
Wiki / Bewusstsein








The consciousness of mankind is one and not truly divisible. Each person has a responsibility to achieve this and nothing else. There is no other way
out. That is absolutely what has to be done and nothing else can work.

David Bohm (1917-1992) theoretical quantum physicist



Was ist Bewusstsein?

Was ist Bewusstsein ist eine der spannendsten Fragen, die im 3. Jahrtausend von Natur- und Geisteswissenschaftlern gestellt und erforscht wird. Ungeachtet der rasanten Fortschritte in den Neurowissenschaften gibt es auch im Jahr 2010
noch keine allgemeine Übereinstimmung darüber, was Bewusstsein letztlich ist.

Definitionsansätze von Bewusstsein

Die Definitionspalette des Begriffs Bewusstsein reicht von der schlichten wörtlichen Erklärung

Bewusstsein ist das Wissen über das Ich Bin.

über die Idee der fünf schätzebringenden Geister des chinesischen Feng Shui

  1. Yi – Bewusstsein
  2. Shen – Geist
  3. Zhi – Wille
  4. Hun – Unbewusstes
  5. Po – Instinkt

bis hin zu komplizierten Konstruktionen wie die des Bewusstseins als Eigenschaft kohärenter Zustände, die der deutsche Biophotonenforscher Prof. Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp erforscht hat.
Popp benennt darin vier Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten des Bewusstseins:

  1. Selbstbewusstsein,
  2. Identifikation,
  3. Vorhersage und
  4. Erinnerung oder Inspiration.


Referenz: ► Interview mit Prof. Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp (1938-2018) deutscher Quantenbiologe, Biophysiker,
Der Mensch ist ein Lichtsäuger, präsentiert von dem Magazin Naturscheck, Gastgeber Mehmet Yesilgöz,
Ausgabe März 2010; neu aufgelegt von der Publikation lebenswertes.de,14. Januar 2016


  ✣  •  ✣  •  ✣


Ende der fünfziger Jahre definierte die russisch-amerikanische Philosophin
Ayn Rand Bewusstsein als "die Fähigkeit, die Existenz wahrzunehmen".

Elemente des Bewusstseins – Fritz-Albert Popp

Vier Entwicklungselemente des Bewusstseins
༺༻Zeitelement AZeitelement PBewusstseins-Element
2.ES IST. Vergangenheit WAHRNEHMUNG
4.aES KÖNNTE GEWESEN SEIN. Möglichkeitsform Rückblickend ERINNERUNG
Seit der Aufklärung gelten Memoria und Phantasia als niedere Werkzeuge im Gegensatz zur Vernunft.


Vier Zeitfaktoren des Bewusstseins
Symbolisch darstellbar durch die...
1.Selbst-Bewusstsein Ich bin. Wechselwirkung des "ICH" als Objekt mit dem "Selbstzweifel" des Ich, dem Subjekt der Kommunikation, wobei am Ende des Dialogs eine Deckungsgleichheit der beiden Bereiche […] erreicht wird.
2.Identifikation DU bist.
ES ist.
Wechselwirkung des "DU" oder "ES" als Objekt mit den "Möglichkeiten", die sich nach Existenz des "DU" oder "ES" im Bewusstsein des "Ich" ergeben, wobei beide Bereich […] am Ende des Dialogs wieder zur Deckung gebracht werden.
3.Vorhersage Es WIRD sein. Wiederholte Wechselwirkung des "ES" als Objekt mit den "Möglichkeiten" des "Du" oder "Es" in der Vorausschau des Bewusstseins des "Ich", bis beide Bereiche […]
zur Deckung gebracht werden.
Es KÖNNTE gewesen sein.
Es KÖNNTE werden.
Wiederholte Wechselwirkung der zur aktuellen Information transformierten potenti-
ellen Information des "Es" in der Vergangenheit oder Zukunft mit der potentiellen Information des "Ich" in der Gegenwart, wobei die beiden Bereiche […] nicht zur Deckung gebracht werden können. Der Prozess endet, sobald zwischen A und P
keine engere Übereinstimmung mehr erreichbar ist.
Quelle: ► Konferenzvortrag Bewußtsein als Eigenschaft kohärenter Zustände von Prof. Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp (1938-2018) deutscher Quanten-
biologe, Biophysiker, deutscher Biophysiker, Tagung der Internationalen Stiftung für Biosynthese, Zürich, Schweiz, 5.-7. Oktober 2001
Siehe auch: ► Bewusstsein-Tabellen


Nach Ken Wilber ist Zustand ein Kurzwort für "Bewusstseinszustände".

  • Der Wachzustand, der Traumzustand und der Tiefschlaf sind natürliche und gewöhnliche Zustände, während
  • meditative und kontemplative Zustände ungewöhnlicher Art sind.


Die Hindu-Philosophie benennt drei bekannte Bewusstseinszustände: Jagrata, Swapna, Sushupti1. Es handelt sich um den Wachzustand, den Traumzustand und den traumlosen Schlaf. Der vierte Zustand wird Turiya oder Nirvikalpa genannt. Er drückt reines Bewusstsein aus.


Der indische Weise Ramana Maharshi spricht ebenfalls von drei wesentlichen Bewusstseinsebenen des Selbstes, das sie als reines formloses Gewahrsein als reiner Zeuge bestätigt:

  1. Wachzustand,
  2. Traumzustand,
  3. Tiefschlaf.

Er präzisiert es weiter mit diesem Satz:

Alles, was nicht auch im Tiefschlaf vorhanden und bezeugbar ist, ist unwirklich, das heißt, von dauerhaftem Bestand.


Siehe auch: ► Träumen und ► Gesetz 3:1Sieben Bewusstseinszustände – Rudolf Steiner

Kein Konsens in der Frage des Bewusstseins

Querschnitt einer Nautilusmuschel

Die naturwissenschaftliche Forschung legt nahe, dass es mindestens zwei Konzepte gibt, die notwendig sind für ein angemessenes Ver-
ständnis von Bewusstsein: Zustände und Stufen. Jeder Mensch, einschließlich die Kleinkinder, erfährt die drei natürlichen Bewusst-
seinszustände: Wachen, Träumen und Schlafen. Die Zustände können auch außergewöhnlich sein, wie beispielsweise in der Medi-
tation, beim schöpferischen Tagträumen oder bei Gipfelerlebnis-
. Die Entwicklung durch Stufen hindurch erlaubt dem Menschen, zeitweilige Zustände in dauerhafte Wesenszüge zu umzuwandeln.


Die Frage, ob Bewusstsein im Gehirn oder außerhalb des Gehirns angesiedelt ist, ist eine wesentliche Frage der Neurowissenschaftler. Ein sehr hoher Prozentsatz der Forscher weigert sich, die zweite Möglichkeit auch nur theoretisch zu erlauben. Dies ist der Grund, weshalb sie nur Erfolge vorweisen können, die in den Rahmen des eigenen geistigen Horizonts passen. Dies gilt für das Leben und die Forschung allgemein und ganz besonders für die Entschlüsselung des Phänomens Bewusstsein, für das bisher noch nicht einmal eine konsensuell bestätigte Definition vorliegt.

Globales Bewusstseinsprojekt – Princeton in New Jersey

Global Consciousness Project – so nennt Prof. Roger Nelson seinen Großversuch mit weltweit aufgestellten 37 bis knapp 70 Zufallsgeneratoren, die stets dann reagieren, wenn weltweit Aufsehen erregende Ereignisse stattfinden. Bei der Beerdigung von Prinzessin Diana und der Bombardierung Jugoslawiens durch die NATO wurden flächendeckend in der Bevölkerung starke Emotionen ausgelöst. Die Generatorenmesswerte, eine Art EEG der Erde und des globalen Be-
wusstseins, zeichneten während dieser Ereignisse eine deutlich abweichende Kurve zu Normalbedingungen auf.


Ein Wissenschaftler des Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR-Institutes) der Princeton Universität in New Jersey hat die Zufallsgeneratoren aufgrund ihrer eiförmigen Blechhülle Ei genannt. In ihnen messen Geigerzähler die Zer-
fallsimpulse von radioaktivem Strontium und übersetzen sie in ein binäres Zahlensystem für den perfekten Zufall. Norma-
lerweise erscheinen die Nullen und Einsen gleich häufig. Ihr Verlauf wird graphisch als schwache Zick-Zack-Kurve entlang
der horizontalen Achse dargestellt.

  • Gegen acht Uhr morgens am 11. September 2001 stellte ein wissenschaftlicher Assistent des PEAR-Institutes ver-
    wundert fest, dass die "Zufallskurve" der Nacht von den normalen Werten abwich. Als das entführte Flugzeug Boing 767 der American Airlines um 8:45 Uhr in den Nordturm des World Trade Centers einschlug, waren die Ausschläge auf der Princetoner Messskala signifikant erhöht und steigerten sich in den Folgestunden mit jedem weiteren Unglück des 11. Septembers noch mehr.


