seine Empfindungen vollständig und führt sie nicht (mehr) aus. Die Vorstellung, dass das Verlangen endlos sei, gibt man ebenfalls auf. |
Quellen (engl.): D. Hawkins, Videovorträge der Office Visit Serie, aufgenommen 1986: ► B-1 Drug Addiction and Alcoholism und ► A-8 Pain and Suffering und ► A-4 Sexuality |
Siehe auch : ► Emotionen und ► Schmerz und ► Sexualität und ► Spirituelle Übungen und ► Sucht |
With the following approach, D. Hawkins could let go of a number of diseases and pains when they appeared. It also helped him to survive surgery without anesthesia.
How to deal with diseases / problems
Personal avowals
Prayer – Personal avowals
Treating the physical, the mental, and the spiritual
Persönliche Bekenntnisse von Genesenden
Nach einer Pankreaticoduodenektomie im Jahr 2001 besiegte Rea Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs, der nur 50% Überlebenschance hat.
Persönliche Bekenntnisse
Warnung angesichts der COVID-19-Pandemie 2020
Die moderne Medizin und Ärzteschaft wird als "primitiv" bezeichnet, die althergebrachte Heilkunde gilt als fortgeschritten.
Resultat: drei falsche Epidemien
Beschwichtigendes Zugeständnis hinsichtlich der panikschürenden übertriebenen Sterbezahlen-Hochrechung der Covid-19-Plandemie
Autismus – Retroviren – schädliche Umweltgifte
Warburg entdeckte den anaeroben Stoffwechsel der Krebszellen.
Siehe auch: ► Heilung und ► Kinesiologie |
Referenz: ► Artikel Weniger geimpft und gesünder: Die Amish kennen kaum Autismus-Fälle unter ihren Kindern, präsentiert von dem unabhängigen österreichischen Nachrichtenportal Report 24, 15. Juli 2023 |
Personal avowals
Chris Rea survived a severe pancreatitis. He was predicted a 50% chance of survival after an operation
(pancreaticoduodenectomy) in 2001.
30 minute single documentary La Passione: A conversation with Chris Rea (Interview), edited and directed by Piotr SzkopiakYouTube film, 29:47 minutes duration, posted 13. February 2014
Personal avowals
Within 11 days 3.5 million emails from US citizens – informed by Dr. Laibow – flooded the U.S. Congress. The sinister plan announced by Sebelius was CANCELLED.
"I think that vaccines have to be considered the bargain basement technology for the 20th century." Dr. Maurice Hilleman (1919-2005), the head of Merck vaccine development, cited in: Vaccine Pioneer Doctor Admits Polio Vaccine Caused Cancer, presented by Health Impact News, 5. June 2015
See also: ► Autism and the Amish anomaly |
Further references: ► Blog article by J.B. Handley, reissued as International scientists have found autism's cause. What will Americans do?, beforeitisnews, 11. July 2020 ► Article The women who don't know they're autistic, presented by the independent, non-profit, academic Australian media outlet The Conversation, Fabienne Cazalis, Adeline Lacroix, 19. July 2017 ► Video presentation by Steve Silberman, US American contributing editor of the magazine Wired, writer, The forgotten history of autism, transcript, presented by TED Talks, TED Global 2015 "Truth and Dare", Vancouver, Canada, 16-20 March 2015, 13:49 minutes duration, filmed March 2015, posted 17. June 2015 Autism has been shrouded in misunderstanding. The Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger (1906-1980) published a pioneering paper on autism in 1944, which was buried until the early 80ties. In 1975, 1 in 5,000 kids was estimated to have autism. In 2015, 1 in 68 is on the autism spectrum. |
Sources of illness are:
It is possible to
Source: ► D. Hawkins, Healing and Recovery, S. 45, 2009 |
Source: ► Deleted article The Link Between Heart Disease, Cancer and Your Emotions, presented by WellnessWatchersMD, undated |
Humans do not catch diseases. They build diseases with what they eat, drink, breathe, feel, think, and believe into existence. Both generating disease and restoring health take an effort. The presence of germs (virus, bacteria, yeast or mold and their associated exotoxins, endotoxins and mycotoxins – acids) does not constitute the presence of a sickness or disease. Bacteria are scavengers of natue avid to reduce dead tissue to its smallest element. Germs or bacteria have no influence on living cells. Germs aka microzymas flourish as scavengers at the site of disease. They are living on the unprocessed metabolic waste and diseased, malnourished, nonresistant tissue in the first place. Germs are not the cause of the disease, any more than flies, maggots, and rats cause garbage. Mosquitoes do not cause a pond to become stagnant. Firemen tend to appear at burning buildings, which doesn’t mean they set the house on fire. |
Three viral hypotheses: Progressive Hypothesis ⇔ Regressive Hypothesis ⇔ Standard model: Virus-First Hypothesis ► Article The Origins of Viruses, presented by the publication Nature Education, David R. Wessner, Ph.D., department of biology, Davidson College, volume 3 issue 9 page 37, 2010 |
