
Hawkins / Angst





BW 100+



Tarantula, Vogelspinne



Fürchte dich nicht!

Der am häufigsten [88 mal] verwendete Satz im Alten Testament ist:

Fürchte dich nicht!


Angst treibt zu großen Teilen die Welt um. Die Welt erscheint dem Ängstlichen gefährlich und bedrohlich. Angst ist der treibende Motivator für Aktionismus und nimmermüdes Schaffen.
Das Gefühl der Unsicherheit (ver)führt zu Befangenheit, Eifersucht, Manipulation und Totalitarismus.
Vorhandene Ängste beginnen sich von selbst aufzulösen, wenn man aufhört, Widerstand zu leisten und die Gegebenheiten und Emotionen akzeptiert, so wie sie sind.


Spirituelle Übung

  • In Bezug auf hemmende Denkpositionen und beschwerende emotionale Zustände, wie beispielsweise Ängste, empfiehlt Hawkins sich fortschreitend zu fragen:
    Was passiert, wenn das eintritt, wovor ich Angst habe?
und jeder möglichen Antwort mit:
Na und? Und dann? Und wenn schon! zu begegnen.


Häufig führt diese Fragemethode auf den Kern der menschlichen Angst, die ursprüngliche Angst vor dem Tod, der Auslöschung. Sich dieser zehrenden Emotion in jeder Abstufung zu stellen, die Angst zu durchleben und GOTT zu vertrauen, bedeutet, die Angst GOTT zu übergeben.

Zitate zum Thema Angst / Fear

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Fürchte nicht das Böse und bekämpfe es nicht. Meide es einfach. Quelle unbekannt


  • Geh' durch alle Ängste hindurch – wie dem auch immer sei!
    Alle Ängste sind Illusionen. Übergib sie Gott. Quelle unbekannt


  • Willst du einer Bedrängnis entwachsen, so stelle dir das schlimmstmögliche Szenarium dazu vor, das dir widerfahren könnte und setze dich ihm aus. Quelle unbekannt


Verängstigtes Kind in der Nacht
  • Ganz gleich, wie schlimm die Umstände erscheinen mögen oder die Situation sich entwickeln mag, sage dir fortwährend: "Na und!" Quelle unbekannt


  • Unter den scheinbar schlimmsten Umständen (bis zum Augenblick des Geköpftwerdens) denke unablässig:
    "Es ist jetzt OK, es ist jetzt OK, [...]!" Quelle unbekannt



  • Das Ego scheint ein Produkt der Angst zu sein, und sein Zweck scheint darin zu bestehen, das Erleben des nächsten Augen-
    blicks zu kontrollieren sowie das Überleben sicherzustellen.
    Es scheint hin und her zu schwanken zwischen Zukunftsangst, dem Be-
    dauern vergangener Tage, Wünschen und dem Gefühl der Endlich-
    keit, das den Handlungsfluss durch die Illusion des Mangels bestimmt. Mit einem Gefühl von Vollständigkeit versiegt das Verlangen. Das, was sich für endlich hält, fürchtet um sein Überleben, denn es unterliegt der Zeit und der Illusion der Kausalität. FU Das All-sehende Auge, S. 42-43, 2005

Quotes by D. Hawkins

Personal avowals


Neutral state:

Neither fear nor bravado

  • I have walked through a crowd of cutthroats who would have readily attacked a person who was holding fear and done it with happy, gleeful smiles on their faces. [...] Had I come from fear, they would have challenged that boldness and attacked me. Safety came from letting go of the fear. Without fear or bravado, there was nothing for them to play off of emotionally. Healing and Recovery, chapter 9 "Worry, Fear, and Anxiety", S. 283, 2009
⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • All fear is illusion. Surrender it to God. Source unknown


  • Walk through all fear no matter what! Source unknown


  • Fear: At the level of 100 a lot more life energy is available – fear of danger is healthy. Fear runs much of the world, spurring on endless activity. Fear of enemies, of old age or death, of rejection, and a multitude of social fears are basic motivators in most people's lives. From the viewpoint of this level, the world looks hazardous, full of traps and threats. [...] Fear limits growth of the personality and leads to inhibition. Because it takes energy to rise above Fear, the oppres-
    sed are unable to reach a higher level unaided. Thus the fearful seek strong leaders who appear to have conquered their own Fears to lead them out of its slavery. Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 4
    "Levels of Human Consciousness", S. 80, Hay House, February 2002


  • The ego appears to be the product of fear, and its purpose is to control the next instant of experience and ensure
    its survival. It seems to vacillate between fear of the future and regret of the past, and the desire and sense of time which repels action stems from the illusion of lack.
    The Eye of the I from Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 18, Veritas Publishing, revised edition 2002



Fear of uncertainty

  • In serious spiritual work, it is necessary to have a few simple, basic tools which are absolutely dependable and safe to rely on in order to walk through the fear of uncertainty. One basic truth that is of inestimable value and usefulness is the dictum that all fear is fallacious and not based on truth. Fear is overcome by walking directly through it until
    one breaks through into the joy that fear is blocking.
    The joy that follows facing any spiritual fear comes from the discovery that it was merely an illusion without basis or reality.
    The Eye of the I from Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 106, Veritas Publishing, revised edition 2002


