
Hawkins / Relativismus





BW 185-190






Das Dilemma des Relativismus

Vertreter des Relativismus argumentieren beispielsweise mit der verallgemeinernden Aussage

Alles ist relativ!

Ein übliches Argument zur Entkräftung relativistischer Standpunkte ist deren intrinsische Widersprüchlichkeit.


Labyrinth vor St. Lambertus, Mingolsheim

Die relativistische Behauptung Alles ist relativ! beinhaltet folgen-
des Paradox:

  1. Wird sie als relative Aussage verstanden, so schließt sie Absolutheit nicht aus und widerspricht sich damit selbst.
  2. Wird sie hingegen als absolute Aussage verstanden, liefert sie als solche das sie widerlegende Beispiel einer absolu-
    ten Behauptung und den Nachweis, dass eben nicht alle wahrheitshaltigen Aussagen relativ sind.


Im Gegensatz zum erkenntnistheoretischen Relativismus ist mo-
ralischer (ethischer) Relativismus jedoch rein logisch nicht zu wi-
derlegen. Er beschränkt seine Wahrheitswertskepsis nämlich nur
auf den ethischen Bereich. So kann er nämlich behaupten, es sei
epistemisch wahr, dass es keine universell geltenden ethischen
Normen gibt.


Dem moralischen Relativismus, welcher die Wahrheit des Absoluten und spirituelle Prinzipien verneint, schreibt Dr. Hawkins den einsetzenden Niedergang der westlichen Gesellschaft und der Welt im Allgemeinen zu. Er erklärte, dass das antike Rom nicht durch äußere Machthaber besiegt wurde, sondern infolge der Dekadenz im Inneren untergegangen ist.


Relativism denies the reality of the Absolute as it believes that all supposed truth is only social, linguistically construc-
ted opinion (perception / definition / 'just rhetoric'). Therefore, relativism sees only perception and is blind to essence as well as context. Paradoxically, relativism considers its own premises to be absolute (as well as superior and elite). If all statements are hypothetically only semantic constructs then obviously that very statement itself has no in-
herent reality and is also just a value-laden linguistic construct. Thus, by it's own criteria, relativism is fallacious.
Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012) US American physician, psychiatrist, controversial spiritual teacher, author, Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 136, 2008


Hinweis: ► Im Allgemeinen schwingt Relativismus auf einem Bewusstseinswert von 185, der erkenntnistheoretische Relativismus 190 –
nach der Skala des Bewusstseins, die von dem US-amerikanischen Psychiater '
' Dr. David R. Hawkins entwickelt wurde.


Siehe auch: ► Paradox

Grundrecht auf freie Meinungsäußerung

Hawkins, der sich gelegentlich in frappierender Weise ausdrückt, meint:

Wir benötigen nicht das Recht AUF die freie Meinungsäußerung, sondern die Befreiung VON der Berech-
tigung, die eigene Meinung ungehindert äußern zu können.

Dies sagt er angesichts der Tatsache, dass das kostbar erkämpfte und vornehme Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung in westlichen Gesellschaften jüngst für allerhand Missbrauch gebeugt wurde.
Mittlerweile ist die Praxis der Rechtsbeugung in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika so weit fortgeschritten, dass zer-
störerische Handlungen im Rahmen des "Grundrechts auf freie Meinungsäußerung" gerechtfertigt werden.



  • die Vereinigung KuKluxKlan (KKK) verbrennt Kreuze und anerkennt dies nicht als Vandalismus, sondern als Aus-
    druck von freier Meinungsäußerung.
  • 90 Prozent der frei geäußerten Blog-Inhalte im Internet sind dekadent. Sie sind geistige Umweltverschmutzung.


In seinem Seminar Relativism vs. Reality in Sedona erklärte Hawkins am 14. April 2007, die Irrtümer der postmodernen Gesellschaft hätten den geistigen Weg erschwert. Wir seien heute Zeugen davon, dass Wahrnehmung zur alltäglichen Wahrheit geworden sei, die im Widerspruch zur absoluten Wahrheit stehe. Dieser Umstand habe dazu geführt, dass das Bewusstseinsniveau der westlichen Zivilisation in Richtung Unredlichkeit abfällt.1


Die westlichen Gesellschaften brechen bewusstseinsmäßig deshalb ein, weil in den Medien, der Politik, im Geschäftsle-
ben und im Bildungswesen wiederholt irrtumliches Denken, Reden und Handeln Verbreitung finde, das sich auf die Do-
der niederen Bewusstseinsebenen unter BW 200 berufe, von ihr begrenzte Energie beziehe und den Zwecken des niederen Ego-Minds diene, was sich teils in bösartigen Amokläufen in das Gemeinwesen ergieße.


