
Wiki / KenWilber





Ken Wilber
(*1949) US-amerikanischer Philosoph, Mystiker, Autor, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie


Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)




Ken Wilber


Wilberianischer Integralismus

► Die Grenze zwischen dem Ich und den

anderen ist der Schrecken des Lebens.

► Die Grenze zwischen Sein und Nichtsein

ist der Schrecken des Sterbens.


Die Entdeckung des Höchsten Ganzen ist das wirksame Mittel zur Aufhebung von Unfreiheit und die einzige medizinische Verordnung, die Mystiker anbieten.


Das ichhafte Selbstbewusstsein befindet sich auf halbem Wege zwischen dem Unbewussten der Natur und dem Überbewussten des GEISTES. Das Unbewusste von Materie und Körper weicht dem seiner selbst Bewussten des Verstandes und des Egos, das seinerseits dem Überbewussten der Seele und des GEISTES Platz macht.


Die Grenze zwischen dem Ich und dem Mitmenschen löst Furcht aus, die Grenze zwischen dem Vergangenen und der Zukunft verursacht Ängste, die Grenze zwischen Subjekt und Objekt löst Begierden aus. Während die Biologie nicht zerstört werden kann, lassen sich Grenzen überschreiten.


Wenn das Ich-Empfinden stirbt, ist das, was sich auflöst, kein wirkliches Sein, sondern lediglich eine Grenze, die nicht wirklich bestand, die stets eingebildet war. Hat jedoch ein Mensch die Illusion des Ichs und dessen Grenzen aufgebaut, so fürchtet er nichts mehr als dessen Auflösung und strebt daher nach symbolischer Unsterblichkeit.



Integrale Philosophie im 3. Jahrtausend

Ken Wilber

Ken Wilber gilt als Ganzheitsphilosoph. Er wurde als Vordenker des
3. Jahrtausends bezeichnet.
In seinem Schaffenswerk bringt er zum Ausdruck, dass jede Theorie zur Wirklichkeit, jedes Realitätsmodell, zugleich ein Stufenmodell ist, das sich mit der ewigen Philosophie [die Jahrtausende überdauernde, zeit-
lose Philosophie] decken muss und eine ontologische Seinsordnung einbeziehen muss.


Nach Wilber beinhalten alle Stufenmodelle folgenden Stufen:
1. Materie
2. Biologie
3. Psychologie
4. Feinstoffliches / Heiligmäßiges
5. Weisheit / Erwachtsein
6. Ultimatives – jenseits des Bewusstseins
Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseinsforscher, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, A Holographic Paradigm, S. 159, 1982

Ken Wilbers Kosmologie – AQAL-Modell



Das AQAL-Modell [Alle Quadranten, alle Ebenen] ist eine vollständige Landkarte der Wirklichkeit.
Der integrale Prozess beinhaltet nach Wilber:

  1. Drei Dimensionen,
  2. Drei Bewegungen,
  3. Sieben Stadien,
  4. Sechs Entwicklungen,
  5. Einen Prozess.


Kosmologie des AQAL-Modells


Kosmologie des AQAL-Modells. Es besteht aus vier Quadranten:

  1. Subjektiv – "Ich" (persönlich; oben links)
  2. Intersubjektiv – [d.h. kulturell] "Wir" (kulturell, unten links)
  3. Interobjektiv – "Seines" (sozial; unten rechts) und
  4. Objektiv – "Es" (verhaltensmäßig; oben rechts)

Sie beziehen sich auf relative Ganzheiten oder so genannte "Holons" [Begriff, den Arthur Koestler geprägt hat].




Zustände ist ein Kurzwort für vier Arten von "Bewusstseinszuständen".

  • Der grobstoffliche Wachzustand,
  • der subtile Traumzustand und
  • der kausale Tiefschlaf sind natürlich und gewöhnlich, während
  • meditative und kontemplative Zustände ungewöhnlicher Art sind:
    • die Zeugenschaft (turiya)
    • der nonduale Bewusstseinszustand (turiyatita)
    The fourth (i.e. Turiya) is NOT a state. It is the background on which dream and wake arises and disappears. Turiya is just another term to describe pure awareness. It is also called the Nirvikalpa. Mandukya Upanishad




Typen sind unterschiedliche Ausdrucksweisen, in denen man existieren und auf jeder Ebene oder Entwicklungsstufe agieren kann:




Linien (auch Ströme genannt) sind verschiedene Dimensionen und Fähigkeiten des Selbst, die inneren Wachstumsebenen zu überspannen.

Es gibt zwei Hauptkategorien von Linien:
  • selbstbezogene Linien und
  • Talente oder Fähigkeiten.
Die selbstbezogenen Linien betreffen den Selbstsinn (Wer bin ich?), Verhaltensregeln (Wie soll ich mit anderen umgehen?) und Bedürfnisse (Was brauche ich?). Diese Linien verlaufen nah beieinander durch viele Seinsebenen und sind stark auf die eigene Identität bezogen.
Talente oder Fähigkeiten sind musikalische, kinesthetische und künstlerische Linien, die sich eigenständig von den selbstbezogenen Linien und den anderen Talentlinien entwickeln.


Acht Ebenen


Die acht Ebenen oder Wellen beziehen sich auf die zunehmenden Ordnungen der Kompetenz und Komplexität in jeder beliebigen Linie oder Strom.


AQAL-Modell (Dennis Wittrock)

Die acht Ebenen – Übersicht

Spirale Die Spirale der Entwicklung nach Clare / Graves / Beck / Wilber


Die acht Sprossen der Spiral Dynamics-Leiter
bis heute

1. Tier
Erfüllung der körperlichen Hauptfunktionen:
Nahrungsaufnahme, Rast, körperliche Sicherheit, Fortpflanzung
v. Chr.

Als Gesellschafts-
form nicht mehr existent
Nur in der
Wird akut, sobald man nicht mehr für sich selbst sorgen kann

1. Tier
und Sippe
Primitive Clanbildung, Gruppenzugehörigkeit, Tabus, Animismus, Verehrung der Ahnen, Rituale
Als Gesellschaftsform bei einigen Naturvölkern zu finden
v. Chr.
Kleinkind i.d.R.
Vor dem 3. Lebensjahr 
Motivation, sich als Individuum zu definieren, nicht nur als Teil eines Kollektivs 

1. Tier
ROT Selbstbe-
Stärke, Rebellion, Heldentum, Macht,
"Ich gewinne";
Gesellschaftsstruktur durch Stärke geprägt
Gesellschaftlich typisch in Totalitarismus, Diktatur, Monarchie
[Vgl. mittelalterliches Deutschland]
v. Chr.
Kindliche Trotzphase
Um das 3.-4. Lebensjahr'''
Kristallisierung der Machtstruktur

1. Tier
Klare Regeln, Hierarchie, Ordnung, Absolutismus, übergeordnete Macht, Dogmatismus, Starrheit
Typische Gesellschaftsform der Staaten des 20. Jahrhunderts
v. Chr.
Von der Kindheit
Bis zur Pubertät
Sobald erkannt wird, dass die Struktur mehr verhindert als erlaubt

1. Tier
ORANGE Sozialver-
Wissenschaft, Ehrgeiz, Leistung, Fortschritt, Vernunft, "Win-win"
Typische Gesellschaftsform von Unternehmen
600 bzw. 1000Junger Erwachsener
Bis ca. zum 18.-25. Lebensjahr
Erkenntnis, dass das Streben "immer weiter nach oben" zu gelangen nie endet

1. Tier
GRÜN Gesellschaft-
licher Kon-
Gleichbehandlung, Gleichberechtigung, Akzeptanz, Ökologie, Relativismus
Typische Gesellschaftsform von Hilfsorganisationen
Nachhaltig ab dem 20. Jhdt.
Bis ca. zur Midlife-Crisis
Notwendigkeit einer Entscheidungsfindung

2. Tier
Systeme in Systemen, Unsicherheitsprinzip, Chaostheorie, Integration aller möglichen Standpunkte, Big Picture, flexibles Handeln
Gesellschaftlich praktisch noch nicht aktiviert
Etwa ab dem 40. Lebensjahr
Erworbene Er-Kenntnisse und Ansichten werden mit der Gesellschaft geteilt.

2. Tier
TÜRKIS Holonische
Bewusste, universelle Ordnung, keine Trennung von Gedanken und Gefühlen, Verbindung aller Netzwerke, hohe Spiritualität, "collective mind"
Gesellschaftlich praktisch noch nicht wirksam
Weise Alte
Extrem selten anzutreffen
Die Spirale der Entwicklung


Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag Spiral Dynamics

Spiral Dynamics – Zuordnungen und Terminologie von K. Wilber

Werte des Ersten Tiers / BereichsWerte des Zweiten Tiers / Bereichs
MAGENTA (egozentrisch, magisch) BLAUGRÜN (weltzentrisch bis kosmozentrisch, integral)
ROT (ego- bis soziozentrisch, egoistisch) TÜRKIS (kosmozentrisch, integral)
BERNSTEIN (soziozentrisch, mythisch) 
ORANGE (weltzentrisch, rational) 
GRÜN (weltzentrisch, pluralistisch) 


Spiral Dynamics-Tabelle – Zuordnungen / Terminologie nach Wilber
Egozentrisch, magisch
Familienebene. Primitive Clanbildung, GruppenzugehörigkeitAnimismus, Verehrung der Ahnen, Tabus, Rituale. Als gesellschaftliche Form bei einigen Naturvölkern zu finden; beim Kleinkind i.d.R. vor dem 3. Lebensjahr. Übergang: beim Wunsch, sich als Individuum und nicht nur als Teil eines Kollektivs zu definieren.
Die magentafarbene Ebene begann vor etwa 50.000 Jahren. Sie ist eher die Heimat egozentrischer Triebe, einer magischen Weltanschauung und Impulsi-
vität. Sie drückt sich durch Magie/Animismus, verwandte Geister und derglei-
chen aus. Vor allem Kleinkinder agieren mit einer magentafarbenen Weltan-
schauung. Magenta ist in jeder Entwicklungslinie grundlegend beziehungs-
weise der "Ausgangspunkt" für alle neuen Aufgaben. Die magentafarbenen Emotionen und Wahrnehmungen können als treibende Kräfte für das kulturelle Superhelden-Phänomen in Comics oder Filmem gesehen werden.
2. ROT
Ego- bis soziozentrisch, egoistisch
SelbstbestimmungStärke, Rebellion, Heldentum, Macht, "Ich gewinne", Gesellschaftliche Struktur durch Stärke geprägt. Als Gesellschaft typisch für Totalitarismus, Diktatur, Monarchie (vgl. mittelalterisches Deutschland). Beim Kind um das 3.-4. Lebensjahr (Trotzphase). Übergang: Kristallisierung der Machtstruktur
Die rote Ebene begann vor etwa 10.000 Jahren. Sie kennzeichnet die egozen-
trischen Antriebe, die auf dem "Macht schafft Recht"-Machtanspruch basieren. Im roten Reich herrscht die Aggression, und die Fähigkeit, sich in die Rolle eines "Anderen" hinein zu versetzen. Rote Impulse werden typischerweise in der Grundschule und in den unteren Klassen von Realschule und Gymnasium gesehen, wo Mobbing, Hänseleien und ähnliches Verhalten die Norm sind. Kulturell gesehen sind rote Antriebe in den ultimativen Kampfmaschinen-Wettkämpfen ohne feste Regeln vertreten [Feste Regeln entstehen erst in der nächsten bernsteinfarbenen Ebene.]. Man findet sie auch in der Teenager-Rebellion und in den "Die jungen schnellen und wütenden Wilden"-Filmen, worin es um Gang-Dynamiken und dergleichen mehr geht (wobei stets die Stärkeren die Schwächeren beherrschen).
Sozioentrisch, mythisch
Gesellschaftliche OrdnungKlare Regeln, Hierarchie, Ordnung, Absolutismus, übergeordnete Macht, Dogmatismus, Starrheit. Typische Gesellschaftsform der heutigen Staaten. Beim Kind bis zur Pubertät. Übergang: wenn die Struktur mehr verhindert,
als sie erlaubt.
Die bernsteinfarbene Ebene begann vor etwa 5.000 Jahren. Sie ist eine im Wesentlichen traditionalistisch, ihre und mythischen Weltanschauungen sind fast durchwegs absolutistisch geprägt. (Diese Entwicklungsstufe gilt als absolutistische Stufe.) Im Gegensatz zur Formel "Macht schafft Recht" orientiert sich die bernsteinfarbene Ethik eher an der Gruppe, die sich allerdings nur auf "meine" Gruppe erstreckt. Grundschul- und Oberstufen-
schüler verhalten sich in der Regel nach der bernsteinfarbenen Motivation,
sich "anzupassen" und "einzufügen". Die bernsteinfarbene Moral hilft, die Entzündlickkeit und den Narzissmus von Rot in Schach zu halten. Kulturell gesehen sind bernsteinfarbene Weltanschauungen geprägt von Fundamenta-
lismus ("Mein Gott hat auf alle Fälle Recht"), extremem Patriotismus ("Mein Land hat auf alle Fälle Recht.") und Soziozentrismus ("Mein Volk hat auf alle Fälle Recht.")
Weltzentrisch, rational
Sozial verträglichen EntwicklungWissenschaft, Ambition, Leistung, Fortschritt, Vernunft, "Win-win". Typische Gesellschaftsform der Unternehmen. Beim jungen Erwachsenen bis etwa zum 18.-25. Lebensjahr. Übergang: beim Erkenntnis, dass ein "immer weiter nach oben" nie ein Ende hat.
Die orange Ebene begann vor etwa 500 Jahren – in der Zeitperiode der sogenannten europäischen Aufklärung. In der orangenen Weltsicht beginnt
das Individuum, sich von der bernsteinfarbenen Konformität zu lösen, welche die Anschauungen der eigenen Religion, Nation oder des eigenen Stammes verdinglicht. Die orangefarbene Weltanschauung bildet sich oft erst allmählich in der späten Gymnasialoberstufe oder in der Volljährigkeit heraus. Kulturell gesehen erkennt die orangefarbene Weltanschauung "Die Wahrheit wird
einem nicht serviert, sie wird entdeckt." Diese Einsicht spornt an zu großen Fortschritten der Wissenschaft und der formalen Rationalität. Die orange-
farbene Ethik ist bereit, alle Menschen zu umarmen: "Wir halten diese Wahrheiten für ausgemacht, daß alle Menschen gleich erschaffen wurden ...". Ayn Rands Objektivismus und die Zusatzartikel der US-amerikanischen Verfassung, ausgedrückt in der Bill of Rights (1789) und vielen Gesetze
zum Schutz der individuellen Freiheit entstammen aus der orangenen Weltanschauung.
Weltzentrisch, pluralistisch
Ebene des gesellschaftlichen KonstruktivismusGleichbehandlung, Gleichberechtigung, Akzeptanz, Ökologie, Relativismus. Typische Gesellschaftsform der Hilfsorganisationen. Beim Erwachsenen bis etwa zur Midlife-Krise. Übergang: Notwendigkeit einer Entscheidungsfindung.
Die grüne Ebene begann vor etwa 150 Jahren, wiewohl sie in den 1960er Jahren ihren kraftvollsten Ausdruck fand. Grüne Weltanschauungen sind geprägt vom Pluralismus, der Fähigkeit, zu sehen, dass es mehrere Möglich-
keiten gibt, die Wirklichkeit zu sehen. Während Orange universelle Wahrheiten anerkennt ("Alle Menschen sind gleich an Würde und Rechten geboren."), anerkennt Grün eine Reihe von universellen Wahrheiten – verschiedene Universalien für unterschiedliche Kulturen. Die grüne Moral setzt die Bewe-
gung der Einbeziehung aller Menschen fort und weitet sie radikal aus. Eine grüne Aussage könnte sein: "Wir halten diese Wahrheiten für selbstverständ-
lich, dass alle Menschen gleich geschaffen sind, unabhängig von Rasse, Geschlecht, Klasse ..." Grüne Moral have given birth to the Bürgerrechte, Feministen und homosexuelle Bürgerrechte sowie Umweltschutz.
Die multiplen Perspektiven der grünen Weltanschauung ermöglichen mehr Mitgefühl, Idealismus und Engagement – in der gesunden Form. Derlei Qualitäten werden von Organisationen wie Sierra Club, Amnesty Interna-
, die Vereinigung der besorgten Wissenschaftler und Ärzte ohne Grenzen geschätzt. In ihrer ungesunden Form können grüne Weltanschau-
ungen in einen extremen Relativismus einmünden, der alle Überzeugungen als relativ und gleichwertig wahr betrachtet, was wiederum zu dem Nihilismus, Narzissmus, der Ironie und Sinnentleertheit führen kann, die bei vielen Intellektuellen, Akademikern und Trendsettern zum Ausdruck kommt, ganz zu schweigen von einer weiteren "verlorenen" Generation von Studenten.
Weltzentrisch bis "kosmozentrisch", integral
Integrale Wahrnehmung
Systeme in Systemen
Unsicherheitsprinzip, Chaostheorie, Intergration aller möglichen Ansichten, Großbilddenken (Big Picture), flexibles Handeln. Gesellschaftlich praktisch noch unentwickelt. Beim Erwachsenen etwa ab dem 40. Lebensjahr. Übergang: Teilung der erworbenen Kenntnisse und Ansichten mit der Gesellschaft.
Die blaugrüne Ebene markiert den Beginn der integralen Weltanschauung,
wo Pluralismus und Relativismus transzendiert und in ein systematischeres Ganzes einbezogen werden. Der Übergang von grün zu blaugrün wird auch als der Übergang von den Werten des "ersten Tiers" zu den Werten des "zweiten Tiers" bezeichnet, wobei der unmittelbarste Unterschied darin besteht, dass jeder Wert der "ersten Stufe" überzeugt ist, der einzige wirklich richtige Wert zu sein, während die Werte der "zweiten Stufe" die Bedeutung aller vorangegangenen Entwicklungsstufen anerkennen. Demnach würdigt die blaugrüne Weltsicht die Erkenntnisse der grünen Weltanschauung, stellt sie allerdings in einen größeren Denkrahmen, der gesunde Hierarchien und gesunde Wertezuordnungen möglich macht.
Der entscheidende Schritt der blaugrünen Weltsicht ist, den Entwicklungspro-
zess an sich zu begreifen, wobei sie anerkennt, dass jede der vorhergehenden Stufen (magenta bis grün) eine wichtige Rolle im menschlichen Erleben spielt. Das blaugrüne Bewusstsein anerkennt, dass jede der vorhergehenden Stufen eine wichtige Wahrheit offenbart. Es fügt sie alle zusammen und integriert sie, ohne zu versuchen, sie zu verändern, um "mehr als ich zu sein", und ohne sich des extremeren kulturellen Relativismus ("Alle sind gleich.") zu bedienen. Die blaugrünen Weltanschauungen anerkennen nicht nur alle Standpunkte (die grüne Weltsicht) – sie können sie sehen und ehren, jedoch auch kritisch bewerten.
"Kosmozentrisch", integral
Holonische Ebene. Bewusste, universelle OrdnungKeine Spaltung von Gedanken und Gefühlen, Verbundenheit aller Netzwerke, hohe Spiritualität, Kollektivbewusstsein ("kollektive Juden"). Gesellschaftlich nicht existent. Dieser Zustand kommt bei Menschen extrem selten vor.
Übergang: ---
Türkis ist eine reife integrale Sicht, man respektiert nicht nur die gesunde Hierarchie, sondern auch die unterschiedlichen Quadranten des menschlichen Wissens, des Selbstausdrucks und der Erforschung (zumindest: ich, wir und es). Während blaugrüne Weltanschauungen eher weltlich ausgerichtet sind, ist Türkis flugs dabei, den Spirit als lebendige Kraft in der Welt (manifestiert durch eines oder alle drei Gesichter Gottes) zu integrieren: "Ich" – das "Nichtselbst" oder der "Zeuge" des Buddhismus; "WIR/DU-ES" – der "Große Andere" des Christentums, Judentum, Hinduismus, Islam; oder "Es" – das "Netz des Lebens", das im Taoismus, Pantheismus und dergleichen mehr vorkommt).
Inspiriert durch: ► Artikel (engl.) Stages and states of consciousness von Corey W. deVos,
US-amerikanischer Webseitenverwalter von Integral Life, Cheflektor von KenWilber.com, Schriftsteller

Stufenmodelle und Tiers – A. Maslow ♦ J. Gebser ♦ R. Graves ♦ ⚡ D. Hawkins ♦ ⚡ K. Wilber

Stufenmodelle – Ränge – Attraktoren (Übersicht)
A. Maslow, J. Gebser, C. Graves, D. Hawkins, K. Wilber
Jean Gebsers
Clare Graves
Spiral Dynamics
David Hawkins
Skala des Bewusstseins
(SD - Beige)
Archaisch ÜberlebenÜberleben
[BW 1-19]
1. Tier
(SD - Violett)
Magisch-Animistisch Ahnen und GeisterScham, Schuld
Apathie, Trauer

[BW 20-99]
1. Tier
3. ROT Sicherheit Egozentrik Unterwerfung GötterAngst, Gier
[BW 100-149]
1. Tier
(SD - Blau)
Zugehörigkeit Mythisch-Absolutistisch Regeln
Wut, Stolz
[BW 150-199]
1. Tier
5. ORANGE Soziale
Rational-komplex ErfolgstrebenStolz
[BW 175-199]
Mut, Neutralität

[BW 200-399]
1. Tier

6. GRÜN  Pluralistisch-Relativistisch Harmonische

[BW 400-499]
1. Tier
(SD – Gelb)
Selbstverwirklichung  Geschmeidiger
Liebe, Freude
[BW 500-540]
2. Tier
8. TÜRKIS  Systemisch Weltver-
Weisheit, Frieden
[BW 540-599]
2. Tier
9. INDIGO Selbsttranszendenz Integral Koralle
[BW 600+]
3. Tier
Daten teilweise entnommen aus: ► Gelöschte Integral Institute-Tabelle Levels of Consciousness
[Piaget/Aurobindo ✣ Graves ✣ Kegan ✣ Loevinger/Cook-Greuter ✣ Gebser ✣ Fowler]
Siehe auch: ► Stufenmodelle
See also: ► Step models

Spiral Dynamics Modell ♦ Beck und Cowan ♦ Chakramodell ♦ Skala des Bewusstseins nach ⚡ D. Hawkins

Spiral Dynamics Modell nach Don Beck und Chris Cowan – Stand 1999
Skala des Bewusstseins nach David Hawkins
Anteil der BevölkerungAngst
1. WurzelChakra
Archaisch Überleben
Magisches Denken
von Geistern
und Ahnen
0%TodEtwa 1 bis 80 Nicht-
1. Tier
2. SakralChakra
Wir gegen sie Verehrung
von Geistern
und Ahnen
4%Geister /
Etwa 81 bis 149 Nicht-
1. Tier
Feudalistisch Ich
Fünf Sinne Wahrnehmung
15%Andere MenschenEtwa 150 / Wut und 175 Stolz bis maximal 199 Nicht-
1. Tier
4. HerzChakra
Niederes Herz
Umfassenderes Fühlen
Traditionell Religion

Konformistisch Repressiv
40%Gott / Regel-
175 bis maximal 399


1. Tier
5. HerzChakra
Höheres Herz
Umfassenderes Fühlen
der Ahnenebene
Modern Wissenschaft
Erfolg haben
Fakten Logik
30%VersagenEtwa 400 bis maximal 459 Linearität

1. Tier
6. HalsChakra
Basis der Spiritualität
über Stimme
Post-Modern Pluralistisch
Viele diverse Wahrheiten
Etwa 460 bis
maximal 499

1. Tier
7. StirnChakra
Höheres Gefühl

Hier und Jetzt

~4% in
0,4+% in BW540+
N/A500 bis
etwa 599

2. Tier
See also: ► Passage from force driven controlling ego self power dwelling Self

Spiral Dynamics Bewusstseinsskala – Ken Wilber (Terminologie / Farbgebung)

Spiral Dynamics Bewusstseinsskala
Vom Ersten Tier zum Zweiten Tier
Vom Mangelbewusstsein zum Ganzheitsbewusstsein
ERSTES TIERKontext der Getrenntheit Überleben Dualität Bedürftigkeit/Knappheit
Stadium der EntwicklungFokus / OrientierungBeschreibung
1. Infrarot
v. Chr.
Jäger und Sammler
Archaisch-instinktiv unwillkürlich-reflexhafte ÜberlebensorientierungDer Selbstausdruck dient den zwingenden körperlichen Überlebensbedürfnissen des instinkt-gesteuerten Homo sapiens. 1. Tier
2. Magenta
v. Chr.
Kleinkind vor dem
3. Lebensjahr
Familie Sippe
Magisch-animistisch tribalistische GruppenordnungDer zwingend vorausgesetzte Selbstausdruck ist, sich den Ältestenführern und Sitten zu unterwerfen. 1. Tier
3. Rot7000
v. Chr.
3.-4. Lebensjahr
EGOZENTRISCH egoistisch-ausbeutend, Zwangsmacht Götter-GewaltherrschaftImpulsiv-reaktiver Selbstausdruck zur Erfüllung eigener Wünsche
jenseits von Schuld- und Schamgefühl
1. Tier
4. Bernstein
v. Chr.
Kindheit bis zur Pubertät
Gesellschaftliche Ordnung
Früher Nationalstaat
SOZIOZENTRISCH mythisch-absolutistisch zweckbestimmt-autoritäre Gehorsamkeits-OrdnungSelbstaufopfernder zweckbestimmter Gehorsam gegenüber rechtmäßigen Autoritätsfiguren zugunsten von Vergünstigungen 1. Tier
5. Orange1000
n. Chr.

