
Hawkins / Frauen









Mariä Verkündigung, Paris, Musée d'Orsay
Eugène Amaury-Duval (1808-1885) Maler

Die einzige Rettung für Frauen aus der Unterschicht oder einer anderen Kultur
oder beidem ist Bildung.

Reyhan Şahin (*1981) deutsch-türkische Rapperin,
Stern, S. 169, Nr. 19/2008, 30. April 2008



Verständigung unter Frauen und Männern

Büste der Nefertiti, Altes Museum, Berlin

Frauen und das Weibliche sind ein Ausdruck und Geschenk des Göttlichen.


Hawkins empfiehlt den Gender-Klassiker von John Gray, Männer sind anders. Frauen auch, Goldmann Verlag, 1. Mai 1993 zu lesen1, um die Rolle der Frau und des Weiblichen sowie die Rolle des Mannes und des Männlichen besser nachvollziehen zu können.2


2006, dreizehn Jahre später, vertiefte die US-amerikanische Neuropsychiaterin und populärwissenschaftliche Erfolgsautorin Dr. Louann Brizendine die Genderforschung mit zwei aufklärenden Büchern zur biologischen und kulturell inkorporierten Ausstattung der Geschlechter. Brizendine bewegt sich auf dem schmalen Grat der politischen Unkor-
rektheit, da sie die Unterschiede in der männlichen und weiblichen Hirnphysiologie aufzeigt.

Zitate zum Thema Frauen / Women

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Herzensliebe trat als geschätzte menschliche Fähigkeit erst vor wenigen Jahrhunderten in Erscheinung.
    ➤ Zunächst wurde Liebe als Leidenschaft und Besitz betrachtet,
    ➤ entwickelte sich aber dann zum großen Gefühl, und "Opfer aus Liebe" stellte sich als edles Ideal vor Augen.
    Die Blüte der Weiblichkeit hob ihr Ansehen vom Arbeitstier → Sexobjekt → Kindermädchen hin zur geschätzten Freundin, Partnerin und Liebenden. Das kennzeichnete die wirkliche tagtägliche Anerkennung des menschlichen Geists/Gemüts als ein Wesensmerkmal, das Liebe anzog und unterstützte.
    ➤ Die Zuneigung erweiterte Liebe zum entscheidenden Motiv für dauerhafte Langzeitpartnerschaften, und Treue erschien sowohl als Tugend als auch als Hauptstütze für Beständigkeit.
    FU Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 536, 2003


  • Unternehmen, die von weiblichen Geschäftsführerinnen geführt werden, werfen deutlich mehr Gewinne ab als solche, die von männlichen Geschäftsführern geleitet werden. [Frauen haben nicht ebenso lang am unlauteren Energiefeld der Arbeitswelt teilgehabt. Daher bringen sie in Führungspositionen insgesamt ein höheres Maß an Inte-
    mit ein. [Dr. Hawkins kalibrierte männliche Geschäftsführer im Schnitt bei BW 199. Dieser Wert ist kurz davor
    von BW 194 gestiegen.] Sedona Seminar Thought and Ideation, 3 DVD set, 28. February 2004

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

Personal avowals in respect to women, femininity, emotions

  • If I tell you that the Feminine is Infinitely Divine, worshipful as the expression of God in that expression, you know that's the Truth, is it not? […] What speaks right now searches for how to express that so as to bypass the resistance of the intellect, the mind and the ego, and you see as I saw as a boy the incredible magnificence of the Divinity of Woman. One instant, my Grandfather said, "You never speak to your Grandmother that way." I got it! I got how she was held! Sedona Seminar Perception and Illusion: Distortions of Reality, 3 DVD set, 4. May 2002



"I just take orders from headquarters."

  • [Susan Hawkins whispering to Hawkins on stage]: Let's go over here.
    [Hawkins jokingly]: We go over here. I don't argue. I just take orders from headquar-
    ters. That's how you stay out of trouble.
    Presentation Map of Consciousness, The Quest for Spiritual Truth, "Celebrate Your Life" conference, sponsored by Mishka Produc-
    tions, Phoenix, Arizona, 6. November 2010



Aversion to emotions due to primacy effect of imprinted "masculinity"

  • All the emotions that I had pushed down – all the tons of feelings that I had stuffed out of awareness so as to clear the decks for action – now came up [...] I learned how to be aware of these feelings, their nature and a multitude of descriptive terms [...] I was somewhat dismayed at my lack of connectedness with my own inner feelings. I saw my masculine protest about entering this whole unfamiliar dimension. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Releasing Method, chapter 2, S. 3, printed unpublished manuscript, Veritas Publishing, 1984, cited in: Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Doctor of Truth. The Life of David R. Hawkins, chapter 13 "Self-Healing", S. 186, Creative Crayon Publishers, 1. October 2012



Fear of illogical feelings and rejection of women and femininity

  • I saw that my fear of feelings, due to not knowing how to handle them, and my resentment at being their victim, had accounted for my rejection of women and the resultant typical male rationalization that the world of feelings is for women only and unmasculine. I rejected feelings because they were illogical, but I paid a great price. I had cut myself off from half my life and diminished the quality of my relationships.
    D. Hawkins, Sedona Releasing Method, chapter 2, S. 8-9, printed unpublished manuscript, Veritas Publishing, 1984, cited in: Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Doctor of Truth. The Life of David R. Hawkins, chapter 13 "Self-Healing", S. 186, Creative Crayon Publishers, 1. October 2012
⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013



Yang represents dedication/intention.
Yin represents the process of devotion.


  • To be forgiving, to be gentle, to be that which is supportive of life. So that becomes not what you do, but what you are. You become that which supports life, supports all endeavors. It encourages those who need encouragement, and it becomes the energy of life itself. So it becomes almost like the manifestation of the Divine Mother, as well as the Divine Father. So, it's the emerging of the two, you see. That which is nurturing, at the same time that which is de-
    manding of excellence. Audio series The Highest Level of Enlightenment, CD 2 of 6, track 8 "Dr. Hawkins Teaches Devotional Non-Duality", Nightingale-Conant, United Kingdom, January 2005


  • Romantic love didn't even appear until extremely late, in very recent times only a few hundred years ago. Women and men didn't hang out together. Women talked about babies and stuff like that. And guys went out and did war and got drunk. Whoring, drinking, brawling, and killing people, that was what guys were about.
    Women hang out with themselves. And guys hang out with themselves.
    Romance didn't play any part of this. There was a lot of eroticism, but not romance. […]
    It's only very recent that romantic love has appeared as a desirable virtue. Caring about the welfare of others has just recently been birthed on the planet. The care about others, much less the care about the environment, or the quality of life, is extremely recent. It just got born, practically. Removed audio lecture and Q&A by David R. Hawkins, How to Instantly Tell Truth from Falsehood About Anything, part 1 of 6, presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Shift
    in Action, 17. September 2003, YouTube film, minute 26:15, 44:43 minutes duration, posted 27. March 2011


Knitting grandmother
  • The way men traditonally cross over the level of 200, the way you cross over from [moral] cowardice to integrous courage is you literally do walk into the bullets in the name of a higher principle is you literally do walk into the bullets in the name of a higher prin-
    , in the name of God, country, the king, divinity, womanhood, the family, university, for whatever reason you do it is for some higher principle other than an egoistic one. And you transcend it and you never have to return below 200.
    Removed audio lecture and Q&A by D. Hawkins, How to Instantly Tell Truth from Falsehood About Anything, part 4 of 6, presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Shift in Action, 17. September 2003, YouTube film, minute 24:11, 45:25 minutes duration, posted 27. March 2011


  • Men bond with each other and they mate with women.
    Removed audio lecture and Q&A by D. Hawkins, How to Instantly Tell Truth from Falsehood About Anything, part 5 of 6, presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Shift in Action, 17. September 2003, YouTube film, minute 10:16, 17:18 minutes duration, posted 27. March 2011



Exploitation cycle

  • We look at child labour now as exploitive. […] [A]lways the more advanced tend to exploit the less advanced. Today's exploited is tomorrow's exploiter, I tell you that. […] The poor man of today is the rich man of tomorrow. So we all take our turns in exploitive roles. […] I envision the world has been the victim of testosterone for many a century.
    Removed audio lecture and Q&A by D. Hawkins, How to Instantly Tell Truth from Falsehood About Anything, part 6 of 6, presented
    by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Shift in Action, 17. September 2003, YouTube film, minutes 0:07, 00:29, 2:01, and
    17:52, 40:33 minutes duration, posted 27. March 2011


  • Life evolves from a self-centeredness into survival and then it evolves into higher forms. […] With the evolution of mammalian life you see the first appearance of love. Love arises through the maternal, through the feminine which begins to express concern, caringness. […] There is no point in feeling guilt about the ego evolution. […] It is just an animal. Removed audio lecture and Q&A by D. Hawkins, How to Instantly Tell Truth from Falsehood About Anything, part 1 of 6, presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Shift in Action, 17. September 2003, YouTube film, minute 23:59, 44:43 mi-
    nutes duration, posted 27. March 2011




Capitalism [LoC 340] is paternalistic.
Each one gets what they've worked for.

Socialism [LoC 305] is maternalistic.
Benefits are equally shared.

  • The archetypes are a powerful field of consciousness. [...]
    The archetype of the feminine and the archetype of the masculine can not be de-
    nied. [...] Our society reflects that.
    The maternal is socialistic. Each one benefits equally. The mother doesn't decide which of her children to love more than the others. She loves them all equally. That's the matriarchy. Whereas the patriarchy is the masculine principle. You get what you've worked for. So capitalism [LoC 340] is paternalistic. And so-
    [LoC 305] is maternalistic.

    Audio interview with D. Hawkins, What IS Consciousness Anyway?, teleseminar 148, part 2 of 2 (Q&A), presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), host James O'Dea, Irish US American president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), faculty member of the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, co-director of The Social Healing Project, educator, activist, speaker, author, minute 33:30-35:07, 56:18 minutes duration, 11. June 2008


  • [Paraphrased] Studies reveal that women's and men's brains "light up" differently. In men, only left hemisphere "lights up" while both sides are active in women. In course of evolution men had to learn to turn off the right (non-dominant) side in order to be able to kill animals for food because "once your right brain turns on, you cannot kill a deer."
    Video presentation Undoing the Barriers to Spiritual Progress, Volume Series V, 3 DVD set, recorded in the 90ties, published 2000



Women's role in the 30ties and 40ties

  • When I grew up the woman’s place was in the home, she was the matriarch, the woman ruled the house, The male was supposed to go out there and bring home the bacon. He didn’t rule the house, he expressed his opinions but. [...] Mother ruled in the house and she was revered because she was the sustainer of life. The mother had profound importance. As a boy if your mother asked you to whitewash the basement on a Saturday afternoon and you had to cancel your baseball game if you looked even the slightest disappointed, your father would say, "Wipe that look off your face. It's disrespectful to your mother." The mother had a very high rank, within her domain, she ruled supreme. And men,
    when she entered the room, stood up. […]
    So the woman's rank, or status, or worth was revered. The word mother was revered, respected and she was
    also protected. The men went to war and protected the mother and children. […]
    Well, I didn’t know of a woman who wanted a job in the work place. It was thought when I grew up that to have the woman in the house working was a disgrace. For a man to have his wife out there working was a disgrace. It meant
    he couldn't afford to make a living, his wife had to go to work. It was pathetic. Everyone felt sorry for him and he was
    a weak sister. 'He can't even make enough money to support his wife for God's sake.' She had to get a job in Wal-Mart.
    So the meaning of a woman's working was completely different. The only one woman who worked was the spinster who
    had to and everyone felt sorry for the spinster. So you see how different it is contextualized now. So you see what an
    error it is to go into retrospect into a different context of relationship and humanity and what was normal and accepted
    and expected. It was normal it was expected everybody fulfilled their social role as it was defined at the time.
    Sedona Seminar Perception and Illusion: Distortions of Reality, 3 DVD set, 4. May 2002