Sources: ► Article by Susan Dorey, Louis Pasteur Recants His Germ Theory, issued 16. February 2011, revised 31. January 2018 ► Article Soil Theory vs Germ Theory, presented by the website ancasterfamilychiropractic.ca, undated | |||
Reference: ► Table chart by Seun Ayoade, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, The Differences Between Germ Theory And Terrain Theory, PDF, presented by JOJ Nurse Health Care, volume 4, issue 2, 19. September 2017 |
See also: ► Bio milieu ► Audio- und Videolinks – Stefan Lanka ► Quotes by Andrew Kaufman ► The history of the Western pharma cartel |
Life is symbiosis.
Inconsistencies of the conventional medical virus theory (clinical virology)
Changing paradigms – The concept that mutated genes trigger disease is refuted.
Answer: First of all, we have to be able to assume that the old ideas are wrong. I strongly advise you to deconstruct the old ideas yourself in order to make room in yourself for a new idea, for a deeper, better understanding. […] Today, almost everything is explained genetically, the construction and function plan of human cells is crucial, and cell mutations lead to diseases. […] The article Erbgut in Auflösung, presented by the weekly magazine Die Zeit, Ulrich Bahnsen, June 16, 2008 (online version November 6, 2008) definitely refutes the idea of genes as disease triggers. The artic- le clearly shows that until now it has been believed that there is a gene sequence that we have studied, which of course comes from a white man, from the Nobel Prize winner James Watson (*1928), who ap- parently discovered the structure of the genetic material (1953). And this sequence would have been spe- cified. When changes occur, when there are diseases, we study the so-called gene sequence of a patient and find out that it has changed. And then you say that a mutation, a disease gene, has occured. This is exactly what this article refutes in black and white. That does away with the malformation that has been going on since Virchow. Rudolf Virchow (1831-1902) attributed everything to the cells, assigned absolute meaning to the cell information, namely that defects in the cells would produce diseases. When you under- stand where the maldevelopment comes from, you begin to feel safe. It is a great feeling when this old burden, that the faults lie within oneself, is lifted off. That is original sin theology in action, the belief that I inherited something from my parents, that I have bad genes and so on. It's a relief to learn that all this cannot be and to understand where it came from. Now you have already paid half the bill. The other half is to investigate what is actually the case. Here again the historical analysis is helpful, namely that Virchow stole information from an important scientist (Remak), claimed it as his own, i.e. plagiarized it, and simul- taneously suppressed essential findings of this researcher. Today Remak's findings are the foundation of evolutionary biology. I like the term evolutionary biology (also in terms of individual development and hu- man development) very much. Since about 1650 evolutionary biology, also known as embryology, has shown that all changes always remain in only one tissue layer, in one of four tissue layers from which all organs are being built. These tissue layers are also called cotyledons, indeed because the nucleus (germ) sprouts from them. Virchow's contemporary, Robert Remak (1815-1865), formulated this theory in detail, put it in its final form, and showed that first tissue is formed, then stem cells migrate, and only then do they differentiate. So it is the tissues that have priority and not the cells. Of course, Virchow suppressed this portion in order to popularize his cell theory of disease, which is now the basis of all medicine. And it was only in 1981 that Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer (1935-2017) reconnected to these findings, which had re- mained untouched and unused for more than a century. What makes us sick, are the influences on tissue formation, tissue maintenance and tissue recycling, as it were, and again the very same influences are decisive in healing. Dr. Hamer began to rediscover this fact in 1981, and was then able to formulate this into a system of a scientific, i.e. verifiably comprehensible theory of health, illness and healing. Minute 7:12
The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) ruled in the measles virus process. The 1st Civil Senate of the BGH con-
Five experts contributed to the process and presented the results of scientific studies. All five experts, including Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Podbielski unanimously found that none of the six publications included in the process contain scientific evidence for the existence of the alleged measles virus.