  • Fears are eliminated by graceful acceptance of the qualities inherent in the human condition which brings to awareness the comforting realization that one's discomforts are shared equally by all. This results in a healing compassion towards all life. To become loving brings an end to the fear of loss of love, for lovingness engenders love wherever it goes. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 200, 2003




  • From the viewpoint of this level [Fear], the world appears hazardous, filled with traps and threats. Fear is the favored official tool for control by oppressive totalitarian agencies. The proliferation of fears is as limitless as the human imagination. Once one focuses on fear, the endless fearful events of the world feed it. Fear becomes obsessive and may take any form, e.g. fear of the loss of a relationship leads to jealousy and a chronically high stress level. Fearful thinking can balloon into paranoia or generate neurotic defensive structures, and because it is contagious, it can become a dominant social trend. Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, S. 107, 2006


  • Underlying all fears is the primordial, instinctual fear of death itself, and therefore much inner work can be bypassed by deenergizing this fear as early as possible in one's spiritual work. The fear of physical death arises from the animal instinct plus the narcissism of the ego, which is in love with itself. Death implies an end of experiencing, and experiencing is equated with life; therefore, the ego clings to that which is linear and familiar.
    Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, chapter 14 "Spiritual Pathways", "Temporality", S. 282-283, 2008


  • Of course, what we fear we hold in mind, and what we hold in mind tends to manifest, so the fears of old age, the very things we begin to fear, are the very things that begin to manifest. […] Actually, we are unconscious most of our lives and have amnesia about most of it because of the millions of things we do remember.
    Healing and Recovery, chapter 7 "The Aging Process", S. 210, 2009




Fear is overcome by identification with the bigger field we are.

  • Fear is a level of consciousness to be addressed where it is, not in its expression and extension into the world – fear of this, fear of that – and not trying to handle it on the level of the particular but handling it instead as a level of consciousness. This is done by becoming aware of that which we are, which is greater than the fear, and learning to disidentify with the emotion so we are not that. We are an overall field in which fear is being experienced. It becomes a small thing occurring within the greater context in which we become aware of ourselves
    as that which we really are. Healing and Recovery, chapter 9 "Worry, Fear, and Anxiety", S. 267, 2009


  • One of the biggest obstacles to handling and letting go of fear is the fear of fear itself. […] Once we are no longer
    afraid of fear, it becomes a very simple matter. Healing and Recovery, chapter 9 "Worry, Fear, and Anxiety", S. 267, 2009



"I am the source of my fearfulness."

  • There is no way of overcoming one's fear of the world because
    • there is no way the world can be controlled to end one's fears,
    • nor can fears be overcome by changing society,
    • by changing the law, or by changing the rules.
The source of fearfulness is within oneself.
Healing and Recovery, chapter 9 "Worry, Fear, and Anxiety", S. 271, 2009


  • Mind is so powerful that the way it holds our experience literally determines our experience. Fearfulness creates a cer-
    tain view of the world and tends to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Recent university research, as well as our own research, shows that what one holds in mind tends to manifest within one's experience of the world. The world of our own experience then becomes the external representation of what we have been holding in mind, so our life is really
    a world of mirrors. What we are actually seeing and experiencing is a projection of our own level of consciousness.
    This is difficult to believe and fully grasp, but to give us a glimpse of it is a whole field of study in itself. The sage Ra-
    mana Maharshi
    taught that the world you see (perception) does not even exist and is illusory (the Buddha's "Maya").
    Healing and Recovery, S. 288, 2009


  • There are really only two expression of emotion – love, which starts at 500 and becomes infinite in its expression, and fear, which begins at 100 and goes ever downward in its expression. Therefore, the handling of all the negative fee-
    lings arises out of the willingness to accept that we have the power within us to handle this inner fearfulness, to recog-
    nize that we are the source of it, and to stop projecting it onto the world or God. No one created a fearful world; there
    is no such thing. The fearful world is within us. We carry it with us and thus we can let it go. We can let the fear of the
    fear go, as well as fear itself, and move into the presence of Love. Healing and Recovery, S. 298, 2009



  • Religions which are based on the fear of sin rather than on the love of God are inherently weak.
    Interview The Path of Simplicity, presented by the US American magazine In Light Times, March 2005



On anxiety and anguish

  • These [anxiety] states come and go, you see. Because you work your way through a big stack and you are above your karma, so now you go into a state of semi-bliss, euphoria, happiness etc. Now you have earned the right to handle the next big stack that comes up. From this level you are entitled to handle this. Don't forget how far down to hell I went, to unearth that which was blocking that which was extremely high. So you are just rising above your karma. You will see the Christian saints, […] they will tell you how they went from elated states to states of despair. 'O my beloved how could you have deserted me'. States of great anguish, you see. Don't worry about the states of great anguish. Just surrender the anguish to God and constantly surrender all of it. Don't resist the anguish if it should come up because if you are serious, it will very likely come up again. I never knew anybody who just went into a state of happiness and stayed there all the way to Enlightenment, you see. The Buddha was beset by demons, Jesus Christ sweat blood. So there's anguish all the way. I don't like to say that because it sounds like a program, but experientially it is what goes
    on and you say: 'This too I surrender to Thee O Lord, whatever this anguish may mean or whatever it signifies.' Sedona Seminar Spiritual Practice and Daily Life, CD 4 of 4, 21. October 2006


