
Wiki / Erfahrungen





ErfahrungenErleben – Erlebnisse



Drei Aspekte der Urmaterie

Die erfahrbare Urmaterie von Allem-was-ist drückt sich in drei Aspekten aus.
Sie sind als die drei Gunas Rajas, Tamas und Satva [Sanskrit-Begriffe] bekannt, die durch die drei Hindu-Gottheiten
Shiva, Vishnu und Brahma symbolisiert werden.
Im Christentum werden dieselben drei Aspekte durch die DreieinigkeitVater, Sohn, Heiliger Geist –, ausgedrückt durch die drei Eigenschaften Glaube, Liebe, Hoffnung dargestellt.

Hinter dem Erleben

Francisco Varela

Der Kognitionswissenschaftler und radikale Konstruktivist Francesco Varela sagte:

We think we know what experience is, but in fact we don't.[*]
Übersetzung: Wir denken zu wissen, was Erleben [Erfahrung] ist, was jedoch tatsächlich nicht der Fall ist.


Varela bestätigt folgende Ansätze, um hinter die "Erfahrung" zu steigen:

  1. Psychologische Introspektion [Selbsterforschung nach Ramana Maharshi]
  2. Phänomenologie [nach EdmundHusserl]
  3. Kontemplation / Meditation


Nach mehrjähriger Forschung fasste Varela die vier Stationen der Umwandlung zusammen:

  1. Der Neigung zu widerstehen, Situationen reaktiv zu beurteilen (Aussetzen / Suspension)
  2. Redirektion [ Rekontextualisierung] = Abwendung von der Welt der Objekte – Hinwendung zu deren Ursprung
  3. Den alten Rahmen loslassen
  4. Das Neue emergieren lassen


► [*]Conversation with Francisco Varela, Varela – Three Gestures of Becoming Aware, PDF, host Claus Otto Scharmer, Paris, France,
     12. January 2000
► Audio-Teleseminar mit Otto Scharmer (*1961) deutsch-US-amerikanischer Seniordozent, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
     (MIT), Gründungsmitglied des Presencing Institute, Dozent des Führungsprogramms der Vereinten Nationen, Presencing, ab der
     23. Minute, präsentiert von dem Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Datum unbekannt
Siehe auch: ► Kausalität und ► Selbsterforschung

Zitate zum Thema Erfahrungen / Experiences

Zitate allgemein


  • Verzichte auf das Erleben des Erlebens im Leben. Die Göttlichkeit wird auch künftig strahlen. Göttlichkeit ist der Göttlichkeit als Göttlichkeit gewahr. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Quelle unbekannt



  • Wir müssen es tun. Erfahren hat eben mit fahren zu tun. Hier liegt die Hürde. Wir sind seit Jahrhunderten darin ge-
    übt, die Erfahrung durch die Kenntnis zu ersetzen. Und leben in einer Ersatzwelt! Hugo Kükelhaus (1900-1984) deutscher Pädagoge, Philosoph, Künstler, Handwerker, Forscher, Schriftsteller, zitiert in: Aphorismus.de



Taiji- oder Yin-Yang-Symbol
  • Erfahrungen müssen freiwillig sein! Mäuse lieben es, mehrere Kilometer in ihrem Laufrad zu verbringen. Wenn sie das tun, steigt die Neuproduktion von Hirnzellen signifikant. Zwingt man sie jedoch zum Laufen, bleibt dieser Nervenzellzuwachs aus. Neuronale Netz-
    werke lösen sich unter Stress bisweilen sogar ganz auf.
    Prof. DDr. Gerald Hüther gerald-huether.de (*1951) deutscher Neuro-
    biologe, Professor für neurobiologische Grundlagenforschung, Universität Göttingen, Autor, zitiert in: Sebastian Purps-Pardigol, Führen mit Hirn. Mitarbeiter begeistern und Unternehmenserfolg steigern, "Vorwort",
    S. 150, Campus Verlag, 1. Auflage 10. September 2015


  • Wir erleben gegenwärtig einen Paradigmenwechsel in den Naturwis-
    senschaften – vielleicht den größten Wandel dieser Art aller Zeiten. Es ist das erste Mal, dass wir auf ein umfassendes Modell für mysti-
    sche Erfahrungen gestoßen sind, das noch den zusätzlichen Vorteil besitzt, aus den fortgeschrittensten Ideen zeitgenösssischer Physik abgeleitet zu sein.
    Lawrence Beynam, US-amerikanischer Physiker, 1978, zitiert in: Zitate. Physiker, präsentiert von der Webseite esse2018


