
Hawkins / Ebene125




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Bewusstseinsebene 125

Verlangen, Begehren BW 125


  • Ebene: Verlangen, Begierde
  • Emotion: Begierde, Sucht, Hunger
  • Prozess: (Selbst-)Versklavung
  • Selbstbild/Lebensauffassung: Enttäuschend
  • Gottesbild: Verweigernd, ablehnend, leugnend



Beschreibung – Begehren, Begierde, Gier, Sucht

Auf der BW-Ebene des Begehrens und der Gier ist zum ersten Mal ausreichend Energie verfügbar, dass Menschen bewusst auf ein Ziel hin arbeiten können. Ebenso wie Angst ist Begehren ein mächtiger Motor unserer Gesellschaft. Ein großer Teil der Werbung arbeitet auf dieser Ebene, indem die Botschaft verbreitet wird:

Wenn du dieses Produkt kaufst, dann wirst du glücklich sein, dann bist du wer.

Das Thema Sucht tritt in dieser Ebene deutlich hervor, seien es die Süchte nach Substanzen wie Alkohol, Heroin, Marihuana, Nikotin oder Kaffee oder nichtstofflichen Süchte, wie jene nach Anerkennung, die Sucht, geliebt zu werden, die Sucht nach Geld, nach Ablenkung, nach Arbeit, nach Einkaufen, nach Stehlen, nach Aufmerksamkeit, nach Sex. Diese Ebene kann so bestimmend sein, dass ein Mensch sogar sein Leben vernachlässigt, um das Angestrebte zu erhalten. Für viele Süchtige wird ihre Droge zum bestimmenden Lebensinhalt, und daneben zählt praktisch nichts mehr. Freundschaften, Familie, Arbeit und Gesundheit werden ohne zu zögern aufgegeben, nur um das Begehren zu befriedigen.


Begehren befindet sich im destruktiven Bereich, denn die Glückserfahrung, sprich Lustbefriedigung, kommt von außen, nicht aus dem eigenen Inneren heraus. Sie wird durch den Besitz eines bestimmten (Lust)Objektes definiert. Begehren bezieht sich auf materiellen Besitz oder Anerkennung durch andere Menschen und gehört somit zu jenen Dingen, die vergänglich sind und verloren gehen können.

Zitate zum Thema Begehren (BW 125) / Greed and desire

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • Desire motivates vast areas of human activity, including the economy. [...] The desire for money, prestige or power
    runs the lives of many of those who have risen above Fear as their predominant life motif. Desire is also the level of
    addiction, wherein it becomes a craving more important than life itself. [...] Desire is obviously a much higher state
    than Apathy or Grief, for in order to "get", you first have to have the energy to "want". TV has had a major influence
    on many oppressed people, inculcating wants and energizing their longings to the degree that they move out of Apa-
    thy and begin to seek a better life. Want can start us on the road to achievement.
    Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 4, S. 81, Hay House, February 2002


  • The ego confuses wants and needs and is impatient. It is constantly demanding and wanting. At this focal point, surrendering craving, wanting, and desiring to God brings about great and rapid spiritual progress.
    The Surrender of this core of the ego triggers rapid spiritual advancement. This is the very focal point and source
    of the ego which is focused on survival. It's desires and wants are deemed to be essential because of the ego's be-
    about survival. The ego therefore has to 'get' or 'keep' and acquire because it views itself as separate
    and therefore dependent on external sources of supply.
    These may take the form of energy, attention, posses-
    sions, status, security, protection, image, money, gain, advantage, and power. Its primary view is lack, and with
    lack comes fear, need, greed, and even homicidal rage and threats. Fear is its motor.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 283, 2001


  • Desire is a wantingness that can be obsessive and, when excessive, is called greed. It is, however, an important drive in human affairs and motivates the whole economy to a considerable degree. Normal desire tends to run its course
    until the wants are fulfilled. Its primordial origin is the hunger of the animal organism. Fulfillment results in a sense of completion so that the psyche is free to turn within and pursue spiritual values. In and of itself, desire, like pride, need not be condemned as wrong for it is socially useful if it is channeled into beneficial activities such as education and health. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 189, 2003