Written and audio sources:
Roger Nelson, Ph.D., Holger Boesch, Emil Boller, York Dobyns, Joop Houtkooper, Arnold Lettieri, Dean Radin, Ph.D. (*1952)
      US American senior scientist of Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), researcher in parapsychology, author, Linda Russek,
      Gary Schwartz, Jerry Wesch, Global Resonance of Consciousness: Princess Diana and Mother Teresa, presented by the
     Journal of Parapsychology, 1998
Dean Radin, Ph.D. (*1952) US American senior scientist of Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), researcher in parapsychology,
     author, Global Consciousness Project – Analysis for September 11, 2001, 21. September 2001
► Three audio interviews with Roger D. Nelson, Ph.D., US American experimental psychologist, director of the Global Consciousness
(GCP), an international, multi-laboratory collaboration founded in 1997 to study collective consciousness, presented by the
     suspended US American web radio station "Beyond the Ordinary", hosts Nancy Lorenz and Elena Young, each 60 minutes duration,
     aired 31. July 2007, 13. November 2007, 14. April 2008
Reference:Dr. Rollin McCraty, Global Coherence Initiative, About The Global Coherence Monitoring System
Referenzen: de.Wikipedia-Einträge Global Consciousness Project
Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR-Institut) und ► Terroranschläge am 11. September 2001
Siehe auch:Kollektive Weisheit

Zitate zum Thema Bewusstsein und Bewusstseinsforschung / Consciousness research

Zitate allgemein


  • Welches Sein muss sich bewusst sein, um zu sein? Das Bewusstsein ist doch schon eine Idee. Wer braucht das dumme Bewusstsein überhaupt? Karl Renz, deutscher NeoAdvaita-Lehrer, Retreat, Hamburg, 16. Dezember 2005



  • Wir träumen von Reisen in das Weltall: ist denn das Weltall nicht in uns?
    Die Tiefen unseres Geistes kennen wir nicht. – Nach innen geht der geheimnisvolle Weg.
    In uns oder nirgends ist die Ewigkeit mit ihren Welten, die Vergangenheit und die Zukunft.
    Die Außenwelt ist die Schattenwelt, sie wirft ihren Schatten in das Lichtreich. Jetzt scheint es uns freilich innerlich so dunkel, einsam, gestaltlos, aber wie ganz anders wird es uns dünken, wenn diese Verfinsterung vorbei, und der Schat-
    tenkörper hinweggerückt ist. Wir werden mehr genießen als je, denn unser Geist hat entbehrt.
    Novalis [Georg Philipp Friedrich Freiherr von Hardenberg] (1772-1801) deutscher Philosoph der frühen deutschen Romantik, Dichter, Schriftsteller, Novalis. Die Christenheit oder Europa und andere philosophische Schriften, 1799, S. 103, Könemann Verlagsgesell-
    schaft, Köln 1996
  • Materie ist definitiv nicht aus Materie aufgebaut. Ich be-
    trachte Bewusstsein als grundlegend. Ich betrachte Ma-
    terie als Derivat des Bewusstseins.
    Wir können nicht
    hinter das Bewusstsein gelangen. Alles, worüber wir reden, alles, was wir als existierend betrachten, setzt Bewusstsein voraus. Interview mit Max Planck (1858-1947) deutscher theo-
    retischer Physiker, Begründer der Quantentheorie, Nobelpreisträ-
    ger für Physik, 1918, präsentiert von der britischen Sonntagszeitung The Observer, S. 17, Spalte 3, 25. Januar 1931



  • Für die unbewusste Psyche scheinen Raum und Zeit relativ zu sein, das heißt, das Wissen befindet sich in einem raumzeitlichen Kontinuum, in welchem Raum nicht mehr Raum und Zeit nicht mehr Zeit ist. Wenn daher das Unbe-
    wusste ein gewisses Potential zum Bewusstsein hin entwickelt oder erhält, dann entsteht die Möglichkeit, dass Pa-
    wahrgenommen beziehungsweise «gewusst» werden können. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Schwei-
    zer Psychiater, Psychoanalytiker, Gründer einer neuen Schule der analytischen Tiefenpsychologie, Autor, Synchronizität, Akausalität und Okkultismus, S. 63, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (dtv), München, 1990, Januar 2001


  • Wissenschaft, Kunst und Ethik sind notwendige Konsequenzen eines sich entwickelnden Bewusstseins, das im Sinne einer Optimierung den Bereich der Möglichkeiten ständig erweitert und erweitern muss, um die Welt der Tatsächlich-
    keiten für die Optimierung der Kommunikation offen zu halten, und um letztlich einen Sinn anstreben zu können, un-
    abhängig davon, ob er je erkannt werden kann oder nicht.
    Dr. phil. Peter-Alexander Möller (*1954) deutscher Philosoph, Pädagoge, Autor, Medizinische Ethik im 21. Jahrhundert. Zur Anthro-
    potechnik der Menschlichkeit
    , Kühlungsborner Tagung, 12.-14. Mai 2000, Tagungsband, Norderstedt, 2001


  • Die Molekularbiologen und Gentechniker analysieren die Funktion des Gehirns. Aber ob uns das viel näher bringt an das Verständnis über das Bewusstsein, ist eine offene Frage. Es ist offen, ob das Bewusstsein nur die Funktion un-
    seres komplexen Bordcomputers ist. Es ist offen, ob Bewusstsein nur etwas materialistisch zu Verstehendes ist oder
    doch etwas mehr. Dr. Anton Zeilinger (*1945) österreichischer Professor für Physik, bekanntester experimenteller Quantenphy-
    siker der Neuzeit, Universität Wien, zitiert in: Bewußtsein und der Freie Wille. Beiträge zur philosophischen Diskussion des "Selbst", präsentiert von dem österreichischen Kulturmagazin Aurora, Sommer 2002



[Notwendigkeit einer globlen Bewusstseinsrevolution]

  • Ohne eine globale Revolution auf dem Gebiet des menschlichen Bewusstseins wird sich nichts zum Besseren ändern [...] und die Katastrophe, auf die die Welt zusteuert – der wirtschaftliche, gesellschaftliche und demographische Zusammen-
    bruch der Zivilisation – wird unvermeidlich sein. Vaclav Havel (1936-2011) tschechischer Schriftsteller, Mitglied des Club of Rome, erster postkommunistischer Präsident der Tschechoslowakei während der Samtenen Revolution (1989-1992), Präsident
    der Tschechischen Republik (1993-2003), Rede zur gemeinsamen Sitzung des US-Kongresses, Washington DC, 21. Februar 1990, Konferenzbeitrag in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, 1999


Big Forest Sea, near Plötzky, Sachsen-Anhalt
  • Der Grund dafür, dass unser fühlendes wahrnehmendes und denkendes Ich in unserem naturwissenschaftlichen Weltbild nirgends auftritt, kann leicht in fünf Worten aus-
    gedrückt werden: Es ist selbst dieses Weltbild. Es ist mit dem Ganzen identisch und kann deshalb nicht als ein Teil darin enthalten sein. [...] Bewusstsein gibt es seiner Natur nach nur in der Einzahl. Ich möchte sagen: die Gesamtzahl aller "Bewusstheiten" ist immer bloß "eins".
    Erwin Schrödinger (1887-1961) österreichischer Physiker, Wis-
    senschaftstheoretiker, Nobelpreisträger für Physik, 1933, Geist und Materie, 1958, Zsolnay Verlag, Wien, 1986


  • Bewusstsein gibt es seiner Natur nach nur in der Einzahl. Ich möchte sagen: die Gesamtzahl aller »Bewusstheiten« ist immer bloß 'eins'. Erwin Schrödinger (1887-1961) österreichischer Physiker, Wissenschaftstheoretiker, Nobelpreisträger für Physik, 1933, Geist und Materie, 1958, Kapitel 4, S. 90, Zsolnay Verlag, Wien, 1986


  • Das Wort Bewusstsein wird in meinen Augen falsch interpretiert. Im Englischen ist es das Wort consciousness, im Französischen ist es das Wort connaissance. Und das ist sehr interessant, weil das Wort connaissance bedeutet eigentlich die "gemeinsame Geburt". La naissance im Französischen ist die Geburt. Und la connaissance ist ein ge-
    meinsamer Geburtsprozess. Das heißt, ich muss mich mit Menschen verbinden auf einer tieferen Ebene, um in die-
    ses Bewusstsein zu kommen, was letztlich dann die Konnässance bedeutet. Es ist nicht von mir alleine möglich, ich
    muss mit anderen in Verbindung sein, um zu diesem Wissen – Connaissance heißt ja im Französischen Wissen
    aber eigentlich ist es das gemeinsame Geborenwerden. Und die Welt ist in einer neuen Geburtsstunde. Und das Be-
    wusstsein, was in meinem eigenen Inneren kultiviert wird, ist so dringend notwendig. Wir brauchen die Kultivierung einer inneren Kraft, und das hat natürlich eine naturwissenschaftliche Komponente.
    Videointerview mit Roland R. Ropers (*1945) deutscher Religions- und Kulturphilosoph, Etymosoph, Wegbereiter der spirituellen Sprachforschung, Seminarleiter, Publizist, Buchautor,"Leben hat keinen Anfang und kein Ende", präsentiert von der deutschen on-
    line Plattform Thanatos.TV, Gastgeber Werner Huemer, österreichischer Talkshowmoderator, Autor, YouTube Film, Minute 17:23,
    23:53 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 31. Januar 2018


