
Hawkins / Illusion





Illusion und Unwissenheit
Unter BW 200



Tibetischer Endlosknoten




Zitate zum Thema Illusion

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Um die Herrschaft der Mentalinhalte zu brechen, muss man die Illusion beseitigen, dass Gedanken persönlich seien, dass sie irgendeinen Wert hätten oder dass sie zum eigenen Selbst gehörten oder aus diesem hervorgingen. Wie der Körper, so sind auch Geist/Gemüt und seine Inhalte tatsächlich ein Produkt der Welt. Man wird mit einem Organ, ge-
    nannt Gehirn, geboren, das genetisch festgelegt ist, bestimmte Strukturen und Fähigkeiten ebenso wie Einschränkun-
    gen auszudrücken. Dies geschieht in Abhängigkeit von den Chromosomen und genetischen Kombinationen, den DNA-
    Sequenzen, etc. Nachdem auf diese Weise alles genetisch zurechtgestutzt ist, beginnt ein zerbrechliches, komplexes
    Wachstumsmuster von Gehirnneuronen und Synapsen, die jetzt den Einflüssen während der Schwangerschaft und
    den nachgeburtlichen Schicksalen ausgesetzt sind, wie beispielsweise Ernährung, Pflege und der emotionalen und
    intellektuellen Umwelt. Gleichzeitig machen sich die Einflüsse einer unendlichen Zahl von Neurotransmittern, Neuro-
    hormonen, umweltbedingten Zufälligkeiten und Programmierungen bemerkbar. Der IQ ist bereits geprägt. Die Ge-
    hirnwindungen sind schon an ihrem Platz, und jetzt muss man das Beste daraus machen, denn die Gesellschaft in
    all ihrer Komplexität und Irrtumsbefangenheit macht sich jetzt daran, dieses ohnehin schon defekte Organ syste-
    matisch mit Software von fragwürdiger Genauigkeit, Nützlichkeit oder Wahrhaftigkeit zu programmieren.
    Das All-sehende Auge, S. 154-155, 2005


  • Alle scheinbaren Gegensatzpaare sind Illusionen von Polari-
    tät, die automatisch aus einer Denkposition erwachsen.
    […] Vermeide die Denkfalle, Egoismus als falsch oder schlecht und Selbstlosigkeit als richtig oder gut zu bezeichnen. Sie stellen le-
    diglich verschiedene Grade in der Bewusstseinsentwicklung dar und sind Alternativen, jedoch keine Gegensätze.
    FU Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 321, 2006


  • Wenn sich Bewusstsein entwickelt, […] lernt man, die infantile Illusion, wonach die Wünsche oder eingebildeten Rechte und Erwartungen des Egos befriedigt werden müssen, zugunsten eines erfolgreichen Strebens aufzugeben. Das kindische, nar-
    zisstische Ego […] entdeckt, dass Überleben und Erfolg von der Aufgabe solcher Infantilität und dem Erlernen von Kooperation abhängen. Im Gegenzug erhält das Ego nun Liebe und Anerkennung, indem es lernt, zu teilen und geduldig zu sein. […] Wenn diese Art [verantwortungsvoller] Elternschaft fehlt, bleibt der Infantilismus zusammen mit daraus erwach-
    senem Groll, Ärger und Selbstmitleid bestehen.
    OU Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 322, 2006


  • So genannten Zufälle sind eine Illusion der Wahrnehmung im Bereich von Form, die auf linearer Erwartung beruht. Durch kinesiologischen Test werden die verborgenen Elemente aufgedeckt, und die Illusion eines "Zufalls" verschwindet. Die einzige hypothetische Möglichkeit dafür, dass ein wirklicher Zufall auftreten könnte, würde voraus-
    setzen, dass er sich außerhalb des All-Seins der Schöpfung ereignen würde, was eine Unmöglichkeit darstellt. Damit
    man einen so genannten Zufall überhaupt beobachten kann, muss er schon ex definitionem im erkennbaren Univer-
    sum aufgetreten sein. Jedes Ding stellt die Folge der Auswirkung des gesamten Universums durch alle Zeit hindurch
    dar. Nichts befindet sich außerhalb der karmischen, ausgeglichenen Harmonie des Universums.
    OU Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 139, 2006