Genetics disproves claims to existence
The authors of the six publications and all other participants did not notice this mistake because they violated the fundamental scientific obligation, "lege artis", to work according to the internationally defined rules of science. They did not carry out any control experiments. Carrying out the control experiments would have protected au-
On February 16, 2016, the OLG Stuttgart overturned the wrongful judgment of the first instance, dismissed the lawsuit and referred, among other things, to the central statement by Prof. Podbielski regarding the six publi-
During the proceedings it was also recorded that the highest German scientific authority in the field of infec-
Written sources (English/German) featuring Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author ► Article, translated by Jürgen Faas, Dr Stefan Lanka Debunks Pictures of “Isolated Viruses”, December 2001, updated 2. March 2002 Alternative source: Dr. Stefan Lanka Exposes The "Viral Fraud". Pictures of "Isolated Viruses" Debunked ► Thesis, Virology: State of the Art PDF available, November 2015 ► Article Anti-Vaxxer Biologist Stefan Lanka Bets Over $100K Measles Isn’t A Virus; He Wins In German Federal Supreme Court, hqanon, 21. January 2017 ► Article Biologist Proves Measles Isn’t A Virus, Wins Supreme Court Case Against Doctor, presented by the publication Natural News, Dave Mihalovic, 27. January 2017 ► Artikel Go Virus Go. Der Bundesgerichtshof lässt den Glauben an die Viren untergehen. [Go Virus Go. The Federal Supreme Court lets the belief in the viruses perish.], presented by the bimonthly magazine Wissenschafftplus, February 2017 ► Excerpt Measles Virus put to the test. Dr. Stefan Lanka wins in court..., PDF, presented by Learning GNM, 2017 ► Article by Dr. Lawrence Broxmeyer, M.D., New York Institute of Medical Research, New York, The Great Influenza Pandemic: What Really Happened in 1918?, presented by Scienciaricerca, 7. November 2017 ► Transcript Dr. Stefan Lanka: The history of the infection theory. (English transcript), presentend by the blogspot abruptearthchanges, Sacha Dobler, 17. November 2017 ► Article by Dr. Stefan Lanka, Misinterpretation of virus. Beginning and end of the corona crisis, translated via truthseeker.se, presented by the German bimonthly magazine Wissenschafftplus, issue 2/2020 June 2020 |
Media offerings featuring Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author ► Video snippets Dr Stefan Lanka Snippets, recorded in the 1980s, YouTube film, 22:35 minutes duration, posted 8. April 2020 ► 2-part video interview, presented by Immunity Resource Foundation archive, host Huw Christie, London, 1996, YouTube film, posted 26. February 2013 ⚑ Stefan Lanka Interview – Why HIV has never been isolated – Part 1 of 2, 10:31 minutes duration ⚑ Stefan Lanka Interview – Why HIV has never been isolated – Part 2 of 2, 9:12 minutes duration ⚑ Combined cutting with sound enhanced quality Dr Stefan Lanka Why HIV Has Never Been Isolated, YouTube film, 19:49 minutes duration, posted 8. April 2020 ► Video interview via machine voice, INTERVIEW STEFAN LANKA. Challenging BOTH Mainstream and Alternative AIDS Views, hosted by Zenger's magazine, San Diego, California, December 1998, YouTube film, posted 17. February 2010 ⚑ 1998-12 Zenger's interview with Stefan Lanka (1/5), 9:17 minutes duration ⚑ 1998-12 Zenger's interview with Stefan Lanka (2/5), 9:19 minutes duration ⚑ See more machine voiced videos on Zenger's channel ► Video documentary excerpt Dr. Stefan Lanka (Snippets) "hiv aids = death?", extracted from Gary Null's 2003 documentary; snippets from Deconstructing The Myth of AIDS [2:10:02 duration], Dailymotion film, 22:36 minutes duration, 8. May 2010 ► Deleted video presentation with English subtitles Dr Stefan Lanka – Pandemie Wahnsinn die Repotage 2020 [Dr Stefan Lanka – Pandemic Madness the Repotage 2020], presented by klein klein Media, recorded 2009, translated 2020, YouTube film, 1:30:50 duration, posted 31. March 2020 ⚑ Deleted excerpt Dr. Stefan Lanka: Pandemics caused by viruses are