
Hawkins / Krankheit










The Doctor, 1891
Luke Fildes (1844-1927) englischer Maler


Es gibt keine unheilbaren Krankheiten,
nur unheilbare Menschen.

Dr. med. Bernie Siegel, US-amerikanischer
Assistenz-Professor für klinische Medizin,
Kinderchirurg, Referent und Autor,
Quelle unbekannt





Pathogenese ⇔ Salutogenese

Blaue Kornblume


Pathogenese – die Krankheit steht im Mittelpunkt
griechisch páthos = Leiden, génesis = Entstehung
Fokus auf die Gefahren und Defizite bezüglich Krankheiten


Salutogenese – die Gesundheit im Mittelpunkt
lateinisch salus = Gesundheit, Heil, Glück, Existenz, Gruß, Wohlergehen, Rettung
Fokus auf die Ressourcen, die Gesundheit und Schutz gewähren


Im klassischen Heilungsgebet durchläuft man zusammen mit Jesus alle Stationen des eigenen Lebens:


Begrüße Jesus.
Bitte Ihn, an dir zu handeln und dich anzurühren.
Bitte Ihn, alle deine Wunden zu heilen.
Beginne mit denen, die du von den Ahnen geerbt hast.
Er möge Seine Hand auf diese Wunden legen.
Vergib' deinen Ahnen von Herzen.
Fühle mit ihnen mit. Bitte Jesus, sie in den Himmel zu führen.
Bitte Ihn, Er möge ihre negativen Einflüsse auf dich unterbinden.
Vergib' allen deinen Verstorbenen, liebe sie und danke für sie.
Danke Jesus.


  • Gehe durch alle Stationen deines Lebens.
  • Beginne mit dieser Zeit, als du im Mutterschoß empfangen wurdest.
  • Bitte Jesus, Er möge Seine Hand auf die ersten Augenblicke deines Lebens legen und sie heilen.
  • Vergib' deinen Eltern, wenn sie damals ein anderes Interesse als die Liebe zu dir hatten.
  • Sei dir gewiss, dass Jesus immer bei dir war, dass Er dir die Seele gegeben hat, dass du ein von Ihm gewünschtes Kind bist, dass Er dich liebt.
  • Danke Ihm, dass du Ihm alles Negative in deinen Gedanken, Erinnerungen und Gefühlen übergeben kannst, dass Er dich heilt und liebt.
  • Gehe weiter: Die ersten neun Monate im Mutterschoß. Die Zeit, in der du geboren wurdest. Von der Geburt bis zum siebten Jahr. Vom siebten bis zum fünfzehnten Lebensjahr. Vom fünfzehnten bis zum fünfundzwanzigsten Lebensjahr.
  • Vom fünfundzwanzigsten Lebensjahr bis zum heutigen Tag.


Lasse es beim Heilungsgebet nicht bei einem Mal bewenden. Nimm dir täglich mindestens
eine halbe Stunde Zeit dafür, vielleicht einen Monat lang, bis du ganz tiefe Heilung erfährst.

Nimm dir Zeit für das tägliche Gebet, vielleicht einen Monat oder besser 40 Tage lang, bis du
ganz tiefe Heilung erfährst. Danach bete morgens und abends in tiefer Dankbarkeit.


Drei Gebetsanliegen im Krankheitsfall

  1. Bete um ein Wunder, das dich die Wahrheit sehen lässt.
  2. Vergib' dir für [...], was auch immer es sei und bete dafür, dass die lichte Seite die innewohnenden negativen Aspekte neutralisieren wird.
  3. Bestätige wiederholte Male, dass du ein unendliches Wesen bist und nur dem ausgesetzt bist, worauf du den
    Fluss deiner Gedanken richtest.


Quelle: ► Prof. Tomislav Ivancic (1938-2017) kroatischer römisch-katholischer Theologe, zusammengestellt und
herausgegeben von Andrea von Rechberg, Heilung im Gebet, S. 42, Grafocommerce, Salzburg, 6. Auflage 2005
Siehe auch: ► Gebete

Radikale Wahrheitsübung – D. Hawkins

In seinen Seminaren zum Thema Sucht, Schmerz und Sexualität erläuterte David Hawkins die
radikale Wahrheitsübung als generelle Abhilfe bei Suchtverhalten, Krankheit und Schmerzen.
Vier Schritte zur Loslösung
1.Höre auf, über deine Empfindungen (Drang) zu grübeln (mentieren) und sie mit Namen (Geschichte, Diagnose, Urteilen) zu versehen.
2.Leiste deinen Empfindungen keinen Widerstand mehr.
Erlaube ihnen, über ihren angestammten Platz hinauszuwachsen und sich in deiner Aura zu auszubreiten.
3.Übe dich in der Haltung "Mögen noch mehr dieser Empfindungen auftauchen."
4.Nimm sie ganz an und erlaube ihnen, sich im Prozess der Übergabe vollständig aufzulösen.

Die vier Schritte zur Loslösung von Notstandsgefühlen1 im nichtintegeren Bereich lassen sich beispielsweise anwenden bei

  1. Sexueller Begierde, Hungergefühlen oder Verlangen sonstiger Art, bei aufkommden Krankheiten und Schmerzen (wie bspw. auch bei Operationen ohne Narkose)
  2. Schuld- und Schamgefühlen und Angst wegen des Verlangens,
  3. Stolz, nachdem man seiner Begierde nachgegeben hat und kurzfristige Befriedigung dadurch spürte und
  4. bei sonstigen illusionären Gefühlszuständen.


Wer loslässt, wächst über seine wollüstigen Begierden und Gefühle der Scham, Schuld, Angst, Wut und des Stolzes hinaus und erreicht einen gelassenen, nicht verhafteten Zustand, in dem er gleichermaßen in Frieden ist, ob nun das Verlangen vorhanden ist oder nicht, ob es auftaucht oder verschwindet. Der Gelöste betrachtet sein Verlangen aus der Haltung der Harmlosigkeit und weiß, wann es angemessen ist und wie es angemessen zu befriedigen ist.


Um eine Bewusstseinsstufe hinter sich lassen zu können,
muss man sie sich in Gänze zu eigen gemacht haben.


Beschleunigen: Die Haltung, dass die anstehenden Schatten-Empfindungen noch stärker auftauchen mögen, ist eine beschleunigte Form, '100 Prozent Verantwortung zu übernehmen' für das, was da ist. Man anerkennt seine Empfindungen vollständig und führt sie nicht (mehr) aus. Die Vorstellung, dass das Verlangen endlos sei, gibt man ebenfalls auf.
Es stellt sich heraus, dass es im Prozess der Hingabe austrocknet und irgendwann einfach aufhört.

Quellen (engl.): D. Hawkins, Videovorträge der Office Visit Serie, aufgenommen 1986:
B-1 Drug Addiction and Alcoholism und ► A-8 Pain and Suffering und ► A-4 Sexuality
Siehe auch : ► Emotionen und ► Schmerz und ► Sexualität und ► Spirituelle Übungen und ► Sucht

Zitate zum Thema Krankheit und Problemlösung / Disease and problem solving

Zitate von D. Hawkins

Jesus antwortete und sprach zu ihnen: Nicht die Gesunden brauchen einen Arzt, sondern die Kranken;
Ich bin nicht gekommen, Gerechte zu rufen, sondern Sünder zur Buße.
Lukas 5, 31-32 (NT)


⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • In jedem untersuchten Fall, in dem eine hoffnungslose und nicht mehr zu behandelnde Krankheit [spontan] geheilt wurde, hat eine nachhaltige Bewusstseinsveränderung stattgefunden, wodurch die Attraktormuster, die zur Krank-
    heitsbildung geführt hatten, nicht mehr vorherrschend waren.
    Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 219, Hay House, February 2002


  • Der Körper, den ich zuvor als "meinen" angesehen hatte, heilte sich selbst von einer Anzahl verschiedener Krankhei-
    ten. […] Es wurde offensichtlich, dass physische Krankheit in Wirklichkeit das Ergebnis eines negativen Glaubenssys-
    war, und dass sich der Körper wirklich und wahrhaftig als Ergebnis der Veränderung dieses Glaubenssystems verwandeln konnte. Man unterliegt tatsächlich ausschließlich dem, was man im Geiste festhält. (Es ist eine all-
    gemeine Beobachtung, dass viele Menschen von fast jeder bekannten Krankheit genesen sind, indem sie einem spi-
    rituellen Pfad zu folgen begannen). Das All-sehende Auge, S. 34, 2001


  • Der Grund, weshalb wir Vitamine zu uns nehmen, liegt darin, dass die Eigenschaft und das Prinzip des Selbstes die Anziehung dessen, was dem Leben förderlich ist, für so lange verstärken, wie dies angemessen ist. Wenn die zu-
    geteilte Lebensspanne endet, unterstützt das SELBST die Existenz des geistigen Lebens statt des körperlichen.
    Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 287, 2003


Quotes by D. Hawkins

With the following approach, D. Hawkins could let go of a number of diseases and pains when they appeared. It also helped him to survive surgery without anesthesia.
How to deal with diseases / problems

  1. Stop labeling it [disease/problem]; stop mentalizing about the condition; it’s not asthma, it's not arthritis. They
    are just sensations.
  2. Then you let go of pain, what you realize is just sensation. Let go resisting the sensations as they come up.
    If you let go of resisting it, the sensation becomes general instead of specific; it begins to diffuse in your whole aura.
    Get the attitude 'Give me more'.
  3. You can say that you accept it, but that's intellectualizing; you really have to accept it. You think they'll go on forever,
    but they'll run out.
  4. Admit that you're powerless over it.
    Audio series The Highest Level of Enlightenment, 6 CD set, including snippets of the "Office Series": Sexuality and
    Weight Loss, Nightingale-Conant, January 2003

Personal avowals

  • I watched my body chemistry literally change as I began to change what I was holding about it within my mind and conscious­ness. The basic principle essential to healing from all illnesses, no matter what they are, is that we are pri­marily only subject to what we hold in mind. Healing and Recovery, S. 433, 2009

Prayer – Personal avowals

  • We're going to get together and do a healing prayer and blessing. There are people here with various illnesses. Cancer of the breast and things like that. And we ask God's blessing on these persons with their infirmities and better understanding of the significance and value of what we have to learn from such things. We ask for a blessing of a healing where it is per-
    missible and send them our love and the wish and the blessing for their recovery and their healing. At the same time we surrenderer our willfulness to God and allow the blessing to be a fulfillment of the destiny for that particular person. Thank you. Amen. Sedona Seminar Belief, Trust and Credibility, 3 DVD set, minute 4:41:00-43:00, 14. June 2008
⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013



Two Basenji puppies
  • Each negative input brought the [TV] watcher closer to eventual sickness and to imminent depression – which is now the world's most prevalent illness. Subtle grades of depression kill more people than the other diseases of mankind combined.
    Power vs Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 278, Hay House, February 2002



  • Man is so used to worry, fear, anxiety, remorse, guilt, conflict, and distress that they are accepted as normal life, with negative emotions, attitudes, and feelings. Mankind (the patient) is advised to seek a therapist to ‘get in touch with their feelings’. Rather than ‘getting in touch'
    with these fermentations of illusion, it would be more beneficial to li-
    quidate them by uncovering their source as perception itself. A truly ‘normal’ state of consciousness is one that is free
    of all negativity and instead filled with joy and love. Anything else is based on illusion and perceptual distortions. Be-
    cause disease prevails in a society does not mean that disease is a normal condition.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 81-82 or 49-50, Veritas Publishing, revised edition 2002


  • It appeared that physical illness was really the result of negative belief systems and that the body could actually literally change as a result of the shift of a belief pattern. One is really only subject to what is held in mind. (It is a common observation that many people have recovered from almost every illness known to mankind by following spiritual path-
    ways.) The Eye of the I From Which Nothing Is Hidden, chapter 2 "The Physical Body", Kindle location 460, 2001





The physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of disease are of equal importance.

  • All illnesses are physical, mental, and spiritual, and the highest level of recovery are the consequence of simultaneously addressing all three levels and seeing them as being of equal importance. Spiritual intention and contextualization increase the percentage of positive responses to strictly medical treatment.
    Healing and Recovery, "Introduction", S. xiv, 2009


Healing and Recovery, chapter 2 "Assisting Healing", S. 52, 2009



Self-healing is the willingness to accept the great power of the mind.

  • We can see how powerful the mind is, and one of the difficulties to overcome in self-healing is the willingness to accept the great power of the mind. We cannot let a negative thought go unchallenged. One cannot say, "I have diabetes" and let that go unchallenged. That is a belief system so powerful that just believing "I have diabetes" is sufficient to potentiate the disease. Instead, one has to cancel it and say, "I am a person who once thought that, but I am only subject to what I hold in mind. I am an infinite being, and I am not subject to that." One releases any symptoms and cancels them. One replaces them with the truth, and in doing that, one moves above the line in the specifics of a given illness. Healing and Recovery, chapter 2 "Assisting Healing", S. 54-55, 2009



Emerging disease as a sign of spiritual progress

  • Instead of being ashamed that we are a spiritual seeker with a physical illness, we instead become thankful and say, "Aha!" Something is coming up to be "healed". We want the capacity to bring up the various things to be healed; thus, it is a sign of progress, not of falling back. We can be happy that we have a chance to heal those things that, paradoxically, are actually brought up by major or rapid spiritual progress. Healing and Recovery, chapter 2 "Assisting Healing", S. 62, 2009


  • As we re-own ourselves as the source and move up in the levels of consciousness, we begin to realize that we are subject to anything that we hold in mind, and that the belief systems and thought forms we bought into have been the source or 'cause' of what we have been experiencing. The world has no power to create any such thing. Does a piece of kidney have power in it? Of course not. Do our minds have the power to create illnesses? Yes, indeed.
    Healing and Recovery, S. 70, 2009


  • For the person who is oriented in the direction of health, illness merely becomes something that is coming up in order
    to be healed; it is bringing up a lesson. The illness is saying, ‘Look at me. Please heal what I stand for and symbolize. Please heal the guiltiness, self-hatred, and limiting thought forms. Please move up to loving me so I can be healed.'
    The illness is a demand to grow spiritually. It is an incessant gadfly that tells us that something is 'out' and needs to
    be looked at. Something needs to be held in a different way. Healing and Recovery, chapter 4 "Health", S. 129, 2009




  • Stress comes from our giving externals power over our life, which comes from the position of victim, of putting the source of happiness outside our life and denying the power of our own mind. The healing comes about through re-owning that power and realizing that we and we alone create the meaning of any circumstance, event, place, position, thing, or any person in our life. We create the meaning, our position, and the way we hold it. That either becomes a source of healing or a source of illness. We are the ones who determine the outcome. Healing and Recovery, chapter 4 "Health", S. 129, 2009



Karma factor

  • Some illnesses are persistent despite all one's efforts to clear away contributing factors, and the reasons are often multifactorial. One that is commonly overlooked by citizens of the culture of the Western world is the factor of karma, both individual and collective. In its broadest sense, karma merely refers to the totality of one's inheritance by virtue of human existence itself as represented by evolution, both physical and spiritual.
    Healing and Recovery, chapter 4 "Health", S. 133, 2009



  • Once we understand the power of the mind and the nature of thought, we begin to realize that one of the principles of consciousness is that we are subject only to what we hold in mind. This one sentence is the key to the healing of all illnesses, pain, and suffering. We are subject only to what we hold in mind. The mind is extraordinarily powerful. Healing and Recovery, S. 313, 2009


  • People may also deny they have the cancer. They will come up with a thought that it has been cured without having done the work necessary to bring it about as a reality in their life. It is sort of magical thinking.
    Healing and Recovery, S. 440, 2009


  • Consciousness is so powerful that it overrules common sense and logic, and many other things. It has to be adressed directly to undo it. […] The first thing to do is to begin to doubt a certain belief system. The doubt gradually undoes it, together with other healing modalities. Doubt opens an alternate possibility. You know, the whole family is allergic, and you say "Yes, but that may not apply to me." You begin to create a doubt block. You say, that it may no longer apply to
    me. I suggest to people who have chronic illnesses that they say: "That may no longer apply to me." You acknowledge that karmi-
    cally it was an error; it is only a period of time in your life.
    Interview Healing and Recovery, presented by the US American health magazine "Unified Health!", Matt Laughlin, volume 5, # 14,
    S. 20, Winter 2009



Addressing three levels simultaneously

Treating the physical, the mental, and the spiritual

  • Question: In your tapes on healing and old age you speak about the process of cancelling a pain or sensations that go on in the body […]
    Answer: You may or may not get rid of the illness because there is also karmic propensity. A certain number of illnesses are merely unconscious belief systems and the mind being powerful, the body will fulfill that belief system. Saying, "I am not subject to that," many illnesses will disappear. Some will improve. Some will be responsive to medication. With spiritual work, now almost anything makes it better. A Course in Miracles says to do what you can on all three levels […] physical, mental, spiritual. Don't be above taking medication. Do all three things at once. […] that and spiritual work. Some things resolve with psychoanalysis. Some things are resolved when a conflict is resolved.
    Self-hypnosis […] all those things are educative. Some therapy or you know simple techniques. Profound relaxation.
    No matter how relaxed you think you are, you can be more relaxed. It can be on a very profound level. I do it the
    minute I go to the dentist. It's handy for going to the dentist. All those things help. Everything is physical, mental
    and spiritual.
    Sedona Satsang Q&A, Sedona Creative Life Center, 2 CD set, 10. May 2006


  • All these illnesses […] you think you are losing, but you are serving a karmic purpose and benefit. You are paying
    off the Credit Bureau every month! Sedona Seminar Is the Miraculous Real?, 3 DVD set, 9. December 2006


  • Question: […] Let's say I have a cold, is it more beneficial to find a spiritual cause.
    Answer: Everything is physical, mental and spiritual, so I always say to handle it on all three levels. To not hand-
    le the physical is to be in denial and sort of arrogant. – Oh, I'm all spirit and don't have to do that. Yeah right, then go and leave the planet now and do it. Or you can take the anti-biotics now and live. Everything is physical, mental and spiritual. You look within yourself to see what could be the spiritual basis and you look to the psychological. You read Louise Hay (1926-2017), you know, you do all that you can. Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, 10. January 2007


  • Negative belief system plus unconscious guilt plus collective unconsciousness and karma can result in illness.
    Sedona Seminar God vs. Science. Limits of the Mind, 3 DVD set, 17. February 2007


  • Guilt leads to illness if left in the unconscious.
    You must acknowledge it. Forgive others, not to feel superior, but to forgive yourself. What you forgive is actually yourself for seeing it that way. The limitation of the human psyche, Jesus Christ taught this, "Forgive them for they know not what they do". You are simply giving up an illusion. What you hold against them is your resentment, a projection of blame – it's somebody's fault – they owe you. The Twelve-step programs teach that there is no such thing as a justified resentment. All that was yesterday. You don't get to bask in feeling sorry for yourself. The etheric body exis-
    ted and exists first. It is the blueprint out of which the physical body arises. All our belief (mental) systems, our spiritual and physical realities came out of it. Propensities tend to be genetic – i.e. alcoholism, depression. Have an open
    mind. Tai Chi helps you to explore the human dimension.
    Prescott Seminar Overcoming Doubt, Skepticism and Disbelief, 3 DVD set, 9. August 2008

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Und es geschah, als er in dem Haus zu Tisch lag, und siehe, da kamen viele Zöllner und Sünder und lagen zu Tisch
mit Jesus und seinen Jüngern. Und als die Pharisäer es sahen, sprachen sie zu seinen Jüngern: Warum isst euer Lehrer
mit den Zöllnern und Sündern? Als aber er es hörte, sprach er: Nicht die Starken (Gesunden) brauchen einen Arzt,
sondern die Kranken.
Geht aber hin und lernt, was das ist: "Ich will Barmherzigkeit und nicht Schlachtopfer." Denn ich
bin nicht gekommen, Gerechte zu rufen, sondern Sünder.
Matthäus 9, 10-13 (NT)


Persönliche Bekenntnisse von Genesenden

  • Der Krebs hat auch mich zu einem anderen Menschen gemacht. Ich war auf einmal kein großer, starker Typ mehr.
    Ich verkam zu einem kleinen, schmächtigen Burschen, der sehr unsicher und nervös war. Ich musste lernen, ohne
    Bauchspeicheldrüse zu leben, was nicht gerade einfach ist.
    In dieser Zeit konzentrierte ich mich immer mehr auf das, was mir wirklich wichtig ist und erkannte all jene
    Dinge, die eigentlich keine Rolle spielen. So geht es mir bis heute.