  • When the woman came up to the doorway, the man opened it for her, and those gestures were to honor her, you understand. Women were being honored.
    The women's movement didn't get that. It was so paranoid, it didn't even get that it was being honored. It thought it was being insulted. I tell you. So, anyway, low self esteem and paranoia sees insult everywhere. That's the egotism and narcissism, the entitled attitude and the narcis-
    sism that undermines, so that you think that to be honored is to be in-
    So, anyway. The mother reigned supreme. You didn't use any horrid language in her presence. If you wanted to […] a restaurant there was a separate entrance […] called the family entrance. Women never entered the front entrance, that was for the bar and vulgarity, and you never saw a single woman at the bar, a woman walking in a bar I never saw it in my whole life. And the first time I did see it I was like shocked. Sedona Seminar Perception and Illusion: Distortions of Reality, 3 DVD set, 4. May 2002



  • It is permissible in our culture for women to be intuitive, to call upon the nonlinear side of their awareness. It is not so OK for men to do that. A man has to be somewhat more evolved to give himself permission to call upon his intuitive side. In our culture the woman is more free to be intuitive. And therefore she perfects that side before
    the man does. (Calibrated as true.)
    The man who is mature and not challenged by the feminine begins to then look at her as a teacher of the intuitive
    side of life. Just as she looks to him to the doingness side of success in the world.
    So she learns traits that were once considered masculine. And he learns traits that were once considered feminine. Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, lecture 10, 3 DVD set, 14. December 2002



Amalgamation of the feminine and the masculine aspects

  • The secure adult male acknowledges that quality [feminine intuition, inner knowingness], in fact calls upon it and admires it. […] He begins to see that as a valuable tool, that she has another avenue of knowingness and knowledge and he begins to admire that. And he begins to listen to her. And she teaches him then how that happens. And he begins to respect it and develop it in his own self. And so you have the amalgamation of the feminine and the masculine aspects on the psychological level within the mature individual of either sex. […]
    In the end the man and the woman admire and support each other. I think their qualities spring forth depending on the particular culture. Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, lecture 10, 3 DVD set, 14. December 2002


  • [...] to domesticate this beast and turn him into a reasonable husband. […] Women do a wonderful job of it. Because when men are devoid of women in their culture they do become animals. Look at the Old West before wo-
    men arrived. It was gun slingers and robbers [...] It was the law of the jungle and the law of the gun. Men degenerate
    quickly into the wolf pack. The instinctual evolution of men is out of the animal nature. […]
    The pack mentality lies underneath there. Without the civility of domestication which is represented by influence of the feminine with the masculine testosterone would have destroyed a long time ago. Testosterone left to its own devices would have killed off mankind a long time ago.
    Sedona Seminar Integration of Spirituality and Personal Life, Poco Diablo Resort, DVD 2 of 3, minutes 21:10-21:23, February 2003



Further explanation:

Women have not participated in the non-integrous of the work place as long, and so bring a higher level of integrity, as a whole, in their positions. CEOs calibrated on average at 199 up from 194 fairly recently.




Women mystics

Facing their dark past

  • When you transcend your karma, then you have the capacity to handle more. More negativity comes up for you to clear. Famous women mystics would reach a high state and then crash. They would feel they had been deserted by God. Read about them in the Encyclopedia Britannica. You can read what they went through. There are about half a dozen. It’s par for the course! You feel like you are going backwards, but you are not. You have earned the right to see how awful you have been. Sedona Seminar Is the Miraculous Real?, 3 DVD set, 9. December 2006


  • If you look at God as Great Father or Great Mother, then S/He would delight in your enlightenment. God experiencing the joy of His own Divinity is both the pathway and the destination, both the traveller and the destination.
    Sedona Satsang Q&A, CD 2 von 2, 10. January 2007


  • Question: Is having children compatible with the path of enlightenment?
    Answer: Is it a distraction or an opportunity to further your skills? It would be how you hold it. It could be that the child advances your consciousness faster because of the love you have toward it. If you are looking for monastic drivenness, then a child would be out of the question – more women are turning toward that now.
    Sedona Seminar God vs. Science. Limits of the Mind, 3 DVD set, 17. February 2007

Quotes about D. Hawkins – Women and feminity


Hawkins' teachings are predominantly masculine.

  • The masculine principle is epitomized by otherworldliness, rationality, and the conscious mind.
    The feminine principle is represented by thisworldliness, non-rationality, and the unconscious.
    Hawkins' system (as well as his value structure) is predominately masculine as it denies ambiguity and the important
    role of the unconscious. His system values transcendent realities over earthly existence.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, "Appendix C Integration", S. ~256, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Hawkins: Frozen in misogynous Freudian views

  • Footnote 8: Hawkins was a Freudian analyst for fifty years. Freud's theories play a fundamental role in Hawkins’ interpretation of reality. [...] [T]he same limitations found in Freud's theories are found in Hawkins' theories.
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 5 "The Ego and Human Development", S. ~308, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Simon Petrus sprach zu ihnen: Maria (Magdalena) soll aus unserer Mitte fortgehen, denn die Frauen sind
des Lebens nicht würdig.
Jesus sprach: Seht, ich werde sie ziehen, um sie männlich zu machen, damit auch sie ein lebendiger Geist
wird, vergleichbar mit euch Männern.
Denn jede Frau, die sich männlich macht, wird in das Himmelreich gelangen.
Thomasevangelium [BW 660], Logion 114, Teil der Apokryphen, 50-140, 350 n. Chr., 1945, Übersetzung Wieland Willker, 2002


Persönliche Bekenntnisse


Bekenntnis eines gereiften ausgewogenen Mannes:

Loye bezieht sich auf seine Lebensgefährtin Dr. Riane Eisler (*1931) österreichstämmige US-amerikanische Makrokulturhistorikerin, Soziologin, Evolutionstheoretikerin, Partnerschaftsforscherin, Sozialaktivistin, Referentin und Autorin.

  • Für mich war es außerordentlich wichtig, mich mit einer Frau auszutauschen, die imstande ist, mich auf der Basis von Ebenbürtigkeit zu lieben, so wie ich sie. In einer vermänn-
    lichten, vom Herrschaftsdenken dominierten Gesellschaft kostet es zahlreiche Ehen und Liebesbeziehungen, um die uns eingehämmerten Verhaltensmuster, andere zu beherrschen, abzuschleifen. Frauen sind im Begriff, diesen Durchbruch zu schaffen. Sie haben begonnen, über den bestehenden Käfig der Dominanz-Hierarchie hinauszublicken, in dem noch nahezu alle Männer praktisch ohne Ausnahme gefangen sind. Interview mit Dr. David Loye (1925-2022)
    US-amerikanischer Sozialpsychologe, Erforscher von Evolutionssystemen, Partnerschaftsforscher, Autor, FU Raising the Chalice, präsentiert von der aufgelösten US-amerikanischen Zeitschrift Mavericks of the Mind, Wintersonnwende 1988
Geburt der Venus
Eugène Amaury-Duval
(1808-1885) französischer Maler
  • In der Gegenwart des [dezidiert männlichen] Herrn Krishna sind alle Seelen weiblich. Mirabai (~1498-1547) aristokratische indische Mystikerin, Krishna-De-
    votee der Sant-Tradition, Dichterin, zitiert in: Eintrag Mirabai, präsentiert von der Publikation Encyclopedia, aktualisiert 9. Dezember 2020


  • Die Erfahrung lehrt uns dagegen, dass jeder Schritt nach vorwärts unver-
    änderlich begleitet war von einem Schritte zur Erhebung der sozialen Stellung der Frauen, so dass Historiker und Philosophen die höhere oder niedere Stufe, auf welcher die Frauen standen, als das sicherste und un-
    trüglichste Merkmal für den Grad der Zivilisation eines Volkes oder Zeit-
    alters hinzustellen pflegen. Jede fortschrittliche Periode in der Geschich-
    te der Menschheit bringt die Stellung der Frauen der Gleichheit mit den Männern näher, und wenn dies an und für sich betrachtet auch noch nicht beweist, dass die Assimilation bis zur vollkommenen Gleichstellung gehen muss, so lässt es doch unstreitig günstige Schlüsse dafür zu.
    John Stuart Mill [BW 450, Werk BW 465] (1806-1873) englischer Philosoph, Volkswirt, Feminist, Autor, Harriet Taylor Mill (Ehefrau), Helen Taylor (Stieftochter), "On the Subjection of Women", 1869, Ulrike Helmer, Herausgeberin, Die Hörigkeit der Frau, Berggold, Berlin, 1. Kapitel, tredition, Hamburg, 1991, 2011, Unikum,
    25. April 2013



Debatte um das Paradox der freien Frauen

  • Als Feministinnen haben wir nur Paradoxien anzubieten. Weil wir selbst in dieser Kultur, die Jahrtausende lang patriarchal war, ein Paradox sind – freie Frauen. Unsere Stärke liegt in unserer Uneinigkeit. Unsere Differenzen sind der Proviant, von dem wir zehren.
    Artikel Lasst uns uneinig bleiben!, präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Wochenzeitung Zeit Online, Antje Schrupp, deutsche Politikwissenschaftlerin, Journalistin, Publizistin, 27. November 2017


  • Frauen haben nichts in der politischen Öffentlichkeit zu suchen. [...] In Prinzipien gibt es keinen Pardon. Dr. Joseph Goebbels [Gefallen ⇒BW 70-60] (1897-1945) einflussreichster deutscher NS-Politiker, Reichsminister für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda (1933-1945), Tagebucheintrag, 22. Juli 1933; zitiert in: Erika Fröhlich, Herausgeberin, Die Tagebücher von Joseph Goebbels, S. 232, Teil I, Band 2/III (Oktober 1932-März 1934), München, 2006


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Frau

Quotes by various other sources

And the Lord God said unto the woman, 'What is this that thou hast done?' Genesis 3, 13 (OT)



See also:

The Gospel of Thomas, translated by Thomas O. Lambdin, 50-140 AD (1945)

Simon Peter said to them, "Make Mary [Magdalene] leave us, for females are not worthy of life."
Jesus said, "Look I shall guide her to make her male so that she too may become a living spirit
resembling you males.
For every female who makes herself male will enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
Gospel of Thomas [LoC 660], verse 114, translation by Elaine Pagels and Marvin Myer, cited in:
Elaine Pagels, Ph.D. (*1943) US American professor of religion, Biblical scholar of gnosticism, author,
Beyond Belief. The Secret Gospel of Thomas, S. 241, Random House, 1st edition 6. May 2003


Personal avowals


Gandhi's mother Putlibai and his wife Kasturba greatly influenced his path.