Relativismus ist die Wahrheit nach projizierter Wahrnehmung und Maßgabe von Einzelnen, die keinen Maßstab beste-
hender Absolutheit zugrunde legen. Wahrheit ist erst gegeben, wenn sie ausgedrückt wird von Menschen, die einen red-
lichen Bewusstseinsgrad aufweisen. Diese Voraussetzung wird weltweit nur von etwa einem Fünftel der Bevölkerung er-
füllt. Das Wahrheitsverständnis von beispielsweise Zynikern, Skeptikern, Atheisten, Attackenreitern, New-Agern, Politisch Korrekten und Pazifisten ist irrelevant, da es im Rahmen des Zwangs, der Negativität, der Unwahrheit und Lieblosigkeit zum Ausdruck gebracht wird.


Wenn die Dinge aus dem Ruder laufen, tendiert die Welt womöglich zu Protestmärschen, während der schmale Weg zur Wirkmacht des Göttlichen bis hin zur Erleuchtung Zwang unterlässt und sich nicht per se in äußerem Aktivismus enga-
giert, es sei denn nach innerem Auftrag bezogen auf das Göttliche.
Durch Beispiel essenziell zu lehren und wirkmächtig zu beeinflussen, ist nur dem Redlichen möglich. Das eigene Potential dessen, was man ist, zu vervollkommnen, heißt, die Gottheit zu ehren, was das größte Geschenk an die Welt ist.

Hinweis: ► Laut Hawkins' Bewusstseinswertmessung ist das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika in den letzten fünfzig Jahren den Bereich der Negativität gefallen.
BW 255 Meinungsäußerungsfreiheit (Stand 1955)
BW 180 Meinungsäußerungsfreiheit (Stand 2007)


Siehe auch: ► Das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung

Zitate zum Thema Relativismus / Relativism

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

D. Hawkins
...Tao Te King
1. BW 600+Leben
Wer das LEBEN hochhält,
handelt nicht und hat keine Absichten
Wu wei
2. Unter BW 500-600+Linearität Wer das LEBEN nicht hochhält,
handelt und hat Absichten.
Verlangt Respekt
3. BW 500+Liebe Wer die Liebe hochhält,
handelt, aber hat keine Absichten.
Frei von Statusdenken
4. BW 405-415
BW 365-380
Gerechtigkeit Wer die Gerechtigkeit hochhält,
handelt und hat Absichten.
Nutzt Statusvorteil
5. BW 310-350Sitte Wer die Sitte hochhält, handelt,Handeln
6. BW < 200Konflikt und wenn ihm jemand nicht erwidert,
so fuchtelt er mit den Armen und holt ihn heran.
7. BW 1000+
BW 600+
SINN (Tao)
Darum: Ist der SINN verloren, dann das LEBEN.
8. BW 310Menschlichkeit Ist das LEBEN verloren, dann die Liebe.
9. BW 250Anständigkeit Ist die Liebe verloren, dann die Gerechtigkeit.
10. Über BW 200Integrität Ist die Gerechtigkeit verloren, dann die Sitte.
11. BW 185-190Moralischer Relativismus Die Sitte ist Treu und Glaubens Dürftigkeit und
der Verwirrung Anfang.
Laotse [BW 610] (604-531 v. Chr.) chinesischer Weiser, Philosoph, Begründer des Taoismus, Tao Te King [BW 610], 1911, Übersetzung Richard Wilhelm (1873-1930), Diederichs Gelbe Reihe, Band 19, Kapitel 38, 1998, 10. Auflage 2004


  • Mangelnde Integrität ist […] in fast jedem Aspekt der Gesellschaft eingewoben, wodurch sie für einen durchschnitt-
    lichen Menschen unsichtbar geworden ist. Der Wolf ist versteckt in den Schafskleidern von Patriotismus, Recht-
    schaffenheit [politischer Korrektheit] und Glaubenssätzen wie
    • 'Das ist nur Geschäft',
    • 'Der Zweck heiligt die Mittel',
    • 'Die Gesellschaft verdient Rache',
    • 'Die Menschen lassen sich am Besten durch Bedrohung und Furcht kontrollieren',
    • 'Krieg gegen Drogen',
    • 'Gier im Geschäftsleben ist in Ordnung',
    • 'Lügen seitens der Regierung oder im Geschäftsleben ist okay',
    • 'Stolz ist gut',
    • 'Materialismus und Gewinn rechtfertigen jede Verhaltensweise',
    • 'Es ist in Ordnung, die Wahrheit zu verfälschen oder zu verhehlen, wenn man sonst verurteilt werden würde',
    • 'Jeder Betrug ist erlaubt, um gewählt zu werden',
    • 'Alles darf gedruckt werden, solange es die Absatzzahlen der Presse fördert',
    • 'Rechthaben ist wichtiger als die Wahrheit zu sagen' oder
    • 'Profit rechtfertigt jedes menschliche Verhalten'.
Sogar der Geist des Gesetzes wird unterminiert, indem der Buchstabe des Gesetzes benutzt wird, um es zu beugen. FU Das All-sehende Auge, S. 306, 2005



