
Hawkins / Buch5E




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Buch 5E
David R. Hawkins

Transcending the Levels of Consciousness
The Stairway to Enlightenment
– BW 965


⚠ Caveat
See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


Softcover: Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, Vereinigte Staaten, 2005, ISBN 0-9715007-4-6
Hardcover: Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, Vereinigte Staaten, 2005, ISBN 0-9715007-5-4
407 Seiten


Die deutsche Übersetzung ist im Januar 2008 bei Sheema Medien erschienen.


Zitate aus dem Buch Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment

Zitate von D. Hawkins

  • This work is dedicated to the liberation of the human spirit;
    from the bondage of adversity and limitation that besets mankind
    from both within and without. Dedication


  • Consistent application of any spiritual principle can unexpectedly result in a very major and sudden leap to unanticipa-
    ted levels. At that point, memory may not even be available, and instead, the Knowingness of Spiritual Truth presents itself silently. Spiritual students should accept the reality that they are already gifted. A serious reader of a book such as this could hardly be otherwise. Divinity knows its own; therefore, to accept that truth is to already feel joy. To
    not experience joy by understanding this means that it is being resisted. chapter 18 "Full Enligtenment", S. 304

Alphabetical index – Alphabetischer Index (engl.)

  • 1/10,000 of a second, S. 279
  • 12-Step Group, S. 69, 79, 80, 129, 141, 143, 242, 256, 310
  • 3rd Eye of Buddhic Body, S. 241
  • 9/11 76
  • 91st Psalm, S. 88, 98, 298, 332
  • A Course in Miracles, S. 53, 252, 320
  • Absolute XV-XVII, S. 266
  • Academic science, S. 314
  • Acceptance, S. 211-218
  • Accidents, S. 81
  • Adam & Eve, S. 65, S. 71
  • Addiction, S. 119, 120, 125-129, 340
  • Advaita, S. 285
  • Alcoholics Anonymous, S. 50, 53, 79, 313, 314
  • Allness, S. 100, 199, 267, 277, 279, 301-306
  • Anatta, S. 199
  • "And then what?", S. 110, S. 130, S. 143
  • Anger, S. 135-146
  • Antidepressants, S. 32
  • Apathy, S. 75-90
  • Arafat, Yassar, S. 142
  • Archetypes, S. 42, S. 187, S. 292
  • Arehart-Treicher, S. 174
  • Aryan sages, S. 296
  • Asceticism, S. 130, 158, 353
  • Astral planes, S. 41, S. 64
  • Attachments, S. 93-97, S. 101, S. 102, S. 125, S. 300
  • Attitudes, S. 172-178
  • Attractions/Distractions, S. 340
  • Attractor fields, S. 40, 58, 77, 100, 113-115, 159, 171, 179, 181, 229, 285, 330, 340, 358, 366
  • Aurobindo, S. 287
  • Avator/Savior, S. 116, 233, 257, 274, 296
  • Begley, S. 169
  • Belief systems, S. 96, S. 338
  • Bhagavad-Gita, S. 296
  • Bin Laden, S. 378
  • Bliss, S. 271, S. 275-284
  • Borderline personality disorder, S. 139
  • Brain function, S. 108, 114, 121, 126, 137, 166-170, 207, 258
  • Broken window principle, S. 77
  • Brother Lawrence, S. 334
  • Bruce, S. 225
  • Buddha, S. 36, 37, 44, 57, 99, 112, 125, 157, 199, 253, 256, 274, 286, 288, 291, 295, 298, 301, 325, 333, 347
  • Buddhism, S. 116
  • Canon, S. 137
  • Capital punishment, S. 47
  • Causality, S. 219, 231, 265, 282, 305
  • Celtic Tiger, S. 224
  • Chakra system, S. 241, 292, 297
  • Character defects, S. 175
  • Christ Consciousness, S. 241
  • Christian saints, S. 37, S. 44
  • Christianity, S. 51, 116, 256
  • Churchill, Winston, S. 378
  • Commitment (spiritual), S. 329
  • Compassion, S. 69, S. 103, S. 255