  • Unser Verständnis vom Bewusstsein als Produkt des Gehirns muss neu überdacht werden. Mit dem bestehenden Begriff können wir die Ergebnisse unserer Studie nicht verstehen. Dr. Pim van Lommel (*1943) niederländischer Arzt, Kardiologe, Nahtodforscher, Leiter einer prospektiven Nahtodstudie, Referent, Autor, Nahtodesforschung: Interview mit Pim van Lommel, präsentiert von der britischen medizinischen Fachzeitschrift The Lancet, Judith Krischik, 2001


Brasilianisches Tausendblatt
  • Das Gehirn empfängt das Bewusstsein. […] Es ist möglich, dass man sein Bewusstsein, sein Selbstbewusstsein ha-
    ben kann, wenn man ein flaches EEG [Herzstillstand] hat. […] Wenn jedoch das Gehirn nicht mehr funktioniert, be-
    steht die Möglichkeit, dass das Selbstbewusstsein zusam-
    men mit dem Bewusstsein und den Erinnerungen außer-
    halb des Gehirns existiert. […] Damit sind wir gleich in der
    Quantenmechanik und bei Begriffen wie non-local inter-
    , womit gemeint ist, dass alle Ereignisse
    miteinander verbunden sind und sich gegenseitig beein-
    flussen. Dr. Pim van Lommel (*1943) niederländischer Arzt, Kardiologe, Nahtodforscher, Leiter einer prospektiven Nahtod-
    studie, Referent, Autor, Nahtodesforschung: Interview mit Pim
    van Lommel
    , präsentiert von der britischen medizinischen Fach-
    zeitschrift The Lancet, Judith Krischik, 2001


  • Wenn wir begreifen, dass wir «Bewusstheit» sind, die sich ihrer selbst bewusst wird, so sind wir auf dem Weg zur Weisheit. Akzeptieren wir diese für uns selbst, so schaffen wir eine notwendige Voraussetzung für ein gesundes
    Leben. Der Widerstand gegen die Erkenntnis, dass es nichts außer unserer eigenen Erfahrung gibt, kann der Be-
    ginn einer Krankheit sein. Folglich ist die wirkliche Behandlung einer Erkrankung erst im Verlauf der eigenen Be-
    wusstwerdung möglich.
    Robert Hall (1764-1831) englischer Theologe, Baptistenpastor, Kanzelredner der Dissenters (Andersgläubigen), Awareness
    as Healing
    ; zitiert in: Helmut Milz, Ganzheitliche Medizin, S. 161, Athenäum Verlag, Königstein/Taunus, 1985



  • Die meisten Menschen haben nach einer NTE überhaupt keine Angst mehr vor dem Tod. Durch eigene Erfahrung sind sie zu der Einsicht gelangt, dass mit dem Tod nicht alles endet und dass es ein persönliches Weiterleben gibt. So schrieb mir jemand, der eine NTE erlebt hatte:
    »Es liegt jenseits meiner Möglichkeiten, über etwas zu diskutieren, was nur der Tod beweisen kann. Für mich hat diese Erfahrung jedoch entscheidend zu meiner Überzeugung beigetragen, dass das Bewusstsein auch über das Grab hinaus Bestand hat. Dabei ist mir eines klar geworden: Zu sterben heißt nicht, tot zu sein, denn der Tod ist nur eine andere Form des Lebens.«
These von Dr. Pim van Lommel (*1943) niederländischer Arzt, Kardiologe, Nahtodforscher, Leiter einer prospektiven Nahtodstudie, Referent, Autor, Endloses Bewusstsein. Neue medizinische Fakten zur Nahtoderfahrung, S. 20, Patmos Verlag, 15. September 2009, 6. Auflage, 22. Februar 2011


  • Wenn der Mensch beginnt diese Kraft in sich zu entdecken, spielt er nie wieder die Rolle, die er früher spielte. Er kehrt nicht zurück nur um eine Reaktion auf das Leben zu sein. Von nun an ist er der Akteur des Lebens.
    Neville Goddard (1905-1972) Neugeistlehrer aus Barbedos, Autor zu den Themen Bibel, Mystik und Selbsthilfe, Daniel Daddeh, Übersetzer, Bewusstsein ist die einzige Realität. Lebenswerk [1939-1961], Selbstverlag, 6. Dezember 2019



[Bewusstsein – unverstanden und undefiniert]



Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Einträge Bewusstsein und ► Sinn und ► Das Unbewusste

Zitate zum Thema Verstehen

  • Wir verstehen nicht Verstehen, es entzieht sich uns, ent-
    schlüpft uns, denn wir merken nicht das Unglaubliche, das Rätselhafte, das Erstaunliche, das Wunderbare, das in alltäglichem Gespräch, und Reflektion vor sich geht. Erst wenn dieser Strom von Selbstverständlichkeit gestört wird, stehen wir staunend vor diesem Wunder.
    Heinz von Foerster (1911-2002) österreichischer Professor für Biophysik, Physiker, Direktor des Biological Computer Laboratory, Universität von Illinois, Philosoph des Radikalen Konstruktivis-
    , Mitbegründer der kybernetischen Wissenschaft, Autor, "Wahrnehmung gestaltet die Welt", präsentiert von dem Museum der Wahrnehmung (MUWA), undatiert


  • Was wir zumeist als "objektive" Wirklichkeit betrachten, entsteht in der Regel dadurch, dass unser eigenes Erleben von anderen bestätigt wird. Dinge, die nicht nur von uns, sondern auch von anderen wahrgenommen werden, gelten ganz allgemein, das heißt im Alltagsleben wie auch in der Epistomologie als real. Intersubjektive Wiederholung von Erleb-
    nissen liefert die sicherste Garantie der "objektiven Wirklichkeit". Ernst von Glasersfeld (1917-2010) irisch-US-amerika-
    nischer Philosoph, Kommunikationswissenschaftler, Mitbegründer des Radikalen Konstruktivismus, Autor, zitiert in: Heinz Gumin, Herausgeber, Heinrich Meier, Herausgeber, Einführung in den Konstruktivismus, S. 37, Piper, München, 1998

General quotes

Personal avowals

  • I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness. Interview with Max Planck (1858-1947) German theoretic physicist, founder of quantum theory, Nobel laureate in physics, 1918, presented by the British Sunday newspaper The Observer, S. 17, Spalte 3, column 3, 25. January 1931


  • I now firmly believe that consciousness is more than an accidental by-product of the neurophysiological and bioche-
    mical processes taking place in the human brain. I see consciousness and the human psyche as expressions and re-
    flections of a cosmic intelligence that permeates the entire universe and all of its existence. We are not just highly evol-
    ved animals with biological computers embedded inside our skulls; we are also fields of consciousness without limits,
    transcending time, space, matter, and linear causality. Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D. (*1931) Czech US American psychiatrist, consciousness researcher, co-developer of transpersonal psychology, teacher, author, The Holotropic Mind. The Three Levels
    of Human Consciousness and How They Shape Our Lives
    , S. 17-18, HarperOne, reprint edition 28. May 1993


Owl-head clover
  • As I began to love myself, I refused to continue to live in the past as well as to worry about my future. Now I only live in this moment, where EVERYTHING is taking place. In this way I am now living every day and call it consciousness.
    Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) English-born US American comedic actor, director, excerpt of a speech at his 70th birthday, 16. April 1959


  • Becoming a writer is about becoming conscious. When you're conscious and writing from a place of insight and simplicity and real caring about the truth, you have the ability to throw the lights on for your reader. He or she will recognize his or her life and truth in what you say, in the pictures you have painted, and this decreases the terrible sense of isolation that we have all had too much of. [...] Tell the truth as you understand it. If you're a writer, you have moral obligation to do this.
    Anne Lamott (*1954) US American recovering conversed alcoholic, bestselling author, Bird by Bird. Some Instructions on Writing and Life, S. 225-226, Pantheon Books, 5. May 1994, Anchor, 1st edition 1. September 1995



