
Wiki / Sexualität








Geburt der Venus
Italienischer Maler Sandro Botticelli

Among men sex sometimes results in intimacy;
among women, intimacy sometimes results in sex.

Donald Symons (*1942) US American
anthropologist, evolutionary biologist

In allen Bereichen haben wir zunehmend das Ding ohne sein Wesen. Wir haben Bier ohne Alkohol, Fleisch ohne Fett, Kaffee ohne Koffein –
und sogar virtuellen Sex ohne Sex.

Slavoj Žižek (*1949), Der Krieg und das fehlende ontologische Zentrum der Politik, novo-magazin,
Heft 55/56, 2001/2002


Weltweite SWGS-Studie – Sexuelles Wohlbefinden (2007/2008)

Daten zur Studie Häufigkeit und Intensität des Orgasmus

Auftraggeber: Durex, weltweit größter Kondomhersteller
Leitung: Sexualwissenschaftler Dr. Kevan Wylie, Vorstand der British Society for Sexual Medicine, Präsident des
               "International Scientific Committee for the World Association for Sexual Health"
Praktische Ausführung: Marktforschungsunternehmen Harris Interactive, GB
Zeitraum: August-September 2006, veröffentlicht Ende April 2007-2008
Durchführung: Online-Fragebogen-Aktion in 26 Ländern
Anzahl der Befragten: 26.032 Männer und Frauen ab dem jeweiligen Alter der sexuellen Mündigkeit.


Einen regelmäßigen Orgasmus beim Sex erreichen laut der Durex-Studie Sexual Wellbeing Global Survey – The Big O durchschnittlich 48% der Befragten.


Im Geschlechtervergleich kommt nur ein Drittel aller Frauen (32%) gegenüber zwei Drittel aller Männer (63%) regel-
mäßig zum Orgasmus.


Junges Mädchen, das sich gegen Eros Pfeil wehrt

Weltweit bestätigen 85% der Befragten und 88% der Deutschen, dass regel-
mäßiger Orgasmus
Spaß am Sex verleiht.


Die Orgasmus-Quote in Deutschland ist weltweit überdurchschnittlich. 80% der deutschen Männer und 33% der deutschen Frauen kommen regelmäßig beim partnerschaftlichen Sex zum Höhepunkt. Unter den deutschsprachigen Befrag-
ten kommen 55% aus Deutschland, 56% aus der Schweiz und 60% aus Öster-
reich beim Sex zum Orgasmus.


In allen Ländern sind Männer zufriedener mit ihrem Höhepunkt als Frauen. Weltweit sind 60% der Befragten mit ihrer Orgasmusintensität zufrieden. Führend sind die Mexikaner mit 78%, die Deutschen liegen mit insgesamt 67% über dem Durchschnitt (68% der deutschen Männer und 67% der deutschen Frauen).


83% der deutschen Männer und 88% der deutschen Frauen, die täglich Sex haben, sind zufrieden mit der Intensität ihres Orgasmus. 59% der Frauen und 70% der Männer weltweit, die zweimal in der Woche Sex haben, sind zufrieden mit der O-Intensität.


Die meisten Orgasmen finden innerhalb von festen Beziehungen statt. Beziehungen jeder Art fördern bei Mann und Frau die Orgasmushäufigkeit.
In Beziehungen liegt der Durchschnittswert der Männer bei 81%
(Deutschland 63%), der Frauen bei 34% (Deutschland 40%). Im Jahresdurchschnitt hat ein US-Amerikaner 85 mal Sex
(von durchschnittlich 18-minütiger Dauer), ein Brasilianer 145 mal und ein Grieche 164 mal.


Beziehung oder Singledasein haben bei den Männern deutlich weniger Einfluss auf ihre Orgasmushäufigkeit. Weltweit errei-
chen 62% der Single-Männer bei One-Night-Stands immer/fast immer einen Orgasmus (in Deutschland 79%) gegenüber 28%
der Frauen (in Deutschland 22%). Frauen in Beziehungen kommen signifikant häufiger zum Orgasmus als Single-Frauen.


Selbstbefriedigung ist für 43% der deutschen Frauen der sicherste Weg zum Orgasmus, für 23% ist es durch Geschlechts-
verkehr. Bei 34% der deutschen Männer führt der Geschlechtsverkehr zum Orgasmus, bei 21% die Selbstbefriedigung. Für
45% ist es "sowohl als auch".
Weltweit finden nur 14% der Männer und 35% der Frauen Selbstbefriedigung als einfachsten Weg zum Höhepunkt.


Mit zunehmendem Alter, Erfahrung und Dauer einer Beziehung steigt besonders bei Männern die Orgasmushäufigkeit, wäh-
rend die Orgasmusintensität schwindet. Hingegen steigt bei Frauen die Orgasmuszufriedenheit mit zunehmenden Alter an.


Weltweit ist die Partnermassage zu 67% beliebt bei jenen, die regelmäßig zum Orgasmus gelangen.


Durex.com/de, Welle 1, April 2007: Sexuelle Zufriedenheit (1.159 KB), Welle 2, September 2007: In the Bedroom, PDF (1.078 KB);
    Welle 3, April 2008: The Big O, PDF (1.078 KB)
► Artikel In festen Beziehungen – Mehr sexuelle Höhepunkte, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenportal des Kölner Nachrichten-
    senders der RTL Group n-tv, 29. April 2008
Source: ► SWGS Findings Sexual – Wellbeing Global Survey by Durex.com, 2007/2008 – Third partial study: The Big O


Der amerikanische Präsident Calvin Coolidge und seine Gattin besuchten auf einer Rundreise einige Farmen. Als der Landesherr sich außer Sichtweite befand, zeigte der Farmer der First Lady einen Hahn. Stolz erklärte er seinem Gast:

"Dieser Hahn kann jeden Tag stundenlang mit den Hennen kopulieren."

Die Gattin des Präsidenten bat den Landwirt, ihrem Mann dies ebenfalls mitzuteilen, was dieser gern tat.
Präsident Coolidge überlegte kurz und fragte dann:

"Mit der gleichen Henne?"
"Nein, Sir",

antwortete der Farmer.

"Sagen Sie das bitte Mrs. Coolidge",

erwiderte der Präsident trocken.


Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag Coolidge-Effekt
Siehe auch: ► Liste der psychologischen Effekte, Phänomene und Syndrome

Zitate zum Thema Sexualität / Sexuality

Zitate allgemein



  • [Wir werden] Opfer eines neuronalen Feuerwerks, wie es in allen Verliebten abbrennt.
    Dopamin, Noradrenalin, Prolaktin, Luliberin und Oxytozin.
    Phenylathylamin macht blöd und gefügig,
    die Endorphine geben uns den Rest.
Diesen Zustand nennt der Psychologe Limerenzphase, er dauert so um die drei Monate an, dann kehrt der Mensch langsam auf den Boden der Tatsachen zurück.
Jürgen von der Lippe (*1948) deutscher Fernsehmoderator, Entertainer, Schauspieler, Komiker, Monika Cleves, Das Gemeinte
und das Gesagte
, präsentiert von der deutschen Tageszeitung Hamburger Abendblatt, 21. Januar 2006


  • Es liegt in des Menschen Macht, sich selbst als bloß "natürliches Objekt" zu verstehen und seine eigenen Werturteile als Rohmaterial für beliebige wissenschaftliche Manipulationen zur Verfügung zu stellen. […] der Mensch, der sich selbst als Rohmaterial verstehen will, [wird] auch Rohmaterial […], nicht wie er sich gutgläubig einbildet, Rohmaterial, das er selber manipulieren wird, sondern das manipuliert wird durch den bloßen Trieb, das heißt durch die bloße Na-
    tur in der Gestalt seiner entmenschlichten Konditionierer. C. S. Lewis (1898-1963) irisch-britischer Literaturwissenschaftler, Romanschriftsteller, Die Abschaffung des Menschen, 1943, Johannes Verlag, Einsiedeln, 1979, 7. Auflage 12. April 2012



Polygamie ⇔ Monogamie

  • [Polygamie] ist ein unbewusstes Zuchtprogramm, das unbeirrt seine biologische Aufgabe erfüllt. Unsere Gene lieben es, wenn wir Kinder mit verschiedenen Partnern haben. [...] Die Immunsysteme der Kinder unterscheiden sich deutlicher sich voneinander. [...] Die Evolution hat nichts übrig für Monogamie. Sie bevorzugt ein Maximum an Vielfalt, weil dies die die Zukunftsaussichten der Gene vermehrt. [...] Dieses [biologische] Programm dient nicht uns, sondern unserer Genetik. Uns Menschen geht es tatsächlich besser, wenn wir eine enge, vertraute Bindung haben und viel liebevolle Berührung bekommen. Obgleich wir Menschen nicht schuld sind, wenn wir in dieses Programm reinrutschen, können wir tatsächlich etwas unternehmen, um unsere Gene zu überlisten und für langfristige Zufriedenheit zu sorgen. Audiointerview mit Marnia Robinson, US-amerikanische Rechtsanwältin, Forscherin und Autorin zur heiligen Sexualität, Over-
    coming The Monogamy Challenge
    [Die monogame Herausforderung bewältigen], MP3, präsentiert von dem Internetradio-
    sender "Stay Happily Married", Gastgeber Lee Rosen, Minute 7:10, 25:52 Minuten Dauer, 14. Juni 2010



Sexualisierung ist Opium für das Volk

  • In Zeiten der Dekadenz, wie der gegenwärtigen, entwickelt sich die Sinnlichkeit zur dissoziierten Form des einfachen Vergnügens. Infolgedessen wird Sex zu einer Art Droge, und die Sucht danach ist nicht weniger profan als die tatsächliche Drogen-
    sucht. Julius Evola (1898-1974) italienischer Kulturphilosoph, Kulturpessimist, metaphysischer Rassentheoretiker, Esoteriker,
    Maler, Autor, Metaphysik des Sexus, Ullstein Taschenbuch Verlag, 1983


  • Entweder sind wir vernunftbegabter Geist und für immer dazu verpflichtet, den absoluten Werten des Tao zu gehor-
    chen, oder wir sind bloße Natur, dazu da, in neue Formen geknetet und gehauen zu werden, je nach dem Belieben von Herren, die […] kein anderes Motiv haben können als ihre eigenen 'natürlichen' Impulse.
    C. S. Lewis (1898-1963) irisch-britischer Literaturwissenschaftler, Romanschriftsteller, Die Abschaffung des Menschen, S. 73-74,
    Johannes Verlag, Einsiedeln, 1943, Auflage von 1979



Wichtigkeit der Nähefunktion beim Sex:

  • Sex ist für die meisten Menschen nach wie vor Zärtlichkeit.
    Prof. Dr. Kurt Starke (*1938) deutscher Sexualwissenschaftler, Jugendforscher, Soziologe, Autor, zitiert in: Video Fernseh-Talkshow Riverboat des deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsenders ARD MDR, Gastgeberinnen Kim Fisher und Susan Link, Minute 17:11, 1:56:09 Dauer, 25. Mai 2018


Referenzen: de.Wikiquote-Einträge Sexualität und ► Sinnlichkeit

Zitate zum weiblichem Masochismus von Maria Marcus

Bekenntnisse und Einsichten einer genesenden sexuellen Masochistin
Maria Marcus (1926-2017) dänische Feministin, ehemalige sexuelle Masochistin,
Autorin, Die furchtbare Wahrheit. Frauen und Masochismus
Rowohlt Taschenbuch-Verlag, Rheinbek, 1982, Juni 1991