  • To surrender to God is to die. At that moment the warrior within you comes and then arises the fear of death. You have never experienced it before (death). There is the fear of death and the fear of the void. What arises is the
    terror of nothingness. At that moment, the energy of those who have been through it comes to you and you will re-
    member to walk straight ahead no matter what. No matter how severe the fear, the greatest fear of all, walk
    through it. The terror lasts for an ungodly minute and then one has made it through.
    Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, 3 DVD set, 14. December 2002


  • There is one basic saying in Zen that one can rely on completely: Walk through all fear no matter what, committed
    to spiritual truth, no matter what. Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, 3 DVD set, 14. December 2002


  • Fear has to do with not knowing that you're safe at all times. The mind will try to justify that fear as a rational deci-
    sion. It's based on control, trying to control the future. As you get more sophisticated, you realize that survival is a function of the spirit, not of the ego. Sedona Seminar Thought and Ideation, 3 DVD set, 28. February 2004


  • Fear and agony tells you that it's the ego, so surrender it because it's not Truth.
    Sedona Seminar Thought and Ideation, 3 DVD set, 28. February 2004



Psalm 91:

When contemplating Psalm 91 Dr. Hawkins found a snake sitting at his doorstep. In view of the serpent he recontextualized Psalm 91 and stepped over it without being harmed.

  • 'Those who place their faith in the Highest have nothing to fear because you will become dear to me and you will be under the protection of my wings'. Well, if you live that truth [...] transformative [...] you start to cry to even hear it because you know it's true. 'To those who are dear to me, ten thousand shall fall at their side
    and you shall step over the serpent under my wings.'
    You will be under Divine protection.
    Sedona Seminar The Ego and The Self, DVD 3 of 3, minute 1:16:38, 11. December 2004


  • This then is the radical solution to inner problem.
    ➤ What we resist gains command of our lives.
    ➤ What we accept the worst of begins to vanish.

    Guilt and fear and worry and hate cannot possibly have any hold over our lives, except that which we give it by resistance. Sedona Seminar Transcending Barriers, 3 DVD set, 18. June 2005


  • Surrender the fear of death to God and the whole stack of fears collapse. When you have no fear of death, you are fearless. Sedona Seminar Transcending Obstacles, 3 DVD set, 3. September 2005



The rollercoaster ride of the straight and narrow path

  • The energy is that of the Field [...] and you surrender to the field and you do go through transformative phases and stages. You go through phases where you feel like you're coming off your hinges [...] and strange and unnatural. But, these are normal.
    Know that all things are within the infinite harmony of God. Nobody can be lost to God. No matter how upset or strange. People go through inner dissociative states, but where you're at is always within the province of Divinity and is known to God. So you can never be lost to God. The ego may have to adjust to a different perception of itself but there is no way of being lost to Divinity, therefore, to love.
    And you can affirm repeatedly "My reality is at one with Divine Harmony. My life is controlled by Divine Harmony. Everything is in Divine order. My life is in control." Because the reality is the Self with a capital "S" is the emergence
    of the Divine order. [...] The only thing that gets upset with shifts and change is the ego. What is stressful to the
    ego is often the delight of the Self. [...]
    So, fear not! Just surrender it to God. Don't worry about it. Just know at all times that you cannot get lost to God. God's infinite harmony includes all of us and you go through transitional periods where you feel like you're out of ba-
    lance but that is because the advancement of Consciousness itself. Therefore, don't be afraid.
    Sedona Seminar Serenity, DVD 3 of 3, minute 53:59, August 2005

Zitate von anderen Quellen

"Fürchte dich nicht." Jesaja 41, 10-13 (AT)
"Fürchtet euch nicht." Lukas 2, 10 (NT)
Davon gibt es insgesamt 104 Treffer in der Bibel (AT/NT).
Obige Wortkombinationen gibt es 63 mal im Singular und 41 mal im Plural.


Furcht ist nicht in der Liebe, sondern die vollkommene Liebe treibt die Furcht aus, denn die Furcht hat mit
Strafe zu tun; wer sich nun fürchtet, ist nicht vollkommen geworden in der Liebe.
1.Johannes 4, 18 (AT)


Persönliche Einsichten

Fear, 1893-1895
Maria Yakunchikova (1870-1902) Russian painter



  • Wenn du dich aufrichtig auf unangenehme Erfahrungen freuen kannst, gibt es nichts mehr im Leben zu fürchten. Du siehst dann alles als ein Geschenk an, das dir Selbsterkenntnis bringen kann.
    Byron Katie [BW 590 since 1987] (*1942) US-amerikanische spirituelle Lehrerin, Autorin, Beschreibung von The Work, zitiert in: Anleitung für The Work, PDF, präsentiert von Byron Katie Incorporated, 2002