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • Spiritual evolution occurs as the result of removing obstacles and not actually acquiring anything new. Devotion en-
    ables surrender of the mind's vanities and cherished illusions so that it progressively becomes more free and more
    open to the light of Truth. Source unknown



  • Once seen in its totality, everything is perfect at all times and nothing needs an external cause to change it in any way. From the viewpoint of the ego's positionality and limited scope, the world seems to need endless fixing and correction. This illusion collapses as a vanity. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 107, 2001



  • At some point, the illusion breaks down and the opening for the start of the spiritual quest commences. The quest turns from without to within and the search for answers begins. With good fortune, one comes upon the teachings of true enlightenment and does not deviate from the core of those teachings.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 115, 2001


  • This life is the subjective adventure of that mysterious entity called 'I'. This current experience of the 'I' may consider itself physical, but that in itself is an illusion. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 169, 2001


Cattleya, 7. February 2013
  • In its broadest and most basic sense, renunciation means the discarding of illusion and the obstruction to the realization of truth and the Reality of God. Thus, all pathways to God renounce falsi-
    ty and are devoted to that which radiates love, peace, holiness, compassion, forgiveness, mercy and charity. It also means the choice of renouncing ignorance for Truth, darkness for Light, and the temptations of the ego, such as hatred, anger, pride, malice, greed and selfishness. Renunciation also means freedom from the dualistic trap of denunciation, or from becoming polarized and trapped in the positionalities of the 'polarities of the opposites'. The simplest renunciation is simply refusal.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 121, 2003


  • Question: What perpetuates the illusions of the world?
    Answer: The pleasure of profit, power, prestige, and money of the charismatic, politically savvy game players who have learned how to manipulate the egos of the populace and play on human igno-
    perpetuates the illusions. This is facilitated by the mastery of the media, which is the latest game board on which image is used to control and seduce. The media have discovered that it is not even necessary to have any reality whatsoever behind ima-
    ges. The so-called 'nonlinear' (here used differently than in the foregoing) imaging techniques simply bypass reason
    and the intellect and directly program the mind of the populace without any interference. Reality is now considered to
    be irrelevant. (In current discussions, it is bantered about whether an objective reality even exists.) By Pavlovian
    conditioning, the naive mind is quickly programmed and does not even realize that it is being programmed.

    To the non-integrous, such values as peace, honesty, caring, genuineness, and love are merely images to be exploi-
    ted. Distortion is currently the most favored manipulation in which images bypass reason.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, subheading "Considerations", S. 246, 2003


  • The mind of the aspirant has to bypass and refuse temptations. Later it will be seen that nothing was lost as that temptation was just another illusion. The aspirant gives up the vanities of opinionation and the duties of saving the world. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 301, 2003



  • [...] the ego has to be first accepted as though it is a reality in order to be dealt with before it can be transcended. At
    the higher levels, the ego is seen to be an illusion, without any innate reality. [...] A naive student might hear, for ex-
    ample, that the ego is an illusion and then presume that 'I don’t believe in the ego. It’s just an illusion.' At this point,
    it is actually the student’s ego that is making such a statement. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 329, 2003


  • The ego, or more accurately, the belief that one is the ego, obscures the Realization of the Reality of the Self as the
    Oneness of All That Is. The dissolution of the ego results in liberation from the bondage of the illusions that create
    suffering. These illusions are susceptible to fearless scrutiny that reveals the underlying fallacies. The only tool nee-
    ded is the willingness to unreservedly surrender all beliefs, opinions and attitudes to God.
    Reality and Subjectivity, S. 385, 2003


  • Enslavement by illusion is comfortable; it is the liberation by truth that people fear.
    Truth versus Falsehood, "Dedication", 2005


  • Certainty is the consequence and the fulfillment of the requirements of subjectivity. The quality of "realness" is itself
    a purely subjective condition. Therein, however, lies the trap of illusion. The central problem of illusion is not that it is unreal or fallacious, but that it seems real, as noted by Socrates twenty-five hundred years ago. Thus, even certainty is a primary illusion that is often clung to out of fear, doubt, or uncertainty. On the other hand, with maturity, doubt can be accepted and reconceptualized as being necessary to progress and therefore a useful tool for investi-
    gation and growth
    Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 8 "Fact Versus Fiction: Reality and Illusion", S. 74, 2005




