
Hawkins / SpirituellerWille





    Spiritueller WILLE – Gottes Wille
BW 850







Spiritueller Wille – Definition

Bäume im Herbstnebel

Als vorübergehender Vermittler zwischen dem Endlichen und dem Unendlichen ist der spirituelle WILLE "GOTTES WILLE für einen selbst" – so, wie man ihn für sich erlebt, nachdem man seinen Eigenwillen vollständig übergeben hat. Durch Hingabe und Liebe zu GOTT entsteht die Bereitschaft, alles zu über-
geben. Dadurch aktiviert das SELBST den spirituellen WILLEN. Scheinbar Wundersames vollbringt der WILLE und macht das Unmögliche möglich. Die Wirkmacht des GÖTTLICHEN WILLENS lässt durch Einladung und Ausrichtung an die spirituelle Be-
die Struktur des Egos in sich zusammenfallen.


Der GÖTTLICHE WILLE kann eingreifen, wenn man

  1. dem HEILIGEN GEIST die eigene Hilflosigkeit und Machtlosigkeit eingesteht,
  2. um GÖTTLICHE Unterstützung und Hilfe bittet, und
  3. seinen Eigenwillen durch Hingabe und Liebe an GOTT aufgibt und vollständig an GOTT übergibt.
    Der dritte Schritt geschieht bereits mit der Hilfe des spirituellen WILLENS.


Die Übergabe des Eigenwillens und das damit verbundene Eingeständnis der Machtlosigkeit und die Aufgabe der Kontrolle, benötigt die von Herzen kommende Hingabe an GOTT, die mit Vertrauen, Widmung und Durchhaltevermögen einhergeht.
All dies sind bereits Aspekte des individuellen, spirituellen WILLENS und somit Aspekte der GNADE GOTTES.

Spiritueller Wille – John G. Bennett

Der englische Mathematiker, Philosoph und Bewusstseinsforscher John G. Bennett (1897-1974) überlebte in jungen Jahren bereits eine nachhaltige Nahtoderfahrung.


Aus seiner erweiterten Sicht ist Intention allgegenwärtig und nicht von äußeren neurologischen Faktoren bedingt. Er sieht
den [göttlichen] Willen als ein unteilbares, immer gleichbleibendes, allgegenwärtiges Ganzes, das eine unendliche Anzahl von "Willenspartikeln" enthält.
Spiritueller Wille ist aus Bennetts Sicht zeit- und raumloser Kontext. Sobald er mit der physischen Existenz in Berührung kommt, können sichtbare, materielle Wirkungen in der Welt auftreten.


Siehe auch: ► Intention

Bild Der Versuch, Veränderungen mittels des persönlichen Willens (dieser hat nur den BW-Wert der jeweiligen Person) an-
stelle durch Anrufung des spirituellen WILLENS [BW 850] und Übergabe herbeizuführen, kann zu Zweifel, mangelndem
Selbstvertrauen und Angst vor Fehlschlägen führen!

Zitate zum Thema Spiritueller WILLE / Spiritual will

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013


  • Durch Hingabe wird der Wille aktiviert und verstärkt und antwortet mit Inspiration, was dazu führt, dass GNADE den Willen erhellt. Der persönliche Wille löst sich in den GÖTTLICHEN WILLEN auf und der Funke, der zu spirituellem Su-
    chen und Forschen führt, ist ein göttliches Geschenk. FU. Das All-sehende Auge, S. 199, 2005


  • Das SELBST, das den spirituellen WILLEN aktiviert, ist die Heimat unbegrenzter Macht, gegen die das Kartenhaus des Egos nicht standhalten kann. Das SELBST gleicht einem unendlich starken Magneten, der die Fähigkeit hat, die Struk-
    tur des Egos aufzulösen, wenn und sobald der spirituelle WILLE dazu seine Zustimmung gegeben hat. Es gibt nie-
    manden, der sich des Fortschritts spirituellen Gewahrseins rühmen kann, noch kann irgendwem ein Vorwurf gemacht
    werden, wenn dieser nicht aufzutreten scheint. FU Das All-sehende Auge, S. 200, 2005