Siehe auch:

Videovortrag mit Muskeltest-Demonstrationen Power vs. Force, Volume Serie I, 2 DVD-Set, 11. November 1995

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

Personal avowals

  • I respect the intellect. If it weren’t for science, most of us wouldn't be here. The beast of relativism tries to distort truth.
    Sedona Seminar Vision, 3 DVD set, 25. February 2005


Controversial conclusion

  • We don't need freedom OF speech, we need freedom FROM speech.
    Sedona Seminar Serenity, 3 DVD set, 20. August 2005
⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013




Societal meme of slanderous propaganda



Culture war and decline of an adolescent nation

  • In the current 'cultural war', politicized sociology, sophistry, and rhetoric have now significantly replaced reason and verifiable truth. Even history, language, mathematics, and science, as well as the ethics of responsibility, have been attacked and repudiated. While these relativistic positions could be excused or overlooked as adolescent, naive, and regressive, another element of this decline emerges that reveals the motivations behind the regression, that of "justif-
    ied hatred"
    . Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 256, 2005


Bachus, römischer Gott des Weins, ~1638-1640
Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) flämischer Maler




  • Using moral relativism as their weapon, liberal secularists can destroy any absolute law they desire. Even the laws that go-
    vern society can be destroyed. Most people recognize that Ameri-
    can law, ideology, and morals are essentially governed by Judeo-
    Christian belief in the Ten Commandments. Since there is no God,
    according to secularists, then all we have are ten Suggestions;
    there is no law. With no absolute laws, defining right and wrong is a strictly personal matter.
    This is why Ward Churchill, Harris Mirkin, and other secularist faculty members can espouse such ideologies as anti-Americanism and pedophilia. If a person doesn't believe in absolute law, then he or she is not required to believe that pedophilia is wrong. Moral relativism destroys the law that defines right and wrong, moral and immoral. Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 13, S. 226, 2006



Complete quote by Lewis Carroll:

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, "It means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less."


  • Historically, the great empires […] crumble from within by moral decay. Actually, the First Ammendment prohibits only the government from censoring speech. In the social arena, adherence to truth is an no longer a requirement, thereby giving greater voice to the expressions of illogical premises that have exploitive media value rather than intrinsic worth. Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 13, S. 228-229, 2006



Relativism as described is represented in the "mean green meme".
Absolutism (authorianism) as described in represented the "blue meme".

See also: Spiral Dynamics chart – Clare Graves, Don Beck and Chris Cowan (1996-2006)


  • The impact of relativism on Western civilization is the exact opposite to that which ensued from the era of enlightenment that superseded the Dark Ages and replaced ignorance with reason, logic, and rationality and an education based on truth, morality, and integrity.
    Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 113, 2009


  • Relativism denies the reality of the Absolute as it believes that all supposed truth is only social, linguistically construc-
    ted opinion (perception / definition / 'just rhetoric'). Therefore, relativism sees only perception and is blind to essen-
    as well as context.
    Paradoxically, relativism considers its own premises to be absolute (as well as superior and elite). If all statements are hypothetically only semantic constructs then obviously that very statement itself has no inherent reality and is also just a value-laden linguistic construct. Thus, by it's own criteria, relativism is fallacious.
    Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 136, 2009



Passion inspected

  • If passion itself is valued (and even promoted) for its own sake, then why is that so, especially in view of the gross disasters of mankind that were consequent to inflamed passion (e.g., Nazi era, Ku Klux Klan, and terrorists)? 'Passion' is exhibited by the animal world in its struggles for existence and survival. Thus, it has a pragmatic value in select circumstances but becomes a negative if not dominated by intelligence. 'Passion' often merely signifies unbridled narcissistic emotionality and is thus quantitative rather than qualitative. […]
    "Be passionate only for God." Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 148, 2009