  • Concordance, S. 282, S. 305
  • Conscience [see 'Superego']
  • Consciousness, S. XV, 112, 199, 221, 241, 282, 287
  • Consciousness, Levels of, S. 181-183, S. 242
  • Consciousness, Map of, S. XVI-XVII, S. 309*
  • Contemplation, S. 335
  • Contemplative lifestyle, S. 335
  • Context, S. 311
  • Courage, S. 185-194
  • Creation, S. XV, 27, 157, 277, 278, 282, 357
  • Creative visualization, S. 235
  • Crick, Francis, S. 380
  • Criminality, S. 126, 127
  • Cults, S. 318
  • Cultural Creatives, S. 174, 224
  • Dante, S. 35
  • Dark night of the soul, S. 35
  • Death, S. 31-35, 111, 113, 115, 131, 305
  • Death, cult of, S. 35
  • Depression, S. 31-35
  • Descartes, S. 137, 282
  • Desire, S. 101, S. 119- 134
  • Detachment / Nonattachment, S. 99, 198, 199, 339
  • Devotion, S. 264, 334, 363
  • Devotional Nonduality, S. 347
  • Diamond Heart, S. 287
  • Diamond, John, S. 378
  • Dirac, S. 309
  • Discernment, S. 241, 245, 259, 338, 339
  • Distractions / Attractions, S. 340
  • Divine Grace, S. 131, 257
  • Divine Justice, S. 39, 40, 115, 117, 282
  • Divine Love, S. 199, 202, 240, 300, 332, 354
  • Divine Will, S. 115, 255, 259, 277, 291, 339, 359, 365
  • Divinity, S. XV, 38, 78, 198, 241, 260, 279, 286, 287, 298, 301-306
  • Doctors without Borders, S. 258
  • Do-gooderism, S. 207
  • Dualities, S. 337
  • Duality (comparative), S. 350
  • Ecstasy, S. 260, 267
  • Ego, S. 23, 36, 52-61, 66, 69, 88, 95, 115, 121-124, 128, 138, 191, 198, 216-218, 233, 234, 246, 279, 331, 342,
    343, 346, 364
  • Ego ideal, S. 61, 77, 86, 191, 208
  • Egocentric, S. 281
  • Egotism, S. 28
  • Einstein, S. 219, 274
  • Emotionality, S. 212-218, 223
  • Energy bodies, S. 241
  • Enlightenment, S. XVI, 157, 241, 271, 275, 304
  • Enlightenment, Full, S. 295-308
  • EST, S. 80
  • Evolution, S. 23-29, 103, 108, 345
  • Evolution of consciousness, S. 25, 246, 256, 325, 331, 336, 353, 365
  • Explosive personality disorder, S. 139
  • Fear, S. 107-118
  • First Amendment, S. 229
  • Flight-or-fight, S. 137, 167
  • Forgiveness, S. 54, 57, 67, 69, 213, 252, 330, 333, 356
  • Free speech, S. 152, 228
  • Free will, S. 358, 365
  • Freedom, S. 349
  • Freud, Anna, S. 190
  • Freud, Sigmund, S. 23, 31, 35, 50, 52, 61, 63, 86, 141, 191, 219, 274
  • Frustration, S. 135
  • Gandhi, Mahatma, S. 142, 210, 287
  • Garden of Eden, S. 65
  • Ginsburg, S. 232
  • Gladwell, S. 355
  • Glamour, S. 122
  • Gloria an Excelsis Deo, S. 306
  • God, S. 88, 111
  • God Immanent, S. 241, 271, 285, 286
  • God shock, S. 266
  • God Transcendent, S. 241
  • God, anthropomorphic projection of, S. 41, 193
  • God's Will, S. 115, 255, 259, 277, 291, 339, 359, 365
  • Golden Age Greece, S. 223
  • Golden Rule, S. 205
  • Good Samaritan, S. 205
  • Good/bad, S. 337
  • Grace, S. 285
  • Grace of God, S. 56, 332, 361
  • Grace of the Guru, S. 37
  • Gratitude, S. 157
  • The Great Books of the Western World, S. 219
  • Greta, S. 206
  • Grief, S. 91-106
  • Guilt, S. 47-74
  • Guilt mongers, S. 65
  • Gunas, S. 75
  • Happiness, S. 30, 92, 98, 125, 131, 158, 178, 197, 205, 211, 224, 246, 353
  • Hari-kari, S. 84
  • Harmonic Convergence, S. 28
  • Hate, S. 47-74
  • Hating sin, S. 66
  • Health system, S. 321
  • Heisenberg principle, S. 309, 310
  • Hell, S. 35, 44
  • Hermeneutics, S. 222, 311
  • Higher Mind, S. 171-178, 192, 225, 227, 360
  • Hinduism, S. 116
  • Hitler, S. 43, 64, 141, 375
  • Holy Spirit, S. 56, 252, 351