  • The outstanding impression my mother has left on my memory is that of saintliness. She was deeply religious. She would not think of taking her meals without daily prayer. She would take the hardest of vows and keep them without flinching. Illness was no excuse for relaxing them.
    Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi [LoC 760] (1869-1948) Indian Hindu sage, spiritual activist leader, humanitarian, lawyer, nonviolent freedom fighter, Bharatan Kumarappa, editor, My Religion, section 2 "The Sources of my Religion", "03. At Home",
    1st edition, December 1955, Navajivan Trust, India, 1968


  • Women's marvellous power is lying dormant. If the women of Asia wake up, they will dazzle the world. My experi-
    ment in non-violence would be instantly successful if I could secure women's help.
    Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi [LoC 760] (1869-1948) Indian sage, spiritual activist leader, humanitarian, lawyer, nonvio-
    lent freedom fighter, presented by The Collected Works Of Mahatma Gandhi, 381 MESSAGE TO CHINESE WOMEN, 18. July
    1947, S. 366, 1947


  • I believe that the situation of women today perhaps can be defined as being the 'eternal feminine.' I am seeking the
    eternal feminine. Everything that is accidental and animated by situations and circumstances cannot change the
    eternal, which is essential. In this respect, I expressed what I seek and desire in the document about the dignity of
    . Pope John Paul II [LoC 570] (1920-2005) Polish theologian, 264th head of the Catholic Church (1978-2005), beatification 2011, answering a reporter on the plane from Reykjavik to Helsinki about the meaning of his Apostolic Letter Mulieris dignitatem, June 1989; cited in: Is God Mother? Background of a Pontifical Statement, Consequences of Vatican II, Atila Sinke Guimarães, undated


  • From my point of view, it's been extremely important to me to interact with a woman [his partner Riane Eisler who is
    able to love me as I'm able to love her on some basis of equality. Rather than have the old superior-inferior relationship, which many men and women have. Women are making this breakthrough and they've begun to see out beyond this
    cage that every male is still encased in, almost without exception.
    Interview with David Loye, Ph.D. (1925-2022)  US Ame-
    rican social psychologist, evolutionary systems-theorist, futurist, partnership researcher, founder of the The Darwin Project, author,
    Raising the Chalice, presented by the dissolved US American magazine Mavericks of the Mind, winter solstice 1988


  • I did not want my tombstone to read, 'She kept a really clean house.' I think I'd like them to remember me by saying,
    'She opened government to everyone.' Ann Richards (1933-2006) US American politician, 45th governor of Texas (1991-1995), cited in: article Former Texas Governor Ann Richards Dies at 73, presented by the US American basic cable and satellite news televi-
    sion channel Fox News [LoC 380/330], 14. September 2006; cited in: AZ Quotes




Definitions of fascism

Susan Sontag: "Institutionalized violence"
Benito Mussolini: "The marriage of corporations and government"
Matthew Fox: An always patriarchal and anti-women commitment to obedience

  • Do stuff.
    Be clenched, curious;
    not waiting for inspiration's shove, or society's kiss on your forehead.
    Pay attention. It's all about paying attention. Attention is vitality. It connects you with others. It makes you eager.
    Stay eager.
    Susan Sontag [Work LoC 200] (1933-2004) US American political activist for human rights, literary theorist, feminist, social critic, filmmaker, writer, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote




Future outlook

  • This struggle of the human female toward sex equality will end in a new sex order, with the female as superior. The modern woman, who anticipates in merely superficial phenomena the advancement of her sex, is but a surface symptom of something dee-
    per and more potent fermenting in the bosom of the race.
    It is not in the shallow physical imitation of men that women will assert first their equality and later their superiority, but in the awakening of the intellect of women. […]
Through countless generations, from the very beginning, the social subservience of women resulted naturally in the partial atrophy or at least the hereditary suspension of mental qualities which we now know the female sex to be endowed with no less than men. But the female mind has demonstrated a capacity for all the mental acquirements and achievements of men, and as generations ensue that capacity will be expanded; the average woman will be as well educated as the average man, and then better educated, for the dormant faculties of her brain will be stimulated to an activity that will be all the more intense and powerful because of centuries of repose. Women will ignore precedent and startle civilization with their progress.
Interview with Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) Serbian US American physicist, mechanical and electrical engineer, When woman is boss, presented
by the US American magazine Collier's Weekly, John B. Kennedy,
30. January 1926, cited in: Margaret Cheney, Tesla. Man Out of Time,
S. 287, Prentice Hall, 11. November 1981, Simon & Schuster, Touchstone, 9. October 2001



  • Nature has created an extreme difference between man and woman, so that he finds his opposite in her, and she in
    him. Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology,
    author, R.F.C. Hull, editor, C.G. Jung Speaking. Interviews and Encounters, S. 244, Princeton University Press, December 1977,
    reprint edition 1. February 1987


  • If women ran the world, there would be no wars. Anonymous
  • The best thermometer to the progress of a nation is its treatment of its women. […]
    There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. […]
    Woman has suffered for aeons, and that has given her infinite patience and infinite preserverance.
    Swami Vivekananda [LoC 610] (1863-1902) Indian Hindu saint, monk, scholar, The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda,
    Volume 4, S. 176, 1863-1902


  • Men and women in every country, have different ways of understanding and judging things. Men have one angle
    of vision, women another; men argue from one standpoint, women from another. Men extenuate women and lay
    the blame on men; while women exonerate men and heap all the heap on women.
    Swami Vivekananda [LoC 610] (1863-1902) Indian Hindu saint, monk, scholar, The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 7, S. 378, 1863-1902


  • If you do not allow one to become a lion, he will become a fox. Women are a power, only now it is more evil be-
    cause man oppresses woman; she is the fox, but when she is no longer oppressed, she will be the lion.
    Swami Vivekananda [LoC 610] (1863-1902) Indian Hindu saint, monk, scholar, The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 7, S. 22, 1863-1902


  • In India the mother is the center of the family and our highest ideal. She is to us the representative of God, as God
    is the mother of the universe.
    It was a female sage who first found the unity of God, and laid down this doctrine
    in one of the first hymns of the Vedas. Our God is both personal and absolute, the absolute is male, the per-
    sonal, female.
    And thus it comes that we now say: 'The first manifestation of God is the hand that rocks the cradle'.
    Swami Vivekananda [LoC 610] (1863-1902) Indian Hindu saint, monk, scholar, The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 4, S. 170, 1863-1902


  • All souls are feminine in the presence of the [decidedly male] Lord Kṛṣṇa.
    Mirabai [Meera] Hagiography (~1498-1547) aristocratic Indian Hindu mystical singer, poet-saint, sahajiya devotee of Lord Krishna, influential in the Sant tradition of the Vaishnava bhakti movement, cited in: entry Mirabai, presented by the publication Encyclopedia, updated 9. December 2020


  • Wine is strong, the king stronger, women stronger still, but the truth is the strongest.
    Titus Flavius Josephus [Joseph ben Matityahu] (37-100 AD) 1st-century Romano-Jewish historian, hagiographer of priestly and
    royal ancestry, 20-volume historiographical work Antiquities of the Jews, Book 11 "The Book of Esdras", 93-94 AD


  • God is our Father, and even more, He is our Mother. He does not want to hurt us, He wants only to do good to
    us, to all of us. Pope John Paul II [LoC 570] (1920-2005) Polish theologian, 264th head of the Catholic Church (1978-2005), beatification 2011, Sunday sermon, Angelus, presented by Libreria Editrice Vaticana, held Sunday, 10. September 1978


  • The world will be saved by the western woman.
    H.H. 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso [LoC 570] (*1935) Tibetan monk, leader of the Gelug or "Yellow Hat" branch of Tibetan Buddhism, Peace Nobel Prize laureate, 1989, proclamation, Vancouver Peace Summit 2009, 27.-29. September 2009



The end of the age of reason

  • The earth is conscious. Nature is conscious. All life is conscious. […] In keeping with the paradox of the Divine, our Enlightenment [the age of reason] turned the light off. The Enlightenment that began in the late 1400s, in fact, was the beginning of turning off our inner light. We began to take a reason[able] look at the universe. Everything had
    to have a reason. The end result was: everything that couldn't reason ceased to have value. Trees can't reason.
    Nature can't reason. Women don't reason very well. They are very emotional. […]
    Intuition, the mystical sense, started to frighten people. […] Women don't trust their own mystical sense. They
    deny their own. [They]'ve bought into the system that reason governs the soul. Removed video DVD presentation by
    Caroline Myss Myss.com (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, The Sacred Spaces
    in Morocco
    , minutes ~35:39, ~36:43, 61:41 minutes duration, Morocco, recorded 15.-26. October 2011


  • We should speak to the Divine Spirit with a feeling of closeness, as to Our relationship with God should be one of unconditional love. A definite conception of God (such as that of the Divine Mother) is necessary, otherwise one
    does not receive a clear response. Paramahansa Yogananda [LoC 540] (1893-1952) Bengalian Indian Hindu sage, yogi,
    philosopher, author, How You Can Talk with God, Self-Realization Fellowship, 5. August 1957



Recipe of fulfillment: Spirit ∞ love, Yang ∞ Yin

  • The woman is increasingly aware that love alone can give her full stature, just as the man begins to discern that spirit alone can endow his life with its highest meaning. Fundamentally, therefore, both seek a psychic relation to the other, because love needs the spirit, and the spirit love, for their fulfillment.
    Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, au-
    thor, Contributions to Analytical Psychology, S. 185, 1928



Initiating a politics of consience

  • We [women] are 51% of the population of America. We are not a special interest group. […] The trajectory for American women is from success to significance. […] We need more than the audacity of hope. We need the audacity to wield power. I think that's the next step.
    Video presentation by Marianne Williamson (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, political activist, visionary, lecturer, author, Politics from the Inside Out: New Consciousness. New Politics, sponsored by the All Saints Church, pastor and host Ed Bacon, Pasadena, California, Sunday, 14. October 2012, YouTube film, minute 26:59, 44:05 minutes duration, posted 15. October 2012



The lobsided Christian god-image resulted in a tragic fate of Christian women.

  • Because the Christian god-image is exclusively masculine, she can become one with God only through alienation from her own feminine nature. This, however, is nothing other than a spiritual possession, a denial of her feminine consciousness and her physical reality.
    Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz (1915-1998) Swiss Jungian psychologist, Jungian scholar, author, Projection and Recollection in Jungian Psychology. Reflections of the Soul, 1980, S. 138, Court Publishing Company, reprint edition 19. December 1985


  • The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is 'What does a woman want?'
    Sigmund Freud [LoC 499] (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion,
    cited in: Alfred Jones (1879-1958) British neurologist, psychoanalyst, Sigmund Freud’s official biographer, Sigmund Freud.
    Life and Work. Vol 1: The Young Freud 1856-1900
    , Hogarth Press, London, 1953




Women’s ability to contribute to peace

  • For millennia women have dedicated themselves almost exclusively to the task of nurturing, protecting and caring for the young and the old, striving for the conditions of peace that favour life as a whole. To this can be added the fact that, to the best of my knowledge, no war was ever started by women. But it is women and children who have always suffered
    most in situations of conflict. Now that we are gaining control of the primary historical role imposed on us of sus-
    taining life in the context of the home and family, it is time to apply in the arena of the world the wisdom and expe-
    rience thus gained in activities of peace over so many thousands of years. The education and empowerment of women throughout the world cannot fail to result in a more caring, tolerant, just and peaceful life for all.
    Aung San Suu Kyi (*1945) Burmese opposition politician (2012-2016), house arrested for 15 of 21 years (1989-2010) for her opposition to the military junta’s seizure, leader of Myanmar's democracy movement, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 1991, ope-
    n­ing keynote via a videotape, NGO Forum on Women at the Fourth UN World Conference on Women Bei­jing, China, 1995; cited
    in: Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. jeanbolen.com (*1936) US American Jungian analyst, proactive women researcher and sup-
    porter, crone, spiritual teacher, author, The Millionth Circle. How to Change Ourselves and The World, "Preface", Conari Press,
    1st edition 1. September 1999