  • A study of Western civilization indicates that its current overall level of consciousness is currently in decline for the reasons that have been succinctly stated by Pope Benedict (relativism plus Islamic aggression and 'cultural Jihad';
    see Burton and Stewart, 2007). The decline is the result of social and intellectual influences via the media, academia and politicalization from lower consciousness levels which have been heavily financed from sources that calibrate below the critical consciousness level of 200 ('power brokers'). The net result is the progressive dominance of nar-
    cissism, which is aggrandized as 'progressive', 'free speech', or human 'rights' and appeals to egocentricity.
    Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 162, 2009



Countermeasures to the decline of cultures due to moral relativism:


  • A Washington court has ruled that there is no longer any basis for slander [LoC 135] in that any statement ('free speech') need not be supported by confirmable, material facts. Therefore, overt lies and verifiable truths have equal standing. (This ruling calibrates at 170.) Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, chapter 17, S. 315-316, 2008


  • While faith has routinely been subjected to attack over historical periods, now even reason itself has become basically impaired so as to actually hinder the capacity of the human mind for reality testing. The reversal of truth and falsehood and of good and evil is brazenly stated by world political leaders as well as prevailing academics (e.g., ethical and moral relativism, and postmodern deconstructionism). Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 316, 2009


  • Relativism denies the existence of the absolute and says that anything can mean anything one wants it to mean. Sedona Seminar Identification and Illusion, 3 DVD set, 14. August 2004


  • The comedy of today's media is 'Fair and balanced'. Mankind is going to go down with free speech and 'Fair and balanced'. Why is that? Because what it is saying is that falsehood has equal validity as truth. The equation of truth
    and falsehood. That interpretation is called relativism or moral equivalency.
    Audio Sedona presentation Converting Spiritual Concepts, Unity Church of Sedona, 25. June 2006




Hawkins has concern of the programming by the modern media: The iteration, constant repetition, of twisted messages, will have a profound effect on the population. It chips away their capacity for reason, to discern illusion from reality.

  • What is the repair of all that [negative programming by modern media and moral relativism]?
    [...] The way to offset it is not to make an enemy out of it and attack it. That is being seduced to fall into the trap. The way is by each one us by being as loving as we can, as helpful, as truthful, as integrous, as we can within our own domain. Each one of us adds to the level of the sea. And as the sea rises it lifts all the ships on the sea. The way to help with this situation is not by attacking falsehood but instead by becoming the fullest expression and fulfillment of your own spirtual potentiality. Now a group like this, curiously enough, can be the tail that wags the dog.
    Sedona Seminar Relativism vs. Reality, 3 DVD set, 14. April 2007




Moral relativism, the propagation of haltruths (falsehood) is eroding western democracies.

  • Socrates said: "Eventually Democracy will fail." Democracy will fail because you give equal power to fallacy as you do to truth. […] This is what I think is the downside of Western society is that you have given equal power to falsehood. The power that should go to truth, believability and credence etc. you have now given to falsehood. […] [T]he slogan is 'Fair and balanced', […] Fair and balanced […] is that I should be able to just do and say anything I want. That's called libertarianism and anarchy. Anarchy then is what's taken over the communication system. […]
    I don't think that the government can actually allow freedom of the press to continue in the present vein. Why? Because the internet has now become the backbone of international economy. […] So if you allow that what is false to take over and dominate the internet then you are going to destroy one of the most important components to modern commerce and trade and economic survival which is being run by the internet. [...] They can just say anything they want. You can make up any figures you want. […] We don't allow that freedom of choice to be in certain areas of our life but we allow
    it in areas that are more important. And that is our spiritual convictions and alignment.
    Prescott Seminar Spirituality. Reason and Faith, 3 DVD set, 26. January 2008

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Persönliche Bekenntnisse

  • Ich habe immer mehr den Eindruck, dass man Freiheit mit Frechheit verwechselt.
    Gino Cervi (1901-1974) italienischer Filmschauspieler, zitiert in: Gute Zitate

Papst zur Krise des Relativismus

Papst Benedikt XVI. [BW 570] hat in seiner öffentlichen Ansprache vor Kardinälen und führenden Entscheidungsträgern im Erziehungswesen der Katholischen Kirche über eine Welt gesprochen, die in eine Diktatur des Relativismus reinschlittert. Es war am 6. Juni 2005, anderthalb Monate nach Zusammenkunft der Konklave, in der er zum Papst gewählt wurde.