  • Reich fasst seine Theorien folgendermaßen zusammen:
    1. Der Masochismus ist nicht primär, sondern sekundär.
    2. Die Leiden des Masochisten sind keine subjektiven Wünsche, sondern sie existieren rein objektiv.
    3. Die Phantasien haben die Funktion, einen Orgasmus ohne Schuldgefühle hervorzurufen.
    4. All dies geschieht nicht jenseits, sondern innerhalb des Lustprinzips, weil der Orgasmus
      gleichbedeutend mit Lust ist.   S. 202


  • Reich betrachtet die Kernfamilie als den Ausgangspunkt der Neurosen, und diejenigen, die die Neurosen pflegen, sind alle die Menschen unserer Gesellschaft, die an der sogenannten 'emotionellen Pest' leiden, wie er sich ausdrückte: nämlich die Menschen, die eingemauert in ihrer Panzerung leben und alles daransetzen, die natürliche Lebensenergie am Durchbruch zu hindern, weil sie ihnen grenzenlose Angst einflößt.
    Und damit erweitert er den Umfang seiner Kritik: Sie gilt nicht nur der Kernfamilie, sondern auch der Gesellschaft, die die Kernfamilie geschaffen hat und sie aufrechterhält, weil sie eine zwingende Notwendigkeit ist, damit diese Gesellschaft selbst in ihrer starren Panzerung weiterexistieren kann. S. 204


  • Ein autoritärer Masochist ist man, wenn man einer Autorität huldigt, die einen unterdrückt, zu einer Nummer, einem Buchsta-
    ben, einer Null macht. Wenn man alles in seiner Macht stehende tut, um das gegen einen gerichtete Gesetz zu befolgen, wenn man die Unterdrückung sucht und sich alle Wege zur Freiheit versperrt. Dann liebt man seine eigene Unterdrückung. Und der Beweis dafür ist, dass man protestiert, wenn jemand Unterdrük-
    kung dazu sagt, dass man behauptet, es sei alles, wie es sein soll, oder ganz persönlich passe es einem so am besten in den Kram. S. 250


  • In jedem Machtsystem, das genügend lange funktioniert hat, wird die Macht zum Schluss überflüssig, weil sie das allerwirk-
    samste Mittel für einen Status quo erreicht hat: den kollektiven autoritären Masochismus, auch falsches Bewusstsein genannt. S. 254


  • Es ist offensichtlich, dass jedes Unterdrückungssystem Vorteile für den Unterdrücker bietet, aber die Unterdrückten haben auch gewisse Vorteile, vorausgesetzt, sie reagieren auf die Unterdrückung mit autoritärem Masochismus und bejahen sie. Man braucht dann nicht soviel nachzudenken, alles wird für einen geregelt, denn es gibt für alles Regeln und Polizeivorschriften. Wenn man nichts zu sagen hat, braucht man auch nicht darüber nachzudenken, was man sagen will. Wenn man keine Wahl hat, braucht man auch nicht zu wählen. S. 255


  • Nichts trifft unterdrückte Menschen härter, als gesagt zu bekommen, dass sie unterdrückt und nicht frei sind. Deshalb müssen sie von den Ausbrechern Abstand nehmen. Der autoritäre Masochist verteidigt sich gegen jeden, auch noch so zögernden Versuch von Rebellion. Das muss er, sonst verliert er auch noch den letzten Rest Selbstachtung, denn wie könnte man ertragen, dass man betrogen worden ist, eine Lüge gelebt hat und eine Marionette der Autorität war?
    Aber wenn die Nachrichten sich verbreiten und die Gerüchte darüber, dass es eine andere Freiheit gibt, zunehmen und ergänzt werden durch ein anderes Training, nämlich wie man sich in der Sonne bewegt, durch wachsende gegenseitige Solidarität und eine neue Selbstachtung, dann kann der autoritäre Masochismus geheilt werden; er wird abgelöst durch einen politischen Freiheitskampf, und die Kräfte, die früher dazu gebraucht wurden, die Unterdrückung zu versüßen, können jetzt gegen sie verwendet werden.
    Die Heilung erfolgt also sowohl auf einer praktischen wie auf einer theoretischen Ebene. Sie erfordert Wissen darüber, wie das eigene System funktioniert und welchen Platz man innerhalb dieses Systems eigentlich einnimmt. Und sie erfordert Übung im Denken, Reden und Tun, allein und mit anderen, angefangen bei den kleinsten Alltäglichkeiten,
    die eine neue Bedeutung bekommen, bis hin zu gemeinsamen Aktionen. Dann erst kann der autoritäre Masochis-
    mus in sein Gegenteil verwandelt werden: Rebellion. Der erste Schritt ist entscheidend und die eigentliche Heilung:
    Das Eingeständnis, dass Knechtschaft nicht Freiheit ist, und das Gefühl, dass Freiheit besser ist.
    Dann hört man auch auf, etwas als 'wirklich sehr weiß' zu loben, und berichtet statt dessen davon, dass Schwarz
    schön ist, oder über Schwesterlichkeit oder über Arbeitersolidarität.
    Aber es ist ein hartes 'Friß Vogel oder stirb', denn wenn die Herrschenden sich auf das falsche Bewusstsein der
    Unterdrückten nicht mehr verlassen können, dank dem sie so viel Geld, Mühe, Polizei und Militär haben sparen
    können, müssen sie ihren gesamten Machtapparat mobilisieren. Und was dann passiert, ist nicht nur eine Frage
    der Solidarität und des Kampfwillens der Unterdrückten, sondern auch eine Frage von Waffen und Machtverhält-
    nissen. […] Ist der Wille zur Freiheit einmal erwacht, dann lebt er weiter, und sei es in einer Untergrundbewegung.
    S. 257


  • Wir [Frauen] müssen uns klarmachen: solange wir selbst uns hüten, den Halbkreis der Frauenrolle zu überschreiten,
    bleiben wir nicht nur Masochistinnen, sondern auch Unterdrückerinnen, denn das System 'Teile und Herrsche' beruht
    auch auf unserer Kollaboration. S. 306

Autoritärer und sexueller Masochismus

  • Ein paar Männer verkünden heute lauthals, kein echter Mann würde je eine 'Emanze' anrühren, die wäre ja doch nur eine verkappte 'Lesbe' (wenn es um die Wirklichkeit und nicht um Porno geht, machen lesbische Frauen ihnen Angst, denn sie bedeuten Konkurrenz). Andere verkünden ebenso diese 'frustrierten Weiber gehörten nur mal richtig durchgefickt' (und am Tonfall hört man, am liebsten von hinten), oder wir 'könnten ein paar hinter die Löffel kriegen', wenn wir wei-
    terhin verrückt spielen. Beides soll bezwecken, unseren guten, alten Masochismus aufzumöbeln, damit alles beim
    Alten bleiben kann.
    [...] Wenn wir von unserem autoritären Masochismus geheilt sind, können wir noch immer am sexuellen [Maso-
    leiden, und solange wir ihn uns auch vorhalten, um uns kleinzukriegen. Sie werden ihn als Beweis dafür missbrauchen, dass wir uns angeblich ganz tief drinnen danach sehnen, uns einer Herrschermacht zu unterwerfen,
    und die Gefahr besteht wirklich, dass viele Frauen noch immer an die Verbindung zwischen autoritärem und sexu-
    ellem Masochismus glauben. Allein deshalb – wenn schon nicht aus anderen Gründen – sollten wir versuchen, uns
    gemeinsam mit Masochismus auseinanderzusetzen. S. 302


  • Freud [...] schrieb einmal: 'Was will die Frau eigentlich?'
    Er hatte nicht die geringste Ahnung. Und woher hätte er es auch wissen sollen, er war umgeben von Frauen, die so unterdrückt waren, dass sie selbst nicht wussten, was sie wollten. Frauen, die sich selbst nur negativ bestätigen konnten – als zweitklassige Ausgabe des Mannes, als Zwischending zwischen Mann und Kind, als ein hohler Penis oder wie ihre Analytiker sie sonst nannten. Oder dadurch, dass sie immer dem stärksten Jungen nachliefen –
    nur um geduckt zu werden.
    […] Heute sind wir umgeben von Frauen, die wissen, was sie wollen. Die Frauenbewegung ist der sichtbare Beweis dafür, dass unsere Natur nicht vorbestimmt ist, sondern dass wir wählen können. Wir sind nicht dazu verurteilt, pas-
    siv und masochistisch zu sein, sondern können genausogut aktiv sein, tatkräftig, voller Stärke, Initiative, Solidarität
    und politischem Willen. […] Wer wagt zu behaupten, die neuen Frauen seien nicht auch Teil der Natur? S. 306


  • Die Frauenbewegung ist keine Anti-Männer-Bewegung, sie ist nicht einmal nur eine feministische Bewegung; sie ist eine Widerstandsbewegung gegen das gesamte patriarchalisch-kapitalistische System. Deshalb ist sie auch gleich-
    zeitig unsere Kur gegen weiblichen Masochismus. S. 307


  • Nicht alle Frauen fühlen sich unterdrückt. Aber wir wissen, dass sie es sind. Niemand fühlt sich unterdrückt, solange
    er nicht einen Traum – eine Vision von etwas anderem. Diese Vision haben wir heute. Und es wäre schön, wenn auch
    die Männer begreifen würden, aber sie begnügen sich stattdessen damit, mit halbem Ohr zuzuhören und weiterzuma-
    chen wie bisher. Natürlich müssen die Männer ein paar Privilegien aufgeben. Sie verlieren ihre alte Identität im selben
    Tempo, wie wir uns eine neue erkämpfen, denn ihre Identität war mit unserer vielfältig und unlösbar verbunden. Jetzt
    sind die Männer an der Reihe, Verteidigungsmechanismen zu mobilisieren, um sich nicht eingestehen zu müssen,
    welche Lüge sie gelebt hatten. Deshalb bekommen sie Angst oder werden aggressiv oder beides, deshalb versu-
    chen sie, uns lächerlich zu machen, und erzählen uns zum soundsovielten Male, dass es ihnen soviel schlechter
    gehe oder dass wir soviel feinfühlender seien – und vor allem ganz anders als sie – und dass wir uns doch alle da-
    rin einig sein könnten, dass uns die alte Art im Grunde am liebsten wäre. Dadurch entsteht im Augenblick eine noch
    größere Kluft zwischen den Geschlechtern, und es ist heute für Frauen außerordentlich schwer, eine gute und aus-
    gewogene Beziehung zu einem Mann herzustellen. […] Es ist ein Übergang trotz allem. Viele 'neue Männer' merken
    inzwischen, dass wir uns nicht befreien wollen, um sie zu unterdrücken, sondern um unter allen Bedingungen gleich
    sein zu können, und viele begreifen, dass diese Alternative auch Vorteile für sie haben wird. S. 308


