Hawkins / Frauen
Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)
Mariä Verkündigung, Paris, Musée d'Orsay |
Die einzige Rettung für Frauen aus der Unterschicht oder einer anderen Kultur |
Frauen und das Weibliche sind ein Ausdruck und Geschenk des Göttlichen.
Hawkins empfiehlt den Gender-Klassiker von John Gray, Männer sind anders. Frauen auch, Goldmann Verlag, 1. Mai 1993 zu lesen1, um die Rolle der Frau und des Weiblichen sowie die Rolle des Mannes und des Männlichen besser nachvollziehen zu können.2
2006, dreizehn Jahre später, vertiefte die US-amerikanische Neuropsychiaterin und populärwissenschaftliche Erfolgsautorin Dr. Louann Brizendine die Genderforschung mit zwei aufklärenden Büchern zur biologischen und kulturell inkorporierten Ausstattung der Geschlechter. Brizendine bewegt sich auf dem schmalen Grat der politischen Unkor-
Personal avowals in respect to women, femininity, emotions
Capitalism [LoC 340] is paternalistic.
Each one gets what they've worked for.
Socialism [LoC 305] is maternalistic.
Benefits are equally shared.
Facing their dark past
Persönliche Bekenntnisse
Loye bezieht sich auf seine Lebensgefährtin Dr. Riane Eisler (*1931) österreichstämmige US-amerikanische Makrokulturhistorikerin, Soziologin, Evolutionstheoretikerin, Partnerschaftsforscherin, Sozialaktivistin, Referentin und Autorin.
The Gospel of Thomas, translated by Thomas O. Lambdin, 50-140 AD (1945)
Personal avowals
Susan Sontag: "Institutionalized violence"
Benito Mussolini: "The marriage of corporations and government"
Matthew Fox: An always patriarchal and anti-women commitment to obedience
Future outlook
Article When Woman Is Boss: Nikola Tesla on Gender Equality and How Technology Will Unleash Women’s True Potential, Brainpickings, 10. July 2015
Conference Mobilizes Faith Groups to Advance Women's Rights, 28. June 2013
Fraternity ⇔ patriarchy
Feminist/masculinist movements are liberating democracy from patriarchy.
Since age 18 humorous visionary physician Adams promotes "a revolution of love and compassion".
Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique (1963) made the term "sexism" known to the public debate and as a consequence issued laws to strenghten women's position in society
Literary quotes
The next step in human evolution is dignified gender parity.
Book reference: Excerpted from Moving Beyond Words, S. 32-69, 1994, and E.D. Nelson, and B. Robinson, chapter 2, S. 52-73, Gender in Canada. Prentice-Hall, Toronto, Canada, 1999
See also: ► Violence: Quotes by Gloria Steinem and ► Quotes by Gloria Steinem on female issues |
Personal avowals
Women-friendly Socrates mentored Plato, the father of Western philosophy.
Rousseau, the proponent of "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!" for men denied liberty and equality to women.
Rousseau was in denial of Madame Curie's Nobel awards.
See also: Arthur Schopenhauer, Essays and Aphorisms, Penguin, 1970, paperback edition 26. August 1976
Literary quotes
US American Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019) is a political scientist, a noted futurist, champion and agent of the consciousness evolution, the co-founder and president of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution since 1990. As a spiritual tea-
cher, visionary public keynote speaker and author of six books, she has become internationally known. At age 15, in 1945, when the atomic bombs were dropped
on Japan, she was struck and started to ask deep questions.
A pioneering female soul awakening for human evolution while raising five children in the 50ties, Marx Hubbard fell into a depression feeling a failure to the The Ame-
rican Dream. Her Freudian analyst dismissed her quest for liberation accompa-
nied by the inner urge to communicate on a grander scale as 'a neurotic expres-
sion of a depressed housewife'.
Reading books and subsequently mailing out a series of 1,000 letters to authors, thought leaders, priests, the Pope, presidents, she found that many avoided her questions. Raised within a materialistic, secular, agnostic frame, she found her father tyrannical, her parents removed, her husband patriarchal, her lovers domi-
nating. She didn't dare to tell her husband the truth about herself. They got divorced eventually.
Due to a lack of living female role models to whom she could relate Marx Hubbard skipped the phase of feminism [LoC 330] altogether. So eventually she turned within.
Her male inspirators Jesus, St. Paul, Sri Aurobindo, Teilhard de Chardin, Abraham Maslow and Buckminster Fuller guided her to enter the spiritual path.
Hubbard's first teacher ⚡ Dr. Jonas Salk called her out as an "evolutionary mutant" and encouraged her to embrace her vocation to become a visionary moving into the public arena.