  • Ein besonders tückisches Hindernis für die Erzieh-
    ungsarbeit stellt heute in unserer Gesellschaft und
    Kultur das massive Auftreten jenes Relativismus
    dar, der nichts als definitiv anerkennt und als letzten
    Maßstab nur das eigene Ich mit seinen Gelüsten
    gelten lässt und unter dem Anschein der Freiheit
    für jeden zu einem Gefängnis wird, weil er den einen vom anderen trennt und jeden dazu erniedrigt, sich ins eigene »Ich« zu verschließen. Innerhalb eines solchen relativistischen Horizonts ist daher wahre Erziehung gar nicht möglich: Denn ohne das Licht der Wahrheit sieht sich früher oder später jeder Mensch dazu verurteilt, an der Qualität seines eigenen Lebens und der Beziehungen, aus denen es sich zusammensetzt, ebenso zu zweifeln wie an der Wirksamkeit seines Einsatzes dafür, gemeinsam mit anderen etwas aufzubauen. Papst Benedikt XVI. [BW 570] (1927-2022) deutscher Theologe, 265. geistliches Oberhaupt der Katholischen Kirche (2005-2013), SCHREIBEN VON BENEDIKT XVI. BEI DER ERÖFFNUNG DER PASTORALTAGUNG DER DIÖZESE ROM ZUM THEMA FAMILIE, Lateranbasilika, Rom, Italien, 6. Juni 2005



Das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung

  • Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu äußern und zu verbreiten und sich aus allgemein zugänglichen Quellen ungehindert zu unterrichten. Die Pressefreiheit und die Freiheit der Berichterstattung durch Rundfunk und Film werden gewährleistet. Eine Zensur findet nicht statt.
    Artikel 5, Abs. 1, S. 1, 1. Hs. des Grundgesetz (GG) der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 23. Mai 1949


  • Das Axiom des Relativismus lautet: "Man kann nie dem menschlichen Subjektiven entgehen"; wenn das zuträfe, hätte diese Behauptung ebenfalls keinerlei objektiven Wert, sie fiele ihrem eigenen Urteil zum Opfer. Es ist allzu offensichtlich, dass der Mensch völlig aus dem Subjektiven heraustreten kann, sonst wäre er nicht Mensch; und
    Beweis dafür liegt darin, dass wir uns sowohl das Subjektive als auch dessen Überschreitung vorstellen können.
    Für den ganz in seiner Subjektivität eingeschlossenen Menschen wäre diese nicht einmal vorstellbar; das Tier lebt
    in seiner Subjektivität, hat aber keine Vorstellung von ihr, da es nicht wie der Mensch die Gabe der Objektivität
    besitzt. [...]
    Einer der hervorstechendsten Züge des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts ist die zur Gewohnheit gewordene Verwechslung
    von Entwicklung und Verfall: es gibt keinen Verfall, keine Schwächung, keine Fälschung, die man nicht mit dem re-
    lativistischen Vorwand der "Evolution" entschuldigen würde, indem man sich dabei auf die unzulässigsten und irr-
    sinnigsten Gleichsetzungen stützt. So kommt es, dass der Relativismus, der öffentlichen Meinung nach allen Re-
    geln der Kunst einflößt, einerseits allen Zersetzungen Tür und Tor öffnet und andererseits darüber wacht, dass
    keine gesunde Gegenwehr dieses Abgleiten ins Niedrige aufhalten kann.
    Frithjof Schuon (1907-1998) schweizerischer Religionsphilosoph, Metaphysiker, Logik und Transzendenz, tredition, 6. Mai 2013



Diese These Dostojewskijs nahm

Jean-Paul Sartre [BW 200] als Ausgangspunkt seiner Version des Existentialismus [BW 375].



Quotes by various other sources

Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Lukas 23, 34 (NT)


Personal avowals

  • Everything I have said and done is these last years is relativism, by intuition. From the fact that all ideologies are of equal value, that all ideologies are mere fictions, the modern relativist infers that everybody has the right to create for himself
    his own ideology, and to attempt to enforce it with all the energy of which he is capable. If relativism signifies contempt
    for fixed categories, and men who claim to be the bearers of an objective immortal truth, then there is nothing more re-
    lativistic than fascism. Benito Mussolini [Fallen LoC 50] (1883-1945) [Il Duce] (1883-1945) Italian key figure in the creation of fas-
    cism, leader of the National Fascist Party, 40th prime minister of Italy (1922-1943)


Reference: en.Wikiquote entries Relativism
  • Today, a particularly insidious obstacle to the task of education is the massive presence in our society and culture of that relativism which, recognizing nothing as definitive, leaves as the ultimate criterion only the self with its desires. And under the semblance of freedom it becomes a prison for each one, for it separates people from one another, locking each person into his or her own 'ego'. Pope Benedict XVI. [LoC 570] (1927-2022) German theologian, 265th head of the Ro-
    man Catholic Church (2005-2013), 6. June 2005