  • Der spirituelle WILLE wird durch Liebe und Hingabe und ihrer Bereitschaft, alles zu übergeben, aktiviert und verstärkt. Liebe ist formlos, und sie ist jene Fähigkeit, durch die man bereit wird, eben aus dieser Liebe heraus seine Denkpo-
    sitionen GOTT zu übergeben. Das All-sehende Auge, S. 201, 2005


  • Es ist letztendlich der spirituelle WILLE, der Schicksal oder Karma fest-
    legt. Der WILLE ist der Sitz der Kraft des SELBST, der sich in das Gemüt
    [mind] hinein ausdehnt, und als solcher ist er der Bereich unmittelbarer
    Berührung mit dem HEILIGEN GEIST.
    Auf der Ebene des WILLENS begegnen
    sich Form und Formlosigkeit. Es treffen sich hier die formlosen Eigenschaften von Liebe, Hingabe, Dankbarkeit, Demut, Inspiration und Vertrauen mit den Besonderheiten des Geistes mit seinen Formen von Ideen, Gedanken, Erin-
    nerungen, Konflikten und Bildern. Im spirituellen WILLEN werden jetzt die Ziele,
    die man schätzt und wünscht, den formlosen spirituellen Qualitäten von Liebe,
    Vergebung und Hingabe mitgeteilt. Durch Demut und die Wahl von Frieden
    aus Liebe kann man selbst die am meisten gehegten Negativhaltungen wie
    Rache, Gehässigkeit oder Hass, loslassen.
    FU Das All-sehende Auge, S. 202, 2005


  • Das stärkste Werkzeug, welches bereits im Innern existiert, ist der Spirituelle Wille an sich, der jedes Hindernis konfrontieren und überwinden kann, sofern er intensiv gehalten wird.
    FU Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 250, 2005



  • [Ein bewährtes Mittel] spiritueller Arbeit [...] ist die Bereitschaft, sich in großer Tiefe GOTT zu ergeben, und alle Wi-
    derstände durch Anrufung der Macht des spirituellen WILLENS (Messwert 850) loszulassen, nachdem man um gött-
    liche Unterstützung gebeten hat. So kann man Hilfe vom HEILIGEN GEIST erbitten, indem man gleichzeitig die Wahr-
    heit zugibt: "Ich selbst, (das Ego) bin nicht in der Lage, diesen Schritt alleine fertig zu bringen." In der Auswirkung ist das eine Bitte, die Situation zu verstehen und in einen anderen Kontext zu setzen, so dass sich dadurch die schein-
    baren Paradoxa auflösen.
    Der persönliche Wille arbeitet nur auf der kalibrierten Bewusstseinsebene eines Menschen, die zu einem gegebe-
    nen Zeitpunkt in seiner Entwicklung besteht, und ist deshalb häufig zu schwach, um die erwünschte Veränderung
    zu bewirken. FU Erleuchtung ist möglich. Wie man die Ebenen des Bewusstseins durchschreitet, S. 379, 2008


  • Überantwortung des persönlichen Willens an den WILLEN (Weisheit) GOTTES oder der Vorsehung der Höheren
    Macht bedeutet Aufgabe der Kontrolle. Man kann erwarten, dass sich das Ego dem widersetzt und Entschuldi-
    gungen, Gegenargumente und eine Vielzahl von Ängsten erfindet, um seine eingebildete Kontrolle zu erhalten.
    Hingabe an Gott. Der mystische Weg aus der Dualität, S. 70-71, 2009



  • Durch Übergabe des persönlichen Willens und Anrufung geschieht das Eingreifen des GÖTTLICHEN WILLENS (des SELBSTES), das durch Ausrichtung an die spirituelle Bestimmung aufgerufen wird. Mit GÖTTLICHER Hilfe wird das Unmögliche möglich. Dann kann auch das, was vom Ego/Geist am höchsten gepriesen wird, tatsächlich überge-
    ben werden. FU Hingabe an Gott. Der mystische Weg aus der Dualität, S. 168, 2009


  • Der spirituelle WILLE ist der WILLE GOTTES, wie du ihn innerlich erlebst.
    FU Sedona Seminar Vision, 3 DVD set, 25. Februar 2005

Quotes by D. Hawkins

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5, 16-18 (NT)


⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


Spiritual Will is the hub of form and formlessness. It determines one's destiny [dharma and karma].