fraud!, YouTube film, 9:51 minutes duration, posted 28. February 2020 ⚑ Excerpt Dr Stefan Lanka Pandemic Theater History of the Infection Theory Part 1, 42:14 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2020 ► Dubbed video interview Virologist Says Measles Virus Doesn't Exist – Offers 100K Reward For Anyone With Actual Evidence, presented by the local German TV station Regio TV, recorded 10. April 2014, YouTube film, 10:54 minutes duration, posted 5. March 2017 ► Audio interview Infectious Myth – Stefan Lanka – There are no Viruses – 04.12.16, presented by the Podbean podcast The Infectious Myth, host David Crowe, 59:55 minutes duration, aired 12. April 2016 ► Video interview Dr Stefan Lanka Measles Virus On Trial, YouTube film, 6:17 minutes duration, posted 6. April 2020 Five-year "measles virus trial" – Higher Regional Court in Stuttgart, 16. February 2016 ► Removed audio interview 'Dr Stefan Lanka': Myth of Germ Theory, interviewed by Gary Null PhD, presented by the US American leftist, liberal or progressive Progressive Radio Network PRN.FM, program Gary Null Show, host Gary Null (*1945) US American talk radio host author on alternative and complementary medicine and nutrition, YouTube film, 1:0525 duration, posted 21. July 20207 ► Video interview with Discussion with Stefan Lanka, presented and hosted by Tom Cowan, M.D., US American naturopath, author, YouTube film, 1:05:53 duration, posted 25. March 2021 |
Referential writings referencing Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author ► Article by Dr. Harald Walach (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author, What is a "scientific fact"? A small case study: "the measles trial", presented by Feli Popescu, 22. January 2016 ► Blog article by John Blaid, The existence of ANY "virus", presented via steemit, 17. March 2020 ► Article by Stefan Wolf, The infection paradigm, English translation availed by Björn Eybl, Corona psychosis. Are you affected by it too?, presented by gaia-energy.org, 8. April 2020 |
Referential audios and videos referencing Dr. Stefan Lanka ► Blog Talk radio interview with Dr. Amandha Dawn Vollmer, Canadian naturopath, SCIENTISM: The Cult of Vaccines ~ Amandha Vollmer, BSc, Nature Doctor ~ Host Elkordy, presented by the "The Mary and Sallie Show", program "SCIENTISM, The Cult of Vaccines", host Elkordy, aired 26. October 2017, odysee film, 1:58:54 duration, posted 27. October 2017 The biased cult doctrine of allopathic scientism has infected the medical schools, the corporations and the public at large. ► Video presentation by Caroline Markolin, Ph.D., Canadian-based Austrian literary scholar, lecturer on naturopathic NGM medicine, Virus Mania The Truth about Infectious Diseases Part 2, YouTube film, 50:12 minutes duration, posted 9. January 2018, reposted 8. April 2020 In-depth analysis of the standard “Virus”-theory in the context of German New Medicine (GNM). First reference to Dr. Stefan Lanka at minute 8:17 ► Video presentation by Dr. Amandha Dawn Vollmer, Canadian naturopath, Measles is Not A Virus {} The Myth of Contagion, Yummy Doctor, 1:30:49 duration, 31. March 2019 References to Dr. Stefan Lanka minute codes: 10:06, 35:46 37:30, 45:14, and 85:59 |
Recommended documentary by Dr. Lanka ► Teaser trailer On the Back of a Tiger. Official Trailer, Vimeo film, 2:03 minutes duration, posted 14. September 2018 A group of maverick scientists unravel the fatal flaws in the existing scientific and medical establishments, revealing how they've led to failures in treating the most devastating diseases. A paradigm shift in conventional science will ultimately lead to a better understanding of disease, aging, and nutrition. |
See also: ► Bio milieu and ► Quotes by Andrew Kaufman |
Siehe auch: ► Audio- und Videolinks – Stefan Lanka |
Faked swine flu pandemic
The Covid-19 hoax21
"A bad flu season is 80,000 dead. We've got about 18,000 dead from influenza this year; we have 100 from corona. What I have a problem with is the panic and the fact that businesses are getting destroyed and people’s lives are being upended.