  • Wir stürzen in eine Welt des stummen Grauens. [...] Wenn das passiert, sind wir dem Tod schon sehr nahe, sind beinahe schon hinter die Angst gekommen. Alles, was wir jetzt noch tun müssen, ist,
    ➤ bereit zu sein, dass die Angst uns verschlinge;
    ➤ aufzugeben, etwas kontrollieren zu wollen, das mächtiger ist als wir
    ➤ aufzuhören, uns gegen etwas zu stemmen, das stärker ist als wir
    ➤ Nicht mehr entkommen zu wollen, denn das ist das Einzige, das uns
    Anne Wilson Schaef (1934-2020) US-amerikanische Psychotherapeutin, Frauenrechtlerin, Suchtforscherin, Autorin, Mein Weg zur Heilung. Jenseits von Wissenschaft und Therapie, S. 270, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (dtv), 1995


  • Beherzt ist nicht, wer keine Angst kennt, beherzt ist, wer die Angst kennt und sie überwindet.
    Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) libanesisch-US-amerikanischer Maler, Philosoph, Dichter, Schriftsteller, zitiert in: Gute Zitate


  • Was man zu verstehen gelernt hat, fürchtet man nicht mehr. Madam Marie Curie [BW 505] (1867-1934) polnisch-franzö-
    sische Chemikerin, Pionierin der Radioaktivitätsforschung, erste weibliche Professorin, Universität Paris, Nobelpreisträgerin in Physik (1903) und Chemie (1911), zitiert in: Publikation Zeit zu leben, Nicole Alps, 12. Mai 2020



Modellfall: Grimmsches Märchen "Einer, der auszog, das Fürchten zu lernen"


  • Wer die Angst der Menschen kontrolliert, wird zum Meister ihrer Seelen.
    Niccolò Machiavelli [BW 225, Werk BW 440] (1469-1527) florentinischer Diplomat, politischer Philosoph, Humanist, Geschichts-
    wissenschaftler, Begründer der modernen Politikwissenschaft, Schriftsteller, zitiert in: Yoice.net


  • Angst ist eine überlagerte Wirkung von einer überlagerten Ursache, etwas Hinzugefügtes, etwas das vorher nicht
    da war und sich plötzlich kraftvoll in Szene setzt. Man hat Angst vor der Angst.
    Gelöschtes Interview mit Mario Mantese mariomantese.com (*1951) Schweizer Nahtodüberlebender, philosophisch-spiritueller Autor, Einfügen und Realisation, präsentiert von der deutschen Zeitschrift Lichtfokus, 25. November 2005


  • Angst ist der größte Feind der Liebe. Man fühlt sich dann, als klammere sich ein Ertrinkender an einen. Man
    möchte ihn retten, weiß aber, dass er in seiner panischen Angst den Retter mit ins Verderben reißt.
    Anais Nin (1903-1977) französisch-kubanische Schriftstellerin, zitiert in: Gute Zitate


  • Das Bild vom furchtlosen Helden täuscht. Er ist ein Fantasieprodukt. Ein Held, der keine Angst hat, braucht keinen
    Mut. Die Angst ist eine ständige Begleiterin. Ohne Angst lebt kein Grenzgänger lange. Die Angst ist die andere Hälf-
    te von Mut. Reinhold Messner (*1944) Südtiroler Extrembergsteiger, Abenteurer, ehemaliger Politiker der Südtiroler Grünen,
    Autor, zitiert in: Zeit zu leben, Nicole Alps, 12. Mai 2020


  • Furcht [ist] recht nützlich für das glatte Funktionieren einer geordneten Gesellschaft. Eine Bevölkerung, die vor der Obrigkeit in ihrer unterschiedlichen Gestalt – seien es Supermärkte, Banken, Schulen oder Chefs – und vor anderen Menschen Angst hat, ist gefügiger. Wenn du verängstigt bist, wirst du vermutlich nicht rebellieren, sondern schwer arbeiten und eine Menge Geld ausgeben. Die Furcht veranlasst uns, das Leben zu beobachten, statt es zu führen.
    Wir sind keine Teilnehmer, sondern Zuschauer. Tom Hodgkinson (*1968) britischer Herausgeber, Autor, Die Kunst, frei zu
    sein. Handbuch für ein schönes Leben
    , S. 152, Kein & Aber, Berlin und München, 4. Auflage 16. April 2007


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Angst


  • Drei Viertel alles Bösen, das in der Welt getan wird, geschieht aus Furchtsamkeit: und diese ist vor allem ein physio-
    logischer Vorgang! Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) deutscher klassischer Gelehrter, Philologe, Kulturkritiker, Philosoph des Nihilismus [BW 120], Schriftsteller, Werke in drei Bänden, Band I, Viertes Buch, Morgenröte, 538. "Moralischer Irrsinn des Genies", S. 1258-1259, Ernst Schmeitzner Verlag, Chemnitz, 1882, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, 1954/1956