Conscious choice ends the temptation for revenge, spite, or hatred.

  • It is actually the spiritual Will that determines destiny or karma. The Will is the seat of power of the Self as it extends to mind and, as such, is the region of direct contact with the Holy Spirit. At the level of Will, form and formlessness 'meet'. Here the formless qualities of love, devotion, gratitude, humility, inspiration, and faith meet with the particulars of the mind with its forms of ideas, thoughts, memo-
    ries, conflicts, and images. In the spiritual Will, the goals which are valued or desi-
    red are now exposed to the formless spiritual qualities Love, forgiveness, and de-
    votion. Through humility and the choice of peace out of love, one can relinquish even the most cherished of negati-
    , such as revenge, spite, or hatred. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing Is Hidden, S. 135, Veritas Publishing, 2001


  • The will is activated and empowered by devotion. [...] The personal will dissolves into Divine Will. [...]
    The illusions of the ego are tenacious but relatively fragile when subordinated to the spiritual Will. [...]
    The Self that activates the spiritual Will is the home of infinite power against which the ego's house of cards cannot stand.
    The Self is like an infinitely powerful magnet that has the capacity to dissolve the structure of the ego if and when
    the spiritual Will gives assent.
    There is no one to take credit for the progression of spiritual awareness, nor is there anyone to blame if it does not
    seem to occur. Eye of the I From Which Nothing Is Hidden, chapter 9, S. 182, 2001



Recurring karma is prone to temptation, can be swayed by spiritual will and redeemed by aligned intention.

  • Karmic patterns are influential but not immutable due to the options available to the spiritual will. Correction comes about as a matter of intention by choosing a higher rather than a lower option. Temptation is the re-emergence of the old pattern that presents itself repeatedly until a decision is finalized and resolute.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 162, 2003


  • Unlike an iron filing that has no say as to where it will be pulled within a magnetic field, the human spirit is gifted
    with the choice of choice
    , and by its own hand (spiritual will) determines its fate. By comprehending the nature of
    the evolution of consciousness itself, forgiveness and compassion arise at the witnessing of human suffering and
    anguish that are the consequences of ignorance and naivete.
    Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 229, 2005



Free will dichotomy:

Free will is an illusion. (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, 9. September 2009

  • The steps out of failure, unhappiness, frustration, lack, want, anger, and depression are deceptively simple. Life is a voyage comparable to being out at sea in which a shift of one degree on the ship’s compass will determine by the end of the trip whether or not one is hundreds of miles off course. The strongest tool, which already exists within, is the spiritual will itself, which, when firmly set, will face and take on any obstacle. It is this spiritual will that determines the success of the venture. From subjective experience, as well as many years of clinical practice, spiritual education, and research, it is confirmed that the spi-
    ritual will is the primordial rudder that determines not only this lifetime, but also the course of one's cons-
    over great expanses of time, classically termed karma.
    (Calibrated at LoC 1000.)
    Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 250, 2005



Alignment with Divine Will (800s) supersedes human will based on logic (400s).