(600 n. Chr. nach Graves / Calhoun)
Junger Erwachsener
18.-25. Lebensjahr
WELTZENTRISCH rational leistungsorientiert wissenschaftlich-strategischKalkulierter Selbstausdruck, um Ziele zu erreichen, ohne den Zorn einflussreicher Menschen auf sich zu ziehen 1. Tier
6. Gruen1850 n. Chr.
nachdrücklich seit Beginn des 20. Jhts.
Erwachsener bis zur Midlife-Crisis
Gesellschaftlicher Konstruktivismus
WELTZENTRISCH pluralistisch-komplex relativistisch-personalistisch gemeinschaftsorientiert-ebenbürtig-partnerschaftlichHintanstellung von Eigeninteressen zugunsten von Akzeptanz und Gruppenharmonie 1. Tier
ZWEITES TIER Monumentaler Sinnsprung Kontext der Interverbundenheit Nichtlineare Seinserfahrung
Stadium der EntwicklungFokus / OrientierungBeschreibung
7. Blaugrün
ab 40. Lebensjahr
Integrale Wahrnehmung
WELTZENTRISCH bis KOSMOZENTRISCH systemisch-integrativAchtsamer Selbstausdruck, der anderen möglichst nicht schadet und nicht nur dem eigenen Leben dient. 2. Tier

2010: 4-5%
der Menschheit
>2020-30: 11%
der Menschheit
8. Türkis1970Reifer Erwachsener
Nur vereinzelt anzutreffen
Integral-holonisches Bewusstsein
Verzicht auf Eigeninteressen zugunsten eines interverbundenen globalen Systems, das gerade erst entsteht 2. Tier

2010: 0,4-0,5%
der Menschheit
Quelle (engl.):
► Audiovortrag vor den Studenten der John F. Kennedy University von Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph,
    Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseinsforscher, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, Integral Education,
    präsentiert von der Publikation Integral Life, 49 Minuten Dauer, Denver, Colorado, April 2010
Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag Spiral Dynamics
Siehe auch: ► Evolution
See also:
Spiral Dynamics consciousness model – according to Ken Wilber's terminology / color scheme
Passage from
force driven controlling ego self power dwelling Self


1. Egozentrisch Potenz 1 Präkonventionell./.
2. Soziozentrisch Potenz 10 Konventionell Prärational
3. Weltzentrisch Potenz 100 Postkonventionell Rational
4. Kosmo/Spirit/SELBSTzentrisch Potenz 1000  Transrational

Vier Entwicklunggsstadien des menschlichen Erlebens – ⚡ D. Hawkins ⇔ ⚡ K. Wilber

Vier Entwicklunggsstadien des Menschseins
Skala des Bewusstseins nach David R. Hawkins
Korreliert mit dem Spiral Dynamics-Modell nach Ken Wilber

Hawkins' (BW)
Skala von 1-1000
Bewusstseinsart Entwicklungsebene
nach Ken Wilber
Unter BW 200
Nicht wirklich
Sippen- und Mangelbewusstsein
Nichtinteger, dem Ganzen Energie raubend
REAL (fassbar)
Inhalt / Dinglichkeit
Präkonventionelle Stufe
(Unter BW 200)
78 [85] von 100
BW 200-499
Zunehmende lineare Wahrheitsgrade
Individuell verantwortliches und übendes Bewusstsein
Integer, beitragend, dem Ganzen Energie zuführend
Konventionelle Stufe
(BW 200+)
Prärationale Stufe
(BW 200-399)
Rationale Stufe
(BW 400-440)
Postkonventionelle Stufe
(BW 440-499)
18 [10] von 100
BW 500-599
Beginnende nichtlineare Wahrheitsgrade
Liebes- und Füllebewusstsein
Beginnende Auflösung des Dualitäts-basierten Denkmodells, zunehmende Verbundenheit mit Allen/Allem
Kosmozentrisch (Spiritzentrisch)
Transrationale Stufe
(BW 500+)
4-5 von 100
Über BW 600
Beginnende Nonduale Wahrheitsgrade
Ganzheits- und Allbewusstsein
Wirkt erlösend zum Wohl des Ganzen
Ab BW 600 in sich gekehrt, ab BW 700 wieder der Menschheit zugewandt
NEUSCHÖPFENDKontext / AbstraktheitN/ANur Wenige 0,0...1 von 100
Siehe auch: ► Stufen und ► Skala und ► Spiral Dynamics Bewusstseinsskala nach Ken Wilber (Terminologie / Farbgebung)
See also: ► Four stages of human evolution

Weltentwicklung bis 2030 – Ken Wilber

Der Sprung vom Nationalstaat zur Weltregierung


Wilber sagt voraus:

  • Bis etwa 2030 wird kein "globaler Bewusstseinswandel" in allen Schichten geschehen.
  • 70% der Weltbevölkerung denken weitgehend feudalistisch-nationalstaatlich. Ihnen liegt an ethnischen Säuberungen (roter Bereich), sie fechten Stammeskriege (lila und roter Bereich) aus.
    Sie formieren sich zu feudalistischen Nationalstaaten (Balkan / Naher Osten).
  • China und Russland werden aus dem Nationalstaat (blauer Bereich) herauswachsen und sich in einen
    Firmenkonzern-Staat (oranger Bereich) wandeln.
  • 20% der Amerikaner (und wohl ein knapp höherer Prozentsatz der Europäer) haben sich dem postmodernen pluralistischen Denken (grüner Bereich) zugewandt.
  • Ein sehr kleiner Prozentsatz der US-Amerikaner und Westeuropäer wird in den kommenden beiden Jahrzehnten das Denken des postmodernen Nationalstaats (grüner Bereich) im 1.Tier aufgeben und den Sprung in das 2. Tier vollziehen.
    Dieser gewaltige Bewusstseinssprung beginnt mit dem Aufbau einer integralen Weltregierung.


  • Der US-amerikanische/europäische Anteil der Integralen (gelber Bereich, 2. Tier) wird bis etwa 2030 von 2% bis auf 8% ansteigen.
    • Die übrigen Bewusstseinsschichten in den Vereinigten Staaten, Europa und der Welt werden sich bis etwa 2030 wenig weiter entwickeln.
☛ Interview mit Ken Wilber, Interview 1220_3, Teil III, präsentiert von wilber.shambhala.com, ohne Datumsangabe
☛ Audiovortrag von Ken Wilber On Living at the Leading Edge of Evolution, präsentiert von der Publikation Integral Life,
     Mai 2011, YouTube Film, Minute 19:58, 39:59 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 26. März 2013

Entwicklungspsychologen zufolge wird der Tipping Point (die kritische Masse) von 10%, genauer 11,11% von
integral Orientierten in der Bevölkerung etwa gegen 2021 erreicht sein.1


  • Soziologische Studien zeigen, dass 5% der Bevölkerung integrale Entwicklungsstufen, den Umschwungsmoment [Tipping Point], erreicht haben. Wenn etwa 10% der Bevölkerung bei der Speerspitze der Evolution angelangt sind, übernimmt die gesamte Zivilisation allmählich einen Großteil ihrer Werte.
    Videovortrag von Ken Wilber (*1949), A Brief History of Integral, präsentiert von der Publikation Integral Life, YouTube Film, Minute 9:35, 22:25 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 14. Juni 2012


  • David Hawkins bestätigt Wilbers Sicht der Evolutionsprünge in unterschiedlichen Schichten:
    [Paraphrasiert] In den höheren Bewusstseinsebenen ist es leichter, große [Bewusstseins]sprünge zu machen. In den niedrigeren Ebenen kann es lange Zeit dauern, sich weiter zu entwickeln.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar The Human Dilemma, 3 DVD-Set, 18. August 2007


Universalhistorische gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen
   ♥ Den sektoralen Wandel von der Agrar- über die Industrie- zur Wissensgesellschaft
   ♥ Die Globalisierung der Raumgebundenheit
   ♥ Die Individualisierung und gleichzeitig die Universalisierung kultureller Identität
   ♥ Die Ablösung kultureller Integration durch soziale Integration auf der Grundlage von Bildung
   ♥ Die Emanzipation aus der territorial gebundenen politischen und bürgerlichen Gesellschaft
      in die globale (Zivil-)Gesellschaft
   Dr. Christoph Zöpel (*1943) deutscher Politiker (SPD), Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Philosoph, Jurist, Politik mit 9 Milliarden Menschen
    in einer Weltgesellschaft. Eine Orientierung in Worten und Zahlen
, Vorwärtsbuch, S. 245, 635 Seiten, Berlin, 2008

Integrale Politik – ⚡ Ken Wilber

Der anstehende Paradigmenwechsel auf politischer Ebene ist ein Sprung vom Nationalstaat zur Weltregierung.

Globale Bewusstseinsschichten
Stufe Gesellschaft Bewusstseinsstruktur Pathologie
"Wir" gegen "Sie"
%-Verteilung 1. Tier
1.Jäger und Sammler Archaisch (grau) 0% Getrennt
2.Stammeskultur Magisch (lila) Gute Geister vs.
böse Geister
3% Getrennt
3.Feudalistischer Nationalstaat Mythisch (rot)
Mythisch (blau)
Raubtiere vs. Beutetiere
Heilige vs. Sünder
55% Getrennt
4.Nationalstaat National (orange)
National (grün)
Sieger vs. Verlierer
"Sensitive" ⇔ "Insensitive"
20-25% in den
Vereinigten Staaten
von Amerika
Stufe Gesellschaft Bewusstseinsstruktur Pathologie%-Verteilung 2. Tier
5.Weltregierung Integral (gelb) 1% (Weltweit)
2% (im Westen)
8% (2030)
6. ? Übersinnlich (türkis) N/a Integriert
7.?Feinstofflich N/a Integriert
8.?Kausal N/a Integriert
9.?Nichtdual N/a Integriert
Quelle (engl.): ► Interview mit Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends,
transpersonaler Bewusstseinsforscher, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, präsentiert von Shambhala.com, Teil III, ohne Datumsangabe
Siehe auch: ► Paradigmenwechsel und ► Politik
See also: ► Integral politics – Ken Wilber and ► Passage from force driven controlling ego self power dwelling Self


Nach Wilber können 25% der Bevölkerung (Grünes Mem) die Integrale Politik verstehen,
jedoch nur 2% (Gelb/Türkises Mem) können sie vertreten und betreiben.
"Cognitively about 25% of the population will understand [integral politics] and often feel attracted to it."
Hinweis: Es genügten 50.000 Menschen, um die beginnende Neuzeit, die Europäische Renaissance,
im 15. (Quattrocento) und 16. Jahrhundert (Cinquecento) voranzubringen.
Quelle (engl.): ► Videopodiumsdiskussion mit Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph,
Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseinsforscher, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor,
Interpreting the Singularity, YouTube Film, Minute 10:49, 12:29 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 13. Februar 2008

Fünf Stammbildungen in der Gesellschaft – Langzeitstudie von David Logan

Gruppenstrukturen (Stämme) in Firmen und der Gesellschaft
[Die prozentuale Aufteilung von Stämmen bildet eine Gaußsche Normalverteilungskurve.]
des Stammes
% Verteilung
Firma /
Stufe 1Überlebensmodus –
Scham- und Schuldkultur

Gangs, Gefängnisse – Ohne Werte
Feindseligkeit, Verzweiflung, Kriminalität
Das Leben ist beschissen!2% Energieverlust
1. Tier
Stufe 2 Opferhaltung–Suchtstruktur
Mitlaufende Massenmenschen
Passiv resigniert antagonistisch
Unterdrückt sarkastisch
Mein Leben ist beschissen!25% Energieverlust
1. Tier
Stufe 3 Stolz-Schamkultur – Ich-Kult
Selbstbezogener Individualismus
Wissensarbeiter: Wissen ist Macht.
Gewinnen ist persönlich
auf der Basis "meiner" Werte.
Ich bin großartig
(und du nicht)!
49% Energieverlust
1. Tier

Die rankistische Stolz-Schamkultur umfasst etwa 76% der Weltbevölkerung.

Stufe 4 Schöpferisches Team – Wir-Kultur
Einfühlsame Kreative:
"Wir" sind größer als "ich".
Je größer der Feind,
desto machtvoller der Stamm.
Wir sind großartig
(und ihr nicht)!
22% Unterstützend
1. Tier Plus-Bereich
Stufe 5Dienbereite Gruppe
Orientierung: Menschenwürde
und Menschenrechte

Unendliches Potential der Gruppe
Weltweiter Einfluss
Mitbewerber werden nicht bekämpft.
Das Leben ist
2% Auslöser für

2. Tier Plus-Bereich

Die Würdekultur umfasst etwa 24% der Weltbevölkerung.

Audio- und Videoquellen (engl.) von und mit Dr. David Logan (*1968) US-amerikanischer Professor für Führungskräfteausbildung, Berater für Management, USC, Autor von Tribal Leadership
► Videopräsentation 'Tribal Leadership' by Dave Logan, John King, and Halee Fischer, präsentiert von BNETvideo,
    6:11 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 27. Oktober 2008
► Videopräsentation Tribal leadership, präsentiert von TEDx USC Talks, 16:39 Minuten Dauer, aufgezeichnet März 2009,
    eingestellt Oktober 2009
► Audiointerview The Art of Tribal Leadership [Die Kunst der Stammesführung], präsentiert von der Publikation Integral Life,
    Dialogpartner Ken Wilber, MP3, 48 Minuten Dauer, Juni 2010
► Videopräsentation Tribal Leadership, präsentiert von der Plattform Google TechTalks, Google Campus, Mountain View, Kalifornien,
    53:24 Minuten Dauer, aufgezeichnet und eingestellt 18. Januar 2011
Siehe auch:
Führen und ► Skala und ► Charisma und ► Wölfe im Wandel Gedicht
Scham und ► Schuld und ► Opferhaltung und ► Stolz und ► Irrtum und ► Sucht und ► Welt und ► Würde
See also: ► Five types of clusterings in companies and society – David Logan


Ein Stamm/Zusammenkunft ist eine Gruppe von 20-150 Personen. Die benutzte Sprache offenbart den jeweiligen Stamm.
Sich entwickelnde Gruppen können keine Stufe überspringen.
Es ist unwirksam, 'schlechte Früchte' auszusortieren. Wenn man die untersten 10% der Mitarbeiter entlässt,
    wird die verbleibende Belegschaft deren Position innerhalb der Gruppe ersetzen.
Authentische Führer können den Schwerpunkt der Gruppe mittels Sprache beeinflussen.
Nach Ken Wilber können 25% der Bevölkerung integrale Ansätze kognitiv verstehen,
    jedoch sind nur 2% in der Lage, sie zu vertreten und zu wahren.
Kommentar: Dies entspricht in etwa den statistischen Zahlenwerten, die David Logan in einer zehnjährigen Studie für die
    Stufe 4 (22%) und die Stufe 5 (2%) ermittelt hat.


Führer müssen auf allen Ebenen kommunizieren können, um jeden Einzelnen in der Gesellschaft zu berühren. Man lässt sie jedoch nicht dort, wo man sie angetroffen hat. Stämme können nur eine Sprachebene oberhalb und unterhalb ihres Standorts hören. [...] Führer vermitteln den Leuten innerhalb ihrer Stämme den Anstoß, auf die nächsthöhere Ebene zu wechseln.
Dr. David Logan (*1968) US-amerikanischer Professor für Führungskräfteausbildung, USC, Berater Autor

Die größte Herausforderung ist der Übergang zwischen Stufe 3 (Stolz) und Stufe 4 (Mut).
Dr. David Logan (*1968) US-amerikanischer Professor für Führungskräfteausbildung, Berater für Management, USC, Autor

Zitate zum Thema Ken Wilber und integralistische Philosophie

Zitate von Ken Wilber

Persönliche Bekenntnisse


Leidenschaftliches Wahrheitsstreben

  • Kierkegaard weist darauf hin, dass sich die Wahrheit nur enthüllt, wenn man sie mit der Intensität der Verrücktheit angeht – keine Gefangenen! – und ich stehe in dieser Tradition.
    Allerdings bedauere ich es, dass sich manche Leute von diesem leidenschaftlichen Ansatz und Stil verärgern lassen. Auf der emotionalen Ebene fühle ich mich überhaupt nicht wohl mit Konflikten – ich wünsche mir wirklich, dass sich
    alle mögen. Aber bedauerlicherweise schafft das Ringen um Wahrheit auch Feinde. Und vielleicht sind meine
    Ansichten völlig falsch, vielleicht richtig. So oder so, schafft das Gegner, und ich habe lernen müssen, damit klarzu-
    kommen. Interview mit Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseinsforscher, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, Bodhisattvas müssen zu Politikern werden, präsentiert von der aufgelösten deutschen Publikation "Transpersonale Perspektiven", Frank Visser (*1958) niederländischer Religionspsychologe, ehemaliger Theosoph, Internet-Werbungsstratege, Autor, Heft 5/98, Dezember 1998


  • Ich habe mich oft als nordeuropäischen Denker mit südeuropäischem Lebensstil beschrieben, der östliche Religion praktiziert – oder so ähnlich. Meiner Meinung nach bin ich vor allem nicht "amerikanisch", auch wenn die Europäer
    mich dummerweise so einschätzen, was zeigt, wie schwer es ist, die kulturelle Sozialisation zu erschüttern.
    Ganz ehrlich: wer braucht schon angelsächsischen Empirismus und Cowboy-Pragmatismus?
    Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseins-
    , Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, zitiert in: Frank Visser (*1958) niederländischer Religionspsychologe, Theosoph, Webmaster der Webseite Integral World [ehemals The World of Ken Wilber], Autor, Ken Wilber. Thought As Passion, Vorwort, State University of New York Press, SUNY Press, SUNY Series in Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology, 1. September 2003


Großes Zittergras
  • Es geht einfach darum, dass das Bewusstsein sich in seiner rasanten Höherentwicklung vollkommen vom gewöhnlichen Geist und Selbst absondert und daher den Namen "Über-Selbst" oder "Über-Geist" durchaus verdient. In ähnlicher Weise könnte man das Ich den "Über-Körper" oder die "Über-Instinkte" nennen, da es als eine verstandesmäßig-geistige Einheit die einfachen Gefühle und Wahrnehmungen [...] transzendiert und übergreift. [...] Gott ist [...] der archetypische Gipfelpunkt des eigenen Bewusstseins.
    Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseinsforscher, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, Die drei Augen der Erkenntnis, Kösel, München, 1988


  • New Age war – trotz der berechtigten Grundintuition nach Ganzheitlichkeit – ein Missverständnis. Es war eine Verwechslung von prä-rational mit trans-rational und von magi-
    schem Narzissmus mit transzendentalem Bewusstsein. Aber New Age war auch ein Missverständnis, das letztlich
    den Boden bereitet hat dafür, dass wir heute eine echte Wissenschaft des Geistes für das 21. Jahrhundert aufbauen können. Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseinsforscher, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, zitiert in: Artikel Drei Avantgarde-Strömungen des heutigen US-Geisteslebens und ihre Beziehung zu Europa, PDF, präsentiert von der Publikation "Grenzgebiete der Wissenschaft", Roland Benedikter, S. 335, Ausgabe 55, Jahrgang 2006




  • [W]ie wir uns ständig uns selber, anderen und der Welt entfremden, indem wir unser gegenwärtiges Erleben in ver-
    schiedene Teile zerlegen, die durch Grenzen getrennt sind. Wir spalten unser Gewahrsein künstlich in Abteilungen
    auf: Subjekt/Objekt, Leben/Tod, Leib/Seele, Inneres/Äusseres, Verstand/Gefühl – eine Trennungslegung, die zur
    Folge hat, dass ein Erleben das andere einschneidend stört und das Leben sich selbst bekämpft. Das Ergebins ist
    einfach Unglücklichsein, auch wenn man ihm viele andere Namen gibt.
    Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseins-
    , Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, Vorwort, zitiert in: Anleitung zur Entfremdung (und Wege darüber hinaus). Eine Nachlese von Ken Wilbers Wege zum Selbst , PDF, Michael Habecker


  • Man geht von der unbewussten Hölle zur bewussten Hölle. Und sich der Hölle, des Samsara, der zerfleischenden Existenz, bewusst zu sein, macht das Heranwachsen und das Erwachsenenleben zu einem Alptraum von Elend
    und Entfremdung. Das Kind-Selbst ist relativ friedlich gestimmt, nicht weil es sich im [unbewussten] Himmel auf-
    hält, sondern weil es nicht ausreichend bewusst ist, die es umgebenden Flammen der Hölle zu bemerken.
    Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseins-
    , Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, The Eye of Spirit. An Integral Vision for a World Gone Slightly Mad, Kapitel 1 The Spectrum of Consciousness: Integral Psychology and the Perennial Philosophy, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1998


  • Die "sieben wichtigsten Übereinstimmungen der immerwährenden Philosophie aller Zeiten, der allermeisten Kulturen, spirituellen Lehren, Philosophien und Länder":
    1. Der spirituelle GEIST (Gott, die höchste Wirklichkeit, die absolute Seinsheit, die Quelle, das Eine, Brahman, Dharmakaya, Kether, Tao, Allah, Shiva, Jahweh, Aton, Manitu…) existiert.
    2. Er muss innen gesucht werden.
    3. Die meisten von uns erkennen diesen GEIST nicht, weil sie in einer Welt der Sünde, Trennung und Dualität leben, in einem Zustand der Gefallenheit und Isolation.
    4. Es gibt einen Ausweg aus Sünde und Illusion, einen Pfad zur Befreiung.
    5. Wenn wir diesem Pfad bis ans Ende folgen, finden wir Wiedergeburt oder Erleuchtung, eine direkte Erfah-
      rung des inneren GEISTES, eine letzte Befreiung.
    6. Diese letzte Befreiung bedeutet das Ende von Sünde und Leiden.
    7. Sie mündet in mitfühlendes und erbarmendes Handeln für alle Lebewesen.
Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseinsforscher, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, zitiert in: de.Wikipedia, Die Philosophia perennis zwischen Philosophie, Religion und Mystik