  • Homo sapiens, S. 214
  • Huang-Po, S. 306
  • Humility, S. 60, 69, 85, 153, 155-157, 161, 194, 216-218, 232, 252, 315, 316, 337, 344
  • Humor, S. 70, 189, 208, 218, 361-364
  • Humpty Dumpty, S. 228
  • Hypnosis, S. 113
  • Hypoglycemia, S. 34
  • Hypothetical, S. 50
  • Id, S. 52, 61, 63, 141, 191
  • Ignorance, S. 38, 48, 70, 116
  • Illumination, S. 275-284
  • Infatuation, S. 247-249
  • Infatuation vs. Love, S. 249
  • Infinite reality, S. 101
  • Infinite Silence, S. 234
  • Inner Silence, S. 234
  • Intelligence, S. 24, 49, 219-235
  • Intelligent Design, S. 24
  • Intention, S. 208, 309, 310, 331
  • Islamic, S. 116
  • Iteration, S. 359
  • Jesus Christ, S. 36, 37, 114, 273, 286, 288, 291, 295, 298, 317, 319, 333, 378
  • Joy, S. 255-267
  • Judaic-Christian, S. 116
  • Judgementalism, S. 213-218, S. 250
  • Jung, Carl, S. 80, 187, 292
  • Karma, S. 38-44, 65, 253, 325
  • Karma Yoga, S. 210
  • Karmic inheritance, S. 40
  • Karmic merit, S. 206
  • Kindness, S. 333, 336, 356, 357
  • Kinesiologic testing, S. XVI, 328, 373-383
  • KKK, S. 82
  • Knowingness, S. 266, 286, 304, 305, 334
  • Koran, S. 287
  • Krishna, S. 273, 286, 295, 298, 333
  • Kundalini, S. 259, 262, 297, 317
  • La Boheme, S. 132
  • Lennon, John, S. 124
  • Life, S. XV
  • Light, S. 338-340
  • Lord, S. 286
  • Loss, S. 91-96, 101, 160
  • Lotus Sutra, S. 287
  • Love, S. 245-254
  • Love vs. Infatuation, S. 249
  • Lovingness, S. 231, 251
  • Lower Mind, S. 171-178, 192, 225, 227
  • Lucerific temptation, S. 43, 51
  • Mackay, S. 60
  • Maharaj, Nisargatta, S. 287, 289, 290
  • Maharshi, Ramana, S. 289, 290, 375
  • Malignant Messianic Narcissism, S. 63, 83, 123, 140, 281
  • Marx, Karl, S. 58
  • Marxism, S. 225
  • Maslow, Abraham, S. 355
  • Matthews, S. 169
  • McCain, S. 190
  • Mechanism of Truth, S. 343
  • Media, S. 123
  • Memes, S. 345
  • Memory, S. 52, 167-170
  • Mentalization, S. 233
  • Metaphysics, S. 311
  • "Mine", S. 97, S. 344
  • Miracle, S. 252
  • Miraculous, S. 252, 255, 259, 310
  • Moral defects, S. 63
  • Moral imbecility, S. 64
  • Moral relativism, S. 224-228
  • Moran, S. 169, 174
  • Mother Teresa, S. 75, 292
  • Mudra, S. 286, 292
  • Music (above 500), S. 89
  • Napoleon, S. 43
  • Near death experiences, S. 111, 256
  • Needs/wants, S. 120, 352
  • Neutrality, S. 195-202
  • New Testament, S. 287, S. 295
  • Newtonian paradigm, S. 57, 231-232, 263, 304, 312, 327
  • Newtonian physics, S. 153
  • No mind, S. 287, 291
  • Nobel Prize, S. 219
  • Nonattachment/Detachment, S. 99, 198, 199, 339
  • Nonduality, S. 285
  • Nonlinear, S. 113, 115, 221, 241, 263, 280, 312
  • Nonresistance, S. 201, 202, 339
  • Nothingness, S. 99, 298-304
  • Obsessive-Compulsive disorder, S. 65
  • Old Testament, S. 44
  • One-pointedness of mind, S. 297, 356
  • Ontology, S. 223
  • Opposites, S. 337
  • Paradigm, S. 311-314
  • Paradigm Allegiance, S. 232, 311
  • Passive-aggressive disorder, S. 140
  • Patanjali, S. 287
  • Pathological states, S. 261
  • Pathway of Negation, S. 298-304
  • Pavlovian, S. 341
  • Peace, S. 275-284
  • Penance, S. 70
  • Perpetrator/victim, S. 58, 77, 189, 346
  • Persona, S. 289
  • Personality, S. 289
  • Pets/dogs, S. 87
  • Plotinus, S. 293
  • Politically correct, S. 151
  • Pope, S. 225
  • Positionality, S. 54, 210, 218
  • Possessed, S. 64
  • Possession, S. 97
  • Postmodern, S. 227
  • Prayer, S. 194, 292
  • Presence of the Self, S. 69
  • Pride, S. 146-161