  • Desire is fueled by the illusion of lack and that the source of happiness is outside oneself and therefore has to be pursued or acquired. The importance of the object of desire is thereby inflated and overvalued by its symbolism and mystique. The pleasure of the sense of Self is blocked by desire. When that desire is fulfilled, the ego ascribes the resultant sense of joy to the acquisition of an external. However, this is a clever illusion because the actual source of the pleasure is that the block to experiencing the joy of the Self has been temporarily removed. The source of the experienced happiness is the radiance of the Self that shines forth when it is not shut off by an ego distress.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 189, 2003


  • To the spiritual aspirant, desire and attachments are deterrants to progress, and as they arise, what they symbolize
    can be surrendered to God. At the same time, the positionalities that they signify can be identified and surrendered
    because they become progressive burdens. Frequently, at a certain phase of spiritual evolution, it is common for
    aspirants to walk away from all possessions. Later on, possessions are no longer seen as a hinderance or an
    asset because the sense of ownership disappears and illusions are no longer projected onto them.

    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 190, 2003


  • It is helpful to understand that if one is not happy with present circumstances, the chances are that happiness will
    still be elusive when conditions change to meet one's current desire. That is, if happiness is elusive now, it will
    continue to be so in the future because the ability to locate the source of happiness has not yet been found.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 190, 2003


  • There is a great joy in the realization that one does not actually need anything at all to be happy [...] at an ad-
    vanced level the awareness of existence itself is sufficient. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 190, 2003





  • The clever ego can extract the juice/payoff of secret gratification and pleasure from anything it arbitrarily selects. […] The 'what' that is desired is actually irrelevant. The locus is imagined to be 'out there' but is actually 'in here,' for the pleasure gain is subjective and internal. The relinquishment of this single, solitary goal unveils the Reality of Self,
    which is the innate prime source of all happiness, and its Realization terminates all wants and desires.
    Discovery of the Presence of God, S. 119-120, 2007


  • As the true source of happiness stems from within, desire cannot be satisfied – it is a constant projection of specialness onto the external, and is thus the pursuit of a fantasy. As one desire becomes fulfilled and satis-
    fied, the focus then moves on to the next object of desire in an endless procession, like a carrot on a stick.
    Along the Path to Enlightenment. 365 Reflections from David R. Hawkins, edited by Scott Jeffrey, Reflection of October 16th,
    January 2011



  • An illusion that drives desire and craving is that the object of desire has become imbued with an exaggerated im-
    portance and significance, resulting in an inflated value and attractiveness. Once the object has been acquired,
    it loses its magical aura, and that seductive image is now projected onto the next object of desire.
    Along the Path to Enlightenment. 365 Reflections from David R. Hawkins, edited by Scott Jeffrey, Reflection of September 25th, January 2011



Need ⇔ wants/cravings

See Marshall Rosenberg's Nonviolent Communication approach

  • To the ego, a "want" is interpreted as a "need" and a "have to have." Thus, its seeking can become frantic, and all caution can be thrown to the wind. Desires are thereby escalated to being desperate and demanding any sacrifice, including even the deaths of millions of other people. It must have what it wants at any cost and will find many excuses to justify itself. It gets rid of reason with clever rhetoric [LoC 180] bolstered by blame and demonizes others, for the ego has to win at all costs – because throughout millions of years of evolution, it did die if it did not get its wants and needs fulfilled. The ego has a long, long memory and millions of years of reinforcement.
    Dissolving the Ego, Realizing the Self, edited by Scott Jeffrey, chapter 1, S. 20, quote 3, Hay House, August 2011



Reorganization of the current money system based on values

For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6, 10 New Living Translation, 2007 (NT)

  • Anytime there's a shift of consciousness from one level to another, there's a disruption. […] What's happening with our economy is a reorganization based on values other than just making money. The economy is really based
    on greed
    : every product is an effort to make money [LoC 200]. And making money doesn't infer anything having
    to do with responsibility.
    [LoC 475] […] As citizens, we’re asking, "Should these companies reveal [LoC 425] what they know?" So there's disorganization based on a current lack of clarity about values. […]
    […] Integrity is the current headline – people testifying about the integrity of a company, its executives and whether their compensation is within expectations of financial integrity – and the fact that some are well outside the expected norms is causing a great upset in the media: excessive compensation for executives who not only didn't do a good
    job but did a bad job. […]
    We have instant reporting […] So as an executive is testifying in Washington, the country is listening. We're far more involved in world affairs that once were abstract. And the fact that [some corruption] involves taxpayer money and people's personal investments, as in the case of Bernie Madoff, that makes it very personal. Accountability and personal responsibility [LoC 475] are becoming quite primary. Interview with David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., pre-
    sented by the US American magazine Holistic Networker, Gina Mazza Hillier, 17. June 2009