  • Jedes beliebige Austauschsystem – sei es materielle Arbeit, gefühlsmäßiger Verkehr oder begriffliche Kommunikation – kann eingeschränkt, unterdrückt, verdrängt und entstellt werden, und zwar von der gesellschaftlichen Umwelt, in der dieser Austausch an sich auf ideale und freie Weise stattfinden sollte. (Mit "frei" meine ich hier "angemessen" und
    nicht "exzessiv".) […] Am häufigsten wird diese Entstellung von den Individuen angezettelt, die, seien sie einfache Bür-
    ger oder mächtige Anführer, eigentlich Hüter eines ungestörten Austauschs und ungestörter Beziehungen sein sollten. Solche Störungen haben die Tendenz, institutionalisiert zu werden, so dass sie sich ohne bewusste Absicht reprodu-
    zieren (kraft der sozialen Trägheit). Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahr-
    tausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseinsforscher, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, Halbzeit der Evolution. Der Mensch auf dem Weg vom animalischen zum kosmischen Bewußtsein [Up From Eden] Scherz/Barth, München, 1984, Fischer Taschenbuch, 1997, S. 196, 325, Goldmann, 1990, 7. Auflage Dezember 2004


  • Die archetypischen Vorkämpfer für nicht-verdrängte Beziehungen in jeder dieser Sphären sind
    • Ebene 1 Repräsentant: Karl MarxGemeinschaftliche Arbeit, Uroboros
    • Ebene 2 Repräsentant: Typhon, Sigmund Freud
      Gefühlsbasierter zwischenmenschlicher Verkehr und
    • Ebene 3 Repräsentant: SokratesVerbale Verständigung, Kommunikation in der Gemeinschaft.
      Und natürlich würde eine vollständige Gesellschaftstheorie noch solche höheren Sphären und Vorkämpfer hinzufügen wie
    • Ebene 4: Repräsentant: John LockeSelbstachtung,
    • Ebene 5 Repräsentant: Patanjali – Übersinnliche Intuition,
    • Ebene 6 Repräsentant: Kirpal Singh – Feinstoffliches Einssein, und
    • Ebene 7/8 Repräsentanten: Buddha, Christus, Krishna – Höchste Transzendenz [...]
      So wie das Ich (bis heute) die höchste Ebene des vielschichtigen Durchschnitts-Individuums ist und die
      Macht hat, nicht nur seine eigene Ebene, sondern alle niederen Ebenen zu stören, zu unterdrücken und zu
      verdrängen, so konnte das ichhafte Atman-Projekt nicht nur seine eigene Ebene ausbeuten, sondern alle
      niederen Ebenen des Seins mit dem Versuch ausbeuten, Ersatzbefriedigung, Scheintranszendenz und
      symbolische Unsterblichkeit zu erlangen. Das ichhafte Atman-Projekt konnte folgende Vorgänge aus-
      beuten (und damit auch stören).
    • Materieller Austausch: der Versuch, unbegrenzten Wohlstand und Eigentum zu besitzen, Geld und Gold,
      Güter und Kapital als Unsterblichkeitssymbole.
    • Gefühlsmäßig-sexueller Austausch: der Versuch, aus orgasmischer Entspannung und hedonistischer Aus-
      schweifung oder ganz allgemein gefühlsmäßigem Überschwang transzendente Befriedigung zu erlangen.
    • Austausch verbaler Gruppenzugehörigkeit: der Versuch, die eigene Ideologie und die eigene Version symbolischer Unsterblichkeit verbal zu propagieren, den im Idealfall freien kommunikativen Austausch
      zu stören, das Bewusstsein der Gruppenzugehörigkeit zu kontrollieren und symbolische Allmacht zu er-
      kommunikative Störung durch Abwehr- und Ersatzmanöver.
    • Austausch ichhafter Selbstachtung: der Versuch, anderen ihre gleichberechtigte Anerkennung und
      Achtung zu nehmen, indem man erzwingt, dass das eigene Ego die "Nummer Eins" ist und anerkann-
      termaßen über allen anderen steht, kosmozentrisch und von allen verherrlicht.
Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseins-
, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, Halbzeit der Evolution. Der Mensch auf dem Weg vom animalischen zum kos-
mischen Bewußtsein
[Up From Eden] Scherz/Barth, München, 1984, Fischer Taschenbuch, 1997, S. 196, 325, Goldmann,
1990, 7. Auflage Dezember 2004


cc by kayo iz*source


  • Die Menschheit wird diese Art mörderischer Aggression, von Krieg, Unterdrückung und Verdrängung, Anhaften und Ausbeutung, nie, ich wiederhole nie, aufgeben, ehe sie nicht den Besitz aufgibt, den man Persönlichkeit nennt – das heißt, ehe sie nicht zur Transzendenz erwacht. Bis dieser Zeitpunkt gekommen ist, werden Schuld, Mord, Eigentum und Person stets Synonyme bleiben. Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtau-
    sends, transpersonaler Bewusstseinsforscher, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, Halbzeit der Evolution. Der Mensch auf dem Weg vom animalischen zum kosmischen Bewußtsein [Up From Eden] Scherz/Barth, München, 1984, Fischer Taschenbuch, 1997, Goldmann, 1990, 7. Auflage Dezember 2004


  • Nehmen wir die Standardauffassung, dass sich Flügel aus Vorderbeinen entwickelt haben. Es dürften etwa einhundert Mutationsschritte notwendig sein, bis aus einem Bein ein funktionstüchtiger Flügel wird, wobei ein halber Flügel keinen Sinn hat: Ein halber Flügel taugt nicht als Bein und nicht als Flügel – man kann damit nicht mehr laufen und noch nicht fliegen. Er hat keinerlei Anpassungswert. Mit anderen Worten, mit einem halben Flügel ist man Futter. Die Entwicklung des Flügels kann nur dann erfolgreich sein, wenn diese einhundert Mutationsschritte schlagartig in einem einzelnen Tier auftreten; außerdem müssen dieselben Mutationen gleichzeitig in einem anderen Tier des anderen Geschlechts auftreten [...]
    Derzeit hat man sich darauf geeinigt, hier von einer «Quantenevolution» oder «punktuellen Evolution» oder «emergenten Evolution» zu sprechen, bei der absolut neue, emergente und unglaublich komplexe Holons in der Art eines Quantensprungs plötzlich ins Dasein treten, wobei jeglicher Hinweis auf Zwischenformen fehlt. Es müssen also Dutzende oder Hunderte nicht-tödliche Mutationen gleichzeitig auftreten, damit ein Überleben möglich ist – zum Beispiel im Falle eines Flügels oder des Augapfels. Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseinsforscher, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, Halbzeit der Evolution. Der Mensch auf dem Weg vom animalischen zum kosmischen Bewußtsein ['Up From Eden'] Scherz/Barth, München,
    1984, Fischer Taschenbuch, 1997, S. 43-44, Goldmann, 1990, 7. Auflage Dezember 2004



Nummer 1 der 'zwanzig Grundaussagen'

  • 1. Die Wirklichkeit insgesamt ist nicht aus Dingen oder Prozessen zusammengesetzt, sondern aus Holons.
    Das heisst, sie besteht aus Ganzen, die zugleich Teile anderer Ganzer sind, ohne dass es nach oben oder unten eine Grenze gäbe.
    Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseins-
    , Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, Eros, Kosmos, Logos. Eine Jahrtausend-Vision, Fischer Taschenbuch, Wolf-
    gang Krüger Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1996, 4. Auflage Januar 2006, 5. Auflage 12. April 2011



Die Verwechslung von "prärational" und "transrational"

  • Durch einen Denkfehler der ersten Art werden alle höheren und transrationalen Zustände auf niedrigere und prärationale reduziert. Echte mystische oder kontemplative Erfahrungen beispielsweise werden als Regression zu infantilem Narzissmus, ozeanischem Adualismus, Indissoziation oder sogar als primitiver Autismus gedeutet. Diesen Weg nahm beispielsweise Freud in Die Zukunft einer Illusion (1927). […]
    Ist man andererseits für höhere und mystische Zustände aufgeschlossen, verwechselt aber trotzdem prä und trans, dann wird man alles Prärationale zu transrationaler Glorie erheben oder elevieren wollen, indem man zum Beispiel
    den infantilen primären Narzissmus als unbewusstes Schlummern in der Unio mystica auffasst. Jung und seine Nachfolger haben häufig diesen Weg beschritten und müssen tiefe Transpersonalität und Spiritualität in lediglich undissoziierte und undifferenzierte Zustände hineinlesen, denen jegliche Integration mangelt. […]
    Freud war ein Reduktionist, Jung ein Elevationist – die beiden Seiten der Prä/trans-Verwechslung.
    Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseins-
    , Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, Eros, Kosmos, Logos. Eine Jahrtausend-Vision, S. 259-260, Fischer Ta-
    schenbuch, Wolfgang Krüger Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1996, 4. Auflage Januar 2006, 5. Auflage 12. April 2011


  • […] dass es mindestens zwei Arten von Hierarchien gibt. Dies wird zunehmend von den Forschern in diesem Be-
    reich – wie Riane Eisler – anerkannt. Das eine sind Wachstumshierarchien, und das andere Herrschaftshie-
    . Was dabei kritisiert wird, sind die Herrschaftshierarchien […]. Ich Ken Wilber habe sehr viel darüber
    geschrieben, wie Herrschaftshierarchien entstehen und wie Machtansprüche in einer Hierarchie durchgesetzt
    werden, und ich habe mehr darüber geschrieben und kritisiert als viele meiner Kritiker. […] es gibt auch Wachs-
    tumshierarchien, und das ist das, was wir mit Holarchie bezeichnen. Eine Wachstumshierarchie findet sich in
    Abfolgen wie Atome-Moleküle-Zellen-Organismen. Wachstumshierarchien schließen nicht aus, sie beziehen
    mit ein.
    Sie zeigen, wie man Machtausübung überwindet. Atome werden von Molekülen transzendiert und um-
    fasst – sie werden von Molekülen umarmt und geliebt und nicht unterdrückt – und Moleküle werden von Zellen
    transzendiert und umfasst. Zellen unterdrücken ihre Moleküle nicht. Zellen sind ihrerseits in Organismen trans-
    zendiert und umfasst. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Serie konzentrischer Sphären zunehmender Liebe und
    Umfassendheit und Bewusstheit.
    Integrale-bibliothek.net/downloads, Michael Habecker über Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseinsforscher, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, Februar 2007
    Link entfernt


  • Es gibt diese allgemeinen Wellen der Entfaltung, und sie repräsentieren, was wir 'ineinandergreifende Hierarchien'
    oder 'Holarchien' der Entwicklung nennen, wie zum Beispiel, dass 'weltzentrisch' höherstufig ist als 'soziozentrisch'
    und dies wiederum höher als 'egozentrisch'. Es ist besser, weltzentrisch zu sein als soziozentrisch, folglich kann
    man soziozentrischen Vorurteilen gegenüber äußerst kritisch sein. Ironischerweise ist das grüne Mem selbst
    ständig mit dem Aufstellen hierarchischer Urteile beschäftigt, obwohl es Hierarchien doch eigentlich ablehnt.
    Andrew Cohen (*1955) abgedankter US-amerikanischer Guru (1986-2013), Musiker, Gründer und Herausgeber des aufgelösten Magazins WIE / EnlightenNext, Autor im Dialog mit Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker
    des 3. Jahrtausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseinsforscher, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, Der Guru und der Pandit.
    Gegen die Regeln
    , präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Elizabeth Debold, US-amerikani-
    sche Genderforscherin, Lehrerin, Chefredakteurin des aufgelösten Magazins WIE / EnlightenNext (2002-2011), Kulturkom-
    mentatorin, Autorin, Heft 8, 2002


  • Die großen Weisheitstraditionen besagen generell, dass sich die Realität aus mindestens drei großen Bereichen zusammensetzt:
    1. dem Grobstofflichen,
    2. dem Feinstofflichen und
    3. dem Kausalen (d.h. dem Nirmanakaya, dem Sambhogakaya und dem Dharmakaya).
Die materielle Welt ist der materielle Körper und die sensomotorische Welt, also die für die physischen Sinne im Wachzustand sichtbare Welt. Der subtile Bereich ist der Geist und seine Vorstellungen, wie wir sie lebhaft im Traumzustand, in manchen Meditationserfahrungen und, wie es heißt, in den Bereichen des Bardo nach dem
Tod erfahren. All diese sind subtile Bewusstseinszustände.
Interview mit Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseinsforscher, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, Integrale Transformative Praxis: In dieser Welt oder jenseits von ihr?, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Heft 5, ~2000


  • Du kannst den Geist nicht suchen, weil er der Suchende ist. Du kannst diesen Geist nicht sehen, weil er der
    Sehende ist. Du kannst diesen Geist nicht finden, weil er der Findende ist.
    Wenn Du das verstehst, dann ist Geist der Verstehende. Wenn Du das nicht verstehst, ist Geist das Nicht-
    verstehen. Ob Du es verstehst oder nicht, genau das ist Geist.
    Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseins-
    , Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, Andreas Tenzer, deutscher Übersetzer, The simple feeling of being, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 2004


  • Wenn die progressive Bewegung einer Kultur etwa zehn Prozent der Bevölkerung ausmacht, kommt es tendenziell zu einem Wendpunkt und die Werte dieser progressiven Bewegung durchdringen die gesamte Kultur. Die integrale kognitive Verständnisfähigkeit, die wir in etwa fünf Prozent der Bevölkerung sehen, muss etwa zehn Prozent erreichen. Und ich denke, dass das im Bildungssystem stattfinden kann, denn Trumps postfaktische Welt schockiert viele Men-
    schen, darunter buchstäblich alle postmodernen Theoretiker auf unserem Planeten. Seitdem hat keiner von ihnen gesagt, es gäbe keine Wahrheit. Sie sehen, dass Trump so etwas sagt, und merken, wie zerstörerisch es ist. Das ist eine evolutionäre Selbstkorrektur. Mit Trump wurde es für intelligente, reflektierte Menschen unmöglich, zu sagen:
    Es gibt keine Wahrheit.
    Also gibt es gute Gründe zu erwarten, dass mehr integrales Denken in das Bildungssystem Einzug hält. Dann ist es möglich, in einem oder in zwei Jahrzehnten auf 10 oder 20 Prozent der Bevölkerung mit einem integralen Bewusstsein zu kommen. Jeder von uns kann versuchen, so vielen Menschen wie möglich diese Entwicklungswege zu vermitteln. Das beinhaltet das Aufwachen genauso wie Heranreifen. Es ist problematisch für die postmoderne Kultur, dass es in
    ihr für diese beiden Dimensionen von Entwicklung kein Verständnis gibt.
    Interview mit Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseinsforscher, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, Weckruf der Extreme. Aufwachen und Aufwachsen in einer post-faktischen Welt, präsentiert von der deutschen Zeitschrift evolve, Gastgeber Dr. Thomas Steininger (*1968) österreichischer Philosoph, Kulturaktivist, Hörfunkmoderator von evolve Radio, Journalist, ehemals WIE-Chefredakteur, Herausgeber des deutschen Magazins evolve, Ausgabe 17, Februar 2018


Zitate von Ken Wilber präsentiert von der Zitateseite psp-tao, Autoren A-Z, undatiert
Siehe auch: ► Philosophie
See also: ► System changes – effected by >10% critical mass

Quotes by Ken Wilber

Personal avowals


  • Kierkegaard pointed out that truth is only revealed if you go at it with an insane intensity – take no prisoners! – and
    I belong to that tradition.
    I do regret, however, that some people are upset with this passionate approach and style. Emotionally, I really am not comfortable with confrontational issues – I really want everybody to like everybody. But, alas, the quest for truth makes enemies. And maybe I am totally wrong in my opinions, or maybe I am right. But either way, it makes enemies, and I have had to learn to come to terms with that. Fax-interview with Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philo-
    sopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, founder of Integral Theory, author, Bodhisattvas are going
    to have to become politicians
    , presented by the online publication integralworld.net, host Frank Visser (*1958) Dutch psychologist of religion, former theosophist, Internet advertiser, author, 15. July 1995


  • I have often described myself as a northern European thinker with a southern European lifestyle who practices Eas-
    tern religion – or something like that. "American" is not how I particularly think of myself, although, annoyingly, that is
    how Europeans think of me, which shows how hard it is to shake cultural embeddedness. But really, Anglo-Saxon
    empiricism and cowboy pragmatism: who needs it?
    Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, founder of Integral Theory, author, cited in: Frank Visser (*1958) Dutch psychologist of religion, former theosophist, Internet ad-
    vertiser, author, Ken Wilber. Thought as Passion, Foreword, State University of New York Press, SUNY Press, SUNY Series in Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology, Paperback, 1. September 2003



  • We don't know how to transform people very well anyway. It is a mystery how, and why and exactly people transform. Even if we were gonna force you to be free, we don't know how to do it either.
    Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, author, Integral "Third-Way" Politics, presented by holons-news, Corey W. deVos, US American webmaster of Integral Life, senior editor of KenWilber.com, writer, YouTube film, 31:10 minutes duration, posted 26. May 2008





  • Real compassion kicks butt and takes names. If you are not ready for this fire, then find a New Age, sweetness-and-light, perpetually smiling teacher and learn to relabel your ego with spiritual sounding terms. But, stay away from those who practice real compassion because they will fry your ass, my friend. Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, author, One Taste. Daily Reflections on Integral Spirituality, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1999, revised subedition 8. August 2000


Decorative apple "Red Sentinel"
  • [A]ll of those for whom authentic transformation has deeply unseated their souls must, I believe, wrestle with the profound moral obligation to shout from the heart
    ➤ perhaps quietly and gently,
    ➤ with tears of reluctance;
    ➤ perhaps with fierce fire and angry wisdom;
    ➤ perhaps with slow and careful analysis;
    ➤ perhaps by unshakable public example –
but authentically always and absolutely carries a demand and duty: you must speak out, to the best of your ability, and shake the spiritual tree, and shine your headlights into the eyes of the complacent. You must let that radical realization rumble through your veins and rattle those around you.
Alas, if you fail to do so, you are betraying your own authent-
You are hiding your true estate. You don't want to upset others because you don't want to upset yourself. You are acting in bad faith, the taste of a bad infinity.
Because, you see, the alarming fact is that any realization of depth carries a terrible burden: those who are allowed to see are simultaneously saddled with the obligation to communicate that vision in no uncertain terms: that is the bargain. You were allowed to see the truth under the agreement that you would communicate it to others (that is the ultimate meaning of the bodhisattva vow). And therefore, if you have seen, you simply must speak out. Speak out with compassion, or speak out with angry wisdom, or speak out with skillful means, but speak out you must.
And this is truly a terrible burden, a horrible burden, because in any case there is no room for timidity. The fact that
you might be wrong is simply no excuse: You might be right in your communication, and you might be wrong, but
that doesn’t matter. What does matter, as Kierkegaard so rudely reminded us, is that only by investing and speaking
your vision with passion, can the truth, one way or another, finally penetrate the reluctance of the world. If you are
right, or if you are wrong, it is only your passion that will force either to be discovered. It is your duty to promote that
discovery – either way – and therefore it is your duty to speak your truth with whatever passion and courage
you can find in your heart.
You must shout, in whatever way you can.
Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, author, One Taste. Daily Reflections on Integral Spirituality, S. 33, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1999, revised subedition 8. August 2000



  • There is a strange and horrible thing about one's daemon: When honored and acted upon, it is indeed one's guiding spirit; those who bear a god within bring genius to their work. When, however, one's daemon is heard but unheeded,
    it is said that the daemon becomes a demon, or evil spirit – divine energy and talent degenerates into self-destruc-
    tive activity. Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, Grace and Grit. Spirituality and Healing in the Life and Death of Treya Killam Wilber, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1991, 2nd edition 6. February 2001



  • Bad gardens copy, good gardens create, great gardens transcend. Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, author, cited in: AZ Quotes


  • There is nothing but God, nothing but the Goddess, nothing but Spirit in all directions, and not a grain of sand, not
    a speck of dust, is more or less Spirit than any other. Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, founder of Integral Theory, author, cited in: Page 2, presented
    by the publication Quotetab


  • [T]he strict theory of natural selection suffers from not acknowledging the role played by Spirit in evolution.
    Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, Eye to Eye. The Quest for the New Paradigm, 1983, Shambhala Publications, S. 205,
    1983, Boulder, Colorado, 3rd revised edition 30. January 2001


  • The enlightened person of today and of 2,000 years ago is equally free. But now, for the first time in human history,
    we have the potential for a far more expansive, fuller spiritual experience than ever before possible.
    Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, Audiobook The Future Of Spirituality (6 MP4s), presented by The DL Course, Sounds True, 27. June 2013



Wilber's defense regarding the notion of cults

  • Examine any major historical phenomenon, and you will find it is cultic: headed by a Hero surrounded by devotees [...]
    ➤ Politics is cultic;
    ➤ religion is cultic;
    ➤ philosophy is cultic;
    ➤ even science is cultic –
    and cults, in the broadest sense, simply represent groups of those who acknowledge and try to follow in the steps of
    the Heroes of a particular field of endeavor. Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, founder of Integral Theory, author, cited in: Adi Da Samraj [Franklin Albert
    Jones; Da Free John] (1939-2008) US American controversial 'crazy wisdom' teacher, founder of a new religious movement Adidam,
    artist, writer, Foreword to Scientific Proof of the Existence of God Will Soon Be Announced by the White House!, 1980



Wilber weighing guru's humanness ⇔ guru's perfection:

See article: Face to Face. Confronting the Guru-Disciple Relationship, presented by the magazine Gnosis, Ihla F. Nation, spring 1996



  • It is vision-logic with its centauric/ planetary worldview that, in my opinion, holds the only hope for the integration
    of the biosphere and noosphere, the supranational organization of planetary consciousness, the genuine recognition
    of ecological balance, the unrestrained and unforced forms of global discourse, the nondominating and noncoercive
    forms of federated states, the unrestrained flow of worldwide communicative exchange, the production of genuine
    world citizens, and the enculturation of female agency (i.e. the integration of male and female in both the noosphere
    and biosphere) – all of which, in my opinion, is nevertheless simply the platform for the truly interesting forms of hi-
    gher and transpersonal states of consciousness lying yet in our collective future – if there is one.
    Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, Sex, Ecology, Spirituality. The Spirit of Evolution, Shambhala Publications, Boulder,
    Colorado, 1995, 2000, 2nd revised edition 2. January 2001



Within levels, heterarchy – between levels, holarchy

  • Spirit is the suchness, the isness, the essence of each and every thing that exists. [...]
    Paradox is simply the way nonduality looks to the mental level. Spirit itself is not paradoxical; strictly speaking, it is not characterizable at all. [...]
    Hierarchy is illusion. There are levels of illusion, not levels of reality. [...]
    You go from unconscious Hell to conscious Hell, and being conscious of Hell, of samsara, of lacerating existence,
    is what makes growing up – and being an adult – such a nightmare of misery and alienation. [...]
    Development is not regression in service of ego, but evolution in transcendence of ego.
    Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, author, The Eye of Spirit. An Integral Vision for a World Gone Slightly Mad, chapter 1 "The Spectrum of Consciousness: Integral Psychology and the Perennial Philosophy", S. 40, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1998, 3rd subedition
    11. December 2001



Integral philosophy

  • Integral philosophy cannot replace any of the other modes of functions of knowing – it cannot replace empirical science, or contemplative meditation, or even the other mental modes, from literature to poetry to history to psychoanalysis to mathematics to linguistics. But integral philosophy is there, at the very heart of the mental world, coordinating and elucidating all of these modes of knowing, dimensions of value, levels of being. Integral philosophy itself is of the mental domain, and cannot by itself, with its mental devices alone, step beyond that sphere. But it firmly acknow-
    ledges the role of contemplation in generating data, and it takes that data into account in its own coordinating and elucidating activities. If it does not itself deliver meditative data, it firmly acknowledges the existence and impor-
    tance of that data. It is mandalic reason at its finest and most encompassing. It knows the difference between re-
    lative truth
    , which it can divulge, and absolute truth, for which it must yield to the eye of contemplation.
    Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, author, The Eye of Spirit. An Integral Vision for a World Gone Slightly Mad, chapter "Eye to Eye", S. 94-95, Shambhala Publica-
    , Boulder, Colorado, 1998, 3rd subedition 11. December 2001