  • Wir glauben, Erfahrungen zu machen, doch die Erfahrungen machen uns. Eugène Ionesco (1909-1994) französisch-rumänischer Autor, bedeutender Dramatiker der Nachkriegsjahrzehnte, Vertreter des absurden Theaters, zitiert in: Gutzitiert
  • Wenn die Seele etwas erfahren möchte, dann wirft sie ein Bild der Erfahrung vor sich nach außen und tritt in ihr eige-
    nes Bild ein. Meister Eckhart [Eckhart von Hochheim] (1260-1328) deutscher katholischer Mystiker, dominikanischer Theologe, Philosoph, zitiert in: Meister Eckhart, präsentiert von der Webseite dahin.com


  • Die Erfahrung ist wie eine Laterne im Rücken; sie beleuchtet stets nur das Stück Weg, das wir bereits hinter uns
    haben. Konfuzius (551-479 v. Chr.) chinesischer Weiser, Sozialphilosoph, zitiert in: Aphorismen.de, Zitat 3976


  • Der Kluge lernt aus allem und jedem, der Normale aus seinen Erfahrungen und der Dumme weiß schon alles besser.
    Sokrates (469-399 v. Chr.) altgriechischer vorchristlicher Philosoph, zitiert in: Sokrates, präsentiert von Zitate zum Nachdenken


Gelbe Clivia miniata



  • Äußere Erfahrung ist [...] letztlich nur als innere Erfahrung, durch spontane Evidenz, spürbar. [...] alles mündet am
    Ende in unmittelbare Erfahrung, die ich durch Identifizierung schlicht außerhalb allem Dualismus als wahr erlebe.
    Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Dürr (1929-2014) deutscher Quantenphysiker für Elementarteilchenphysik und Gravitation, Universität Mün-
    chen, "passionierter Grenzgänger", ehemaliger Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, alternativer Nobelpreisträger, Autor, 2. Wiener Kulturkongress "Auf der Suche nach dem verlorenen Gott – Zukunft von Religion und Glauben in einer säkularisierten Welt. Naturwissenschaftliche Erkenntnis und Wirklichkeitserfahrung", Wien, 28.-30. November 1996


  • Kluge Menschen suchen sich die Erfahrungen selbst aus, die sie zu machen wünschen.
    Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) (1894-1963) britisch-US-amerikanischer Kulturkritiker, Humanist, Pazifist, Visionär, parapsycholo-
    gisch-philosophischer dystopischer Schriftsteller, zitiert in: Zitate, präsentiert von Zitate-online.de



Lichtharfe, Park in Frankreich


  • Erfahrung verbessert unsere Einsicht, ohne unsere Absichten zu verändern. Alfred Polgar (1873-1955) österreichischer Aphoristiker, Kritiker, Übersetzer, Schriftsteller, zitiert in: Gut zitiert


  • Erst in einer Geschichte, in einer geordneten Sequenz von Ereignissen und deren Interpretation gewinnt das Chaos von Eindrücken und Erfahrungen, dem jeder Mensch täglich unter-
    worfen ist, eine gewisse Struktur, vielleicht sogar einen Sinn.
    H. Ernst, deutscher Autor, Psychotrends. Das Ich im 21. Jahrhundert,
    S. 202, Piper, München, 1996




  • Es ist sehr schwierig, in der Liebe aus seinen Erfahrungen zu lernen, denn jeder Mensch, dem du begegnest, ist einmalig. Jeder wird dir etwas anderes geben, jedem wirst du etwas anderes geben. Und deine Erfahrungen, die
    dich schützen sollen, können zu der Mauer werden, die dich von dem trennt, was du so nötig brauchst.
    Hans Kruppa (*1952) deutscher Dichter, Schriftsteller, Quelle unbekannt


  • Nur der Dumme lernt aus Erfahrung, der Kluge aus der Erfahrung der anderen! Rolf Hochhuth [Moralist und Mahner] (1931-2020) deutscher Dramatiker, maßgeblicher Anreger des Dokumentartheaters, Alan Turing. Erzählung, Rowohlt, Reinbek 1987


  • Erfahrung ist die Summe aller Dummheiten, die man im Bedarfsfall wieder anwendet.
    Dieter Hildebrandt (1927-2013) deutscher Kabarettist, Schauspieler, Buchautor, ARD Morgenmagazin, Mai 2002



  • Alle Menschen sind Geister, die auf dieser Welt nur zu Besuch sind. Und alle Geister sind ewige Wesen. Alle Begeg-
    nungen sind Erfahrungen, und alle Erfahrungen sind ewige Verbindungen. Die 'Wahren Menschen' schließen den Kreis einer jeden Erfahrung. Weisheit der australischen Aboriginals


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Erfahrung

General quotes

Personal avowal






  • Experience can only increase. Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983) US American engineer, systems theorist, architect, con-
    structor, designer, inventor, futurist, philosopher, author, Critical Path, chapter 6, S.198, St Martins Press, 1981