Death rates for Germany: March 2016-2021
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► List of epidemics |
Written references: ► Article by Milton J. Rosenau, M.D. (1869-1948) US American professor of medicine, public health official, Experiments To Determine Mode Of Spread Of Influenza, presented by the peer-reviewed medical journal The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), volume 73, issue 5, 2. August 1919 ► Article 10 deadliest infectious disease outbreaks in history that predate COVID-19, presented by the publication Daily Sabah, 10. March 2020 ► Article Wuhan Coronavirus Death Rate Far Lower than Thought, with 1.4 Percent Mortality from COVID-19, presented by the US American weekly news magazine Newsweek, Hannah Osborne, 19. March 2020 ► Article 12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic, presented by the publication Off Guardian, 24. March 2020 ► Article The Things You CANNOT Say About Coronavirus, presented by the publication Off Guardian, James Corbett, 3. April 2020 1. We have met the enemy ... and it is our neighbors. 2. Doctors are the new soldiers. 3. I do not trust a single one of the numbers being reported about this outbreak. 4. The death of a 91 year-old is a family tragedy, not an event of international concern. 5. The idea that disease and death are unnatural or avoidable is anti-human. |
YouTube video offerings ► [♦] Spanish Flu did not kill 50.000.000. Vaccines did, 3:09 minutes duration, posted 30. April 2017 ► [♦] 1918 Spanish Flu historical documentary | Swine Flu Pandemic | Deadly plague of 1918, 40:01 minutes duration, posted 2. October 2018 ► [♦] Spanish Flu: a warning from history, 11:02 minuted duration, posted 30. November 2018 |
YouTube video offerings featuring Wolfgang Wodarg, M.D. wodarg.com (*1947) German pulmonologist, former health politician and head of health at the Council of Europe, member of Transparency International Germany ► [*] Drug firms made 'false H1N1 claims', 2:52 minutes duration, posted 11. January 2010 ► [**] Stunning insights into the Corona-panic by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Facebook video 10:50 minutes duration, posted 20. March 2020 |
YouTube video offerings featuring Vernon Coleman, M.D. vernon.com (*1946) British former general practitioner ► Dr Vernon Coleman explains the hidden agenda behind the coronavirus hysteria, Dailymotion film, 11:06 minutes duration, posted 17. March 2020 ► Coronavirus scare – the hoax of the century?, Bitchute film, 11:45 minutes duration, recorded March 2020, posted 5. February 2021 ► Dr Vernon Coleman explains the hidden agenda behind the coronavirus hysteria, YouTube film, minutes duration, posted 19. March 2020 |
Deutsche Medienangebote: ► Video Fernsehinterview mit Dr. Gerd Reuther (*1959) deutscher Facharzt für Radiologie, Universitätsdozent, Bestsellerautor, Die Wahrheit über Pandemien: Welche Einschränkung kommen noch auf Dich zu? Ein Arzt spricht Klartext, präsentiert von dem deutschen Web-Fernsehsender Welt im Wandel TV, Gastgeber Robert Fleischer, deutscher Geschäftsführer von Exopolitics Deutschland, Übersetzer, Journalist, 40:32 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt Anfang August 2020 |
Englische Werke
Links zum Thema Krankheit und Problemlösung / Disease and problem solvingLiteratur
Nonnenstudie, Längsschnittstudie über das Altern und die Faktoren der Alzheimer-Krankheit bei Frauen in den Vereinigten Staaten
Die Systemmedien und die Faktenchecker ignorieren konsequent die Veröffentlichung von Wodargs Bestseller.
Literature (engl.)
Free PDF of Virus Mania, 316 pages, published in English in 2007
HIGHLY overdiagnosed, Saul calls ADHD "neurochemical distractability/impulsivity."