    Ich sehe die Menschen an und denke mir: Wenn sie das durchgemacht hätten, was mir passiert ist, würden sie das,
    was sie jetzt tun, nicht tun. Der Krebs hat mich wieder zu dem Chris Rea gemacht, der gerade sein erstes Demoband
    abgeliefert hat. Ich wurde wieder der Mensch, der ich vor 25 Jahren eimal war.
    Interview mit Chris Rea (*1951) italienisch-irischstämmiger britischer Bluessänger, Musiker, Komponist, Gitarrist, Chris Rea im krone, präsentiert von der österreichischen Boulevardtageszeitung Kronen Zeitung, Christoph Andert, 12. Februar 2008

Nach einer Pankreaticoduodenektomie im Jahr 2001 besiegte Rea Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs, der nur 50% Überlebenschance hat.


Persönliche Bekenntnisse

Aufgeplatzte Kastanie
  • Ich glaube, dass Krankheiten Schlüssel sind, die uns ge-
    wisse Tore öffnen können. Ich glaube, es gibt gewisse Tore, die einzig die Krankheit öffnen kann. Es gibt jeden-
    falls einen Gesundheitszustand, der es uns nicht erlaubt, alles zu verstehen. Vielleicht verschließt uns die Krankheit einige Wahrheiten; ebenso aber verschließt uns die Ge-
    sundheit andere oder führt uns davon weg, so dass wir uns nicht mehr darum kümmern. Ich habe unter denen, die sich einer unerschütterlichen Gesundheit erfreuen, noch keinen getroffen, der nicht nach irgendeiner Seite hin ein bisschen beschränkt gewesen wäre, – wie solche, die nie gereist sind.
    André Gide (1869-1951) französischer Schriftsteller, Nobelpreis-
    träger für Literatur, 1947, Tagebucheintrag in einer Zeit schweren Leidens, 1948; zitiert in: Artikel Den Weg der Krankheit sinnvoll und spirituell deuten, präsentiert von dem Internetportal der römisch-katholischen Kirche in Deutschland katholisch.de, Christoph Kreitmeir, 9. April 2020


  • Frage: Was bedeutet es für Sie als Trainerin und Referentin, autistisch zu sein? Autismus und eine stark menschen-
    bezogene Tätigkeit – ist das nicht ein Widerspruch in sich?
    Birkenbihl: Asperger ist ja nur eine leichtere Variante des Autismus. Früher hat man geglaubt, autistisch zu sein, ist wie schwanger sein: Entweder man ist es oder man ist es nicht. Aber das ist falsch. Stellen Sie sich ein Spektrum vor: Das rechte Ende steht für extrem empathisch, das linke für nicht empathisch. Menschen mit Asperger sind eher am rechten Ende des linken Bereiches, am nicht empathischen Ende, zu verorten, aber nicht so weit links wie Menschen mit starkem Autismus. Wer Asperger hat, ist gleichwohl weniger menschen-, dafür aber sehr sachori-
    Asperger kann bedeuten, dass man sich in seinem Leben extrem auf ein Leitthema konzentriert. Das kann –
    wie in meinem Fall – ein Forschungsthema sein, das man bis zum Exzess ausübt. Personen mit Asperger sind des-
    halb auch gar nicht selten ausgesprochene Leistungsträger. Unter 100 normalen Menschen gibt es vielleicht fünfzehn,
    die besonders hervorstechen. Unter 100 Personen mit Asperger sind es dagegen 37.

    Frage: Also war Asperger für Sie eher von Vorteil als von Nachteil?
    Birkenbihl: Es hat mir das Leben natürlich auch schwer gemacht – vor allem bevor ich wusste, was mit mir los ist.
    Ich kann mit Menschen z.B. so lange gut kommunizieren, so lange sie mit mir über Dinge reden wollen, über die ich
    auch reden will. Doch gnade ihnen Gott, wenn sie das nicht tun wollen. Zudem bin ich neuronal langsamer als die
    meisten Menschen. Das heißt, wenn ich Sie beispielsweise bitte, mir ein Fax zu schicken und Sie schicken mir statt-
    dessen eine E-Mail, dann bringt mich das völlig aus dem Konzept, regt mich extrem auf und ich brauche zwei Stun-
    den, um diese Irritation zu verarbeiten – ein Prozess, der bei anderen Menschen in vielleicht zwei Sekunden abläuft.
    Man ist dem hilflos ausgeliefert, gerät in Panik und reagiert dann dementsprechend, was das Umfeld natürlich vor
    den Kopf stößt. Seit sieben Jahren aber weiß ich, dass ich Asperger habe, und seither erkläre ich Seminarteilneh-
    mern und Geschäftspartnern, was mit mir los ist. Dadurch können sie viel besser mit meinen Gefühlsausbrü-
    – wobei im Seminar selbst ohnehin nie Gefahr besteht. Und auch für mich persönlich ist es eine enorme Entlastung. Ich habe 30 Jahre versucht, freundlich und taktvoll zu sein. Das hat mich wahnsinnig viel Ener-
    gie gekostet.
    Seit ich weiß, was ich habe und dazu stehe, bin ich kreativer denn je und habe beispielsweise mehr Bücher ver-
    fasst als in den Jahren zuvor. Interview mit Vera F. Birkenbihl (1946-2011) deutsche Psychologin, Managementtrainerin, Sachbuchautorin, Ich stehe dazu, dass ich Asperger habe' – Interview mit Vera F. Birkenbihl, präsentiert von dem deutschen Weiterbildungsmagazin ManagerSeminare, Sylvia Jumpertz, Nr. 128, 24. Oktober 2008


  • Im Moment, da man nach Sinn und Wert des Lebens fragt, ist man krank, denn beides gibt es ja in objektiver Weise nicht; man hat nur eingestanden, dass man einen Vorrat von unbefriedigter Libido hat, und irgend etwas anderes
    muss damit vorgefallen sein, eine Art Gärung, die zur Trauer und Depression führt. Großartig sind meine Aufklä-
    rungen gewiss nicht. Vielleicht weil ich selbst zu pessimistisch bin. Mir geht ein 'advertisement' im Kopf herum,
    das ich für das kühnste und gelungenste Stück amerikanischer Reklame halte: "Why live, if you can be buried for
    ten Dollars?" Sigmund Freud [BW 499] (1856-1939) österreichischer Neurologe, Begründer der Tiefenpsychologe und der Psychoanalyse, Religionskritiker, Autor, Brief an seine ehemalige Patientin und Freundin Marie Bonaparte, 13. August 1937,
    aus: Briefe 1873-1939, S. 452, S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main, 1960





  • Das, was wir selbst durchschauen, macht uns nicht krank, es kann in uns Empörung, Zorn, Trauer oder Ohnmachts-
    gefühle wecken. Was uns krank macht, ist das Undurchschaubare, die Zwänge der Gesellschaft, die wir durch die Mutteraugen in uns aufgenommen haben und die wir durch keine Lektüre oder Bildung loswerden können.
    Alice Miller (1923-2010) polnisch-schweizerisch-jüdische Psychologin, Psychoanalytikerin, Autorin zum Thema Kindesmisshand-
    und Trauma, Das Drama des begabten Kindes und die Suche nach dem wahren Selbst, S. 160, 1979, Suhrkamp Verlag,
    Frankfurt am Main, 27. Auflage 1. März 1983


  • Wenn du dir Gedanken machst, ob du einen BMW hast, der groß genug ist oder nicht, brauchst du nur eine gute Krankheit. Sie liefert dir in allem eine Perspektive der Verhältnismäßigkeit.
    Fernsehinterview mit Chris Rea (*1951) italienisch-irisch-gebürtiger britischer Bluessänger, Musiker, Komponist, Gitarrist, besiegte Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs mit 50-%iger Überlebenschance nach einer Duodenopankreatek-
    , 2001, About La Passione, YouTube Film, Minute 7:00, 8:40 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 3. Februar 2009


Warnung angesichts der COVID-19-Pandemie 2020

  • Dieses Gemeinwesen braucht einenVerständigungsprozessdarüber,ob es wirklich jeden Preis für die Eindämmung
    eines Virus zu zahlen bereit ist. […]
    Mit atemberaubender Geschwindigkeit und mit einer erschütternden Bereitwilligkeit seitens der Bevölkerung werden
    Rechte außer Kraft gesetzt, die in Jahrhunderten mühsam erkämpft worden sind:
➢ das Recht auf Versammlungsfreiheit,
➢ die Religionsfreiheit,
➢ das Recht auf Bildung,
➢ das Recht auf Freizügigkeit,
➢ die Freiheit von Lehre und Forschung,
➢ die Freiheit der Berufsausübung, die Gewerbefreiheit, die Reisefreiheit. [...]
Wenn man es nicht besser wüsste, ließe sich das Prozedere der letzten Tage wie das Drehbuch einer rechtspopu-
listischen Machtübernahme lesen. [...] Es ist alarmierend, wie rasch Wissenschaft, Kunst und Kultur, Sport, ja sogar
die Bildung der Kinder für verzichtbar erklärt werden. Nichts offenbart das wahre Gesicht unseres Gemeinwesens
besser als die Tatsache, dass einzig Wirtschaft, Konsum und Börsen aufrechterhalten werden sollen, als sei dies
der einzige Daseinszweck unserer fortschrittlich geglaubten Gemeinschaft. [...] Der Fatalismus, mit dem sämtliche
Einschränkungen der offenen Gesellschaft hingenommen werden, ist besorgniserregend. [...] Was, wenn wir eines
Morgens in einer Gesundheitsdiktatur aufwachen?
Gastbeitrag von René Schlott, deutscher Zeithistoriker, Publizist, Um jeden Preis?, präsentiert von der deutschen Tageszeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung, S. 9, 17. März 2020
  • Studien wiesen nach, dass Menschen am meisten unter Stress stehen bei:
    1. Ungewissheit
    2. Informationvorenthaltung (Geheimhaltung)
    3. Verlust der (Selbst-)Kontrolle und
    4. fehlenden Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten.
Audio-Präsentation Dr. med. Gabor Maté (*1944) ungarisch-kanadischer Arzt, Suchtexperte, aufklärender Referent, Autor, Capita-
lism Makes Us Crazy: Dr. Gabor Maté on Illness and Addiction
, präsentiert vom Online-Unterhaltungsführer Zvents, aufgenommen
von dem hörerfinanzierten kalifornischen Radiosender KPFA, Public Radio Exchange (PRX), Berkeley, Kalifornien, Minute 11:58, 29:00 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 19. November 2011, neu eingestellt 28. Mai 2013


  • Die Krankheit öffnet Türen zu einer Wirklichkeit, die einer gesunden Anschauung verschlossen bleibt.
    Dr. Jean Houston (*1937) US-amerikanische Psychologin, Philosophin, Kulturanthropologin, Gelehrte, Pionierin der Human Poten-
    , visionäre spirituelle Lehrerin, Autorin, Quelle unbekannt




  • Therapie ist viel zu wertvoll, um sie nur kranken Menschen vorzubehalten. Erving und Miriam Polster, US-amerikanische Gestalttherapeuten, zitiert in: Gestalt-
    , präsentiert andre-kellner.de, undatiert


  • Krankheiten [sind] (geistige) dynamische Verstimmungen unseres geist-
    artigen Lebens in Gefühlen und Thätigkeiten, das ist, immaterielle Verstim-
    mungen unsers Befindens. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) deutscher Arzt, Begründer der auf dem Potenzierungsprinzip beruhenden alternativen Heilmethode Homöopathie, Übersetzer, medizinischer Schriftsteller, Organon der Heilkunst, Einleitung, Ersterscheinung 1833, Richard Haehl, bearbeitet von Dr. med. Jugana Loder,
    6. Auflage 1921, Karl F. Haug Verlag, Heidelberg, 1992


  • Krankheit spiegelt alte Muster beziehungsweise einen höheren geistigen Sinn. Wird dieser erkannt und im All-Tag integriert, werden die Symptome überflüssig.
    Dr. med. Rüdiger Dahlke (*1951) deutscher Arzt, Psychotherapeut, Autor, Quelle unbekannt


  • Ein großes Krankheitsbild ist auch eine große Chance. […] Beispiele: Helen Keller, die taubstumm und blind gebo-
    ren wurde und ein eindrucksvolles Leben daraus machte oder Hildegard von Bingen und ihre Migräneanfälle oder
    Milton Erickson oder Stephen Hawking. Wenn Milton Erickson nicht zweimal Kinderlähmung gehabt hätte und
    darin gefangen gewesen wäre, bezweifle ich, dass er so genial geworden wäre auf diesen psychischen Ebenen und
    der beste Hypnotherapeut. Interview mit Dr. med. Dr. med. Rüdiger Dahlke (*1951) deutscher Arzt, Psychotherapeut, Autor, Krankheit als Weg, präsentiert von dem Stardust-Archiv, David L. Luczyn, Datum unbekannt


Die moderne Medizin und Ärzteschaft wird als "primitiv" bezeichnet, die althergebrachte Heilkunde gilt als fortgeschritten.


Inflation psychiatrischer Diagnosen

Resultat: drei falsche Epidemien

  • In den USA qualifizieren sich
    • 25 Prozent der Bevölkerung für Angststörungen, und
    • sogar 50 Prozent müssen mit einer lebenslänglichen Diagnose einer psychischen Störung rechnen.
    • 20 Prozent der Bevölkerung nehmen Psychopharmaka zu sich.
Jedes Jahr sterben mehr Menschen an einer Überdosis von verschriebenen Medikamenten als an einer Überdosis
von Rauschgift. […]
In den letzten 20 Jahren hat es hauptsächlich drei falsche Epidemien gegeben:
  1. Die bipolare Störung bei Kindern [manisch-depressive Störung] hat um das Vierzigfache zugenommen,
  2. Autismus um das Zwanzigfache und
  3. das Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit Syndrom um das Dreifache.
«Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit» wird jetzt auch bei Erwachsenen diagnostiziert, und «bipolare Störungen» haben sich bei Erwachsenen verdoppelt. Allen Frances, Ph.D. (*1942) US-amerikanischer Psychiater, Vorsitzender der Arbeitsgruppe für die vierte Revision des Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV) der American Psychiatric Association (APA), «Wir haben die Unreife von Kindern in Krankheit verwandelt». Der emeritierte Professor für Psychiatrie Allen Frances sagt, dass das neue Standardwerk der Psychiatrie zur Hyperinflation psychischer Krankheiten führt., präsentiert von der überregionalen Schweizer Tageszeitung Tages-Anzeiger, 4. Januar 2014



Beschwichtigendes Zugeständnis hinsichtlich der panikschürenden übertriebenen Sterbezahlen-Hochrechung der Covid-19-Plandemie

  • Die Todesfallrate [von Covid-19] kann deutlich unter 1% liegen. Es deutet darauf hin, dass die gesamten klinischen Folgen von Covid-19 letztlich eher denen einer schweren jahreszeitlich bedingten Grippe (mit einer Falltodesrate von etwa 0,1%) oder einer pandemischen Grippe (die es 1957 und 1968 gab) entsprechen als einer Krankheit wie SARS oder MERS, die Falltodesraten von 9-10% bezie-
    hungsweise 36% aufwiesen.
    Artikel Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted [Covid-19 – Navigating the Uncharted], präsentiert von der US-amerikanischen US-amerikanischen medizinischen Wochenfachzeitschrift The New England Journal of Medicine, Dr. med. Anthony S. Fauci (*1940) US-amerikanischer Immunologe, Direktor des Nationalen Instituts für Allergien und Infektionskrankheiten (NIAID), Dr. med. H. Clifford Lane, Dr. med. Robert R. Redfield, 26. März 2020


  • Das Impfen ist eine recht primitive Angelegenheit; es entstammt derselben lebensfeindlichen Geisteshaltung, wie
    das massive Versprühen von Herbiziden und Pestiziden in der Landwirtschaft. Die negativen Nebenwirkungen der
    Impfungen werden ignoriert, ebenso wie die Schädlichkeit der Impfzusätze oder Wirkverstärker (Aluminium-, Queck-
    silber- und Formaldehyd-Verbindungen). Die Gates Foundation, die das Impfprogram in Indien leitete, wurde 2017
    des Landes verwiesen, nachdem wie es sich herausstellte 490,000 Kinder als Resultat der Impfungen gelähmt wur-
    den. 2014 beschuldigte die Vereinigung katholischer Ärzte in Kenia die WHO, Millionen von Frauen unwillentlich
    durch Tetanus-Impfungen chemisch sterilisiert zu haben.
    Es ist fraglich, ob man überhaupt gegen Corona-Viren erfolgreich impfen kann. Es gibt grundsätzlich zwei Arten von
    Viren, solche die aus einem DNA-Abschnitt bestehen und solche die aus einem RNA-Abschnitt bestehen. Bei den
    DNA-Viren sind die Kopien ziemlich gleich, deswegen lässt sich eher gegen sie impfen. Die RNA-Viren kopieren da-
    gegen ungenau, es gibt sehr viele abweichende Kopien, auf die der Impfstoff nicht wirkt, beziehungsweise, unsere
    Abwehrzellen können sie nicht identifizieren. Auch das Corona-Virus besteht aus RNA-Strängen, die ständig ihre
    Struktur verändern, so dass das Immunsystem sie nicht wiedererkennt. Also muss ständig, mindestens in jeder
    Grippesaison, nachgeimpft werden. Eigentlich ein Bombengeschäft für jemand wie Gates, der auch finanziell an
    pharmazeutischen Unternehmen beteiligt ist.
    • Fußnoten: "Bei Viren verspricht sich Bill Gates viel von den neuen mRNA (Boten-RNS) basierten Impf-
      stoffen, wobei die genetische Bauanleitung des Virus in die Körperzellen transportiert werden kann, so dass
      der Körper die entsprechenden Antigene produzieren kann, welche die Immunzellen dann erkennen, zer-
      stören oder neutralisieren. Die Vakzine können effizient aus einem sogenannten RNA-Drucker repliziert wer-
      den. Diese Technologie soll bereits in 18 Monaten so weit sein. Der Biologe Clemens Arvay hat da seine
      Bedenken. Es handelt sich um eine ungeprüfte Technologie, die nach "Zauberlehrling Manier", tief in das Lebensgefüge eingreift und deren Langzeitnebenwirkungen unbekannt sind.2
Artikel von Wolf-Dieter Storl (*1942) deutschamerikanischer Kulturanthropologe, Ethnobotaniker, Buchautor, Die Krone der Viren, präsentiert von der Webseite storl.de, 24. April 2020


