
Hawkins / Buch7E




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Buch 7E
David R. Hawkins

Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man – BW 750 (740-760)
Realität, Spiritualität und der moderne Mensch. Schöpfungslehre vs. Evolutionstheorie


⚠ Caveat
See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


Veritas Publishing, Sedona/Arizona 2007,
ISBN-10: 1-933391-88-X; ISBN-13: 978-1-933391-88-5 (Softcover) 448 Seiten,
ISBN-10: 1-933391-89-8; ISBN-13: 978-1-933391-89-2 (Hardcover) 448 Seiten





Ungeachtet der Bequemlichkeit, welche die moderne Technik bietet, ist die Schwierigkeit geblieben, den Alltag zu meistern.
Die westliche Zivilisation und ihre Regierungen wurden durch den Wettbewerb und ungefilterte Informationsfluten der Medien


Hawkins siebtes Buch beschreibt detailliert, wie sich die klassischen Rätsel der Menschheit lösen lassen, indem man lernt
zu unterscheiden zwischen


Buch 7E widmet sich dem bislang ungeklärten Affenprozess aus Kansas. Er wirft ein Licht auf die biblische Schöpfungslehre
im Gegensatz zur gängigen Evolutionstheorie. Es beleuchtet die näheren und weiteren Umstände des so genannten Scopes-
, des Kreationismus, der Evolutionstheorie, des Intelligent Designs und v.a.m..


Der Bewusstseinswert von Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man ist 750. Er entspricht der thematischen Ebene seines Inhalts.


The Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man addresses:

  • How to discern: truth from falsehood; illusion of appearance from the actual core of inner reality?
  • How to differentiate: perception from essence?
  • How to resolve the ambiguities and classical riddles of mankind for centuries?
  • The foundations of Western civilization are weakened under the onslaughts of rival factions and media barrage.
    The public gets manipulated by media merchants.
  • The government is paralyzed by the gridlock of vociferous contentiousness.


Book 7E delves into the circumstances of the so called Scopes Trial also known as the apes trial of Kansas in regard to
the biblical creation story vs. Darwin's theory of evolution. It examines and weighs topics like Creationism, Intelligent Design, and the theory of evolution.

Zitate aus Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man

Zitate von D. Hawkins – Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man

Quotes by D. Hawkins – Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man

  • [Paraphrased] The purpose of human life is to serve God, Humankind, and Self. Source unknown



  • Also to be clarified is the meaning of the Buddha's statement that Man lives in a world of maya (illusion) and is unable to discern reality from projected perceptions and imagination. As noted, Jesus also had said that man's dilemma is "ignorance". Thus this book is written at a consciousness level 740 to 760, which addresses these issues directly and brings about their resolution through explanation.


  • In everyday spiritual endeavor, distractions may impinge from without or from within, such as the seduction of wallow-
    ing in guilt and penance or spiritual pride. S. 323


  • In the modern world, obstacles and barriers occur as a result of the quality of modern life itself, with its calculated as well as orchestrated seduction of attention and energy and its nonintegrous values and assaults on reason and reality testing itself. S. 323



Spiritual dryness

  • There may be long, dry periods where seemingly nothing is progressing. That is a deception; a 'long, dry period' is what is happening as though it were a test of resolve. These periods can be traversed by transcending the spiritual ego's wish to seek gain via 'progress'. Frustration itself is therefore a sign of trying to control that which is not really controllable. Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, chapter 19 "Practicum", S. 351-352, 2008

Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man – Enlightenment index

  • The limitation is also a primary postulate of the teachings of the Buddha who confirmed that the unenlightened human merely lives in a world of illusion (maya) composed of projected perceptions and, without enlightenment, repeats the same mistakes over and over. S. xxii


  • The Internet also displays endless solicitations for a variety of purportedly spiritual programs that make wild promises
    of instant enlightenment. Note that these are all done for a sizeable fee, with very special 'blessings' or 'powers' for
    sale for five thousand dollars and up. That such solicitations cater to the narcissism of the spiritual ego is quite ob-
    vious and would thereby actually be self-defeating. S. 55


  • Levels of Enlightenment are from 600 to 1,000, with 1,000 being the maximum level of consciousness possible in
    the human domain. S. 63


  • What the ordinary mind presumes to be 'truth' is actually a processed composite of thousands of variables of differing degrees with superimposed editing, selection, distortion, and emotionalized, preferential evaluation. This editing is
    done unconsciously in 1/10,000th of a second and is not eliminated or bypassed until one reaches Enlightenment
    (cal. 600 and above). S. 80