Truth and devotion

Alternative source: Along the Path to Enlightenment. 365 Reflections from David R. Hawkins, S. 24, Reflection of February 12th, January 2011

  • Spiritual evolution is the automatic consequence of watching the mind from the general viewpoint of context rather then content. Instead of trying to force change, it is merely necessary to allow Divinity to do so by deeply surren-
    dering all control, resistance, and illusions of gain or loss.
    It is not necessary to attack illusions but to merely allow them to fall away. It is not necessary, nor fruitful to use force by such mechanisms as guilt, nor is it necessary to try to pursue or propel spiritual evolution because it automatically evolves of it's own accord when the obstacles and resistances
    of illusions are surrendered.
    Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 21 "Transcending The Mind", S. 354, 2006





  • One has the illusion that one couldn't get through life unless one thinks. No such thing happens. It is not necessary for any individual to be there. It is not necessary to think that there is an "I" that is responsible for one's actions. Every-
    thing is doing itself. It is the vanity of the ego to say 'I did this, I thought that, I decided that.' There is no such 'I' at all.
    All these things are deciding themselves and doing themselves, all by themselves. Interview with David R. Hawkins, Dia-
    logues on Consciousness and Spirituality
    , transcript on "Advanced States of Consciousness", part 2, S. 21-22-23, spiral-bound, Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 1. January 1998  
    Removed from Veritas Publications' sale offer in mid 2013


  • Very often one has illusions about the nature of reality. They have to be let go also. That there is a good and a bad, a desirable and undesirable, that is all in your mind. So you realize that the sun shines and then the clouds come up and then the rain falls. The grass grows up and dies, the stock market goes up and down, age comes and goes, people arise and leave. So you see there is the ebb and flow and if one is at this part of the cycle there is no point in crying about it, because the cycle will cycle itself out. Sedona Seminar Devotion: The Way to God Through the Heart, DVD 1 of 3, track 5, minute ~38:00-39:00, 27. September 2002


  • Question: Recently I was accused of sabotage and conspiracy in the company I was in. You said that whatever you affirm in yourself evokes its opposite. So like I affirmed lovingness in myself about a year ago and that's when things
    fell apart. And so I'm wondering, do I ever see anything purely or is everything I see a projection of myself?
    Answer: Everything you see is a projection. Pray for the one in you that may have bore false witness to others.
    Pray for forgiveness as if you were currently guilty of it.
    Sedona Seminar God, Religion and Spirituality, CD 4 of 4, minute 57:15, 10. December 2005


  • Question: Today you called the physical world an illusion. [...]
    Answer: No, I don't call the physical world an illusion. How you perceive it is illusory but its existence is not illusory.
    How you perceive it as kind or cruel, disaster or blessing [...] is subjective.
    Sedona Seminar Experiential Reality: The Mystic, 3 DVD set, 8. December 2007



Illusion of a personal "I"

  • You have the presumption there is a personal "you" that is the initiator, the decider and the doer. To jump ahead of this illusion, has to be done faster that 1/10,000th of a second. The leading edge of the ego, the personal "I" jumps in in 1/10,000th of a second and claims to be the author the initiator and the experiencer. Through the spiritual styles […] it is possible to transcend that. And the mind becomes silent.
    People identify automatically and most importantly as the doer, […] the chooser, the one who feels, the one who wants, […] who makes decisions […]. There is no 'you', making any decision about anything at all. All that is 100% illu-
    There is no personal 'you' deciding what to say. It is all happening autonomously and your rise to that observation as you move to identifying as a personal self and move to the witness-observer. The witness-observer notices that as soon as a decision is made or something happens a sense of personal 'I' jumps in and claims authorship. The hardest thing to get over, as a mind, is the claiming of authorship of a personal "I". There is no personal "I" ma-
    king any decisions.
    All this is happening autonomously including the illusion that there is a personal "I". Therefore you don't have to feel guilty about considering yourself to be an independent decider or initiator of action and thoughts and feelings because even that is happening autonomously without asking your permission.
    Sedona Seminar Experiential Reality: The Mystic, 3 DVD set, 8. December 2007