Niemand scheint sicher zu wissen, wodurch masochistisches Extremverhalten ausgelöst wird – erst recht nicht diese dänische Feministin und Fernsehproduzentin, die lediglich eine mühsame lebenslange Suche in medizinischen Fach-
büchern, in der (widersprüchlichen) psychoanalytischer Literatur und in Pornoklassikern wie Die Geschichte der O katalogisiert. Sie können auswählen: Sadomasochismus ist das Ergebnis unterdrückter Schuldgefühle, ein Verlangen nach einer Extraprise von Stimulation, Angst vor der Freiheit oder was auch immer. Wie eine waschechte Feministin begrüßt Marcus Karen Horneys Behauptung, dass die weibliche Sozialisierung mit Masochismus einhergeht.
Marcus kann allerdings nicht entscheiden, ob drei Viertel aller Frauen eine masochistische Neigung aufweisen oder
nur einer geringe Prozentsatz von Frauen, wie dies von Kinsey und anderen Studien angegeben wird. (Sie fragt,
"Falls Letzteres stimmt, weshalb gibt es dann die massenhafte Verbreitung von S/M-Pornografie?") Fast nachträglich
unterscheidet sie zwischen "autoritärem" (psychologischem) Masochismus und "sexuellem" (physischem)
– ersterer vertreten durch Josef K. in Franz Kafkas Roman Der Prozess, letztere durch die Frau,
die sich nach der Peitsche sehnt. Falls Sie sich wundern, Marcus hat schließlich einen "Schwarzen Prinzen" ge-
funden, der sie in ihre fantasierten Riten einführt: im Großen und Ganzen war es eine enttäuschende Erfahrung,
die ihr immerhin geholfen hat, ihren "Orgasmus in Ordnung zu bringen". Wenn das Thema des weiblichen Maso-
, wie von Marcus behauptet, von der Frauenbewegung ignoriert wurde, bietet diese eingeschlagene Route
weder Aufklärung noch Verständnis.
Buchbesprechung (engl.) A Taste For Pain [Eine Vorliebe für Schmerzen], präsentiert von KIRKUS Reviews, undatiert


Verwandte Literatur:
► Sina-Aline Geißler, Lust an der Unterwerfung. Frauen bekennen sich zum Masochismus,
     Pabel-Moewig Verlag, Februar 1999
► Cora C. Steinbach, Masochismus – Die Lust an der Last? Über Alltagsmasochismus, Selbstsabotage und SM
     Psychosozial-Verlag, Taschenbuch, 1. Dezember 2012, 2. Auflage Februar 2018
Masochismus umfasst sowohl sexuelle als auch nicht-sexuelle Formen, die sich je unterschiedlich auf das Leben auswirken.
See also: ► Quotes on female masochism – Maria Marcus and Paula Caplan

General quotes


  • Those who try to make room for sex as mere casual enjoyment pay the penalty: they become shallow. At any rate the talk that reflects and commends this attitude is always shallow. They dishonour their own bodies; holding cheap what
    is naturally connected with the origination of human life. G.E.M Anscombe (1919-2001) Irish-born British analytic philosopher, student of Ludwig Wittgenstein, Roman Catholic thinker, translator, editor, author, Contraception and Chastity, CTS, 1975


  • [Polygamy] is a unconscious breeding program just doing its biological job. Our genes love it when have children with different partners. […] Their immune systems are going to be diverse from each other. [...] The evolution really does not like monogamy. It likes the maximum amount of diversity because it improves the chances that your genes will make it into the future. […] This [biological] program serves our genes, it's not serving us. We're actually better served by close trusted companionship and lots of affectionate touch. Although we are not to blame for getting sucked into this program we can actually do something to outsmart our genes and steer for longterm contentment.
    Audio interview with Marnia Robinson, US American former corporate lawyer, researcher and author on ancient sacred-sex pres-
    criptions, Overcoming The Monogamy Challenge, MP3, presented by web broadcast "Stay Happily Married", host Lee Rosen, minute 7:10, 25:52 minutes duration, aired 14. June 2010



Beauvoir viewed masochism not as the expression of normal and mature feminine eroticism based on reciprocity.

  • [Female] Masochism belongs among the juvenile perversions, that it is no true solution of the conflict created by woman's sexual destiny, but a mode of escaping from it by wallowing in it.
    Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) French feminist philosopher of the first wave of feminism, author, A Transatlantic Love Affair. Letters to Nelson Algren, S. 421, New York, 1988




  • Pornography is a function of injustice. And you can see how racist it is, how subject to class […] Whereever men and women are more equal there is less prostitution and whereever we are less equal there is more prostitution. […] Pimps and brothels are very repressive institutions. The sex industry worldwide is very repressive. Prostitutes worldwide have a PTSD rate of 65%. It's 5% for the normal population. For Vietnam veterans it's between 35% and 40%. Body invasion is very, very traumatizing. I discovered that [...] these women have been sexually abused as children. Body invasion causes people to dissociate from their bodies, dissociate from their lives. Video dialogue and Q&A with Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, The Essential Gloria Steinem (D1_CB_08), sponsored
    by Jaipur Literature Festival, India, host Ruchira Gupta, Indian feminist activist, January 2014, YouTube film, minute 0:03, 4:02, 47:45, 51:46 minutes duration, posted 17. January 2014


  • Masochism is an art of holding oneself in oppositional extremity. The masochist sees himself living – appears to live – in extremis, at the very edge of danger, madness, death. A masochist's pleasure is extremely painful and his pain, extremely pleasurable. Often opposite feelings like pride and humiliation are present simultaneously, both torturous, both pleasurable. In the midst of such emotional extremity, the need and feeding of the masochistic compulsion is clearly, itself, part of the torture and pleasure. There is pride in this cliff-hanging extremity, in maintaining these im-
    possible oppositions without plunging over the edge. It is an extreme pride, a pride of extremity, of going to extremes and surviving. It is a pride of promethean proportions. Lyn Cowan, Ph.D., US American Jungian analyst since 1980, author, Masochism. A Jungian View, S. 92, Spring Publications, 1st edition, June 1997


  • When you join your physical electromagnetic system (your body) to another, you are transferring energy to one an-
    other; you are uniting your physical vehicles. This has a very great impact on the body and a very great impact on
    the emotional self. Your nature does not discriminate at this level. If you have sex with someone, your body and
    emotions will attempt complete union. Your body and emotions do not discriminate.
    If you have this engagement with someone you are not in true relationship with, you will damage your
    physical system, and you will disrupt yourself emotionally.
    You will lose energy and efficacy as a result.
    This depletion of your physical vehicle and disruption of your emotional nature have serious consequences if
    repeated over and over. This loss of vitality will make you sick. Eventually, it will destroy your body's self-main-
    This is occurring with the illness that is prevalent now. It is the misalignment of people’s physical vehicles. It is
    the destruction, by repeated depletion, of the capability of those vehicles to maintain themselves. This is a very
    serious matter.
    There is no casual sex; there is no recreational sex. If you attempt this, you will be attempting complete union
    with no intention whatsoever and will risk your physical well-being. Nature prohibits this. That is why there are
    so many indigenous illnesses associated with this. It is not wise and it is not natural. Seek true relationship. [...]
    If you are to be sexually united with someone, you must find that person, and you must take time to see if they
    really can unite with you. [...]
    Sexuality is not a drug. It is an opportunity, but it is only an opportunity within a certain context – within the
    context of a real relationship, a united relationship, or between two people who have committed their life to-
    gether in such a way that sexuality would be appropriate for them. Very few people have this kind of relation-
    ship today, and yet everyone is trying to have sex, or looking for sex, or having sex at immense cost.
    Blog article (narrated audio availed) by Marshall Vian Summers (*1949) US American religious leader, founder of The
    Society – The New Message from God
    , author, Sex and Sexuality, Boulder, Colorado, 4. February 2008


  • If it is the dirty element that gives pleasure to the act of lust, then the dirtier it is, the more pleasurable it is
    bound to be. Marquis de Sade (1740-1814) French nobleman, revolutionary politician, philosopher, writer, The 120
    Days of Sodom
    , 1904, Penguin Books, 29. September 2016


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Sexuality


  • [Paraphrased] The population could be controlled if school children were trained early in 'erotic play'.
    Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) English US American visionary humanist, pacifist, counterculture hero, poet, dystopian essayist,
    writer on parapsychology and philosophical mysticism, novel Brave New World, S. 32, Chatto & Windus, 1932



Alternative sources, cited in:

British DVD documentary Secret History: Kinsey's Pedophiles, produced by Yorkshire TV, produced and directed by Tim Tate, presented by the British TV channel BBC Four, aired 10. August 1998, YouTube film, 50:44 minutes duration, posted 19. February 2013
Video documentary The Kinsey Syndrome, produced by American History Films, JUDE3 productions, Joseph Schimmel, written and directed by Christian Pinto, 2008, YouTube film, minute 0:39:22, 2:44:11 duration, reposted 10. January 2016

  • Children are sexual beings. […] [Green, a serial child rapist molester, trained by Kinsey's mentor Dickinson] contributed a fair amount to our knowledge […] and medicine's knowledge of sexuality in children. We made our point that children are sexual from birth. Paul Gebhard, Ph.D. (1917-2015) US American anthropologist, sexolo-
    gist, Kinsey co-author, director of the Kinsey Institute (1956-1982), cited in: Judith Reis-
    man, Ph.D.
    (1935-2021) US American professor of communications, social critic of the work and legacy of Alfred Kinsey, president of the Institute for Media Education, cultural conserva-
    tive author, Kinsey. Crimes and Consequences the Red Queen and the Grand Scheme,
    S. 148, Institute for Media Education, 1st edition January 1998


  • [Paraphrased] "Paedophilic interest is natural and normal for human males. At least a sizeable minority of normal males would like to have sex with children […]. Normal males are aroused by children.", so confirmed by conference speakers in favor of sex with children, basically, supporting pedophilia. "Professionals" discussed the classification of sexuality in the standard international psychiatric manual "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" (DSM) (used by the legal system) at the academic conference titled "Classifying Sex: Debating DSM-5", sponsored by The American Psychiatric Association (APA), held at University of Cambridge in 2014
    Removed blog article American Psychiatric Association States: It Is 'Natural, And Normal To Be AROUSED By Children', presented
    by the dissolved website Joe for America, Lisa Marie, 24. November 2016

Quotes on female masochism – Maria Marcus and Paula Caplan

Maria Marcus (1926-2017) Danish feminist, TV producer, author,
A taste for pain. On masochism and female sexuality. Confessions and insights
of a recovering sexual masochist
, St. Martin's Press, 1. December 1981



Quotes by Maria Marcus

  • Germaine Greer, the keynote speaker, was interrupted by a young woman from the audience who suddenly cried out: "But how can we start a women's movement when I bet three-quarters of us sitting in this room are masochists?"
    Greer replied: "Yes, we know women are masochists – that's what it's all about!"
    Anecdote about a women’s studies conference in 1972


  • To put it directly: what is the connection between domination and sex? Why does blood pour into my genitals when I hear those words – whip, slave, order, discipline, obey, humble, submission ... all those terms, all those signals, why
    do they send the symbols of oppression down into my cunt?  S. 155


  • When I first read The Story of O, it filled me with a mixture of sexual excitement, horror, anxiety – and envy. I read it many times, each time with the same feelings. But gradually, as I had the good fortune to plunge to some extent into acting out an "Imitation of O", my envy, anyhow, lessened, because no one imitates O without overstepping a boun-
    dary into a state which is not particularly enviable.
      S. 207


  • I have kept back The Story of O for so long because I know no other book expressing so well all the contradictions involved in
    our image of womanhood. It features them so sharply and intensely that we cannot avoid feeling them in our bodies
    and deep down in our souls. What shall we do about those contradictions?  S. 208
See: A Taste for Pain: On Masochism and Female Sexuality, presented by dubnglas, 2001



Book reviews:

  • Maria Marcus differentiates two main forms of masochism:
    1. sexual and
    2. authoritarian, the habit of subordinating oneself, putting oneself down, that results from the authoritarian structure of our culture.
Marcus concludes they are separate from her own experience in emerging from social/authoritarian masochism while the sexual pattern remains recalcitrant. In addition however, she observes, the culture conflates the sexual and social problems, into one "female masochism," regarding women as victims by nature. This mishmash, Marcus declares, is what makes the most harm. Book review A TASTE FOR PAIN, presented by KIRKUS Reviews, undated


No one seems to know for sure what brings out the extremes of masochistic behavior – certainly not this Danish feminist/TV producer, who merely catalogues a plodding lifetime search through medical reference books, the (contradictory) body of psychoanalytical work, and porn "classic" like Story of O. You can take your pick: s/m is the result of repressed guilt, a yen for that extra pinch of stimulation, fear of freedom, or whatever. Like a proper feminist, Marcus applauds Karen Horney's assertion that women are socialized to masochism. But she can't decide whether three-quarters of all women exhibit this tendency, or only the small percentage indicated by Kinsey and other studies. (Why the proliferation of s/m porn if the latter is accurate? she queries.) Almost as an afterthought, she distinguishes between "authoritarian" (psychological) and "sexual" (physical) masochism – the former represented by Josef K. in The Trial, the latter by the woman who craves the whip. And in case you're wondering, Marcus did eventually find a "Black Prince" to initiate her into her fantasized rites: on the whole a disappointing experience, though it did help get her "orgasm in order." If the subject of female masochism has been ignored by the women's movement, as Marcus contends, this is not the route to understanding.  Book review A Taste For Pain, presented by KIRKUS Reviews, undated


After rereading Freud's thesis on the mental label "women's masochism", defined as "pleasure in pain", Caplan, missing the term 'Macho personality disorder' defeated Freud in The Myth of Women's Masochism (2001).
Women's masochism was redefined as selfdefeating personality disorder, proposed in DSM III-R for further review.
Video TV interview with Paula Joan Caplan, Ph.D. (*1947) US American clinical and research psychologist, activist, social justice and human rights advocate, DSM-defiant, actor, director, award-winning playwright, screenwriter, nonfiction writer, Paula Caplan: How I Got Involved in the DSM Process?, presented by the publication Feminist Voices PFV, YouTube film, 5:16 minutes duration, posted 17. January 2013


Reference: ► Article by Linda R. Williams, SUBMISSION AND READING. Feminine Masochism And Feminist Criticism,
presented by the triannual peer-reviewed academic journal New Formations, number 7, spring 1989
See also: ► Culture degrading and women debasing BDSM – 50 Shades of Grey
Siehe auch: ► Zitate zum weiblichem Masochismus von Maria Marcus

Englische Texte – English section on Sexuality

⚡ Kinsey's K-bomb unleashed "sexual liberation" brutalization and political control

Sexual revolution


Mid-20th century professor of entomology and zoology Alfred Kinsey, Ph.D. engaged in a study on the sexual behavior of humans at the Indiana University. It was designed to systematically document the sexual interests of the average American during and after World War II. In the 1940s and the 1950s Kinsey surveyed 18,000 middle-class Caucasians.
65 years later his two books, representing the Kinsey Reports, have been translated into thirty languages.

Authors Book title First issued Publisher, reprint
Alfred C. Kinsey, Wardell P. Pomeroy,
Clyde E. Martin
Sexual Behavior in the Human Male 1948 Indiana University Press, 22. May 1998
Alfred C. Kinsey, Wardell P. Pomeroy,
Paul H. Gebhard, Clyde E. Martin
Sexual Behavior in the Human Female 1953 Indiana University Press, 1. May 1998
  Note: According to Human Events, Kinsey's reports are #4 of "the most harmful" American "books of the 19th and 20th Centuries."1 


Exposed as a concealed pervert homosexist, Kinsey focussed on science fraud to further social engineering. His agenda was not on gathering genuine data on the sexual behavior of average American men and women. His two groundbreaking books focussed on deviant, aberrant human sexual behavior.
The general public still considers Alfred Kinsey (1894-1956) as

♦ the "Father of the Sexual Revolution" who has substantially changed civilization,
♦ the inventor of the human sexuality field crystallizing a formal sex science (sexology),
♦ the brain behind the institutionalized hypersexualizing sex education movement in the western world.


Alfred Charles Kinsey

Features of Kinsey's psychopathy
As a youth Kinsey was

  • an Eagle Scout (#77), a very pious Christian, a Sunday School teacher
  • a shy sexually repressed loner crippled by guilt feelings who had his first homosexual experience at age 8 Kinsey has been expo-
    sed and discredited as
  • an exhibitionistic, voyeuristic, sexually deviant man
  • a moral relativist, eugenicist, racist, mysogynist, bully, atheist
  • a sadomasochist, pedophiliac, homo/bi-sexual psychopath2
  • a promiscuous adulterer, an advocate of bestiality, a compulsive masturbator, a pornography addict
  • a sex addict who repeatedly self-mutilated his sex organs3
  • an American Mengele who ordered, financed, concealed, and supposedly committed child sex abuse himself
  • a criminal who used the mandatory "sexual histories" and pornographic material to bribe and blackmail his colleagues, subjects, and funders
  • a man who ordered sexual torture of at least 317 or up to 2035 infants and minors in the name of "science"
  • a lousy Darwinist referring to the "human animal" a par with gallwasps
  • an ideologically biased "scientist" who manipulated statistics and falsified all his research data
  • a concealer of his criminally obtained "pseudoscience" for the purpose of social engineering society at large


Alfred Kinsey was a very strange man. He was repressed sexually until quite a late age, and then expressed his sexuality in
more and more bizarre forms as he grew older. His was a classic case of the appetite increasing with the feeding. Once you
are on the treadmill of exploring sensation as the key to contentment, you have to experience more and more extreme things.

Interview with Anthony Daniels [Theodore Dalrymple|] (*1949) English psychiatrist, retired prison physician, biographer of
Alfred Kinsey, author, Our Culture, What's Left Of It. The Mandarins and the Masses, Ivan R. Dee, 25. May 2005


The founder of psychotherapy, obsessed by the concept of incest and engaged in the science of mind control, Sigmund Freud, died in September 1939 shortly after the beginning of World War II. The Rockefeller Foundation recruited and financed the unknown straight-laced 'conservative' midwestern zoologist Alfred Kinsey in conjunction with his personal initiatives and sexual pathologies to engineer a scientific pretext of sexology to apply it for social and political action.
[Status 2013] Supported by a lobby of pedophile academicians, lapdog media, and a complicit university, the Kinsey Institute in Bloomington, Indiana, is still funded mainly by the Rockefeller Foundation as well as the Ford Foundation,
the Playboy Foundation, and more recently by George Soros (*1930). The taxpayers' money that poured into this
love-adverse deceptive project was spent against the interest of the general population.
The shocking ultimate goal of Kinsey on behalf of NWO pushing globalists is to normalize "anything goes sex" and to normalize pedophilia or "adult-child sex."

Note: The prevailing Freudian view that the sexuality of children is latent and legal protection during the passage to adulthood imperative was denounced by Kinsey who insisted that with the right assistance children could enjoy 'orgasms' from the moment
they were born. Factually, Kinsey advocated for child abuse [rape of children].


An "élite" has thus emerged, in control of gigantic financial resources operating outside of our democratic processes, which is willing and able to shape the future of this nation and of mankind in the image of its own value concepts.
René A. Wormser (1896-1981) US American lawyer, general counsel of the 83rd congressional investigation on philanthropies
by the United States House Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations, Founda-
tions. Their Power and Influence
, page viii, Covenent House Books, June 1993


Kinsey's study on sexuality – supposedly on the average American – was done mostly during World War II.
Recruitment of unconventional and deviant research subjects for Kinsey's study:

  • Male sampling: 80% homosexuals, 55% criminals, sexually aggressive, dysfunctional men (pimps, pedophiles, pederasts, exhibionists, sex offenders) mentally dysfunctional people, underworld characters
  • Female sampling: prostitutes, strippers, burlesque performers, models, artists
  • Prostitutes who (had) lived together with their pimps for 1 year were redefined as "married women".


Kinsey engaged "high level" pedo-criminals and controlled his family and staff
British sex magician Aleister Crowley (1875-1947)4 Alledgedly Crowley delivered the content of his diaries reporting on his ritualistic sex crimes inflicted upon children to Kinsey. After Crowley's death Kinsey travelled to Europe to search for his diaries in both Britain and Sicilly.5 1948
Convicted German sex criminal and WWII Nazi officer Dr. Fritz von Balluseck Balluseck corresponded with Kinsey delivering his sex diaries reporting on his sex crimes on children in a Polish Ghetto.6 The German police discovered his letters from Kinsey and insisted to no avail that the Kinsey Institute handed out Balluseck's letters to them. The American public was never informed that a "Nazi Doctor" had contributed to Kinsey's sexology. For 30 years – 1936-1956
American pedophile and serial rapist Rex King ["Mr. Green"] King was trained for his job by Kinsey's mentor Dr. Robert Dickenson. He sexually tortured over 800 minors and reported on his sexual abuses of children to Kinsey. For over 20 years
Kinsey had dual relationships with all of his sexually deviant male staff members and co-authors.
Kinsey's wife and colleagues were forced to partake in his homemade pornographic movies.
For advertising purposes Kinsey's secretary posed for photographs implying to be a married woman subject.


Kinsey fathered the arguments of the
*1920 American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
*1962 Model Penal Code (MPC)
*1964 Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS)7
*1921/1942 – 1965 onwards Planned Parenthood8
1973 Roe v. Wade landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court on abortion
*1978 The North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) [Supported by Harry Hay (1912-2002)]


Hugh Hefner, 2010

Kinsey's main propagandist and "sex educator"
When Hugh Hefner (1926-2017) read the Kinsey Reports at age 22, he – like most of his class mates – was an impressionable male virgin in college. Radicalized by Kinsey's made-up conclusions he decided to become "Kinsey's pamphleteer" spreading his pathological mes-
sage. Since 1953 his pro-pedophiliac Playboy magazine became the second biggest in-
formal sex education
organ which conditioned three generations of men within 60 years. [*]


Fallout of the 'sexual revolution'
The rapidly increasing number of child abductions and child abuse cases [soul murder] in
the post-Kinsey era is directly related to the huge comsumption of easy available addictive Internet pornography.

[R]esarch reveals that 77% of child molesters of boys and 87% of girls admitted imitating the sexual behavior they had seen in pornography they had watched.
Stephen Estey, Mike Bomberger, Estey & Bomberger, US American attorneys of San Bernardino Child Sexual Abuse & Molestation Attorneys


Dr. Judith Reisman

Female whistleblower fighting principalities
It took 33 years until the first person noted Kinsey's crimes. Since more than thirty years conservative Judith Reisman, Ph.D. works on decon-
structing both the 'Kinsey myths' and 'soft pornography'. She discovered barbaric sex abuses of up to 2,034 children and infants by Kinsey and his "team" in the protected soundproof laboratories of Indiana University.