  • Wir ‹schweben› in Angst. Deutlicher: die Angst lässt uns schweben, weil sie das Seiende im Ganzen zum Entgleiten bringt. Darin liegt, dass wir selbst – diese seienden Menschen – inmitten des Seienden uns mitentgleiten. Daher ist
    im Grunde nicht ‹dir› und ‹mir› unheimlich, sondern ‹einem› ist es so. Nur das reine Da-sein in der Durchschütterung dieses Schwebens, darin es sich an nichts halten kann, ist noch da.
    Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) deutscher Philosoph (Phänomenologie und Existenzdeutung), Autor, Aufsatz Was ist Metaphysik?, öffentliche Antrittsvorlesung als Lehrstuhlnachfolger von Husserl, Aula der Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, 24. Juli 1929


Film- und Dokumentationszitate

  • Furcht ist der Pfad zur dunklen Seite.
    ⚑ Furcht führt zu Wut,
    ⚑ Wut führt zu Hass,
    ⚑ Hass führt zu unsäglichem Leid.
    Filmzeile der Filmfigur Jedi-Meister Yoda, aus dem US-amerikanischen Film Krieg der Sterne, 1977

Quotes by various other sources

There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear. For fear has to do with
punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.
1. John 4, 18 (NT)


Personal avowals

  • I am not afraid for God is with me. It was for this that I was born.
    Joan of Arc (1411-1431) French Catholic saint, martyr, national heroine of France, cited in: Anatole France, Winifred Stevens, translator, The Life of Joan of Arc, volume 1, S. 97, referencing "Trials", volume 1, S. 449, 1909



  • The thing I fear most is fear. Michel de Montaigne [LoC 440] (1533-1592) influential French Renaissance philosopher,
    politician, writer, Essays, book I, chapter 18, 1580


  • I do not care for the allegiance of the people. All we ask for is their fear.
    Brutality is respected. […] The people need wholesome fear. They want to fear something. They want someone to
    frighten them and make them shudderingly submissive.
    Adolf Hitler [Führer, Reichskanzler] [LoC 430⇒40] (1889-1945) Austrian-German fascist leader of the Nazi Party during the Third Reich (1933-1945), September 1933, cited in: Nazi Germany quotations: power and totalitarianism, presented by the website
    Alpha History


  • The best political weapon is the weapon of terror. Cruelty commands respect. Men may hate us. But, we don't ask
    for their love; only for their fear.
    Heinrich Himmler [⇒LoC 35] (1900-1945) German Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel (SS), military commander, leading member of
    the Nazi Party (NSDAP) of Nazi Germany, cited in: Alberto Rivas, Visions of Reality. A Study of Abnormal Perception and Behavior,
    S. 162, E-Booktime, 1. February 2007



  • Have no fear of moving into the unknown. Simply step out fearlessly knowing that I am with you, therefore no harm can befall you; all is very, very well. Do this in complete faith and confidence. Pope John Paul II [LoC 570] (1920-2005) Polish theologian, 264th head of the Catholic Church (1978-2005), beatification in 2011, Catholic Bible 101



Said during a bank panic

  • The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
    Franklin D. Roosevelt [Influence LoC 499] (1882-1945) 32nd US president during World War II (1933-1945), 32nd degree Freemason, war criminal, First Inaugural Address, 4. March 1933


  • Whoever is willing to lay down anxiety shall find Me. Whoever will lose his hold on material advancements shall find Me. He who persists in anxiety has never found Me. I am found in the light of the dropping of fears, the dropping of cares, the dropping of efforts, the dropping of anguish, the dropping of subjugation
    to man or woman through fear or desire to please.
    I am One Light. I will not have a heart divided by thoughts bent on things of matter and hearts set on mechanical copies of My Kingdom of Peace. 'If thine eye be single, the whole body is Light.' 'The light of
    Me is the light of the body. Lo, I come.'
    Emma Curtis Hopkins [Teacher of teachers] [LoC 485] (1849-1925) US American New Thought organizer, primary theologian, feminist, mystic, prophet, ordaining women at the Christian Science Theological Seminary, Chicago, writer, The Gospel Series, S. 132, Wise Woman Press, 1st edi-
    tion 12. November 2006



  • Always beware of the fact, that th only thing hindering all out revolution is your fear of losing the scraps they throw at you. Gore Vidal [LoC 180] (1925-2012) US Ame-
    rican political left advocate, author, Twitter comment, 29. July
    2012; cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote



  • When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.
    Audre Lorde (1934-1992) Caribbean-American activist, poet, writer, The Cancer Journals, Aunt Lute Books, 1980, 1997




  • Any action that is dictated by fear or by coercion of any kind ceases to be moral.
    Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi [LoC 760] (1869-1948) Indian Hindu sage, spiritual activist leader, humanitarian, lawyer, nonviolent freedom fighter, cited in: S. Ganesan, Ethical Religion, S. 8, Madras, 1922


  • We intensify fear by trying to force it away. It might seem counter-intuitive, but the first step in healing fear is accepting
    it. […] Instead of pushing away our difficult moments, we soften to them, allowing those moments a wider pasture and meeting them with clarity and compassion. Stephen Levine (1937-2016) US American teacher on death and dying, poet,
    author, Unattended Sorrow. Recovering from Loss and Reviving the Heart, Rodale Books, 1st edition 13. January 2005
  • The conquest of the fear of death is the recovery of life’s joy. One can experience an unconditional affirmation of life only when one has accepted death, not as contrary to life, but as an aspect of life. Life in its becoming is always shedding death, and on the point of death. The conquest of fear yields the courage of life.
    Joseph Campbell, Ph.D. [LoC 410] (1904-1987) US American mythologist, expert in comparative mythology and comparative
    religion, author, The Power of Myth, 1987