Externe Weblinks
Heilung im Hinblick auf den natürlichen Energiefluss und dessen Blockade
Dr. John Virapen [John Rengen] (1943-2015) indischer ehemaliger Manager der Pharmakonzerne Eli Lilly (1980-1988), Novo Nordisk, Whistleblower, Enthüllungsautor, Nebenwirkung Tod. Korruption in der Pharma-Industrie. Ein Ex-Manager packt aus, Neuer Europa Verlag,
Bis zu 145.000 US-amerikanische Kinder wurden durch Mehrfachimpfstoffe in den letzten 20 Jahren getötet.
Eine US-amerikanische Studie am Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, präsentiert von der medizinischen monatlich erscheinenden Fachzeitschrift Nature Medicine, August 2012, belegte, dass Chemotherapie bei Behandelten den Tod durch Krebs herbeiführen kann.
Eine Menge gesundheitlicher Probleme sind mit Fluorid verbunden sind. Siehe Liste der Krankheiten (engl.), die in Verbindung mit Fluorid stehen: holisticmed.com/fluoride
Gerichte aus Mikrowellenöfen gefährden die menschliche Gesundheit, indem sie die natürlichen Reparaturmechanismen von Zellen zerstören.
[Irrtümlich wird gelehrt] eine Zelle entarte in eine Tumorzelle, wenn Suppressorgene deaktiviert und Krebsgene aktiviert werden. Dies führt dann zu unkontrolliertem Zellwachstum, Angiogenese, Versagen von Apoptose und Metastasierung.
Linklose Artikel
Aus einer US-Studie, veröffentlicht in internationalen Publikation "Human & Experimental Toxicology" geht hervor, dass alleine in den Vereinigten Staaten in den letzten 20 Jahren durch die gängige Impfpraxis ~145'000 Kinder verstorben sind.
Laut der bahnbrechenden Studie der Jackson-State-University in den Vereinigten Staaten (mit mehr als 600 "Homeschooler"-Probanden im Alter External web links (engl.)
There are so many murder/suicides linked to Prozac and other SSRI drugs that the public would be absolutely shocked to learn the true details
Swedish scientists have created a nanoparticle capable of delivering non-toxic cancer-treatment drugs directly to tumors in the body which are both biodegradable and traceable using MRI machines.
In 1901 Monsanto Company, termed "the most evil company", was founded by John Francis Queeny (1859-1933), a thirty year pharmaceutical veteran and a member of the Knights of Malta.
Cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease. The cholesterol theory led to the no-fat, low-fat recommendations that in turn created the very foods now causing an epidemic of inflammation, arterial inflammation leading to heart disease and other silent killers.
Linkless articles
The CFR map published in March 2014 shows that the highest disease outbreaks in the most-vaccinated populations.
Audio- und Videolinks
Die Forscher Lorscheider, Leong, Syed der medizinischen Fakultät der kanadischen Universität von Calgary wiesen nach, dass quecksilberhaltige Impfstoffe das Gehirn (eines Säuglings) schädigen.
Die Pharma-Psychiatrie begann mit der Beteiligung des Chemie-Pharma-Konzerns IG-Farben im Dritten Reich (Menschenversuche in Auschwitz, 220.000 Morde, 400.000 Zwangssterilisierungen, Nürnberger Kriegsverbrechertribunal). Krieg (Faschismus) und Krankheit (Pharmazie) sind die lukrativsten Profitquellen der westlichen Hochfinanz. Rockefeller finanzierte das Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut im Dritten Reich. Psychische Störungen, wie ausgeschrieben im DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual), dem Handbuch der Psychiatrie der APA, des amerikanischen Fachverbands für Psychologie, sind nicht messbar, Diagnosen medizinisch nicht zu belegen.
Die beste Art des Lernens für Kinder anhand der Beziehungsforschung von Prof. Dr. Gordon Neufeld
Medizinphilosophischer Streit: Pathogenese ⇔ Salutogenese
Linklose Medienangebote
Botschaft des Buchs Krebs – Das Ende einer Volkskrankheit: Zellvergiftung und -zerstörung durch Chemotherapie und Bestrahlung wird abgelöst von Zellregulation., 1 Januar 2011
Audio- und Videolinks – Stefan Lanka
Im lebenden(!) Organismus gibt es keine krankmachenden Viren oder Bakterien, sondern nur die ganz normale Grippe oder Lungenentzündung, die notwendige Sonderprogramme des Körpers sind und dessen beschleunigte Entgiftung bewirken.