The importance of experience in the first plane

  • The first level of the seven is that which is most important to you. It is important to experience in the first plane rather than to abstract and intellectualize about the higher planes. Eventually you will have to experience them all. […] Your task is to teach of experience – to take that which is belief and faith and transform it into experience so that the learning is complete, because experience transcends belief. Teach them to experience. Remove their fear. Teach them to love and to help one another. […] This involves the free will of others.
    But to reach out with love, to reach out with compassion, to help others – this is what you must do on your plane. […]
    Eventually they will see that like a pyramid there is only one soul. And all experience is shared simultaneously.
    But this is not for now. […] all lives and all experiences are simultaneous.
    Brian L. Weiss, M.D. (*1944) US American psychiatrist, reincarnation and future-life progression researcher, past life regression therapist, author, Only Love is Real. A Story of Soulmates Reunited, S. 63, Warner Books, Reprint, March 1997



Gallup survey, United States of America, 2009

Income's Differential Influence on Judgments of Life Versus Affective Well-Being
Below an annual income of 60.000 $ people are progressively unhappy – above 60.000 $ income per year feelings of happiness do not rise.

  • Experiencing self: "Money does not buy you experiential happiness, but lack of money buys you misery. We can measure that very clearly."
    Remembering self: "The more money you have the more satisfied you are. That does not hold for emotions."
Video presentation by Daniel Kahneman, Ph.D. (1934-2024) Is-
raeli-American professor of psychology, Princeton University, founder of behavioral economics, Nobel laureate in economic sciences, 2002, The riddle of experience vs. memory, presented by TED Talks 2010, minute 18:08+, 20:07 minutes duration, filmed February 2010, posted March 2010


  • As you lower your entropy in consciousness you get more power, more ability to have an effect.
    Lowering entropy by improving the organization (profitability) of accumulated experiences increases the energy / power / information available to the evolving entity.
    Lowering entropy, spiritual growth, increasing the quality of consciousness, evolving one's consciousness, and growing up are all different expressions for the same thing. Video presentation by Thomas Campbell (*1944) US American physicist, consciousness researcher, sponsored by and at London School of Economics, filmed 22. February 2008, Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection, part 9 of 18, YouTube film, minute 0:05, 9:00 minutes duration, posted 13. April 2008



Social myth:

Coming in as a blank slate

  • The initial organization of the brain does not rely that much on experience. [...] Nature provides a first draft, which experience revises. 'Built in' does not mean unmalleable; it means organized in advance of experience.
    Gary Marcus, M.D. (*1970) US American professor of psychology, specialized in language, biology, mind, New York University, 2004




  • Man is much more than a 'rational being' and lives more by sympathies and impressions than by conclusions. It dar-
    kens his eyes and dries up the wells of his humanity to be forever in search of doctrine. We need wholesome, expe-
    riencing na­tures, I dare affirm, much more than we need sound reasoning. Thomas Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924)
    28th US American president during World War I, On Being Human, 1897, Palala Press, 18. November 2015


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Experience

Quotes by David R. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • In overview, we can see that from time immemorial, man has tried to make sense of the enormous complexity and frequent unpredictability of human behavior. A multitude of systems has been constructed to try to make that
    which is incomprehensible comprehensible
    . To "make sense" has ordinarily meant to be definable in terms that
    are linear – logical and rational. But the process, and therefore the experience, of life itself is organic – that is to say, nonlinear by definition. This is the source of man's inescapable intellectual frustration.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 53, Hay House, February 2002


  • Like the notes of music which fade away as soon as they are sounded, the experiences of life are fleeting and ephemeral. Each moment is already in the process of ceasing at the very instant it arises. The focus of awareness is like a moving flashlight in the night which briefly illuminates each object and then quickly moves on. They appear and
    disappear. To the observer, life is therefore merely a procession of appearances and disappearances. There-
    fore, nothing can be said to be happening because of this constant sequencing of attention. Focus is therefore
    an arbitrary positionally and accounts for the so-called Dance of Shiva.

    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 287, 2001


  • What is the experiencer?
    The mind acts as a processor of data simultaneously from both within and without. It categorizes, sorts, prioritizes, contextualizes, and interprets simultaneously […] This complex integrated processing system amazingly operates within approximately 1/10,000th of a second, during which it simultaneously selects and processes thoughts, ideas
    and images that are invested with emotion and categorized estimates of importance. The mind is therefore like an
    infinitely complex processing unit of both internal and external data.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 109, 2007


  • The experiencer screen is energized by desire and identification with it. This desire is like an appetite of curiosity, wantingness, and craving, and is an addiction to the experience of experiencing itself […] The basic essential core program of the primitive ego was to sample, explore, forage, seek and "get" […] its core identification and function remained essentially the same […]. The interface of the processor/experiencer is the core of separation and duality
    […] The core of spiritual work is to undo this ancient programming.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 110-111, 2007