  • Your fears are not walls, but hurdles.
    Courage is not the absence of fear, but the conquering of it.
    Dan Millman peacefulwarrior.com (*1946) US American Trampolining world champion athlete, university coach, martial
    arts instructor, college professor, spiritual teacher, author of self-help books, cited in: AZ Quotes


  • There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. If fear exists, then there is not perfect love.
    However: Only perfect love exists. If there is fear, it produces a state that does not exist.
    A Course in Miracles [ACIM] [LoC 550/600], manual for teachers, T-1.VI.5, 3-8, 1976, revised edition 1996


  • The chief activator of our defects has been self centered fear – primarily fear that we would lose something
    we already possessed or would fail to get something we demanded. Living upon a basis of unsatisfied demands,
    we were in a state of continual disturbance and frustration. Therefore, no peace was to be had unless we could
    find a means of reducing these demands.
    Bill Griffith Wilson [Bill W.] [LoC 540] (1895-1971) US American co-founder of the international mutual aid fellowship Alcoho-
    lics Anonymous
    (AA), Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, Step 7, S. 76, AA World Services, 1st edition 10. February 2002


  • Many people believe that eliminating the apparent causes of fear will eliminate it, but fear, like beauty, is part of the world. The fear of fear results in the growth of terror as well as a loss of the beauty and wonder of the world. By
    fearing fear, we create the room for terror and panic to grow.
    People become blinded by fear, driven by anxi-
    eties, and increasingly ruled by phobias and obsessions. When we fail to recognize how fear works in the
    world, we become ruled by it.
    The point is not to become paralyzed with foreboding or be caught in the panic
    that can grip the collective and cause people to run blindly in the wrong direction. The point is to willingly go
    where most fear to go, to follow where the fear might lead and face the ways that the world roars at us.

    Michael Meade Mosaicvoices.org (*1944) US American storyteller, scholar of mythology, psychology, anthropology, ritualist,
    spokesman in the men's movement, author, Why the World Doesn't End. Tales of Renewal in Times of Loss, Greenfire Press,
    30. October 2012



Two basic human fears:

Fear of alienation and fear of overwhelm

  • The old meaning of fear is actually 'the way through'. Fear is very close to the word fare, as in thoroughfare, and it means "to go through it." Ultimately, we have to go through what we fear.
    That's why the 2017 women's march [21. January 2017] that moved people all over the world was so powerful. It made the statement that we can go towards what we are afraid of and we can blossom and change life. […]
    At this time, like at all other times, we need a combination of hardheadedness at times and openhearted ten-
    at times if we are to survive. Michael Meade Mosaicvoices.org (*1944) US American storyteller, scholar of my-
    thology, psychology, anthropology, ritualist, spokesman in the men's movement, author, Fear is the Way Through, Living Myth
    podcast #3, minute 5:38, minute 14:49, 18:15 minutes duration, published 24. January 2017



Ethymology of FEAR

  • Fear is an old word that derives from the same roots that give us "fare," as in "thoroughfare." Although it often causes people to run away from troubling situ-
    ations, at a deeper level, fear means "to go through it." The hidden purpose of fear
    involves bringing us closer to natural instincts for survival, but also for awakening inner resources and sharpening
    our intelligence when face with true danger and the basic need to change.
    Michael Meade Mosaicvoices.org (*1944) US American storyteller, scholar of mythology, psychology, anthropology, ritualist, spokesman in the men's movement, author, Facebook comment 9. November 2018


  • When fear is removed it's empowering. If your nervous system is safe you can do lots of interesting things, when your nervous system detects risk and fear you can't even sit in your room without being hypervigilant.
    Interview with Stephen Porges, Ph.D. stephenporges.com (*1945) US American professor of psychiatry and bioengineering, di-
    rector of the Brain-Body Center, College of Medicine, University of Chicago, Illinois, cited in: Kathryn Kee, Karen Anderson, Vicky
    Dearing, Frances Shuster, RESULTS Coaching Next Steps. Leading for Growth and Change, S. 34, Corwin, 2017



Love, trust and empathy vs. fear and doubt

  • Love can only grow in an environment of trust. With trust we lose fear and stop falling in love and we start growing in love.
    If there is even the smallest doubt in any relationship love will never grow to its fullest potential. […] Until we trust and love ourselves completely we will not have the means to love and trust another completely. […] By stepping through our fear we learn to love that which we are without fear. […] Fear is our biggest enemy. […] Fear can only be conquered by learning how to control the brain. The fearless are mindful. They will trust until proven wrong. The fearless spread their calm. […] Without fear there is no need for violence, without fear there
    is no jealousy, without fear there is no loneliness. Removed radio show "Thinking Matters" by host Annette Jahnel (*1962) South African photographer, artist, world traveller, public speaker, author, Love 1, presented by the South African Whale Coast Radio
    96 fm, minute 24:26, minute 27:19, 34:40 minutes duration, aired 18. April 2016, posted 20. April 2016