  • People with childhood histories of trauma, abuse and neglect make up almost the entire criminal justice population
    in the United States. Bessel van der Kolk, Ph.D. (*1943) Dutch-American professor of psychiatry, researcher in post-traumatic stress, Boston University, educator, author, 2005, cited in: Video opening public keynote address by Gabor Maté, M.D. (*1944)
    Hungarian-Canadian physician, addiction expert, speaker, author, Women, Addictions and FASD – Public Keynote Address, pre-
    sented at the Regional FASD Conference "Hope in Action – A Caring Community", sponsored by B.C. Smithers, 7.-9. February 2012, YouTube film, minute 100:13, 1:44:36 duration, posted by SCSASmithers 6. March 2013


  • The Elders are a group of distinguished leaders from around the world geographi-
    cally, and we include in our group, people who are Muslim, Hindus, Protestant of
    the Catholic and Protestant faith. We’ve spent a year or two trying to analyze the basic causes of violations of women’s rights, and one of the conclusions we have reached is that it’s the practice of religion that is the basic cause of the foundation of excuse for the other abuses; where women are deprived of an equal right to serve God.
    And where they are treated as subordinates or inferior people. And this example set by religions leaders gives an excuse to other dominant males to persecute, or abuse, or deprive women of their justifiable rights. This is a question that has never been publicly discussed before, and The Elders help this will arouse and interest in the world in trying
    to seek corrections made to religions themselves to set an example for full rights for all women. Jimmy Carter (1924-
    2024) US American politician, 39th US president (1977-1981), member of The Elders, since 2007, cited in: YouTube video Jimmy Carter: Religion is one of the 'basic causes' of violations of women's rights, 1:19 minutes duration, posted 26. June 2009



Women ⇔ domination politics

Fraternity ⇔ patriarchy

  • I do think that women could make politics irrelevant by some kind of spontaneous cooperative action, the like of which we have never seen, which is so far from people's ideas of state structure and viable social structure that it seems to them like total anarchy but what it really represents is very subtle forms of interrela-
    which does not follow a hierachical pattern which is fundamentally patriatchal. The opposite to patriarchy
    is not matriarchy but fraternity.
    I think it is women who are going to have to break the spiral of power and find
    the trick of cooperation.
    Germaine Greer (*1939) Australian academic, major feminist, journalist, author, The Female Eunuch, London, October 1970




Gilligan's insight of female developmental psychology



Gilligan's insight of gendered splits

  • If you think of the splits – reason/emotion, mind/body, self/relationships – you know how they're gendered.
    Mind, self, thought, is gendered masculine and elevated.
    Emotion, relationships and body are gendered feminine and like women idealized and devalued. […]
There’s a convergence now of findings from developmental psychology and neuroscience that puts in place a very different story about us as humans and says that when these splits occur, they are signs of injury or trauma.
Video presentation including Q&A by Carol Gilligan, Ph.D. (*1936) US American professor of gender studies, psychologist, feminist, ethicist (community, relationships), writer, Learning to See in the Dark: The Roots of Ethical Resistance, sponsored by The Dalai Lama Center For Ethics and Transformative Values MIT World, minute 34:38 and 36:00, 1:10:34 duration, recorded 24. April 2009, uploaded 23. December 2011



Liberating impact of feminism:

Feminist/masculinist movements are liberating democracy from patriarchy.

  • Feminism [LoC 330] is one of the great liberation movements in human history. [Feminism] is the movement to liberate democracy [LoC 410] from patriarchy. It's not a problem of women and men, it's not a battle between women and men. It's seeing the effects of patriarchy on both women and men which are different. It's seeing how much the gender binary and gender hierarchy are fueling violence and a whole set of the ethical problems that are in front of us today, because in part by blunting our capacity to know what we know and to respond to what we know. Video presentation by Carol Gilligan, Ph.D. (*1936) US American professor of gender studies, psychologist, feminist, ethicist (community, relationships), writer, Learning to See in the Dark: The Roots of Ethical Resistance, sponsored by The Dalai Lama Center For Ethics and Transformative Values MIT World, minute 1:08:04, 1:10:34 duration, recorded 24. April 2009, uploaded 23. December 2011



Feminism serves human liberation from leftbrain dominated rankism.

  • Feminism is one of the great liberation movements in human history. It's the movement to free democracy from patriarchy [meaning it's both in the interest of women and men], a hierarchy that elevates so called masculine qualities. So it divides everybody from parts of themselves [...] and deforms our human nature. Video presentation by Carol Gilligan, Ph.D. (*1936) US American professor of gender studies, psychologist, feminist, ethicist (community, relationships), writer, Joining the Resistance, Vimeo film, minute 3:42, 5:13 minutes duration, posted April 2012


  • There is one thing women can never disconnect from, and that is the love of their children and grandchildren and
    their yearning for a sense of community. This kind of communion is naturally inherent in the blood mysteries, for
    every woman in the world is primed to experience these cycles. If mothers want to create healthy futures for their
    children, they can do this only by celebrating, with their sisters, what it is to be a woman, beginning with their own
    lives. It is time to remove menarche, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause from the realms of medi-
    cal pathology and return them to the sacred events
    in a woman’s life that they are, revered through rites of
    passage and sacred ritual.
    Christine Page, M.D., British physician, "wisdom keeper", president of the "International Society for the Study of Subtle
    Energy and Energy Medicine", speaker, author, presented by christinepage.com, source unknown



True love is the true authority of a man over a woman.

  • To be a fully integrated male, a man has to assimilate in his body the divine female energies that woman can only release to him through right physical lovemaking. But the man has to be man enough. He has to be able to love her enough; that is, love her selflessly during the actual act of lovemaking. He has to be able to absorb and express sufficient love in his body to reach the highest part of her, and love enough to extract the divine energies
    from her deepest center.
    To be able to love in this way is his only true authority over woman.
    Barry Long (1926-2003) Australian spiritual teacher, tantra teacher, press secretary, editor, writer, Making Love. Sexual Love
    the Divine Way
    , excerpt Making Love, The Barry Long Trust, Barry Long Books, 1. September 1998, 18. November 1999



Errors of feminism


Gloria Steinem, age 74
Brighton High School, Colorado, 3. November 2008



  • The connections between and among women are the most feared, the most problematic, and the most potentially transforming force on the planet. Adrienne Rich (1929-2012) US American visiting professor of creative writing, feminist, poet, essayist, On Lies, Secrets, and Silence, 1979



  • Women for all of history have done what we need.
    You can't name one problem in history due to women.
    No matter how badly the men behave the women are raising the children.
    Our mother showed us the miracle of being nice, of being kind.
    We only need to act like our mother, our grandmother.
    We need a grandmother revolution.
Video interview with Patch Adams, M.D. (*1945) US American physician, social activist, citizen diplomat, author, End of Capitalism – Revolution of Love, November 2009, hosted by Italian financial newspaper "Il Sole 24 Ore", ~November 2009, Patch Adams – Single clip interview, YouTube film, 12:17 minutes duration, posted 7. July 2011




Since age 18 humorous visionary physician Adams promotes "a revolution of love and compassion".

  • All healthy women say the same thing: All the problems of the world are due to men. 7000 years ago men chose to worship 'money and power over'. This is why no political system works because the value system is 'money and power over'. This is the God of the West and the God of the East.
    Exclusive video interview with Patch Adams, M.D. (*1945) US American physician, social activist, citizen diplomat, author, End of Capitalism – Revolution of Love, November 2009, hosted by Italian financial newspaper
    "Il Sole 24 Ore", ~November 2009, Patch Adams – Single clip interview, 12:17 minutes duration, posted 7. July 2011



See also:

Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique (1963) made the term "sexism" known to the public debate and as a consequence issued laws to strenghten women's position in society



Expressing inner gender balance

  • What is the most beautiful in virile men is something feminine;
    what is most beautiful in feminine women is something masculine.
Susan Sontag [Work LoC 200] (1933-2004) US American political activist for human rights, literary theorist, feminist, social critic, filmmaker, teacher, writer, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


References: en.Wikiquote entries Woman and ► Girls

Literary quotes

  • Young girls are the chatelaines of truth; they must see that it is protected, that the guilty lead the life of the guilty,
    even if the world rocks on its foundations. Jean Giraudoux (1882-1944) French diplomat, playwright, essayist, novelist,
    Phyllis La Farge and Peter H. Judd, translators, play Electra, act I, 1937




Dropping keys

  • The small man builds cages for everyone he knows
    while the sage, who has to duck his head when the moon is low,
    keeps dropping keys all night long for the beautiful rowdy prisoners.
Hafez (1325/26-1389/90) Persian Sufi mystic, lyric poet, cited in: AZ Quotes


  • Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater.
    If you give her sperm, she’ll give you a baby.
    If you give her a house, she’ll give you a home.
    If you give her groceries, she’ll give you a meal.
    If you give her a smile, she’ll give you her heart.
    She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.
    So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit.
    Erick S. Gray, US American author, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote

Quotes by Mirra Alfassa

The next step in human evolution is dignified gender parity.

  • [U]ntil the manifestation of a new conception and consciousness compels Nature to create a new species which would no longer have to yield to the necessity of animal procreation and thus be under the obligation of dividing into two com-
    plementary sexes, the best that can be done for the progress of the present human race is to treat both sexes on a footing of perfect equality, to give them the same education and training and to teach them to find, through a con-
    stant contact with a Divine Reality that is above all sexual differentiation
    , the source of all possibilities and har-
    monies. Mirra Alfassa [The Mother] (1878-1973) French Turkish Egyptian mystic, spiritual partner of the Indian philosopher and yogi, Sri Aurobindo, founder of the project Auroville in India, The Problem of Woman, published in the publication "Bulletin", Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, April 1955


  • It is certain that purely masculine politics have given proof of incapacity; they have foundered too often in their search of strictly personal interest, and in their arbitrary and violent action. Doubtless women's politics would bring about a tendency to disinterestedness and more humanitarian solutions. But unfortunately, in their present state, women
    in general are creatures of passion and enthusiastic partisanship; they lack the reasoning calm that purely intellectual activity gives; the latter is undoubtedly dangerous because hard and cold and pitiless, nevertheless it is unquestionably useful to master the overflow of sentiment which cannot hold a predominant place in the ruling of collective interests. Mirra Alfassa [The Mother] (1878-1973) French Turkish Egyptian mystic, spiritual partner of the Indian philosopher and yogi, Sri Aurobindo, founder of the project Auroville in India, The Problem of Woman, published in the publication "Bulletin", Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, April 1955


  • Sri Aurobindo has said that the Supreme Mother is the mother of Brahma. She is the Mother of all the gods.
    Mirra Alfassa [The Mother] (1878-1973) French Turkish Egyptian mystic, spiritual partner of the Indian philosopher and yogi, Sri Aurobindo, founder of the project Auroville in India, talk based upon article The Problem of Woman, S. 158, 18. May 1955


  • Beyond the manifestation there is no [gender] differentiation [in the Creator], that is, there are not two, there is only
    one. It was at the moment of creation that it became two. But before that it was one, and there was no difference; as
    it was one, it was only one. There were countless possibilities, but it was one, in fact it was one, and it was only in the creation that it became two. The differentiation is not something eternal and co-existent. It is for the creation, and in
    fact for the creation of this world only.
    Mirra Alfassa [The Mother] (1878-1973) French Turkish Egyptian mystic, spiritual partner of the Indian philosopher and yogi, Sri Aurobindo, founder of the project Auroville in India, Talk based upon the article The Problem of Woman, S. 157, 18. May 1955