Akupressurpunkte auf der Hand



  • Krankheit ist der Arzt, auf den man am besten hört: der Güte und der Weisheit machen wir nur Verspre-
    chungen; dem Schmerz gehorchen wir.
    Marcel Proust (1871-1922) französischer Sozialkritiker, Essayist, Romanschriftsteller, zitiert in: David Feinstein, Stanley Krippner, Persönliche Mythologie, S. 286, Sphinx, Basel, 1987 Heyne, Taschenbuchausgabe 1. Januar 1998


  • Die Dummheit ist die sonderbarste aller Krankheiten. Der Kranke leidet niemals unter ihr. Aber die anderen leiden.
    Paul-Henri Spaak (1899-1972) belgischer sozialistischer Politiker, Staatsmann, zitiert in: Gute Zitate


  • Der Gesunde hat viele Wünsche, der Kranke nur einen. Indisches Sprichwort


  • Geh eine Meile, um einen Kranken zu besuchen, zwei, um Frieden zu stiften und drei, um einen Freund zu sehen. Arabisches Sprichwort


  • Das beste Mittel gegen eine Krankheit ist, aus der Krankheit eine Arznei zu machen. Chinesische Weisheit


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Krankheit

Autismus – Retroviren – schädliche Umweltgifte


Chemtrails, Monsanto, Impfzwang, Mobilfunk: Toxine Aluminium und Glyphosat

  • Wenn ich die Menschheit in die Knie zwingen wollte, würde ich
    • ihre Nahrung mit Glyphosat besprühen,
    • ihre Luft mit Aluminium verschmutzen,
    • und wenn es dann noch nicht ganz reicht, würde ich den Impfstoffen noch ein bisschen Aluminium versetzen.
Auf diese Weise würde ich es schaffen, sie alle zu verdummen und über 2-3 Generationen zum Aussterben zu brin-
  • Was ich außerdem noch brauchte, um eure Entgiftungsenzyme lahmzulegen, sind bestimmte elektromagne-
    tische Frequenzen. Und genau diese Frequenzen kommen über das Mobilfunksendenetz [zum Betrieb von
    Handy-Telefonen] zu uns.
Hinter dem Ganzen muss eine intelligente Gruppe von bösen, bösen Wissenschaftlern und Politikern stehen.
Glyphosat [enthalten im Unkrautvernichtungsmittel Roundup] ist ein Bestandteil des kommerziell am meisten verbreiteten Herbizids. Glyphosat zerstört alles, was in uns gesund ist.
Aluminium und Glyphosat wirken magisch zusammen und sind der wirkliche Grund für Depressionen, Demenz, Angststörungen, Morbus Parkinson und natürlich Autismus.
Es sind inzwischen 42 Länder bekannt, die [bei der systematischen Besprühung mit Aluminium-haltigen Chemtrail-Mischungen] mitmachen, wobei in China und in Russland weniger toxische Mischungen verwendet werden!
Die gleiche Firma, die [Chemtrail-]Flüssigkeiten herstellt, stellt auch die Insektizide und Herbizide her [...] Ich darf
ihren Namen leider nicht erwähnen. Diese Studien über Aluminium-Nanopartikel werden von der gleichen Firma
finanziert, die diese [Chemtrail-]Mischung für die Flugzeuge herstellt.
Entgiftungsmittel: Aluminium[vergiftung] wird durch Kieselsäure entgiftet. Es gibt verschiedene Produkte.
Das wichtigste Produkt kommt aus Russland und ist billig. Übersetzt ins Englische heißt es Enterosgel®.
Als bekannt wurde, dass man damit das Aluminium aus dem Gehirn ausleiten kann, wurde es in den Ver-
einigten Staaten sofort verboten!
Entgiftung: Dreimal täglich zwischen den Mahlzeiten 1 Teelöffel Enterosgel einnehmen.
Bezug: In Deutschland ist es nahezu zum doppelten Preis erhältlich. Um Versandkosten einzusparen, em-
pfiehlt es sich, Sammelbestellungen zu tätigen.
Deutscher Videovortrag mit englischer Simultanübersetzung von Dr. med. Dietrich Klinghardt (*1950) deutscher Arzt, Erfinder von kinesiologisch-medizinischen Verfahren, Gründer der Klinghardt Academy, Vereinigte Staaten, Gesundheitliche Auswirkungen von Chemtrails, veranstaltet von "Hellinger Tage International", 18. November 2015, YouTube Film, Exzerpt von 31:45 Minuten Dauer, Minute 23:50, 3:20:34 Dauer, schriftliche Zusammenfassung Gesundheitliche Auswirkungen von Chemtrails, eingestellt von
Leyline.de 24. April 2016




Warburg entdeckte den anaeroben Stoffwechsel der Krebszellen.

  • Wenn eine Zelle 48 Stunden lang 35% Sauerstoffmangel erhält, verwandelt sie sich in eine Krebszelle. Dr. Otto H. Warburg (1883-1970) deutscher Biochemiker, Physiologe, Nobelpreisträger, 1931, Warburg-Hypothese


  • Das Spannende ist, dass Autismus, ADS, ADHS und Schizophrenie alle den gleichen Hintergrund haben, nämlich die Infektion mit Retroviren, die durch Elektrosmog und durch die Umweltgifte aktiviert werden. Diese Retroviren schädigen unser Immunsys-
    tem und sind letztlich verantwortlich für die ganzen Erkrankungen. […]
    Durch die Aktivierung der [seit 300.000 Jahren stillgelegten] Retroviren werden wir von innen her krank. Wir brauchen nicht die äußeren Viren. Videointerview mit Dr. med. Dietrich Klinghardt (*1950) deutscher Arzt, Erfinder von kinesiologisch-medizinischen Verfahren, Gründer der Klinghardt Academy, Vereinigte Staaten, Jede Krankheit hat eine Ursache – Die 5 Ebenen der Heilung, präsentiert von dem deutschen Web-Fernsehsender Welt im Wandel TV, Gastgeberin Dr. Heidi Wichmann, Minuten Dauer, ausgestrahlt YouTube Film, Minute 39:58, Minute 42:00, 1:03:56 Dauer, eingestellt 31. Januar 2020


Jonagold Äpfel
  • Autismus ist eine intrauterin erworbene Infektion oder Infestation (so nennt man es, wenn Parasiten beteiligt sind), die zur epigenetischen Veränderung führt, die den Autismus bedingen. Alles andere ist sekundär (die Impfungen, das Ge-
    , die Lebensmittelallergien, die Schwermetallver-
    Gelöschter Videovortrag von Dr. med. Dietrich Klinghardt (*1950) deutscher Arzt, Erfinder von kinesiologisch-medizinischen Verfahren, Gründer der Klinghardt Academy, Vereinigte Staaten, Dr. med. Dietrich Klinghardt – Autismus, Umweltbelastungen und Entgiftung @ SPIRIT OF HEALTH 2014, veranstaltet von Spirit Of Health 2014 – Kongress für alternative Heilmethoden, 26. April 2014, YouTube Film, Minute 3:50 1:04:20 Dauer, eingestellt 5. April 2015


  • Der Flexner Report
    Rockefeller gründete die Pharmaindustrie und zerstörte Naturheilverfahren und die Volksgesundheit.
    Der US-amerikanische Pädagoge und der Wissenschaftsorganisator Abraham Flexner (1866-1959) erstellte den Flex-
    ner Report
    , der den Machthabern dazu diente, die Naturheilkunde zu unterdrücken und nur das zu fördern, welches ihnen den größtmöglichen Gewinn bringt. Flexner war Mitglied und Sekretär des Allgemeinen Bildungsausschusses der Rockefeller-Stiftung (1912-1925) und Gründungsdirektor des Institute for Advanced Study (1930-1939). Zuvor hatten Arzneimittel einen viel schlechteren Ruf als Naturheilmittel und Vitamine genossen. In den frühen 1900er Jahren dräng-
    ten John D. Rockefeller und seine Tochtergesellschaften, um Lizenzierungsgesetze für Ärzte einzuführen, welche die Naturheilkunde grundsätzlich illegal machten. Mithilfe von Lizenzgesetzen wurde die Naturmedizin illegal gemacht.
    Videodokumentation Der Flexner Report, präsentiert von dem deutschen Fernsehbildungskanal Bewusst.TV, Sprecher Jo Conrad (*1958), 7:21 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 4. Februar 2021
    Ursprungsvideo (engl.) Flexner Report 1910, präsentiert von der Publikation IntegratedNaturalMedicine, Bitchute Film, 7:46 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 19. Januar 2022
    Referenz: Artikel Die Bedeutung des Flexner-Reports für die ärztliche Ausbildung, präsentiert von der Schweizerischen Ärztezeitung, Nathalie Koch, 2. Januar 2019


Siehe auch: ► Heilung und ► Kinesiologie
Referenz: ► Artikel Weniger geimpft und gesünder: Die Amish kennen kaum Autismus-Fälle unter ihren Kindern,
präsentiert von dem unabhängigen österreichischen Nachrichtenportal Report 24, 15. Juli 2023


  • Hier war die Arzeney, die Patienten starben,
    Und niemand fragte: wer genas?
    So haben wir mit höllischen Latwergen,3
    in diesen Thälern, diesen Bergern,
    Weit schlimmer als die Pest getobt.
    Ich habe selbst den Gift an Tausende gegeben,
    Sie welkten hin, ich muss erleben
    Dass man die frechen Mörder lobt.
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe [BW 465] (1749-1832) deutscher Universalgelehrter, Bühnendichter, Schriftsteller,
    Figur Wagner im Drama Faust. Eine Tragödie, J.G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung, Tübingen, 1808

Quotes by various other sources

Personal avowals
Chris Rea survived a severe pancreatitis. He was predicted a 50% chance of survival after an operation
(pancreaticoduodenectomy) in 2001.


See also:

30 minute single documentary La Passione: A conversation with Chris Rea (Interview), edited and directed by Piotr SzkopiakYouTube film, 29:47 minutes duration, posted 13. February 2014

  • When you are worried whether you have got a big enough BMW or not you just need a good illness. It puts everything
    into perspective. TV interview with Chris Rea (*1951) British Blues singer, musician, About La Passione, YouTube film, minute 7:00, 8:40 minutes duration, posted 3. February 2009


  • As my muscles weakened, my writing became stronger.
    As I slowly lost my speech, I gained my voice.
    As I diminished, I grew.
    As I lost so much, I finally started to find myself.
Neil Selinger, US American former lawyer, suffering Lou Gehrig's disease, writer, cited in: article Loss of Speech Evokes the
Voice of a Writer
, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times, Peter Applebome, 6. March 2011





  • Let us assume that
    • eighty percent of illnesses are either self-limited or not treatable by modern medicine.
    • Ten percent are miraculously cured and
    • nine percent are made worse.
Thus, we wind up barely on the positive side of zero. Franz Ingelfinger (1910-1980) German-American physician, gastroenterologist, editor of the The New England Journal of Medicine, editorial, 1977



  • We should not try to 'get rid' of a neurosis, but rather to experience what it means, what it has to teach, what its purpose is. We should even learn to be thankful for it, otherwise we pass it by and miss the opportunity of getting to know ourselves as we really are. A neurosis is truly removed only when it has removed the false attitude of the ego. We do not cure it – it cures us. A man is ill, but the illness is nature's attempt to heal him. From the illness itself we can learn so much for our recovery, and what the neurotic flings away as absolutely worthless contains the true gold we should never have found elsewhere.
    Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, Gerhard Adler, translator,‎ R. F. C. Hull, translator, Civilization in Transition – Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 10, 1928, S. 170, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2nd edition 1. August 1970
  • To know the unknowable, that is elevating.
    Not to know the knowable, that is sickness.
    Only by becoming sick of sickness can we be without sickness.
    The holy man is not sick.
    Because he is sick of sickness, therefore he is not sick.
    Lao Tzu [LoC 610] (604-531 BC) Chinese sage, philosopher, founder of Daoism, D. T. Suzuki and Paul Carus, translators, Tao Te Ching, verse 71, 1913


  • With the Beloved's water of life, no illness remains.
    In the Beloved's rose garden of union, no thorn remains.
    They say there is a window from one heart to another.
    How can there be a window where no wall remains? Jalal ad-Din Muḥammad Rumi [LoC 550] (1207-1273) Persian Muslim Sufi mystic, jurist, theologian, poet, cited in: Stine Koppernæs, Be the Alchemist of Your Life: Dare to Go Within, S. 69, Balboa Press, 2015


Red tulip field
  • Socially shared hallucinations, our collusive madness is what we call sanity. Ronald D. Laing (1927-1989) British Scottish psychiatrist, author, The Politics of the Family and Other Essays, chapter "The Mystification of Experience", 1964, S. 73, Routledge, New York, 2001; cited in: article Madness and Its Enigmatic Origins, presented by the journal Sacred Web, S. Bendeck Sotillos, Academia.edu, PDF, May 2020


  • Human sickness is so severe that few can bear to look at it. [...] but those who do will become well.
    Vernon Howard [LoC 455] (1918-1992) US American spiritual philosopher, author, cited in: AZ Quotes


  • Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little,
    to cure diseases of which they know less,
    in human beings of whom they know nothing.
    Attributed to Voltaire [François-Marie Arouet] [LoC 340] (1694-1778) French philosopher of the Age of Enlightenment, social critic, proponent of the French Revolution, advocate of civil liberties, freedom of religion, free trade, deist, writer, cited in: Robert Allan Weinberg, The Biology of Cancer, S. 726, 2006


  • That millions of people share the same form of mental pathology, does not make those people sane.
    Erich Fromm (1900-1980) German American social psychologist, psychoanalyst, sociologist, humanistic philosopher, The Sane Society, chapter 9 "Summary – Conclusion'', Rinehart and Company, New York, 1955, Henry Holt & Company, Owl Book edition, reissued edition 15. October 1990




The parameters of stress

  • Research shows that what is most stressful for people is:
    1. uncertainty
    2. lack of information (secrecy)
    3. loss of (self)control
    4. and lack of opportunity to express oneself.
Audio presentation by Gabor Maté, M.D. drgabormate.com (*1944) Hungarian-Canadian addiction expert, Capitalism Makes Us Crazy: Dr. Gabor Maté on Illness and Addiction, presented by the online entertainment guide Zvents, recorded by the listener-funded Californian radio station KPFA, Public Radio Exchange (PRX), Berkeley, California, minute 11:58, 29:00 minutes duration, aired
19. November 2011



Climate engineering is destroying the natural environment for humans and animals.

  • There are actually three things that we isolated that are at the core of chronic illness or at the core of people not being well anymore and really the core of the mass extinction of species that we are facing especially the insects and with that the songbirds and with that really goes life as we've known it it's aluminum, glyphosate, and the electromagnetic radiation (cell towers G4, G5, Wifi). […] If we could reduce those three things or completely abolish them, the planet would recover and we would recover.  Minute 1:50
  • The glyphosate creates a supertoxic chemical reaction with the alu-
    minum and works as a carrier to carry aluminum across the blood brain barrier deep into the central nervous system. We are facing a crisis of neurological diseases. The population in the western coun-
    tries is expected that half of us will die either with or of Alzheimer's disease or related degenerative neurological illnesses (brain de-
    struction). And given the exponential curve in that it means that in 5 years it will be two thirds and in less than 10 years it is expected there will be all of us.  Minute 3:09
  • [US American senior research scientist at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)] Stephanie Seneff (*1948) calculated that between 2028-2032 all boys born will be born on the autistic spectrum. It's the end of the male, us men.  Minute 5:22
  • What has been overlooked is that much of the spraying (chemtrailing with aluminum and glyphosate) has been going on over the oceans. And all of the world's bodies of water are now covered with a thin layer of microplastic spiked with aluminum and other metals. It has decreased the sunlight entering the ocean by 40%. What people don't know is that the oxygen of our planet does not really come from the rain forest in Brazil, it comes from the algae in the ocean. The algea in the ocean makes oxygen. It needs the energy of the sun to convert (photosynthesize) the gases in the water to create oxygen.  Minute 8:57
  • Dr. med. Richard Straube, German physician and nephrologist in Cham tested that aluminum is 94 times more prevalent than any other toxins in the human blood. [...] The American labs all got the letter from Big Brother that they should not increase their sensitivity of aluminum testing, that would be bad for their future business. We do not have a single lab in America that can detect nanonized aluminum and the different aluminum compounds that we are dealing with (glyphosite bond or the fluoride bond with aluminum). Throughout the United States we are getting false (negative) testings back.  Minute 16:59
  • Aluminum could be isolated as the single factor that is right now creating the mass extinction on the planet including our own.  Minute 29:37
  • The summation of electromagnetic pollution (electrosmog) that we are exposed to depletes our body of electrons. That is simple physics. [...] Nonionizing radiation depletes us of electrons.  Minute 38:24
  • Aluminum is the predominant compound (of aerosol spraying - chemtrailing) that is sold to other countries with the idea that we need deflect the sunlight and cooling the earth everything will be great. There are probably 42 or more countries that are currently participating in this insanity [of chemtrailing].  Minute 40:26
  • Any of the phantastic studies that have come out in the last few years are pointing towards the insanity of the vaccine production, that the vaccines that are given to the children are highly toxic, unneccessarily toxic. [...] There is an intent worked into the vaccines currently. There are clean vaccines, they've been out of a long time. Japan had those. They were visited by representatives of the U.S. government and Merck, and the next day their vaccines were gone and they adopted the American vaccine program.  Minute 53:17
  • Unfortunately right now Google, Facebook, The New York Times, and the television channels are cooperating with the same forces that are causing the destruction. And the scientists that have credible scientific research on this are being silenced, at least by withdrawing the funding. [...] Eventually I do trust human ingenuity and the human spirit. Right now a few evil people can destroy the planet, because we haven't learned yet the access that evil has to the minds of people and we haven't learned yet how to really deal with the possibilities the Internet has given us.  Minute 1:00:27
Video interview with Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., Ph.D. (*1950) German physician, kinesiologist, healer, founder of the Klinghardt Aca-
demy, United States, World-Renowned Doctor Addresses Climate Engineering Dangers, presented by the platform GeoengineeringWatch, host Dane Wigington, US American geoengineering researcher, Bitchute film, 1:08:16 duration, posted
18. June 2019, reposted 8. October 2021


Dr. E. Jenner vaccinating the 8 year old boy James Phipps
  • The different experiences which psychiatrists call mental illness or mental disorder begin with an overwhelming fear and a feeling that your very self is shattering, even disappearing. This happens when you discover that there is a serious discrepancy between what you thought your life was and what it actually is. Mental illnesses are not illnes-
    ses but defences to hold the person together when he feels that he is falling apart.
    These desperate defences are terrible to endure but, if we are willing to learn, they can teach us that we need to change the way we live our life. It isn’t always easy to change how we see ourselves and our world but, as the testimonies of many people show, it is in our power to do so.
    Dorothy Rowe (1930-2019) Australian clinical psychologist, researcher of treatment of depression, voted as one of the 50 wisest people in the United Kingdom by the Saga Magazine (2003), author, The Real Causes of Depression, presented by the British Saga Magazine, February 2007


  • [Hereditary] cancer comes from unresolved unconscious previously existent bitterness. Stephen Lewis, US American
    engineer, acupuncturist, developer of The AIM Program of Energetic Balancing, co-founder of EMC², source unknown


  • Suppose, for instance, that the problem of hysteria is more akin to the problem of a person speaking a foreign ton-
    gue than it is to that of a person having a bodily disease.
    We are accustomed to believe that diseases have "causes," "treatments," and "cures." If, however, a person speaks
    a language other than our own, we do not usually look for the "cause" of this peculiar linguistic behavior.
    It would be foolish – and of course, fruitless – to concern ourselves with the "etiology" of speaking French.
    Thomas S. Szasz (1920-2012) Hungarian US-American professor emeritus of psychiatry, psychoanalyst, social critic of the mo-
    ral and scientific foundations of psychiatry and scientism, The Myth of Mental Illness, Harper & Row, S. 11, 1961



Chemotherapy results in slow and painful death.