  • To understand the whole, it is necessary to understand the parts. To understand the parts, it is necessary to under-
    stand the whole. Such is the circle of understanding. We move from part to whole and back again, and in that dan-
    ce of comprehension, in that amazing circle of understanding, we come alive to meaning, to value, and to vision:
    the very circle of understanding guides our way, weaving together the pieces, healing the fractures, mending the
    torn and tortured fragments, lighting the way ahead – this extraordinary movement from part to whole and back
    again, with healing the hallmark of each and every step, and grace the tender reward.
    Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, author, The Eye of Spirit. An Integral Vision for a World Gone Slightly Mad, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1998,
    3rd subedition 11. December 2001



The crucial error of the Romantic view

  • The Romantic view is that the infant starts out in a state of unconscious Heaven. [...] [T]he infant self is actually one with the dynamic Ground of Being – but in an unconscious (or "un-self-conscious") fashion. Thus, unconscious Heaven – blissful, wonderful, mystical, the paradisiacal state out of which ist will soon fall, and to which it will always long to return. [...]
    [S]ometime in the first few years of life, the self differentiates from the environment, the union with the dynamic Ground is lost, subject and object are separated, and the self moves from unconscious Heaven into conscious Hell – the world of egoic alienation, repression, terror, tragedy.
    But, the happy account continues, the self can make a type of U-turn in development, sweep back to the prior infantile, union state, re-unite with the great Ground of Being, only now in a fully conscious and self-actualized way, and thus find conscious Heaven. Ken Wilber, The Eye of Spirit. An Integral Vision for a World Gone Slightly Mad, chapter "The Romantic View", S. 95, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1998



Authentic spirituality:


  • You cannot look for the Spirit, for it is doing the looking. You cannot see this Spirit, for it is doing the seeing. You
    cannot find this Spirit, for it is doing the finding.
    If you understand this, then Spirit is doing the understanding, if you don't understand this, Spirit is doing that. Understand it or not, just that is Spirit. Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, author, The Simple Feeling of Being. Embracing Your True Nature, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 13. July 2004



Dominator hierarchies ⇔ growth hierarchies

  • Whereas dominator hierarchies are the actualization / means of oppression, actualization hierarchies are the means of growth. It is the growth hierarchies that bring together previously isolated and fragmented elements.
    ➤ Isolated atoms are brought together into molecules,
    ➤ isolated molecules are brought together into cells;
    ➤ isolated cells into organisms; organisms into ecosystems;
    ➤ ecosystems into biosphere, and so on.
In short,
➤ growth hierarchies convert heaps into wholes,
➤ fragments into integration, alienation into cooperation.
Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium,
A Theory of Everything. An Integral Vision for Business, Politics, Science and Spirituality, chapter Integral Governance, S. 26, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1st edited edition 16. October 2001



Integral Politics

  • But now global systems and integral meshworks are evolving out of corporate states and value communities. These interdependent systems require governance capable of integrating (not dominating) nations and communities over the entire spiral of interior and exterior development. What the world needs now is the first genuinely second-tier [i.e., in-
    tegral, holistic] form of political philosophy and governance.
    I believe, of course, that it will be an all-quadrant,
    all-level political theory and practice, deeply integral in its structures and patterns. This will in no way replace the
    US Constitution (or that of any other nation), but will simply situate it in global meshworks that facilitate mutual
    unfolding and enhancement
    – an integral and holonic politics.
    The question remains: exactly how will this be conceived, understood, embraced and practiced? What precise de-
    tails, what actual specifics, where and how and when? This is the great and exhilirating call of global politics at the
    millenium. We are awaiting the new global Founding Fathers and Mothers who will frame an integral system
    of governance
    that will call us to our more encompassing future, that will act as a gentle pacer of transformation
    for the entire spiral of human development, honoring each and every wave as it unfolds, yet kindly inviting each and
    all to even greater depth. Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, A Theory of Everything. An Integral Vision for Business, Politics, Science and Spirituality, chapter "Integral Governance", S. 90, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1st edited edition 16. October 2001



Integral Politics

Society-------------------------------------------Structure of consciousness
  1. Hunter-gatherer--------------------------Archaic
  2. Tribal----------------------------------------Magic
  3. Early nation-state------------------------Mythic
  4. Nation-state-------------------------------National
  5. World government-----------------------Integral
  6. ?----------------------------------------------Psychic
  7. ?----------------------------------------------Subtle
  8. ?----------------------------------------------Causal
  9. ?----------------------------------------------Non-dual
Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, author, source unknown


Ken Wilber, Integral Spirituality, "Eight Primordial Perspectives", p. 36, 2006



Myth of the given

  • Metaphysical thinking assumes a perspective-free uni-
    verse, and then makes assertions about things that exist as if they were free of perspectives and free of context in gene-
    ral, which is not only the myth of the given, but a desperately egocentric version of the myth of the given [...] assuming there is something pre-existing in an ahistorical world and waiting to be seen as just metaphysics (and the myth of the given). Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, author, Integral Spirituality. A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World, introduction of Integral Post-Metaphysics, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 13. November 2007



Buddha as a representative of integral politics

  • [T]alking about a Buddhist's [political] orientation. In one of the variables Buddha was a staunch republican and in another variable he was a staunch democrat. minute 00:40
    Gautama Buddha was the ultimate republican in a sense because 100% of what happens to you is YOUR karma. minute 2:22
    Gautama Buddha extended rights even to the untouchables. [...] Buddha made everybody equal. That was a social revolution. You don't go f..cking with a caste system. minute 5:35
    Conservatives tend to put the cause of suffering on the interiors and liberals put the cause in the exterior. minute 2:56
    Time Magazine calls this now the interiorists and exteriorists. minute 2:08
Video presentation by Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, founder of Integral Theory, author, Integral Politics, YouTube film, 17:46 minutes duration, posted 28. March 2007



Gap between science and mysticism


  • Turquoise is to today what orange was to 1776. And less than 10% of the population is turquoise. And our platform is, "But they're smarter". Of course, they are not necessarily smarter. Being second tier means that if you're stupid, you're colossally studid. Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, author, US American 3rd millennia philosopher, Integral "Third-Way" Politics, presented by holons-news, Corey W. deVos, US American webmaster of Integral Life, senior editor of KenWilber.com, writer, YouTube film, minute 4:44, 31:10 minutes duration, posted 26. May 2008



Awakened = baffling babbling of unending nonsense

  • People think that being awakened means you understand everything, but it really means the opposite. It means you don't understand anything. It is, all of it, a total Mystery, a baffling babbling of unending nonsense. Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, author, One Taste. Daily Reflections on Integral Spirituality, S. 142, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1999, revised subedition 8. August 2000



Awakened leadership

  • Enlightened leadership [...] is not that they're at a higher stage, but is that so you can adjust the way you communicate with people at every stage. It's to be more effective with the entire spectrum of individuals at different levels of resonance, of unfolding, of development. […] It's going to be a decade or two while we have a series of enlightened [awakened] leaders discussing these topics. […] It's going to be a decade or two of leaders grappling with just this issue [of In-
    tegral Thought]. And I think this issue is beyond anyone person like Plato or Socrates or anybody. It's just an un-
    believable complex issue. Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, author, US American 3rd millennia philosopher, Integral "Third-Way" Politics, presented by holons-
    news, Corey W. deVos, US American webmaster of Integral Life, senior editor of KenWilber.com, writer, YouTube film, minute
    7:08, minute 8:06, 31:10 minutes duration, posted 26. May 2008



Tipping Point:

Critical mass for Integral will hit at ~2021.

  • Some developmentalists feel that within about ten years [2021] we'll have about 10% of the population at Integral. Now that would be extraordinary because what happens when the leading edge of the population reaches 10% there is a tipping point of massive change that goes through the culture. […] Even though only 10% of the population is let's say at Orange, the Age of Enlightenment, it had a profound effect on the whole culture.
    1. As soon as 10% of the population hit [the] Orange [stage] we got rid of slavery. We had the rise of feminism.
      We had the rise of representative democracies. The Constitution of the United States is essentially an Orange document. […]
    2. 1959 2% of the population was Green. 1969 well over 10% of was Green. And by 1979 over 20% was Green. And the values of Green started to permeate the entire culture.
    3. Now we're at a point where with approximately 5% of the population are at Integral we're waiting for that next
      5% so that we have about 10% of the population at Integral. And when that happens we are going to see a tipping point. And we are going to see integral values permeate this culture.
Video presentation by Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader
of the 3rd millennium, author, On Living at the Leading Edge of Evolution, annual visit of students from John F. Kennedy University (JFKU), Ken Wilber's loft, Denver, Colorado, presented by the publication Integral Life, issued May 2011, YouTube film, minute
19:58, 39:59 minutes duration, posted 26. March 2013
According to developmental psychologists the Tipping Point (critical mass) will be reached around 2021. That is when 10%, more exactly 11,11%, of the population are firmly integrally established.2



Tipping Point of Integral consciousness:

On reaching the fabled tipping point of 10% of the population

  • Historically, major levels of development have been separated by hundreds to thousands of years, and taken that long to emerge.
    As for Integral consciousness, remember that
    • it’s only been 40 years since the previous stage, the green [worldcentric] pluralistic postmodern stage, emerged. Forty years. […]
    • The stage prior to the pluralistic took 400 years earlier [Orange: Worldcentric, rational stage], and
    • the one before that, 4000. [Amber/blue: Sociocentric, mythic stage]
By contrast, the 40 years from the pluralistic [Green] to beginning Integral [Teal: Worldcentric to "cosmocentric," integral stage] is a lightning fast blink in evolutionary time. […]
Many adults, in fact, will never move to the pluralistic stage. […] That's why it's so important for those of us who are fortunate enough to find themselves at an Integral stage, to come together and pool our hearts, minds, souls,
and talents, to spread the word about this new and remarkable emergence.
Gathering together into organiza-
tions, salons, practice groups, discussion groups, professional organizations – from the miracle of our own Integral
We we spread the word, by thought, by deed, by presence, by example. We shout it from our minds and radiate it
from our hearts, and thus does the word spread.
But we can't forget the transformation itself as a difficult and laborious process. It does take time. Twenty years ago
the percentage of the population at Second Tier Integral was about 2%, today it's close to 5%. […] Your love of Inte-
gral is lubricating the spiral of development allowing it to move forward. […] Keep that fire alive. […] I believe there
is every chance that within a mere decade or two that 5% will reach 10%. A tipping point will kick in permeating
the culture at large with integral values and the world, quite literally, will never be the same.
Deleted audio message by Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought
leader of the 3rd millennium, founder of Integral Theory, Are We Approaching a Cultural Tipping Point?, presented by What Next...
The Future of Consciousness, Culture and Technology
, 19. September 2012



Major change of economy ahead

  • It will be a major economy shift. The types of economy and the openings and what becomes available is going to be stunning. Absolutely stunning. No less stunning than when the Industrial Revolution came and replaced the Feudal Revolution. Or when the knowledge economy and the Internet came and replaced the Industrial Revolution. We are now ready for the next type of economy that will replace or at least transcend and include the information economy. Deleted video presentation by Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought
    leader of the 3rd millennium, author, On the Cutting Edge of Evolution, annual visit by students from John F. Kennedy University (JFKU), Ken Wilber's loft, Denver, Colorado, presented by the publication Integral Life, minute 37:40, 40 minutes duration, issued May 2011



Biological curse of men

Driven by testosterone

  • Testosterone basically has two, and only two, major drives: fuck it or kill it. And males are saddled with this biological nightmare almost from day one, a nightmare women can barely imagine (except when they are given testosterone injections for medical purposes, which drives them nuts. As one woman put it, "I can’t stop thinking about sex. Please, can’t you make it stop?") Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, A Brief History of Everything, S. 5-6, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1996, 2nd edition 6. February 2001




Structured Western approach integrating the meditative Eastern approach

  • It's really catastrophic [that there is no system on Earth that is aware of both growing up and waking up].
    • On the one hand we have [Eastern] structures that determine how we grow up, and they know nothing about how we wake up.
    • And the others [the Western ones] that deal with how we wake up know nothing about how we grow up.
    • They can produce enlightened masters, that are homophobic, in favor of war, and patriarchal sexists.
    • And we can produce people that are worldcentric, global, loving of all humanity and don't have a clue
      about what Ultimate Reality is.
Audio interview with Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader
of the 3rd millennium, founder of Integral Theory, The Fourth Turning – Ken Wilber Interviewed by Chris Grosso (January 2014),
presented by host Chris Grosso, US American independent culturist, spiritual aspirant, recovering addict, freelance writer, 6 MP3s,
each ~27 minutes duration, recorded mid January 2014, YouTube film, minute 1:43:55, 2:43:01 duration, posted 24. January 2014



5% of the West's population at the "integral stage" – status 2016

  • The integral stage, as today's leading edge of human evolution – and which pushes for unifying, integrating, systemic, cross-paradigmatic, trans-disciplinary, all inclusive metatheories and practices in everything it touches – is still relatively rare:
    • only around 5% of the West's population is at that [integral] stage – with
    • around 20% at a pluralistic postmodern multicultural stage,
    • around 30% at a modern rational stage, and
    • around 40% (with some estimates, we saw, giving up to 60 percent) at a mythic-literal conventional religious stage –
and the point is, a genuine Waking Up spiritual experience can and does occur at any one of those stages, but it
will be interpreted according to the worldview of the Growing-Up stage that has the experience.
Deleted video presentation by Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought
leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, The Leading Edge Of The Unknown In The Human Being, sponsored by Science And Nonduality (SAND), SAND16 conference Live Stream, San Jose, California, 19-23 October 2016, recorded 23. October 2016, YouTube film, minute 1:13:18, 1:31:55 duration, posted 21. October 2016




Caveat: The observable universe is approximately 100 billion lightyears across with some 1080 atoms of observable matter (and five times more dark matter that remains currently unidentified by science).

Source: 3

  • [Kosmic consciousness is] when you are everything that's arising every moment. Audio interview with Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, founder of Integral Theory, author, Gender Tendencies and the Masculine and Feminine Mode, issued as Kosmic Consciousness, disc 3, presented by the US American multimedia publishing company Sounds True, "Insights at the Edge", host Tami Simon (*1953) US American founder and director of Sounds True, issued 1. September 2003, YouTube film, 13:26 minutes duration, posted 27. November 2015


  • Whatever you might think of this theory of involution/evolution, or Efflux/Reflux, it certainly solves the problems of
    where the Big Bang itself came from, and how higher forms manage to emerge from lower forms, a perpetual
    puzzle to philosophers and scientists alike.
    Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, The Religion of Tomorrow. A Vision for the Future of the Great Traditions, Shambhala Publications, S. 149, Boulder, Colorado, 2. May 2017


  • In the manifest world, what we call “matter” is not the lowest rung in the great spectrum of existence, but the exterior form of every rung in the great spectrum. Matter is not lower with consciousness higher, but matter and conscious-
    ness are the exterior and interior of every occasion. Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, Excerpt G: Towards a Comprehensive Theory of Subtle Energies, PDF, Part I.-IV., Shambhala Publications, Boston, 2004, 2012


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Ken Wilber
Reference: ► Article Quotations from the Work of Ken Wilber, presented by the online publication integralworld.net, undated

Zitate von anderen Quellen über Ken Wilbers Philosophie

  • In seinem Buch Das Atman-Projekt (1991) beschreibt Ken Wilber ein noch tieferes transpersonales Niveau einer Unzufriedenheit. Es ist die Vorstellung, dass unsere wahre höchste Identität göttlich ist. Und solange wir uns mit dem Körper-Ego identifizieren, leben wir weit unter unserem kosmischen Status. Wenn wir also versuchen, uns in der materiellen Welt selbst zu verwirklichen, können wir einfach nie genug bekommen.
    Interview mit Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D. (*1931) tschechisch-US-amerikanischer Psychiater, Psychotherapeut, Medizinphilosoph, Mitbegründer der transpersonalen Psychologie, Autor, Die Welt ist perfekt, präsentiert von der aufgelösten deutschen Publikation "Transpersonale Perspektiven", Kareem van Gennip, Heft 4/98, Logos-Verlag-Berlin, Juli 1998

Quotes by various other sources on Ken Wilber's integral philosophy

  • As man solves the problems of existence at a level, new brain systems may be activated and when activated, change his perceptions so as to cause him to see new problems of existence. Clare W. Graves, Ph.D. (1914-1986) US American professor of psychology, originator of a theory of adult human development, co-author, source and date unknown



Interlacing of green and orange meme

  • The Green meme tends to take credit for developments of the rational or orange worldview: U.S. Constitution, abolition of slavery, and the emancipation of women. The changes happened before significant appearance of green. Lew Howard, US American retired nuclear reactor engineer, author, Introducing Ken Wilber. Concepts for an Evolving World, S. 164, AuthorHouse,
    17. May 2005


  • Ken Wilber, Eye to Eye, 1983: "The underlying impulse that we are going to change the world is archaic and narcis-
    sistic. The stance that we have the only way or the best way is arrogant and narcissistic. If you feel that you have the best or
    only way that the poor ignorant folks must rise up to, you are arrogant and narcissistic."
    • Ken Wilber, June 2006 [Summarily paraphrased]: "We have the best way, we are in the elite 2%, we are above
      the herd, we will change the world."
  • Jim Chamberlain's conclusion: "The herd mentality that Wilber should concern himself with is the herd mentality
    he encourages in his young followers, the groupthink, the in-group versus out-group dynamic, the loading of the
    language with jargon and psychobabble, the arrogance, narcissism, and grandiosity."
    Article "Sorry, it's just over your head". Wilber's response to recent criticism, presented by the online publication integralworld.net,
    Jim Chamberlain, June 2006



  • [David R.] Hawkinsmap of consciousness, along with the use of this methodology, allows us to determine the relative value of any frame of reference. Higher levels of energy, or states of consciousness, can be viewed as providing one with a greater context, or less of a restrictive boundary on how self and life are perceived. It can also be viewed as describing the degree to which our perception is coherent with the reality of our lived experience. It describes the degree to which our perception is bounded by the constructed images of thought. The lower the calibration, the thicker the layers of these images are, and the more they disconnect us from the perception of our immediate lived experience. At the same time, each level of consciousness has a domain of validity, where the views held tell us something about life as we experience it at that level. This gives validity to all perspectives, but not in an equal manner that would send us into a kind of relativism, or a "flatlander" perspective as Ken Wilber calls it. Problems can be seen to arise when any given perspective tries to stipulate that it alone determines the validity of other perspectives. Wilber (1997) describes a four quadrant model of consciousness, and in talking about the need for correlating the relations between approaches states that this process is "in no way trying to reduce any to the others" (pg. 88).5 The ability to associate these frames of reference with a numerical scale allows us to empirically assess various concepts of identity, especially as they relate to our paradigmatic assumptions about reality as a whole, and consciousness in particular. […]
    Wilber lists twelve […] schools of thought, and the calibrations that follow are based upon Wilber’s descriptions:
    • LoC 655 – Eastern and contemplative traditions
    • LoC 640Subtle energies research
    • LoC 575 – Quantum consciousness
    • LoC 540 – Nonordinary states of consciousness
    • LoC 535 – Individual psychotherapy
    • LoC 520 – Psychosomatic medicine
    • LoC 490 – Cognitive science
    • LoC 485 – Social psychology
    • LoC 485 – Developmental psychology
    • LoC 480 – Introspectionism
    • LoC 440 – Neuropsychology
    • LoC 420 – Clinical psychiatry
[…] The ones that calibrate lower tend to deal more with the constructed images of self and the physical embodiment, while perspectives calibrating higher tend to deal more directly with the less material aspects of our being.
Jonathan Reams, Ph.D., Canadian professor of leadership sciences, documented study Consciousness and Identity: Who Do We Think We Are?, presented by sciencedirect.com, performed at private Roman Catholic Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washing-
ton, S. 7-8, December 1999

Critical quotes by various other sources on ⚡ Ken Wilber

Astrological data of Ken Wilber Ken, presented by the astro databank astro.com
Deleted snippet from 14 hours of video offering 1st-person narrative and 3rd-person philosophy Ken Wilber Biography series The Early Years, presented by the publication Integral Life, 7:17 minutes duration, recorded ~2014, posted 21. October 2016
Ken Wilber's 1st marriage☯ Amy WagnerDuration 1973-1981Ended with divorce6
Ken Wilber's 2nd marriage☯ Terry Killam [Treya]Duration 1983-1989Ended with Treya's death7
Ken Wilber's 3rd marriage☯ Marci WaltersDuration living together 1997-2001, 2001-2002Ended with divorce8


Personal avowals by Ken Wilber


Ken Wilber punching his 2nd wife Treya:

  • We started yelling, louder and louder, screaming, red-faced and furious.
    "Get out, you goddamn obnoxious bitch!"
    "Get out yourself!"
    I hit her. Again. And again. I kept hollering. "Get out, goddamnit, get out!" I kept striking her, she kept screaming, "Stop hitting me! Stop hitting me!"
    We finally collapsed on the sofa. I had never hit a woman before, and we both knew it.
    Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, Grace and Grit. Spirituality and Healing in the Life and Death of Treya Killam Wilber, S. 155, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1991, 2nd edition 6. February 2001



Wilber is possibly refering to these predatory "crazy wisdom" teachers

Chogyam Trungpa (1939-1987) controversial Tibetan Buddhist meditation master, holder of both the Kagyu and Nyingma lineages, scholar, teacher, poet, artist, originator of a radical re-presentation of Shambhala vision9
Adi Da Samraj [Franklin Albert Jones; Da Free John] (1939-2008) controversial US American spiritual teacher, founder of the new religious movement Adidam, writer, artist10
Marc Gafni (*1960) controversial US American "spiritual teacher", serial sexual offender, former orthodox rabbi associated with the Jewish renewal movement, speaker, author11 / 12

  • Unethical behavior doesn't get you enlightened. It gets you a nightmare. It gets you the unhappy dream. It's the worst of
    all possible worlds paraded under this "crazy wisdom" notion. By the way, there is no "crazy wisdom" teaching in the
    East. It was invented by three American drunken womanizing teachers to rationalize their [mis]behavior [justifying egoic
    impulses as transegoic]. I am very fond of these guys, incidentally. They are some of my very dear friends.
    Video presentation by Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader
    of the 3rd millennium, founder of Integral Theory, author, Assholes and Accidents, YouTube film, minute 3:14+, 9:00 minutes duration,
    posted 4. June 2011

Personal avowals

  • The way I see it, my critique and that of others has left so little of Wilber's integral synthesis standing that he has to devise ways to avoid responding to them in order to fool his followers, and probably himself, into thinking that his system
    is the best integration of contemporary knowledge available. Wilber's techniques of avoidance are long and getting
    My conclusion is that the emperor has few clothes. The cowboy is circling the wagons to better defend an untenable
    position. He's been exposed and can't confront it nor admit it, and so he avoids critical engagement through an array
    of diversions. Blog article Intellectual Tragedy: A Reply To Ken Wilber's "WHAT WE ARE, THAT WE SEE", presented by the online publication integralworld.net, Jeff Meyerhoff, M.A., L.S.W., US American social worker, integral theorist, radio host, author, 2006



Wilber's cult for the spiritually disillusioned creative class

  • I have met brilliant people. In Wilber, I have never met a more brilliant-sounding person. I have also never met a more self-absorbed person. […] I used to respect him [Wilber]. I used to respect his work. I no longer recommend Wilber to anyone. I still think that he has deep insight to offer. I am officially interested in a "post-Wilber integral", or even a "non-Wilber integral".
    I can't stress enough, nothing was ever clarified [in my 16 months at Integral Institute/integral university], and if anything ever approached being clarified about what exactly we were doing, it quickly evaporated. It was rather a mess, and Wil-
    ber's neurotic (with regular fits of anger), often absent, leadership style
    was in my view largely to blame, as well as the entire quixotic affair. I've written about the mess before, and how in my estimation, the integral university project was infected severely with philosophical groupthink, due to undisputed reverence for Wilber, near universal agree-
    ment about the validity of his speculations
    , and little to no actual debate where disagreements on first principles were
    given fair scrutiny
    I decided to resign. I left, and I took all my work with me. After rounds of angry insults from him directed at, first, myself
    and then my wife (I maintain I never once reciprocated in any way; I was always respectful to him, as is to be expected),
    Wilber laughably attempted to claim co-ownership of my papers, and thus meaning I would have to ask permission to
    use them. From him! I consulted with a lawyer, and that was settled quickly, via a strongly worded letter from my lawyer
    detailing the basics of applicable copyright law in this country.
    It also further cemented by belief that Wilber is prone to the hyberbole that substitutes hubristic, rhetorical flourish for
    real knowledge, in this case, of common law. And if he is that ignorant about common law, all the while feigning know-
    ledge of it, what else is he in practice ignorant of?
    [T]he real effort of Wilber became clear. He wanted to be a trickster figure that messes with people's minds, to trick
    people to enlightenment. The Wilber school […] is
    ⚑ the school of hubris,
    ⚑ of inflated emphasis on psychology as the alpha/omega,
    ⚑ of occasional insight,
    ⚑ of maddening long-windedness,
    ⚑ of superficial scholarship,
    ⚑ of the cult for the spiritually disillusioned creative class. […]
    [H]e is not what I had hoped, a true warrior for the humanities. He advertises himself as one of "America's preeminent
    philosophers". That advertising is false.
    Real scholarship, the only kind that stands a chance of restoring the Humanities in popular imagination, is not done
    by forming a Hollywood cult
    , or pretending to rationalize disgusting and irrelevant behavior such as Wilber's.
    Essay by Matthew Dallman, US American trained musician, philosopher, former integral theorist, author, ON KEN WILBER. Hope-
    lessly New Age, Hopeless for the Humanities
    , December 2005, revised July 2006, reissued November 2013


Unsettling account

  • I wrote in a controversial thread a long time back [1/21/2004] about visiting Ken's house with a group of students and
    being surprised by his pantomimed masturbation and his laughing but quite frequent requests for blowjobs from
    the [female] audience. I laughed with everyone else, but at the back of my mind, I realized I was disturbed and dis-
    appointed by it, not because I don't think a guy should enjoy a blowjob!, but because it just seemed so "in your face"
    and odd and definitely controversial for someone who is seeking to move more into the public light, where so much
    controversy surrounds "gurus" and spiritual teachers already. But other people I talked to weren't bothered by it at
    , so maybe he just gauged his audience correctly, realized that the conservative schmucks were few and far bet-
    ween, and decided to have fun. Bruce Alderman [Balder], posted in the [dissolved] Integral Naked forum 2. November 2004,
    cited in: Essay Twenty Boomeritis Blunders. Shoddy Scholarship, Salacious Sex, and Sham Spirituality, presented by
    the online publication integralworld.net, Jim Andrews, 14. June 2013


Recommendation / Caveat

  • Wilber is best taken in very small doses and extremely lightly. [B]oth are entirely against the grain of his obsession
    for self-promotion
    (never to be underestimated), and his team of marketeers who push his stuff like crack for the disillu-
    sioned creative class. His "integralnaked" website was consciously marketed to early 20s men; it's early communica-
    tions were soft porn. Essay by Matthew Dallman, US American trained musician, philosopher, former integral theorist, author,
    ON KEN WILBER. Hopelessly New Age, Hopeless for the Humanities, December 2005, revised July 2006, reissued November 2013

Wilberian integralism is "a nicely-sealed bubble."