  • There is a popular adage there which says: "Property governed by woman means prosperous property." But in
    the Occident Semitic thought allied to Roman legislation has [...] influenced customs too deeply for women to have
    the opportunity of showing their capacity for organisation.
    Mirra Alfassa [The Mother] (1878-1973) French Turkish Egyptian mystic, spiritual partner of the Indian philosopher and yogi, Sri Aurobindo, founder of the project Auroville in India, Collected Works of the Mother. Words of Long Ago. Volume 2, "Woman and
    the War"
    , Japan, 7. July 1916, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Centenary edition 1. January 1978


  • Woman, by the very fact of her passivity, having more easily than man the intuition of the Supreme Power at work in
    the world, is more often, more naturally humble.
    But to base the fact of this humility on need is erroneous. Woman needs man not more than man needs woman; or rather, more exactly, man and woman have an equal need of one another. […]
    [T]o say that women should be humble because it is thus that they please men, is also erroneous. It would lead one
    to think that woman has been put on earth only for the purpose of giving pleasure to man – which is absurd.
    Mirra Alfassa [The Mother] (1878-1973) French Turkish Egyptian mystic, spiritual partner of the Indian philosopher and yogi, Sri Aurobindo, founder of the project Auroville in India, Collected Works of the Mother. Words of Long Ago. Volume 2, "Woman and Man", written in Japan (1916-1920), Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Centenary edition 1. January 1978


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Woman

Quotes by Gloria Steinem

  • I am talking about the divisions of human beings into the cults of masculinity and femininity, into false divisions that conceal both our shared humanity and our individual uniqueness. We are trained into this division very young, usually in our own families, and it normalizes later divisions into
    ► leader and led,
    ► subject and object,
    ► rich and poor,
    ► even conquerer and conquered.
Vimeo video presentation by Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, When Women Are People… and Corporations Are Not: Why the First Inequality Will Also Be the Last, presented by Bioneers Live, host Nina Simons, Bioneers Conference 2011, San Rafael, California, 14. October 2011, minute 6:41, 35:27 minutes duration, posted 10. November 2011



Freud provided the rationale for male supremacy.

Book reference: Excerpted from Moving Beyond Words, S. 32-69, 1994, and E.D. Nelson, and B. Robinson, chapter 2, S. 52-73, Gender in Canada. Prentice-Hall, Toronto, Canada, 1999

  • I was speaking to the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association. I did write this [funny] essay What if Freud were Phyllis? (1994) [to get the message across by reversing Freud's theses].
    I read every word of what that crazy guy wrote and – I was shocked, shocked. […] He ended up denying that childhood sexual abuse was real. He said that children phantasized it because they wanted it.
    I commend Phyllis Freud to you. […] The footnotes are now bigger than the essay. He really said this.
    It also made me understand why Freud was so much more popular here [in the United States] than in Europe. Reli-
    gion wasn't exactly working any more to put down this huge wave of abolitionists, suffragists, and rebellion. He
    provided a pseudoscientific rationale for male supremacy
    [LoC 160].
    Video keynote address by Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's move-
    ment, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, 2012 Polly Wheeler Guth
    '44 Leader in Residence
    , sponsored by the girl's school Chatham Hall, Virginia, 17. January 2012, YouTube film, minute 41:00,
    1:21:48 duration, posted by 19. April 2012


  • Rich [affluent] patriarchal cultures value thin women.
    Poor patriarchal cultures value fat women.
    Both are signs of privilege, of wealth and so on on the part of the men the women belong to.
    All patriarchal cultures value weak women. [...]
    Strong women are being made ashamed of being strong and to want to imitate the upper class women who are weak. To be strong and to be proud of it is a huge, huge change. Video keynote speech by Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, Gloria Steinem's Top Ten Fearbusters, presented at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women, 2011, YouTube film, minute 22:33, 33:06 minutes duration, posted 6. March 2012



Women at the verge of getting into power positions

  • We are at the critical mass stage and therefore we are getting more resistance. Female authority is still associated with childhood, and the last time a lot of power-
    ful guys saw a powerful woman they were eight, and they feel regressed to child-
    hood by a powerful woman in a way that they don’t feel with a man.
    Video presentation by Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, Female Authority Is Still Associated with Childhood, sponsored by the "Women In The World Conference", New York City, 8-10 March 2012, presented by the US Ame-
    rican news and opinion website The Daily Beast, Leslie Bennetts, New York City, 9. March 2012


  • Money is boring unless you do something creative with it. […] This society doesn't realize what is enough. It is an
    illness that is not just destroying us as individuals but it is destroying the planet.
    Video presentation by Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, Feminization of Poverty Revisited, sponsored by National Association of Social Workers, "The Longest Revolution" event, Washington D.C., 20. March 2013, YouTube film, minute 32:22, 33:37 minutes duration, posted 9. April 2013


See also: ► Violence: Quotes by Gloria Steinem and ► Quotes by Gloria Steinem on female issues

⚡ Women deriding sexist quotes by various other male sources

  • Paulus of Tarsus: Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but
    must be in submission, as the Law says [...] for it is a disgrace for a woman to speak in the church.
    1 Corinthians 14, 34, 35 (NT) NIV



Idolatrous pagan dogma

  • Paulus of Tarsus: Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. […] A man […] is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man. For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. 1 Corinthians 11, 3-10 (NT) NIV


  • Paulus of Tarsus: Adam was first formed, then Eve. 1 Timothy 2, 13 (NT)


  • Paulus of Tarsus: Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.
    1 Timothy 2, 14 (NT) NIV


  • Paulus of Tarsus: The woman was led astray and fell into sin. Nevertheless, she will be saved by childbearing
    if she lives a modest life.
    1 Timothy 2, 14-15 (NT)


  • Hinduism – sees women as the embodiment of maya (illusion), and avidya (the power of delusion).
  • Buddhism – teaches that it is impossible for a woman to attain Buddhahood. For that she is required to be reborn as a man.

Personal avowals


Einstein's misogyny

  • Women are messengers of hell. They cut off the seeds of Buddhahood. [...] [W]omen can no more attain Buddhahood than can a dried-up seed sprout.
    Nichiren (1222-1282) Japanese Buddhist monk during the Kamakura period (1185-1333), who taught devotion to the Lotus Sutra [LoC 780], Nichiren. Selected Writings, S. 89, issue 26, Asian Studies At Hawaii, University of Virginia Press, 1980


  • The poor sense of justice in women is connected to the preponderance of envy in their mental life.
    Sigmund Freud [LoC 499] (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion, New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-analysis, lecture 23, cited in: Great Books of the Western World [LoC 468] a single package of originally 54 volumes of books to present the western canon, published by Encyclopædia Britannica, Chicago, 1952



Freud's theory of penis-envy

  • Upon this penis-envy follows that hostile embitterment displayed by women against men [...] the clearest indications of which are to be found in the writings and ambitions of 'emancipated' women.
    Sigmund Freud [LoC 499] (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion, The Taboo of Virginity, third of three essays entitled Contributions to the Psychology of Love [Beiträge zur Psychologie des Liebeslebens], 1918, Collected Papers, volume IV, The Hogarth Press, London, England, 1953


  • Women are accustomed to creep into dark places, and then dragged out into the light they will exert their utmost powers of resistance, and be far too much for the legislator. And therefore, as I said before, in most places they will
    not endure to have the truth spoken without raising a tremendous outcry. Plato [LoC 485] (427-347 BC) Ancient Greek
    pre-Christian philosopher, founder of the occidental philosophy, The Dialogues of Plato, "Laws VI", ~350 BC, 1985


Women-friendly Socrates mentored Plato, the father of Western philosophy.

  • Nothing can be more absurd than the practice that prevails in our country of men and women not following the same pursuits with all their strengths and with one mind, for thus, the state instead of being whole is reduced to half. Plato [LoC 485] (427-347 BC) Ancient Greek pre-Christian philosopher, founder of the occidental philosophy, last and longest dialogue The Laws, ~350 BC, University of Chicago Press, 15. March 1988



Rousseau, the proponent of "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!" for men denied liberty and equality to women.

Rousseau was in denial of Madame Curie's Nobel awards.

  • Women do wrong to complain of the inequality of man-made laws; this inequality is not of man's making, or at any rate it is not the result of mere prejudice, but of reason. […]
    The works of genius are beyond her reach. […]
    They [women] must be trained to bear the yoke from the first, so that they may not feel it, to master their own caprices and to submit themselves to the will of others.
    Jean Jacques Rousseau [LoC 465] (1712-1778) major Swiss French philosopher influencing the French Revolution, composer of 18th-century Romanticism, writer, Emile, or On Education, 1762



Rousseau's fear: Women in public life and politics will overpower men.

  • Men would be tyrannized by women. [...] For, given the ease with which women arouse men's senses [...] men would finally be their victims.
    Jean Jacques Rousseau [LoC 465] (1712-1778) major Swiss French philosopher influencing the French Revolution, composer of 18th-century Romanticism, writer, Emile, or On Education, book V, S. 359, 1762


  • Women will avoid the wicked not because it is unright, but only because it is ugly. […] Nothing of duty, nothing of compulsion, nothing of obligation! […] They do something only because it pleases them. […] I hardly believe that
    the fair sex is capable of principles. Immanuel Kant [LoC 460] (1724-1804) German philosopher at the end of the 18th cen-
    tury Enlightenment, Groundwork of the Metaphysic(s) of Morals, 1785


  • Women are certainly capable of learning, but they are not made for the higher forms of science, such as philosophy
    and certain types of artistic creativity; these require a universal ingredient. Women may hit on good ideas and they
    may, of course, have taste and elegance, but they lack the talent for the ideal. Men and women differ much as ani-
    mals and plants do. Men with animals correspond, as do women and plants, for women develop more placidly and
    always retain the formless indeterminate unity of feeling and sentiment. When women have control over the
    government, the state is plunged into peril, for they do not act according to the standards of universality
    , but are influenced by random inclinations and opinions. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel [LoC 425, work LoC 470] (1770-1831) German philosopher of the German idealism, author, Phenomenology of Mind, volume I, 1807


  • Woman is personified egotism [which she can never know because of her lack of penetrating thought].
    Søren Kierkegaard [LoC 410] (1813-1855) Danish existentialist philosopher, theologian, writer, Journals and Papers, volume 4,
    S. 572-585, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ontario, 1976



Outright misogyny:

See also: Arthur Schopenhauer, Essays and Aphorisms, Penguin, 1970, paperback edition 26. August 1976

  • Women […] are their whole life – grown-up children […] She is an intellectual my-
    ope whose intuitive understanding sees distinctly what is near, but has a narrow range of vision, which does not embrace the distant.
    Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) German philosopher, faculty member, author, essay On Women from "Parerga and Paralipomena", 1851


  • Yes, women are the greatest evil Zeus has made, and men are bound to them hand and foot with impossible knots by God. Semonides of Amorgos (7th century BC) Ancient Greek iambic and elegiac poet, Diane Arnson Svarlien, translator, Women, (Poem 7), 1995



See also Socrates' comment on women

  • Woman is a violent and uncontrolled animal. [...] If you allow them to achieve complete equality with men, do you think they will be easier to live with? Not at all. Once they have achieved equality, they will be your masters.
    Attributed to Cato the Elder [The Censor, Wise, Ancient] (234-149 BC) Roman statesman, known for his conservatism and opposition to Hellenization, composed of excerpts (with some paraphrasing) from a speech of Cato as reported in: Titus Livius, Livy's History of Rome, book 34, sections 2-4, included in: Rev. Canon Roberts, translator, Ernest Rhys, editor, The History of Rome, Volume 5,
    J. M. Dent & Sons, London, 1905