Besprechung des Masern-Virus Prozesses (2013-2016) Die Berichterstattung über Lankas Arbeit war sehr einseitig. Der Ausgang des Prozesses wird entweder falsch dargestellt oder einfach überhaupt nicht erwähnt.
Fortsetzung: Masern-Virus Prozess. Was ist ein Virus? Was macht den Menschen krank
Neue tomographische Technik zur Grundlagenforschung für die Ursubstanz des Lebens Wasser
Zusammenschnitt aus allen drei Interviewteilen
Linklose Medienangebote
Referentielle schriftliche Quellen und Videos
Linkloses Medienangebot
Auf Kampfbegriffe wie "Impfgegner" und "Verschwörungstheoretiker" verzichten, stattdessen bevorzugt sagen "Impffreiheitskämpfer"
Dokumentationen und Filme
In Deutschland wuchs die Anzahl der Impfdosen im 1. Lebensjahr seit 1976 von 6 auf 34! Parallel dazu explodierte die Anzahl chronischer Erkrankungen bei Kindern: Rheuma, Krebs; vor allem aber Allergien, Infektanfälligkeit und Verhaltensauffälligkeiten wie AD(H)S.
Audio and video links (engl.)
Cancer is a deficiency disease – like scurvy or pellagra – aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man's diet. The missing substance is vitamin B17. In its purified form developed for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile.
Never be sick again.
Amalgam dental fillings (a.k.a. "silver" fillings) contain ♦ mostly of mercury (~43-54%) ♦ silver (~20-35%) ♦ tin respectively copper (~10%) ♦ zinc (~2%) ♦ lesser amounts of other metals.
Mercury damages the neuron growth in the brain.
Epigenetics determines health. The expression of genes depends on: ► nutrition; ► pollution, EMFs and toxins ► our emotional states ► what we perceive and how we see the world.
Studies show 97% time chemotherapy doesn't work. Nevertheless, allopathic medicine is a giant money making industry. Allopathic reductionism cannot cure but manage.
Linkless media offering
Englisch Wiki
2 Videopräsentation von Clemens Arvay (1980-2023) österreichischer Biologe, Gesundheitsökologe, Buchautor, Bill Gates und Covid-19: RNA-Impfstoffe als globale Bedrohung (Biologe Clemens Arvay), Gloria.TV Film, 13:20 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 16. April 2020, neu eingestellt 19. April 2020 ⇑
3 Latwerge = Arzneiform in der Medizin des Mittelalters: eingedickte Saft-Honig-Zubereitung von dick-zähflüssiger Konsistenz ⇑
4 [Video interview Maurice Hilleman, The Man behind the Science – Vaccine Makers Project, YouTube film, 16:15 minutes duration, recorded ~2009, posted 30. October 2019 ⇑
5 Quoting from the German book by Lanka / Krafeld, [Vaccination. Genocide in the Third Millennium?], first published in 2001 ⇑
6 decribed in the scientific paper by Enders et al., Propagation in tissue cultures of cytopatho-genic agents from patients with measles, (Proc Soc Exp Biol Med, volume 86, issue 2, pp. 277-286, issued June 1954 ⇑
7 Alternative source: Audio interview with Dr. Stefan Lanka, 'Dr Stefan Lanka', German Biologist and Virologist: The Myth of Infectious Disease and Germ Theory, YouTube film, 1:00:50 duration, posted 21. July 2020 ⇑
8 Article The Black Death: The Greatest Catastrophe Ever, presented by the British illustrated history magazine History Today, Ole Benedictow, volume 55, issue 3, March 2005 ⇑
9 Article How the Horrific 1918 Flu Spread Across America, presented by the official journal published by the Smithonian Institution in Washington, D.C. Smithsonian, John M. Barry, November 2017 ⇑
10 Status Number of deaths due to HIV/AIDS, presented by GHO, WHO ⇑
11 Artikel H1N1 forderte 203.000 Todesopfer, präsentiert von der deutschen Tageszeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung, 27. November 2013 ⇑
13 Article Coronavirus, presented by Justia, The Pirbright Institute, 23. July 2015 ⇑