Faced with death and mortality

  • It's not a frivolous pursuit. [...] there's a certain amount of dread attached to taking it – you have a hallucinogenic trip that deals with death and your mortality. So it's quite an ordeal. It's not something you're going to score and a have great time on. Interview with Sting (*1951) English musician, singer-songwriter, activist, philanthropist, actor, Dunn, Jancee, presented by the biweekly US American pop culture magazine Rolling Stone, issue 26, 5. February 1998, cited in: John N. Grunwell, Ayahuasca Tourism in South America. Written for Anthropology of Tourism, University of Maryland at College Park, published in the News-
    letter of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), volume 8, issue 3, S. 59-62, autumn 1998



  • If you get into these spaces [non-ordinary states of consciousness] at all, you must forget about them when you come back. You must forget you're omnipotent and omniscient and take the game seriously so you'll engage in sex, have children, and participate in the whole human scenario. When you come back from a deep tank session – or a coma or psychosis – there's always this extraterrestrial feeling. You have to read the directions in the glove compartment so you can run the human vehicle once more. Dr. John C. Lilly (1915-2001) US American physician, neuroscientist, psychoana-
    lyst, psychonaut, philosopher, writer, E. J. Gold (*1941) US American artist, jazz musician, spiritual teacher in the "Fourth Way" tradition of G.I. Gurdjieff, author, Tanks for the Memories. Floatation Tank Talks, Gateways, Nevada City, California, 1995



  • Any science that deals with living organisms must cover the phenomenon of consciousness, because consciousness, too, is part of reality. Niels Bohr (1885-1962) Danish quantum physicist, Nobel laureate in physics, 1922, author, recorded in discussion with Heisenberg, cited in: Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976) German theoretical physicist, contributor to quantum mecha-
    nics, developer of the uncertainty principle of quantum theory, 1927, author, Physics and Beyond [Der Teil und das Ganze. Gespräche im Umkreis der Atomphysik, 1969], S. 114, Allen and Unwin, London, 1971


  • The difference between mind and brain is that brain deals only with memorized, subjective, special-case experiences and objective experiments, while mind extracts and employs the generalized principles and integrates and interrelates their effective employment. Brain deals exclusively with the physical, and mind exclusively with the metaphy-
    Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983) US American engineer, systems theorist, architect, constructor, designer, inventor, futurist, philosopher, author, Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, Southern Illinois University Press, 1968, Lars Müller, 1st edition
    15. July 2008


Future outlook

  • Consciousness means, literally, 'knowing together.' A development of consciousness would therefore mean kno-
    wing 'more together,' and so it would bring about a new relationship to everything previously known. For to know more
    always means to see things differently [...]. An increase of consciousness is likened to an increase of light. But we
    shall see eventually that an increase of consciousness does not mean only that we see with greater clarity what was
    formerly obscure. The quality is changed. For the moment, the man who experiences it himself is changed. It is not
    merely the quantity of consciousness that is altered, but its very nature. Maurice Nicoll (1884-1953) British psychiatrist, Fourth Way teacher, author, Living Time and the Integration of the Life, S. 22-23, Watkins, 1st edition 1976


  • The three states of consciousness — waking, dreaming, and deep sleep — are witnessed by turiya. This Sanskrit term means "the fourth" but it's not a state like the other three.
    Mandukya Upanishad, cited in: blog article Conscious Sleep, presented by the Freddie Yam's blog, 26. November 2015


  • That which is not present in deep (i. e. dreamless) sleep is not real.
    Assigned to Sri Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950) Indian Hindu sage, saint, cited in: Quotefancy


  • What we call civilized consciousness has steadily separated itself from the basic instincts. But these instincts have not disappeared. They have merely lost their contact with our consciousness and are thus forced to assert themselves in an indirect fashion. This may be [...] physical symptoms [...], neurosis [...], various incidents [...], moods [...] unex-
    pected forgetfulness [...] or mistakes of speech. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of
    a new school of depth psychology, author, Man And His Symbols, S. 72, 1964, Dell, 15. August 1968


  • The consciousness of mankind is one and not truly divisible. Each person has a responsibility to achieve this
    and nothing else. There is no other way out. That is absolutely what has to be done and nothing else can work.
    David Bohm (1917-1992) German-born US American British leading theoretical quantum physicist, cited in: article The Cosmic Plenum. Bohm's Gnosis. The Implicate Order, presented by the website bizint, undated



The assumption 'The brain generates consciousness' held by neuroscientists is erroneous.

  • We are conscious inspite of our brain.
    It's one of those things that goes totally against everything that I learned as a neuroscientist and coming along as an active neurosurgeon. And yet we came to realize that consciousness is a far more profound entity than I ever recognized before and that assumption that I had taken as proven for so many decades, you know that the brain generates consciousness, is wrong.
    And I had the evidence very strongly suggesting the false nature of that assumption is really going back at the advent
    of quantum mechanics, almost 100 years ago. A lot of the scientists involved in quantum mechanics like Werner Hei-
    senberg, Max Planck, Erwin Schroedinger, Niels Bohr, Albert Einstein – many of them turned to mysticism. They
    were so astonished by what their experiments told them about reality. […] Essentially […] consciousness is a crucial
    part of manifesting reality. […] We are very active participants [in the unfolding of creation].
    Audio interview with Eben Alexander III, M.D. (*1953) US American neuroscientist, neurosurgeon, near death experiencer, author, Life Beyond Death, part of The Monroe Institute Series, MP3, presented by the US American web radio station Empower Radio, program Conscious Living, host Wendy Garrett, minute 20:17, 56:00 minutes duration, aired 30. May 2012


Garden spider nested amidst of its web
  • The prevailing consensus in neuroscience is that conscious-
    ness is an emergent property of the brain and its metabolism. When the brain dies, the mind and consciousness of the be-
    ing to whom that brain belonged ceases to exist. […]
    [A]ccording to the decades-long research of Dr. Peter Fen-
    , a highly regarded neuropsychiatrist who has been studying the human brain, consciousness, and the phenome-
    non of near death experience (NDE) for 50 years, this view is incorrect. Despite initially being highly incredulous of NDEs
    and related phenomena, Fenwick now believes his extensive research suggests that consciousness persists after death.
    In fact, Fenwick believes that consciousness actually exists independently and outside of the brain as an inherent proper-
    ty of the universe itself like dark matter and dark energy or gravity.
    Hence, in Fenwick's view, the brain does not create or produce consciousness; rather, it filters it.
    Article featuring Peter Fenwick (1935-2024) British neuropsychiatrist, neurophysiologist, expert researcher on epilepsy and end-of-
    life phenomena, author, Does Consciousness Exist Outside of the Brain?, presented by the US American bimonthly magazine Psychology Today, Clifford N. Lazarus, Ph.D. 26. June 2019


  • Mystics, contrary to religionists, are always saying that reality is not two things – God and the world – but one thing, consciousness. […] The problem with science has always been that most scientists believe that science must
    be done within a different monistic framework, one based on the primacy of matter. […] Quantum physics showed us
    that we must change that myopic prejudice of scientists, otherwise we cannot comprehend quantum physics. So now
    we have science within consciousness, a new paradigm of science based on the primacy of consciousness that is gra-
    dually replacing the old materialist science. […] the new paradigm resolves many […] paradoxes of the old paradigm
    and explains much anomalous data. Interview with Amit Goswami, Ph.D. (*1936) Indian US American professor emeritus of nuclear physics, University of Oregon (1968-1997), quantum cosmologist, author, Healing Journeys, presented by the publication "Insight Directory", Suzie Daggett, 2005



Materialism [left brain] ⇔ consciousness [right brain]

  • Consciousness is the ground of all being. And then you have to realize that it's absolute and therefore no perfect definition is ever possible. So whatever people say about consciousness is okay, provided one caveat, which is that one should recognize one fundamental aspect of consciousness because this is where consciousness and materialism become different.
    • In materialism, there are only objects.
    • In consciousness, there is both subject and object. That split is most important to recognize.
All the ancient traditions, to their credit, recognize the aspect of consciousness. So if you don’t recognize it, there is serious flaw in your thinking about consciousness. Never forget that you are also a subject and that makes you a conscious being in the sense that we understand consciousness. Deleted video statement at speakers' panel by Amit Goswami, Ph.D. (*1936) Indian US American professor emeritus of nuclear physics, University of Oregon (1968-1997), quantum cosmologist, author, What is your definition of Consciousness?, sponsored by the World Congress of Quantum Medicine, Quantum University, Honolulu, Hawaii, 4-7 October 2012, YouTube film, minute 2:20, 7:55 minutes duration, posted 29. November 2012


  • What are the electrons drawing off in order to be able to keep on running? This question was originally asked by Hal Puthoff in the 70ties.
    The answer is what many people call zero-point energy, or the quantum field, or the quantum vacuum, or virtual particle flux, dark energy which is not a pleasant name for it. These are all the different names that the mainstream
    has come out with. [...]
    If you want to have your Unified field theory of physics [...] and reconcile the macro with the micro, the quantum physics with the Newtonian physics [...] and to rectify it with the mystery of how can we actually be asking the ques-
    ? Which is consciousness. [...]
    Consciousness must somehow be part of the field. [...]
    Consciousness is not simply locked within the human body and brain, but is interconnected [...] interacting with matter and energy. [...] The energy itself is conscious which is now becoming a scientifically proven fact. Audio interview with David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker, lecturer, author, Bosnian Pyramid & New Physics, presented by the US American talk radio show Coast to Coast AM, host Rob Simone, 2:36:54 duration, aired 28. December 2010