  • A general dissolution of Principles and Manners will more surely overthrow the Liberties of America than the whole Force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but once they lose their virtue they will be ready to sur-
    render their liberties to the first external or internal invader. [...] If virtue and knowledge are diffused among the people, they will never be enslaved. This will be their great security.
    Samuel Adams (1722-1803) US American statesman, political philosopher, Founding Father of the United States, architect of the principles of American republicanism, cited in Samuel Adams Papers, Lenox Library, Lenox, MA; excerpted from a
    letter to James Warren, 12. February 1779


  • By assigning value and spiritual ideals to private subjectivity, the materialistic world view [...] threatens to undermine
    any secure objective foundation for morality. The result is the widespread moral degeneration that we witness today.
    To counter this tendency, mere moral exhortation is insufficient. If morality is to function as an efficient guide to con-
    duct, it cannot be propounded as a self-justifying scheme but must be embedded in a more comprehensive spiritual
    system which grounds morality in a transpersonal order. Religion must affirm, in the clearest terms, that morality and ethical values are not mere decorative frills of personal opinion, not subjective superstructure, but intrinsic laws of the cosmos built into the heart of reality.
    Article The tasks of religion today, presented by the Sri Lankan newspaper Daily News, Bhikkhu Bodhi (*1944) US American Theravada Buddhist monk, ordained in Sri Lanka, second president of the "Buddhist Publication Society", 9. March 2020


  • Moral relativism usually includes three claims:
1. That morality is first of all changeable;
2. secondly, subjective;
3. and thirdlly, individual.
1. That it is relative first to changing times; you can't turn back the clock.
2. Secondly, to what we subjectively think or feel; there is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
3. And thirdly, to individuals; different strokes for different folks.
Moral absolutism claims that there are moral principles that are unchangeable, objective, and universal. Audio presentation by Peter Kreeft, Ph.D. (*1937) US American Catholic professor of philosophy, Boston College, The King's College, writer on philosophy, Christian theology and Roman Catholic apologetics, transcript A Refutation of Moral Relativism, 24. February 2003


  • I think the addict is closer to the deepest truth than the mere moralist. He is looking for the very best thing in some of the very worst places. His demand for a state in which he transcends morality is very wrong, but it's also very right. For we are designed for something beyond morality, something in which morality will be transformed. Mystical union with God. Sex is a sign and appetizer of that. Moral absolutists must never forget that morality, though absolute, is not ulti-
    mate. It is not our Summum Bonum. Sinai is not the Promised Land; Jerusalem is. And in the New Jerusalem, what
    finally happens as the last chapter of human history is a wedding between the Lamb and His bride. Deprived of this
    Jerusalem, we must buy into Babylon. If we do not worship God, we will worship idols
    , for we are by nature wor-
    shippers. Audio presentation by Peter Kreeft, Ph.D. (*1937) US American Catholic professor of philosophy, Boston College, The
    King's College, writer on philosophy, Christian theology and Roman Catholic apologetics, transcript A Refutation of Moral Relativism, 24. February 2003


  • Observe also that moral neutrality necessitates a progressive sympathy for vice and a progressive antago-
    nism to virtue.
    A man who struggles not to acknow-
    ledge that evil is evil, finds it interestingly dangerous to acknowledge that the good is the good. To him, a person of virtue is a threat that can topple all of his evasions – particularly when an issue of justice is involved, which demands that he take sides. It is then that such formulas as "Nobody is ever fully right or fully wrong" and "Who am I to judge?" take their lethal effect. The man who begins by saying: "There is some good in the worst of us," goes on to say: "There is some bad in the best of us" – then: "There's got to be some bad in the best of us" – and then: "It's the best of us who make life difficult – why don’t they keep silent? – who are they to judge?" Ayn Rand [LoC 400] (1905-1982) Russian-American political philosopher, playwright, screenwriter, novelist, collection of essays The Virtue of Selfishness. A New Concept of Egoism, first published by The Objectivist Newsletter, host Alvin Toffler (1928-2016) US American futurist, focused on digital revolution, communication revolution, corporate revolution and technological singularity, writer, 1962


  • Reality is that which has the combative vigor to assert itself. Paraphrased quote by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) German classical scholar, critic of culture, philologist, philosopher of nihilism [LoC 120], writer

Literary quotes


Abbreviated version:

"If God does not exist, everything is permitted." Jean-Paul Sartre took Dostoevsky's thesis as the basis of existentialism.