  • People who refused chemotherapy treatment live an average of 12 and a half years longer than the people who are receiving chemotherapy.
    People who accepted chemotherapy die within three years of diagnosis, and many die quickly after a few weeks.
    Patients with breast cancer who reject conventional therapy live four times longer than those who follow the system. This is something you will not hear in the mass media that will continue to spread the myth that chemotherapy is the best medicine to fight cancer! Dr. Hardin B. Jones, concluding from his study, published in the journal New York Academy of Sciences, cited in: removed blog article BERKELEY Professor States: "People do not die of cancer! People die of chemotherapy
    and in terrible pain!"
    , presented by John Wick, 29. September 2015


Leading causes of death in perspective
Leading causes of death in perspective
  1. Heart and circulatory disorders
  2. Cancer
  3. Respiratory disorders
  4. Nervous system disorders
  5. Digestive disorders
  6. Kidney disorders
  7. Infections
  8. Non-transport accidents
  9. Musculoskeletal disorders
  10. Suicide
  11. Transport accidents
  12. Mental health disorders
  13. Undetermined events
  14. Murder
  15. Medical complications
  16. Pregnancy and birth
  17. War


Birth Month and Disease Incidence in 1.7 million patients



  • NO disease, including cancer, can exist in an alkaline environment. Falsely attributed to Otto Warburg (1883-1970)
    German physiologist, medical doctor, son of physicist Emil Warburg, Nobel laureate in medicine (cancer discovery), 1931, cited in:
    blog article Three Ways to Make Your Body More Alkaline, presented by the blogspot greinerhealthsolutions, 1. August 2016


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Disease
  • The only way to fight the plague is with decency. Albert Camus (1913-1960) French Algeria-born French philosopher, journalist, author, Nobel laureate in literature, 1957, novel The Plague, Hamish Hamilton, 1948



  • Life is a sexually transmitted disease and there is a hundred per cent mortality rate. Interview with Ronald D. Laing (1927-1989) British psychiatrist, author,
    On Modern Witchcraft, presented by the "The Philadelphia Inquirer Magazine", Maralyn Lois Polak, S. 11, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 3. May 1987; cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote

Quotes by Rima Laibow ♦ Russell Blaylock ♦ Boyd Haley ♦ Andrew Moulden ♦ Burk ♦ Antoine Béchamp

Personal avowals

  • 40 years ago when I started my practice only 1 in 10,000 children had autism. Today it's 1 in 100. What is the only difference we have seen? The inordinate number of vaccines that are being given to children today. My partners and
    I have over 35,000 patients who have never been vaccinated. You know how many cases of autism we have seen? ZERO, ZERO. I have made this statement for over 40 years: "NO VACCINES NO AUTISM."
    Mayer Eisenstein, M.D. (1946-2014) US American physician, founder of Homefirst Medical Services, Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, pre-
    sented by the online archive outlet whale.to, undated

Genome Disruption Syndrome

  • We know of no "chemical imbalance" which accounts for mental and emotional illness. We know that genes are disrupted and then function is distorted by a host of causes among which are heavy metals like Mercury and industrial poisons like Formaldehyde and Fluoride and foreign DNA and proteins and viruses which call forth an autoimmune response by the body on its own nervous system. This is a type of expression of what I have called Genome Disrup-
    tion Syndrome
    or GDS. It is not genetic drift which is causing the change in human health and behavior. It is the toxicity which we are allowing, inducing and requiring which is causing the change in the human genome function and in therefore its expression in illness and behavioral distortion. It is this genomic disruption which
    is linked to increasing cancer rates, increasing rates of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, other degenerative diseases and psychiatric illness. It is this genome disruption which was virtually unknown in the lives of our grandparents and in the childhoods of our parents which is killing us. Human genes are the same but the genomic disruption is by no means the same. Video presentation by Rima E. Laibow, M.D., US American physician, psychiatrist, activist, medical director of Natural Solutions Foundation, I am Adam Lanza's Doctor, YouTube film, minute 9:32, 18:18 minutes duration, posted 21. December 2012


Sand dunes Erg Chebbi, Morocco, Africa
  • And the fact is despite the beautiful ads and the seminars and the free pizza and salad lunches in windowless conference rooms in the hospital or the clinic – these drugs and these vaccines kill. They are not safe and they are not effictive. […]
    More than half the people who kill themselves are on psychiatric drugs when they do so. Virtually every public massacre in the last two decades has involved people on psychiatric drugs or people just coming off psy-
    chiatric drugs.
    NO to psychiatric drugs and NO to vaccines. There is no reason, no rhyme, no science to vaccinating people.
    Virtually every outbreak and epidemic of a communicable disease has occurred in the fully vaccinated in the last decades. Vaccines create disease and they cause a weakening of the immune system with horri-
    fying results.
    NO to GMOs and NO to industrial food. Psychiatric drugs kill those who take them and those around them. They are inexcusable and unnecessary. Video presentation by Rima E. Laibow, M.D., US American physician, psychiatrist, activist, medical director of Natural Solutions Foundation, I am Adam Lanza's Doctor, YouTube film, minute 13:26, 14:23 and 15:05,
    18:18 minutes duration, posted 21. December 2012


  • In the modern health care world choices are made for us. We must have vaccines. We must vaccinate our children. We must take certain treat-
    ments if we get certain diseases. Children are taken away from their parents when their parents don't give them psychiatric medications or don't give them chemotherapy even though the cancer may long since have disappeared. Video interview and presentation by Rima E. Laibow, M.D., US American physician, psychiatrist, activist, medical director of Na-
    tural Solutions Foundation
    , Dr Rima Laibow Exposes Genocidal Plot, YouTube film, minute 11:55, 1:21:18 duration, posted
    10. December 2012, reposted 3. March 2013



The funders of the WHO called out a level 6 swine flu pandemic.

  • Who funds the World Health Organization (WHO)? 70% of their funds come directly from the pharmaceutical industry. There might be a connection between what they say, what they push, and who funds them. There certainly is in most other cases. The same people [who are funding WHO] declared a level six [highest level] pandemic in the swine flu debacle and wanted to vaccinate everybody against the genetically-engi-
    neered swine flu
    with vaccines that would cause permanent infertility. […]
    WHO and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have been the overseeing bodies that allow world's food
    to become degraded, devitalized and incapable of supporting life and healthy biological processes.
    Contaminated food, degraded and devitalized food – [are] the inputs that we are receiving – through the agency of Codex Alimentarius, the United Nations' Commission run jointly by the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization which like the Federal Reserve of the United States are private corporations and they serve their funding masters. Video interview/presentation by Rima E. Laibow, M.D., US American physician, psychiatrist, activist, medical director of Natural Solutions Foundation, Dr Rima Laibow Exposes Genocidal Plot, YouTube film, minute 19:44, minute 19:14, 1:21:18 duration, posted 10. December 2012, reposted 3. March 2013



Within 11 days 3.5 million emails from US citizens – informed by Dr. Laibow – flooded the U.S. Congress. The sinister plan announced by Sebelius was CANCELLED.

  • Kathleen Sebelius (*1948) sat in front of the Congress of the United States and she said, 'We're going to vaccinate every man, woman, and child in the United States with the swine flu vaccine. Now it's true that we don't have enough swine flu vaccine, so we're going to extend it with something called Squalene. […]
    When Squalene in is injected into your blood it causes profound pervasive and irreversible autoimmune disease. […] If you inject enough you cause irreversible immune-mediated infertility. Depopulation comes to mind. Video interview/presentation by Rima E. Laibow, M.D., US Ame-
    rican physician, psychiatrist, activist, medical director of Natural Solutions Foundation, Dr Rima Laibow Exposes Genocidal Plot, YouTube film, minute 46:00, 1:21:18 duration, posted 10. December 2012, reposted 3. March 2013


"I think that vaccines have to be considered the bargain basement technology for the 20th century."  Dr. Maurice Hilleman (1919-2005), the head of Merck vaccine development, cited in: Vaccine Pioneer Doctor Admits Polio Vaccine Caused Cancer, presented by Health Impact News, 5. June 2015

  • The globalists are quite content to have you vaccinated hundreds of times during your life span. Vaccination has always been taught to us as one of the absolutely unchallengeable good things of civili-
    zation. But what about polio? We've wiped out polio, haven't we? With the polio vaccine. No, as a matter fact, we haven't. And if you look on the CDC website under 'polio infantile paralysis' you'll find several interesting things. First of all, you'll find that the only polio that is occurring is polio post vaccination, that polio is being spread around the world through vaccination with the polio vaccine. You'll also find that the increase in childhood leukemia is directly attribu-
    table to the use of a polio vaccine which like many other vaccines is rich in a virus called SV-40. It comes from monkey kidneys. And since the polio vaccine is cultured in monkey kidney tissues the virus is included in the vaccine. They could filter it out, but as Dr. Maurice Hilleman (1919-2005), the head of Merck vaccine deve-
    lopment, said 'it was simply too expensive to bother filtering out the leukemia virus and therefore it was allowed to stay in.' And he laughs and the people in the lecture that he's giving laugh with him.4 […]
    Vaccines are ineffective, they're dangerous, and they are enti-
    rely without scientific background, without scientific validity.
    There is no excuse for any vaccine. Shocking? Might be, but that's the reality, that's the truth, that's what the science tells us, not the pseudoscience. If you start looking into the history of vaccines which change our genetic makeup you'll find that they were born in fraud, perpetrated in fraud, and live as a major scientific fraud. Each vaccine is filled with horrifyingly toxic materials that damage the immune system and according to internal documents – public under Freedom of Information Act Litiga-
    – the purpose of vaccines is to make money in the aftermarket. The aftermarket is cancer, diabetes, infertility, and other cataclysmic, but very, very financially productive diseases. The pharmaceutical industry would prefer that you not be healthy, because if you're healthy they're not making any money. The pharmaceutical industry does not see itself as a health industry. That's the propaganda that they put out. They see themselves as a financial organism that profits when you're ill. And they sell you expensive nostrums to keep you sick and require you to use other nostrums.
    Video interview/presentation by Rima E. Laibow, M.D., US American physician, psychiatrist, activist, medical director of Natural So-
    lutions Foundation
    , Dr Rima Laibow Exposes Genocidal Plot, YouTube film, minute 22:32, minute 24:46, 1:21:18 duration, posted 10. December 2012, reposted 3. March 2013



Flu vaccinations are disease mongering.

  • There are three reasons the government tells the elderly why they should get flu shots: secondary pneumonia, hospitalization, and death. Yet a study by the Coch-
    rane group studied hundreds of thousands of people and found it offered zero pro-
    tection for those three things in the general community. It offered people in nursing homes some immunity against the flu – at best one-third – but that was only if they picked the right vaccine. […] The government also says that every baby over the age of six months should have a vaccine, and they know it contains a dose of mercury that is toxic to the brain. They also know the studies have shown that the flu vaccine has zero – zero – effectiveness in children under five. […] The vast number of people who get the flu vaccine aren't going to get any benefit, but they get all of the risks and com-
    plications. Russell Blaylock, M.D., US American retired neurosurgeon, author, cited in: article Johns Hopkins Scientist, Peter Doshi, Ph.D., Reveals Shocking Report on Flu Vaccines, PDF, presented by the British Medical Journal, 16. May 2013


  • A single vaccine given to a six-pound newborn is the equivalent of giving a 180-pound adult 30 vaccinations on the same day. Letter of Boyd E. Haley, Ph.D. (*1940) US American professor and chair, department of chemistry, University of Kentucky, to the Honorable Dan Burton, Dr. Boyd Haley's Rebuttal to the ADA, presented by Mercury Free Dentistry, 23. May 2001, cited in: excerpt Another Piece To The Puzzle…, presented by the website Autism-


  • If penicillin shots and peanut butter sandwiches were mandated, many children would be harmed; some would even die. If we cannot give penicillin or peanut butter to everybody safely, the logical progression that injecting live, biologi-
    cally active, immunogenetic particles cannot be safe for everyone either.
    Andrew Moulden, M.D. (1964-2013) Canadian physician, vaccination critic, cited in Foreword of: , US American osteopathic medical doctor, first physician to offer documented proof that vaccines do compromise the immune system, author, NMA Media Press, editor, Saying No to Vaccines. A Resource Guide for All Ages, Perfect, paperback, 16. June 2008


  • In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer deaths, and causes it faster, than any other chemical.
    Dean Burk, M.D. (1904-1988) US American biochemist, medical researcher, and a cancer researcher at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute and the National Cancer Institute, cited in: Water Fluoridation Uncovered


  • Dr Peter Fletcher, who was Chief Scientific Officer at the Department of Health, said if it is proven that the jab causes autism, "the refusal by governments to evaluate the risks properly will make this one of the greatest scandals in medi-
    cal history".
    He said he has seen a "steady accumulation of evidence" from scientists worldwide that the measles, mumps and rubella jab is causing brain damage in certain children. But he added: "There are very powerful people in positions of great authority in Britain and elsewhere who have staked their reputations and careers on the safety of MMR and they are willing to do almost anything to protect themselves." Article Former science chief: 'MMR fears coming true' , presented
    by the British national daily newspaper Daily Mail on Sunday, Sue Corrigan, 29. March 2016



Doubled down correction of the prospected enormous death rates of the Covid-19 plandemic

  • The case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.
    Article Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted, presented by the US American weekly medical journal The New England Journal of Medicine, Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. (*1940) US American physician immunologist, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), H. Clifford Lane, M.D., Robert R. Redfield, M.D., 26. March 2020



See also: ► Autism and the Amish anomaly
  • Compulsory vaccination which once had the suffrage of the nation has now hardly a serious supporter. We are ashamed to jettison the idea completely and perhaps afraid that if we did the accident of some future epidemic might put us in the wrong. We prefer to let compulsory vaccination die a natural death and are relieved that the general public is not curious enough to demand an inquest. In the meantime our attention is diverted to other and new forms of immunisations.
    Article From a Bacteriological Back-Number, presented by the United Kingdom-based medical magazine The Lancet, Charles Cyril Okell, M.D. (1888-1939) English physician, assistant editor of the The Journal of Pathology, S. 48-49, 1. January 1938


Further references:
Blog article by J.B. Handley, reissued as International scientists have found autism's cause. What will Americans do?, beforeitisnews,
     11. July 2020
Article The women who don't know they're autistic, presented by the independent, non-profit, academic Australian media outlet The Conversation,
     Fabienne Cazalis, Adeline Lacroix, 19. July 2017
Video presentation by Steve Silberman, US American contributing editor of the magazine Wired, writer, The forgotten history of autism, transcript,
     presented by TED Talks, TED Global 2015 "Truth and Dare", Vancouver, Canada, 16-20 March 2015, 13:49 minutes duration, filmed March 2015,
     posted 17. June 2015
Autism has been shrouded in misunderstanding. The Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger (1906-1980) published a pioneering paper on autism in 1944, which was buried until the early 80ties. In 1975, 1 in 5,000 kids was estimated to have autism. In 2015, 1 in 68 is on the autism spectrum.

Englische Texte – Englisch section on Disease

Sources of illness – recovering from illness

Sources of illness are:

  • Unconscious guilt
  • Beliefs and belief systems aggravated by suppressed emergency emotions
  • Result of being programmed via the collective consciousness based on belief systems
  • Failure to acknowledge and avoid collective and cultural programming
  • Phenomena of multiple personalities


It is possible to

  • recover from illnesses withing the parameters of karmic inheritance, including severe the illnesses
  • activate and energize the immanent self-healing presence in self


Source: ► D. Hawkins, Healing and Recovery, S. 45, 2009
The German-British professor of psychology and esearcher of mind/body medicine, Hans Jürgen Eysenck, Ph.D. (1916-1997) concluded that approximately 99% of the people who die of cancer and heart disease suffer from chronic, serious depression, anger or a combination of both emotions.
US American holistic physician C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. (*1932) confirmed that the most prevalent ongoing emotion leading up to cancer is depression, while chronic anger ("Type A" personalities) is the most likely emotion to cause heart disease and high blood pressure.
Stanford University scientist Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. (*1944) found that chronic stress is a primary cause of more than 95% of all types of disease conditions. Effectively preventing and recovering from cancer requires healing long-standing unresolved emotional issues.