  • There exists a continuum of consciousness uniting individual minds that could be directly experienced if the psy-
    chophysical threshold of perception were sufficiently lowered through refinement in the functioning nervous system.
    William James, M.D., Ph.D. (1842-1910) US American physician, professor of psychology and philosophy, Harvard University, pragmatic author, Essay, 1898


  • Consciousness is a singular the plural of which is unknown. Erwin Schrödinger [Father of quantum mechanics] (1887-1961) Austrian physicist, theoretical biologist, Nobel laureate in physics, 1933, cited in: The Oneness of Mind, as translated in Quantum Questions. Mystical Writings of the World's Great Physicists, edited by Ken Wilber, 1984; cited in: AZ Quotes


  • To divide or multiply consciousness is something meaningless. There is obviously only one alternative, namely the unification of minds or consciousness. Their multiplicity is only apparent, in truth there is only one mind.
    Erwin Schrödinger [Father of quantum mechanics] (1887-1961) Austrian physicist, theoretical biologist, Nobel laureate in physics, 1933, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • Mind is by its very nature a singulare tantum. I should say: the over-all number of minds is just one. I venture to call it indestructible since it has a peculiar timetable, namely mind is always now. There is really no before and after for mind. There is only a now that includes memories and expectations. But I grant that our language is not adequate to express this, and I also grant, should anyone wish to state it, that I am now talking religion, not science.
    Erwin Schrödinger [Father of quantum mechanics] (1887-1961) Austrian physicist, theoretical biologist, father of quantum mecha-
    nics, Nobel laureate in physics, 1933, author, Roger Schrödinger, What is Life? With Mind and Matter and Autobiographical Sketches,
    S. 134-135, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1967, 31. January 1992


Mountain clover
  • The mystical teaching of the ‘identity’ of all minds with each other and with the supreme mind [...] is clinched by the empirical fact that consciousness is never experienced in the plural, only in the singular. Erwin Schrödinger [Father of quantum mechanics] (1887-
    1961) Austrian physicist, theoretical biologist, father of quantum mecha-
    nics, Nobel laureate in physics, 1933, author, Roger Schrödinger, What is Life? With Mind and Matter and Autobiographical Sketches, S. 140, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1967, 31. January 1992



  • Love and intimacy are the root of what makes us sick and what makes us well. I am not aware of any other factor in medicine – not diet, not smoking, not exercise, not drugs – that has a greater impact on our quality of life, incidence of illness and premature death of all causes. […] [T]he most powerful factors in health and illness – even though these ideas are largely ignored by the medical profession. S. 20 […]
    [L]ack of human contact can lead to profound isolation and illness – and even death. S. 139
    Dean Ornish, M.D. (*1953) US American clinical professor of medicine, UCSF, founder of the nonprofit Preventive Medicine Re-
    search Institute, author, Love and Survival. The Scientific Basis for the Healing Power of Intimacy, S. 20, S. 139, Harper, 1997, William Morrow Paperbacks, 1st edition 17. February 1999
    • In Love and Survival, Dean Ornish makes the point that love and intimacy are more powerful determinants
      of health than improved diet, stopping smoking, genetic make-up, more exercise, or prescription drugs.
      Article Biology's Mandate to Separate, presented by the removed website reuniting.info, Marnia Robinson, US American former corporate lawyer, researcher and author on ancient sacred-sex prescriptions, 28. July 2005


  • Consciousness is not a result of complexity. [...] The only way that consciousness can happen is that it can evolve into higher orders from ingredients that already have some degree of consciousness to begin with. Audio teleseminar with Christian de Quincey, Ph.D., US American philosopher, John F. Kennedy University, visionary speaker and author on consciousness, spirituality and cosmology, Is Consciousness Energy?, MP3, presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Library, host Dean Radin, Ph.D. (*1952) US American senior scientist of IONS, researcher in parapsychology, author, teleseminar series "Mysteries of Consciousness", minute 18:46, 1:04:52 duration, aired 6. April 2011


  • Consciousness is not energy. […] Consciousness and embodiment [made of energy], consciousness and energy, always go together. You never have one without the other. They form a unity but they are not identical. Unity does
    not equal identity.
    Consciousness is non-located, it's non-physical. Energy is located and it's physical. Energy is something that moves through space. Consciousness doesn't exist in space. […] Consciousness knows. Energy flows. Audio teleseminar with Christian de Quincey, Ph.D., US American philosopher, John F. Kennedy University, visionary
    speaker and author on consciousness, spirituality and cosmology, Is Consciousness Energy?, MP3, presented by the Institute of
    Noetic Sciences (IONS)
    , Library, host Dean Radin, Ph.D. (*1952) US American senior scientist of IONS, researcher in para-
    psychology, author, teleseminar series "Mysteries of Consciousness", minute 25:45, 1:04:52 duration, aired 6. April 2011




  • Love is defined as the fundamental state of a low entropy consciousness. It is not that a low entropy conscious-
    ness is loving. A low low entropy consciousness fundamentally is love.
    Video presentation by Thomas Campbell (*1944) US American physicist, consciousness researcher, Monroe Institute (TMI), London School of Economics, Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, part 9 of 18, YouTube film, minute 0:22, 9:00 minutes duration, filmed 22. February 2008, posted 13. April 2008



  • Consciousness precedes Being, and not the other way around, as Marxists claim. For this reason, the salvation of this human world lies nowhere else than in the human heart, in the human power to reflect, in human modesty, and in human responsibility. Without a global revolution in the sphere of human consciousness, nothing will change for the better. Vaclav Havel (1936-2011) Czech dissident, first postcommunist President of the Czech Republic (1993-2003) and during
    the Velvet Revolution (1989-1992), poet, playwright, essayist, The Art of the Impossible. Politics as Morality in Practice, Alfred A. Knopf, 1st edition 20. May 1997



The Western bias



Metrosideros umbellata, Botanical Garden, San Francisco




Altering consciousness by DMT

  • So here are people without electronic microscopes who choose, among some 80,000 Amazonian plant species, the leaves of a bush containing a hallucino-
    genic brain hormone
    , which they combine with a vine containing substances that inactivate an enzyme, which would otherwise block the hallucinogenic effect. And they do this to modify their consciousness.
    Jeremy Narby (*1959) Swiss-Canadian anthropologist, author, The Cosmic Serpent. DNA and the Origins of Knowledge, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, 5. April 1999; Gregory Lessing Garrett, One Deception to Rule Them All, S. 319, Gregory Lessing Garrett Publishing, 2018


  • [We are] always already in a shared context. […] The question of whether a person is in fact a conscious person is always a moral question before it is a question about our justification to believe […] A detached perspective […] is incompatible with the more intimate, engaged perspective that we actually take up to each other. […] For what we bearers of consciousness are […] depends on where we are and what we can do. Alva Noë, Ph.D. (*1964) US American professor of philosophy, cognitive scientist, theorist on perception and consciousness, UC Berkeley, Out of Our Heads. Why You Are Not Your Brain, and Other Lessons from the Biology of Consciousness, Hill and Wang, 1st edition 17. February 2009



Brain connectivity

The brain has about 100 billion neurons arranged in hierarchical and combinatoric neuronal connections.

  • It has been calculated that less than one hundred neurons are sufficient to distinguish one out of thousands of faces in a robust manner. Considering that there are around 100,000 cells below a square millimeter of cortex, the potential representational capacity of any one cortical region is enormous.
    Christof Koch (*1956) US American neuroscientist, foreword by Francis Crick, The Quest for Consciousness. A Neurobiological Approach, Roberts & Company Publishers, 1st edition March 2004

Neurons ⇔ consciousness – Before he died world famous Francis Crick was trying to show that consciousness arises from a neurological function. This is an erroneous approach as it is consciousness that sparks neuronal activity. Neuronal activity doesn't create consciousness. The etheric brain activates the energy within the neurons not vice-versa. The effect of the electromagnetic
field on a wire is to create electricity or else magnetism. The nervous system acts by induction.