  • And Rakitin doesn't like God, oof, how he doesn't! That's the sore spot in all of them! But they conceal it. They lie. They pretend. 'What, are you going to push for that in the department of criticism?' I asked. 'Well, they won't let me do it openly,' he said, and laughed. 'But,' I asked, 'how will man be after that? Without God and the future life? It means everything is permitted now, one can do anything?' 'Didn't you know?' he said. And he laughed. 'Everything is permitted to the intelligent man,' he said. 'The intelligent man knows how to catch crayfish, but you killed and fouled it up,' he said, 'and now you're rotting in prison!' He said that to me. A natural-born swine! I once used to throw the likes of
    him out – well, and now I listen to them.
    Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky [LoC 465] (1821-1881) Russian writer of novels, short stories and essays, Pevear-Volokhonsky, translator, novel The Brothers Karamazov, part 4, book 11, chapter 4 "A Hymn and a Secret", S. 589, 1879-1880, 1990



Abbreviated Internet version:

"I have my way. You have your way. As for the right way, it does not exist."

  • "This – is now my way, – where is yours?"
    Thus did I answer those who asked me "the way."
    For the way – it doth not exist!
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) German classical scholar, critic of culture, philologist, philosopher of nihilism [LoC 120], writer, Thus Spoke Zarathustra [Also sprach Zarathustra], volume III, chapter 55. "The Spirit of Gravity", Ernst Schmeitzner Verlag, Chemnitz, 1883-1885, Viking Press, 1954

Englische Texte – English section on Moral Relativism

Key phrases – Moral relativism

Moral relativism

  • denies the existence of the absolute (God).
  • denies the existence of absolute law (principles).
  • grants equal power to fallacy as to truth (believability, credence).
  • distorts truth.
  • says anything can mean anything one wants it to mean ('Fair&balanced').
  • says defining right and wrong is a personal choice.
  • says ethical principles are changeable, subjective, individual.
  • undermines the law that defines right and wrong, moral and immoral.
  • is a by-product of the reduced evolutionist theory.
  • appeals to egocentricity.
  • allows narcissism to dominate veiled as 'free speech', 'progressive', 'rights'.
  • allows anarchy to take over the communication system.
  • Whoever is being deprived of Jerusalem tends to worship Babylon.

Features of moral relativism

In one of his seminars in Sedona Hawkins handed out copies of the below cited article on the issue of moral relativismus:


Moral Relativism
Moral Relativism is the belief that

  • Defining right and wrong is an individual and personal choice.
  • Denying the presence of absolute law this ideology teaches that every decision is a matter of personal feeling.


Moral Relativism means that

  • Adultery, for example, is not objectively wrong.

While I may believe that adultery is wrong and it destroys marriages, you are entitled to believe it is right and strengthens
a marriage.

  • The same reasoning applies for murder, stealing, pedophilia and every other facet of human life.

With this ideology, there is no absolute definition of right and wrong – only what you perceive to be right and wrong.


This distorted principle has made great inroads into our universities. Created by secularists, moral relativism is a
by-product of the evolutionist theory
, which itself permeates university culture, especially the sciences.

  • By denying the existence of God, the theory of evolution sowed the seeds of moral relativism.
  • If there is no God, secularists reason, then there is no absolute law.


  • Using moral relativism as their weapon, liberal secularists can destroy any absolute law they desire.
  • Even the laws that govern society can be destroyed.

Most people recognize that American law, ideology and morals are essentially governed by Judeo-Christian belief in the Ten Commandments.

  • Since there is no God, according to secularists, then all we have are ten Suggestions; there is no law.
  • With no absolute laws, defining right and wrong is a strictly personal matter.


This is why Ward Churchill, Harris Mirkin and other secularist faculty members can espouse such ideologies as anti-Americanism and pedophilia.

  • If a person doesn't believe in absolute law, then he or she is not required to believe that pedophilia is wrong.
  • Moral relativism destroys the law that defines right and wrong, moral and immoral.


These are a few examples of immorality and moral relativism that pervade our universities. That idea that it is the individual's responsibility to decide right and wrong is firmly entrenched in the minds of today's university students.