Recovery and Withdrawal, reuniting.info

  • Question: How to transcend any desire of a physical nature? How to overcome a craving?
    Answer: Ah, a craving first starts in your mind as an image. If you watch this care-
    fully you will see any craving first appears as an image, whether it is a cheesebur-
    ger, hamburger, a naked body, whatever, or if you are an alcoholic, a drink. First comes the image of the drink, and you eliminate it instantly (imagine the big red X on the image). The image draws energy to it, so when it first appears, it is only about 5 watts, if you don't exterminate it within the first second, it is
    about 150 watts, then 600 watts, then it's a have to. [...]
    I always tell alcoholics you have about one or two seconds to eliminate that image of a drink.
    Similar to the 'Red X' technique, the 'Rubber Band' technique can help in the same way. Keep a rubber band tied
    around your wrist and every time you start to entertain a thought or fantasy concerning your trigger, snap the rubber
    band on your wrist to induce pain. You will condition your brain to associate that thought as being less than rewar-
    ding over time. Sedona Seminar What is Real?, 3 DVD set, 16. June 2007



Extinguishing the tempting and triggering mental pictures

  • In today's world it is hard to do [extinguishing the tempting and triggering mental pictures].
    Lust is paraded across the television set night after night, lust in one form or another. It's like an obsession.
    A school principal can't appear to tell us about […] She's got to have cleavage down to here. [Points at his lower chest.] What does she need cleavage for to tell us about the problems she's having with her kindergarden? If I were the pro-
    ducer of that show I would tell her, "Get a big safety pin and button the damn thing up, for God's sake. We are not run-
    ning a whorehouse here, we are running a television program." The parade of lust is just endless.
    Sedona Seminar Belief, Trust and Credibility, 3 DVD set, 14. June 2008


  • Question: How to let go of obsessions and desires for the positive?
    Answer: Just continue surrendering. Eventually it happens of its own, without any "me" doing a "that". It happens spon-
    taneously of its own. Cottonwood Seminar Handling Spiritual Challenges, 3 DVD set, 24. April 2010

Zitate von anderen Quellen


  • Denke daran, dass Gier auch die Gier danach einschließt, nicht gierig zu sein.
    Idries Shah (1924-1996) persischer Lehrer der Sufitradition, spiritueller Autor, zitiert in: Vortragstranskript von Dr. Joachim Galuska, Neues Bewusstsein im Wirtschaftsleben, PDF, Bad Kissingen, 2006



  • Namenlose Einfalt bewirkt Wunschlosigkeit,
    Wunschlosigkeit macht still,
    und die Welt wird von selber recht.
    Laotse [BW 610] (604-531 v. Chr.) chinesischer Weiser, Philosoph, Begründer des Taoismus, Tao te King [BW 610] 800-200 v. Chr.


  • Die Welt hat genug für jedermanns Bedürfnisse, jedoch nicht für jedermanns Gier.
    Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi [LoC 760] (1869-1948) indischer Weiser, spiritueller Führer der indischen Unabhängig-
    keitsbewegung, Menschenrechtsanwalt, gewaltloser Widerstandskämpfer zur Durchsetzung politischer Ziele, humanistischer
    Weiser, asketischer Morallehrer, Pazifist, Publizist, zitiert in: Gutzitiert