At the end of our study in 1984 Playboy stopped producing its child porno-
graphy cartoons and its child pornography photographs not because they were so honorable but because they got exposed. So they backed down. […]
"The 'Playboy Advisor' was the United States most widely read sex education resource." [Article presented by the American daily middle-market newspaper USA Today, 27. September 1985] Video presentation by Judith Reisman, Ph.D. (1935-2021) US American professor of communications, social critic of the work and legacy of Alfred Kinsey, president of the Institute for Media Education, cultural conservative author, Media representation of children: Crime, violence and pornography in Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler, presented to academics, journalists and politcians in Croatia, recorded by the Croation Vigilare TV, 29. January 2013, YouTube film, minute 7:42 and minute 13:56, 1:00:23 minutes duration, posted 6. February 2013


1981 Reisman alarmed her ethics colleagues about Kinsey's fraudulent junk science – yet to no avail.9
1976 Reisman presented her research on child abuse promoting men's magazines (containing 160 slides of child sex abuse, rape and incest cartoons and photographs) at the British Psychological Association Conference on Love and Attraction, Wales, UK. For the first time she experienced massive furor directed at her by an academic pedophile lobby.
1985/1986 Reisman's delivers the Department of Justice, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention report, "Images of Children, Crime & Violence in Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler", documenting child rape jokes, cartoons and photographs by strangers and kin in 372 issues of Playboy, 184 issues of "Penthouse" and 125 issues of "Hustler" containing 2,016 cartoons showing children apparently under the age of 17 and 3,988 other pictures, photographs and drawings depicting infants or youths.10
October 1994 Reisman won a libel of child abuse law suit against Playboy in the Netherlands, which was never reported by the US media.


  Thwarted investigative initiatives to dismantle the Kinsey Instititue
April 1955
83rd congressional investigation on philanthropies by the United States House Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations
The Kinsey files remained out of touch.
Initiated by Republican B. Carroll Reece (1889-1961)11
1995 Federational congressional investigation on the criminal and fraudulent research committed by the Kinsey Institute Initated by conservative Judith Reisman, Ph.D.


The Rockefeller media empire propagandized the psychopathic pervert Kinsey to change the world via pornographic terrorism in schools, media and Internet. Backed by a complicit university and a pedophiliac academic lobby, Kinsey influenced legisl-
ation and education which in turn eroded morality, laws and human bonding on a worldwide scale. The focus on (perverted) dominance-driven lust in Kinsey's research damaged human dignity, the soul and the capacity of human love.


1948 – Kinsey's fraudulant assertions on the sexuality of 5,300 men
95% of American men were sex offenders according to the current laws.
Therefore the only alternatives were to prosecute 95% of the male population or to change the laws.
85% of American men had premarital sex.
69% of American men had patronised prostitutes.
50% of married American men had committed adultery.
45% of American men had committed adultery.
37% of American men had homosexual contacts.
17% of American men (farmers) sodomized their animals.
10-37% of American men had committed homosexual acts.
10% of American men (ages 16-55) are exclusively homosexual.12
Only 4-6% of the American men are exclusively heterosexual. [most absurd unsubstantiated claim]


1953 – Kinsey's fraudulant assertions on the sexuality of 4441 women
Pregnancy, breastfeeding and motherhood are NOT even mentioned.
50% of American women had premarital sex.
26% of married American women committed adultery.
76% of married American women claimed their affair hadn’t hurt their marriage.
95-87% of pregnant single American women had abortions with no problem.13 
25% of married American women had abortions with no problem.
No American woman had suffered terribly from having been raped.


1948 / 1953 – Kinsey's fraudulant assertions on children and sexuality14
The Kinsey Reports exclusively address the "human animal".
Kinsey scale: Everyone is bisexual. "Human animals" are naturally bisexuals.
Adultery is normal and can be done with no problem.
Prostitution and rape are "victimless crimes". [Increasingly stated by courts and the media]
All 6 types of "orgasms"15 are "outlets" and equal.
All forms of sodomy are natural and healthy.
Only 4-6% of the population are exclusively heterosexual.
Homosexuals represent 10-37+% of the population.
Children are orgasmic / 'sexual from birth'.
Children desire sex with one another and adults.
Therefore children need early sexual education.
Therefore the age of sexual consent needs to be lowered (to age 12).
Therefore adults can have sex with children.
Children can benefit from incest.


Legal and psychiatric fallout resulting from the Kinsey Reports
1962 Model Penal Code (MPC)16
1962 Sodomy was legalized in the United States.
Post-Kinsey era US laws against abortion, pornography, obscenity, divorce, adultery, and sodomy are weakened. Marriage is redefined.
Post-Kinsey era The US American child and family protective laws were systematically gutted.
1973 Homosexuality was removed from The American Psychiatric Association (APA) list of disorders.
1995 Sadism was removed from the APA list of disorders.
1995 Paedophilia was removed from the APA list of disorders.


Post-Kinsey era: Increase of divorces, STDs and sex crimes ♦ Decline of mores
2010 265 Pentagon employees were caught downloading child pornography.
2011 A list of 5,200 Pentagon employees were suspected of buying/viewing child pornography.
Teachers, priests and other adults are raping and sodomizing children.
The divorce rate has vastly increased.
The abortion rate has vastly increased.
STDs have spawned from 2 to ~37. STDs are rampant.
In the post-Kinsey era every single sexual pathology has increased a thousand-fold.
Pre-Kinsey era 1930s in New York An average of 108 women were murdered per year. 6% of these murders involved suspected rape.
Post-Kinsey era 1995 in New York 4654 women were murdered. 3333 of these murdered women were raped – an increase of 55,000%.


After the release of Kinsey Reports – changes in sexual behavior
1945-1965 Sex crime
1953 Pornographic sex magazines Launching of Playboy
1969 Child molester Launching of Penthouse
1971 Child sexual abuse
1972 Movie Deep Throat 1972
1970s Priest sex crimes
1973 Pornography Launching of Hustler (3rd pornographic magazine)
1975 Child pornography
1977 Incest
1977 Child sex abuse Movie Pretty Baby
1980 Lust murder
1982 Child sex rings
1984 Serial rape/murder Ted Bundy
1986 Death by autoerotic asphixia
1988 Satanic occult ritual killing
1990 Date Rape Katie Koestner
1990 Erotica sex asphixia Movie Pretty Woman
199? Sex trafficking
1998 Sexting
2003 Celebrity sex tapes Slutification of female celebrities Movie 1 Night in Paris featuring Paris Hilton
2011 SlutWalks
2015 Mass marketing of sadomasochism (BDSM) Fifty Shades of Grey
See: Culture degrading and women debasing BDSM – 50 Shades of Grey


Written sources by Judith Reisman, Ph.D. (1935-2021) US American professor of communications, social critic of the work and
legacy of Alfred Kinsey, president of the Institute for Media Education, cultural conservative author
► Mary E. McAlister, Esq.Debbie DeGroff, co-author, A deviant dominant culture bullies children using sexually explicit images that
     traumatize and groom them for sex abuse, poronography addiction and sexual assault of others
, presented via Scribd, 80 pages,
     October 2015
Book sources
► Coauthors: Edward W. Eichel, J. Gordon Muir, J. H. Court, Kinsey, Sex and Fraud. The Indoctrination of a People,Vital Issues
     Press, 1st edition November 1990
Kinsey. Crimes and Consequences the Red Queen and the Grand Scheme, Institute for Media Education, 1st edition
     January 1998, 3rd revised and expanded edition 2003
Kinsey's Attic. The Shocking Story of How One Man's Sexual Pathology Changed the World, Cumberland House Publishing,
     1. November 2006
Sexual Sabotage. How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America, WND Books,
     1st edition 20. July 2010


Video sources featuring Judith Reisman, Ph.D. (1935-2021) US American professor of communications, Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia, since 2011, social critic of the work and legacy of Alfred Kinsey, president of the Institute for Media Education, cultural conservative author
► Video documentary on Dr. Kinsey and the sexual abuse that came with the study of the youth, sponsored by Family Research Council,
     produced by Robert Knight, 1994, narrator Dr. Efrem Zimbalist Jr., YouTube film, posted 21. May 2010
     Childern of Table 34, part 1 of 3, 10:00 minutes duration
     Children of Table 34 part 2 of 3, 10:00 minutes duration
     Children of Table 34 part 3 of 3, 9:27 minutes duration
► Audio interview Michael Savage talks to author about Alfred Kinsey, presented by the US American radio show The Savage
, host Michael Savage (*1942), YouTube film, 10:35 minutes duration, posted 24. July 2010
► Video presentation Porn, Addiction, and the Impact on Youth, Women and Families, YouTube film, 32:59 minutes duration,
     posted 27. May 2011
► Video TV interview What Happened to Alfred Kinsey's "Research" Victims from the 1940s and 1950s!, presented by Faith and
     Freedom Radio
, Liberty Counsel, host Mathew Staver, founder and chairman, YouTube film, 10:03 minutes duration, posted
     14. March 2012
► Vimeo video Porn Addiction and the Impact on Youth, Women, Men, Marriage and Family, sponsored
     by The Summit Convergence: Uniting Leaders to Combat Sexual Exploitation in the Mobile Age, 13.-14. Aprll 2011, 32:37 minutes
     duration, posted ~November 2012
► Partially deleted video presentation A History of How Judeo-Christian Nations Now Face Pandemic Sex Disease/Crime, sponsored
     by Phillippine International Convention Center (PICC Forum), CCP grounds, Manila, Pasay City, Phillipines, 28. January 2012, Gloria.tv
     film Dr. Judith Reisman Debunks Kinsey's Sex Theory, part 1 of 3,
     13:37 minutes duration, posted 2. February 2012, reposted 9. August 2016
     Dr. Judith Reisman Debunks Kinsey's Sex Theory, part 2 of 3, 20:12 minutes duration, posted 7. February 2012, reposted
     10. August 2016
     Dr. Judith Reisman Debunks Kinsey's Sex Theory, part 3 of 3, 17:17 minutes duration, posted 6. February 2012
► Video TV interview Pornography Causing Teen Rape of Children, presented by the Canadian TV station Sun News Network,
     The Arena, host Michael Coren, recorded 5. June 2012, YouTube film, 8:21 minutes duration, posted 19. July 2012
► Video presentation Scientific Study of Sexuality in America, sponsored by Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia, recorded by
     the US American cable television network C-SPAN, 1:54:09 duration, aired 23. October 2012
Cultural and legal impact of Alfred Kinsey’s research on human sexuality
► Video presentation The Influence of Hypersexualisation of Society on the Development of Human Personality, sponsored by
     Medical Faculty, University of Zagreb, Croatia, 30. January 2013, YouTube film, starting minute 7:11, 1:03:12 duration, posted
     8. February 2013
► Video TV interview The Kinsey Institute The Arena on Kinseyan sex fraud, presented by the Canadian TV station Sun News Network,
     program "The Arena", host Michael Coren, recorded 3. October 2011, YouTube film, 9:06 minutes duration, posted 16. February 2012
► Video TV interview Judith Reisman: Le lobby pédophile LGBT combattu en Croatie, presented by the French TV station ERTV,
     host Marion Sigaut, YouTube film, starting minute 4:25, 33:08, posted 9. August 2014
► Audio interview Dr. Judith Reisman Exposes Dr. Alfred Kinsey, presented by The Bridgehead Radio show, host Jonathon Van
     Maren, 25:17 minutes duration, posted 4. September 2014
► Audio interview Exposing The Kinsey Sex Cult, presented by the TradCatKnight Radio, YouTube film, 1:01:52 duration, posted
     20. June 2016