Source: ► Deleted article The Link Between Heart Disease, Cancer and Your Emotions, presented by WellnessWatchersMD, undated

Pasteur's germ theory ⇔ Béchamp's microzymian theory

༺༻    Favored germ theory
Role of the microbe – Pathogenesis
Louis Pasteur·•·Medical·establishment
    Suppressed microzymian theory
Role of the host internal milieu – Salutogenesis
    Antoine BéchampClaude BernardRobert O. Young
1.The body is sterile.Microbes exist naturally in the body.
2.Disease arises from micro-organisms outside the body.Disease arises from micro-organisms within the cells of the body.
3.Micro-organisms are generally to be guarded against.These intracellular micro-organisms normally function to build and
assist in the metabolic processes of the body.
4.The function of micro-organisms is constant. The function of these organisms changes to assist in the catabolic (disintegration) processes of the host organism when that organism dies or is injured, which may
be chemical as well as mechanical.
5.The shapes and colours of micro-organisms are constant.Micro-organisms are pleomorphic (having many forms): they change their shapes and colors (shape-shift) to reflect the condition of the host.
6.Every disease is associated with a particular micro-organism.Every disease is associated with a particular condition.
7.Micro-organisms are primary causal agents. Disease results when microbes change form, function, and toxicity according to the terrain of the host. Hence, the condition of the host organism is the primary causal agent.
8.Disease can "strike" anybody.Disease is built by unhealthy conditions.
9.To prevent disease we have to "build defences."To prevent disease we have to create health.
[*] Cell deterioration proceed in following stages:
1. Phagocytosis (and all of its processes) 2. Bacterial 3. Fungal 4. Parasitical 5. Viral (virus).
Claude Bernard (1813-1878) was the first French physiologist to understand that disease to be a general, underlying condition,
affected and determined by the body’s internal environment (the terrain). The state of the terrain is based on four factors:
  1. the body's acid/alkaline balance
  2. the body's electric/magnetic charge
  3. the body's degree of poisoning
  4. the body's nutritional status.
Humans do not catch diseases. They build diseases with what they eat, drink, breathe, feel, think, and believe into existence. Both generating disease and restoring health take an effort. The presence of germs (virus, bacteria, yeast or mold and their associated exotoxins, endotoxins and mycotoxins – acids) does not constitute the presence of a sickness or disease. Bacteria are scavengers of natue avid to reduce dead tissue to its smallest element. Germs or bacteria have no influence on living cells. Germs aka microzymas flourish as scavengers at the site of disease. They are living on the unprocessed metabolic waste and diseased, malnourished, nonresistant tissue in the first place. Germs are not the cause of the disease, any more than flies, maggots, and rats cause garbage. Mosquitoes do not cause a pond to become stagnant. Firemen tend to appear at burning buildings, which doesn’t mean they set the house on fire.
Three viral hypotheses:
Progressive HypothesisRegressive Hypothesis ⇔ Standard model: Virus-First Hypothesis
► Article The Origins of Viruses, presented by the publication Nature Education, David R. Wessner, Ph.D., department of biology,
     Davidson College, volume 3 issue 9 page 37, 2010
► Article by Susan Dorey, Louis Pasteur Recants His Germ Theory, issued 16. February 2011, revised 31. January 2018
► Article Soil Theory vs Germ Theory, presented by the website ancasterfamilychiropractic.ca, undated
Reference: ► Table chart by Seun Ayoade, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, The Differences Between Germ Theory And Terrain Theory,
PDF, presented by JOJ Nurse Health Care, volume 4, issue 2, 19. September 2017


Written references:
► Article You Cannot Catch Bugs, Germs, Bacteria or Candida/Fungi, presented by the blogspot "Healing Naturally", Bee Wilder,
     3. April 2015
► Article Pleomorphism and Germ Theory Explained, presented by the publication Live Blood Online, 3. November 2017
► Article Meet the trillions of viruses that make up your virome, presented by the independent, non-profit, academic Australian media
     outlet The Conversation, 9. October 2018
► Article Germ Theory Versus Terrain: The Wrong Side Won the Day, presented by the publication Weston A. Price Foundation,
     Merinda Teller, Ph.D., 30. July 2019
► Blog article Dismantling The Viral Theory, presented Robert O. Young, DSc, Ph.D., US American naturopathic practitioner,
     issued 11. November 2019, updated 25. January 2020
► Article What is a virus? How do they spread? How do they make us sick?, presented by the independent, non-profit, academic
     Australian media outlet The Conversation, Lotti Tajouri, associate professor of biomedical sciences, Bond University, 13. March 2020
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Germ theory denialism
Literature by Ethel Douglas Hume, US American author
Pasteur Exposed. The False Foundations of Modern Medicine. Germs, Genes, Vaccines, 1923, C W Daniel, 2nd edition 1. June 1989
Bechamp or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the history of biology, 1923, A Distant Mirror, 11. November 2006
► Article Germ Theory Versus Terrain: The Wrong Side Won the Day', presented by the quarterly journal Wise Traditions in Food,
     Farming and the Healing Arts
of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Merinda Teller, MPH, Ph.D., 30. July 2019
► [*] Article The Deception of Virology & Vaccines — Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious, presented via Reddit, u/JGCS7,
     2. March 2020
Coronavirus is a respiratory virus manufactured by cells in the lungs and respiratory areas to cleanse themselves of systemic toxicity.
Media offering: ► Video presentation by vlogger Gabriel Ng, Exosome Theory VS Virus Theory | In Depth Explanation,
YouTube film, 10:10 minutes duration, posted 16. May 2020
Schriftliche Quellen (deutsch):
► Artikel Unterschied zwischen Bakterien und Viren, präsentiert von der lexikalischen Webseite blutwert.net, undatiert
► Artikel Echte Pandemien – inszenierte Pandemien?, präsentiert von der Publikation Naturstoff Medizin, 26. August 2020
Videoangebot (deutsch):
► Lehrvideo nach einem Aufsatz von Kristina Peter, Die Mikrobe ist nichts, das Milieu ist alles!, YouTube Film, 24:13 Minuten Dauer,
     eingestellt 11. Juni 2017
Siehe auch: ► Debatte um die spontane Lebensentstehung (1860-1880)




"There are no specific diseases, there are specific disease conditions."
Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) celebrated English nurse, statistician, writer, pioneer in nursing during the Crimean War

"The primary cause of disease is in us, always in us."
Pierre Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908) French scientist, physician, chemist, pharmacist, 1883

"If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat, diseased tissue – rather than being the cause of the diseased tissue. In other words, mosquitoes seek the stagnant water, but do not cause the pool to become stagnant."
Rudolf Virchow [Father of modern pathology] (1821-1902) German physician, cited in: Susan E. Cayleff, US American professor of women's studies, San Diego State University, writer, Nature's Path. A History of Naturopathic Healing in America, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1st edition 29. March 2016

Pasteur's work on immunity induced with serums and vaccines shows he recognized the importance of the soil. In any event, it is rather significant that Pasteur attached so much importance to this point that on his deathbed he said to Professor Louis Rénon who looked after him: 'Bernard avait raison. Le germe n'est rien, c'est le terrain qui est tout.' ("Bernard was right, the germ is nothing, the milieu [the environment within] is everything.")
Louis Pasteur [Father of microbiology] (1822-1895) French chemist, physician, microbiologist (on his deathbed), cited in: Hans Selye, M.D. (1907-1982) Hungarian-Austrian-Canadian pioneering endocrinologist, father of stress research, author, The Stress of Life, S. 301, 1956, McGraw-Hill Paperbacks, reissued 1976, 2nd paperback edition 1. March 1978

"[D]epending on its inner state, germs arose within the body itself that, in Rife’s opinion, were not the cause but the result of disease states."
Article by Christopher Bird, 150 Years of Suppression, presented by the Australian based bimonthly alternative news magazine Nexus, 1991

"The germ theory proposes you get rid of the flies, while it makes more sense to clean up the garbage attracting them."  Bill Nelson, developer of the QXCI machine


"The worrisome iatrogenic challenges posed by superbugs [viruses] and vaccine failure are bad enough. However, the Pasteur-influenced medical model also must accept a share of blame for the widespread disruption of the human microbiome that is such a standout feature of the modern ill-health picture. […] If the medical community were honest,
it would be forced to admit that the model of disease that catapulted Pasteur to fame has played itself out and is pushing us to disability and death."
Thomas Cowan, M.D., US American naturopath, author, Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness, S. 137, Chelsea Green Publishing, 3. September 2018

"It may be hard to fathom, but the human body is occupied by large collections of microorganisms, commonly referred to as our microbiome, that have evolved with us since the early days of man. Scientists have only recently begun to quantify the microbiome, and discovered it is inhabited by at least 38 trillion bacteria. More intriguing, perhaps, is that bacteria are not the most abundant microbes that live in and on our bodies. That award goes to viruses.
It has been estimated that there are over 380 trillion viruses inhabiting us, a community collectively known as the human virome. But these viruses are not the dangerous ones you commonly hear about."
Article Meet the trillions of viruses that make up your virome, presented by the independent, non-profit, academic Australian media outlet The Conversation, David Pride, M.D., Ph.D., US American associate director of microbiology, University of California San Diego, Chandrabali Ghose, Ph.D., visiting scientist, The Rockefeller University, 9. October 2018

"The embarrasing secret among virologists is that from 1933 until the present day, there have been NO experimental studies proving that influenza – either the virus or the disease – is ever transmitted from person to person by normal contact. […] All efforts to experimentally transmit it from person to person, even in the middle of the most deadly di-
sease epidemic the world has ever known, have failed."
Arthur Firstenberg (*1950) US American activist on the subject of electromagnetic radiation and health, author, The Invisible Rainbow, S. 93, Chelsea Green Publishing, reprint edition 9. April 2020

""Unfortunately, the decade is characterized by climbing death rates, caused by lung cancer, heart disease, traffic acci-
dents and the indirect consequences of alcoholism and drug addiction,"
wrote Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet (†1985), recipient of the Nobel Prize for Medicine, in his 1971 book Genes Dreams and Realities: "The real challenge of the pre-
sent day is to find remedies for these diseases of civilization. But nothing that comes out of the labs seems to be signi-
ficant in this context; laboratory research's contribution has practically come to an end. For someone who is well on the way to a career as a lab researcher in infectious disease and immunology, these are not comforting words."
To biome-
dical scientists and the readers of their papers, Burnet continued, it may be exciting to hold forth on "the detail of a
chemical structure from a phage's [viruses from simple organisms] RNA, or the production of antibody tests, which are typical of today's biological research. But modem fundamental research in medicine hardly has a direct significance to the prevention of disease or the improvement of medical precautions."
But mainstream medicine avoids this theory like the devil does holy water. Instead, one tries to demonstrate the pathogenicity (ability to cause disease) of these particles through experiments that could hardly be more arcane. For instance, test substrates were injected directly into the brains of lab animals. This was the procedure with BSE and polio, for example; and even the famous Louis Pasteur had ap-
plied this method in his rabies experiments, in which he injected diseased brain tissue into the heads of dogs (Pasteur became famous through these experiments, and only years after his death were these studies found to be pure put-on). The industry now says that "direct injections into the brain" are unrealistic, and thus ultimately provide no evidence of pathogenic effects. Why not suppose that a virus, or what we term a virus, is a symptom – i.e. a result – of a disease? Medical teaching is entrenched in Pasteur and Koch's picture of the enemy, and has neglected to pursue the thought that the body's cells could produce a virus on its own accord, for instance as a reaction to stress factors. The experts discovered this a long time ago, and speak of "endogenous viruses" – particles that form inside the body by the cells themselves."
Torsten Engelbrecht, German journalist, author, Claus Köhnlein, M.D., German physician, internist, author, Virus Mania. How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense, S. 45, Trafford
Publishing, 1st paperback edition 19. September 2007


See also: ► Bio milieu
Audio- und Videolinks – Stefan Lanka
Quotes by Andrew Kaufman
The history of the Western pharma cartel

Dismantling the virus theory – Stefan Lanka

  • Viruses which are claimed to be very dangerous – in fact do not exist at all. Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecu-
    lar biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author, cited in: Ramiel Nagel, Healing Our Children, S. 264, Golden Child Publishing, 2009


  • For viruses as the cause of illness there is really no place in biology. Only when I ignore the New Medici-
    from Dr. Hamer, according to which shock events are the cause of many diseases, when I ignore the knowledge of chemistry about the effects of poisoning and deficiency and if I persistently ignore know-
    ledge of physics about the effects of radiation, there is room for fancies like pathogenic viruses.


Life is symbiosis.

  • Biological structures, that produce something negative, have never existed. The foundation of all biologi-
    cal life is being together, is symbiosis, and there is no place for war and disturbance. War and distur-
    bance in biological life is an opinion of sick and criminal brains.


  • During my studies I have never found any evidence for the existence of viruses that make one sick [...]. Structures that have been characterized as viruses can be found in many types of bacteria and in simple, bacteria-like forms of life. [...] Very important, viruses are components of very simple organisms [...] and of many bacteria. In bacteria they are called phages. But in more complex organisms, especially human beings, or in animals and plants, none of the structures that have been called viruses have ever been observed. Unlike bacteria in our cells, the mitochondria [...] viruses can leave the cells because they are not needed for their survival. So viruses are components of cells that can leave the cells. They sup-
    port other cells, in that they transfer energy substances to them. Nothing else has ever been observed.
    The actual, scientifically proven viruses have a helping, supporting and not at all a disturbing function within the highly complex processes of the cell. Furthermore, in cases of illness one has never seen or isolated a structure in the sick organism or its body fluids that can be called a virus. The claim of the existence of any disease-causing virus is a transparent fraud, a fatal lie with dramatic consequences.


Interview with Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author, cited in: article Keine Panik – Die Wahrheit über Vogelgrippe, H5N1, Impfen und AIDS – Interview mit Dr. Stefan Lanka
[Don't Panic – The Truth About Bird Flu, H5N1, Vaccination and AIDS], presented by Vitalstoff Journal, 2005


  • Nobody could show any proof or any picture of an isolated HIV virus.  Minute 15:30
  • [Dr. Lanka went to the District Court of Dortmund Jan 16, 2001.]
    Dr. Ulrich Marcus, the press spokesman of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) informed me that the HIV virus cannot
    be isolated.
    "5  Minute 15:53
  • Lanka: "The photos of the alleged viruses are not showing an isolated virus but cells or cell particles."  Minute 26:29
    Video presentation by Caroline Markolin, Ph.D., Canadian-based Austrian literary scholar, lecturer on naturopathic NGM medicine, Virus Mania The Truth about Infectious Diseases Part 2, YouTube film, 50:12 minutes duration, posted 9. January 2018, reposted
    8. April 2020


Dr. Stefan Lanka
  • Science can be considered science only if its claims are verifiable, reproducible
    and if they allow predic-tions. Science also needs external control, because, as we
    will see, a part of the medical sciences has lost touch with reality for quite some
    time. Anyone who has knowledge of biology and the genesis of life, of the develop-
    ment and functions of the tissue, of the body and of the brain, will automatically
    question the assumptions about viruses.
    In the reality of the body and of its mechanisms, there is no place for hypothetical
    malignant processes. All biological processes, including those that can end in suf-
    fering, pain and death, are originally meant to be useful.
    A different approach to the virus phenomenon is possible and necessary: any lay-
    man with some back-ground knowledge reading scientific papers about pathogenic viruses can realize that such viruses do not exist and what is being described are only typical components and characteristics of cells.
    Article by Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author, Dismantling The Virus Theory.
    The "measles virus" as an example
    , PDF, presented by the German bimonthly magazine Wissenschafftplus, S. 39, June 2015


Inconsistencies of the conventional medical virus theory (clinical virology)

  • I refer to the review (88 pages) by Professor Karlheinz Lüdtke titled Zur Geschichte der frühen Virusfor-
    published by the Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte in 1999. In there Professor Lüdtke explained that clinical virology, i.e. the virology practiced by physicians, had disbanded itself around the years 1951 and 1952. At that time, a virus was actually defined as a toxin, as a disease poison, as an enzyme that does something, and so on. The same is claimed to be true for bacteria. Here we would have a tetanus toxin or a Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) toxin or a botulinus toxin. In reality, they are harmless enzymes. By means of control experiments it was discovered that the claim these were dangerous enzymes was based on a false assumption. Firstly, the enzymes were not dangerous, and se-
    condly, the proteins found in the enzymes were completely normal components of healthy cells. That is what medicine has figured out and published and thereupon dissolved itself. That was correct. Up until the years 1951/1952 there was no virology any longer. Professor Lüdtke stated very clearly that from 1953 onwards a dogma emerged according to which the hereditary substance, the nucleic acid in the cell nu-
    cleus, was the blueprint and functional plan of life. According to this dogma, viruses are practically dange-
    rous genetic material. A change had occurred. From now on the virus was no longer a poisonous body [Latin virus = venom], but dangerous genetic material. This was a new dogma. Young, unsuspecting che-
    mists who thought it was great, who didn't take the time to read, simply adopted this concept and thus founded a new virology, without realizing that the old one had been completely abandoned. So suddenly a new virology was created which is still in use today. It postulates that a virus is a very dangerous piece of genetic material that programs cells to die and multiplies by the billions. The very dangerous viruses would remain dormant for another 20 years and then multiply and dissolve the body. This is the new gene dogma upon which viruses are dangerous gene fragments that can be encased by proteins and a shell. This dog-
    ma is still upheld even though the gene dogma was abandoned in the 1990s because it was discovered that the nucleic acid changes so extensively and permanently that it cannot be a hereditary substance at all. Ivan Illich has shown that medicine, when it is forced to make a profit, cannot give up anything it once invented. Otherwise it would collapse. That is why it is not given up. There are careers attached to it.  Mintue 0:13


Changing paradigmsThe concept that mutated genes trigger disease is refuted.