Summarized examples from physics, biology, chemistry and neuroscience to illustrate synchrony ("sync")

  • Fireflies of certain species start flashing their little fires in sync in large gatherings of fireflies, in ways that can be difficult to explain under traditional approaches.
  • Large-scale neuron firing can occur in human brains at specific frequencies, with mammalian consciousness thought to be commonly associated with various kinds of neuronal synchrony.
  • Lasers are produced when photons of the same power and frequency are emitted together.
  • The moon's rotation is exactly synced with its orbit around the Earth such that we always see the same face.
Stephen Strogatz (*1959) US American professor of mathematics, Cornell University, author, Sync. How Order Emerges from Chaos in the Universe, Nature, and Daily Life, 2003, Hachette Books, reprint paperback edition 14. April 2004


  • "Panpsychism" – the view that all matter has some associated consciousness – is an increasingly accepted position with respect to the nature of consciousness.
    The panpsychist argues that consciousness (subjectivity) did not emerge; rather, it's always associated with matter,
    and vice versa (they are two sides of the same coin), but mind as associated with most of the matter in our universe
    is generally very simple. An electron or an atom, for example, enjoy just a tiny amount of consciousness. But as mat-
    ter "complexifies," so mind complexifies, and vice versa.
    Article The Hippies Were Right: It's All about Vibrations, Man! A new theory of consciousness, presented by the US American popular science magazine Scientific American, Tam Hunt, US American practicing lawyer, 5. December 2018


  • Consciousness, not matter is the ground of all existence. […] The universe is self-aware and that consciousness creates the pysical world. If ordinary people really knew that consciousness and not matter is the link that connects us with each other and the world, then their views about war and peace, environmental pollution, social justice, religious values, and all other human endeavors would change radically. Amit Goswami, Ph.D. (*1936) Indian US American professor emeritus of nuclear physics, University of Oregon (1968-1997), quantum cosmologist, author, first presented by the online publication The Quantum Activist, cited in: Richard C. Michael, Ph.D., I Am That I Am, Book 2, S. 132 Booktango, 2013


References: en.Wikiquote entries Consciousness and ► Awareness

Literary quotes

  • Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious. George Orwell [Eric Arthur Blair] (1903-1950) English journalist, essayist, writer, Nineteen Eighty-Four, part 1, section 7,
    Secker and Warburg, London, 8. June 1949

Quotes by Daniel Siegel


Missing definition of the mind in health professions



Definition of the mind

  • The mind is an embodied and relational process that regulates the flow of energy and integration.
    Video presentation by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. drdansiegel.com (*1957) US American clinical professor of psychiatry, UCLA, co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center, UCLA, executive director of the Mindsight Institute, educator, author, Definition of the Mind, book launching at "Mindsight", Santa Monica, California, 13. January 2010, YouTube film, minute 00:50, 2:18 minutes duration, posted by the Mindsight Institute 11. February 2010



Revised definition of the mind



Definition of the mindfulness



Effects of mindfulness

Synchronisation of brain hemispheres, improvement of relationships

  • Mindfulness practices support the balancing between the emotional right brain with the logical left brain.
    Mindfulness practices serve to drastically improve relationships, moods and outlooks on life. Video presentation by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. drdansiegel.com (*1957) US American clinical professor of psychiatry, UCLA, co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center, UCLA, executive director of the Mindsight Institute, educator, author, Integrating the Two Hemispheres of Our Brains, presented by the psychology channel PsychAlive, YouTube film, 3:43 minutes duration, posted 17. December 2009


Mount Cook, Southern Alps, New Zealand, September 2006
  • Traditionally, scientists have tried to define the mind as the product of brain activity: The brain is the physical substance, and the mind is the conscious product of those firing neurons, according to the classic argument. But growing evidence shows that the mind goes far beyond the physical workings of your brain.
    [O]ur mind cannot be confined to what’s inside our skull, or even our body, according to a definition first put forward by Dan Siegel, a professor of psychiatry at UCLA School of Medicine and the author of a recently published book, Mind. A Journey to the Heart of Being Human.
    [O]ur mind extends beyond our physical selves. In other words, our mind is not simply our perception of experiences, but those experiences themselves. […] It’s impossible to completely disentangle our subjective view of the world from our interactions.
    And Siegel says integration – whether that's within the brain or within society – is the foundation of a healthy mind. "In
    our modern society we have this belief that mind is brain activity and this means the self, which comes from the mind, is separate and we don’t really belong. But we're all part of each others' lives. The mind is not just brain activity. When we realize it's this relational process, there's this huge shift in this sense of belonging."
    Definition of mind by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. drdansiegel.com (*1957) US American clinical professor of psychiatry, UCLA, co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center, UCLA, executive director of the Mindsight Institute, educator, author, cited in: article Scientists say your "mind" isn't confined to your brain, or even your body, presented by the US American online portal Quartz, Olivia Goldhill, 24. December 2016

Englische Texte – English section on Consciousness

Nine integrative functions of the middle prefrontal cortex – Daniel Siegel

The middle prefrontal circuits of the brain may carry out the so called vertical integration
by interlinking body-proper, brainstem, limbic circuits, and cortex.
Fibers physically connect somatic and vertically distributed neural structures with one another.
Various independent basic brain research studies have shown that
the middle prefrontal areas are crucial for generating the following nine aspects of life


Interlinked integrative processes in the middle prefrontal cortex
1.Body·regulation Balancing the sympathetic (accelerator) and parasympathetic (brakes) branches of the autonomic nervous system
2.Attuned·communication Enabling one to tune into others’ states and link minds
3.Emotional balance Permitting the lower limbic regions to become aroused enough so life has meaning, but not too aroused to become flooded
4.Fear extinction Neutralizing the effects of being traumatized
Physiological process: GABA (inhibitory neurotransmitter) fibers project down to the amygdala
and enable fearful responses to be calmed.
5.Response flexibility Enabling one to pause before acting [foregoing "knee-jerk" reactions] and inhibit impulses allowing time to reflect on the various options for response
6.Empathy Considering the mental perspective of another person
7.Insight Self-knowing awareness, the gateway to one's autobiographical narratives and self-understanding, connecting the past, present and future
8.Morality The capacity to consider of the larger good, and to act on pro-social ideas, even when alone, requires
an intact middle prefrontal region of the brain.
9.Intuition   Embodied
Inspiration   Inspirited
Being aware of the input of one's body, especially information from the neural networks surrounding intestines ("gut feeling") and one's heart ("heartfelt feelings") enables one to be open to the wisdom of
the non-conceptual Self
Sources adapted from Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. drdansiegel.com (*1957) US American clinical professor of psychiatry, UCLA, co-director
of the Mindful Awareness Research Center, UCLA, executive director of the Mindsight Institute, educator, author
► Article An Interpersonal Neurobiology Approach to Psychotherapy: Awareness, Mirror Neurons, and Neural Plasticity in the Development
     of Well-Being
, presented by the publication proquest, David Siegel, 15. October 2007, updated 26. January 2010
► Video presentation Goldie Hawn and Dan Siegel, presented by TEDMED Talks 2009, YouTube film, 19:00 minutes duration,
     posted 3. May 2010
Listing the nine integrative functions of the middle prefrontal cortex  Minute 15:30Brain hygiene practice for neural integration  Minute 16:30
See also: ► Neuroscience

Brain myths debunked

Brain myths ⇔ brain facts
༺༻MythFact ––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Remark
1.Humans use only
10% of their brains.
During a whole day the entire brain is used on and off.
Born with 200 billion neurons inactive neurons are already dying off in children.
Left with 100 billion neurons adults keep replacing neurons (obsolete beliefs) with neural pathways that carry meaningful beliefs for the individual.
2.There are right-brain and left-brain personalities and features. Both hemispheres are needed, intricately interconnected, and share constantly information. Certain brain areas (music, math, sports, language) may be predominant. Damaged brain areas can be compen-
Brain-entrainment strategies can enhance the neural coherence and exchange between the hemispheres.
3.Older brains slow down. Yes, and neuroplasticity increases with age. Information overload may trigger stress (confusion, anxiety). Distress is an influential factor of neurogenerative diseases.
4.Video brain games improve cognition. Brain games train the memory in general, not the practical capacity, of elderly people with cognitive decline. Exercise, healthy diet, humour, meaningful work, intense intellectual and social stimula-
tion keep the brain upbeat.
5.EEG readings indicate health improvements. Possibly. Different brain activities generate various brainwave frequencies locally. Brainwave frequencies can consciously be altered in certain regions, as shown by biofeedback and neurofeedback devices. New brain-probing devices prove that certain brain areas simultaneously generate ever changing different frequencies also when one performs repetitive actions. Brain training works through concentration
and relaxation, not by keeping up specific frequencies.
Written references:
► Article 5 Common Myths about the Brain, presented by the US American popular science magazine Scientific American, 1. January 2015
► Article 10 Brain Myths Busted, presented by the publication Popular Science, 2. November 2015
► Blog article 8 Myths About the Brain. Separating Facts From Fictions, presented by the publication verywellmind, Kendra Cherry,
     2. April 2020