  • Korruption ist, wenn man für Geld arbeitet. Wir werden alle zur Korruption gezwungen, damit man nämlich keine Argumente findet, gegen die Korruption im großen Stil zu sein ist, weil dann nennt man das Neid. Weil wir alle zur Korruption gezwungen werden, kann man mit diesem Neid-Argument kontern, um das politisch auszuhebeln. Das
    ist klassische Dialektik. Es ist so ein Schnäppchen, das zu widerlegen. Man muss nur die Sprache verstehen.
    Videovortrag von Dr. Franz Hörmann (*1960) österreichischer visionärer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, außerordentlicher Professor
    für Unternehmensrechnung, Institut für Revisions-, Treuhand- und Rechnungswesen, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, veranstaltet
    von Integral Wiener Kreis, Politik, Wirtschaft, Medien – Macht, Manipulation, Missbrauch, Teil 1 von 3, YouTube Film, Minute
    1:17:47, 1:36:33 Dauer, eingestellt 19. Februar 2012


Referenzen: de.Wikiquote-Einträge Gier und ► Neid

Quotes by various other sources

Personal avowals

  • I believe that greed and competition are not a result of immutable human temperament; I have come to the conclusion
    that greed and fear of scarcity are in fact being continuously created and amplified as a direct result of the kind of mo-
    ney we are using. For example, we can produce more than enough food to feed everybody, and there is definitely enough work for everybody in the world, but there is clearly not enough money to pay for it all. The scarcity is in our national currencies. In fact, the job of central banks is to create and maintain that currency scarcity. The direct con-
    sequence is that we have to fight with each other in order to survive. Interview with Bernard Lietaer, Ph.D. (1942-2019) Bel-
    gian economist, co-designer of the European € currency, Central Bank of Belgium, professor of International Finance, University, Lou-
    vain, Belgium, research fellow Center for Sustainable Resources, UCB, co-founder of ACCESS Foundation, author, Beyond Greed and Scarcity, presented by the nonprofit positive futures journal YES!, April 1997



Ivan Frederick Boesky was prominently involved in a Wall Street insider trading scandal in the mid-1980s.


Defensive advocacy


Economic greed:

In 60s and 70s Friedman advocated selfinterest, competition, greed and minimizing the role of government in a free market as a means of creating political and social freedom.

  • What is greed? Of course, none of us is greedy. It's only the other guy is greedy. The world runs on individuals pursuing their separate interests. [...] There is no alternative way so far discovered of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a cand-
    le to the productive activities that are unleashed by a free enterprise system. Tell me, where in the world do you find those angels that are going to organize society for us.
    I don't even trust you to do that.
    Video TV interview with Milton Friedman, Ph.D. [Works LoC 400] (1912-2006) US American professor of economy, University of Chicago, statistician, promoting deregulated capitalism of the Heritage Foundation in service of
    the NWO think tank Club of Rome, Nobel Memorial Prize laureate in economic sciences, 1976, author of "Capitalism and Freedom",
    1962, Greed, presented by the US American TV station CBS, The Phil Donahue Show, host Phil Donahue, 1979, YouTube film, 2:24 14. July 2007


Plan of consumer mind control

  • We must shift America from a needs to a desires culture. People must be trained to desire, to want new things even before the old had been entirely consumed. We must shape a new mentality in America. Man's desires must oversha-
    dow his needs. Article by Paul Mazur, US American consumer goods financier at Lehman Brothers, presented by the bimonthly
    management magazine Harvard Business Review (HBR), 1927



  • The desire to be desire-less is but another desire. The thought that, because this desire purports to be spiritual,
    it is superior to more mundane desires shows how skilled the mind is at justifying any desire it is attached to.
    Joel Kramer (*1937) and Diana Alstad, US American author couple, The Passionate Mind Revisited. Expanding Personal and
    Social Awareness
    , North Atlantic Books, 1st edition 14. July 2009


  • The cords of passion and desire weave a binding net around you. [...] The trap of duality is tenacious. Bound, ri-
    gid, and trapped, you cannot experience liberation. Wang Fou, taoist, author, Brian Walker, translator, Hua Hu Ching. The Un-
    known Teachings of Lao Tzu
    , verse 65, HarperOne San Francisco, 1995, Harper Collins, revised edition 4. August 2009


  • In order to arrive at having pleasure in everything, desire to have pleasure in nothing. In order to arrive at possessing everything, desire to possess nothing. In order to arrive at being everything, desire to be nothing. In order to arrive at knowing everything, desire to know nothing.
    Saint John of the Cross [San Juan de la Cruz] [LoC 605] (1542-1591) Spanish Carmelite friar and priest, leading figure of the Counter-Reformation, mystic, Catholic saint, Ascent of Mount Carmel, chapter XIII, 3rd revised edition, 16th-century