Conflict due to level clashed between subpopulations

  • The overall consciousness of humanity only crossed over the level of 200 in the late 1980s. A primary difficulty of human life is, and has been, that the subpopulations of different levels of consciousness are thrown in together so that conflict is inevitable, as demonstrated by the […] fact that man has been overtly at war during ninety-three percent of recorded time. One might postulate that during the other seven percent of the time, the lack of war was probably due
    to some other catastrophe (e.g., the Black Plague, famine, etc.). As is apparent from the above, explanations of the source and nature of the universe represent conceptualizations from different levels of consciousness as well as pro-
    gressive paradigms from the literal pedestrian to the advanced consciousness levels of Enlightenment and the re-
    velations taught by the great spiritual teachers of history. S. 96


  • The impact of relativism on Western civilization is the exact opposite to that which ensued from the era of enlighten-
    ment that superseded the Dark Ages and replaced ignorance with reason, logic, and rationality and an education
    based on truth, morality, and integrity. S. 113



Published by

  • The intellectual core of the Age of Enlightenment was the erudition of the great minds of history, from the Golden Age of ancient Greece to great intellects represented collectively in Great Books of the Western World [LoC 468]. S. 113


  • The nonlinear greater Reality has been described over the millennia by the great avatars, saints, illumined sages, and spiritual geniuses who collectively agree upon an experiential, confirmable Reality. These realities begin to emerge at the calibrated consciousness level of the 200s and then progress to more powerful subjective states that calibrate in
    the 500s on up to the levels of 600 to 1,000-the levels of Enlightenment. S. 140


  • In the search for Enlightenment, detachment becomes a necessity that requires relinquishment of attachments and emotional excesses. Thus arises the necessity for the dictum, "Be passionate only for God" (Hawkins, 2006). S. 148


  • To facilitate the acceptance of man's fate are the great teachings that emphasize the availability of Salvation and/or Enlightenment, accompanied by the benefits of Grace which ensue from faith. S. 175


  • Misplaced faith is the basis for great disasters, both personal and collectively, whereby the innocence of naive de-
    votees is exploited by leaders and teachings that calibrate at only 90 or below. Therefore, faith in verifiable truth
    is the royal path way to Salvation and Enlightenment. In contrast, faith in that which is erroneous is a trap for the
    unwary. S. 175-176



Siddhis are a grace.

  • While the positive benefits of spiritual endeavor are substantial and may even be profound or miraculous, they, like the siddhis, should not be sought for gain but instead humbly accepted with gratitude. Humility arises from intention and desire to serve God or to reach Enlightenment, both of which are very powerful catalysts. S. 198


  • Unfamiliar to monotheistic cultures and religions are the older depictions of the Ultimate Reality as understood by the cultures of ancient India or the Far East. These arise not from historical mortal depictions but from revelations from the essence of consciousness itself. Thus arose the revelation of Krishna, the Buddha, and the rishis and sages of the ancient Vedas [LoC 910]. These are references to the ultimate Revelation as a consequence of Enlightenment.
    S. 235


  • The knowingness that arises from within is innate, accessible, experiential, and beyond definition or description as the primary, confirmable, universal substrate power and energy out of which arises the possibility as well as actualization of existence. This ultimate Reality is revealed via the search into the substrate and source of consciousness itself, which is the ultimate nonlinear context beyond all definition. Thus, via the pathway of Enlightenment, there is no separate relationship of 'you-God' vis-à-vis 'me-human'. S. 235


  • The realm of the describable linear arises out of the indescribably nonlinear Source. The Realization of the ultimate substrate core of all Reality is consequent to the condition termed 'Enlightenment', which is thus the province of the mystic whose inner state is characterized by the term 'ineffable'. S. 136-137


  • The Buddha noted that he was beset by demons as he neared enlightenment, and Jesus Christ sweat blood while under similar duress. S. 241



Delusion due to temporal lobe epilepsy

  • There is widespread agreement over the centuries that Muhammad [Fallen LoC 130] (570/571-632 BE) went into delusional trance states (Goel, 1999). Swami Vivekananda [LoC 610] (1863-1902), as well as many other scholars, emphasizes the importance of recognizing pathologically altered states of consciousness with religious content (reviewed by Warraq, 2003). The diagnostic differentiation between true spiritual states and mental aberrations is detailed in Truth vs. Falsehood, Chapter 17. In clinical practice, such states are seen quite commonly with temporal lobe epilepsy with grandiose delusions and messages from God or archangels, etc. (During fifty years of clinical practice, the author was the psychiatric consultant to many religious and spiritual organizations.) In the state of true spiritual enlightenment, there is no 'other' entity as an informant inasmuch as the all-pervasive Self is the Purusha (teacher) by virtue of its Allness. S. 246

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