Human mind in waking and dreaming state

Brain scanning the human mind
Mind partFreud's termStatus of neuroscientific research
Unconscious·mindId The brain in motion shows that much of its activity is unconscious.
Desires, libidoId The pleasure center is located at the center of the brain.
EgoEgo The seat of the personality is basically the prefrontal cortex, right behind the forehead.
ConscienceSuperego The orbital frontal cortex is right behind the eyes. It can be seen in motion.
Dreaming  During sleep brain scans can track the status of the (very primitive) control center at the back of the brain. In the dream state the amygdala governing fear and emotions is active. Both the prefrontal cortex and the orbital frontal cortex (fact checker) are basically shut off (quiet).
Lucid dreaming2Directing one's dreams Neuroscientific research finds lucid dreaming testable, reproducible, and legitimate.
Sources featuring Michio Kaku, Ph.D. (*1947) Japanese US American leading theoretical physicist, University of New York, co-founder of string field theory, popular "communicator" of science, futurist, author
Book The Future of the Mind. The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind, Doubleday, 25. February 2014
Narrated article This is Your Brain on Dreams, with Michio Kaku, presented by the US American web portal Big Think, 3:00 minutes
     duration, 14. October 2014
Reference: ► Blog article How To Lucid Dream And 7 Ways It Will Change Your Life,
presented by the Mindvalley Academy Blog, 20. January 2020
See also: ► Dreaming and ► Neuroscience and ► Conscience and ► Unconscious and ► Sigmund Freud


Links zum Thema Bewusstsein und Bewusstseinsforschung / Consciousness research


Literature (engl.)

See also: Bicameralism (psychology)

en.Wikipedia: The Cosmic Serpent, The Cosmic Serpent. DNA and the Origins of Knowledge

Externe Weblinks

Aus einer separierten Eichel wird ein Eich-Baum

Linklose Artikel

  • Artikel Das Bewusstsein. Nur Funken der Neuronen? Die Wissenschaft auf der Suche nach dem Geheimnis unseres Geistes, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Craig Hamilton, US-amerikanischer Pionier in emer-
    gierender evolutionärer Spiritualität, Chefredakteur des aufgelösten Magazins WIE / EnlightenmentNext (1998-12/2006), Heft 17, 2005

External web links (engl.)

Between quantum physics and neuroscience, a theory emerges of a mental field we each have, existing in another dimension and behaving
in some ways like a black hole

Linkless articles

  • Article You Are More Than Your Brain: A Revolutionary Theory of Consciousness, presented by the USC Annenberg "Religion dispatches", John Stoehr, 19. October 2009

Web links on the topics consciousness and subconscious and unconscious – Quora

Q&A contributions issued by Elfriede Ammann, presented on the Californian question-and-answer website Quora EN

Audio- und Videolinks

Als Mitglied im Beirat des Denkpools Wissensmanufaktur, stellt Vogt Wirtschafts-Plan B vor: die Realisierung des
Bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens (BGE) im Rahmen einer nachhaltigen Gesamtordnung.


Linklose Medienangebote

Audio and video links (engl.)

  • Video presentation clips by international scientists, Toward Integral Consciousness, conference "Wisdom and Science in Dia-
    logue: The new Planetary Consciousness", March 2006, YouTube film, 9:59 minutes duration, posted 29. May 2006
  • Video presentation by David Chalmers (*1966) Australian professor of philosophy, Australian National University, cognitive scientist on mind and language, author, Science of Consciousness, YouTube film, 10:17 minutes duration, 17. October 2007
  • Video interview with Stephen Lewis, US American engineer, acupuncturist, developer of The AIM Program of Energetic Ba-
    lancing, co-founder of EMC², Stephen Lewis on the AIM Program, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network
    via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 50:16 minutes duration, January 2008   Subject to fee

When exposed to the work of Wilhelm Reich Lewis studied subtle energies, Oriental philosophy and religion. After a vision he invented
the AIM Program of Energetic Balancing interfacing technology, bio-resonance and consciousness.

"Healing, spirituality, and consciousness are the exact same thing. We create the material world with our consciousness.
Miracles are always there. Are we able to perceive them? We are in a revolution of evolution."

Life Force Evaluations on a Scale of 0 to 1000 Units of Consciousness from 1995 to 2009 (18. January 2009)
Source: Deleted audio interview, presented by the US American web radio station Talkshoe.com, programEverything Is Energy,
aired 15. January 2009

Due to an airborne aerosolized Immune Deficiency Frequency the Life Force readings dropped drastically!!! This may result in setting loose acquired, hereditary, or karmic imbalances (diseases) which requires a drastic change in consciousness to heal.

1995 – Life Force (LF) of average US urban adult – 950 to 990 units of consciousness
1997 – LF of average US urban adult – upper 600 units of consciousness
2002 – LF of average US urban adult – 10 units of consciousness
October 2008 – LF of average US urban adult – 4 units of consciousness
January 2009 – LF of average US urban adult – 1 unit of consciousness

Prospect: Spring 2010 – LF of average US urban adult – prospect ZERO units of consciousness

January 2009 – LF of new born US infants – 200-500 units of consciousness.
The LF of dogs, cats and horses in US remained at 950 to 990 units of consciousness.

  • Video television interview with Jeremy Narby (*1959) Swiss-Canadian anthropologist, author of The Cosmic Serpent. DNA and the Origins of Knowledge, Ayahuasca and Origins of Knowledge – Biospheric TV, presented by the US American web TV sta-
    tion NOSIS TV, New York City, 12. April 2008, YouTube film, 6:36 minutes duration, posted 14. April 2008
  • Video presentation by Gregg Braden (*1954) US American educator, pioneer in bridging science and spirituality, author, Feelings, Energy, and Consciousness, YouTube film, 10:05 minutes duration, posted 19. February 2009
  • Audio interview with Alva Noë, Ph.D. (*1964) US American professor of philosophy, cognitive scientist, theorist on perception and consciousness, UCB, I Am, Therefore I Think, presented by the US American web broadcasting "The Leonard Lopate Show", host Leonard Lopate, 29:16 minutes duration, aired 25. March 2009
  • Audio teleseminar with Christian de Quincey, Ph.D., US American philosopher, John F. Kennedy University, visionary, speaker and author on consciousness, spirituality and cosmology, Is Consciousness Energy?, MP3, presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Library, host Dean Radin, Ph.D., US American senior scientist of IONS, "Mysteries of Consciousness" teleseminar series, 1:04:52 duration, aired 6. April 2011
    "Consciousness is not a result of complexity. [...] The only way that consciousness can happen is that it can evolve into higher orders from ingredients that already have some degree of consciousness to begin with." Minute 18:46
    "Consciousness is not energy." […] "Consciousness and embodiment [made of energy], consciousness and energy always go together. You never have one without the other. They form a unity but they are not identical. Unity does not equal identity. Consciousness is nonlocated, it's non-physical. Energy is located and it's physical. Energy is something that moves through
    space. Consciousness doesn't exist in space."
      Minute 25:45
  • Video interview with Galen Strawson, Ph.D. (*1952) British analytic professor of philosophy versed in philosophy of mind, metaphysics, panpsychism, mind-body problem, self, free will, literary critic, Panpsychism vs. Physicalism?, recorded at the Conference "Emergence and Panpsychism", Munich, 2011, presented by Loyola Productions Munich, YouTube film, 2:14 minutes duration, posted 8. November 2011
  • Video interview with Rauni Kilde, M.D. (1939-2015) Finnish physician, lecturer on parapsychology, ufology and mind control
    since 1982, author, Dr. RAUNI KILDE ~ "The Grande Dame Of Consciousness", presented by the Age Of Truth*TV, host
    Lucas Alexander, YouTube film, 1:44:40 duration, posted 30. March 2013
  • Video presentation by David Chalmers (*1966) Australian professor of philosophy, Australian National University, cognitive scientist on mind and language, author, How do you explain consciousness?, presented by TED Talks, YouTube film,
    18:37 minutes duration, posted 14. July 2014
  • Video presentation by David Chalmers (*1966) Australian professor of philosophy, Australian National University, cognitive scientist on mind and language, author, How Can We Explain The Mystery Of Consciousness?, presented by the non-com-
    mercial US American media organization National Public Radio (NPR), part 5 of the TED Radio Hour "The Unknown Brain",
    9:09 minutes duration, aired 20. February 2015
  • Video presentation by Eben Alexander III, M.D. (*1953) US American neuroscientist, neurosurgeon, near death experiencer, author, Eben Alexander: It's Not Possible to Have a Theory of Everything, sponsored by the US American non-profit educational retreat center Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, YouTube film, 2:03 minutes duration, posted 29. February 2016
    "The mystery will never end."
  • Video presentation by Edward F. Kelly, Ph.D., US American parapsychologist, Consciousness is More Than a Product of Brain Activity, presented by the Division of Perceptual Studies of the University of Virginia (UVA), YouTube film, 24:40 minutes duration, posted 17. November 2016
  • Video television interview with Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, senior fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences research associate, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, author, The Anthropology of Consciousness with Stephan A. Schwartz, presented by the US American New Thinking Allowed TV, host Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. (*1946) US American clinical psychologist, director of the Intuition Network, radio and television interviewer, author, recorded on 7. February 2017, YouTube film, 31:29 minutes duration, posted 13. December 2017
  • Video presentation by Raymond A. Moody, M.D., Ph.D. (*1944) US American psychiatrist, parapsychologist, philosopher, neardeath researcher, bestselling author, I'm Convinced Consciousness Survives, YouTube film, 1:14:14 duration, posted by
    Lisa Smartt 1. November 2018

Introduction to The University of Heaven; overview of why after 50 years of skeptical inquiry, Moody is convinced that consciousness survives.