14 Article Stanford medical professors: COVID-19 death toll estimates may be 'orders of magnitude' too high. They believe the projections are 'deeply flawed' , presented by the publication The Blaze, 26. March 2020 ⇑
15 Article Lack of Savings Worsens the Pain of Coronavirus Downturn, presented by the international daily newspaper The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), 15. April 2020 / Article COVID-19 will double number of people facing food crises unless swift action is taken, presented by World Food Programme, 21. April 2020 ⇑
16 Article Around 9 million people die every year of hunger and hunger-related diseases. This is more than from AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined., presented by the publication "People & Poverty", 2020 ⇑
17 Article Pollution kills 9 million people each year, new study finds, presented by The Washington Post, 20. October 2017 ⇑
18 Article The flu is a far bigger threat to most people in the US than the Wuhan coronavirus. Here's why., presented by the German-owned American business, celebrity and technology news website Business Insider, Aylin Woodward, 28. January 2020 ⇑
19 Article The third-leading cause of death in US most doctors don’t want you to know about, presented by the news outlet of the US American business news television channel CNBC, Modern Medicine, Ray Sipherd, 22. February 2018, updated 28. February 2018 ⇑
20 Note The handling of the Swine Flu pandemic, Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, 26. January 2010 ⇑
21 "Experten ist das Coronavirus schon lange bekannt. Bei einer Studie im schottischen Glasgow haben Wissenschaftler in einem Zeitraum von 2005 bis 2013 die Viren untersucht, die Atemwegserkrankungen verursachen. Unter den Haupterregern ist das Coronavirus. Es verursacht bis zu 15 Prozent der Lungenkrankheiten." Frontal21
"Wir wissen seit Jahrzehnten, dass es Coronaviren gibt. Die Tierärzte impfen Hunde gegen Coronaviren. Wir wissen, dass Schweine Coronaviren haben. Dass andere Tiere in unserer Umgebung Coronaviren haben. Und wir wissen auch, dass Menschen schon immer Coronaviren haben und dass sie daran erkranken. Es ist also nichts Besonderes, dass es jetzt neue Coronaviren gibt. Das heißt aber nicht, dass diese Coronaviren gefährlicher sind als andere. Mich ärgert, dass so viele Menschen unter diese Panik, die gemacht wird, leiden müssen. Dass unnötig Menschen in Quarantäne gebracht werden und dass wichtige Veranstaltungen abgesagt werden. Dass Menschen wirtschaftlichen und persönlichen Schaden nehmen, ohne dass das medizinisch irgendwie begründbar und haltbar wäre." Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Seuchenexperte
"Ich kann hier nichts Besonderes erkennen außer der Tatsache, dass es ein neuartiger Virus ist. Es ist wie ein neues Automodell, aber es ist eben immer noch ein Kleinwagen." Prof. Tom Jefferson, Epidemiologe Cockrane Institute Nordic
"Flächendeckende Quarantäne-Maßnahmen in Deutschland halte ich für unangemessen. Gründliches Händewaschen und in den Ellenbogen husten wie bei jeder Grippe sind sinnvoll. Eine Influenza ist immer noch gefährlicher als das Coronavirus. Im Schnitt sterben in Deutschland jedes Jahr 20.000 Patienten an Grippe. Das heißt auch, die Wahrscheinlichkeit, sich eine Influenza aufzulesen, ist zur Zeit noch größer als eine Corona-Infektion zu bekommen." Prof. Dr. Michael Kentsch, Chefarzt Klinikum Itzehoe
"Wir haben eine durchgängige mediale Infektion. Jeder ist fast schon im Panikmodus. Wichtig ist einfach, dass wir vom Panikmodus wieder in den rationalen Modus umschalten." Dr. Andreas Gassen, Vorsitzender Kassenärztlicher Bundesvereinigung
Fernsehsendung Corona und die Folgen. Zwischen Panik und Pandemie, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender ZDF, Sendung Frontal21, gesendet 10. März 2020 ⇑
22 Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, Kapitel 6, S. 120, 2008 ⇑