  • Question: Some people in science know that there are no viruses and that the idea of dangerous heredi-
    tary material is not tenable either. What do we get sick from then? Many people believe that they get in-
    fected. And a lot of people also believe that they will get the diseases that their parents and siblings al-
    ready had. What is the answer to this question?  Minute 6:39
Answer: First of all, we have to be able to assume that the old ideas are wrong. I strongly advise you to deconstruct the old ideas yourself in order to make room in yourself for a new idea, for a deeper, better understanding. […]
Today, almost everything is explained genetically, the construction and function plan of human cells is crucial, and cell mutations lead to diseases. […]
The article Erbgut in Auflösung, presented by the weekly magazine Die Zeit, Ulrich Bahnsen, June 16, 2008 (online version November 6, 2008) definitely refutes the idea of genes as disease triggers. The artic-
le clearly shows that until now it has been believed that there is a gene sequence that we have studied, which of course comes from a white man, from the Nobel Prize winner James Watson (*1928), who ap-
parently discovered the structure of the genetic material (1953). And this sequence would have been spe-
cified. When changes occur, when there are diseases, we study the so-called gene sequence of a patient and find out that it has changed. And then you say that a mutation, a disease gene, has occured. This is exactly what this article refutes in black and white. That does away with the malformation that has been going on since Virchow. Rudolf Virchow (1831-1902) attributed everything to the cells, assigned absolute meaning to the cell information, namely that defects in the cells would produce diseases. When you under-
stand where the maldevelopment comes from, you begin to feel safe. It is a great feeling when this old burden, that the faults lie within oneself, is lifted off. That is original sin theology in action, the belief that
I inherited something from my parents, that I have bad genes and so on. It's a relief to learn that all this cannot be and to understand where it came from. Now you have already paid half the bill. The other half is to investigate what is actually the case. Here again the historical analysis is helpful, namely that Virchow stole information from an important scientist (Remak), claimed it as his own, i.e. plagiarized it, and simul-
taneously suppressed essential findings of this researcher. Today Remak's findings are the foundation of evolutionary biology. I like the term evolutionary biology (also in terms of individual development and hu-
man development) very much. Since about 1650 evolutionary biology, also known as embryology, has shown that all changes always remain in only one tissue layer, in one of four tissue layers from which all organs are being built. These tissue layers are also called cotyledons, indeed because the nucleus (germ) sprouts from them. Virchow's contemporary, Robert Remak (1815-1865), formulated this theory in detail, put it in its final form, and showed that first tissue is formed, then stem cells migrate, and only then do they differentiate. So it is the tissues that have priority and not the cells. Of course, Virchow suppressed this portion in order to popularize his cell theory of disease, which is now the basis of all medicine. And it was only in 1981 that Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer (1935-2017) reconnected to these findings, which had re-
mained untouched and unused for more than a century. What makes us sick, are the influences on tissue formation, tissue maintenance and tissue recycling, as it were, and again the very same influences are decisive in healing. Dr. Hamer began to rediscover this fact in 1981, and was then able to formulate this into a system of a scientific, i.e. verifiably comprehensible theory of health, illness and healing.
Minute 7:12


Deleted excerpted audio (video) radio interview with Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist,
vaccination critic, publisher, author, Ausschnitt Dr. Stefan Lanka: Viren entwirren [Dr. Lanka – Untangling Viruses], presented by the podcast of the Austrian Association for the Promotion of Regional and Alternative Cooperation
and Economic Methods Ent-Decke, host Marion Schumann, filmed in Langenargen, Lake Constance,
24. February 2017, YouTube film, 13:21 minutes duration, posted 8. Mai 2020


  • The discovery of phages, the so-called bacterial "viruses", reinforced the wrong assumption and the belief that there were human and animal viruses that looked the same and had the same structure. This is not and cannot be the case, for several different reasons. [...] It was only later discov-ered that merely the bacteria which had been high-ly inbred in the test tube could turn into phages themselves, by contact with phages, but this never applied to natural bacteria or bacteria which had just been isolated from their natu-
    ral environment. [...] Before it could be established that the "bacterial viruses" cannot kill natural bacteria, but they are instead helping them to live and that bacteria themselves emerge from such structures, these "phages" were already used as models for the alleged human and animal viruses. [...]
    The "bacteriophages", correctly defined as incomplete mini spores and building blocks of the bacteria, have been scientifically isolated, while the supposed pathogenic viruses have never been observed in humans or animals or in their body fluids and have never been isolated and subsequently biochemically analysed.


  • The density gradient centrifugation is the scientifically required standard technique for the demonstration of the existence of a virus. Despite the fact that this method is described in all microbiology manuals as
    the "virus isolation technique", it is never applied in experiments meant to demonstrate the existence of pathogenic viruses.
      1. Centrifuge tube with silicone beads gradient layered with a suspension of viruses and cellular particles.
      2. Centrifuge tube with "bands" of viruses and cellular particles after centrifugation.
      3. By extracting the viral band with a pipette, the virus is thus isolated and purified.


  • With his unscientific experiments and interpretations that he [ John Franklin Enders, born in 1897 in the family of a rich financier] had never confirmed through negative controls, Enders brought the entire "viral" infectious medicine to a dead end. Enders, like many infectious diseases specialists, worked for the U.S. military, which had always been and remains to date a huge victim of the fear of contagion. […]
    During his experiments, Enders et al. sterilised the tissue cultures in order to exclude the possibility of bacteria killing the cells. What he didn't take into consideration was that the sterilisation and the treatment of the cell culture when preparing it for the alleged infection was exactly what was killing the cells. Instead, he interpreted the cytopathic effects as the existence and the action of polio viruses, without ever having isolated a single virus and described its biochemistry. The necessary negative control experiments, which would have shown that the sterilisation and the treatment of the cells prior to the "infection" in the test tube was killing the cells, have never been performed. However, for this "performance" Enders received the Nobel prize in 1954.
    1954 is also the year in which Enders applied and introduced the same technique in order to allegedly replicate the measles virus. As he had been awarded the Nobel prize for the alleged polio virus the same year, all researchers believed his technique to be scientifically valid. Thus, to date, the entire concept of measles has been based upon this technique. Thus, the measles vaccines do not contain viruses, but particles of dead monkey kidney tissue or human cancer cells. […]
    Enders and his colleagues ignored their own reservations and cautions expressed in 1954, when they had observed and noted that many cells also died after being treated normally (i.e. without being "infected"), which they thought to have been caused by unknown viruses and factors. All these facts and cautions were subsequently disregarded.


  • In that experiment 6, Enders et al. cut down dramatically on the nutrient solution and added cell-destroying antibiotics to the cell culture before introducing the allegedly infected fluid. The subsequent dying of the cells was then misinterpreted as presence and also isolation of the measles virus. No control experiments were performed to exclude the possibility that it was the deprivation of nutrients as well as the antibiotics which led to the cytopathic effects. Enders' and his colleagues' blindness can be explained by the fact that he truly wanted to help people, while the virus hysteria was intensifying after the war and during the cold war. It can also be explained by the fact that Enders and many of his colleagues had no idea about medi-
    cine and they were competing with the Soviet Union for the development of the first measles vaccine.


  • The fifth publication [handed in by Dr. David Bardens in 2011] is a review describing the consensus pro-
    cess as to which nucleic acid molecules from the dead cells would represent the so-called genome of the measles virus. The result is that dozens of researchers teams work with short pieces of cell-specific mole-
    cules, after which – following a given model – they put all the pieces together on paper. However, this jig-
    saw puzzle made of so many pieces was never scientifically proven to exist as a whole and was never
    isolated from a virus, for a measles virus has never been seen, neither in humans nor in a test tube.
    Referring to this publication, the court-appointed expert stated that it described the gold standard, i.e. the entire virus genome. It is obvious that the expert did not read this paper, whose authors stated that the exact molecular composition and functions of the measles virus genome will have to be the object of further research, which is why they had to rely on other virus models in order to achieve a consensus on the structure and functions of the measles virus genome.


Article by Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author,
Dismantling The Virus Theory. The "measles virus" as an example, PDF,
presented by the German bimonthly magazine Wissenschafftplus, pp. 38-44, June 2015


The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) ruled in the measles virus process. The 1st Civil Senate of the BGH con-
firmed the judgment of the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court (OLG) of February 16, 2016. The € 100,000 that I
offered in 2011 for scientific proof of the existence of the alleged measles virus does not have to be paid to the
plaintiff. The latter was also ordered to pay all the costs.


Five experts contributed to the process and presented the results of scientific studies. All five experts, including Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Podbielski unanimously found that none of the six publications included in the process contain scientific evidence for the existence of the alleged measles virus.


Genetics disproves claims to existence
The results of investigations into the so-called genetic fingerprint of the alleged measles virus were brought into the process. Two recognized laboratories, including the world's largest and leading genetic institute, indepen-
dently came to exactly the same results. The results prove that the authors of the six publications on the measles virus process were wrong and as a direct result all measles virologists are still wrong: they have misinterpreted normal components of cells as components of the suspected measles virus.
Because of this mistake, in a decade-long consensus-building process, normal cell components were put together to form a model of a measles virus. An actual structure that corresponds to this model has so far not been found in either a human or an animal. With the results of the genetic studies, all claims of existence to the measles virus have been scientifically refuted.


The authors of the six publications and all other participants did not notice this mistake because they violated the fundamental scientific obligation, "lege artis", to work according to the internationally defined rules of science. They did not carry out any control experiments. Carrying out the control experiments would have protected au-
thors and humanity from this serious error. This error became the basis of the belief in the existence of all disea-
se-causing viruses.[1] The court-appointed expert Prof. Dr. Dr. Podbielski has explicitly confirmed on request of the trial court on page 7 of the protocol [2] that the authors did not carry out any control experiments.


On February 16, 2016, the OLG Stuttgart overturned the wrongful judgment of the first instance, dismissed the lawsuit and referred, among other things, to the central statement by Prof. Podbielski regarding the six publi-
cations. The plaintiff attempted to overturn the judgment of the OLG with a complaint to the BGH. He justified his subjective but factually incorrect perception of the procedure in Stuttgart and the claim that our naming of facts about measles is a threat to public health. The plaintiff's claims were clearly rejected by the BGH. The BGH has thus confirmed the judgment of the OLG Stuttgart of February 16, 2016[3].


The six publications presented in the process are the relevant publications on the "measles virus." Since there are demonstrably no other publications besides these six publications in which attempts have been made to prove the existence of the measles virus using scientific methods, this now has the highest judge's authority Judgment in the measles virus process and the results of the genetic studies.


All national and international statements on the suspected measles virus, the infectiousness of measles, the benefits and harmlessness of the measles vaccination have been deprived of scientific evidence and thus the legal basis.
Through inquiries triggered by the measles virus competition, the head of the National Reference Institute for Measles at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Prof. Dr. Annette Mankertz, admitted an important fact. This admis-
sion can explain the increased vaccination damage rate especially for measles vaccination and why and how this vaccination triggers autism.
Prof. Mankertz has admitted that the "measles virus" typically contains cell components (ribosomes, the protein factories of the cells). Since the measles vaccination consists of "whole measles viruses", this vaccine contains cell-specific structures. This explains why measles vaccination triggers more frequent and stronger allergies and autoimmune reactions than other vaccinations. The court appraiser Prof. Podbielski stated several times that the RKI's claim that ribosomes in the measles virus were wrong, has refuted the existence claims of a measles virus.


During the proceedings it was also recorded that the highest German scientific authority in the field of infec-
tiology, the RKI, failed to prepare and publish studies against the alleged measles virus, contrary to its legal mandate in § 4 Infection Protection Act (IfSG). The RKI claims that it has carried out internal investigations into the measles virus, but refuses to hand over or publish the results.


Newsletter by Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author,
Der Bundesgerichtshof hat entschieden: Wir haben den Masern-Virus-Prozess endgültig gewonnen!,
presented by the German bimonthly magazine Wissenschafftplus, 2016


  • Contrary to what most people believe, there are no pathogenic viruses. The claims about the existence of viruses and viral diseases are based on historic misinterpretations and not, as I thought in the past – on fraud or deliberate deception. We now have new, better, and in a positive sense "scientific" discoveries and explanations for the origins, therapy and prevention of not just "viral" diseases.
    The phenomenon of simultaneous or subsequent appearance of symptoms in different persons, which has been until now interpreted as contagion and was believed to be caused by the transmission of pathogens, is now also easy to understand through new discoveries. Thus, we now have a new view of life (which in reality is an old view) and of the cosmological integration of biological processes.
    The "new", rather re-discovered perspective could only originate outside of the official "science"; one of the reasons for this is that the people involved in scientific institutions do not fulfill their first and most important scientific duty – to permanently doubt and double-check every theory. Otherwise, they would have already discovered that the misinterpretation had been taking place for a long time already and had become a dogma only extremely unscientific activities in the years 1858, 1953 and 1954.
    The transition to a new explanation of health, disease and healing will only succeed because all the con-
    cerned therapists and scientists can save face with it. From history and the new perspective on biology and life, we now also have explanations for the emotions, the ignorance of all kinds of human behavior. This the second optimistic message. Coming out of a dead end and forgiving the errors of the past can take place even more effectively, the more one understands what happened and learns for the future.


Article by Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author,
The Virus Misconception, 12 pages, PDF, presented by the German bimonthly magazine Wissenschafftplus, excerpted from issue 1, 2020
; Alternatively: Article The Misconception Called Virus, presented by
the online publication Global Research, Makia Freeman, 24. July 2020


  • [Paraphrased] In the living(!) organism there are no viruses or bacteria that cause illness, but only the normal flu or pneumonia, which are necessary special programs of the body aiming at accelerated detoxification.
    There are no disease-causing viruses(!) inside the organism. Bacteria do exist in the human body where they per-
    form meaningful tasks in the human body. Video presentation with English subtitles Dr. Stefan Lanka – Pandemie-Theater
    [Dr Stefan Lanka – Pandemic Madness the Repotage 2020], presented by klein klein Media, recorded 2009, Gloria.tv film, 1:37:49 duration, posted on YT 19. February 2016, reposted 16. March 2020



On the Greek history of the virus theory

  • In the 19th century, when it was possible to detect smallest amounts of toxins, it was found that in no illness toxins can be detected. In none, until today. And the theory proved itself as wrong. But the entire thinking was based on it, which meant to give mercury compounds preemptively. [...] The idea of epidemics appearing also emerged in history, again from Ancient Greece. It was claimed that the illness demon would possess and defile a person. From this the Greek word "miasma" [defilement] is derived. Defilement, one is tarnished by the illness demon and one can transmit the disease to others.
    The disease demon infects me, reproduces within me, and can be passed on to others where disease causing toxins would be produced. Video presentation (excerpt) with English subtitles by Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author, Dr Stefan Lanka Pandemic Theater History of the Infection Theory Part 1, recorded 2009, trans-
    lated 2020, YouTube film, minute 9:09, 42:14 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2020



Pictures of isolated viruses are fraudulent.

  • Here, no isolated virus is shown. What is shown is a thin section through a lympho-
    cyte, which is simply claimed to produce viruses. That's a bold lie, because all lymphocytes look like this. Every human lymphocyte looks the same when you cut through it.
    Isolated photos as evidence have no scientific value whatsoever, because the whole explanation of what has been done
    in detail is not being availed. In a scientific documentation every step of the procedure has to be described. Of course,
    on an isolated photo on the internet, this documentation is missing. Given you are sent a photo as evidence outside of
    the corresponding scientific publication, that in itself is proof of fraudulent intent. Deleted video presentation (excerpt) with English subtitles by Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author, Dr. Stefan Lanka: Pandemics caused by viruses are fraud!, presented by klein klein Media, recorded 2009, translated 2020, YouTube film, minute 2:44, 9:51 minutes duration, posted 28. February 2020


  • Question: Why are people so willing to believe in the virus?
    Answer: People are so willing to believe in the virus is because people are lazy. And there's a tendency to be lazy when you have easy explanations for everything. Of course, it's not that easy. We have to go back more than hundred years in science, and you are well aware that people try to explain every illness by the activity of bacteria. Read their literature and you see how they cheated. Read Geison's book on Pasteur (1995) and you see the fundamental flaws, only with one, two, three illnesses he could prove that bacteria have a role in illness. At least it's there. [...]
    They are always in search to find easy explanations for complex illnesses. Video presentation (excerpt) by Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author, Stefan Lanka Interview – Why HIV has never been isolated – Part 1 of 2, recorded in the 1980s, YouTube film, minute 9:06, 10:31 minutes duration, posted 8. April 2020


Influenza from CDC showing these as the H1N1 virus
  • Virologist Lanka therefore concludes that the pictures the CDC is showing are liposomes from dead cell cultures that have been reduced, and then centrifuged with a solvent. In addition he feels that US attempts that sup-
    posedly wrested a virus from cadaver specimens were contrived and de-
    ceptive. Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author, cited in: Article by Dr. Lawrence Broxmeyer, M.D., US American physician, New York Institute of Medical Research, New York, The Great Influenza Pandemic: What Really Happened in 1918?, presented by the open access online publishing Scientia Ricerca, 7. November 2017


  • I realized that the whole group of viruses to which HIV is said to belong, the retroviruses, in fact do not exist at all. Interview with Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author, presented by Zenger's Magazine, San Diego, California, December 1998



Antibody tests are meaningless.

  • I'm absolutely sure that no antibody test in medicine has any absolute meaning. Especially in HIV antibody testing, it is clear that the antibodies that are detected in the test are present in everybody. Some people have them in higher concentrations, and some in lower concentrations, but only when you reach a very high level of antibodies – much higher than in any other antibody testing – are you considered to be 'positive.' This is a contradiction in terms because in other antibody tests, the lower your level of anti-
    bodies, the higher your risk for a symptomatic infection. But with HIV they say you are 'positive' only when you have reached a very high level of antibodies. Below this level, you are said to be negative. Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author, cited in: Trung Nguyen, Naturalopy. Precept 4 Health, S. 91, 2015