  • Wilber’s story is a cautionary tale. His intellectual understanding was immense, as much as I’ve ever come across in a single person. […] [U]ltimately, he was done in by his pride, his need for control and, well, ironically his ego. […]
    With an onslaught of problems in the world crying out for an integral perspective and solution – terrorism, the Iraq War, climate change, world hunger, financial crises. The silence coming from the Integral crowd was deafening. Major global and social issues were often only referred to in passing as descriptors for a certain level of consciousness development with the overarching implication being that "they" are not as highly developed as "we" are. […]
    For a philosophy based on including and integrating as much as possible, its followers sure expressed it by forming a nicely-sealed bubble around themselves. […]
    General critique on Ken Wilber

Abusive gurus/teachers supported by Ken Wilber

Chögyam Trungpa (1939-1987) – Exposed (1975-onwards13)
Adi Da [Da Free John] (1939-2008) – Exposed (1985-198614 / 15 / 16)
Genpo Roshi Dennis Merzel (*1944) – Exposed (1992/201117 / 18)
Robert Augustus Masters (*1947) – Exposed (1994/Feb 201419/Oct 201820)
Andrew Cohen (*1957) – Exposed (1997-201321)
(Pressed by five senior students, Cohen retreated from public office in June 2013. Both of his public apologies were soon to be removed.)
Marc Gafni (*1960) – Exposed (2004/2006/201122/201623)
Mahendra Kumar Trivedi (*1963) – Exposed (2010-2013)24 / 25 / 26
(Upon notice in 2013 Wilber acknowledged his premature judgement, deleted his endorsement newsletter Blog 637 dated June 2010 and asked Dr. Sawecki to have his name removed from the Trivedi Foundation website.27)

Despite Wilber's massive understanding of human psy-
chology and consciousness, he never seemed to shake
this dogma [that enlightened awareness could develop
someone into a flawless individual, an immutable autho-
rity]. It followed Wilber through his career and eventually
manifested itself in himself. When he was younger, he
notoriously followed
  • Adi Da, a spiritual leader who was later found to be sexually abusing female followers. Yet he stood by him [for 20 years].
Later in his career, he also aligned with
  • Andrew Cohen, a spiritual leader who was found to be physically and emotionally abusing his fol-
    lowers. And again, he stood by him.
Why? Because Wilber maintained they had genuinely reached the farthest limits of human awareness and understanding.
Blog article by Mark Manson (*1984) US American internet entrepreneur, blogger, author, The Rise and Fall of Ken Wilber, presented by the blogspot markmanson.net, 4. June 2012


Categories yet to be identified by mental health professionals and forensic psychiatrists:
Serial enabling of predatory power holders / Devotional enabling


Ken Wilber's PR machine enabled systematic guru abuse.

  • [E]ach of the gurus endorsed by Ken Wilber, including Gafni, followed a pattern ... [of systematic abuse perpetrated by Ken's friends and enabled by Ken's PR machine]. The problem is,
    1. it isn't licensed to be a guru. It's in a legal grey zone.
    2. in Ken Wilber's Integral world, abuse and cruelty have been normalized and rationalized as being accelerated to human spiritual/evolutionary development.
Mental health professions and forensic psychiatry have yet to identify a catagory for serial enabler of predatory power holders. Forum discussion thread Re: International Enlightenment Fellowship/Andrew Cohen, presented by Cult Education Institute, page 16 of 27, corboy, 2. November 2011


Reflexions on reading the One Taste diaries, 1999

  • Wilber glamorizes his life. […] [refering] to all the conversations and encounters he has with scathing, brilliant people. Kenny makes it seem that being spiritual means becoming a glamorous person, desirable, on the go, hip, with life full of other glamorous brilliant people.
    A book like this would be thrilling to a bright, isolated teenager or young person, wanting to get a sense of belonging.
    Ken gives you a feeling that you are about to join an elite club, if you get involved with his public persona.
    Kenny makes himself a point of connection, and by extension, his theories, too. People can't stand to apply actual
    critical thinking to Kennys theories because to do that would dissolve not just the theory but the mystique of the
    public persona, the myth of Ken himself. […]
    Ken has found a way to indulge anger and make it seem compatible with his allegation of some exalted state of development. He does it vicariously by having associated with a series of people who have abused power and by periodically engaging in outbursts such as the Wyatt Earpy episode. Forum discussion thread Ken Wilber and the Integral Institute, presented by Cult Education Institute, page 2 of 2, corboy, 22. March 2009



Mutual spiritual narcissism

  • And as can be found in Wilber's own writings: to follow a narcissistic, charismatic teacher for a long time, we have to be unaware of our own narcissim. By following what we believe is great we desire to be part of the greatness ourselves. Secondary narcissim. […]
    I see Ken Wilber overcoming his emotional shortcomings, returning to what he is good at and, eventually, writing an excellent book on spiritual narcissism which he will then be able to understand and explain better than anyone.
    Blog article Spiritual Narcissism, presented by the online publication integralworld.net, V. Gunnar Larsson, October 2006



See also:

  • Picasso made great art. He was also (allegedly) an asshole and a womanizer. Perhaps [Andrew] Cohen makes for intense spiritual experiences, but has also (allegedly) abused his students. This is easy to conceive for someone with an integral perspective.
    My conclusion – I think [Terry Patten] your questioning of Cohen is great, very appropriate. But I also think you and Wilber and others continue to enable abuse with your criticism of Cohen's ex-students as simply being "ne-
    gative" or not appreciating his evolutionary vision
    which requires breaking a few eggs to make a spiritual omelet.
    Justice has still not taken place, and restoration for past harms is still incomplete.
    The missing component here is the lack of any admission of wrongdoing. […] [T]he lack of a simple and straightfor-
    ward admission of such (e.g. "what I did was wrong and I am terribly sorry") is the problem. Unfortunately, the no-
    of guru as absolutely perfect makes such human admissions of imperfection impossible.

    Reader's comment by Duff McDuffee, 26. January 2011 – in response to Terry Patten, US American integral evolutionary leader,
    coach, author, On Outrageous Teaching and Charges of Enabling Abuse Submitted by Terry, 5. June 2010


  • "An integral theory without integrity is ultimately bankrupt."
    Note: One of the major reasons I wrote The Paradox of Da Free John. Distinguishing the Message from the
    back in 1984-85 (later incorporated along with Dr. Scott Lowe's autobiographical essay into a book entitled
    Da. The Strange Case of Franklin Jones) was to critique Ken over his hyper infatuation with Da Free John's pur-
    ported mastership. Wilber, I felt, had made a fundamental error in confusing Da's insightful writing with his dubious
    claims to being a God-man. Wilber eventually tried to back pedal on his effusive praise of Da, especially after wide
    media coverage in 1985 alleged Da Free John to be highly abusive to women within his entourage. However, I and
    other commentators felt that it was too little too late. That Wilber has now aligned himself with Andrew Cohen, a self-
    styled guru whose own mother published a book, Mother of God, exposing him as a tyrannical cult leader, makes
    one wonder what happened to his critical thinking skills.
    David Christopher Lane, Ph.D. (*1956) US American professor of philosophy and sociology, Mt. San Antonio College, Walnut,
    California, lecturer in religious studies, author, Frisky Dirt. Why Ken Wilber's New Creationism is Pseudoscience, S. 15, MSAC Philosophy Group, 1st Neural Library edition, Kindle e-book issue 14. January 2011


  • [T]he real target for my essay was Ken Wilber since I felt he had succumbed to a fundamental delusion in his
    hyperbolic praise of Da Free John by conflating an underlying spiritual message with the medium in which it was
    housed. Simply put, Wilber was wrong to think that Da was the supreme avatar of his time simply because he wrote
    some brilliant essays and gave thoughtful off the cuff satsangs. […]
    Wilber did himself no favors (either to his reputation or to his intellectual integrity) by fawning so exaggeratedly over
    Da's mastership and penmanship, particularly when he criticized his readers for not following his praising of all things
    "Da." Ken Wilber's track record in endorsing so-called spiritual masters is so bad that one would be well advised to
    avoid any guru he recommends.
    The very fact that Ken Wilber could, after his fiasco with Adi Da, promote Andrew
    speaks volumes about his "integral" philosophy and its alleged merits for progressive thinking.
    Review of same article The Paradox of Da Free John, presented by the online publication integralworld.net, David Christopher Lane, Ph.D. (*1956) US American professor of philosophy and sociology, Mt. San Antonio College, Walnut, California, lecturer in religious studies, author, first published 1985, 24. May 2015



Loss of authenticity as a result of self-inflation


  • Being integral is increasingly being defined as: "agreeing with Ken Wilber." This is the only critique being accep-
    ted within the movement. And basically it takes the form of: yes you are a genius, but wouldn't you consider that xxx.
    Such a form of self-denigrating critique is the only one acceptable, and it can only serve to strengthen the edifice and
    the influence of the master. […]
    Blog article On the Logic of Cultism at the Integral Institutes, presented by Michel Bauwens (*1958) Belgian director and founder
    of the P2P Foundation, peer-to-peer theorist, conference speaker on technology, culture and business innovation, researcher, writer,
    13. June 2006


  • Can there be any hope for such a movement [Integralism]?
    In my opinion: none whatsovever. The point of no-return has long passed.
    Integralism a la Wilber is not a democratic integrative movement.
    Of course it can attract good people, much like the fellow-travelers of Stalinism, who love the ideal and have a cognitive filter blocking out the lack of freedom in intellectual discourse. And these people may do good things. Also, some of the ideas put forward by Wilber, which are in many cases rewordings of insights of others, can of course have value. I would say, just pick and choose the good ideas, but disregard the totalising system in which they are embedded.
    Blog article Ken Wilber is losing it, presented by the blogspot the P2P Foundation, 12. June 2006



Ken Wilber, a speculator in theoretical psychology aiming for public admiration

  • His [Wilber's] early work No Boundary (1981) is well-esteemed, and for good reason. The hyperbole is kept to a minimum. But the usefulness of his work has diminished since The Eye of Spirit (2001).
    His fans repeat Wilber's words all the time on blogs and online forums, shallowed whole, without any questioning of the assumptions that his views are in fact correct or accurate. Wilber acts as if he is right, does so with his version of "passion"; apparently that is enough for some; Wilber himself thinks truth is in fact passion, "shouted".
    Pop psychology is in full effect for fans of Wilber, and Wilber himself. People say "you are just projecting!" rather than make a coherent counter-argument. It is lazy narcissism.
    [Integral] sounds like a pseudo religion. It sounds like people full of themselves, proud of being able to say that
    you are projecting and I am projecting and (holy wow) that is so beneficial to the search for truth, isn't it?
    It sounds like people out of touch with both the real world and out of touch with regular, non-jargon modes of communication. It sounds like a self-singing choir for the few and the self-proclaimed elite.
    [I]ntegral can sound a lot like a cult, in the negative sense of the term. Wilber is New Age to the core, hope-
    lessly so in my view. Online, he is a cartoon character. [T]o take him seriously, as a serious thinker who doesn't simp-
    ly aim for the esteem of public admiration, and to be thought of as the "guy with the answers", is folly. Wilber helps
    no one unless it serves to help him and his reputation. The open secret about Wilber is that, contra the marketee-
    , he mainly operates in the realm of theoretical psychology, inclusive of religious practice.
    Essay by Matthew Dallman, US American trained musician, philosopher, former integral theorist, author, ON KEN WILBER.
    Hopelessly New Age, Hopeless for the Humanities
    , December 2005, revised July 2006, reissued November 2013


  • Wilber's famous four quadrants diagram is a philosophical falsity. This is no small criticism. His famous qua-
    drants diagram, and the thinking that went into its creation, is the cornerstone of his work.
    [Wilber] said, "I have one major rule: everybody is right. More specifically, everybody – including me
    – has some important pieces of the truth, and all of those pieces need to be honored, cherished, and
    included in a more gracious, spacious, and compassionate embrace."

    This is pure Romantic sophistry. Wilber's is a political statement, not one based in the search for truth through
    real discourse and real distinctions. This "rule" is simplistic thinking, and doesn't hold up even within his own work.
    He essentially grants truth, a priori rather than arriving at truths through slow, soul-work practice of reasoning.
    There is no demonstration of how this "rule" is actually helpful to distinctions we must make in order to better
    understand the world and ourselves. Essay by Matthew Dallman, US American trained musician, philosopher, former
    integral theorist, author, ON KEN WILBER. Hopelessly New Age, Hopeless for the Humanities, December
    2005, revised July 2006, reissued November 2013


  • Integral is an archetype, with semiotics that go far deeper than quadrants, levels, lines, states, or types. It is not
    born of a philosopher. Integral is already out there in the world, and has been for decades. Anyone who thinks with
    more than one perspective, but doesn't get caught in analysis paralysis, is for all intents and purposes thinking
    and living integrally. It is not something any of us can control.
    'Integral' predates Wilber and has been abused by him in order to develop a brand appropriate to his market.
    Integral is fullness, based on known parameters of "what is full"; not a commodity, secret, cult, model, approach,
    theory, or object for self-gratification. Call it an idealistic archetype. Essay by Matthew Dallman, US American trained
    musician, philosopher, former integral theorist, author, ON KEN WILBER. Hopelessly New Age, Hopeless for the Humanities,
    December 2005, revised July 2006, reissued November 2013



How Wilber's thinking changed from humble to grandiose, from anti-cultic to cultic

  • Wilber in 1983: "The underlying impulse that we are going to change the world is archaic and narcissistic. The stance that we have the only way or the best way is arrogant and narcissistic. If you feel that you have the best or only way that the poor ignorant folks must rise up to, you are arrogant and narcissistic."
  • Wilber in June, 2006: "We have the best way, we are in the elite 2%, we are above the herd, we will change the world..."
Like he said in 1983, archaic, arrogant, and narcissistic, and I would add grandiosity to the mix.
The herd mentality that Wilber should concern himself with is the herd mentality he encourages in his young followers,
the groupthink, the in-group versus out-group dynamic, the loading of the language with jargon and psychobabble, the
arrogance, narcissism, and grandiosity.
Article by Jim Chamberlain, US American artist, illustrator, instructor, Sorry, It's Just Over Your Head. Wilber's response to recent criticism, presented by the online publication Integral World, 14. June 2006



Statement by Spiral Dynamic on Wilber's exploitation of SD

  • [W]e do not count Ken Wilber among the authorities on this model, though his interest in exploiting it is obvious and many of his more devout followers will surely take offense at such a blasphemous statement in the belief that Wilber created "Spiral Dynamics" rather than assimilated bits of it. Relatively few have bothered to figure out the material in any depth, and
    many, including Ken Wilber, have remained satisfied with shallow views of convenience rather than exploring fully from
    many angles; to be blunt, a highly non-integral approach has prevailed in much of the integral world. That must
    change if it is to endure credibly and have the positive impact it wants to. Article FAQs > Integral, presented by the pub-
    lication spiral-dynamics.com, originally issued 2012




Wilber's absolutist Theory of Everything canceling itself out

  • Wilber's Theory of Everything is not of a relative quality. With no other theory to compare it with it is an absolute theory. This means: It is a theory, which as such does not exist. So Wilber's Theory of Everything dissolves in itself. It has become extinct, only to survive as the all-embracing story Wilber tells. A story that is, which reveals itself as a myth, in which an unconscious Ken Wilber has become immersed together with his community of the adequate. [...]
    'The community of the adequate' [...] accepts 'the story' Wilber tells 'as if it were simply the case'. Yes, taking 'it that way makes for much better reading.' A comforting reading that is for the Wilberite, who wishes to be firmly embedded in his “community of the adequate”, which gives him the undoubted sense of an undisturbed security. [...]
    On the one hand he wants to be acclaimed as a renowned scientist, who has gone mainstream. On the other hand he wants blind followers who accept everything he says, "as if it were simply the case." This shows a Ken Wilber who has fallen prey to conflicting emotions, which in his inner strife he does not see. So he has subconsciously deceived him-
    self. A self-deception that is, which he has passed on to his followers. Critical essay by Martin Erdmann (*1941) Polish
    German interpreter and translator, lecturer at University of Heidelberg, cofounder of the German Spiritual Emergence Network (S.E.N.),
    poet, writer, A self-absorbed Ken Wilber tells his integral story as if it were simply the case, presented by the online publication Integral World, 20. July 2017



  • One day [in 2004] I drove him to Denver for his first public dialogue with Integral Theory guru Ken Wilber. Marc Gaf-
    was nervous, but he matched Ken's brilliance and he whipped up the crowd of integral hipsters with his seductive
    stage presence.  Minute 5:38
    [After Zerner had entered an affair with Gafni he swore her to secrecy.] He spoke with such authority, and so the spell
    of silence began.  Minute 7:11
    [When reports on Gafni's sexual assaults on minors and women were first published in Israel, end 2004] I wanted to
    believe him and so I did.  Minute 8:11
    It took a lot of energy to compartmentalize what I knew and the sex stuff wasn't even the half of it. I was holding a
    thousand dark secrets. And it was taking it a toll on my friendships and my health and my psyche. I was having
    nightmares of dark demonic creatures trying to kill me. My gut kept screaming "Get out!", but I couldn't. My life
    was too intertwined in his.  Minute 10:49
    [After Gafni's sex abuses were exposed by the women of Bayit Chadash and published by the mayor media in Is-
    rael (2006) and Zerner got a revelatory call from his assistent, another victim] It hit me just how much he had been
    lying to me and to all the people who had used their good names to publicly defend him. That broke the trance. I
    cut off all contact with Gafni. This scandal was headline news all over Israel and in every major Jewish paper.
    Gafni fled Israel, and he was shunned by the entire Jewish world and his rabbinical ordinations were stripped
    away. I started hearing from other women who had been involved with him. I've talked to 17 by now spanning
    almost four decades. And I know of a lot more. We had all been sworn to secrecy, but now it was so healing to
    talk. I heard about coerced sex and insidious mind games. I heard about nervous breakdowns and suicide
    attempts. Every one of these women was smart and mature and accomplished, but we had all betrayed our in-
    for Gafni. Each of us had psychological vulnerabilities that he was able to pinpoint and exploit for his
    own ends. That was his true genius. I felt shattered I spent a ton of time and money on therapists and trauma
    specialists and shamanic healers. With Gafni gone, I slowly began to heal and to come back to myself. And then
    two years later Gafni re-emerged with a new organization and lots of support from famous spiritual teachers. He
    claimed to be the innocent victim of a witch-hunt, and he called all his accusers crazy, jealous liars. He was tea-
    ching workshops on sexuality and shadow. He still is. And he was taking on young women as private students.
    Nobody bothered talking to any of us who knew the truth about him. And none of the women went public with their
    stories. They were all too scared or too ashamed, or they just needed to move on with their lives. I warned lots of
    people privately that he was dangerous, but he controlled the public narrative with his lies. And that just tore
    me up inside. I tried to move on, but people from his various worlds kept contacting me confidentially with new
    stories of his abuse which was continuing. I felt like I was the only person in the world that knew the whole truth
    about him. But what can I do? He was the powerful man with the powerful friends and I was nobody.  Minute 11:52
    There was so much negative publicity about Mark Gafni that by the time the dust cleared I finally felt like it was
    safe enough for me to go public with my story. I was burning to tell it. I needed some way to turn what had been
    the most shameful period of my life into something that had meaning. I told it at a live storytelling event in Port-
    land.28 I did not use Gafni's real name because it wasn't really about him, it was about me. I owned my compli-
    city, I showed how I ignored my intuition and disregarded so many red flags. I was terrified. I just kept pray-
    ing to be a voice, a vessel for the truth and for healing and for the Divine Feminine. Afterwards I felt 20 pounds
    lighter I could not have imagined that telling my ugly truth would feel so exhilarating.  Minute 15:22
    Part of me was holding my breath just wait for the retaliation I knew would come. And then a few months later
    there it was. Gafni posted not one not two but 17 videos on YouTube trying to discredit me. He looked right into
    the camera and told countless nasty lies about my personal life and my sex life and my character. He framed
    himself as the abused victim of someone who had weaponized her personal story. And he said he was doing
    all this for the sake of the evolution of love and integrity in the world. I was furious.  Minute 16:53
    A rabbi who had been one of Shlomo Carlabach's closest friends said to me:
    ➤ "Well, I never saw him do anything wrong." and
    ➤ "But nobody spoke up at the time." and
    ➤ "Why should Shlomo's name be dragged through the mud when he did so many great things in the world?"
    It reminded me of all the excuses I used to make to protect Marc Gafni's reputation. I had done this moral math
    where the upliftment of 20,000 is worth more than the trauma of two or even twenty. This rabbi was the kind of
    important man I used to be intimidated by, but I kept thinking of all the women and girls who Shlomo had viola-
    ted who would never have a chance to speak up and I thought about all the women and children currently abu-
    sed by a system that values protecting the charismatic leader over the suffering of their victims. I felt a larger
    voice coming through me speaking on their behalf. I said to the rabbi, "It doesn't serve Shlomo or Judaism or
    the world to keep him on a pedestal and ignore his shadow. We don't have to throw away his gifts, but we do
    have to honor the truth. That's where God is – in the truth." We spoke for hours. I felt like a fierce voice for the
    Sacred Feminine. I said all the things I did not have the wisdom or courage to say when I was younger, back
    when I believed that men have all the power. The rabbi listened hard. He thanked me. He said, "I am so sorry
    for the pain you went through." And at the end he said to me, "It feels like you're my rebbe, my teacher."
    Minute 21:11
Video presentation (#Metoo exposure) on disgraced rabbi Shlomo Carlabach (1925-1994) and expelled rabbi Marc Gafni
(*1960) by their victim Donna Zerner, US American storyteller, Donna Zerner: Rabbis, Truth-Telling and #MeToo – A
Personal Journey
, presented at the event "Unholy Betrayal: Confronting Sexual Abuse by Spiritual Leaders", performed
in Ashland, Oregon, 20. May 2018, YouTube film, 24:23 minutes duration, posted 8. March 2019