Linkless media offerings

  • Video interview with Stuart Hameroff, Ph.D. (*1947) US American professor of anesthesiology, University of Arizona, cons-
    ciousness researcher, The Science of Consciousness, produced by Alsbury Films, producer and director Gregory Alsbury, 2003, 1:09:35 minutes duration, posted 2. January 2008

Consciousness and brain – mapping the neurological brain functions to the world of quantum mechanics

Three main worldviews: Dualism (Problem: Interaction), Materialism (Problem: Emergence), Idealism (Problem: Pragmatism)
Complementary worldview: Panpsychism (Both matter and mind are real – and are inseparable.)

"Matter is always ensouled, and mind is always embodied. The two always go together." Minute 8:27

Audio and video links (engl.) – Thomas Campbell

Audios und Videos featuring Thomas Campbell (*1944) US American physicist, consciousness researcher, The Monroe Institute (TMI), London School of Economics, author on The origins of consciousness and of the book trilogy
My Big TOE. The Complete Trilogy on physics, metaphysics and the consciousness connection, 2007
TypeOfferingHeadingSponsor ♦
Location ♦ P-Date
Minutes durationRelease date
List of audiosRadio interviews./.host Robert Monroe, London School of Economics./.Starting June 2009
YouTube videosPresentationsPhysics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, #18
Part 2 of 18
Part 3 of 18
Part 4 of 18
Part 5 of 18
Part 6 of 18
Part 7 of 18
Part 8 of 18
Part 9 of 18
Part 10 of 18
Part 11 of 18
Part 12 of 18
Part 13 of 18
Part 14 of 18
Part 15 of 18
Part 16 of 18
Part 17 of 18
Part 18 of 18
22. February 2008
13. April 2008
Nature of reality, the normal and the paranormal, mind and matter, physics and metaphysics, philosophy and theology in terms of consciousness
12 parts video
Keynote speech presentationMy Big Toe – Consciousness: The Endless Frontier (complete version)
My Big Toe alternative YouTube film
The Monroe Institute (TMI), Virginia, 22nd Professional Seminar, recorded by "Lightning Strike Books", March 20102:04:4815. April 2008
YouTube videoWorkshop
Past Lives and Reincarnation
Scientific Models
Emotions Q&A
State of Humanity Q&A
Healing Q&A
Consciousness, Data and Rule Sets Q&A
Artificial Intelligence Q&A
Limits of Knowledge Q&A
London, GB, host Bernard Haisch, Ph.D., German-born US American astrophysicist, popular science author10:00
6. Jan 2010
8. Jan 2010
10. Jan 2010
10. Jan 2010
3. Feb 2010
17. Feb 2010
27. Jan 2010
23. Jan 2010
30. Jan 2010
30. Jan 2010
25. Mar 2010
VideoInterviewMy Big Theory of EverythingUS American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith   Subject to fee1:13:15April 2010

Audio and video links (engl.) – Larry Dossey

Audios und Videos featuring Larry Dossey, M.D. (*1940) US American internist, pioneer of spiritualizing healthcare, public speaker, author on complementary medicine
TypeOfferingHeadingSponsor ♦
Location ♦ P-Date
Minutes durationRelease date
VideoTeleseminar interviewMind, Brain, and Consciousness, MP3Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), "Essentials of Noetic Sciences" host Dean Radin (*1952) US American researcher of parapsychology63:2921. April 2010, uploaded 22. April 2010
Premonitions, pointing to origins and destiny, can be used as forms of preventive medicine.
YouTube videoHome interviewOne Mind, One Consciousness – When spirituality meets scienceSanta Fe, New Mexico30:3314. January 2011


See also:
Healing Audio and video links (engl.) – Larry Dossey and ► Medicine Audio and video links (engl.) – Larry Dossey
Science Audio and video links (engl.) – Larry Dossey and ► Wholeness Audio and video links (engl.) – Larry Dossey
Intuition Audio and video links (engl.) – Larry Dossey and ► Spirituality Audio and video links (engl.) – Larry Dossey

Audio and video links (engl.) – Roger Nelson

Audios und Videos featuring Roger D. Nelson, Ph.D., US American experimental psychologist, director of the international, multi-laboratory collaboration Global Consciousness Project (GCP) to study collective consciousness, founded in 1997
TypeOfferingHeadingSponsor ♦
Location ♦ P-Date
Minutes durationRelease date
VideoLectureGlobal Consciousness Project: New Findings, part 1 of 3
Global Consciousness Project: New Findings, part 2 of 3
Global Consciousness Project: New Findings, part 3 of 3
The SSE Channel SSE Talks10:00
26. July 2009
Correlating 250 world events engaging millions of people against the GCP 10-year database derived from a global network of random event generators (REGs)

Audio and video links (engl.) – Peter Russell

Audios und Videos featuring Peter Russell, M.A., D.C.S. (*1946) British physicist, eco-philosopher, awakened visionary
futurist, producer of three films on consciousness, author of From Science to God. A Physicist's Journey into the Mystery of Consciousness
TypeOfferingHeadingSponsor ♦
Location ♦ P-Date
Minutes durationRelease date
YouTube videoFull presentationThe Primacy of Consciousness"Physics of Consciousness" conference, Virginia, 20041:09:0617. March 2011
Consciousness is fundamental essence of the cosmos. Both the scientific and mystical perspectives of consciousness carry light intrinsically.
AudioInterviewThe Primacy of Consciousness, part 1West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren56:3027. November 2008

Audio and video links (engl.) – Daniel Siegel

Audios und Videos featuring Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. drdansiegel.com (*1957) US American clinical professor of psychiatry, UCLA, co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center, UCLA, executive director of the Mindsight Institute, educator, author
TypeOfferingHeadingSponsor ♦
Location ♦ P-Date
Minutes durationRelease date
Mind = Semiotic domain: embodied and relational, energetic and informational, ecosystem and operating system
Shadow = Domain of psychic parasitism: unassimilated energy-information, organizes into complexes, some of which are highly parasitic
YouTube audioPresentation
Interpersonal neurobiology
The Neurobiology of We Mindsight Institute, presented by
the educational podcast service
Learn out Loud
9 hours duration, 8 discsUnknown
YouTube videoPresentationPersonal Growth Series: Mindsight: The New Science of Personal TransformationGoogle TechTalks, Mountain View, California, 22. April 20091:02:5223. April 2009
Siegel offers a definition of the mind. 95% of mental health practitioners worldwide and almost all scientists and philosophers focusing on the mind, have no definition of what the mind is.
YouTube audioInterviewWhat Makes a Healthy Mind MP3Sounds True, host Tami Simon (*1953), podcast1:08:416. October 2009
YouTube videoPresentationThe Power of MindsightTEDX Talks, filmed 18. October 200924:2112. November 2009
YouTube videoPresentationIntegrating the Two Hemispheres of Our BrainsPsychology channel PsychAlive3:4317. December 2009
Mindfulness practices support the balancing between the emotional right brain with the logical left brain.
YouTube videoPresentationThe Importance of MindfulnessPsychology channel PsychAlive2:4217. December 2009
Three definitions of mindfulness: 1. Conscientious, 2. Contemplative 3. Creative.
Mindfulness practices serve to drastically improve relationships, moods and outlooks on life.
YouTube videoPresentation
Definition of the MindBook launching of Mindsight, Santa Monica, California, 13. January 20102:1811. February 2010
YouTube videoPresentationThe Neurological Basis of Behavior, the Mind, the Brain and Human RelationshipsSymposium Climate, Mind and Behavior, 2.-4. March 2011, sponsored by Garrison Institute54:498. March 2011
YouTube videoPresentationMindfulness and Neural IntegrationTEDxStudioCityED18:262. May 2012
Exploring the mind, the brain, and relationships, reflecting the cultivation of well-being. "No pre-frontal cortex left behind."
YouTube videoPresentationDr. Dan Siegel's Hand Model of the Brain 8:1910. August 2017

Documentaries and movies (engl.)


Interne Links

Englisch Wiki




1 William Q. Judge, Eusebio Urban, The Three Planes Of Human Life, presented by the publication "Path", August 1888

2 A lucid dream is any dream during which the dreamer is aware of dreaming.

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