  • The ego is focused on one point, the experiencer which is programmed to seek pleasure and survival through gain.
    […] the experiencer is programmed to "get". The experiencer’s function is to get pleasure and possess it. […] It has only one addiction, which is to subjective pleasure / gain […] The "what" that is desired is actually irrelevant. The relinquishment of this single, solitary goal unveils the Reality of the Self.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 119-120, 2007


  • As with other attractions, it is the 'experiencer' aspect of the ego that leads to involvement with distractions and naive errors of judgment, mistaken decisions, or conclusions. The avoidance of diversions and attractions is not based on judgmentalism but instead on respecting the value of the validation of truth. There are numerous integrous teachers and teachings; thus, it is not necessary to seek for novel byways. The great traditional pathways have suffi-
    ced for thousands of years, and their essential truths have been confirmed by experience. They are now even more adequately understood and confirmable.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, chapter 12, S. 203, 2007


  • We eventually get to the level of the 'experiencing of experience'. We become the awareness of the joy and the thank-
    for our existence and the existence of our consciousness. The body is then included within the field of cons-
    cousness itself. We come again to the surprising thought that the body is within the mind. Most people with a limited belief system think that the mind is somewhere 'up here' in their head. Actually, when it is being experienced, it is
    found to be everywhere.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Healing and Recovery, S. 137, 2009


  • Mind is so powerful that the way it holds our experience literally determines our experience. Fearfulness creates a cer-
    tain view of the world and tends to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Recent university research, as well as our own research, shows that what one holds in mind tends to manifest within one's experience of the world. The world of our own experience then becomes the external representation of what we have been holding in mind, so our life is really
    a world of mirrors. What we are actually seeing and experiencing is a projection of our own level of consciousness.
    This is difficult to believe and fully grasp, but to give us a glimpse of it is a whole field of study in itself. The sage Ra-
    mana Maharshi
    taught that the world you see (perception) does not even exist and is illusory (the Buddha's "Maya").
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Healing and Recovery, S. 288, 2009


  • That which you are is the witness, the observer and also the experiencer. This is happening automatically hap-
    pening as a consequence of the field of consciousness. The realization that the ego will always take credit for spon-
    taneous occurances is essential. Dr. David R. Hawkins, CD Series Discovery, CD 5 Advanced Practices for the Committed Mystic, 'The nine central elements of seriously committed inner spiritual work', Nightingale-Conant, United Kingdom, May 2007


  • Question: A very interesting statement you made is that "all experience is due to resistence." If one goes on a long stroll through the forest and experiences the wonder of nature, is that due to the ego's resistence to reality? Can you clarify this further?
    Answer: Well, the person is seeing the woods from a specific locality called I or myself. When that disappears the experiencing is not from a specific locality but more like a generality, as though you are the woods, not different than the woods So, it's a very high state to go into, a state of peace, and the witnessing begins to happen automatically of its own. And eventually, what happens is the sense that 'there is a personal I witnessing' disappears, and the phenomena are occurring spontaneously of their own without any reference to a specific observer.
    Question: So is all experience due to resistance?
    Answer: One can witness without experiencing.
    Question: But what's the resistance?
    Answer: [...] In ordinary life negative feelings are due to resistance, with the relinquishing of that in ordinary life you disappear it as an experiental phenomenon. […] For example, let's say there's a baby crying in the back of the bus,
    and it's annoying you. As long as you resist it, the baby's gonna keep annoying you. When you suddenly relent to it,
    it just melds in with the rest of the noise in the bus and doesn't bother you any more.
    Question: Okay. So you're talking about surrendering to it?
    Answer: Letting go resisting it, you know, it's most phenomenal use is, of course, letting go of negative things [...].
    Untitled audio interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins, presented by the suspended US American web radio station "Beyond the
    Ordinary", hosts Nancy Lorenz and Elena Young, 60 minutes duration, aired 14. September 2004


  • Experiencing is a phenomenon occurring in consciousness. Experiencing is a verb. Actually there is no experiencer, only experiencing. It creates the illusion that if there's experiencing then there's an experiencer – that's the basis of
    the illusion. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Spontaneous Satsang, Dr. Hawkins' birthday party, 7. June 2009


  • Question: How do you transcend the experiencer?
    Answer: It's by meditation. [...] You don't transcend it psychologically [...] just experientially.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Spontaneous Satsang, Dr. Hawkins' birthday party, 7. June 2009


Links zum Thema Erfahrungen / Experiences


Literature (engl.)

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External web links (engl.)

Audio- und Videolinks

Audio and video links (engl.)

On the "experiencing self" (present) ⇔ the "remembering self" (past, score keeper, story teller)


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