  • The biggest two critiques for me
    1. was simply the notion of it didn't work as a business [Integral Institute] nor did any other businesses
      find ways to make it work
      – just as a pure proof of concept product market fit. [...]
    2. The other one which is as big is one of Integral's true claims to fame is [the claim] Integral is the best of
      both worlds
      [Eastern nondual traditions and Western psychological traditions]. We have nondualness
      and the awareness of shadow
      . And then Ken [Wilber] promptly went on to endorse every fucked up dys-
      functional guru on the planet pretty much […] – everyone not backing away from Adi Da to backing and
      coleading everything under the sun with Andrew Cohen, to Marc Gafni to Genpo Roshi to Robert Augus-
      tus Masters
      [...] the list was pretty much endless as to the gurus with feet of clay.
And that's problematic because the very thing we said we could do we consistently spectacularly failed at our-
selves. [...]
[Integral failed due to] the humans involved. On some levels there is a mutual back scratching as peers and col-
leagues agree to be complicit together on each others' platforms to further increase their region scopes and bu-
siness and incomes. [...] People will look the other way over small things and large because of mutual benefit.
It was hubris because anybody that claims a model of everything is going to miss something,
and the something does not show up on that map. […] [A hubris-driven teacher] sets himself up for the bifurca-
tion and the accumulation of shadow. […]
Integral Theory should be deeply studied and then promptly forgotten. […]
100% use of the Force gives you Yoda, and 99% use of the Force gives you Darth Vader. [...]
I would take an old grandma in her rocking chair on the front porch sharing rootsy downhome wisdom, not com-
plex at all, over some overcognitive asshead trying to map things in tetra arising dimensions and the same thing
with "2nd tier" men in particular who are so imbalanced in their embodiment and even their absolute lack back-
bone (honor) and conviction (balls). Video interview with Jamie Wheal, US American expert in flow states and transfor-
mation, creator of the Flow Genome Project, critic of the integral movement, author, The Legacy of Integral, presented by
the British platform Rebel Wisdom, host and founder David Fuller, British journalist, filmmaker, YouTube film, minute 27:57,
minute 34:17, minute 37:34, 49:30 minutes duration, posted 2. April 2019


  • What is the emergence of transpersonal [egalitarian, non-hierarchical, interlinked] collective emergent culture of
    dynamic subordination? […]
    What do basically ethical cults look like?
    1. Traditional cults (Eleusinian mysteries, Dionysian cults) – The individual subjugated the self to the lineage.
    2. Culty cults (Adi Da, Charles Manson, Andrew Cohen) – The individual subjugated the self to the guru. That
      was obviously wildly problematic.
    3. Ethical cults (yet non-existing) – The individual is not subsumed, but actually the sovereignity of every indi-
      vidual is paramount, and then we connect in co-creative emergence.
I don't think that the Burning Man culture is adequate for it, I don't think that Nonviolent Communication is adequate
for it. Video interview with Jamie Wheal, US American expert in flow states and transformation, creator of the Flow Genome Pro-
, critic of the integral movement, author, The Legacy of Integral, presented by the British platform Rebel Wisdom, host
and founder David Fuller, British journalist, filmmaker, YouTube film, minute 43:38, 49:30 minutes duration, posted 2. April 2019

Englische Texte – English section on Ken Wilber's philosophy

Spiral Dynamics – Correlation and terminology according to Wilber

Spiral Dynamics overview – Values
StageFirst TierFocusStageSecond TierFocus
1. MAGENTA Egocentric, magical6. TEAL Worldcentric to "cosmocentric", integral
2. RED Sociocentric, egoic7. TURQUOISE Cosmocentric, integral
3. AMBER Sociocentric, mythic8.  
4. ORANGE Worldcentric, rational9.  
5. GREEN Worldcentric, pluralistic10.  


Spiral Dynamics descriptions


First Tier
Egocentric, Magical50,000 years agoThe Magenta Altitude tends to be the home of egocentric drives, a magical worldview, and impulsiveness. It is expressed through magic/animism, kin-spirits, and such. Young children primarily operate with a magenta worldview. Magenta in any line of development is fundamental, or "square one" for any and all new tasks. Magenta emotions and cognition can be seen driving such cultural phenomena as superhero-themed comic books or movies.


First Tier
Sociocentric, Egoic10,000 years agoThe Red Altitude is the marker of egocentric drives based on power, where "might makes right," where aggression rules, and where there is a limited capacity to take the role of an "other." Red impulses are classically seen in grade school and early high school, where bullying, teasing, and the like are the norm. Red motivations can be seen culturally in Ultimate Fighting contests, which have no fixed rules (fixed rules come into being at the next Altitude, Amber), teenage rebellion and the movies that cater to it (The Fast and the Furious), gang dynamics (where the stronger rule the weaker), and the like.


First Tier
Sociocentric, Mythic5,000 years agoThe Amber Altitude indicates a worldview that is traditionalist and mythic in nature. Mythic worldviews are almost always held as absolute (this stage of development is often called absolutistic). Instead of "might makes right," amber ethics are more oriented to the group, but one that extends only to "my" group. Grade school and high school kids usually exhibit amber motivations to "fit in." Amber ethics help to control the impulsiveness and narcissism of red. Culturally, amber worldviews can be seen in fundamentalism (my God is right no matter what); extreme patriotism (my country is right no matter what); and ethnocentrism (my people are right no matter what).


First Tier
Worldcentric, Rational500 years agoThe Orange Altitude began during the period known as the European age of enlightenment. In an orange worldview, the individual begins to move away from the amber conformity that reifies the views of one's religion, nation, or tribe. The orange worldview often begins to emerge in late high school, college, or adulthood. Culturally, the orange worldview realizes that "truth is not delivered; it is discovered," spurring the great advances of science and formal rationality. Orange ethics begin to embrace all people, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal...." '' Ayn Rand's Objectivism, the US Bill of Rights, and many of the laws written to protect individual freedom all flow from an orange worldview.


First Tier
Worldcentric, Pluralistic150 years ago
Blooming in the 1960s
The Green Altitude and worldviews are marked by pluralism, or the ability to see that there are multiple ways of seeing reality. If orange sees universal truths ("All men are created equal"), green sees multiple universal truths – different universals for different cultures. Green ethics continue, and radically broaden, the movement to embrace all people. A green statement might read, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal, regardless of race, gender, class [...]." Green ethics have given birth to the civil rights, feminist, and gay rights movements, as well as environmentalism.
The green worldview's multiple perspectives give it room for greater compassion, idealism, and involvement, in its healthy form. Such qualities are seen by organizations such as the Sierra Club, Amnesty International, Union of Concerned Scientists, and Doctors Without Borders. In its unhealthy form green worldviews can lead to extreme relativism, where all beliefs are seen as relative and equally true, which can in turn lead to the nihilism, narcissism, irony, and meaninglessness exhibited by many of today's intellectuals, academics, and trend-setters [...] not to mention another "lost" generation of students.


Second Tier
Worldcentric to "cosmocentric," Integral1960sThe Teal Altitude marks the beginning of an integral worldview, where pluralism and relativism are transcended and included into a more systematic whole. The transition from green to teal is also known as the transition from "1st-tier" values to "2nd-tier" values, the most immediate difference being the fact that each "1st-tier" value thinks it is the only truly correct value, while "2nd-tier" values recognize the importance of all preceding stages of development. Thus, the teal worldview honors the insights of the green worldview, but places it into a larger context that allows for healthy hierarchies, and healthy value distinctions.
Perhaps most important, a teal worldview begins to see the process of development itself, acknowledging that each one of the previous stages (magenta through green) has an important role to play in the human experience. Teal consciousness sees that each of the previous stages reveals an important truth, and pulls them all together and integrates them without trying to change them to "be more like me," and without resorting to extreme cultural relativism ("all are equal"). Teal worldviews do more than just see all points of view (that’s a green worldview) – it can see and honor them, but also critically evaluate them.


Second Tier
Cosmocentric, Integral Turquoise is a mature integral view, one that sees not only healthy hierarchy but also the various quadrants of human knowledge, expression, and inquiry (at the minimum: I, we, and it). While teal worldviews tend to be secular, turquoise is the first to begin to integrate Spirit as a living force in the world (manifested through any or all of the 3 Faces of God: "I" – the "No self" or "witness" of Buddhism; "we/thou" – the "great other" of Christianity, Judaism, Hindusm, Islam, etc.; or "it" – the "Web of Life" seen in Taoism, Pantheism, etc.).
In this level self-interest is being sacrificed to an interconnected global system beginning to form.


Inspired by
► Ken Wilber, States, Stages, and the Three Kinds of Self, presented by the publication Integral Life, 16. September 2009
Corey W. deVos, US American webmaster of Integral Life, senior editor of KenWilber.com, writer
► Audio interview with Steve McIntosh stevemcintosh.com (*1960) US American lawyer, entrepreneur, founder and president of
     Now & Zen, activist, author of integral thought, host Carter Phipps, US American executive editor of the dissolved magazine
     EnlightenNext, journalist, author of Evolutionary Spirituality, YouTube film, posted 17. March 2012
     ☛ Integral Consciousness: Stages of Development, part 1 of 2, 46:55 minutes duration
     ☛ Integral Consciousness: Stages of Development, part 2 of 2, 27:33 minutes duration

Spiral Dynamics consciousness model – according to Ken Wilber's terminology / color scheme

Spiral Dynamics29 map of consciousness
From First Tier to Second Tier
From deficiency mode to beingness mode
Developmental stageFocus / OrientationLegend
Self expression
FIRST TIER Context of separation Survival Duality Need
1. Infrared
100,000 BCInfant
Survival mode
Hunters and gatherers
Archaic-instinctive survivalistic automatic reflexologicalSelf expression meets solely imperative physiological needs through the instincts of Homo sapiens. 1. Tier
Deficiency mode
2. Magenta
50,000 BCToddler
before age 3
Family and tribe
Animistic magical tribalistic orderSubsumed in the group, self sacrifices to the ways of the elders and ritualistic customs. 1. Tier
Deficiency mode
3. Red7000 BCThe terrible twos
age 3-4
EGOCENTRIC exploitive dominionist power godsImpulsive self expression for what self desires without guilt and to avoid shame. 1. Tier
Deficiency mode
4. Amber
3000 BCChildhood up to puberty
Societal order
Early nation state
SOCIOCENTRIC mythic absolutistic purposeful authoritarian obedience based orderSacrificing self for reward to come through obedience to rightful authority in a purposeful way. 1. Tier
Deficiency mode
5. Orange1000 AD
as early as 600 AD acc. to Graves and Calhoun
Early adulthood
age 18-25
Societal acceptability
Nation state
WORLDCENTRIC achievist rational-scientific strategicalCalculated self expression to reach goals and objectives without rousing the ire of important others. 1. Tier
Deficiency mode
6. Green1850 AD
surged in early 20th century
Adulthood up to midlife crisis
Societal constructivism
WORLDCENTRIC relativistic personalistic pluralistic multiplistic-complex communitarian egalitarianSacrificing self interest in order to gain acceptance and group harmony. 1. Tier
Deficiency mode
SECOND TIER Monumental
leap of meaning
Context of
Nonlinear Experience of beingness
7. Teal
age 40+
Integral sensing mode
WORLDCENTRIC to COSMOCENTRIC systemic-integrativeExpressing self mindfully for what self desires, while avoiding harm to others so that all life, not just one's own life, will benefit. 2. Tier
Beingness mode

2010: 4-5%
of mankind
>2020-30: 11%
of mankind
8. Turquoise1970Matured adulthood
Scattered appearance
Holonic mode
COSMOCENTRIC holistic integralSacrificing self-interest to an interconnected global system beginning to form... 2. Tier
Beingness mode

2010: 0.4-0.5%
of mankind
► Deleted audio presentation by Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher,
     thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, Integral Education, directed to students of the
     John F. Kennedy University, sponsored by the publication Integral Life, 49 minutes duration, Denver, Colorado, April 2010
► Video message by Marianne Williamson (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, political activist, visionary, lecturer, author,
     Are You Part of the 11%?, presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), DailyMotion film clip,
     1:11 minutes duration, posted 18. October 2007
See also: ► Consciousness-Tables andPassage from force driven controlling ego self power dwelling Self
Siehe auch: ► Spiral Dynamics Bewusstseinsskala – Ken Wilber (Terminologie / Farbgebung)


༺༻Developmental levelPotencyCharacteristicsRatio status
1. Egocentric Potency 1 Preconventional./.
2. Sociocentric Potency 10 Conventional Prerational
3. Worldcentric Potency 100 Postconventional Rational
4. Cosmo/Spirit/SELFcentric Potency 1000  Transrational

Five types of clusterings in companies and society – David Logan

Tribal Clustering in companies and societies
The rankist pride-shame culture comprises roughly 76% of the world's population.
Center of gravity
Catch phraseFocus
% Distribution
company /
the whole
Stage 1 ↓

Survival mode
Shame and Guilt culture

Gangs, Prisons – No values
Despair, hostility, criminality
Life sucks!AssetsWhat do
I have?
2% Energy drain ↓
Separation mode
Stage 2 ↓

Apathetic victimhoodAddiction culture
Passively resigned antagonistic
Quietly sarcastic
My life sucks!(Involuntary) BehaviorWhat will
I do?
25% Energy drain ↓
Separation mode
Stage 3 ↓

Pride culture
Lone Warriors

Knowledge workers:
Knowledge is power.
Winning is personal,
based on "my" values.
I'm great
(and you're not)!
Achievements /
What do
I want?
49% Energy drain ↓
Separation mode


The 'Dignity for all' culture comprises roughly 24% of the world's population.
Center of gravity
Catch phraseFocus
% Distribution
company /
the whole
Stage 4 ↑

Value oriented
creative team
Tribal Pride

Big picture empathizing original workers:
"We" are greater than "me."
The bigger the foe,
the more powerful the tribe.
We're great
(and they're not)!
ValuesWhat do we
stand for?
22% Supporting ↑
Integrative mode
Stage 5 ↑

Dignity culture based on
inalienable "resonant" human rights
Innocent Wonderment

Infinite potential of the group,
global impact
Not beating competitors
Life is great!Noble cause30What do we
live for?
2% Triggering
World change ↑

Unity mode
Sources featuring David Logan, Ph.D. TribalLeadership.net (*1968) US American professor of management, USC faculty member, consultant, author of Tribal Leadership
► Video presentation 'Tribal Leadership' by Dave Logan, John King, and Halee Fischer, presented by the online business magazine
     BNETvideo, YouTube film, 6:11 minutes duration, posted 27. October 2008
► Video presentation Tribal leadership, presented by TEDx USC Talks, 16:39 minutes duration, filmed March 2009,
     posted October 2009
► Audio interview (MP3) The Art of Tribal Leadership, presented by the publication Integral Life, dialogue partner Ken Wilber
     (*1949), 48 minutes duration, June 2010
► Video presentation Tribal Leadership, sponsored by the platform Google TechTalks, Google Campus, Mountain View, California,
     53:24 minutes duration, filmed and posted 18. January 2011


A tribe/cluster is a group of 20-150 people. "Tribes" have more influence than teams, companies or CEOs in determining how much and what quality work gets done. The language used reveals the respective tribe.
  • Groups can't leap over a stage as they progress.
  • Culling out 'bad apples' is ineffective.
    If the bottom 10% of performers are fired, the remaining group will invariably substitute their position.


Authentic leaders can move the group's center of gravity through language.
Leaders need to be able to talk all the levels so that you can touch every person in society. But you don't leave them where you found them. Tribes can only hear one level above and below where they are. [...] Leaders nudge people within their tribes to the next level.
David Logan, Ph.D. TribalLeadership.net (*1968) US American professor of management, USC faculty member, consultant, author


The greatest challenge we face is moving from stage 3 [pride] to stage 4 [courage].
David Logan, Ph.D. TribalLeadership.net (*1968) US American professor of management, USC faculty member, consultant, author


Comments on the hurdle between stages 3 ⇔ 4:
  • The challenge coincides with the threshold of integrity – crossed by mankind in 1987 according to researcher David R. Hawkins.
  • The challenge coincides with the threshold of ethics – crossed by mankind in 1999 according to time researchers Various step models
    created by Ian Xel Lungold (1949-2005) US American time researcher and
    Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author
  • The new reality is no longer separate. H.H. the 14. Dalai Lama (2009)
  • Stage 3 corresponds to Knowledge workers predominant in the waning Information Age.
    Stage 4 corresponds to Big picture creators and empathizers coming afore in the rising Conceptual Age. Daniel Pink


According to Ken Wilber 25% of the population are able to cognitively understand integral approaches,
however, only 2% are able to incorporate and to sustain them.
Comment: This coincides roughly with the statistical numbers David Logan found in his 10 year long study on tribes.
[22% – Stage 4; 2% – Stage 5]


  • Questioning for people at stage 2 – "What ticks you off?"
  • Questioning for people at stage 3 – "What are you proud of?" plus 3-5 open-ended questions.
  • Questioning for people at stage 4 – "For the sake of what?" (to establish a noble cause)


Media reference:
► Video presentation by Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the
     3rd millennium, author, On the Cutting Edge of Evolution, annual visit by students from the John F. Kennedy University (JFKU),
     Denver, Colorado, presented by the publication Integral Life, 40 minutes duration, issued May 2011
[Paraphrased] According to the developmental psychologists the tipping point, the critical mass of 10% of integral oriented population will be reached at around 2021.
1. Archaic (Survival) -------------------------0%
2. Tribal (Us against them) ----------------4%
3. Feudal (Me) ------------------------------15%
4. Traditional (Religion) -------------------40%
5. Modern (Science) -----------------------30%
6. Post-Modern (Pluralistic) -------------10%
7. 'Power of Now' (Spontaneous) -------1%


See also:
Leadership and ► Pride and ► Shame
Five levels of leadership – Charisma meter
Wolves – herd animals, castaways, and lost ones (Poem)
Mirroring character and charisma within social clusters (tribes)
Seven characteristics of companies that lept 'from Good to Great' – James Collins
► Evolutionary levels according to Spiral Dynamics map – Clare Graves, Don Beck and Chris Cowan (1996-2006), status 1999
Catch phrases corresponding to various levels of consciousness (LoC)

Spiral Dynamics map – Clare Graves, Don Beck and Chris Cowan (1996-2006)

Spiral Dynamics map of consciousness
Worldviews, mindsets, manifestations
1. 1T
BEIGE100,000 BC Instinctive/
Natural milieu where humans rely on instincts to surviveDo what you MUST to stay alive. Food, warmth, sex, and safety have priority.First human societies
Starving masses, African Bushmen
Street people
2. 1T
PURPLE50,000 BC Magical/
Magical place alive with spirit beings and mystical signsKeep the tribe's nest
safe and warm.
Observe tribal customs.
Observe seasonal cycles.
Family rituals
Blood oaths
Magical New Age beliefs
3. 1T
7000 BC
Jungle where the strongest and most cunning surviveAvoid shame.
Get respect.
Do what you WANT.
Feudal kingdoms
Rebellious youth
Epic heroes
"Terrible twos"
4. 1T
BLUE3000 BC Purposeful/
Ordered existence under the control of the ultimate truthUnderstand that life has meaning,
direction and purpose.
Enforce principles of right living.
Puritan America
Codes of honor
The Moral Majority
5. 1T
Marketplace full of possibilities and opportunitiesPlay the game to win.
Cultivate optimistic, risk-taking self-reliance.
Age of Enlightenment
Silicon Valley
Fortune magazine
Multinational corporations
6. 1T
GREEN1850s Communitarian/
We share life's experiences freed from dogma in a human habitat.
Seek peace in the inner self.
Explore the caring dimensions of community.
Human rights movements
Communes, Woodstock festival
7. 2T
YELLOW1950s IntegrativeThe world is a chaotic organism forged by differences and change.Flexibility, functionality
responsibility, and spontaneity
have highest priority.
Integrative structures
Systems thinking
"Third Way" politics
8. 2T
TURQUOISE1970s HolisticElegantly balanced system of interlocking forcesExperiencing the wholeness of existence through mind and spiritHolonic, intuitive thinking
Global networks for global results
9. 2T
CORAL1990s Powerful
As the Mystery meme is not being observed in large quantities of people; characteristics cannot yet be summarized.
Inspired by
► Notes Spiral Dynamics, presented by Don Edward Beck, Ph.D. (1937-2022) US American geopolitical management consultant,
     complex systems strategist, co-author, ~2004
► Article Rezultata pretrage: The Future of the Human Race Revealed, presented by the publication Indigo Svijet, Owen Waters,
     2. November 2010

Spiral dynamics table of evolutionary stages – Don Beck and Chris Cowan

Spiral Dynamics chart of evolutionary stages by Don Beck and Chris Cowan – Status ~1996
First Tier
Color meme focus

Me – Us orientation
% of population
Key phrase
Policy Age Prevalent location
Instinctive, survival
ME ––––––– 0.1%
Instinct driven life style
Organized in small herds to hunt and stay safe
./.Only found in baby newborns and earliest humans
Otherwise not found in its pure form anymore
Magical, egocentric, animistic, impulsive
US ––––––– 10%
Safety is found in the group, family, tribe, world seen as a dangerous place filled with spirits, strong magic, rituals for safety reasons, in touch with nature, highly intuitive in a pre-rational way, honoring ancestors, ancient ways and sacred lands
"The way of the ancestors."
Ancestor worshipEarly childhood, some adults
Haiti (with some red)
Sub-theme in parts of Asia
Narcissistic, egocentric
ME ––––––– 20%
Freedom from rules and from consequences of breaking them, respects especially physical power, creative, courageous, excellent in sizing people up and finding opportunities
"My way or the highway."
Government ruling by forceTypically peaks in adolescence, some adults
Active sub-theme in cultures like
Taliban (some blue), Somalia (some purple)
Purposeful, authoritarian, traditionalist
Diplomat: early Blue
Expert: Blue/Orange

US ––––––– 40%
Obedience and self-sacrifice to an overarching good, god, authority, loyalty, hard working, dutiful, security oriented, clear cut rules and morals, right and wrong spelled out, earning the rewards, abstract, purposeful, authoritarian, traditionalist, dualistic, dogmatic, conforming
"The one right way."
Unambiguous leadership in an autocracy, monarchy or theocracy,
a one-party democracy picked from among the believers
Minimum socially accepted level for adults in most societies
Cuba, Iraq, sub-level in many countries, found in all religions when doctrine/dogma dominates
Scientific, modernism
Achiever: late Orange
Expert: Orange/Blue

ME ––––––– 20%
Strive, drive, high achievement orientation, getting what one earns in life, entrepreneurial, scientific, rational, business-like, strategic, growth driven, success driven, acquisitive, rational, modern, lives for gain, risks emptiness, wins by being the best
"The most successful way."
Multi-party democracy
Free competitive economy
Merit-based systems
Target adult level development in most western countries
USA, Japan, Taiwan, Hong-Kong, growing rapidly in India and mainland China
Communitarian, sensitive, harmony-seeking
US ––––––– 10%
Social justice, diversity, [eco-]sensitivity, relativism, pluralism (plurality paralysis risk), equality, postmodernism, allowing all perspectives, very angry at Orange and Blue
"All ways are equally valid."
Social democracy providing a safety net for the disadvantaged and lives for causeCommunity, harmony, liberty, equality, fraternity,
All should benefit equally.
Acknowledges perspective biases of one's understanding of reality.