  • Processing out negative feelings, S. 98, 110
  • Projections, S. 52, 137
  • Proof, S. 193
  • Psychoanalysis, S. 69, 83, 110, 191, 200, 242
  • Purusha, S. 286
  • Quantum mechanics, S. 153
  • Quantum theory, S. 358
  • Radiance of the Self, S. 69, 266, 271, 286
  • Ramakrishna, S. 262
  • Rationality, S. 219
  • Ray/Anderson, S. 174, 224
  • Realization of the Self, S. 364
  • Reason, S. 219-235
  • Reincarnation, S. 41
  • Relativism, S. 219
  • Res Internas / Res Cognitas, S. 137, 182, 219, 282, 311, 362
  • Resentment, S. 136
  • Resolving pain of loss, S. 100
  • Reticular Activating System, S. 109
  • Revelations, Book of, S. 296
  • Rig Veda, S. 287
  • Roger Bannister Effect, S. 365
  • Roosevelt, S. 113
  • Saint, S. 275
  • Saintly, S. 259
  • Salvation, S. 116
  • Samadhi, S. 288
  • Satanic, S. 51
  • Sat-chit-ananda, S. 276
  • Satori, S. 272, 288
  • Savior/Avator, S. 116, 233, 257, 274, 296
  • Schrödinger, S. 309
  • Science of Consciousness (Conferences), S. 221, 232
  • Self, S. XVI, 115, 209, 229, 280, 354, 364, 365
  • Self-Realization, S. 285-294
  • Serial killers, S. 63, 125
  • Seven deadly sins, S. 125
  • Seyle, S. 137, 167
  • Shame, S. 31-45
  • Siddhi, S. 182, 262, 263, 315, 318-321
  • Silent transmission, S. 257, 295, 365
  • Simplicity, S. 332-334
  • Sin, S. 47, 48, 71
  • Skeptisism, S. 153, 182, 193
  • Social brain, S. 169
  • Socrates, S. 48, 61, 71, 230, 333, 353
  • Source, S. 115, 131, 157, 276, 277, 286
  • Spiritual energy, S. 259, 273, 295, 297, 316
  • Spiritual groups, S. 84, 256
  • Spiritual states, S. 261
  • Spiritual teacher, S. 273, 275, 365
  • Spiritual vision, S. 241
  • Spiritual will, S. 53, 56, 78, 350, 351
  • Saint Francis of Assisi, S. 158, 199
  • Stewardship, S. 100
  • Subjectivity, S. 239, 246, 259
  • Suffering, S. 99, 128, 331
  • Suicide, S. 31-35
  • Superego, S. 50, 62, 63, 68, 69, 138, 141, 191, 200, 215, 228
  • Supreme Court, S. 219
  • Surrender, S. 96, 115, 130, 210, 232, 251
  • Symbolic speech, S. 228
  • Szegedy-Maszak, S. 174
  • Tao, teachings of, S. 199
  • Temptations, S. 314-317, 341
  • Thanatos, S. 35, 141
  • Theology, S. 70
  • Theory of relativity, S. 153
  • Theurapeutic escapism, S. 89
  • Thinkingness, S. 225, 233
  • Tibetian Buddhist/neuroplasticity, S. 169
  • Time, S. XV, 282, 305
  • Transcendence, S. 290
  • Transcending fear, S. 110
  • Truth, S. XVII, 37, 193, 267, 287, 333
  • Unconditional Love, S. 255-267, 347
  • Undoing, S. 51, 60
  • United States, S. 224
  • United States Constitution, S. 67
  • Universal mind, S. XVI
  • Upanishands 296, 332
  • Vedas 296
  • Victim/perpetrator 58, 77, 189, 346
  • Void 99, 198, 199, 298-304
  • Vulnerability 156
  • Wants/needs 120, 352
  • Wealth 353
  • Will power 78, 129, 351
  • Willingness 203-210
  • Win-Win 205
  • Witness/Observer, S. 282, 339
  • Worries, S. 128
  • Wright Brothers [Influecne LoC 455], S. 153, 193
  • Wu Wei (Tao), S. 339
  • Yin / Yang, S. 292
  • Zen, S. 45
  • Zen ox herding pictures, S. 288
  • Zohar, S. 296
  • Zoroaster, S. 286, 296


Source: ► Index from A-Z of Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, presented by consciousnessproject.org, Scott Jeffrey,
US American business and marketing consultant, founder of the dissolved website Consciousness Project (2005-2015), biographer,
cult busting author   
Entry removed after the release of Power vs. Truth, 2013


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