  • Not only does fear grease the wheels of the transition to fascism by cultivating fearful, controlled, pacified, cowed citizens, but it also embeds itself in our very DNA so that we pass on our fear and compliance to our offspring. It's
    called epigenetic inheritance, the transmission through DNA of traumatic experiences.
    In other words, fear, trauma and compliance can be passed down through the generations.
    Article Does Fear Lead to Fascism? A Culture of Fear and the Epigenetics of Terror, presented by The Rutherford Institute,
    John W. Whitehead, 7. December 2015



Fear porn

  • We live in our language like blind men walking on the edge of an abyss. This language is laden with future catastrophes. The day will come when it will turn against those who speak it. Gershom Scholem, Ph.D. (1897-1982) German-born Israeli philosopher, religious historian, founder of the modern, academic study of Kabbalah, first professor of Jewish Mysticism, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, author, letter to Franz Rosenzweig from Jerusalem, 26. December 1926, cited in: G. Agamben, Means
    without end. Notes on politics
    , Theory out of Bounds, volume 20, S. 67, University of Minnesota Press, 2000



Programmed in fear travels down for generations.

  • Fear can travel through generations of mice DNA. In the experiment, resear-
    chers taught male mice to fear the smell of cherry blossoms by associating the
    scent with mild foot shocks. Two weeks later, they bred with females. The resul-
    ting pups were raised to adulthood having never been exposed to the smell.
    Yet when the critters caught a whiff of it for the first time, they suddenly became anxious and fearful. They were even born with more cherry-blossom-detecting neurons in their noses and more brain space devoted to cherryblossom-smelling.
    "A newborn mouse pup, seemingly innocent to the workings of the world, may actually harbor generations' worth of information passed down by its ancestors."
    "Studies on humans suggest that children and grandchildren may have felt the epigenetic impact of such traumatic events such as famine, the Holocaust and the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks."
Article Study finds that fear can travel quickly through generations of mice DNA, presented by the American daily newspaper
The Washington Post, Meeri Kim, freelance science journalist, 7. December 2013



Fearing the IRS

  • The Tax Code represents the genius of legal fiction [...]. The IRS has never really known why people pay the income tax [...] The IRS encourages voluntary compliance, through FEAR. Jack Warren Wade Jr., US American former IRS officer in charge of the IRS Nationwide Revenue Officer Training Program, cited in: Burnice Russ, author, Judy Crutcher, author, Total Eclipse
    Of Freedom
    , PDF, S. 167, Lulu.com, 1. January 2014


  • FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real Acronym used in Twelve step groups [LoC 540]
  • FEAR = Forget Everything and Run
  • FEAR = Face Everything and Recover
  • FEAR = Face Everything and Rise


  • Fear is an absence of knowing. US American saying


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Fear

Literary and movie quotes

  • According to most studies,
    people's number one fear is public speaking.
    ➤ Number two is death.
    Death is number two.
    Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than
    doing the eulogy.
    Jerry Seinfeld (*1954) US American stand-up comedian, television and film producer, actor, writer, Seinfeld talk about public spea-
    king and death
    , presented by Castle Rock Entertainment, 1992, YouTube film, 0:13 minute duration, posted 21. November 2011


Movie quotes

North American culture's narrow definition of masculinity is harming boys, men and society at large.


Hinting to supernatural horror

  • It's what people know about themselves inside that makes them afraid.
    Clint Eastwood (*1930) US American film actor, director, producer, composer, politician, line in the Western movie High Plains Drifter, 1973

How to defeat fear

Once there was a young warrior. Her teacher told her that she had to do battle with fear. She didn't want to do that. It seemed too aggressive; it was scary; it seemed unfriendly. But the teacher said she had to do it and gave instructions for the battle.
The day arrived. The student warrior stood on one side, and fear stood on the other. The warrior was feeling very small, and fear
was looking big and wrathful. The young warrior roused herself and went toward fear, prostrated three times, and asked,

"May I have permission to go into battle with you?"

Fear said,

"Thank you for showing me so much respect that you ask permission."

Then the young warrior said,

"How can I defeat you?"

Fear replied,

"My weapons are that I talk fast, and I get very close to your face. Then you get completely unnerved, and you do whatever I say.
If you don’t do what I tell you, I have no power. You can listen to me, and you can have respect for me. You can even be convinced
by me. But if you don’t do what I say, I have no power."

In that way, the student warrior learned how to defeat fear.