Source: ► Article Moral Relativism, presented by the free of charge monthly magazine The Philadelphia Trumpet,
published by the Philadelphia Church of God, Brad MacDonald, July 2005

BW-Werte: Relativismus

  • BW 265 – Meinungsäußerungsfreiheit nach der Definition der Bill of Rights (Vereinigte Staaten) [BW 640] 25. September 17893
  • BW 265 – Meinungsäußerungsfreiheit im "Traditionellen America" [1791-~1955]
  • BW 255 – Meinungsäußerungsfreiheit in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika [Stand Zweiter Weltkrieg / 1955]

  • BW 190 – Philosophischer Relativismus
  • BW 190 – Meinungsäußerungsfreiheit in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika [Stand 2004]4
  • BW 180 – Meinungsäußerungsfreiheit in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika [Stand 2007/2008]5
  • LoC 170 – Urteil eines Gerichts in Washington DC, Vereinigte Staaten: 'Meinungsäußerungsfreiheit' in Form von übler Nachrede
    [BW 135] muss nicht auf Fakten gestützt sein. Lügen und nachweisbare Tatsachen haben gleichen Stellenwert erhalten.6
  • BW 155 – Ethischer Relativismus, d.h. Gleichstellung von Gut und Böse7

LoC calibrations (engl.): Relativism

  • LoC 415 – Stewardship
  • LoC 400 – Understanding
  • LoC 400 – Interpreting
  • LoC 390 – Clarity
  • LoC 390 – Evaluating
  • LoC 380 – Discussion
  • LoC 375 – Discernment (the art to differentiate spirits)
  • LoC 375 – Speech of diplomacy
  • LoC 265 – Free speech defined by the United States Bill of Rights [LoC 640] dated 25. September 17898
  • LoC 265 – Free speech in "Traditional America"
  • LoC 255 – Free speech in the United States [Status Second World War / 1955]
  • LoC 210 – Constructive criticism
  • LoC 200 – Oratory

  • LoC 190 – Philosophical relativism
  • LoC 190 – Fordham University course 'How to Think Critically?' in the United States [Status 2004]
  • LoC 190 – Free speech in the United States [Status 2004]9
  • LoC 180 – Free speech in the United States [Status 2007/2008]10
  • LoC 190 – Editorial sections of top ten major US American newspapers [Status 2004]
  • LoC 190 – Protagonist [fighting against an antagonist]
  • LoC 190 – Pedantry
  • LoC 190 – Dogooderism
  • LoC 185Chicago Tribune, Editorial Section, United States [11. April 2004]
  • LoC 185 – Contentiousness
  • LoC 185 – Social Relativism
  • LoC 180 – Sophistry
  • LoC 180 – Rhetoric
  • LoC 180 – Authoritarianism
  • LoC 180 – Proselytizing
  • LoC 180 – Social "Crybabies"
  • LoC 175 – Iconoclasm [attacking cherished beliefs and traditional institutions; anarchistic view]
  • LoC 170 – Washington court ruling on 'free speech': no confirmable facts required on malicious slander [LoC 135] ⇒ equal standing of lies and verifiable truths11
  • LoC 165 – Insulting speech
  • LoC 160 – Exaggeration
  • LoC 155 – Ethical relativism, i.e. equating Good and Evil12
  • LoC 150 – Labeling
  • LoC 145 – Vociferous political hate speeches by prominent senior politicians
  • LoC 135 – Victim↔Perpetrator mindset
  • LoC 135 – Defamation of character, libel, slander
  • Loc 120 – Criticalness
  • Loc 120 – Radicalism
  • Loc 120 – Hypothetical example
  • Loc 120 – Obfuscation
  • LoC 075 – Vituperation
    Excerpted from The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 280, 2001,
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 99, 397, 2003
    Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 12, S. 225-226, S. 209-210, 2005
    Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, chapter 6, S. 109, 2008

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins


Democracy usurped by moral relativism:

[Demokratie und moralischer Relativismus]] – Anarchy has taken over the communication system, i.e. the Internet


Links zum Thema Relativismus / Relativism


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1 Diese Aussage wurde von Hawkins per Muskeltest am Arm seiner Frau Susan vor Publikum als "wahr" getestet.

2 Article Lewis Carroll Quotes: Alice in Wonderland, presented by the publication ThoughtCo.

3 Die Bill of Rights besteht aus den ersten zehn Zusatzartikeln zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten. – 1791: Trennung von Staat und Kirche, Religionsfreiheit, Meinungsfreiheit, Pressefreiheit, Versammlungsfreiheit, Recht auf Petitionen de.Wikipedia

4 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 12, S. 225, 2005

5 Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, Kapitel 6, S. 109, 2008

6 Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, Kapitel 17, S. 315-316, 2008

7 Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, Kapitel 11, S. 203, 2008

8 The Bill of Rights is a series of limitations on the power of the U.S. federal government, protecting the natural rights of liberty and property including freedom of religion, freedom of speech, a free press, free assembly, and free association, as well as the right to keep and bear arms. en.Wikipedia

9 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 12, S. 225, 2005

10 Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, chapter 6, S. 109, 2008

11 Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, chapter 17, S. 315-316, 2008

12 Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, chapter 11, S. 203, 2008

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