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Das Irdische ist eine Illusion,
doch verweigerst du dich ihm,
wirst du nur schwerlich zum Buddha werden. […]
Das Überirdische ist wahr.
Wenn du jedoch daran festhältst,
wird sich sein Glanz verhüllen.
Gautama Buddha [BW 1000] (563-483 v. Chr.) indischer Avatar, Zentralfigur des Buddhismus


Sobald wir Trugbild und Schein durchschauen, ist alles erfüllt von Lebendigkeit und Chancen.
Solange wir Trugbild und Schein nicht durchschauen, stellen sich uns Hindernisse und Mühsal entgegen.
Gautama Buddha [BW 1000] (563-483 v. Chr.) indischer Avatar, Zentralfigur des Buddhismus


Belarusische Ostereier
  • Das Ergebnis all dessen ist, dass die Erscheinungen der Welt real sind, wenn sie als das Selbst erfahren werden und illusionär, wenn sie als getrennt vom Selbst wahrgenommen werden. Sri Ramana Maharshi [BW 720] (1879-1950) indisch-hinduistischer Weiser, Heiliger, zitiert in: Jyotishman Dam (*1963) Bauingenieur, Indologe, Autor, Große Meister Indiens, Kösel, 2003


  • Illusion ist die Verpackung der Dinge; Wirklichkeit ist die Tiefe der Dinge. Der Körper ist die Illusion; die Seele ist die Wirk-
    lichkeit. Die Blume ist die Illusion; der Duft ist die Wirklichkeit. Der Duft ist der Geist der Blume, er besteht.
    Hazrat Inayat Khan [BW 499] (1882-1927) indischer Gründer des Internationalen Sufi-Ordens und der Internationalen Sufi-Bewegung, Aphorismen


  • Wer Illusionen aufgeben kann, wer andere und sich so sehen kann, wie sie sind und wie er ist, wer lernen kann, zu
    sich zu kommen statt andauernd auszugehen, wer den Unterschied zwischen Leben und Dingen, zwischen Glück
    und Erregung, zwischen Mittel und Zweck und insbesondere zwischen Liebe und Gewalt spüren kann, der hat
    schon die ersten Schritte zu einer Liebe zum Leben getan. Nach den ersten Schritten sollte man erneut Fragen
    stellen. Bedeutsame Antworten lassen sich in einer Reihe von Büchern finden, meistens aber in einem selbst.
    Erich Fromm (1900-1980) deutsch-US-amerikanischer Sozialpsychologe, Psychoanalytiker, humanistischer Philosoph, Autor,
    zitiert in: Rainer Funk, Herausgeber, Erich Fromm Gesamtausgabe, S. 640, Open Publishing Rights, 19. September 2016


  • Die zehn dysfunktionalen Glaubensüberzeugungen der Menschheit
    1. Die Illusion der Bedürftigkeit
    2. Die Illusion des Versagens
    3. Die Illusion der Spaltung
    4. Die Illusion des Mangels
    5. Die Illusion der Erfordernisse/Ansprüche
    6. Die Illusion des Richtens / Verurteilens
    7. Die Illusion der Verdammung
    8. Die Illusion der Bedingtheit
    9. Die Illusion der Überlegenheit
    10. Die Illusion der Unwissenheit
Neale Donald Walsch [BW 450] (*1943) US-amerikanischer universalistisch-panentheistischer geprägter spiritueller Lehrer, Erfolgsautor religiös-spiritueller Literatur, Gemeinschaft mit Gott, Goldmann Verlag, 21. Oktober 2002


  • In Wirklichkeit gibt es weder Osten noch Westen.
    Wo bleibt dann der Süden und der Norden?
    Durch Illusion wird die Welt eingeschlossen.
    Erleuchtung öffnet sie auf allen Seiten. Inschrift auf der Innenseite des Hutes von buddhistischen Pilgern in Japan