  • Although there are extensive writings on psychology and all aspects of mental functions, there is a relative dearth of information on the human will itself. Its importance is overlooked even in psychoanalysis and most spiritual writings, although its function is critical to the advancement of consciousness, spiritual and religious development, and the steps to Enlightenment itself. The intrinsic power of the Will is de-
    noted by its extremely high calibration level 850
    ; thus, it has the power to overcome all lesser positionalities and belief systems.
    Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 16 "Religion and Truth", "The Will (Cal. 850)", S. 357, 2005


  • The basis of the power of the Will is that it is a function of the Spirit and not the mind, intellect or emotions. It is thus unique as a human faculty. The mind ceaselessly sifts options and choices, coming to conclusions and chosen premises, but they are merely linear constructs with limited intrinsic power (i.e.., logic, reason and intellect calibrate in the 400s). Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 16 "Religion and Truth", "The Will (Cal. 850)", S. 357, 2005








  • The key elements are to spot the specific components of the conflict and to take advantage of the Spiritual Will, which
    is surprisingly powerful (cal. 850) and intervenes when one asks for God's help, followed by the willingness to surren-
    der the pay-off and relinquish resisting the presumed aversion. [...] One can request help from the Holy Spirit, along
    with admission of the truth that 'I, myself, (the ego)' am unable to accomplish this step alone.
    Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, S. 350, 2006



Spiritual Will vs. will power

  • The Spiritual Will is not like the ego's understanding of will as 'will power', which means emotional force with clenched teeth of exertion and increased emotionality. The ego-driven will takes energy and is taking. It could actually be understood as a form of aggression. In contrast, invoking the Spiritual Will is like opening floodgates and then standing back. The ego/will contextualizes events in terms of cause and effect in which the personal self-will claims credit or blame because it sees itself as a causal agent. In contrast, the Spiritual Will is not personal but is a quality of cons-
    ciousness that changes context by surrender to an invitation to the power of the Self. The Spiritual Will calibrates at 850, and the personal will calibrates at only the person's current level of consciousness.

    Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, chapter 3 "Orientation", S. 65-66, 2007



  • Surrender of the personal will to the Will (Wisdom) of God (or Providence, Higher Power) signifies relinquishment
    of control. One can expect the ego to resist doing so, and it invents excuses, counterargument, and multiple fears
    in order to maintain illusory control. The ego's positions are reinforced by pride as well as desire for specific results.
    Thus, to the ego to step back and invite the intervention of Divinity seems like a loss, whereas, to the Spirit, it is de-
    finitely a win. Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, chapter 3 "Orientation", S. 66, 2007



Dissolving the ego/experiencer complex

  • It can be seen that even on a conceptual level, it is not possible to undo the ego/experiencer complex in a linear fashion, nor is it possible without Divine assistance, which is provided by the presence of the spiritual energy itself. The spiritual energy is an emanation of Self. The inflow of Divine energy is a consequence of karmic propensities, along with Grace, spiritual choice, and the assent of the Will as exemplified by worship, spiritual commitment, prayer, supplication, selfless service, mercy, and love. Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 121, 2007


  • The spiritual will is enforced and activated by love and devotion and its willingess to surrender. Love is without form
    and is that capacity through which one becomes willing, out of that love, to surrender one's positionalities to God. The classical way of the great religious saints was the adoration, love and worship of God, unmanifest or manifest as the great, divine teachers. Profound dedication and devotion can overcome all resistance, and thus the way of the heart and the way of the mind or consciousness eventually merge.
    Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 134-135, 2007





Personal Will vs Spiritual Will

  • The spiritual will is not personal but is a quality of consciousness that changes context by surrender to an invitation to the power of the Self. The Spiritual Will calibrates at 850 and personal will calibrates only the person's current level of consciousness.
    The Spiritual Will invited by complete surrender is thus capable of performing the seeming 'miraculous' where as personal will, paradoxically often automatically triggers resistances as any one know who tried personal will to overcome even minor habits.
    Another limitation of personal will is that it has no knowlege of karmic propensities or propitious timing, nor does it
    have the wisdom to comprehend beneficial sequence. The Self orchestrates with an inner knowingness of capacity. Dissolving the Ego, Realizing the Self. Contemplations from the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., edited by Scott Jeffrey, S. 66, last quote, Hay House, August 2011


  • The willingness to turn things over to God's Will is a result of your own Spiritual Will. And we described the technique: Anything and everything that happens, no matter what
    ► you stop resisting it and
    ► you surrender it to God.
Sedona Seminar Karma and the Afterlife, DVD 2 of 3, minute 1:39:40, October 2002