Written texts:
► Interview Fighting the Kinsey Fraud, presented by the byweekly US American magazine The New American (TNA) of the far-right
     anti-communist, anti-environmental, anti-governmental political organization John Birch Society (JBS), William F. Jasper, senior
     editor, 1998, reposted by drjudithreisman.com, 26. May 2005, reissued 27. April 2014
► Blog article Worldwide Pedophilia Agenda In Sex Education And Society: A. Kinsey Reports, presented by the blogspot
     londonlithuanians4justice, 23. January 2011
► Article Kinsey's Secret: The Phony Science of the Sexual Revolution, presented by the Crisis Magazine, Sue Ellin Browder,
     May 2004, refreshed 28. May 2012
► Article Alfred Kinsey was a pervert and a sex criminal, presented by LifeSiteNews, Jonathon van Maren,
     25. August 2014
► Blog article Child Abuse as Sex Magick & Sexual Research: Aleister Crowley & Alfred Kinsey (Occult Yorkshire 14), presented by
     the blogspot Auticulture, Jasun Horsley (*1967) English cultural commentator, podcaster, author, 25. December 2015
► Article PIZZAGATE: A Special Report on the Washington, D.C. Pedophilia Scandal, presented by the alternative news outlet State
     of the Nation
, 25. December 2016
► Article Good Riddance To An Abusive Creep. Hugh Hefner was a tyrant who expounded a cruel and exploitative philosophy…,
     presented by the bi-monthly US American magazine Current Affairs, founder and editor Nathan J. Robinson, Ph.D.,
     28. September 2017
► Digital history article Funding a Sexual Revolution: The Kinsey Reports, presented by Rockefeller Archive Center, 9. January 2020
► James H. Jones, Ph.D., US American professor of history, University of Arkansas, Alfred C. Kinsey. A Life, W. W. Norton & Company,
     17. November 2004
Video documentaries:
► British TV / DVD documentary Secret History: Kinsey's Pedophiles, alternative link Secret History: Kinsey's Paedophiles,
     produced by the Yorkshire Television, United Kingdom, Tim Tate, producer and director, presented by the British TV channel BBC Four,
     aired 10. August 1998, YouTube film, 51:02 minutes duration, posted 12. November 2012
Note: No American TV station ever broadcasted the documentary Kinsey's Pedophiles.
► Video documentary Kinsey Coverup, YouTube film, posted 1. July 2008
     Kinsey Coverup, part 1 of 2, 7:52 minutes duration
     Kinsey Coverup, part 2 of 2, 7:24 minutes duration
► Video TV documentary Alfred Kinsey Promoted the Biggest Fraud in American History!, presented by the Faith and
     Freedom Radio
, Liberty Counsel, host Mathew Staver, founder and chairman, 27. October 2010, YouTube film, 11:09 minutes
     duration, posted 25. October 2010
► Video documentary Influence of Aleister Crowley on Music and Pop Culture, part 2, presented by Joseph Schimmel, US Ameri-
     can pastor of Good Fight Ministries, Crowley historian, documentarian, YouTube film, 6:30 minutes duration, posted 27. April 2011
► Video documentary The Abortion Matrix – Chapter 8 – "Do What Thou Wilt"Witchcraft and Satanism,
     part 3, YouTube film, 8:22 minutes duration, posted 1. November 2011
► Video documentary The Kinsey Syndrome, produced by American History Films, JUDE3 productions,
    Joseph Schimmel, written and directed by Christian Pinto, 2008, YouTube film, 2:44:11 duration, reposted 10. January 2016
► Documentary Alfred Kinsey – Sexual revolution, produced by Jude3, YouTube film, 2:44:10 duration,
     posted 13. July 2013
► Video documentary Homosexuality/Sodomy Truth. Aleister Crowley Satanic Agenda, excerpt "Satanic Roots of the
     Gay Movement", first availed by Chrilsama, ~February 2013, deleted YouTube film, 10:05 minutes duration, posted 4. April 2015
Sexologist Alfred Kinsey was influenced by Aleister Crowley, occultist, Aldous Huxley, philosopher, Norman Hare, sexologist, eugenicist, Harry Hay, leader of the
Gay Movement, Robert Anton Wilson, sci-fi author, Timothy Leary, LSD promoter, Kenneth Anger, Satanist, and L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology. Instead
of 10% homosexuals as claimed by Kinsey only 2.3% of the American men had a same sex experience, and 1.1% of them are exclusively gay. 60% of all homo-
sexuals claim that they had been molested by other homosexuals when they were children.
References: 2002 National Survey of Family Growth, originally presented by the politically conservative American news and opinion website and online news aggregator WorldNetDaily (WND), 16. September 2005
Further media sources featuring Joseph Atwill (*1950) US American independent Bible scholar, investigative researcher, author
► Video presentation and dialog UnSpun 031 – "Alfred Kinsey and the Peddling of Pedophilia" , episode #20 MP3, presented
     by the platform Logos Media, formerly Gnostic Media, founder and host Jan Irvin, US American ethnomycologist, independent
     researcher, political analyst, blogger, lecturer, author, AltCensored film, 1:02:55 duration, aired 20. July 2016, posted 4. March 2017
Alfred Kinsey, '' Aleister Crowley, '' Franklin D. Roosevelt, Herbert Wechsler (PDF, 1993), Rockefeller dynasty, NAMBLA and the promotion/normalization of pedophilia, debasement of culture
► Removed video presentation and dialog Joe Atwill on Alfred Kinsey, Aleister Crowley, the Frankfurt School and MK Ultra,
     presented by the US American host Timothy Fitzpatrick, YouTube film, 1:25:10 duration, posted 4. August 2016
Alfred Kinsey was linked to the occultist Aleister Crowley, the Rockefellers, the American Jewish Committee and CIA's MKUltra mindcontrol program. By studying
the network of secret societies, think tanks, corporations, foundations and intelligence agencies "the Combine" (spiderweb spanning the world) can be identified that is engaged in high-level criminality and malevolence.
► Video What you didn't know about Hugh Hefner, YouTube film, 9:54 minutes duration, posted 29. September 2017
► Removed audio review on the deceased CIA operative and MKUltra handler Hugh Hefner (1926-2017), WHAT OPERATION WAS
]], presented by "A Call For An Uprising", YouTube film, 12:42 minutes duration, posted 28. September 2017
► Video Hugh Hefner's Pedophile Empire Exposed, presented by Pizzagate News, deleted YouTube film, 30:32 minutes duration,
     posted 30. December 2017


Reference: en.Wikipedia entries Sexual revolution and ► Alfred Kinsey
See also:
Culture degrading and women debasing BDSM – 50 Shades of Grey
[*] Quotes on pornography and male violence – Andrea Dworkin et al.
[*] Quotes on Internet pornography addiction [Internet Pornografie-Sucht]
Quotes on Internet pornography

Relevant quotes


Kinsey's claim that children are 'sexual/orgasmic' from birth debunked by a child victim of his "research"

  • Children are not sexual from birth. They are obedient to whoever is over them. In my case it was my father. You honored your mother and your father. You obeyed what they said. You did what they said. That's the reason I was silent
    for so many years. I was told not to tell my mother, that this was normal and all the other little boys and girls were doing
    this too. This was not a rare thing at all, they just didn't talk about it. I was made to believe that I was sexual, but I wasnt.
    I hated it. I cried, I had convulsions, but that was totally ignored. Esther White [pseudonym], abused by her pedophile grandfather and father financed by Alfred Kinsey, cited in: Video documentary The Kinsey Syndrome, produced by American History Films, JUDE3 productions, Joseph Schimmel, written and directed by Christian Pinto, 2008, YouTube film, minute 1:18:00, 2:44:11 duration, reposted 10. January 2016
    The world's largest pederast organization The North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) suggests to those who want to understand the issue of "sexual orientation" to "know Kinsey's work". Implicit in it is the struggle for pedophile control of America's children.
  • Gay liberationists in general, and boy lovers in particular, should know Kinsey's work and hold it dear. Implicit in Kinsey
    is for what we fight today. NAMBLA, Daniel Tsang (editor), The Age Taboo, Alison Publishing, Boston, Massachusetts, 1981


  • The disturbing implication is that Alfred Kinsey used taxpayer's money via the Rockefeller Foundation to finance pedophiles who were actively molesting children. Video documentary The Kinsey Syndrome, produced by the American History Films, JUDE3 productions, Joseph Schimmel, written and directed by Christian Pinto, 2008, YouTube film, minute 1:14:55, 2:44:11 duration, reposted 10. January 2016


Possibly Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) was one of the pedophiles partaking in Kinsey's sex research.

  • Kinsey was fostering much of the same [sexual] revolution that Crowley had begun over in England and was helping to continue what Crowley hoped would take place in the United States of America. Joseph Schimmel, US American pastor of Good Fight Ministries, Crowley historian, documentarian, cited in: Video documentary The Kinsey Syndrome, produced by American History Films, JUDE3 productions, Joseph Schimmel, written and directed by Christian Pinto, 2008, YouTube film, minute 1:34:30, 2:44:11 duration, reposted 10. January 2016


  • List of "basic sexual rights"
    1. the freedom of any sexual thought, fantasy or desire
    2. be free of persecution, condemnation, discrimination, or societal intervention in private sexual behavior
    6. the right to engage in sexual acts or activities of any kind whatsoever, providing they do not involve nonconsensual
    acts, violence, constraint, coercion or fraud.
    – [No one should be] "disadvantaged because of age."
    List of Basic Sexual Rights, presented on one of the websites of the unaccredited, for-profit, degree-granting institution and resource
    center in the field of sexology The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality (IASHS), status ~2013

The Sexual Revolution as part of Aldous Huxley's Ultimate Revolution

Aldous Huxley's plan of the "Ultimate Revolution" was tied into the Sexual Revolution of the 60ties.


Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894-1963)

Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), the master mind behind the mind control aimed at "total subversion of the individual’s psychology and physiology".
Early childhood sexualization is not meant to make people freer or happier nor is it only to satisfy the desires of pedophiles. Huxley's revolutionary design

  • challenges the natural and traditional ideas about gender roles, marriage, family and reproduction,
  • produces passive, helpless, obedient, unmotivated, promiscuous, obsessed, immature,
    un-related, soul-less, addicted, self-centered slaves via mandatory government-controlled education,

produces the absolute global corporate State.
"Change agents" are pushing biological, psychological and technological buttons, applying means of control and conditioning to break through the remaining moral, cultural and religious barriers to mold the minds of children and subsequent generations.


Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Aldous Huxley
Article: ► Aldous Huxley: The Ultimate Revolution, presented by Pulse, Dave, 2. February 2009
Literature – Dystopian totalitarian collectivism:
Plato (427-347 BC) Ancient Greek pre-Christian philosopher, founder of the occidental philosophy, The Republic, 360 BC
Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) English US American visionary "humanist", pacifist, counterculture hero, poet, dystopian essayist,
     writer on parapsychology and philosophical mysticism, author, Brave New World, Chatto & Windus, 1932
Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) British philosopher, social critic, logician, mathematician, historian, social reformist, "pacifist", member
     of the Royal Society and MI5, Nobel laureate in literature, 1950, The Scientific Outlook, 1931, Routledge,
     new edition 18. July 2001
Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) British philosopher, social critic, logician, mathematician, historian, social reformist, "pacifist",
     member of the Royal Society and MI5, Nobel laureate in literature, 1950, The Impact of Science on Society, 1951, Routledge,
     new edition 1. January 1985
Video source:
► Audio presentation by Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) English US American visionary "humanist", pacifist, counterculture hero, poet,
     dystopian essayist, writer on parapsychology and philosophical mysticism, author, Aldous Huxley – The Ultimate Revolution, 1962,
     YouTube film, 43:39 minutes duration, posted 11. October 2012
1962 speech given to The Berkley Language Center in which he admits that dystopic novels "Brave New World" and "1984" were not just fiction, but blueprints
for two types of controlled and enslaved societies by an oligarchy who will rule over the servitude.
See also:
⚡ Kinsey's K-bomb unleashed "sexual liberation" brutalization and political control and ► Sexuality
Quotes by ⚡ H.G. Wells and brothers ⚡ Aldous Huxley and ⚡ Julian Huxley
New World Order takeover plans as revealed by NWO agents, insiders and whistleblowers

Online study of sexual desire (2011) – Ogas and Gaddam

Combining online behavioral data (related to erotica, pornography, and other sexually-related materials) with cutting edge neuroscience Ogi Ogas and Sai Gaddam's online study of sexual desire 2011 comprises the analysis of a billion web searches, a million web sites, a million erotic videos, a million erotic stories, millions of personal ads, and tens of
thousands of digitized romance novels consumed by millions of unwitting anonymous Internet users.


Online study of the expressions of sexual desire of the genders 2011
Aspects      Men's sexual interests            Women's sexual interests      
General result The male sexual brain differs much more from the female sexual brain than is commonly believed.
Body and psyche With men physical arousal and psychological arousal are united. Women's psychological arousal is
separated from their physical arousal.
Sexual patterns Men's sexual interests are formed
during adolescence and rarely change.
Women's sexual interests are dynamic, plastic
and change frequently throughout their lives.
80 and 60% of men are aroused by dominance cues.
20 and 40% of men are aroused by submission cues.
Most men prefer to play a dominant role in the bedroom.
80 and 60% of women are aroused by submission cues.
20 and 40% of women are aroused by dominance cues.
Most women prefer to play a submissive role in the bedroom.
Sexual brain The male sexual brain resembles a reckless hunter. The female sexual brain resembles
a cautious detective agency.
Cues / Stimuli The male sexual brain can be aroused by a single stimulus. The female sexual brain requires multiple simultaneous stimuli ("all over the map") to become aroused.
Visual / Imaginary Male arousal is 90% due to visual images. Women like stories.
Women enjoy writing and sharing erotic stories with other women.
Currently preferred theme: two heterosexual men having sex
Age preference The majority of men prefer erotic images and videos featuring middle aged women (40s, 50s, and 60s). 
Figure preference Men prefer overweight women to underweight women
to get sexually aroused.
Gay men Except preferring males, the sexual brain of gay men is virtually identical to that of straight men. 
Pornography 98% of paid online pornography is watched by men. 2% of paid online pornography is watched by women.
Source (book):
Ogi Jonathan Ogas (*1971) US American cognitive neuroscientist, Sainath Gaddam, M.D., Bachelor of Technology, Boston University,
     A Billion Wicked Thoughts. What the World's Largest Experiment Reveals about Human Desire, Dutton Adult, 5. May 2011
Counter article:
Rethinking Ogas and Gaddam's 'A Billion Wicked Thoughts'. Does Internet porn reveal our sexual desires – or alter them?, presented
     by the US American publication Your Brain on Porn, Gary Wilson, US American science teacher, 26. July 2012
See also: ► Sexuality


"A feminism that approaches the bedroom on equal footing and then proceeds mutually through asymmetrical power roles
would be a sexually healthy form of feminism. One that needs to maintain equal power roles in the bedroom would limit sexual satisfaction.
Ogi Jonathan Ogas (*1971) US American cognitive neuroscientist, author, cited in: article Feminism as the Anti-Viagra: Do Equal Rights in Bed Kill the Mood?, presented by the US American broadcasting corporation ABC News Medical Unit, Courtney Hutchison, 14. April 2011

Myths about orgasm debunked

New insights about orgasms
༺༻Common beliefActual truth
1.The more intense the orgasmic sex, the better for a relationship. The very passion that drives humans together can also drive us apart. Sexual satiation is a subconscious signal to the primitive part of the brain. It compels mammals to find an existing mate less appealing, while novel potential mates register as especially attractive. "Monogamous" mammals may experience a brief honeymoon before they tire of their beloved. The phenomenon of tiring of a mate after sexual satiation, seen in all mammals tested, even in females, is known as the "Coolidge Effect".
2.Frequent orgasm is the best way to stay in love with each other. At the beginning of a new relationship, lovers are flooded with "honeymoon neurochemistry," pumping them up with adrenaline, lowering serotonin, and altering testosterone levels. It is this drug-like "high" that tem-
porarily hooks lovers to each other and masks the highs and lows of the passion cycle. It is not their or-
gasms. Because orgasm sets off subtle uneasiness during the days and weeks following, it can actually push lovers apart, once their honeymoon neurochemistry fades. What really bonds lovers is relaxed, affectionate, daily contact, such as skin-to-skin contact, kissing, comforting stroking, and generous acts. These cues soothe the amygdala in the primitive brain, and make us want to stay bonded with those we associate with this comfor-
ting intimacy.
3.The orgasm cycle ends after the refractory period. Orgasms can increase irritability, dissatisfaction, sexual frustration apathy, cravings for junk food, which may make the respective partner appear less attractive. After orgasm an extended cycle of neurochemical changes is set off in a primitive part of the brain. The initial high is an intense rush of neurochemicals. Brain scans of people climaxing resemble those of people shooting heroin. It takes up to 15 days for the brain to return to equilibrium. As their neurochemistry fluctuates during this time lovers may experience uncharac-
teristic mood swings. As these shifts are subtle, most intimate partners do not connect them with climax.
4.Orgasm is the only path to sexual satisfaction. Ancient Chinese Taoists distinguished between intercourse and orgasm. Affectionate intercourse is bene-
ficial. Recent research is confirming that warm touch (including intercourse) and close, trusted companion-
ship soothe our nervous system, support good health and increase longevity. Various traditions have
taught that it is possible to make love gently and frequently with lots of periods of relaxation (instead of or-
gasm). Lovers report that they not only feel satisfied, energized and more loving, but, paradoxically, also
less sexually frustrated. By making love often, but smarter, mates can counter depression, anxiety, sexual frustration and disharmony.
5.Frequent orgasm is good for you. The most powerful benefits of frequent sex arise from affectionate touch and close, trusted companionship rather than from orgasm itself. Frequent orgasm can not only breed disharmony, has been shown to de-
crease sperm count for up to five months. Orgasm can increase sexual frustration, because libido often rebounds with even greater intensity during days after sexual satiation. (The brain seeks relief from uncomfortable feelings). Frequent orgasm may make women perceive men as less attractive and less friendly, and is associated with higher rates of depression. Orgasm frequency is not understood as a risk factor for prostate disease by physicians. Recent research confirms that men who were more sexually active in their twenties had slightly higher rates of prostate cancer.
Source: ► Transcript on an interview with Marnia Robinson, US American former corporate lawyer, researcher and author on
ancient sacred-sex prescriptions, The truth about orgasms, presented by the TV station ABC7News,
San Francisco, California, 25. August 2009
See also: ► Sexuality and ► Articles by Marnia Robinson and ► Audio and video links (engl.) – Marnia Robinson



Links zum Thema Sexualität / Sexuality


  • Julius Evola (1898-1974) italienischer Kulturphilosoph, Kulturpessimist, metaphysischer Rassentheoretiker, Esoteriker, Maler, Autor, Metaphysik des Sexus, Ullstein Taschenbuch Verlag, 1983
  • Prof. Sam Keen (*1931) US-amerikanischer Professor für Religionsgeschichte und Philosophie, Harvard Universität, Princeton Universität, Autor, Königreiche der Liebe. Die sieben Stufen der Ekstase, Ullstein, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, 1992

1. Besitz 2. Spiel 3. Macht 4. Herz 5. Reinigung 6. Licht 7. Gnade

Literature (engl.)

Externe Weblinks

  • Zusammenfassung der Forschungen von Dr. Judith Reisman (1935-2021) US-amerikanische Professorin der Kommunika-
    tionswissenschaft, Gastprofessorin, Liberty University, Virginia, Kritikerin der Person und des Werk des Sexualforschers Alfred Kinsey und der Pornographisierung der westlichen Gesellschaft17 durch Dr. med. Christl Ruth Vonholdt (*1954) deutsche Fachärztin für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Leiterin des Arbeitsbereichs Deutsches Institut für Jugend und Gesellschaft (DIJG) der ökumenischen Kommunität Offensive Junger Christen (OJC), Autorin, Hört ihr die Kinder weinen? Alfred C. Kinsey und seine pädokriminellen Helfer, erschienen in: Bulletin DIJG, "Kinsey, Money und mehr. Ein Beitrag zur Debatte über sexuellen Miss-
    brauch an Minderjährigen." S. 11-20, Nr. 19, 20. August 2010

Beschreibung der Universalität von Kindesmissbrauch im Buch: Lloyd deMause (1931-2020) US-amerikanischer Sozialwissenschaftler, Laien-
psychoanalytiker, Pionier der Psychohistorie, Präsident der "Internationalen Psychohistorischen Vereinigung", Herausgeber des Journal of Psychohistory, Hört ihr die Kinder weinen. Eine psychogenetische Geschichte der Kindheit, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main,
15. Taschenbuchauflage 6. Januar 1980, 1990

Prostitution ist eine 2.500 Jahre alte Form der Sklaverei. Sie ist nicht das älteste Gewerbe, noch ist sie heilig.

Kinder in der Schule zur "Akzeptanz jeglicher Art von Sexualverhalten zu erziehen", ist verfassungswidrig. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt ein Hamburger Verfassungsrechtler in einem neuen Rechtsgutachten.

External web links (engl.)

The idea that millions of sperm are on an Olympian race to reach the egg is yet another male fantasy of human reproduction.

1. There is one thing that men want more than sex – feeling safe.
2. Roughly 20,500 male genes want sex more than anything.
3. Sperm are from men, eggs are from women.
4. Males are dependent on females and are conflicted about our dependency.
5. Men are mammals and most mammals are not monogamous.18
6. Alpha males have more sex, but few of us become alphas.

Articles by Marnia Robinson

Removed articles and blog arcticles by Marnia Robinson, US American former corporate lawyer, researcher, author on ancient sacred-sex prescriptions, presented by the removed website reuniting.info

  • Bonding Behaviors, undated
  • Into the Realm of Bliss and Wholeness, 11. May 2005
  • The Big 'O' Isn't Orgasm, 23. June 2005
  • Sexologists of the Past, 14. July 2005

Three sages who advised the middle path of lovemaking – Lao Tzu, Jesus, and A.B. Stockham, MD.

  • Transcript on biologically built-in relationship problems Biology's Mandate to Separate, 28. July 2005
  • Lust and the Primitive Brain, 2. September 2006
  • What Is Karezza?, 12. January 2009

  • Blog article Studies expand oxytocin's role beyond 'cuddle hormone' , Gary Wilson, US American science teacher,
    15. November 2010
  • Will Orgasms Keep You in Love? A steady drip of oxytocin may help sustain relationship harmony., 1. November 2011

Audio- und Videolinks

Dokumentationen und Filme

  • Video Fernsehsdokumentation Die Wissenschaft der Pornografie, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender WDR, wöchentliches Wissenschafts-Fernsehmagazin Quarks, Sendetermin 14. März 2017, YouTube Film, 42:34 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 17. März 2017

Audio and video links (engl.)