  • Every woman ought to be overcome with shame at the thought that she is a woman.
    Clement of Alexandria (~150-~215 AD) Greek scholar in classical Greek philosophy and literature, converted Christian theologian, Catechetical School of Alexandria, cited in: Barbara A. O'Reilly, Grace Under Pressure: The Roles of Women-Then and Now-In the Catholic Church, S. 37, West Bow Press, 2012


  • The male sex is ever elect of God, because it is a warrior breed. Cyril of Alexandria (376-444) Egyptian Roman Catholic Patriarch of Alexandria (412-444), Fragments on Matthew [Fragmenta in Matthaeum], cited in: Barbara A. O'Reilly, Grace Under Pressure: The Roles of Women-Then and Now-In the Catholic Church, S. 46, West Bow Press, 2012; alternative source: Sister Albertus Magnus McGrath, Women and the Church, S. 80, Image Books, 1976

Literary quotes

  • Woman is first and foremost an actress. […]
    [An actor is] a person who is skilled at combining falseness with a good conscience. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) German classical scholar, critic of culture, philologist, philosopher of nihilism [LoC 120], writer, The Gay Science
    [Die fröhliche Wissenschaft], Ernst Schmeitzner, Chemnitz, 1882, S. 125-130, S. 271, S. 316-319, Random House, New York, 1974



Women seen as men's property


  • She was a bold-looking girl, of about twenty-seven, with thick hair, a freckled face, and swift, athletic movements. A narrow scarlet sash, emblem of the Junior Anti-Sex League, was wound several times round the waist of her overalls, just tightly enough to bring out the shapeliness of her hips. Winston had disliked her from the very first moment of seeing her. He knew the reason. It was because of the atmosphere of hockey-fields and cold baths and community hikes and general clean-mindedness which she managed to carry about with her. He disliked nearly all women, and especially the young and pretty ones. It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the
    most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unor-
    George Orwell [Eric Arthur Blair] [LoC 425, work LoC 410] (1903-1950) English journalist, essayist, writer, novel Nineteen Eighty-Four [LoC 410], Secker & Warburg, 8. June 1949

Englische Texte – English section on Women and men

Oldest female agent of the consciousness evolution – Barbara Marx Hubbard


US American Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019) is a political scientist, a noted futurist, champion and agent of the consciousness evolution, the co-founder and president of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution since 1990. As a spiritual tea-
cher, visionary public keynote speaker and author of six books, she has become internationally known. At age 15, in 1945, when the atomic bombs were dropped
on Japan, she was struck and started to ask deep questions.


A pioneering female soul awakening for human evolution while raising five children in the 50ties, Marx Hubbard fell into a depression feeling a failure to the The Ame-
rican Dream
. Her Freudian analyst dismissed her quest for liberation accompa-
nied by the inner urge to communicate on a grander scale as 'a neurotic expres-
sion of a depressed housewife'.
Reading books and subsequently mailing out a series of 1,000 letters to authors, thought leaders, priests, the Pope, presidents, she found that many avoided her questions. Raised within a materialistic, secular, agnostic frame, she found her father tyrannical, her parents removed, her husband patriarchal, her lovers domi-
nating. She didn't dare to tell her husband the truth about herself. They got divorced eventually.


Hierarchy of needs comprising 6 stages

Due to a lack of living female role models to whom she could relate Marx Hubbard skipped the phase of feminism [LoC 330] altogether. So eventually she turned within.
Her male inspirators Jesus, St. Paul, Sri Aurobindo, Teilhard de Chardin, Abraham Maslow and Buckminster Fuller guided her to enter the spiritual path.

Without the transcendent and the transpersonal, we get sick, violent, and nihilistic, or else hopeless and apathetic. Abraham Maslow [LoC 475] (1908-1970) US American transpersonal psychologist, happiness researcher

Hubbard's first teacher Dr. Jonas Salk called her out as an "evolutionary mutant" and encouraged her to embrace her vocation to become a visionary moving into the public arena.



Women in US politics:

Educator and author Shirley Chisholm [LoC 400] (1924-2005) was the first black US American Democratic Congresswoman, New York (1969-1983) and the first major-party black US presidential candidate. She was supported by grassroots feminists and blacks, less by assignated leaders. Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem ran as Chisholm's delegates in New York.

In 1984 she ran unsuccessfully for the US vice presidency as a female candidate for the Democratic Party. Her vision was to establish a Peace Room in the White House, just as sophisticated as the existing War Room. In front of the audience of the Democratic National Convention, she gave a speech solely to the universe. Nobody took her seriously, neither as a person nor as a viable candidate in the 80ties.5


Marx Hubbard sees the current worldwide crisis as the birth of humanity into nonlinear connectivity where people feel inspired to act as a cocreating species. So, she is calling forth December 22, 2012 as the day of emergence [LoC 600] to convergence within a World Shift Room.


* * *


Inspiring female role models (for becoming an evolutionary woman)

  1. Marie Curie [LoC 505] (1867-1934) Polish-French chemist, pioneer researcher on radioactivity, first female professor, University of Paris, first twofold Nobel laureate in physics (1903) and chemistry (1911)
  2. Eleanor Roosevelt [LoC 495] (1884-1962) US American First Lady (1933-1945) supporter of her husband Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal policies [LoC 340], advocate for civil rights, enhancer of the status of working women, chairwoman of the United Nations committee that drafted and approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights


Male inspirators (for becoming an evolutionary woman)

  1. Sri Aurobindo [Aurobindo Ghose] [LoC 605] (1872-1950) Indian British Hindu freedom fighter, philosopher, yogi,
    mystic, guru, poet
  2. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin [LoC 500] (1881-1955) French philosopher, Jesuit priest, trained paleontologist, trained geologist, visionary of the noosphere



Wilber collaborates with her.

BMH's first teacher Salk inspired her to become a visionary. She overcame the idea to be 'just a neurotic depressive housewife'. (See Freud.)

Male inspirators and practical supporters (for becoming an evolutionary woman) (personal contacts)

  1. Ken Wilber [LoC 490] (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, cons-
    ciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, author
  2. Jonas Salk, M.D. [LoC 455] (1914-1995) US American physician, medical researcher, epidemiologist, virologist, eugenicist



NDW wrote a book on BMH's conscious evolution for 50 years. Invited for lunch Maslow was the first to respond to BMH's 1000 letter series and met with her.


  • Neale Donald Walsch [LoC 450] (*1943) US American spiritual teacher, bestselling author
  • Abraham Maslow [LoC 475] (1908-1970) US American transpersonal psychologist, happiness researcher

Bucky Fuller has called BMH "the best informed human now alive regarding futurism and the foresights it has produced."

  • Buckminster Fuller [LoC 445] (1895-1983) US American engineer, systems theorist, architect, constructor, designer, inventor, futurist, philosopher, author
  • Ilya Prigogine (1917-2003) Russian Belgian physical chemist, Nobel laureate in chemistry (dissipative structures, complex systems, and irreversibility)

Trevelyan and Caddy blessed her public appearance while running for vice presidency.


von Braun and Paine inspired / invited her into a think tank for space exploration.

  • Wernher von Braun [LoC 400] (1912-1977) German US American rocket scientist, aerospace engineer, space architect, leading figure in developing rocket technology in Nazi Germany during World War II and later in the United States of America
  • Thomas O. Paine (1921-1992) US American scientist, NASA administrator



In 1952 BMH asked president Dwight D. Eisenhower personally: 'What is the meaning of our new power that is good?' He had no idea how to answer her question.

BMH sent a letter to the Pope asking him on the influence of Christ's ascencion [noosphere] on the evolution of biology [biosphere].

Male leaders inept to respond to the new paradigm (in person / via letter)


  1. Dwight D. Eisenhower [LoC 480/455] (1890-1969) 34th US president (1953-1961), five-star general in the United States Army, war criminal
  2. Pope John Paul II [LoC 570] (1920-2005) Polish theologian, 264th head of the Catholic Church (1978-2005), beatification 2011



Viewing women's liberation as a "neurotic expression", Freud did not fathom 'what women truly want'.

Male despirator (enhancing the hesitation to become an evolutionary woman)

  1. Sigmund Freud [LoC 499] (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, critic of religion


* * *


  • A baby will die if it stays in the womb when it is time for it to be born. It is outgrowing the womb. [German] Space scientist Krafft Ehricke told the story of the fetal scientist in the womb in the seventh month. The scientist is predicting that
    • by the eighth month there will be over crowding [and overcrowding],
    • by the ninth month there will be deadly pollution,
    • and by the tenth month, the organism will be dead.
Of course the fetal scientist does not know about birth. He has never seen it before.
Audio interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019) US American futurist, champion and agent of conscious evolution, running Democratic candidate for US vice presidency, 1984, co-founder and president of the "Foundation for Conscious Evolution", 1990, spi-
ritual teacher, public speaker, visionary author, part 2 Conscious Evolution and the Creative Advance, minute 20:35, posted 21. No-
vember 2011 [*]6


  • We haven't been through a crisis of this global order consciously ever before. And there are no experts who can
    say how you do it. The people at the top of the pyramid structures like president
    [best LoC 460] of the US or
    head of organized religion [max. LoC 570] are actually structurally impotent to do it.
    Who are we looking to? It
    turns out to be the innovators and creators and people motivated toward this emergence [LoC 600] within themselves
    and the world. I created a word for this type of person. It is 'agent of conscious evolution'. Those are the ones and they
    are everywhere and in every culture.
    Audio interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019), quoting her book Emergence. The Shift from Ego to Essence, Hampton Roads Publishing Company, 2001, revised edition 1. March 2012, part 1, Emergence, Emergencies, and Evolutionary Synthesis,
    minute 9:44, posted 21. November 2011 [*]
[*]: Audio dialog/interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019) US American futurist, champion and agent of conscious evo-
lution, running Democratic candidate for US vice presidency, 1984, co-founder and president of the "Foundation for Conscious Evo-
lution", 1990, spiritual teacher, public speaker, visionary author and Ken Wilber [LoC 490] (*1949) US American transpersonal
philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, author, Giving Birth to a Better Future, presented by
Integralspiritualexperience.com, part 1, Emergence, Emergencies, and Evolutionary Synthesis, minute 9:44, 50 minutes duration,
part 2 Conscious Evolution and the Creative Advance, 40 minutes duration, part 3, A New Vision of Humanity: Homo-Universalis,
22 minutes duration, posted 21. November 2011



Memetic gaps:

In the new millennia cherished memes are "fading rapidly."