Written sources (English/German) featuring Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author
► Article, translated by Jürgen Faas, Dr Stefan Lanka Debunks Pictures of “Isolated Viruses”, December 2001, updated 2. March 2002
     Alternative source: Dr. Stefan Lanka Exposes The "Viral Fraud". Pictures of "Isolated Viruses" Debunked
► Thesis, Virology: State of the Art PDF available, November 2015
► Article Anti-Vaxxer Biologist Stefan Lanka Bets Over $100K Measles Isn’t A Virus; He Wins In German Federal Supreme Court, hqanon,
     21. January 2017
► Article Biologist Proves Measles Isn’t A Virus, Wins Supreme Court Case Against Doctor, presented by the publication Natural News,
     Dave Mihalovic, 27. January 2017
► Artikel Go Virus Go. Der Bundesgerichtshof lässt den Glauben an die Viren untergehen. [Go Virus Go. The Federal Supreme Court
     lets the belief in the viruses perish.], presented by the bimonthly magazine Wissenschafftplus, February 2017
► Excerpt Measles Virus put to the test. Dr. Stefan Lanka wins in court..., PDF, presented by Learning GNM, 2017
► Article by Dr. Lawrence Broxmeyer, M.D., New York Institute of Medical Research, New York, The Great Influenza Pandemic:
     What Really Happened in 1918?
, presented by Scienciaricerca, 7. November 2017
► Transcript Dr. Stefan Lanka: The history of the infection theory. (English transcript), presentend by the blogspot abruptearthchanges,
     Sacha Dobler, 17. November 2017
► Article by Dr. Stefan Lanka, Misinterpretation of virus. Beginning and end of the corona crisis, translated via truthseeker.se,
     presented by the German bimonthly magazine Wissenschafftplus, issue 2/2020 June 2020
Media offerings featuring Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author
► Video snippets Dr Stefan Lanka Snippets, recorded in the 1980s, YouTube film, 22:35 minutes duration, posted 8. April 2020
► 2-part video interview, presented by Immunity Resource Foundation archive, host Huw Christie, London, 1996, YouTube film, posted
     26. February 2013
     ⚑ Stefan Lanka Interview – Why HIV has never been isolated – Part 1 of 2, 10:31 minutes duration
     ⚑ Stefan Lanka Interview – Why HIV has never been isolated – Part 2 of 2, 9:12 minutes duration
     ⚑ Combined cutting with sound enhanced quality Dr Stefan Lanka Why HIV Has Never Been Isolated, YouTube film,
     19:49 minutes duration, posted 8. April 2020
► Video interview via machine voice, INTERVIEW STEFAN LANKA. Challenging BOTH Mainstream and Alternative AIDS Views,
     hosted by Zenger's magazine, San Diego, California, December 1998, YouTube film, posted 17. February 2010
     ⚑ 1998-12 Zenger's interview with Stefan Lanka (1/5), 9:17 minutes duration
     ⚑ 1998-12 Zenger's interview with Stefan Lanka (2/5), 9:19 minutes duration
     ⚑ See more machine voiced videos on Zenger's channel
► Video documentary excerpt Dr. Stefan Lanka (Snippets) "hiv aids = death?", extracted from Gary Null's 2003 documentary; snippets from
     Deconstructing The Myth of AIDS [2:10:02 duration], Dailymotion film, 22:36 minutes duration, 8. May 2010
► Deleted video presentation with English subtitles Dr Stefan Lanka – Pandemie Wahnsinn die Repotage 2020 [Dr Stefan Lanka –
     Pandemic Madness the Repotage 2020], presented by klein klein Media, recorded 2009, translated 2020, YouTube film,
     1:30:50 duration, posted 31. March 2020
     ⚑ Deleted excerpt Dr. Stefan Lanka: Pandemics caused by viruses are fraud!, YouTube film, 9:51 minutes duration, posted 28. February 2020
     ⚑ Excerpt Dr Stefan Lanka Pandemic Theater History of the Infection Theory Part 1, 42:14 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2020
► Dubbed video interview Virologist Says Measles Virus Doesn't Exist – Offers 100K Reward For Anyone With Actual Evidence,
     presented by the local German TV station Regio TV, recorded 10. April 2014, YouTube film, 10:54 minutes duration, posted 5. March 2017
► Audio interview Infectious Myth – Stefan Lanka – There are no Viruses – 04.12.16, presented by the Podbean podcast The Infectious
, host David Crowe, 59:55 minutes duration, aired 12. April 2016
► Video interview Dr Stefan Lanka Measles Virus On Trial, YouTube film, 6:17 minutes duration, posted 6. April 2020
Five-year "measles virus trial" – Higher Regional Court in Stuttgart, 16. February 2016
► Removed audio interview 'Dr Stefan Lanka': Myth of Germ Theory, interviewed by Gary Null PhD, presented by the US American leftist, liberal
     or progressive Progressive Radio Network PRN.FM, program Gary Null Show, host Gary Null (*1945) US American talk radio host
     author on alternative and complementary medicine and nutrition, YouTube film, 1:0525 duration, posted 21. July 20207
► Video interview with Discussion with Stefan Lanka, presented and hosted by Tom Cowan, M.D., US American naturopath, author,
     YouTube film, 1:05:53 duration, posted 25. March 2021


Referential writings referencing Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author
► Article by Dr. Harald Walach (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author, What is a "scientific fact"?
     A small case study: "the measles trial"
, presented by Feli Popescu, 22. January 2016
► Blog article by John Blaid, The existence of ANY "virus", presented via steemit, 17. March 2020
► Article by Stefan Wolf, The infection paradigm, English translation availed by Björn Eybl, Corona psychosis. Are you affected by it too?,
     presented by gaia-energy.org, 8. April 2020
Referential audios and videos referencing Dr. Stefan Lanka
► Blog Talk radio interview with Dr. Amandha Dawn Vollmer, Canadian naturopath, SCIENTISM: The Cult of Vaccines ~ Amandha
     Vollmer, BSc, Nature Doctor ~ Host Elkordy
, presented by the "The Mary and Sallie Show", program "SCIENTISM, The Cult of Vaccines",
     host Elkordy, aired 26. October 2017, odysee film, 1:58:54 duration, posted 27. October 2017
The biased cult doctrine of allopathic scientism has infected the medical schools, the corporations and the public at large.
► Video presentation by Caroline Markolin, Ph.D., Canadian-based Austrian literary scholar, lecturer on naturopathic NGM medicine,
     Virus Mania The Truth about Infectious Diseases Part 2, YouTube film, 50:12 minutes duration, posted 9. January 2018, reposted
     8. April 2020
In-depth analysis of the standard “Virus”-theory in the context of German New Medicine (GNM).
First reference to Dr. Stefan Lanka at minute 8:17

► Video presentation by Dr. Amandha Dawn Vollmer, Canadian naturopath, Measles is Not A Virus {} The Myth of Contagion,
     Yummy Doctor, 1:30:49 duration, 31. March 2019
References to Dr. Stefan Lanka minute codes: 10:06, 35:46 37:30, 45:14, and 85:59
Recommended documentary by Dr. Lanka
► Teaser trailer On the Back of a Tiger. Official Trailer, Vimeo film, 2:03 minutes duration, posted 14. September 2018
A group of maverick scientists unravel the fatal flaws in the existing scientific and medical establishments, revealing how they've led to failures in treating the most devastating diseases. A paradigm shift in conventional science will ultimately lead to a better understanding of disease, aging, and nutrition.
See also: ► Bio milieu and ► Quotes by Andrew Kaufman
Siehe auch: ► Audio- und Videolinks – Stefan Lanka

Fearmongering with fabricated "pandemics"

Incomplete list of natural and engineered flus and viruses
DateVirus / FluPatent holderDeath toll
14th century
Black Death
Great Bubonic Plague
  50 million Europeans (= 30-60%) died
75-200 million Eurasians died
Roughly 1/5th of the world's population died.
1820-1824Cholera  ~30,000 died [in Bangkok]
1918-1920Spanish flu9 The Spanish flu started among US soldiers who had undergone compulsory vaccination. 50-100 million died [♦]
1950sTuberculosis in Europe 70,000
1957Asian fluInfluenza A virus subtype H2N2 ~2 million died
1968Hong Kong flu1968 flu pandemic
H3N2 strain
< 1 million died
Early·1980sHIV/AIDSUS-Patent 5676977 770,000 died [status 2018]10
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) US-Patent 0070031450 A1180,000 cattle
4.4 million cows were culled
156 people died
2002West Nile virus 2,000 died
2003Sars virusUS-Patent 7897744
US-Patent 8506968
8,000+ infected
774 died
2004-2007Avian influenza
(Bird flu) H7N9
  916 lab-confirmed human cases [2013-2017]
2009-2010Swine fluH1N1 virus
2009 flu pandemic
US-Patent CA2741523 A1
US-Patent 8835624
Falsely, the WHO projected via computer simulations 150 million deaths.
18,000 people died [WHO data]
11,690 flu-related deaths in the U.S.
203.000 died·[Intl.·research·team]11
2012Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)  2,000 infected
600 died
Ebola virus (Zaire)US-Patent 20120251502 28,646 suspected cases
11,323 confirmed deaths
2015-2016Zika virusUS-Patent ATTC VR-84
(Rockefeller Foundation)
5,000 infected
0 hospitalized, 0 died
2019-2020Wuhan coronavirus12
2019–20 coronavirus pandemic
US-Patent 10130701B213
EP3172319B1 (European patent)
Anagram: Carnivorous
361 died. [Jan/Feb 2020]
WHO estimates:
2-4 die with confirmed Covid-19.
Bendavid/Bhattacharya: "The real fatality rate could in fact be closer to
Annual death rateStarvation
Metabolic acidosis
12.5% of the world population are chronically undernourished.
NOTE: As a result of the Covid-19 lockdown measurements the number of people facing acute food insecurity (IPC/CH 3 or worse) stands to rise from
130 million (2019) to 265 million in 2020.
24,000 deaths daily
720,000 deaths monthly
9 million deaths annually16
Annual death rateAir pollutionPreventable deaths 9 million worldwide17
800.000 Europeans
Annual death rateInfluenzaOrdinary commoner garden flu
[U.S. data] 9.3-49 million infected every year
[2018: worst flu season in ~40 years] 80,000 died18
250,000-650,000 [WHO data]
45 million infected [U.S. CDC data]
25,100 Germans died [2017/2018]
60,000 more German were hospitalized
Up to 2020Vaccination 650,000 officially injured
[USA only]
Up to 2020IatrogenesisMedical errors are the 3rd leading death cause. 250,000-440,000
[USA only]19

   • 150.000 humans die of anything (mostly old age / failing immune system),
   •  26,283 humans die of cancer,
   •  25,000-24,000 die of starvation,
   •  24,641 die of heart disease,
   •  15,000 die of the side effects from smoking,
   •    4,300 die of diabetes,
   •    3,024 commit suicide,
   •    2,740 are killed by mosquitos,
   •   1,800 die of the common flu,
   •   1.500 die of contaminated drinking water,
   •   1,300 are killed by homicide,
   •      250 worldwide die WITH the Coronavirus flu [status Mid March 2020],
   •      137 die from snake bites,
   •      108 Covid-19 infected Chinese die WITH the Coronavirus flu [status February 10th, 2020]

NOTE: Annual deaths in the United States of America
   • 650,000 die from heart disease.
   • 600,000 die from cancer.
   • 250,000 die from medical errors.
   • 160,000 die from respiratory diseases.
   • 150,000 die from strokes.
   • 120,000 die from Alzheimer's.
   •   83,000 die from diabetes.
   •   55,000 die from flu and pneumonia.
   •   50,000 die from liver disease.
12,00-61,000 American die from seasonal flu and flu-related diseases, 18,000 wordwide, 17,000 in England [status 2014-2919]
Bild | Wuhan coronavirus compared to other major viruses, Science Alert, February 2020
Grippe | Flu statistics in the UK, March 2020
History of Pandemics

Faked swine flu pandemic
"The WHO, in cooperation with some big pharmaceutical companies and their scientists, re-defined pandemics and lowered the alarm-threshold. Those new standards forced politicians in most states to react immediately and sign marketing commitments for additional and new vaccines against the "swine-flu" and spend billions of dollars to catch up."
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg; see source below [*]
As the chief of health in the Council of Europe (PACE) German pulmologist and epidemiologist Wolfgang Wodarg, M.D. challenged the WHO's decision to declare a swine flu pandemic.20 Furthermore, Wodarg accused the makers of H1N1 vaccines [Cochrane team, Roche, Novartis, ClaxoSmithKline] of unduly influencing the WHO and fraud. 95 governments bought and stockpiled the widely propagandized "antidote" Tamiflu which turned out useless, harmful, and an expensive waste of taxpayer's money.


The Covid-19 hoax21
"The corona hype is not based on any extraordinary public health danger. This viral fake, however, causes considerable damage to personal freedom and rights through frivolous and unjustified quarantine measures and restrictions. The images in the media are frightening and the traffic in China's cities seemed to be regulated by the clinical thermometer. Evidence-based epidemiological assessment is drowning in the mainstream of fear mongers in labs, media, and ministries."
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, website wodarg.com; see source below [**]


"A bad flu season is 80,000 dead. We've got about 18,000 dead from influenza this year; we have 100 from corona. What I have a problem with is the panic and the fact that businesses are getting destroyed and people’s lives are being upended.
Not by the virus, but by the panic."
Drew Pinsky, M.D. (*1958) US American internist, addiction medicine specialist, assistant clinical professor, Keck USC School of Medicine, radio and television personality, author, cited in: article Dr. Drew says press should be 'held accountable' for coronavirus panic: 'They are hurting people', presented by the US American newspaper Illinois Review, 16. March 2020


Death rates for Germany: March 2016-2021
  In March 2021, a total of 81,359 Germans died.
  In March 2020, a total of 87,516 Germans died.
  In March 2019, a total of 86,739 Germans died.
  In March 2018, a total of 107,104 Germans died.
  In March 2017, a total of 82,934 Germans died.
  In March 2016, a total of 83,668 Germans died.
Source: ► Data provided by the German Federal Statistical Office
Press release Nr. 185, Sterbefallzahlen im März 2021: 11% unter dem Durchschnitt der Vorjahre
[Death rates in March 2021: 11% below the average of previous years], 13. April 2021


Reference: en.Wikipedia entry List of epidemics
Written references:
► Article by Milton J. Rosenau, M.D. (1869-1948) US American professor of medicine, public health official, Experiments To Determine
     Mode Of Spread Of Influenza
, presented by the peer-reviewed medical journal The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA),
     volume 73, issue 5, 2. August 1919
► Article 10 deadliest infectious disease outbreaks in history that predate COVID-19, presented by the publication Daily Sabah,
     10. March 2020
► Article Wuhan Coronavirus Death Rate Far Lower than Thought, with 1.4 Percent Mortality from COVID-19, presented by the
     US American weekly news magazine Newsweek, Hannah Osborne, 19. March 2020
► Article 12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic, presented by the publication Off Guardian, 24. March 2020
► Article The Things You CANNOT Say About Coronavirus, presented by the publication Off Guardian, James Corbett, 3. April 2020
1. We have met the enemy ... and it is our neighbors.
2. Doctors are the new soldiers.
3. I do not trust a single one of the numbers being reported about this outbreak.
4. The death of a 91 year-old is a family tragedy, not an event of international concern.
5. The idea that disease and death are unnatural or avoidable is anti-human.
YouTube video offerings
[♦] Spanish Flu did not kill 50.000.000. Vaccines did, 3:09 minutes duration, posted 30. April 2017
[♦] 1918 Spanish Flu historical documentary | Swine Flu Pandemic | Deadly plague of 1918, 40:01 minutes duration, posted 2. October 2018
[♦] Spanish Flu: a warning from history, 11:02 minuted duration, posted 30. November 2018
YouTube video offerings featuring Wolfgang Wodarg, M.D. wodarg.com (*1947) German pulmonologist, former health politician and head of health at the Council of Europe, member of Transparency International Germany
[*] Drug firms made 'false H1N1 claims', 2:52 minutes duration, posted 11. January 2010
[**] Stunning insights into the Corona-panic by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Facebook video 10:50 minutes duration, posted 20. March 2020
YouTube video offerings featuring Vernon Coleman, M.D. vernon.com (*1946) British former general practitioner
Dr Vernon Coleman explains the hidden agenda behind the coronavirus hysteria, Dailymotion film, 11:06 minutes duration, posted 17. March 2020
Coronavirus scare – the hoax of the century?, Bitchute film, 11:45 minutes duration, recorded March 2020, posted 5. February 2021
Dr Vernon Coleman explains the hidden agenda behind the coronavirus hysteria, YouTube film, minutes duration, posted 19. March 2020
Deutsche Medienangebote:
► Video Fernsehinterview mit Dr. Gerd Reuther (*1959) deutscher Facharzt für Radiologie, Universitätsdozent, Bestsellerautor, Die
     Wahrheit über Pandemien: Welche Einschränkung kommen noch auf Dich zu? Ein Arzt spricht Klartext
, präsentiert von dem deutschen
     Web-Fernsehsender Welt im Wandel TV, Gastgeber Robert Fleischer, deutscher Geschäftsführer von Exopolitics Deutschland,
     Übersetzer, Journalist, 40:32 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt Anfang August 2020

Sainted and enlightened luminaries died from terminal illnesses.

༺༻Avatar / Wise one / SaintCause of death
1.Buddha [LoC 1000] (563-483 BC) Indian Avatar, teacher of enlightenment, central figure of BuddhismBuddha died from food poisoning [tainted meat] in his final meal.
2.Sri Ramana Maharshi [LoC 720] (1879-1950) Indian Hindu sage and saintRamana died of cancer of the stomach.
3.Shunryu Suzuki Roshi [Works LoC 565] (1904-1971) Japanese US American Sōtō Zen masterSuzuki Roshi died of cancer of the liver.
4.Bernadette Soubirous (1844-1879) French Catholic saint, miller's daughter, who had 18 reported apparitions of Mother Mary in Lourdes in 1858Saint Bernadette died of bone cancer in the right knee due to a disseminated tuberculosis at age 35.
5.Jiddu Krishnamurti [LoC 525⇒175] (1895-1986) Indian spiritual teacher, declined member of the Theosophical Society, philosopher, authorKrishnamurti died of cancer of the pancreas.
6.Rangjung Rigpe Dorje [LoC 630] (1924-1981) 16th Tibetan Karmapa LamaRangjung Rigpe Dorje died of cancer.

BW-Werte: Krankheit / Disease

Index: Krankheit / Disease – Bücher von D. Hawkins

Englische Werke

  • Office Series – Farmingdale, New York, Seminar Giving Up Illness through A Course in Miracles, sponsored by "The Bridgebuilders", host Saul Steinberg, first publisher of ACIM, host Dan McGrew, 3 CD set, 11. June 1983
    4-part transcripts deleted, presented by the courseinmiraclesforum.com

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins


Links zum Thema Krankheit und Problemlösung / Disease and problem solving


Nonnenstudie, Längsschnittstudie über das Altern und die Faktoren der Alzheimer-Krankheit bei Frauen in den Vereinigten Staaten

Die Systemmedien und die Faktenchecker ignorieren konsequent die Veröffentlichung von Wodargs Bestseller.

Literature (engl.)

Free PDF of Virus Mania, 316 pages, published in English in 2007

HIGHLY overdiagnosed, Saul calls ADHD "neurochemical distractability/impulsivity."

Externe Weblinks

Heilung im Hinblick auf den natürlichen Energiefluss und dessen Blockade

Dr. John Virapen [John Rengen] (1943-2015) indischer ehemaliger Manager der Pharmakonzerne Eli Lilly (1980-1988), Novo Nordisk, Whistleblower, Enthüllungsautor, Nebenwirkung Tod. Korruption in der Pharma-Industrie. Ein Ex-Manager packt aus, Neuer Europa Verlag,
1. August 2008

Bis zu 145.000 US-amerikanische Kinder wurden durch Mehrfachimpfstoffe in den letzten 20 Jahren getötet.

Eine US-amerikanische Studie am Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, präsentiert von der medizinischen monatlich erscheinenden Fachzeitschrift Nature Medicine, August 2012, belegte, dass Chemotherapie bei Behandelten den Tod durch Krebs herbeiführen kann.

Eine Menge gesundheitlicher Probleme sind mit Fluorid verbunden sind. Siehe Liste der Krankheiten (engl.), die in Verbindung mit Fluorid stehen: holisticmed.com/fluoride
Kritische Weblinks

  • Artikel Krebs durch Mikrowellen, präsentiert von der Publikation Netzwerk Grünkraft, Alfredo Dumitrescu, 12. Januar 2015

Gerichte aus Mikrowellenöfen gefährden die menschliche Gesundheit, indem sie die natürlichen Reparaturmechanismen von Zellen zerstören.