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Illusion

Quotes by various other sources




  • Are you aware that you are conditioned? That is the first thing to ask yourself, not how to be free of your conditioning. You may never be free of it, and if you say, 'I must be free of it,' you may fall into another trap of another form of conditioning. So are you aware that you are conditioned? Do you know that even when you look at a tree and say, 'That is an oak tree,' or ‘that is a banyan tree, the naming of the tree, which is botanical knowledge, has so conditioned your mind that the word comes between you and actually seeing the tree? To come in contact with the tree you have to put your hand on it and the word will not help you to touch it.
    Jiddu Krishnamurti [LoC 525⇒175] (1895-1986) Indian spiritual teacher, declined member of the Theosophical Society, philosopher, author, Freedom from the Known, 1969, HarperOne, new edition 10. March 2009



  • To be a living being is not the ultimate state; there is something beyond, much more wonderful, which is neither being nor non-being, neither living nor not-living. It is a state of pure awareness, beyond the limitations of space and time. Once the illusion that the body-mind is oneself is abandoned, death loses its terror, it becomes a part of living.
    Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj [LoC 720] (1897-1981) Indian Hindu sage of the Advaita Vedanta tradition, I Am That. Talks with Sri Nisargadatta, S. 764, Acorn Press, Durham, North Carolina, 1973, June 1990, 2005


  • What is suffering? What is death? In reality, they do not have any existence. They appear within the framework of the manifestations produced by the mind wrapped up in an illusion. [...] In the emptiness of mind, there is no death. No
    one dies. There is no suffering and no fear. Bokar Tulku Rinpoche (1940-2004) heart-son of the Second Kalu Rinpoche and
    a holder of the Karma Kagyü and Shangpa Kagyü lineages, cited in: Joel Morwood, The Way of Selflessness. A Practical Guide to Enlightenment Based on the Teachings of the World's Great Mystics, S. 11, Lulu.com, 15. April 2019



  • Illusion is the cover of things; reality is the depth of things. The body is the illusion; the soul is the reality. The flower
    is the illusion; the fragrance is the reality. The fragrance is the spirit of the flower; it persists.
    Hazrat Inayat Khan [LoC 499] (1882-1927) Indian founder of the International Sufi Order and the International Sufi movement, The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan: Philosophy, Psychology and Myst, S. 328, Library of Alexandria, 28. September 2020


Feuerbucht, Tasmanien, Australien
  • The Ten Illusions of Mankind
    1. The Illusion of Need
    2. The Illusion of Failure
    3. The Illusion of Disunity
    4. The Illusion of Insufficiency
    5. The Illusion of Requirement
    6. The Illusion of Judgement
    7. The Illusion of Condemnation
    8. The Illusion of Conditionality
    9. The Illusion of Superiority
    10. The Illusion of Ignorance
Neale Donald Walsch [LoC 450] (*1943) US American spiritual teacher, bestselling author, Communion with God [ Gemein-
schaft mit Gott
], TarcherPerigee, 1. October 2002


  • The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly. Richard Bach (*1936) US American Navy pilot, writer, Illusions, Laurel Books, 15. May 1981


  • For the historical audit brings so much to light which is false and absurd, violent and inhuman, that the condition of pious illusion falls to pieces. […]
    He who destroys illusions in himself and others is punished by the ultimate tyrant, Nature. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) German classical scholar, critic of culture, philologist, philosopher of nihilism [LoC 120], writer, Anthony M. Ludovici, trans-
    lator, Adrian Collins, translator, Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Thoughts Out of Season, part 2 "The Use and Abuse of History. Preface" [Vom Nutzen und Nachtheil der Historie für das Leben, 1874], Delphi Classics, Kindle edition, location 9365 and
    9398, Gadow Press, 19. March 2015


  • Really there is no East, no West. Where then is the South and the North?
    Illusion makes the world closed in.
    Enlightenment opens it on every side. Inscription on the inside of the hats of Japanese Buddhist Pilgrims


  • The world consists of imaginary people, claiming imaginary virtues and suffering from imaginary happiness.
    Vernon Howard (1918-1992) US American spiritual philosopher, author, cited in: AZ Quotes


  • The man who does not know what it means to be under psychic hypnosis, is probably already under it.
    Vernon Howard (1918-1992) US American spiritual teacher, author, philosopher, cited in: Vernon Howard hub


  • When told that man lives in delusion everyone thinks of himself as the exception – hence his delusion.
    Vernon Howard (1918-1992) US American spiritual teacher, author, philosopher, cited in: AZ Quotes