Parts of Europe, especially The Netherlands, Scandinavia
Second Tier
Color meme focus

Me – Us – All Orientation
% of population
Key phrase
Age Prevalent location
Autonomous, Integral Self
Strategist, magician, alchemist – late Yellow/Turquoise
Echoing Beige
ME ––––––– 1%
First awareness of deep truth of all first Tier levels (including each level's limitations and inherent dysfunctionality), high complexity of consciousness focused on global survival, need to defend and ego fears significantly reduced, seeks solutions allowing the individual their chosen beliefs, disallowing inter/intra-level warfare or solutions that damage collective survivability, explicitely engaged for the good of the whole, lives for synergy, flexibility, spontaneity, competence, uncertainty, balance, risk of isolation
"The best way for now, with all views considered."
Form fits purpose
High IQ & EQ using head and heart, acting with elegance
Mature post-conventional
No country or group yet
Holistic, ironist
Echoing Purple including and transcending the rational
ALL ––––––– 0.1%
Connected to all humanity and all sentient life as one living whole, deeply in tune with the flow of life (Tao or Spirit), separation between spirituality and life is obsolete, alignment with the flow of a greater intelligence, intuitive decision making, not limited by the conscious/rational mind, ego valued as not significant, ego not triggered by fears, patience and contextual understanding that evolution of consciousness happens of its own, and cannot be forced, contentment, compassionate, transpersonal, interconnected
"The Tao way can be known, but not by conceptual mind alone."
People live for wisdom.No country or group.
Echoing RED
without power-hunger
ALL ––––––– 0%
Authentic Irony will develop after Yellow and Turquoise are substantially present in the population for a time. Infinite, imaginative, otherworldly, transcendent, enlightened
People live for others.No country or group.

Wilber-Combs Matrix – developed by Ken Wilber and Allan Combs

Wilber-Combs Matrix, Integralworld

Spiral Dynamics model by Beck and Cowan – Chakras – Map of Consciousness by Hawkins

Spiral Dynamics Model31Don Beck and Chris Cowan [Status 1999]
Map of Consciousness by David Hawkins
Fear ofD. Hawkins
Level of
1.Base Chakra
Primal force
Archaic Survival
Magical Thinking
of spirits
and ancestors
1 - 80
1. Tier
2.Sacral Chakra
Tribal mindset
Us against them Veneration
of spirits
and ancestors
4%Spirits /
81 - 149
1. Tier
3.Solar Plexus Chakra
Feudal Ego
Five Senses Perception
Duty of
15%Other peopleAbout
150 / Anger and 175 Pride - max. 199
1. Tier
4.Heart Chakra
Lower Heart
More inclusive feeling
Ancestoral level
Traditional Religion
Cultural idea

40%God / Violation of
the law
175 -
max. 399
Given best case


1. Tier
5.Heart Chakra
Higher Heart
More inclusive feeling
of the ancestoral level
Modern Science
Success /

Facts Logic
400 - max. 459
Given best case

1. Tier
6.Throat Chakra
Basis of Spirituality
via voicing
Post-modern Pluralistic
Many diverse Truths
460 -
max. 499
Given best case

1. Tier
7.Brow Chakra
Higher feeling
Here and Now

~4% in
0.4+% in 540+
N/A500-~599 Nonlinearity

2. Tier
See also: ► Consciousness-Tables

Four stages of human evolution

Four developmental stages within the human journey
Correlating the Map of Consciousness by David R. Hawkins
with the Spiral Dynamics model by Ken Wilber
Stage Consciousness level (LoC)
based on Map of consciousness 1-1000
Developmental stage Type of consciousness Developmental

acc. K. Wilber
%-Ratio Mankind
%-Rate of Happiness

acc. D. Hawkins
1 Under LoC 200
not real
Force & ego based
Tribal and deficiency consciousness – non-integrous, depriving energy from the overall whole REAL (in a palpable worldly sense)
Content / Form
Preconventional stage
(Under LoC 200)
78 [85] von 100
2 LoC 200-499
Increasing linear degrees of Truth
Power & self/ego based
Individually responsible and cultivated consciousness – integrous, contributing, supplying energy to the overall whole TRANSMISSION – Recontextualizing, symbolic, inner guidance Sociocentric
Conventional stage
(LoC 200+)
Prerational stage
(LoC 200-399)
Rational stage
(LoC 400-440)
Postconventional stage
(LoC 440-499)
22% out of 100%
55-88% Happiness
3 LoC 500-599
Emergence of non-linear degrees of Truth
Power & SELF/self/ego based
Consciousness of love, abundance, depth – beginning dissolution of the model of duality, increasing interconnectedness with the overall whole REVERSAL – TURNAROUNDParadoxical, sudden, discontinuos, nonlocal, synchronistic Cosmocentric (Spiritcentric)
Transrational stage
(LoC 500+)
4-5% out of 100%
89-99% Happiness
4 Above LoC 600
Non-dual degrees of Truth
Power & SELF based
Consciousness of wholeness – healing effects on the overall whole
at LoC 600+ turning inwards, infusing the whole
at LoC 700+ turning outwards, teaching mankind
NEW CREATION – Context / Abstractness
N/AOnly a few out of 100%
100% Happiness
Source: ► Happiness rates according to Dr. David R. Hawkins, Transcending the levels of consciousness, 2006
See also:
Consciousness-Tables and ► Scale of consciousness (Map)
Stages and ► Quotes by various other sources on Hawkins' teachings
Siehe auch: ► Vier Entwicklunggsstadien des menschlichen Erlebens – ⚡ D. Hawkins ⇔ ⚡ K. Wilber


Book review by Ken Wilber on: Dr. David R. Hawkins, Power vs. Force, 1995, 2002
"Terrifically interesting ideas, but caught in subtle reductionism and the myth of the given. All the "hidden determinants"
he mentions in the subtitle are monological instead of tetra-logical."
Ken Wilber, Integral Spirituality. A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World,
S. 286, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 2006, reprint edition 13. November 2007

Integral politics – Ken Wilber

The current paradigm shift on the political level is
the leap from the nation state to a global government.


Global levels of consciousness
Stage Society Structure of consciousness Pathology
"Us" ⇔ "Them"
% Ratio 1st Tier
1.Hunters and gatherers Archaic (grey) 0% Separated
2.Tribal culture Magic (violet) Good spirits ⇔ bad spirits3% Separated
3.Feudal nation state Mythic (red)
Mythic (blue/amber)
Predators ⇔ prey
Saints ⇔ sinners
55% Separated
4.Nation state National (orange)
National (green)
Winners ⇔ losers
"Sensitive" ⇔ "insensitive"
20-25% (USA)
Stage Society Structure of consciousness Pathology% Ratio 2nd Tier
5.Global (worldcentric) government Integral (yellow/ turquoise)Unknown1% (Worldwide)
2% (in the West)
8% (2030)
alt. 10% (2021)
6. ? Psychic (turquoise) N/A Integrated
7.?Subtle N/A Integrated
8.?Causal N/A Integrated
9.?Non-dual N/A Integrated
Source: ► Interview with Ken Wilber, Shambhala, part III, presented by Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, undated
See also: ► Passage from force driven controlling ego self power dwelling Self
Siehe auch: ► Integrale Politik – ⚡ Ken Wilber


What we are doing will always strongly relate to about less than 2% [Yellow/turquoise meme] of the population. […] Cognitively about 25% of the population [Green meme] will understand [integral politics] and often feel attracted to it. But we need people that are going to help us with that 2%. Video panel with Ken Wilber Interpreting the Singularity, YouTube film, minute 10:49,
12:29 minutes duration, posted 13. February 2008


Now we're at a point where with approximately 5% of the population are at Integral we're waiting for that next 5% so that we have about 10% of the population at Integral. Some developmentalists feel that within about ten years [2021] we'll have about 10% of the population at Integral. Now that would be extraordinary because what happens when the leading edge of the population reaches 10% is there is a tipping point of massive change that goes through the culture. We are going to see integral values permeate this culture. Deleted audio presentation by Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, founder of Integral Theory, On the Cutting Edge of Evolution, presented by
the publication Integral Life, minute 19:58, 40 minutes duration, issued May 2011


Note: 50,000 people were essential to bring about the European Renaissance in the 14th to the 17th centuries.


Research studies show that around 5% of population has reached integral stages. [...] Tipping point: When around 10% of the population reaches the leading edge of evolution the entire culture starts to adopt many of its values.
Video presentation by Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, founder of Integral Theory, author, A Brief History of Integral, presented by the publication Integral Life, minute 9:35,
22:25 minutes duration, posted 14. June 2012


Historically, major levels of development have been separated by hundreds to thousands of years, and taken that long to emerge. As for Integral consciousness, remember that

  • it’s only been 40 years since the previous stage, the green pluralistic postmodern stage, emerged. Forty years.
  • The stage prior to the pluralistic lasted 400 years earlier, and
  • the one before that, 4000 years.

By contrast, the 40 years from the pluralistic [Green] to beginning Integral [Teal] is a lightning fast blink in evolutionary time.
That’s why it’s so important for those of us who are fortunate enough to find themselves at an Integral stage, to come together and pool our hearts, minds, souls, and talents, to spread the word about this new and remarkable emergence.
Audio message by Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, founder of Integral Theory, Are We Approaching a Cultural Tipping Point?, presented by the dissolved podcaster "What Next... The Future of Consciousness, Culture and Technology", 19. September 2012   Link deleted

[Paraphrased] In the higher levels of consciousness it's easier to make major jumps. The lower levels may take a long time to move through.   Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar The Human Dilemma, 3 DVD set, 18. August 2007; confirming Ken Wilber's view in respect to the capacity of evolutionary leaps within the different social strata

Seven evolutionary stages of leadership: Expediency ⇒ alchemical service

Evolutionary stages – Alchemical transformation by service in leadership
Vertical action-logic
Soul age
Time awareness%PerspectiveOrder of consciousnessExpression of powerEnergetic flow
1.OpportunistWeeks to monthsUnaware of time 5% 1st person Dependent
Socialised mind
Might makes right.
Power motivated by personal needs
2.DiplomatMonths to 1 yearAware of time 12% 2nd person Dependent
Socialised mind
DiplomaticSocial norms ruling personal needs
3.Expert1-2 yearsDurational time 38% 3rd person Dependent
Socialised mind
System is right.
Craft-logic ruling social norms
4.Achiever2-5 yearsOne-dimensional
Linear time
30% Expanded
3rd person
Self-authoring mind
Systematic-productiveSystem effectiveness ruling craft-logic
5.Individualist5-10 yearsPresent time
Here and now
10% 4th person Independent
Self-authoring mind
VisionaryRelativism ruling systematic effectiveness of any single system
6.Strategist10-20 yearsTwo-dimensional
Nonlinear time
4% Expanded
4th person
Self-transforming mind
PraxisMost valuable principles ruling relativism
7.AlchemistUp to100 years, multigenerationalThree-dimensional
Nonlinear time
<1% 5th to nth person Interdependent
Self-transforming mind
Mutually transformingDeep processes and inter-systemic evolution ruling principles


Insight "We've found that leaders who undertake a voyage of personal understanding and development can transform
not only their own capabilities, but also those of their companies.
Article by David Rooke, William R. Torbert, Ph.D., US American professor, Boston College's Carroll School of Management, Massachusetts, Seven Transformations of Leadership, presented by the bimonthly management magazine Harvard Business Review (HBR), published by Harvard Business Publishing, S. 1-9, April 2005
Statistics 55% of the leaders operate preconventionally, perform below the level of integrity.
30% of the leaders operate conventionally, perform above the level of integrity.
14% of the leaders have attained a post-conventional level.
Less than 1% of the leaders operate at transpersonal stages.


Source: ► Article Transformation in Leadership, Part 1: A Developmental Study of Warren Buffett,
                   presented by the Integral Leadership Review, Edward J. Kelly, ~2012
Based on:
Seven vertical action-logic stages of development (of mental complexity) – originator William R. Torbert, Ph.D., US American teacher,
     consultant, artist, author, 2004
Three orders of consciousness: Kegan's Stages of Adult Development: Self-Transforming or Interindividual Knowers [Socialized ◊ Self-authoring ◊ Self-transforming] – originator
     Robert Kegan, Ph.D. (*1946) US American developmental psychologist, professor of leadership studies and adult learning,
     Harvard University, co-director for the Change Leadership Group, author, 1994, 25. June 2018
Robert Kegan, Ph.D. (*1946) US American developmental psychologist, professor of leadership studies and adult learning, Harvard
     University, co-director for the Change Leadership Group, author, The Evolving Self. Problem and Process in Human Development,
     Harvard University Press, 1982, reprint edition 1. July 1983
See also: ► Leadership and ► Hermes Trismegistos and ► Step models
Chakra system and ► Chakras – Alchemical process

Shapes of mind – Robb Smith

Ten forces of consciousness shaping thinking, living and environment
༺༻Mind·expressionRatio in Western populationPerspectiveType of mind
1.Incorporative ~0% Non-person Infantile consciousness
2.Impulsive <1% Non-personImpulse-driven consciousness
3.Opportunist 9% 1st personWarrior consciousness
4.Diplomat 12% 2nd personConformist consciousness
5.Expert 38%3rd personExpert consciousness
6.Achiever 25%Expanded
3rd person
Achiever consciousness
Rationality, earnest conviction, universal ideals
7.Relativist 10%4th personRelativist consciousness
8.Strategist 4% Expanded
4th person
Strategist consciousness
Cognitive tension, deeper discernment
9.Alchemist <1% 5th-nth personAlchemist consciousness
Ability to see through all constructions placed on a mysterious reality (emotions, language, economic systems, politics)
10.Unitive ~0% nth personUnity with being consciousness
Source: ► Article by Robb Smith, US American social entrepreneur, co-founder of Integral Life and Chrysallis, The 10 Shapes
of Mind. The Hidden Forces of Consciousness Driving Our Thoughts, Our Lives and Our World
presented by the publication Integral Life, 17. June 2015

Priority codes, values, and organisations – Don Edward Beck

List of priority codes – Don Edward Beck
༺༻ColourPriority codeBrief description
1. BEIGE SurvivalMeet basic needs (food, water, protection, procreation), survive at all costs
2. PURPLE BondingFind safety and security, protect the next/one's family, defend ethnicity/blood
3. RED EgocentricChallenge the 'dragons,' assert self, live for today, seek pleasure and action
4. BLUE PurposefulConfirm to the cause/truth/belief, sacrifice for tomorrow, be disciplined
5. ORANGE EnterprisingProduce good life, create technology, achieve success, engineer progress
6. GREEN HumanisticRestore human focus, find consensus, value equality, respond to feelings
7. YELLOW IntegralSeek authenticity, think systematically, design complexity, embrace the natural
8. TURQUOISE HolonicSense patterns of the whole, align all the dots ("big picture"), renew deep spirituality
Source: ► Article The Many Dimensions of Change, presented by the publication Kosmos Journal, Don Edward Beck, Ph.D.
(1937-2022) US American geopolitical management consultant, complex systems strategist, co-author, spring-summer 2009
List of values and organisational cultures – Don Edward Beck
༺༻ColourValue orientationKey wordOrganisational culture
1. TURQUOISE HolisticEXPERIENCE Global thinking culture which takes an 'interconnected' view of working, living and the environment.
2. YELLOW SystemicLEARNING Focussing on self-development, learning, applying knowledge and change. The organisation is generally agile with a clear direction.
3. GREEN CommunitarianRELATIONSHIP Focused on building a community that is tolerant and accepting of differences and diversity. Emphasizes sharing and caring for others.
4. ORANGE ProsperityACHIEVEMENT Success and results are all important. The focus is on being entrepreneurial, pragmatic and doing whatever it takes to get the job done.
5. BLUE TruthCONFORMITY The organisation values order, stability, and obeying rightful authority, rules and regulations. Focussing on the task not the person.
6. RED ForceCONTROL The emphasis is on force, energy, and beating the competition. At times there is a high level of internal competition.
7. PURPLE SafetyPROTECTION Maintenance of 'in-group' relationship that provide certainty, warmth, protection, support and guidance.
Originator: ► Don Edward Beck, Ph.D. (1937-2022) US American geopolitical management consultant,
complex systems strategist, co-author
Inspired by: ► Blog entry 3 Models of Consciousness, presented by Shark Free Waters, Amanda Boardman, 3. January 2013

Spectrum of beliefs and actions – Don Edward Beck

Six degrees of intensity of beliefs and actions
TypesCharacteristicsCommandValue system
1.L6/R6 Flamethrowers Aggressive, violent, predatory
Intent to destroy, attack, and eliminate
Gratification, glitz, conquest, action, impulsive, lives for now
Destroy! Ways of the tribe
Law of the jungle
2.L5/R5 Zealots Highly doctrinaire, partisan, fiercely evangelical
All or nothing demands
My way! Law of the jungle
3.L4/R4 Ideologues True believers, absolutists
Firm convictions, rigid boundaries
Meaning, discipline, traditions, morality, ruels, lives for later
Truth! Commandments of
higher authority
4.L3/R3 Moderates Softer beliefs, sees other options
Less intense and ego-involved, more open
Make a deal! Situational rules
of the game
5.L2/R2 Pragmatists Very practical, believes what works
Advocating the art of the possible
Materialistic, consumerism, success, image, status, growth
Come together! Situational rules
of the game
6.L1/R1 Concilliators Searches for consensus, a place for everybody,
Inclusiveness for all, egalitarian, feelings
Authentic, sharing, caring, community
Help, help! Relative needs
of the collective
Source: ► Video presentation by Don Edward Beck, Ph.D. (1937-2022) US American geopolitical management consultant, complex
strategist, co-author, Don Beck: In Quest of the Master Code. Revealing the 'DNA' that shapes human cultures and creates political and religious systems (and Tea Parties and OWS), sponsored by The Inside Edge, Irvine, California, recorded
7. December 2011, YouTube film, 53:29 minutes duration, posted 12. February 2012


Paradoxical insights by Don Beck – Spiral Dynamics resulting in stratified democracy
"We are moving forwards to the past and backwards to the future – in one generation."  Source unknown

"It's ironic that in a time when we are so interconnected we are equally fragmented. It's like we've gone back to the future and forward to the past. It's like every human experience that has ever been on the planet in a long psychological asset has reappeared in real time – now, mainly in the place of CNN and in high missions. [...] The nation's planners don't have a clue about the deeper dynamics that are causing the phenomena that they are trying to describe. The issues in South Africa were never about race, the issues in the Middle East are not about religion. It's not about Arab, it's not about Islam. They are something entirely different. It's not about being better, it's about being different. It's about memes. The gap between the cultures is a memetic gap."
Educative video Spiral Dynamics: Beautiful Noise, YouTube film, minute 1:12, 20:28 minute duration, posted 22. March 2014

The great chain of being and consciousness

Interior dimensions of the human being – Plotinus ⇔ Aurobindo
Multicultural map traditionally outlined by philosopher-sages Plotinus, Sri Aurobindo, Asanga, Chih-I, Lady Tsogyal
1.MatterMatterMatter (physical)
2.AnimationVegetative life functionVegetative
5.ImpulsePleasure/pain (emotions)Vital-emotional; impulse
6.ImageImagesLower mind [preop]
7.Symbol / ConceptConcepts and OpinionsConcrete mind [conop]
8.Rule / PrincipleLogical Faculty [formop]Logical mind
9.Formal / Vision-logicCreative Reason [ vision-logic]Higher-mind/Network-mind
10.PsychicSoul/World-Soul [psychic]Illumined World-Mind
11.SubtleNous (Intuitive Mind) [ subtle]Intuitive Mind/Overmind
12.Causal / Nondual statesAbsolute One (Godhead)Satchitananda/Supermind (Godhead)


Subconscious Self-conscious Superconscious
Prepersonal ⇒ Personal ⇒ Transpersonal
Instinctual ⇒ Mental ⇒ Spiritual
Preformal ⇒ Formal ⇒ Postformal
Instinct ⇒ Ego God


Book Arthur Oncken Lovejoy (1873-1962) German US American philosopher, intellectual, historian, The Great Chain of Being.
     A Study of the History of an Idea
, Harvard University Press, new edition August 1972
Article Ken Wilber [LoC 490] (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the
     3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, An Integral Theory of Consciousness, presented by the British Journal of
     Consciousness Studies
, issue 4 (1), S. 71-92, February 1997
Blog article Truth, Beauty, and Goodness: Integral Theory of Ken Wilber, Mayank Chaturvedi, 24. July 2016
References: en.Wikipedia entries Great chain of being and ► History of ideas
Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag Geistesgeschichte
See also: ► Being and ► Consciousness

Four quadrants integral model – Ken Wilber

Ken Wilber's four quandrants (A, B, C and D) model suggests two pairs of reality modes:
"internal" and "external",
"individual" and "collective".
  Interior  Exterior
Personal meaning ❄ Sense of self
Behaviors ❄ Body
First face of God
Second face
of God
Third face of God
IndividualThoughts, emotions, memories, states of mind, perceptions, immediate sensations
Phenomenology, depth psychology, existentialism, experiential spirituality, consciousness studies, arts, poetry, fine arts
The GoodMaterial body / brain, the seeable, touchable, scientifically observable in time and space
Medicine, physics, biology, neurology, behaviorism, nutrition, interpersonal studies
Culture ❄ Shared values
Social – global ❄ Values, systems, processes
First face of God
Second face
of God
Third face of God
CollectiveShared institutions, artefacts, meanings, language, relationships, cultural background
Anthropology, sociology, hermeneutics, sciences of religion, mythology, political sciences
The TrueNetworks, technology, government, natural environment
Administrative sciences, strategic management, engineering, law, economics, ecological sciences, systems theory


IThe BeautifulCritique of judgmentTruthfulness
WEThe GoodCritique of practical judgmentRightness
IT / ITSThe TrueCritique of pure reasonTruth


༺༻ Interior-individual Exterior- individual Interior- collective Exterior-collective
1. PrehensionAtomsPhysical pleromatic Galaxies
2. Molecules  Planets
3. IrritabilityProkaryotesProtoplasmic Gaia system
4. EukaryotesVegetative Heterotrophic ecosystems
5. SensationNeuronal organismsLocomotive Societies with division of labour
6. PerceptionNeural cord  Societies with division of labour
7. ImpulseReptilian brain stemUroboric Groups / Families
8. EmotionLimbic systemTyphonic Groups / Families
9. SymbolsNeocortex (Triune brain)Archaic Tribes
10. ConceptsComplex NeocortexMagic Tribal / Village
11. ConopSF1Mythic Early state / Empire
12. FormopSF2Rational Nation / State
13. Vision-logicSF3Centauric Planetary


1.1st tierInstinctual self ArchaicOrganic statesForagingSurvival clans
2.1st tierMagic self Animistic-magicalOrganic statesForagingEthnic tribes
3.1st tierWarrior selfPremodernPower godsReptilian brainAgrarianFeudal empires
4.1st tierMythic selfPremodernMythic orderLimbic systemAgrarianEarly nations
5.1st tierAchiever selfModernScientific-rationalNeocortexIndustrialCorporate states
6.1st tierSensitive selfPostmodernPluralisticPrefrontal cortexInformationalValue communities
7. 2nd tier Holistic selfPostmodern HolisticEtheric brain InformationalHolistic commons
8. 2nd tier Integral selfPostmodern Integral  InformationalIntegral meshworks