  • Desire is about the last bit of the illusion the ego-self is surrendering. Until the end it keeps insisting, "If I just get this
    or achieve that, I'll be happy." We think that once we get what we desire, we’ll be safe. As Helen Keller [~LoC 520]
    once said, "Security is mostly a superstition. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright experience.
    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."
    Gloria Karpinski, US American spiritual teacher, holistic counselor, author,
    Where Two Worlds Touch. Spiritual Rites of Passage, S. 253, Ballantine Books, 1st edition 4. August 1990


  • Greediness is always the result of an emptiness inside. Erich Fromm (1900-1980) German US American social psycho-
    logist, psychoanalyst, sociologist, humanistic philosopher, author, The Art of Listening, S. 187, Continuum 1995


  • You give someone something.
    1. The first time he prostrates himself.
    2. The second time he kisses your hand.
    3. The third time he gets familiar.
    4. The fourth time he only nods.
    5. The fifth time he insults you because you don't give him enough.
    6. The sixth time he sues you.
George Ivanovich Gurdjieff (1866-1949) Greek Armenian metaphysician, composer, choreograph, spiritual teacher of the
"Fourth Way", writer, cited in: quote collection presented by the website Gurdjieff Club


  • [B]uying and selling is essentially anti-social in all its tendencies. It is an education in self-seeking at the expense
    of others, and no society whose citizens are trained in such a school can possibly rise above a very low grade of civilization. Edward Bellamy (1850-1898) US American socialist, author, utopian science fiction novel Looking Backward. 2000-1887, chapter 9m, S. 2, Houghton Mifflin, 1888



Republican mantra:

See the originator of the slogan "Greed is Good" quotation

  • Greed is good. Attributed to Ronald Reagan [Political influence LoC 502] (1911-2004) 40th Republican US president (1981-1989), frontman of neoconservative corporate trickle-down economics


  • Desire is the problem. Being in a state of desire is suffering; wanting, lacking, hurting, and looking to a future time when we will have the desire fulfilled and be happy. […] When we no longer
    desire, we no longer look outside ourselves for something. When we no longer desire, we no longer look outside ourselves for completion, and we discover we are complete already.
    Larry Crane, US American representative of the "Sedona Method", An Introduction to the Larry Crane Tradition on the Release Technique and Lester Levenson's Teachings on Love, issuing date unknown


  • Wanting something means we believe that something is separate from us. The desire itself creates a duality, a polarization that prevents us from feeling our always-perfect completion inside. As long as we want, we think and emote about the desired object. This mental business reduces consciousness of our inward, ever present happi-
    ness, and we feel empty and lacking. Lester Levenson [LoC 505→180] (1910-1994) US American physicist, enterpreneur, founder of the Release Technique/"Sedona Method" [LoC 490], cult leader, No Attachments, No Aversions. The Autobiography of a Master, Lawrence Crane Enterprises, January 2003


References: en.Wikiquote entries Greed and ► Envy

Literary quotes

  • Great minds have purpose, others have wishes.
    Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortunes;
    but great minds rise above them.
    Washington Irving (1783-1859) US American historian, biographer, essayist, author, The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.,
    No.1, C. S. Van Winkle, 23. June 1819



Movie, documentary, TV series quotes


Gordon Gekko, young stockbroker, desperate to win, becomes involved with his hero, a wealthy, unscrupulous corporate raider.

  • Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures, the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge, has marked
    the upward surge of mankind and greed, you mark my words, will not only save
    Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the U.S.A.
    Cited by the movie character Gordon Gekko in the US American film Wall Street, 1987



  • When all your desires are distilled
    You will cast just two votes:
    To love more,
    And be happy.
    Hafez (1325/26-1389/90) Persian Sufi mystic, lyric poet, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote

Index: Begehren / Greed – Bücher von D. Hawkins

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Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins


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Milton Friedman, student of Ayn Rand, erroneously advocated selfinterest and minimizing the role of government in a free market as a means
of creating political and social freedom.


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