Two kinds of realities

Reality of Love ⇔ illusion of fear

  • There are two parallel universes: one is Real, Ultimate, Love. The other is the world that we've made as the product of our thought (some of it love, some of it fear). Sometimes when we're lost in the illusion and can't find the love, we need to take a moment and remember what's True. LIke Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, click your heals together three times, and pray,
    "I want to go home. I want to go home. I want to go home."
We can't "fix" the illusion, but we can withdraw our attachment to the idea that it's real. Throw light on every aspect of your life, forgive yourself and others for any fear-based miscreations, and commit in your heart to letting God be in charge today. As long as we remember to let Love lead us in thought and action, we're protected from the craziness that otherwise sets in. Marianne Williamson (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, political activist, visionary, lecturer, author, Facebook message, 26. October 2012


  • Time does not exist independently of ourselves, it is simply an illusion and measurement of our minds and body's perceptions. David Lewis Anderson, US American time travel researcher, cited in: Anderson Institute


  • Those who see the true nature of our universe and reality see that it is a fabric woven only of information and energy. Concepts such as elementary particles, space, time, material substance and isolated objects simply are illusions that
    do not exist and have lost their meaning.
    David Lewis Anderson, US American time travel researcher, cited in: Anderson Institute


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Illusion

Englische Texte – English section on Illusion

Conspiracy theories that turned out to be true

Factual "conspiracies"
༺༻Suspicion come true
1.Vaccines contain cancer viruses.
2.ATM machines will someday use facial recognition technology.
3.The U.S. government and Monsanto are teaming up against opponents of genetically-modified food.
4.Someday scientists will be using millions of genetically-modified animals in scientific experiments.
5.Scientists all over the world are creating extremely bizarre human-animal hybrids.
6.Obama is making government employees spy on one another.
7.Pro wrestling is fake.
8.Someday Texas is going to run out of water.
9.The IRS is specifically targeting conservatives.
10.Fluoride is harmful for human teeth and health.[*]
11.Using a cell phone can cause cancer.
12.Prescription drugs kill large numbers of Americans.
13.The elite want to dramatically reduce the global population.1
14.Innocent people are murdered, skinned and dismembered during satanic rituals.
15.The NSA is spying on citizens' phone calls, Internet searches and financial transactions.
16.The Federal Reserve is a perpetual debt machine that is designed to create inflation.
Source: ► Article 16 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, presented by the publication whydontyoutrythis.com, 21. July 2013
Reference: ► Article 58 Admitted False Flag Attacks, presented by the Hidden History Center, 3. March 2016
Referenced incidents:
Adelphia case: Article Adelphia founder John Rigas found guilty, presented by the US American broadcast network NBC News,
     8. July 2004
Enron case: Article The Enron Trial. Lay, Skilling guilty on nearly all counts, presented by the US American broadcast network
     NBC News, 25. May 2006
Bernie Maddoff case: Article Ex-Madoff CFO pleads guilty in fraud, says others were involved, presented by the US American
     television news program CBS News, 11. August 2009
Reference: ► [*] Study by Dr. Philippe Grandjean, M.D., Philip J. Landrigan, M.D., Neurobehavioural effects of
developmental toxicity
, presented by the United Kingdom-based medical magazine The Lancet,
published 14. February 2014, Review volume 13, issue 3 1. March 2014
See also: ► Conspiracy and ► 33 conspiracy theories that turned out to be true

Index: Illusion – Bücher von D. Hawkins



Links zum Thema Illusion


Literature (engl.)

Tackling the problem of man's refusal to acknowledge his own mortality, man's vital lie – building on the works of Erich Fromm, Søren Kierkegaard, Sigmund Freud, and Otto Rank

Externe Weblinks

External web links (engl.)

Audio and video links (engl.)


Interne Links




1 "The negative impact of population growth on all of the planetary ecosystems is becoming appallingly evident." Address to the Business Council for the United Nations by
David Rockefeller (1915-2017) US American banker, billionaire, "philanthropist", eugenicist, current patriarch of the Rockefeller family, A Brief History of Population Control, 14. September 1994, presented by the dissolved "The Galt Report", 16. June 2011

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