Educator and author Shirley Chisholm [LoC 400] (1924-2005) was the first black US American Democratic Congresswoman, New York (1969-1983) and the first major-party black US presidential candidate. She was supported by grassroots feminists and blacks, less by assignated leaders. Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem ran as Chisholm's delegates in New York.
In 1984 she ran unsuccessfully for the US vice presidency as a female candidate for the Democratic Party. Her vision was to establish a Peace Room in the White House, just as sophisticated as the existing War Room. In front of the audience of the Democratic National Convention, she gave a speech solely to the universe. Nobody took her seriously, neither as a person nor as a viable candidate in the 80ties.5
Marx Hubbard sees the current worldwide crisis as the birth of humanity into nonlinear connectivity where people feel inspired to act as a cocreating species. So, she is calling forth December 22, 2012 as the day of emergence [LoC 600] to convergence within a World Shift Room.
* * *
Inspiring female role models (for becoming an evolutionary woman)
Male inspirators (for becoming an evolutionary woman)
BMH's first teacher Salk inspired her to become a visionary. She overcame the idea to be 'just a neurotic depressive housewife'. (See Freud.)
Male inspirators and practical supporters (for becoming an evolutionary woman) (personal contacts)
NDW wrote a book on BMH's conscious evolution for 50 years. Invited for lunch Maslow was the first to respond to BMH's 1000 letter series and met with her.
Bucky Fuller has called BMH "the best informed human now alive regarding futurism and the foresights it has produced."
In 1952 BMH asked president Dwight D. Eisenhower personally: 'What is the meaning of our new power that is good?' He had no idea how to answer her question.
BMH sent a letter to the Pope asking him on the influence of Christ's ascencion [noosphere] on the evolution of biology [biosphere].
Male leaders inept to respond to the new paradigm (in person / via letter)
Viewing women's liberation as a "neurotic expression", Freud did not fathom 'what women truly want'.
Male despirator (enhancing the hesitation to become an evolutionary woman)
* * *
In the new millennia cherished memes are "fading rapidly."
1. Money or wealth failed to bring inner peace.
2. Modern education (science) failed to bring inner peace.
3. Technology also failed to bring inner peace.
4. In the 21st century we need to promote human values, ethics, compassion and affection.
Women are more sensitive to pain or suffering of others. […]
Therefore, [women of the Western world] please take a more active role.
Video presentation by H.H. 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso [LoC 570] (*1935) Tibetan monk, leader of the Gelug or "Yellow Hat" branch of Tibetan Buddhism, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 1989, Vancouver Peace Summit 2009, presented by the Canadian broadcast television network CTV Television Network, last section of part 2 of 4, minute 14:53-17:59, Vancouver, Canada, Sunday 27. September 2009
The end of unlimited growth in saturated rich countries has arrived.
Interconnecting the co-creative empathic potential worldwide via the Internet
Connecting the dots via Internet
Marx Hubbard is collaborating with and defending Marc Gafni, serial sexual predator for 40 years.
Sources featuring Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019) US American futurist, champion and agent of conscious evolution, running Democratic candidate for US vice presidency, 1984, co-founder and president of the "Foundation for Conscious Evolution", 1990, spiritual teacher, public speaker, visionary author Literature: ► Emergence. The Shift from Ego to Essence, Hampton Roads Publishing Company, 2001, revised edition 1. März 2012 Audio and video offerings ► Video interview presented by the webTV Juicy Living Tour, founder and host Lilou Macé (*1977) French-American video blogger (*2005), speaker, author, YouTube film, posted 10. July 2010 • Universal Beings and Evolution, part 1 of 3, 14:38 minutes duration • Power of Collective Thinking to Unity Consciousness, part 2 of 3, 7:23 minutes duration • How to use the Power of Intention, part 3 of 3, 11:24 minutes duration ► Video interview excerpted from a "Thinking Allowed" DVD, presented by the US American independent public television series Thinking Allowed (PBS), host Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. (*1946) US American clinical psychologist, director of the Intuition Network, radio and television interviewer, author, YouTube film, posted 27. August 2010 Conscious Evolution, 7:35 minutes duration Planetary Birth, 8:39 minutes duration ► Video interview Understanding importance of conscious evolution, presented by the webTV Juicy Living Tour, founder and host Lilou Macé (*1977) French-American video blogger (*2005), speaker, author, YouTube film, 38:56 minutes duration, posted 11. February 2011 ► Removed audio interview World Tipping Point, presented by the US American web radio station "The Celestine Insights", YouTube film, part 1, 10:37 minutes duration, part 2 of 4, 12:02 minutes duration, part 3, 9:49 minutes duration, part 4, 8:01 minutes duration, posted 7. November 2011 ► Removed audio presentation From Oppositional to Cooperative Politics, presented by the US American web radio station The Shift Network and "Birth 2012 Catalyst", newsletter issue 12, 1:22 minutes duration, aired 7. November 2012, posted 10. November 2012 |