  • In this generation we have seen the horror of deadly memes or worldviews such as Nazism, Fascism, Communism, Ethnic Cleansing, Mutually Assured Destruction (M.A.D.), and others. These complex sets of ideas or memetic codes have captured the minds of millions and have led to imprisonment, mass murder, environmental destruction, species extinction, – unimaginable suffering in the bloodiest century in the history of the world. Yet when the very people who performed these horrors are no longer under the domination of the memetic code that activated them to destructive behavior, like the German people, or Rwandans, it seems hardly be-
    lievable to them that they could have done it. When memes lose their reality they lose their power. Yet while they
    are believed they can destroy whole peoples, and eventually the life support system of planet Earth.
    Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019) US American futurist, champion and agent of conscious evolution, running Democratic candi-
    date for US vice presidency, 1984, co-founder and president of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution, 1990, spiritual teacher, public speaker, visionary author, An Evolutionary Synthesis. A New World View. Weaving Together a New Memetic Code for the Optimum Future for Humanity, PDF, Foundation for Conscious Evolution, February 2008



Upgrading the value systems, encompassing empathy

1. Money or wealth failed to bring inner peace.
2. Modern education (science) failed to bring inner peace.
3. Technology also failed to bring inner peace.
4. In the 21st century we need to promote human values, ethics, compassion and affection.
Women are more sensitive to pain or suffering of others. […]
Therefore, [women of the Western world] please take a more active role.
Video presentation by H.H. 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso [LoC 570] (*1935) Tibetan monk, leader of the Gelug or "Yellow Hat" branch of Tibetan Buddhism, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 1989, Vancouver Peace Summit 2009, presented by the Canadian broadcast television network CTV Television Network, last section of part 2 of 4, minute 14:53-17:59, Vancouver, Canada, Sunday 27. September 2009

  • The idea of the materialistic Accidental Universe, mindless, purposeless and directionless, is losing credibility among some scientists, complexity theo-
    , and cosmologists as the exquisite fine-tuning of the design of evolution toward ever greater complexi-
    ty is revealed. Theologians and scientists are joining in a quest to understand the process of evolution as a progressive, sacred expression without recourse to an external deity.
    Inevitable progress through technology is also losing its credibility. It is no longer possible to believe that increased technological knowledge in our current state of self-centered consciousness will inevitably lead to the good. The explosion of the atomic bombs and nuclear proliferation, deepening poverty and disease, plus the current environmental threats to our life support system and all species on Earth, have destroyed the idea of inevitable progress through increasing technological knowledge in the current economic system.
    Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019), An Evolutionary Synthesis. A New World View. Weaving Together a New Memetic Code
    for the Optimum Future for Humanity
    , PDF, Foundation for Conscious Evolution, February 2008



Shifting capitalism:

The end of unlimited growth in saturated rich countries has arrived.



Upgrading democracy:

Interconnecting the co-creative empathic potential worldwide via the Internet



Electing a new US president synergistic democracy

Connecting the dots via Internet

  • Right now we have oppositional democracy. We're stuck. What I am seeing is syner-
    gistic democracy
    , but it is not going to be by changing the presidency of the US. It's going to be by connecting massively of those people who want to connect and create, connecting the dots of what's working. Place it onto the Internet so that anyone anywhere can participate.
    Audio interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019), presented by the US American web radio station "The Celestine Insights", World Tipping Point, part 3 of 4, YouTube film, minute 0:16, 9:49 minutes duration, posted 7. November 2011



Word of caution:

Marx Hubbard is collaborating with and defending Marc Gafni, serial sexual predator for 40 years.

  • Men do what women want [reward]. Women attract the male shifting from the patriarchy into their own inner essence. Women are the leaders of the liberation of men. We don't reject or see men as inferior or oppressive. Men can be liberated and guided through women. Men can be liberated and guided through women. […] I have been "inseminated" logically by the ideas of great men. I have always been inspired by the great men who were evolutionaries. They were all men! I was attracted to their ideas and their seed, and
    it awakened in me the feminine co-creator. And then I became a guide to the men who were not yet evolutionaries but
    who were brilliant.
    Audio interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019) US American prolific futurist, writer, public speaker, co-founder and chair-
    person of the "Foundation for Conscious Evolution", 1990, spiritual teacher, public speaker, visionary author, "Women on the Edge of Evolution", spring 2010, cited in: Martin Ucik, German general manager, entrepreneur, integral relationship evolutionary, Integral Relationships. A Manual for Men, S. 256, singles2couples.org Publishing, 1st edition 30. July 2010


Sources featuring Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019) US American futurist, champion and agent of conscious evolution, running Democratic candidate for US vice presidency, 1984, co-founder and president of the "Foundation for Conscious Evolution", 1990, spiritual teacher, public speaker, visionary author
Literature: ► Emergence. The Shift from Ego to Essence, Hampton Roads Publishing Company, 2001, revised edition 1. März 2012
Audio and video offerings
Video interview presented by the webTV Juicy Living Tour, founder and host Lilou Macé (*1977) French-American video blogger
    (*2005), speaker, author, YouTube film, posted 10. July 2010
    • Universal Beings and Evolution, part 1 of 3, 14:38 minutes duration
    • Power of Collective Thinking to Unity Consciousness, part 2 of 3, 7:23 minutes duration
    • How to use the Power of Intention, part 3 of 3, 11:24 minutes duration
Video interview excerpted from a "Thinking Allowed" DVD, presented by the US American independent public television series
    Thinking Allowed (PBS), host Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. (*1946) US American clinical psychologist, director of the Intuition Network,
    radio and television interviewer, author, YouTube film, posted 27. August 2010
    Conscious Evolution, 7:35 minutes duration
    Planetary Birth, 8:39 minutes duration
Video interview Understanding importance of conscious evolution, presented by the webTV Juicy Living Tour, founder and host
     Lilou Macé (*1977) French-American video blogger (*2005), speaker, author, YouTube film, 38:56 minutes duration, posted
     11. February 2011
Removed audio interview World Tipping Point, presented by the US American web radio station "The Celestine Insights", YouTube film,
     part 1, 10:37 minutes duration, part 2 of 4, 12:02 minutes duration, part 3, 9:49 minutes duration, part 4, 8:01 minutes duration, posted
     7. November 2011
Removed audio presentation From Oppositional to Cooperative Politics, presented by the US American web radio station The Shift
and "Birth 2012 Catalyst", newsletter issue 12, 1:22 minutes duration, aired 7. November 2012, posted 10. November 2012
See also:
Audio and video links – ⚡ Exposing the predation of Marc Gafni
Justifications used by delinquents to rationalize their crimes

Quotes by Moir and Jessel – Brain Sex. The Real Difference Between Men and Women

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On the biology of gender, the biological differences between men and women
ChapterChapter titles
OneThe differences The truth is that virtually every professional scientist and researcher into the subject has concluded that the brains of men and women are different. There has seldom been a greater divide between what intelligent, enlightened opinion presumes – that men and women have the same brain – and what science knows – that they do not.
TwoThe·birth·of·difference It is not until six or seven weeks after conception that the unborn baby 'makes up its mind', and the brain begins to take on a male or a female pattern. What happens at that critical stage in the darkness of the womb, will determine the structure and organisation of the brain: and that, in turn, will decide the very nature of the mind. It is [...] a story largely unknown, but now, at last, beginning to unfold in its entirety.
ThreeSex in the brain What we are, how we behave, how we think and feel, is governed not by the heart, but by the brain. The brain itself is influenced, in structure and operation, by the hormones. Given that brain structure and hormones are different in men and women men and women will behave in different ways. Understan-
ding the exact relationship between brain structure, hormones and behavior would take us a long way
to discovering the answer to some of humanity's most exasperating riddles.
FourChildhood differences Each sex has a mind of its own at birth. Innate differences in brain structure mean that from infancy and through childhood, the male and female paths increasingly diverge. Biology – accentuated by social attitudes which may themselves have a biological base – makes the destiny of men and women diffe-
rent, gives them different priorities, ambitions, and behavior.
FiveThe brains come of age With the onset of puberty, the human mechanism is past the blueprint stage. Now the hormones take on their second role, fuelling, powering, and informing the brain and our subsequent behavior as human beings. [...] Before puberty, in spite of all those infant sexual differences we have already documented, girls and boys have the same kinds of hormones circulating at the same levels in their bodies. Once the hormone levels increase, however, the changes are dramatic.
In girls, at around the age of eight the level of female hormones begins to rise. [...]
The hormones of boys come on stream about two years later than girls.
SixThe ability gap Just as puberty dramatically sorts out the girls from the boys in their behavior and social attitudes, the hormones play their part in accentuating differences in mental abilities and aptitudes. The chemistry largely dictates the structure of our brains and the disposition of the functions in it. It should not be surprising, then, to find that differences in the organ of thought affect the things we choose to think
about, and how well we apply our minds to them.
SevenHearts and minds Physically, men and women are generally attracted to each other because of their differences. Ask any group of men from any culture to assess the attractiveness of a female, and they will tend to opt for the figure which curves where they are flat, is soft where they are strong and – though this may be a matter for aesthetic as much as scientific debate – swells where they are narrow. The same, in reverse, is true of women, who will tend to express a preference for men with broad shoulders tapering to narrow hips. [...] Yet in every other respect, we expect the sexes to be attracted to each other because of their similarities. Any computer-dating questionnaire will try to match intellectual like with like.
EightLike minds The hormonal theory [of sexual deviancy] would explain why sexual deviancy is so much more common in men. Men have to go through a hormonal process to change their brains from the natural female pattern present in all of us, whatever our eventual sex, from the first weeks of our life in the womb; they have to be soaked in extra male hormone and restructured – so in the process of reconstruction the chance of mistakes is much greater than in the female, who doesn't need any reconstruction of her brain.
NineThe marriage of two minds Our new knowledge of what makes us tick, and tick to different rhythms, is not of itself going to revolu-
tionise the complex design of marriage – we will present no new marital blueprint. We believe that much of the stress in this most vital of relationships stems from the misconception that men and women are essentially the same people. The contradiction between this assumption and the facts can lead to exasperation, bitterness and recrimination.
TenWhy mothers are not fathers Nothing is said to bring men and women closer to each other than the shared experience of parenthood. The truth more often is that, because of the different perspective each partner brings to it, few things more dramatically define the difference between men and women. However disappointing the fact may be to a devoted father, there is something unique in the relationship between a mother and a baby.
No known society replaces the mother as a primary provider of care.
ElevenMinds at work We live in a world where we are no longer surprised to find a female prime minister, a female judge, a female rabbi or a female pilot. But there are still remarkably few women in top jobs, considering the
large increase in the number of well-educated women. That is likely to remain the case.
TwelveBias at work The Wall Street Journal once spoke of female careers being 'sabotaged by motherhood', demonstra-
ting, in a few words, several misconceptions. First, many women do not see their retirement from the world of paid work as a disaster – home and family are a fulfilling and rewarding occupation. Secondly, motherhood is a career in itself, as any single-parent journalist will soon find out; and finally, even the most reluctant mothers, holding their new-born baby, find the notion that they have been somehow 'sa-
botaged' simply does not arise. If there is any question of sabotage, it is women who sabotage their own self-esteem. Too often they have defined career success and achievement in male terms.
Source: ► Dr. Anne Campbell, formerly Moir, US American geneticist, David Jessel, US American journalist, Brain Sex. The Real
Difference Between Men and Women
, first published by Michael Joseph, division of Penguin, 1989, Delta, 1. August 1992
Written reference: ► Article Pornography & Sexuality – Exploring the Male & Female Brains,
presented by the publication Netnanny, 23. February 2010
See also: ► Sexuality and ► Gender research


Male lust is blind. High testosterone acting on the male brain increases the narrow focus and "single-minded" approach to the "object" of his desires. After orgasm, testosterone levels subside and the male brain starts to receive a wider input of information without the "narrowing" effect of larger amounts of testosterone present during arousal.
Dr. Anne Campbell, formerly Moir, US American geneticist, David Jessel, US American journalist, Brain Sex.The Real Difference Between Men and Women, first published by Michael Joseph, division of Penguin, 1989, Delta, 1. August 1992