[Irrtümlich wird gelehrt] eine Zelle entarte in eine Tumorzelle, wenn Suppressorgene deaktiviert und Krebsgene aktiviert werden. Dies führt dann zu unkontrolliertem Zellwachstum, Angiogenese, Versagen von Apoptose und Metastasierung.
Normale Körperzellen gewinnen ihre Energie, indem die Mitochondrien der Zelle Nährstoffe wie Kohlenhydrate und Fette mit Sauerstoff verbrennen. Tumorzellen haben diese Fähigkeit verloren und können ihre Energie nur noch durch Glycolyse und Gärung erzeugen.

Linklose Artikel

Aus einer US-Studie, veröffentlicht in internationalen Publikation "Human & Experimental Toxicology" geht hervor, dass alleine in den Vereinigten Staaten in den letzten 20 Jahren durch die gängige Impfpraxis ~145'000 Kinder verstorben sind.

  • Artikel Der Mythos der Chemotherapie erschüttert: Giftige Medikamente verursachen mehr Krebs als sie verhüten, ursprünglich präsentiert von der deutschen Netzzeitung Kopp Report, Ethan A. Huff, 23. März 2014
  • Wordpress Blogartikel Pharmaindustrie geschockt – Studie belegt: Ungeimpfte Kinder sind signifikant weniger krank, präsentiert
    von Aegis, ~Mai 2017

Laut der bahnbrechenden Studie der Jackson-State-University in den Vereinigten Staaten (mit mehr als 600 "Homeschooler"-Probanden im Alter
von 6 bis 12 Jahren) haben nicht geimpfte Kinder deutlich weniger Gesundheitsprobleme, als diejenigen, die geimpft wurden.

External web links (engl.)

There are so many murder/suicides linked to Prozac and other SSRI drugs that the public would be absolutely shocked to learn the true details
of how many people have been killed by these drugs.

Swedish scientists have created a nanoparticle capable of delivering non-toxic cancer-treatment drugs directly to tumors in the body which are both biodegradable and traceable using MRI machines.

In 1901 Monsanto Company, termed "the most evil company", was founded by John Francis Queeny (1859-1933), a thirty year pharmaceutical veteran and a member of the Knights of Malta.

Cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease. The cholesterol theory led to the no-fat, low-fat recommendations that in turn created the very foods now causing an epidemic of inflammation, arterial inflammation leading to heart disease and other silent killers.

Linkless articles

  • Article CFR: Unvaccinated are Healthier than Vaccinated Populations, presented by the "Office of Medical and Scientific Justice (OMJ)", 30. March 2014

The CFR map published in March 2014 shows that the highest disease outbreaks in the most-vaccinated populations.

  • Article Xanax, Valium are Ineffective and Increase Dementia Risk, presented by The Science Explorer, Kelly Tatera, 15. October 2015
  • Article featuring Otto Warburg (1883-1970) German physiologist, medical doctor, son of physicist Emil Warburg, Nobel laureate
    in medicine (cancer discovery), 1931, The ROOT CAUSE of CANCER-Nobel Prize Winner, presented by the publication purefriend-
    ly.co.uk, 29. September 2016

Audio- und Videolinks

Die Forscher Lorscheider, Leong, Syed der medizinischen Fakultät der kanadischen Universität von Calgary wiesen nach, dass quecksilberhaltige Impfstoffe das Gehirn (eines Säuglings) schädigen.

Die Pharma-Psychiatrie begann mit der Beteiligung des Chemie-Pharma-Konzerns IG-Farben im Dritten Reich (Menschenversuche in Auschwitz, 220.000 Morde, 400.000 Zwangssterilisierungen, Nürnberger Kriegsverbrechertribunal). Krieg (Faschismus) und Krankheit (Pharmazie) sind die lukrativsten Profitquellen der westlichen Hochfinanz. Rockefeller finanzierte das Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut im Dritten Reich. Psychische Störungen, wie ausgeschrieben im DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual), dem Handbuch der Psychiatrie der APA, des amerikanischen Fachverbands für Psychologie, sind nicht messbar, Diagnosen medizinisch nicht zu belegen.
Siehe: profit-over-life.org

Die beste Art des Lernens für Kinder anhand der Beziehungsforschung von Prof. Dr. Gordon Neufeld

Medizinphilosophischer Streit: Pathogenese ⇔ Salutogenese



Linklose Medienangebote

  • Videovortrag von Dr. Matthias Rath (*1955) umstrittener deutscher Arzt, Alternativmediziner, Vitamin-Unternehmer, Begründer der Zellularmedizin, Gründer des Dr. Rath Forschungsinstituts, Krebs: Wehrt Euch gegen schulmedizinische Krebsbehandlung / Wehrt Euch gegen die PharmaMafia, YouTube Film, 1:45:27 Dauer, eingestellt 14. Dezember 2011

Botschaft des Buchs Krebs – Das Ende einer Volkskrankheit: Zellvergiftung und -zerstörung durch Chemotherapie und Bestrahlung wird abgelöst von Zellregulation., 1 Januar 2011
Milieumedizin und die Folgen von Geoengineering

  • Videovortrag von Dr. med. Dietrich Klinghardt (*1950) deutscher Arzt, Erfinder von kinesiologisch-medizinischen Verfahren, Gründer der Klinghardt Academy, Vereinigte Staaten, Dr. med. Dietrich Klinghardt – Autismus, Umweltbelastungen und Entgiftung @ SPIRIT OF HEALTH 2014, veranstaltet von Spirit Of Health 2014 – Kongress für alternative Heilmethoden, 26. April 2014,
    YouTube Film, 1:04:20 Dauer, eingestellt 5. April 2015
  • Videointerview mit Vera Wagner, deutsche psychologische Beraterin, Moderatorin, Redakteurin, Autorin, Wenn das die Patien-
    ten wüssten: Im Gespräch mit Vera Wagner
    , präsentiert von dem YouTube-Infokanal "Charles Fleischhauer – Geheimnisvolle Geschichte", Gastgeber Charles Fleischhauer, YouTube Film, 1:03:53 Dauer, eingestellt 27. April 2022

Audio- und Videolinks – Stefan Lanka

  • Videopräsentation von Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) deutscher Molekularbiologe, Virologe, Impfkritiker, Verleger, Autor, Stefan Lanka – HIV REALITAT ODER ARTEFAKT – Germany 1995, aufgenommen 1995, YouTube Film, 43:30 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt von AIDSTruth 7. Juli 2012
  • Videointerview mit Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) deutscher Molekularbiologe, Virologe, Impfkritiker, Verleger, Autor, Dr. Stefan Lanka über Dr. Hamer's Neue Medizin, präsentiert von den Gastgebern Alexander Grimm und David Münnich, YouTube Film, 47:19 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 7. September 2008
    "Die Neue Medizin hat erst dann eine Chance, wenn der Rechtsstaat realisiert ist, wenn sich die Bevölkerung (Staatsbürger und -bürgerinnen) den Luxus der Lüge nicht mehr leistet. Das setzt voraus, dass wir den Staat kontrollieren."  Minute 15:43
    "Wir sind im Übergang von einer Aber-Glaubenskultur in eine Verstehenskultur. Auf dem medizinischen Sektor
    ist die Neue Medizin der wichtigste Schritt."
      Minute 46:42
  • Gelöschte Videopräsentation mit englischen Untertiteln von Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) deutscher Molekularbiologe, Virologe, Impfkritiker, Verleger, Autor, Dr Stefan Lanka – Pandemie Wahnsinn die Repotage 2020, präsentiert von klein klein Media, ge-
    filmt ~2009, YouTube Film, 1:30:50 Dauer, eingestellt 30. März 2020

Im lebenden(!) Organismus gibt es keine krankmachenden Viren oder Bakterien, sondern nur die ganz normale Grippe oder Lungenentzündung, die notwendige Sonderprogramme des Körpers sind und dessen beschleunigte Entgiftung bewirken.

Besprechung des Masern-Virus Prozesses (2013-2016) Die Berichterstattung über Lankas Arbeit war sehr einseitig. Der Ausgang des Prozesses wird entweder falsch dargestellt oder einfach überhaupt nicht erwähnt.
Drei Kriterien für Wissenschaftlichkeit a) Nachvollziehbarkeit, b) Überprüfbarkeit, c) Vorhersagemöglichkeit bereitgestellt

Fortsetzung: Masern-Virus Prozess. Was ist ein Virus? Was macht den Menschen krank

Neue tomographische Technik zur Grundlagenforschung für die Ursubstanz des Lebens Wasser

  • Dr. Stefan Lanka – Interview – Viren, 26:24 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 26. März 2020

Zusammenschnitt aus allen drei Interviewteilen

Linklose Medienangebote

  • Videodoppelvortrag von Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) deutscher Molekularbiologe, Virologe, Impfkritiker, Verleger, Autor und Karl Krafeld, deutscher Diplompädagoge, Gesellschaftswissenschaftler, Autor, Lehrvideo Impfen. Die Überwindung des globalen Impfverbrechens ist die Weltrevolution – Reupload: Geschichte, Politik und Fragen zu Viren und Impfung, aufgenommen von Arnold Völkl, 2003, YouTube Film, 3:58:58 Dauer, eingestellt 23. Mai 2020
  • Videopräsentation von Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) deutscher Molekularbiologe, Virologe, Impfkritiker, Verleger, Autor, Dr. Stefan Lanka: Pandemien durch Viren sind Betrug!, YouTube Film, 9:51 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 28. Februar 2020

Referentielle schriftliche Quellen und Videos

Linkloses Medienangebot

  • Referenzvideo von Barbara Kahler, deutsche Veterinärmedizinerin, Generalsekretärin der politischen Partei Neue Mitte, Impf – Freiheits – Befürworter | #Impfzwang, YouTube Film, 6:30 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 3. Mai 2020

Auf Kampfbegriffe wie "Impfgegner" und "Verschwörungstheoretiker" verzichten, stattdessen bevorzugt sagen "Impffreiheitskämpfer"

See also: ► Dismantling the virus theory – Stefan Lanka

Dokumentationen und Filme

In Deutschland wuchs die Anzahl der Impfdosen im 1. Lebensjahr seit 1976 von 6 auf 34! Parallel dazu explodierte die Anzahl chronischer Erkrankungen bei Kindern: Rheuma, Krebs; vor allem aber Allergien, Infektanfälligkeit und Verhaltensauffälligkeiten wie AD(H)S.

  • Fernsehdokumentation Die WHO – Im Griff der Lobbyisten?, präsentiert von dem französisch-deutschen Fernsehsender Arte, verfügbar 31. Januar 2020-30. April 2020, YouTube Film, 1:31:27 duration, posted by real life TV 14. March 2018

Audio and video links (engl.)

Cancer is a deficiency disease – like scurvy or pellagra – aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man's diet. The missing substance is vitamin B17. In its purified form developed for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile.

  • Video interview with Dr. James Hutton, US American naturopath, outspoken commentator on the backdrop of the health industry, James Hutton on Facts of Life, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 58:34 minutes duration, posted September 2006   Subject to fee
  • Video interview with Peter Fairfield, Ph.D., US American acupuncturist, Esalen Institute, medical intuitive, mystic, poet, artist, musician, Peter Fairfield on the Spiritual Benefits of Illness, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 34:30 minutes duration, posted October 2007   Subject to fee
    Fairfield: "Illness is an invitation to make friends with our bodies and learn the spiritual lessons this opportunity brings."
  • Video interview with Raymond Francis, former US American financial consultant to Fortune 500 companies, director and founder of "Beyond Health Corporation", Raymond Francis on Beyond Health, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 52:36 minutes duration, posted October 2008   Subject to fee

Never be sick again.

Amalgam dental fillings (a.k.a. "silver" fillings) contain ♦ mostly of mercury (~43-54%) ♦ silver (~20-35%) ♦ tin respectively copper (~10%) ♦ zinc (~2%) ♦ lesser amounts of other metals.

  • Video documentary How Mercury Causes Brain Neuron Degeneration, presented by the researchers Lorscheider, Leong, Syed, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, YouTube film, 4:24 minutes duration, posted 25. June 2011

Mercury damages the neuron growth in the brain.

Epigenetics determines health. The expression of genes depends on: ► nutrition; ► pollution, EMFs and toxins ► our emotional states ► what we perceive and how we see the world.

Studies show 97% time chemotherapy doesn't work. Nevertheless, allopathic medicine is a giant money making industry. Allopathic reductionism cannot cure but manage.

Linkless media offering

  • Video presentation by John Virapen, M.A. [John Rengen] (1943-2015) former Indian manager of pharmaceutical company Eli
    (1980-1988) and Novo Nordisk, whistleblower, author, The Hidden Truth – Pharma Secrets & Pharmaceutical Executives, YouTube film, 1:18:46 duration, posted 3. February 2013
  • Video interview with Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., Ph.D. (*1950) German physician, kinesiologist, healer, founder of the Klinghardt Academy, United States, World-Renowned Doctor Addresses Climate Engineering Dangers, presented by the platform GeoengineeringWatch, host Dane Wigington, US American geoengineering researcher, YouTube film, 1:08:56 duration, posted 18. June 2019
  • Video presentation by Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., Ph.D. (*1950) German physician, kinesiologist, healer, founder of the Klinghardt Academy, United States, Vaccines – Worse than you think, YouTube film, 7:46 minutes duration, posted 28. June 2019


Interne Links


Englisch Wiki



1 Energieraubende Emotionen

2 Videopräsentation von Clemens Arvay (1980-2023) österreichischer Biologe, Gesundheitsökologe, Buchautor, Bill Gates und Covid-19: RNA-Impfstoffe als globale Bedrohung (Biologe Clemens Arvay), Gloria.TV Film, 13:20 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 16. April 2020, neu eingestellt 19. April 2020

3 Latwerge = Arzneiform in der Medizin des Mittelalters: eingedickte Saft-Honig-Zubereitung von dick-zähflüssiger Konsistenz

4 [Video interview Maurice Hilleman, The Man behind the Science – Vaccine Makers Project,  YouTube film, 16:15 minutes duration, recorded ~2009, posted 30. October 2019

5 Quoting from the German book by Lanka / Krafeld, [Vaccination. Genocide in the Third Millennium?], first published in 2001

6 decribed in the scientific paper by Enders et al., Propagation in tissue cultures of cytopatho-genic agents from patients with measles, (Proc Soc Exp Biol Med, volume 86, issue 2, pp. 277-286, issued June 1954

7 Alternative source: Audio interview with Dr. Stefan Lanka, 'Dr Stefan Lanka', German Biologist and Virologist: The Myth of Infectious Disease and Germ Theory, YouTube film, 1:00:50 duration, posted 21. July 2020

8 Article The Black Death: The Greatest Catastrophe Ever, presented by the British illustrated history magazine History Today, Ole Benedictow, volume 55, issue 3, March 2005

9 Article How the Horrific 1918 Flu Spread Across America, presented by the official journal published by the Smithonian Institution in Washington, D.C. Smithsonian, John M. Barry, November 2017

10 Status Number of deaths due to HIV/AIDS, presented by GHO, WHO

11 Artikel H1N1 forderte 203.000 Todesopfer, präsentiert von der deutschen Tageszeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung, 27. November 2013

12 Coronavirus disease 2019

13 Article Coronavirus, presented by Justia, The Pirbright Institute, 23. July 2015

14 Article Stanford medical professors: COVID-19 death toll estimates may be 'orders of magnitude' too high. They believe the projections are 'deeply flawed' , presented by the publication The Blaze, 26. March 2020

15 Article Lack of Savings Worsens the Pain of Coronavirus Downturn, presented by the international daily newspaper The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), 15. April 2020 / Article COVID-19 will double number of people facing food crises unless swift action is taken, presented by World Food Programme, 21. April 2020

16 Article Around 9 million people die every year of hunger and hunger-related diseases. This is more than from AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined., presented by the publication "People & Poverty", 2020

17 Article Pollution kills 9 million people each year, new study finds, presented by The Washington Post, 20. October 2017

18 Article The flu is a far bigger threat to most people in the US than the Wuhan coronavirus. Here's why., presented by the German-owned American business, celebrity and technology news website Business Insider, Aylin Woodward, 28. January 2020

19 Article The third-leading cause of death in US most doctors don’t want you to know about, presented by the news outlet of the US American business news television channel CNBC, Modern Medicine, Ray Sipherd, 22. February 2018, updated 28. February 2018

20 Note The handling of the Swine Flu pandemic, Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, 26. January 2010

21 "Experten ist das Coronavirus schon lange bekannt. Bei einer Studie im schottischen Glasgow haben Wissenschaftler in einem Zeitraum von 2005 bis 2013 die Viren untersucht, die Atemwegserkrankungen verursachen. Unter den Haupterregern ist das Coronavirus. Es verursacht bis zu 15 Prozent der Lungenkrankheiten."  Frontal21
"Wir wissen seit Jahrzehnten, dass es Coronaviren gibt. Die Tierärzte impfen Hunde gegen Coronaviren. Wir wissen, dass Schweine Coronaviren haben. Dass andere Tiere in unserer Umgebung Coronaviren haben. Und wir wissen auch, dass Menschen schon immer Coronaviren haben und dass sie daran erkranken. Es ist also nichts Besonderes, dass es jetzt neue Coronaviren gibt. Das heißt aber nicht, dass diese Coronaviren gefährlicher sind als andere. Mich ärgert, dass so viele Menschen unter diese Panik, die gemacht wird, leiden müssen. Dass unnötig Menschen in Quarantäne gebracht werden und dass wichtige Veranstaltungen abgesagt werden. Dass Menschen wirtschaftlichen und persönlichen Schaden nehmen, ohne dass das medizinisch irgendwie begründbar und haltbar wäre."  Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Seuchenexperte
"Ich kann hier nichts Besonderes erkennen außer der Tatsache, dass es ein neuartiger Virus ist. Es ist wie ein neues Automodell, aber es ist eben immer noch ein Kleinwagen."  Prof. Tom Jefferson, Epidemiologe Cockrane Institute Nordic
"Flächendeckende Quarantäne-Maßnahmen in Deutschland halte ich für unangemessen. Gründliches Händewaschen und in den Ellenbogen husten wie bei jeder Grippe sind sinnvoll. Eine Influenza ist immer noch gefährlicher als das Coronavirus. Im Schnitt sterben in Deutschland jedes Jahr 20.000 Patienten an Grippe. Das heißt auch, die Wahrscheinlichkeit, sich eine Influenza aufzulesen, ist zur Zeit noch größer als eine Corona-Infektion zu bekommen."  Prof. Dr. Michael Kentsch, Chefarzt Klinikum Itzehoe
"Wir haben eine durchgängige mediale Infektion. Jeder ist fast schon im Panikmodus. Wichtig ist einfach, dass wir vom Panikmodus wieder in den rationalen Modus umschalten." Dr. Andreas Gassen, Vorsitzender Kassenärztlicher Bundesvereinigung
Fernsehsendung Corona und die Folgen. Zwischen Panik und Pandemie, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender ZDF, Sendung Frontal21, gesendet 10. März 2020

22 Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, Kapitel 6, S. 120, 2008


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