Source: ► Pema Chödrön (*1936) US American Tibetan Buddhist nun (*1981), teacher in the lineage of Chögyam Trungpa, author,
When Things Fall Apart. Heart Advice for Difficult Times, Shambhala, later paperback edition 26. September 2000

Index: Angst / Fear – Bücher von D. Hawkins

  • Buch 2 Angst, S. 42(2x), 67, 84, 88, 109, 119, 123(3x), 124, 136, 138(2x), 140(2x), 153, 154, 165(4x), 188, 192, 222, 223, 232, 240, 254, 273(4x), 304, 318(2x), 322(2x), 328, 337, 348, 353, 354, 355, 369, 371, 372(3x), 393(3x), 394(3x), 401, 432, 443, 454, 455(3x), 456, 457, 465, 467, 468(2x)
  • Buch 3 Angst, S. 17(3x), 18(2x), 19, 26, 28, 44(2x), 58, 86(2x), 87, 88, 96, 101(2x), 103, 117(3x), 121, 153, 159(2x), 160, 169, 170, 171, 172(2x), 174, 179, 204, 207, 214, 238, 273, 274(4x), 277(4x), 278, 283(7x), 284(3x), 285(3x), 286, 287, 288(2x), 294, 296, 297, 298, 305, 319, 331, 348, 364, 366, 367(2x), 368(4x), 371, 376, 378, 397, 414, 465(3x), 467(2x), 471, 472, 538, 553, 560



Links zum Thema Angst / Fear


Literature (engl.)

Externe Weblinks

Sören Kierkegaard sagt: Ängste braucht jeder. – Angst ist die Bedingung für Freiheit.
Unterscheidung zwischen Angst (allgemein, gegenstandslos) Furcht (objektbezogen) – Man fürchtet sich "vor" etwas, man "hat" Angst.

External web links (engl.)

WMDs (weapons of mental destruction) aka journo-terrorism against the American people
1) Imagined war on women 2) Imagined climate change apocalypse 3) Imagined war on minorities
4) Imagined war against gays and transgenders 5) Imagined Russian takeover of the US government 6) Imagined war on the poor
7) Imagined KKK invasion 8) Imagined "intolerance" epidemic 9) Imagined war on Muslims 10) Imagined war on Mexicans

Audio und Videolinks

  • Video Fernsehinterview mit Amrei Wittwer, Pharmazeutin, und Jürgen Margraf, Psychologe, zum Thema Angst und Hoffung – Versagen der Vernunft 1, präsentiert von dem ersten Fernsehprogramm des Schweizer Radio und Fernsehens (SRF), wöchentliche Diskussionsrunde Sternstunde Philosophie, Reihe "Das Versagen der Vernunft? Emotionen", Teil 3 von 5, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Collegium Helveticum, Gastgeber Norbert Bischofberger, 1:01:17 Dauer, 10. April 2009

Jüngere Untersuchungen zeigen eine Zunahme der Furcht in westlichen Ländern. Hirnforschung zu den für das Überleben der Menschen
wichtigen Emotionen Angst und Hoffnung.

  • Video Fernsehinterview mit Prof. Borwin Bandelow (*1951) deutscher Psychiater, Experte für Angststörungen. Vorsitzender
    der Gesellschaft für Angstforschung, Angstherapeut, Angst – das Grundgefühl unserer Zeit?, präsentiert von dem ersten Fernsehprogramm des Schweizer Radio und Fernsehens (SRF), wöchentliche Diskussionsrunde Sternstunde Philosophie, Gastgeberin Barbara Bleisch, YouTube Film, 56:00 Minuten Dauer, gesendet 1. März 2015, eingestellt 2. März 2015

Linklose Medienangebote

Audio and video links (engl.)

  • Audio keynote speech with Caroline Myss Myss.com (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestsel-
    ling author, Living a Fearless Life: Why Not Risk It All?, MP3, sponsored by Omega Conference, archived by Myss Digital
    , New York City, New York, part 1, 26:15 minutes duration and part 2, 27:44 minutes duration, 31. March-2. April 2006
  • Video interview with Guy Finley (*1949) US American former professional songwriter, musician, philosopher, founder of the nonprofit organization Life of Learning Foundation, spiritual teacher, author of self-help books, Letting go of Fear, presented
    by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 34:52 minutes duration, posted August 2008   Subject to fee
  • Video presentation by Riane Eisler, Ph.D., J.D. (~*1937) Austrian-born American scholar, cultural macrohistorian, partnership researcher, social activist, writer, Domination, Gender and Fear, presented by the non-commercial US American satellite tele-
    vision network Link TV, Global Spirit program "ONENESS: The Big Picture", YouTube film, 2:16 minutes duration, posted
    23. April 2010
  • Video presentation by Annette Jahnel (*1962) South African photographer, artist, world traveller touring with project "Searching for Galileo", public speaker, author, Living Fearlessly, YouTube film, 6:38 minutes duration, 3. February 2011

A. Jahnel authored the book My Year of Beds. Book one; Germany to China, lulu.com, 11. March 2011

Vedanta (~500-1534 CE): "I am, beyond all thought."
Ubuntu philosophy, early/mid-19th century: "I am because we are."
Henry Corbin (1903-1978): [Paraphrased] "I am because I am thought of."
Alva Noë, Ph.D., 2009: "I am, therefore I think."1
Annette Jahnel, 2011: "I think, therefore I become what I think. We all create this universe we live in with our thoughts."
Thomas Sheridan, 2012: "You are, therefore you think."

Linkless media offerings


Interne Links




1 Alva Noë, Ph.D. (*1964) US American professor of philosophy, cognitive scientist, theorist on perception and consciousness, UCB, Out of Our Heads. Why You Are Not Your Brain, and Other Lessons from the Biology of Consciousness, Hill and Wang, 1st edition 17. February 2009

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