Ten core values for evolving women

Core virtuous behaviors embodied by maturing women
Dedicated to the creative potential of the relationship of maturing men and women
Elizabeth Debold, Ed.D. suggests women to embody the following core values:
1.Holding an evolutionary perspective Consciously evolving woman acknowledges her biological, psychological, and social condi-
tioning and draws on her true self devoted to the process of human evolution.
2.Trusting in life Witnessing woman keeps releasing control urges. She incorporates to the best of her abilities spirit, undefended innocence, dignity.
3.Taking responsibility for evolution Woman is aware of interconnectedness and cares to evolve in consciousness.
4.Realizing unity with other women Consciously evolving woman is trustingly, transparently, and passionately bonding with her sisters, taking responsibility of her programmed urge to compete with others and outshining it.
5.Being emotionally rational Conscious woman is aware of her survival impulses, developing emotional maturity by is releasing culturally programmed fears and desires.
6.Standing autonomously and not wavering Consciously evolving woman abstains from manipulative games and is cultivating simple,
gentle-straight radical sovereignty in her relationships.
7.Relinquishing sexual power Conscious woman refrains from seduction to win over. Her sexual relationships become profoundly intimate and straightforward.
8.Leading by example Willing to pioneer leadership conscious woman remains vulnerable and authentic, following
her inner guidance transparently and humbly.
9.Being trustworthy Woman devoted to a higher purpose remains honest and authentic when challenged.
10.Rejecting victimhood Responsible woman is not a victim. She cocreated history with men.
Inspired by: ► Article The Integral Relationship, presented by the dissolved US American magazine WIE? / EnlightenNext,
Elizabeth Debold, Ed.D., US American gender researcher, senior teacher of evolutionary enlightenment,
cultural commentator, senior editor of the dissolved magazine WIE / EnlightenNext (2002-2011), author, 2010
See also:Women and ► Relationship tips and ► Relationship levels and ► Dignity and ► Evolution and ► True Self and ► Trust
Interconnectedness and ► Leadership and ► Transparency and ► Humility and ► Authenticity and ► Victimhood

Fertility and intelligence

Universal factors affecting fertility rates regardless of race, religion or political leaning
༺༻Life issues of womenRemark
1.Female age at marriage The younger the female at first marriage,
the higher the rate of fertility and vice versa.
2.Female literacy and education The higher the female education, the lower
the fertility rate.
3.Female mortality rates in childbirth and infant/child mortality The higher the rates of death in childbirth, and crude
infant or child deaths, the higher the crude fertility rate.
4.Female economic participation The greater the female participation in any form of
economic activity or capacity, the lower their fertility.
5.Access to contraception
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Fertility and intelligence [Status April 2015]

The mad and belligerent Sultan and the eloqent Lady Sheherazade

A maddened sultan is broken to pieces due to the betrayal by his wife.
The fragmented token man kills her and weds maidens of the country night after night and sleighs them in the morning.
Doing so the bloodthirsty leader is bleeding out and decimating the female side of his country.


Sultan Schahrayar pardons Scheherazade

Sheherazade offers herself to be the next bride of death. And she takes her sister along as a witness and as a safe guard. At dawn Sheherazade starts to tell one of 1001 stories about other people who had been betrayed. However, she does not finish telling them.
Doing so she risks her life, her sister's life, the lives of so many other budding women in the country. Night after night it is to be seen if the king decides to keep on listening to her unfinished story.
After 1001 nights they had two children and the king was healed from belli-
gerence. He had become sane again, and the couple married in love.


  • The Sultan was blessed with wisdom and grace and could finally surrender, drop the sword of doom [...] and transcend his ingrown belligerence.
  • Sheherazade's wit, courage, patience and love had succeeded in weaving the broken king back into his true self.


* * *


  • Sheherazade represents the mythological feminine, reflecting Isis who recombined her fragmented mate Osiris.
  • She insisted on the importance of sisterhood (and informed witnes-
  • She is one of the first feminists aware of the web of ancient stories.
  • She insisted on facing off with the Sultan who was wearing the sword of doom.
  • She looked like she would be the queen of death, whereas she became the victorious queen of life.
  • She was so feminine that she saved the lives of many of her sisters and the masculine of itself
    (which sometimes is needed).
Source: ► Audio interview with Michael Meade, US American mythologist, storyteller, author of the book The world behind the world. Living at the ends of time. Mythic storytelling and the ends of time, program #3243, presented by the US American web radio station
New Dimensions, host Michael Toms, minute 32:50-41:26, 1 hour duration, aired 25. February 2008
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► Arabian folk tale One Thousand and One Nights
See also: ► Stories and ► Listening and ► Healing and ► Paradigm shift


The name Sheherazade means "born of noble people".
The Sheherazade aspect is innate in each woman and each man as the womb to give birth to itself.
As an ardent student of the mysteries Sheherazade was a great storyteller and weaver.
As an erudite woman she owned 1001 books reflecting the background to the 1001 Arabian Nights.

Note: The story plays in ancient Iraq. In modern Iraq the "Arabian Nights" have been banned and burned for being evil (i.e. pornographic).
The book is filled with love stories. People think it was within a harem where the old timeless folk tales were being told among the women.


The only way to love the world is to love the eternity in it.
Human beings are tied to the eternal unending song.

BW-Werte: Frauen und Männer / Women and men

  • BW 520 – Muttertag in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika [Stand: 30er Jahre]
  • BW 470 – Muttertag in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika [Stand: Mai 2002]
  • BW 210 – Feminismus als politische Bewegung [Ihr fehlt die Liebe und die Achtung für Frauen.]

LoC calibrations (engl.): Women's and men's issues

  • Infinity – Durga, Hindu Goddess7
  • LoC 520 – Mother's Day in the United States [Status 30ties)
  • LoC 470 – Mother's Day in the United States [Status May 2002)
  • LoC 325 – Father's Day in the United States [Status November 2010)8
  • LoC 300 – Mother's Day in the United States Drop due to commericialisation [Status November 2010]

  • LoC 425 – Position of men in the United States [Status 2004]9
  • LoC 405 – Position of women in the United States [Status 2004]10
  • LoC 405 – Position of children in the United States [Status 2004]11

  • LoC 180Misanthropy Generalized dislike, distrust, disgust, contempt, hatred of the human species / human nature
  • LoC 155-160Mysogyny Hatred or dislike of women or girls

LoC calibrations (engl.): Women

Influential female personalities (feminists, activists, teachers)

  • LoC 640Mechthild of Magdeburg (1207-1282) German medieval mystic, member of the Béguines, visionary, writer
  • LoC 530Annie Besant (1847-1933) prominent British Theosophist, second president of The Theosophical Society (1907-1933), women's rights activist, socialist, social reform worker, supporter of Irish and Indian self-rule, philanthropist, orator, writer
  • Social impact LoC 520Helen Keller (1880-1968) US American deafblind member of the Socialist Party of America, political activist for women's suffrage, labor rights, socialism, lecturer, author
  • LoC 510Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo (*1943) British Tibetan Buddhist nun in the Drukpa Lineage of the Kagyu school, Western yogini trained in the East, founder of the Dongyu Gatsal Ling Nunnery in Himachal Pradesh, India, teacher, author14
  • LoC 505Myrtle Fillmore (1845-1931) US American coeducative teacher, co-founder of Unity, a church within the New Thought movement, along with her husband Charles Fillmore
  • LoC 505Marie Curie (1867-1934) Polish-French chemist, pioneer researcher on radioactivity, first female professor, University of Paris, first twofold Nobel laureate in physics (1903) and chemistry (1911)
  • LoC –––Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019) US American futurist, champion and agent of conscious evolution, spiritual teacher, visionary author, public speaker, running Democratic candidate for US Vice presidency (1984), co-founder and president of the "Foundation for Conscious Evolution" (1990), presenting a Peace Room (World Shift Room)
  • LoC 495Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962) US American First Lady (1933-1945) supporter of her husband Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal policies, a dvocate for civil rights, enhancer of the status of working women, chairwoman of the United Nations committee that drafted and approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • LoC 485Emma Curtis Hopkins [Teacher of teachers] (1849-1925) US American New Thought organizer, primary theologian, feminist, mystic, prophet, ordaining women at the Christian Science Theological Seminary, Chicago, teacher, writer


Chisholm was supported by grassroots feminists and blacks, less by assignated leaders. Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem ran as Chisholm's delegates in New York.
Jo Freeman, Shirley Chisholm's 1972 Presidential Campaign, February 2005

  • LoC 460Evelyn Underhill (1875-1941) English Anglo-Catholic theological writer on Christian mysticism, mystic, pacifist, novelist, poet
  • Work LoC 440Alice Walker (*1944) US American feminist, political activist, poet, author, recipient of the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award
  • LoC 400Shirley Chisholm (1924-2005) US American politician, first black Democratic Congresswoman, New York (1969-1983), first major-party black US presidential candidate, educator, author
  • Loc 200 – Literature by Susan Sontag (1933-2004) US American feminist, political activist for human rights, social critic, director, literary theorist, author

  • LoC 155 – Luce Irigaray (*1930) Belgian philosopher, linguist, psychoanalyst, sociologist, cultural theorist, feminist
  • LoC 150Julia Kristeva (*1941) Bulgarian-French professor of philosophy, University Paris Diderot, literary critic, psychoanalyst, sociologist, cultural theorist, critical analyst, feminist, novelist

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins


Links zum Thema Frauen / Women



Literature (engl.)

Externe Weblinks

  • Wikipedia-Einträge Frau

External web links (engl.)

Audio- und Videolinks

Audio and video links (engl.)

Both legendary Native American leaders Hiawatha and Great Peacemaker [Deganaweda] taught that the human race was one great family.

Linkless media offerings

  • Video interview with Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz (1915-1998) Swiss Jungian psychologist, Jungian scholar, author, Marie-
    Louise von Franz speaks about the Anima in Jungian Psychology
    , excerpted from film series The Way Of The Dream, presented
    by Windrose Film, host Fraser Boa, 1983, YouTube film, 3:15 minutes duration, posted 14. January 2011

Female Jungian archetypes: Eve, Helena, Virgin Mary, Sophia (wisdom of God)

  • Audio interview with Christine Page, M.D., British mystical physician, "wisdom keeper", president of the "International Society
    for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine", speaker, author, Christine Page, the Healing Power of the Sacred Woman, presented by the US American Maryanne Live! Radio, hosts Maryanne Raynal and David Raynal, 56:11 minutes duration, star-
    ting at minute 17:17, aired April 2013

Movies and documentaries


Interne Links


Englisch Wiki



1 Englisches Original: Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, 1997

2 Sedona Seminar The Human Dilemma, 18. August 2007

3 Falsely attributed to Maya Angelou (1928-2014) US American historian, actress, producer, director, civil-rights activist, educator, playwright, poet, bestselling black author

4 See Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique, published 1963. This book made known the term "sexism" known to the public debate and as a consequence issued laws to strenghten women's position in society

5 Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019) US American futurist, champion and agent of conscious evolution, running Democratic candidate for US vice presidency, 1984, co-founder and president of the "Foundation for Conscious Evolution", 1990, spiritual teacher, public speaker, visionary author, Barbara Marx Hubbard's Vice-Presidential Nomination Speech in 1984, YouTube film, 11:43 minutes duration, posted 24. March 2019

6 Audio interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard, presented by Craig Hamilton, US American pioneer in the emerging field of evolutionary spirituality, senior editor of magazine WIE (1998-12/2006), YouTube film, 9:52 minutes duration, 15. August 2010

7 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 383, 2005

8 Presentation by Dr. David R. Hawkins, The Quest for Spiritual Truth, sponsored by "Celebrate Your Life" conference, Mishka Productions, Phoenix, Arizona, 7. November 2010

9 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 95, 2005

10 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 95, 2005

11 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 95, 2005

12 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 94, 2005

13 Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 224, 2008

14 Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo spent twelve years living in a remote cave in the Himalayas, three of those years in strict meditation retreat.

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