  • Video presentation by Leonard Shlain, M.D. sextimeandpower.com (1937-2009) US American chairman of laparoscopic surgery, associate professor of surgery, UC San Francisco, researcher, writer, "The Big O", YouTube film, 53:56 minutes duration, posted 1. November 2012

Women want iron to cover their menstrual blood loss – Humans spent 99% of their experience as hunters/gatherers (tribes consisted of 150-225 persons; hunting parties consisted of 9-12 men in their prime) – Female Orgasm – G-Spot as the antedote to birth pain – Humans exhibit the most expressive homosexuality for an extra supply of aunts and uncles to help raising children in a village – Youth, health and beauty [subcutaneous fat, pheromenes] most attracts men to women

  • Video presentation by Mark Gungor (*1954) US American pastor, comedian, marriage counselor, international speaker, produced by Laugh Your Way America, YouTube film

Keys for lasting attraction/bondedness between husband and wife: 1. Exclusivity 2. Privacy 3. Time 4. Foreplay 5. Romance

Repeated pornography exposure diminishes men and destroys love. It robs men and women from fulfilling sex exchange. Debunking
Kinsey's fraudulent and toxic assertions on human sexuality

Note: Clopper's employment at Harvard was immediately terminated after the release of above video.

Audio and video links (engl.) – Joseph Atwill

  • Removed video presentation and dialog with Joseph Atwill (*1950) US American independent Bible scholar, investigative researcher, author, Joe Atwill on Alfred Kinsey, Aleister Crowley, the Frankfurt School and MK Ultra, presented by the US American host Timothy Fitzpatrick, YouTube film, 1:25:10 duration, posted 4. August 2016 2016

Alfred Kinsey was linked to the occultist Aleister Crowley, the Rockefellers, the American Jewish Committee and CIA's MKUltra mindcontrol program. By studying the network of secret societies, think tanks, corporations, foundations and intelligence agencies "the Combine" (spiderweb spanning the world) can be identified that is engaged in high-level criminality and malevolence.

Audio and video links (engl.) – Judith Reisman

Video sources featuring Judith Reisman, Ph.D. (1935-2021) US American professor of communications, Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia, since 2011, social critic of the work and legacy of Alfred Kinsey, president of the Institute for Media Education, cultural conservative author

Linkless media offerings

  • Video TV interview Judith Reisman: Le lobby pédophile LGBT combattu en Croatie, presented by French TV station ERTV, host Marion Sigaut, YouTube film, starting minute 4:25, 33:08, posted 9. August 2014

Audio and video links (engl.) – Marnia Robinson

Audios and videos by and with Marnia Robinson, US American former corporate lawyer, researcher and author on ancient sacred-sex prescriptions
TypeOfferingTitle ♦ Sponsor ♦ LocationDuration
Release date
Deleted videoPresentationThe Hidden Factor in Relationship Disharmony, presented by Reuniting.info43:2615. February 2009
YouTube videoPresentationHealing with Sexual Relationships9:1810. May 2009
Deleted audioInterviewMP3, presented by Jefferson Public Radio, program Jefferson Exchange, host Keith Hente13:533. June 2009
Deleted audioInterviewCupid's Poisoned Arrow: From Habit to Harmony in Sexual Relationships, presented by web radio station Psychjourney, host Deborah Harper36:317. July 2009
Deleted audioInterviewDo Orgasms Lead to Divorce?, MP3, presented by the online Energy Talk Radio, program "Divorce Guru'', host Kim Hess54:5624. November 2009
AudioInterviewCupid's Poisoned Arrow. From Habit to Harmony in Sexual Relationships, presented by the US American web radio station KBOO, Portland, program Pathways Radio, host Tom Park27:1114. February 2010
AudioInterviewOvercoming The Monogamy Challenge, MP3, presented by web broadcast Stay Happily Married, host Lee Rosen25:5214. June 2010
TV YouTube videoInterviewWhat Really Bonds is Less Orgasms and More Intercourse, episode 24, presented by the Private Matters TV Productions, host Max J. Van Praag, San Rafael27:1827. December 2012
TV YouTube videoInterview From Habit To Harmony In Sexual Relationships – Cupid's Poisoned Arrow – Marnia Robinson, presented by YouTube channel Unconventional Living, host Dman41:112. May 2015
AudioInterviewHow Orgasms Are Hurting Your Relationship (and how to fix it), presented by web broadcast program Relationship Alive, host Neil Sattin1:01:2822. September 2015

Neither John Gray (waiting it out in the cave) nor Dr. Ruth Westheimer (firing it up) can offer a viable solution to 14 days of neurochemical hangover in the limbic system past the big O.
"Events occurring in the brain when we are in love have similarities with mental illness."  BBC
"Love is an amalgam of seemingly incompatible and ungovernable mood swings."  Frank Tallis (*1958) British clinical psychologist
"The situation is complicated by the fact that orgasm itself creates a drug-like high."  Source: Article Brain activation during human male ejaculation, presented by the free MEDLINE database PubMed, Gert Holstege, Dutch scientist, 8. October 2003  [This was observed, while viewing scans of men ejaculating. The brain scans
of men ejaculating are comparable to the brain scans of people shooting heroin.]

Movies, documentaries

Linkless documentary

  • Video documentary Homosexuality/Sodomy Truth. Aleister Crowley Satanic Agenda, YouTube film, 10:06 minutes duration, posted 27. February 2013
    Sexologist Alfred Kinsey was influenced by Aleister Crowley, Aldous Huxley, philosopher, Norman Hare, sexologist, eugenicist, Harry Hay, leader
    of the Gay Movement, Robert Anton Wilson, sci-fi author, Timothy Leary, LSD promoter, Kenneth Anger, Satanist, and L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology founder. Instead of 10% homosexuals as claimed by Kinsey only 2.3 % of the American men had a same sex experience, and
    1.1% of them are exclusively gay. 60% of all homosexuals claim that they had been molested by other homosexuals when they were children.
    References: 2002 National Survey of Family Growth Exposed: The Myth That "10% Are Homosexual", presented by Traditional Values
    Coalition, 2011


Interne Links




1 Article Ten Most Harmful Books of the 19th and 20th Centuries, presented by the conservative American political news and analysis website Human Events, 31. May 2005

2 Psychopathy as defined by Canadian professor of experimental psychology and researcher in psychopathology Robert D. Hare, C.M., Ph.D. (*1934) following the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), University of British Columbia

3 Kinsey died at least partially of sexual trauma and the STD orchitis.

4 Short-term member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley was labeled "the wickedest man in the world".

5 Kinsey's research was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation (James H. Jones, Alfred C. Kinsey. A Life, S. 555, W. W. Norton & Company, 2004). Kinsey corresponded with MKULTRA psychiatrist Ewen Cameron and was an admirer, and possible correspondent, of Aleister Crowley. Kinsey tried hard to obtain Crowley's sex-magickal diaries after Crowley's death, and even made a pilgrimage to Crowley's Thelema Abbey, where Crowley allegedly conducted sexual rituals that included children. (Wardell Baxter Pomeroy, Dr. Kinsey and the Institute for Sex Research, S. 413, Yale University Press, 1972)

6 Von Balluseck mailed his on-going child abuse crimes to Kinsey.

7 Cofounder: John Money, Ph.D. (1921-2006) US American professor of psychology, Johns-Hopkins University, controversioal sexologist, author

8 Video TV interview with Abby Johnson, Former Planned Parenthood Leader Abby Johnson on Life Unplanned, presented by the US American conservative evangelical religious television network The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), YouTube film, 9:23 minutes duration, posted 11. January 2011

9 Removed video TV interview Kinsey's Child Sexual Research, presented by the newspaper Canadian Times, YouTube film, 3:33 minutes duration, posted 26. September 2013

10 By 1986, Reisman concluded her investigation of "372 issues of "Playboy", 184 issues of "Penthouse" and 125 issues of "Hustler"" that found "2,016 cartoons that included children apparently under the age of 17 and 3,988 other pictures, photographs and drawings that depict infants or youths," the details of which were collected into "a three-volume report running to 1,600 pages" titled "Images of Children, Crime and Violence in Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler." James J. Kilpatrick (1920-2010) US American editorial columnist, grammarian, Nude Women, Mud Pies, And The Deficit, presented by The Blade, 26 September 1986, retrieved 16 November 2010

11 [T]his investigation – in the directions that it was moving – would have been an exposure of this Carnegie Endowment story and the Ford Foundation and the Guggenheim and the Rockefeller Foundation, all working in harmony toward the control of education in the United States. Video interview with Norman Dodd (then age 83) (1899-1987) US American banker/bank manager, financial advisor, chief investigator for the 1953 United States House Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations initiated by US congressman B. Carroll Reece, Norman Dodd – The Hidden Agenda For World Government, produced by host G. Edward Griffin (*1931) US American film producer, certified financial planner, political activist, lecturer, founder of Freedom Force International, author, 1982, YouTube film, minute 41:19, 49:48 minutes duration, posted 11. February 2013
Exposure of the infiltration of the banking and public education systems by large corporations to eventually merge the United States into a world government (New World Order)

12 "According to a Williams Institute review conducted in April 2011, approximately 3.8% of American adults identify themselves either as lesbian or gay (1.70%), bisexual (1.80%), or transgender (0.30%); which would correspond to approximately 9 million of adult Americans as of the 2010 Census." LGBT demographics of the United States

13 The study of infidelity by Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy found: 85% of marriages are damaged as a result of adultery. 34% end in divorce. Spouses who stayed together after infidelity were unhappy.

14 Judith Reisman, Ph.D. (1935-2021) US American professor of communications, social critic of the work and legacy of Alfred Kinsey, president of the Institute for Media Education, cultural conservative author, citing: Article Kinsey: Alleged "Findings" – The Kinsey Model, referencing Kinsey. Crimes and Consequences the Red Queen and the Grand Scheme, chapter 7, S. 170-171, Institute for Media Education, 1st edition January 1998

15 A pedophile, who sexually manipulated a 4 year old boy reported 26 "orgasms" within 24 hours of his victim.

16 Statutory text developed by the American Law Institute (ALI), 1923, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, trivializing/normalizing all sexual crimes, footnoted by Alfred Kinsey, 1962

17 Neben den Forschungen von Judith Reisman ("Kinsey, Sex and Fraud", Huntington House Publishers, Louisiana, 1990; insbesondere: "Kinsey, Crimes and Consequences", The Institute for Media Education, Crestwood, 2000 und ihre Website www.drjudithreisman.com) wurden auch folgende Quellen benutzt, auf die Judith Reisman hinweisen: James H. Jones, "Alfred C. Kinsey A Public/Private Life", W. W. Norton, New York, 1997; der im Internet abrufbare BBC-Dokumentarfilm "Secret History: Kinsey's Pedophiles", ausgestrahlt am 10. August 1998

18 Of the roughly 5,000 species of mammals, only 3 to 5 percent (beavers, otters, wolves, bats and foxes, hoofed animals) are known to form lifelong pair bonds. Men are more likely than women to cheat: 20% of men and 13% of women reported that they've had sex with someone other than their spouse while married, according to data from the recent General Social Survey (GSS). In the 18-29 age group, 11% of women cheat and 10% of men do. In the 70 to 79 year age-group, 26% of men cheat and 13% of women cheat.

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