See also: ► Audio and video links – ⚡ Exposing the predation of Marc Gafni ► Justifications used by delinquents to rationalize their crimes |
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Source: ► Dr. Anne Campbell, formerly Moir, US American geneticist, David Jessel, US American journalist, Brain Sex. The Real Difference Between Men and Women, first published by Michael Joseph, division of Penguin, 1989, Delta, 1. August 1992 |
Written reference: ► Article Pornography & Sexuality – Exploring the Male & Female Brains, presented by the publication Netnanny, 23. February 2010 |
See also: ► Sexuality and ► Gender research |
Inspired by: ► Article The Integral Relationship, presented by the dissolved US American magazine WIE? / EnlightenNext, Elizabeth Debold, Ed.D., US American gender researcher, senior teacher of evolutionary enlightenment, cultural commentator, senior editor of the dissolved magazine WIE / EnlightenNext (2002-2011), author, 2010 |
See also: ► Women and ► Relationship tips and ► Relationship levels and ► Dignity and ► Evolution and ► True Self and ► Trust ► Interconnectedness and ► Leadership and ► Transparency and ► Humility and ► Authenticity and ► Victimhood |
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► Fertility and intelligence [Status April 2015] |
A maddened sultan is broken to pieces due to the betrayal by his wife.
Sheherazade offers herself to be the next bride of death. And she takes her sister along as a witness and as a safe guard. At dawn Sheherazade starts to tell one of 1001 stories about other people who had been betrayed. However, she does not finish telling them.
* * *
Source: ► Audio interview with Michael Meade, US American mythologist, storyteller, author of the book The world behind the world. Living at the ends of time. Mythic storytelling and the ends of time, program #3243, presented by the US American web radio station New Dimensions, host Michael Toms, minute 32:50-41:26, 1 hour duration, aired 25. February 2008 |
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► Arabian folk tale One Thousand and One Nights |
See also: ► Stories and ► Listening and ► Healing and ► Paradigm shift |
The only way to love the world is to love the eternity in it. |
Influential female personalities (feminists, activists, teachers)
Chisholm was supported by grassroots feminists and blacks, less by assignated leaders. Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem ran as Chisholm's delegates in New York.
Jo Freeman, Shirley Chisholm's 1972 Presidential Campaign, February 2005
Links zum Thema Frauen / WomenLiteratur
Literature (engl.)
Externe Weblinks
External web links (engl.)
Audio- und Videolinks
Audio and video links (engl.)
Both legendary Native American leaders Hiawatha and Great Peacemaker [Deganaweda] taught that the human race was one great family.
Linkless media offerings
Female Jungian archetypes: Eve, Helena, Virgin Mary, Sophia (wisdom of God)
Movies and documentaries |
Englisch Wiki
1 Englisches Original: Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, 1997 ⇑
2 Sedona Seminar The Human Dilemma, 18. August 2007 ⇑
3 Falsely attributed to Maya Angelou (1928-2014) US American historian, actress, producer, director, civil-rights activist, educator, playwright, poet, bestselling black author ⇑
4 See Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique, published 1963. This book made known the term "sexism" known to the public debate and as a consequence issued laws to strenghten women's position in society ⇑
5 Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019) US American futurist, champion and agent of conscious evolution, running Democratic candidate for US vice presidency, 1984, co-founder and president of the "Foundation for Conscious Evolution", 1990, spiritual teacher, public speaker, visionary author, Barbara Marx Hubbard's Vice-Presidential Nomination Speech in 1984, YouTube film, 11:43 minutes duration, posted 24. March 2019 ⇑
6 Audio interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard, presented by Craig Hamilton, US American pioneer in the emerging field of evolutionary spirituality, senior editor of magazine WIE (1998-12/2006), YouTube film, 9:52 minutes duration, 15. August 2010 ⇑
7 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 383, 2005 ⇑
8 Presentation by Dr. David R. Hawkins, The Quest for Spiritual Truth, sponsored by "Celebrate Your Life" conference, Mishka Productions, Phoenix, Arizona, 7. November 2010 ⇑
9 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 95, 2005 ⇑
10 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 95, 2005 ⇑
11 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 95, 2005 ⇑
12 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 94, 2005 ⇑
13 Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 224, 2008 ⇑
14 Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo spent twelve years living in a remote cave in the Himalayas, three of those years in strict meditation retreat. ⇑