  • Location of Consciousness is set by our spiritual Will, not by momentary reactions.
    Houston, Texas, Seminar The Realization of the Presence of God, Unity Church, 11. October 2003


  • Un-manifested power is the energy of creation. Potentiality becomes actuality because of the Presence of God. Our
    spiritual Will brings potentiality into actuality.
    Houston, Texas, Seminar The Realization of the Presence of God, Unity Church, 11. October 2003


  • To know the one thing: All is happening in and of its own by Divine Ordination [...] in and of itself because of
    the Infinite Power of the Field of Divinity and for no other reason. That's all you need to know.
    [Doc's arm
    flings out.]
    Was there a decider there who decided to do that? That's a very hard illusion to break. The difference between being enlightened and not enlightened is merely to see that. To be radically honest means to completely surrender that all things happen by Divine Providence by the Will of God and for no other reason.
    Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, DVD 1 of 3, 16. October 2004



See also:

Sedona seminar Vision, 25. February 2005

  • Spiritual Will is the Will of God as you experience it within.
    Sedona Seminar Vision, 3 DVD set, 25. February 2005


  • Question: I've been doing A Course in Miracles and the one Lesson that seems to be giving me a little trouble is "There’s no will but God’s [Will]".
    Answer: You can make it easier to comprehend. You can say: "There’s no will worthy of allegiance to, except the Will of God." You might just say that, to become the servant of God, to become an avenue of God's blessing, to be-
    come Saint Francis of Assisi, to be an avenue, to serve Divinity is all what it really means.
    The personal will, of course, is a definition. It's really a choice or a decision. So you can clarify it by using other terms. It’s intention. What's behind the intention?
    Desire. Why the desire? To feed the ego.
    Spiritual work is like a sweater. You can grab a threat, a piece anywhere and you unravel the whole sweater.
    Sedona Seminar Alignment, DVD 3 of 3, minute 21:05, 16. April 2005


  • Question: So, when I am expressing my will, that's intentionality...
    Answer: Well, that's implying personal. It's implying personalism. It's also implying that will is the capacity to make the potential actual. The power of manifestation is only possible through the power of the Will of God. You as a mortal can only choose one option or another, but your will has no power like the Will of God. The unmanifest becomes manifest, because the Presence activates potential into actuality. And the person takes personal credit. It says: "I did that." It's like cutting the apple from the tree and saying: "I made the apple fall to the ground." You under-
    stand that? Personal will would be the decision that "I made the apple fall to the ground". It falls to the ground by virtue of gravity, which would be parallel to the Will of God.
    Sedona Seminar Alignment, DVD 3 of 3, minute 21:05, 16. April 2005



Accepting human condition

  • To accept God’s Will means to accept the karmic consequences that go with exis-
    tence. Sedona Seminar Spiritual Practice and Daily Life, 3 DVD set, 21. October 2006


  • Surrendering means to relinquish to God’s Will. When you think of it, it is the easiest thing in the world to do. That is why it is so difficult. You become very yin… to allow. "Thy will, O Lord, not mine."
    Sedona Seminar Spiritual Practice and Daily Life, 3 DVD set, 21. October 2006



Forego why questions

  • It is dumb to keep asking questions why is everything the way it is. It is obvious that it is God's Will that it be that way. Just surrender it to the Creator.
    Cottonwood Satsang Q&A'' #1, 1 DVD, 15. January 2011

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Ein Mensch kann viele Pläne schmieden, doch der Wille des Herrn wird sich erfüllen. Sprüche 19, 21 (NT)

Quotes by various other sources

Index: Spiritueller Wille / Spiritual will

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1 Harry M. Tiebout, M.D. (1896-1966) US American psychiatrist, promoter of the Alcoholics Anonymous approach to the public, fellow professionals and patients, president of the National Council on Alcoholism (1951-1953). The Act of Surrender in the Therapeutic Process, presented by Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, # 10, 48-58, 1949

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