Four corners of the cosmos

              Four quadrants              
༺༻ Person Location Where Focus What Phenomena Description Perspective Expression
1. I INTERIORUpper·left
INDIVIDUALSelf and consciousness Experiential Subjective
First-person Aethetics
The Beautiful
2. WE INTERIORLower·left
COLLECTIVECulture and worldview Cultural Intersubjective Second-person Morals
The Good
3. IT EXTERIORLower·right
INDIVIDUALBrain and organism Behavioral Objective Third-person Science
The True
4. ITS EXTERIORUpper·right
COLLECTIVESocial system and environment Social and systemic Interobjective Third-person Science
The True


school level
Birthing phaseCall Season
Consciousness frame
1. I Local I Upper left (UL)REAL
Wake·up Spring
2. WE Father/Mother ◊ Spouse
Lower left (LL)SYMBOLIC
Grow·up Summer
·Unconscious hell
3. IT Our·group·Other·groups
Lower right (UR)IRRATIONAL
Shadow work
Clean·up Autumn
Conscious hell
4. ITS Whole SelfUpper right (LR)CREATIVE
Show·up Winter
[emerging] heaven


Upper Left Consciousness, thoughts, feelings Internal individual Planet Neptune
Lower Left Values, culture, interpretations, world views Internal collective Planet Saturn
Upper Right Behavior External individual Planet Pluto
Lower Right Society, systems, interpersonal relationships External collective Planet Uranus


Whitelaw Modell
AQAL model


Written sources:
► Article by Sean Esbjorn-Hargens, Ph.D., An Overview of Integral Theory, presented by the publication integraleuropeanconference.com,
     Resource Paper No. 1, S. 1-241. March 2009
► Deleted article Sex, Zen, and Whole Leadership, presented by the publication Integral Life, Integral Post, Dr. Ginny Whitelaw,
     US American leadership expert, Zen master (roshi) in the Chozen-ji line of Rinzai Zen, 16. April 2013
See also:
Four-stage composition of ancient Egyptian temples – Model of mystery schools
From conception to birth – Stanislav Grof
Life stages: Athlete ♦ Warrior ♦ Statement ♦ Spirit
Historic cycles – From the love of domination to the power of love – Anodea Judith

Soul ages – Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

Evolutionary soul age stages
Color stages
Soul AgeEvolutionary
Percentage of populationCatchphraseFocusLearning
1. MAGENTA Infant souls
Infant soul
Hunter-Gatherers10% Let's not do it.SurvivalSuffering
2. RED Baby souls
Baby soul
Tribalism23% Do it right or don't do it at all.Structure, dogma [religion]Pain
3. AMBER Young souls
Young soul
Capitalism / Nationalism32% Do it my way.Success, personal achievementLoss
4. ORANGE Mature souls
Mature soul
Democratic socialism24% Do it anyplace but here.Relationship, emotional dramaAnguish
5. GREEN Old souls
Old soul
Individualism / Loners11% Live and let live.
You do what you want and I'll do what I want.
Big picture thinkers, nonmaterial interestsTerror
6. TEAL Transcendental soulsRumi, St. Francis of Assisi, Paramahansa Yogananda, Pope John XXIII
7. TURQUOISE Infinite soulsKrishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mahatma Gandhi, Lao Tzu
Video animation, music and data An Introduction To Soul Ages, updated version, YouTube film, 6:32 minutes duration, posted
     26. October 2008
Book: Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (*1942) Finnish Italian US American novelist, author, Messages from MichaelThe Michael Teachings,
     channeled in the early 1970s, first published 1979, new edition March 2005
Excerpt: Joya Pope, author of The World According to Michael, Emerald Wave, 1992, Soul Age. Charting the Reincarnational Journey
     Through the Seven Soul Ages
, presented by the publication "The Michael Teachings", undated
See also: ► Evolution


Links zum Thema Ken Wilber

Literatur von Ken Wilber (und Mitautoren)

Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jtds., transpersonaler Bewusstseinsforscher, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor

Globale Darstellung der Entwicklung des menschlichen Bewusstseins in den verschiedenen Kulturen; Entwicklungsstufen des Individuums in verschiedenen Altersstufen

Eine radikale Perspektive, in der Gott eine neue Bedeutung bekommt.


Buch über die Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft der menschlichen Kultur

Literature (engl.) of Ken Wilber (and co-authors)

Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author

⚡ Critical literature (engl.) on Ken Wilber

Appendix II "On Ken Wilber, Ex-Rabbi Marc Gafni, and Integral Blindness – Ken Wilber, Marc Gafni
Chapter XX "Da Avatar, Da Bomb, Da Bum" – Adi Da
Chapter XXI "Sometimes I Feel Like a God" – Andrew Cohen

Appendix IV. Bald Narcisslsm: The Dis-Integration Of Ken Wilber
Note on writing style: Above book is badly written and poorly edited.

Literature (engl.)

Externe Weblinks

  • Mythos des Gegebenen: Wer nicht imstande ist, die kosmische Adresse anzugeben, aus der er Aussagen über "Realität" oder "Wahrheit" macht, unterliegt dem Mythos des Gegebenen. Wer unfähig ist, die Relativität seiner Aussagen zu sehen (relativ zu einer bestimmten Perspektive bzw. kosmischen Adresse), der denkt metaphysisch.

Präkonventionelle Phase (Respektlosigkeit) Konventionsphase (Verehrung) Trans-konventionelle Phase (Respekt)


External web links (engl./German)

  • Kritische Webseite über Ken Wilbers Werk, Critical website on Ken Wilber's work, IntegralWorld.net, präsentiert von Frank Visser (*1958) niederländischer Religionspsychologe, ehemaliger Theosoph, Internet-Werbungsstratege, Autor, presented by Frank Visser (*1958) Dutch psychologist of religion, former theosophist, Internet advertiser, author

SpiralDynamic Links

Mindmap "Integral", Quadranten-Perspektiven, Spiral Dynamics (SD) - Graves Modell, Linien – Ströme, Intelligenzen, Typ-Perspektiven, Zustands-Perspektiven, Übersichten: Quadrantenmodell und Spiral Dynamics, Beschreibungen von Ken Wilber

Zwölf Bewusstseinsstufen und ihr Zusammenhang mit Raum/Zeit und Holongrenzen; zwölf-dimensional erweiterte einheitliche Quantenfeldtheorie von Burkhard Heim

Einteiliges integrales Modell (3-dimensionale Darstellung) über den direkten Zusammenhang von Stufen, Zuständen, Linien, Quadranten und Enneagrammtypen

Einteiliges integrales Modell (2-dimensionale Darstellung) über den direkten Zusammenhang von Stufen, Zuständen, Linien, Quadranten und Enneagrammtypen

Vereinheitlichte integrale Bewusstseins-Modelle IPP und IPT anhand des fünfteiligen AQAL-Modells von Ken Wilber

Linkless articles

  • Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author An Integral Theory of Consciousness, Journal of Consciousness Studies, volumw 4, issue 1, S. 71-92, Imprint Academic, February 1997

External web links (engl.)

The Shadow Series

  • Deleted blog by Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader
    of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author
    • Part 1: How to Spot the Shadow, 15. June 2006
    • Part 2: Integrating the Shadow, 18. June 2006
    • Part 3: A Working Synthesis of Transactional Analysis and Gestalt Therapy, 23. June 2006

Charts / Lists

One-piece integral consciousness models IPP and IPT based on the five-parted AQAL model by Ken Wilber

One-piece integral model (3-dimensional presentation) about the direct relation of levels, states, lines, quadrants and enneagram types

One-piece integral model (2-dimensional presentation) about the direct relation of levels, states, lines, quadrants and enneagram types

Twelve levels of consciousness and their relation to space/time, holon borders and the 12 dimensional expanded unified quantum field theory by Burkhard Heim

⚡ Critical web links (engl.) on Ken Wilber and the IT movement

Critique on Ken Wilber and the evolution of the 'Wilber' movement

Blog articles by kheper.net, Michel Bauwens (*1958) Belgian director and founder of the P2P Foundation, peer-to-peer theorist, conference speaker on technology, culture and business innovation, researcher, writer

Blogspot articles by worldwidehappiness.blogspot.de, Martin Gifford

Critical essays by Martin Erdmann (*1941) Polish German interpreter and translator, lecturer at University of Heidelberg, cofounder of the German Spiritual Emergence Network (S.E.N.), poet, writer, presented by the online publication integralworld.net

Bodhisattva Wilber and his critics' eye-sockets
The Zen sword of prajna
My critics must see what they cannot see, says Wilber

The myth of an ego
Starving the Ego
The Self contracted as an Ego
A Wilberian Anger
Not a magic potion to be imbibed
Ken Wilber's self-contraction
A Wilberian Emptiness
Rejoicing in a dreamt-up freedom
Whirling and swirling for all eternity
Nice Guy Wilber and Rough Neck Wilber joyously holding hands
The punching psychotherapist
Ken smiling his Rough Neck smile
Two opposed ego-theories integrally united
The Simple Illusion of Being
Ken Wilber's sacred shadow for Wilberians not to be touched
A Wilberian God that cannot be seen: Meister Eckhart aborted
Ramana Maharshi distorted
Wilber's timeless time floating through awareness
A passed on neurosis mistaken for a bouquet of new roses
A boozed up enlightenment
No-thing united with some-thing
A Giant denuded
Wilber & Adi Da deluded
A prerational Ken Wilber
The jargon and the psychobabble
All one in the All

Wilberland – The Home Country of Ego Superman
Eckhart Tolle's Enlightenment and Ken Wilber's Endarkenment
The Delphic Maxim Know thyself, which is not seen by Ken Wilber
Ken Wilber copied from Alan W. Watts
Superhuman goes Subhuman

Looking through integral conventions to see them disintegrate
An integral turquoise greeting to be observed
Shaking hands with a skeleton
An enslavement as liberation disguised
Ken Wilber's Singular Smile – Is it Turquoise or Beyond?
The Integral Turquoise Embrace
Brushing your Teeth the Integral Turquoise Way
A Turquoise Car-Driving on our Pubic Roads
The Wilberite who Never Lives
Another New Age Joke: A Ken Wilber who Screwed Up Worse

The perplexing nature of consciousness
The blind scientists exploring a consciousness they cannot see
The blind men examining an elephant they cannot see
An empty space to be seen
A blinded science turning around in a vicious circle
The Emptiness of consciousness realized as life full-filled
The emptiness of the (true) Subject by Ken Wilber unseen

How A Theory of Everything in its absoluteness dissolves in itself
The Wilberite who abandons all judgment to believe in a Wilberish science
A Ken Wilber who does not see the basic conflict underlying his Theory
The liberating message of Swami Vivekananda
The Wilberite who for his own security clings to Wilber's authority
Ken Wilber's self-deception unconsciously passed on to his followers

Endorsing and disendorsing gurus

Deconstructing Wilber protege-buddy-handler Marc Gafni

Ohad Ezrahi [Marc Gafni’s friend and co-author] speaks explicitly about Shabbatai Zevi and his follower Yaacov Frank as a model. But apparently the others are also persuaded to follow this course, even without explicitly championing it. In truth, all those who ignore moral distortion in the name of spiritual exaltation are active partners in this worldview.

Developing a new school of Jewish thought (to be called "The School of Personal Myth", expelled! Rabbi and neo-Sabbatean Marc Gafni is reformulating and extending the core constructs of Post-Lurianic thought in a modern Neo-Hasidic context.

Appraisals from Ken Wilber, Zach Stein, Sally Kempton, Richard Mann, Ph.D. for Gafni's 2 volume book set "Radical Kabbalah", 20. August 2012

NOTE: Direct access to the article has been thwarted.

Endorsement by Ken Wilber: "… the superb work of […] Marc Gafni on a "World Spirituality Based on Integral Principles," such as his "Radical Kabbalah"; … pg. 510
Charges against Ken Wilber by Zen Buddhism and the Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights

The charges by which the Buddhist Tribunal on Human Rights is accusing "Ken Wilber" are:
❄ Academic dishonesty
❄ Spiritual scam and false Buddhism
❄ Violations of the Buddhist law
❄ Crime against Buddhist cultural heritage
❄ Violation of human rights

"As soon as you make a hierarchy of human development and put yourself at the top of that hierarchy, you open yourself up to elitism, narcissism, spiritual pride and toxic dominator hierarchies."

Web links on Ken Wilber promoting and backing cult leaders – Quora

Q&A contributions issued by Elfriede Ammann, presented on the Californian question-and-answer website Quora EN

Audio- und Videolinks

  • Videopräsentation von Prof. Dr. Gunter Dueck (*1951) deutscher Professor für Mathematik, Dozent, weltanschaulich-philosophischer Sachbuchautor, Wertvorstellungen – Welche nehmen wir?, veranstaltet von Homöopathische Bibliothek,
    Macht Geld Sinn, Global Change Now, Köthen, 10. März 2013, YouTube Film, 1:11:17 Dauer, eingestellt 16. März 2014

Veranschaulichung der Bewusstseins- und Entwicklungsstufen von Spiral Dynamics

Audio and video links (engl.) – Ken Wilber

On the technology ideas of Ray Kurzweil (*1948) US American computer scientist, inventor, futurist, director of engineering at Google, author on transhumanism and technological singularity

  • Video presentation by Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, Integral "Third-Way" Politics, presented by Holon-News.com, YouTube film, 31:10 minutes duration, posted by Corey W. deVos, US American webmaster of Integral Life, senior editor of KenWilber.com, writer, posted 26. May 2008
  • You Tube Videos, presented by the dissolved website Integral Naked

Ken Wilber: How to Stage a 2nd-Tier Protest Minute 05:50
Ken Wilber: Anchoring I-Amness Minute 08:25
Ken Wilber: Love Until it Hurts Minute 06:58
Ken Wilber: Spirituality and the 3 Strands of Deep Science Minute 08:01
Ken Wilber: Erogenous Zones of Life, Light, and Emptiness Minute 08:40
Ken Wilber: Descartes: Reviving the West's Greatest Modern Vedantist Minute 08:53
Ken Wilber: The Mystic Heart - Part 1 – The Supreme Identity Minute 07:47
Ken Wilber: The Mystic Heart - Part 2 – A Likely Story Minute 08:13
Ken Wilber: The Mystic Heart - Part 3 – Intellectual Illumination Minute 09:01
Ken Wilber: The Mystic Heart - Part 4 – All Reality in One Moment Minute 06:46
Ken Wilber: The Mystic Heart - Part 5 – Psychosis or Mystical State? Minute 04:06
Ken Wilber: The Mystic Heart - Part 6 – Picking a Path Minute 09:25
Ken Wilber: The Mystic Heart - Part 7 – Out of the Self, Into the Light Minute 06:35
Ken Wilber: Ken Wilber Stops His Brain Waves Minute 10:10
Ken Wilber: The Most Conflict Ridden Turf in the Known Universe Minute 08:46
Ken Wilber: A New Day For Integral Salons Minute 03:17
Ken Wilber: Crazy Wisdom Bob Minute 05:56
Ken Wilber: The Awakening of Everyone Minute 09:20
Ken Wilber: Taste the Love in Food Minute 09:29
Stuart Davis – Universe Communion Minute 04:44

  • Video presentation by Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, Subject becomes object, YouTube film, 9:35 minutes duration, posted 11. April 2009

On the nature of "I amness" or the pure "Self", ultimate identity

  • Conference call audio interview with Ken Wilber, co-founder of Integral Life, "The Einstein of Consciousness", author of 16+ books, presented by Lifecoach Mary.com, Conversations with the Masters series, host Mary Allen, ~75 minutes duration, recorded 28. October 2009
  • Video presentation by Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, Divine Pride and the Integral Movement, presented by the publication Integral Life, host Jeff Salzman, US American integralist, public commentator of Daily Evolver, recorded 17. March 2010, 12:50 minutes duration, posted 20. October 2020
  • Video Q&A presentation by Ken Wilber, One Person, One Vote, One Catch (issued ~2005-2006), presented by Integralinstitute.org IntegralNaked, YouTube film, 16:19 minutes duration, posted 23. April 2010
  • Audio interview with David Logan, Ph.D. TribalLeadership.net (*1968) US American professor of management, USC faculty member, consultant, author, MP3 The Art of Tribal Leadership, presented by the publication Integral Life, host Ken Wilber,
    48 minutes duration, June 2010
  • Video presentation by Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, founder of Integral Theory, Assholes and Accidents, YouTube film, 9:00 minutes duration, posted 4. June 2011
  • Video keynote address by Ken Wilber, US American integral philosopher, co-founder of Integral Life, It's Just Love!, second annual Integral Spiritual Experience ISE practice event, YouTube film, 13:53 minutes duration, posted 17. June 2011
  • Video presentation by Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader
    of the 3rd millennium, founder of Integral Theory, writer, A Brief History of Integral, part 1 of 1, presented by the publication Integral Life, 22:25 minutes duration, posted 8. June 2012
  • Vimeo video presentation by Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, founder of Integral Theory, The Pre-Trans Fallacy, excerpted from Ken Wilber's Life Footnotes collection, volume I, 6:09 minutes duration, posted 22. June 2013

"You have to develop the ego before you can transcend it. You have to be somebody before you can be nobody." Minute 5:42

  • Audio interview with Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, founder of Integral Theory, author, The Fourth Turning – Ken Wilber Interviewed by Chris Grosso (January 2014), presented by host Chris Grosso, US American independent culturist, spiritual aspirant, recovering addict, freelance writer, 6 MP3s, each ~27 minutes duration, recorded mid January 2014, YouTube film, 2:43:01 duration, posted 24. January 2014
  • Audio interview/dialog Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, founder of Integral Theory, writer, Ken Wilber – Does Quantum Physics Prove God?, presented by the publication Integral Life, Corey W. deVos, US American webmaster and senior editor of KenWilber.com, writer, YouTube film, 25:17 minutes duration, recorded 4. December 2018, posted 14. December 2018

"Categorically not. I don’t know more confusion in the last thirty years than has come from quantum physics."
#1: Your consciousness does not create electrons.
#2: Quantum vacuum potentials are not unmanifest Spirit.
#3: Just because you understand quantum mechanics doesn’t mean you’re enlightened.

  • Alternative audio source provided by free podcast Everyone is Right, 25:52 minutes duration, aired 4. December 2018

Linkless media offerings

According to the developmental psychologists the tipping point, the critical mass of 10% of integral oriented population will be reached at around 2021.

  • Audio interview with Ken Wilber, 2012, the Aquarian Age, and the Nature of Evolution, presented by the publication Integral Life, 11:59 minutes duration, issued autumn 2011
  • Audio interview with by Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, founder of Integral Theory, Ken Wilber on Humanity's SIXTH Known Shift, presented by worldwidetippingpoint.com, 48:10 minutes duration, aired November 2011
  • Audio interview with Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, founder of Integral Theory, 2012, Age of Aquarius, Orange into Green Consciousness, Integral and Spiral Dynamics, YouTube film, presented by the publication Awaken To The Truth, 12:14 minutes duration, posted 17. March 2012
  • Snippet from 14 hours of video offering 1st-person narrative and 3rd-person philosophy Ken Wilber Biography series The Early Years, presented by the publication Integral Life, 7:17 minutes duration, recorded ~2014, posted 21. October 2016

⚡Critical audio and video links (engl.) on the Integral Movement

Exposing the predation of Wilber protege and associate Marc Gafni

  • Deleted exposure website offering blogs, audios, videos The Marc Gafni Inquiry, presented by themarcgafniinquiry.com

See also:
Justifications used by delinquents to rationalize their crimes
Oldest female agent of the consciousness evolution – Barbara Marx Hubbard

Audio and video links (engl.) – Clare Graves and other presenters


Interne Links

Englisch Wiki




1 Article Minority rules: Scientists discover tipping point for the spread of ideas, presented by the science, research and technology news aggregator Phys.org, 25. July 2011

2 Article Minority rules: Scientists discover tipping point for the spread of ideas, presented by the science, research and technology news aggregator Phys.org, 25. July 2011

3 Article by John Carl Villanueva, "How Many Atoms Are There in the Universe?", presented by publication universetoday, 30. July 2009

4 Ref.: David Bohm and F.D. Peat, Science, Order, and Creativity, Bantam Books, 1987

5 Article by Ken Wilber, An integral theory of consciousness, presented in the Journal of Consciousness Studies, 4, S. 71-92, 1997

6 Amy and Ken had grown apart.

7 Ken Wilber, Grace and Grit, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1991

8 Marci Walters wanted to have children which Ken Wilber denied.

9 Book reference: Geoffrey D. Falk, US American author, Stripping the Gurus. Sex, Violence, Abuse and Enlightenment, chapter XVII A Wild And Crazy Wisdom Guy (Chögyam Trungpa), Million Monkeys Press, 1. February 2009

10 Book reference: Geoffrey D. Falk, US American author, Stripping the Gurus. Sex, Violence, Abuse and Enlightenment, chapter XX DA Avatar, DA Bomb, DA Bum, Million Monkeys Press, 1. February 2009

11 Article Marc Gafni, Again, presented by the weekly newspaper serving the New York City the Jewish community The Jewish Week, The RosenBlog, Gary Rosenblatt, 14. September 2011

12 Megathread on Facebook, Integral Global, exposing Marc Gafni et al., January 2016

13 Book reference: Geoffrey D. Falk, US American author, Stripping the Gurus. Sex, Violence, Abuse and Enlightenment, chapter XVII A Wild And Crazy Wisdom Guy (Chögyam Trungpa), Million Monkeys Press, 1. February 2009

14 Book reference: Geoffrey D. Falk, US American author, Stripping the Gurus. Sex, Violence, Abuse and Enlightenment, chapter XX DA Avatar, DA Bomb, DA Bum, Million Monkeys Press, 1. February 2009

15 Essay by Dr. David Lane, The Paradox of Da Free John, written in 1985, included in Da. The Strange Case of Franklin Jones, 1996, reissued by the online publication integralworld.net, 24. May 2015

16 Blog article by Timothy Conway, Ph.D., Adi Da and His Voracious, Abusive Personality Cult, presented by the publication Enlightened Spirituality, 2007

17 Article Disrobing Genpo. Famous Zen Master Genpo Roshi has announced that he is disrobing., presented by the US American Elephant Journal, Brad Werner, 9. February 2011

18 Archived article Zen teachers are livid Utah colleague in sex scandal still teaching. Schism • Colleagues call on founder to step away., presented by the US American daily newspaper The Salt Lake Tribune, Kristen Moulton, 10. May 2011

19 Retrieved BATGAP comments on the unredeemed past of cult leader Masters (Jan-March 2014 ◊ 2017) ff

20 Blog article by Be Scofield, Spiritual Bypassing Guru Robert Augustus Masters Was an Abusive Cult Leader, Medium, 2. October 2018, reissued by Gurumag,
15. December 2018

21 ⚡ Critical quotes on Andrew Cohen from various other sources

22 Article Marc Gafni, Again, presented by the weekly newspaper serving the New York City the Jewish community The Jewish Week, The RosenBlog, Gary Rosenblatt, 14. September 2011

23 Megathread on Facebook, Integral Global, exposing Marc Gafni et al., January 2016

24 Blog article Has Ken Wilber jumped the shark?, presented by headthegong.com, Bob, 23. June 2010

25 Blog article What's Up with Ken Wilber?, presented by Integral Options Cafe, William Harryman, 25. June 2010

26 Article by Andrew P. Smith, We All Wanna Change The World. A Scientific Analysis of the Claims of Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, first published July 2010, reissued by the online publication integralworld.net, 22. January 2014

27 Ken Wilber Speaks Out – About Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, presented by trivedifoundationvictims.wordpress, 22. February 2014

28 Video presentation (exposure) by Donna Zerner, US American storyteller, The Shadow Behind The Light, presented by Urban Tellers, Portland Story Theater, 14. May 2016, YouTube film, 15:35 minutes duration, posted 19. May 2016

29 English Wikipedia deleted entry.

30 Chip Conley and Eric Friedenwald-Fishman, Marketing That Matters. 10 Practices to Profit Your Business and Change the World, Social Venture Network, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1st edition 1. October 2006

31 English Wikipedia deleted entry.

32 See here: Spiral Dynamics – Correlation and Terminology according to Wilber

33 English Wikipedia deleted entry.

34 English Wikipedia deleted entry.


Anhand der Skala des Bewusstseins (von 1-1000), erarbeitet von Dr. David R. Hawkins, hat Ken Wilber einen Bewusstseinswert von 490. Dies kategorisiert ihn innerhalb von Hawkins' System als genialen Denker und ausgezeichneten spirituellen Lehrer.


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