
Hawkins / Spiritualitaet





BW 500+






Sri Yantra








Spiritualitätsstudien in Deutschland und Nordamerika

Deutsche Studie (2006)
Im März 2006 führte die Düsseldorfer Wissenschaftsstiftung Identity Foundation in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Hohenheim eine Studie zum Thema »Spiritualität in Deutschland« durch. Die Antwort von 1.000 Befragten, denen die Gretchenfrage gestellt wurde, ergab, dass sich rund 15 Prozent der Bevölkerung der BRD als spirituelle Sinnsucher betrachten, die jenseits der Angebote von traditionellen Religionen und kirchlichen Einrichtungen erweiterte Perspektiven
der persönlichen Entwicklung und Selbsterkenntnis erkunden.
Jeder zweite Deutsche glaubt, dass der Kosmos von einer geistigen Macht zusammengehalten wird. Bei der Neigung zu Spiritualität / Religion liegt der Frauenanteil jeweils etwa doppelt so hoch wie der Männeranteil.


US-amerikanische Studien (2006 / 2009)
49% (fast die Hälfte) der US-Amerikaner gaben bei einer Umfrage an, dass sie ein religiöses oder mystisches Erlebnis
("eine plötzlich auftretende religiöse Einsicht oder einen Moment des Erwachens") hatten. Dieses Ergebnis bestätigt in
etwa die Daten einer PEW-Umfrage von 2006. Es übersteigt deutlich die Umfrage-Ergebnisse von 1976 und 1994 und liegt
mehr als doppelt so hoch wie das Ergebnis (22%) einer Gallup-Umfrage aus dem Jahr 1962. Die PEW-Umfrage von 2009
stellte fest, dass religiöse / mystische Erfahrungen häufiger bei jenen auftreten, die keine bestimmte Religionszugehörigkeit
aufweisen (30%).


Quelle (engl.): ► Artikel Many Americans Mix Multiple Faiths. Eastern, New Age Beliefs Widespread, präsentiert von
dem nichtstaatlichen US-amerikanischen Meinungsforschungsinstitut Pew Research Center, 9. Dezember 2009
Reference: ► Article Losing Faith: Germany's Christian Population Declining at Record Rate, presented
by the Russian government-controlled English speaking news agency Sputnik News Service, 22. July 2017
The number of Christians in Germany decreased dramatically in 2016,
largely driven by demographic changes, the German press reports.

Kommentare zum Ergebnis der Spiritualitätsstudie

  • Es gibt doch relativ wenige Menschen, die sich offen und mit sehenden Augen mit Spiritualität auseinander setzen. Es gibt zwar viele, die sozusagen ein spirituelles Fünkchen spüren, aber oft sind sie sich dessen nicht wirklich bewusst. […] Auf der spirituellen Bewegung in unserer Kultur ist noch kein richtiger Schwung drauf. […] Eine Entwicklung zur Spiritualität ist unaufhaltsam. Interview mit Paul J. Kohtes (*1945) deutscher PR-Berater [Ketchum Pleon], Zen-Meditations-
    lehrer, Führungskräfte-Coach, Auftraggeber der Umfrage "Spiritualität in Deutschland", Mitbegründer der "Identity Foundation", Düsseldorf (1998), Autor, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Heft 21, 2007
  • Die Sehnsucht nach einer tieferen Dimension unserer Existenz ist heute weit davon entfernt, eine Randerscheinung zu sein. […] Zwar zeigt die Umfrage, dass ~40 Prozent der Deutschen unbekümmerte Alltags-Pragmatiker sind, denen ihr persönliches Leben und ein naturwissenschaftliches Weltbild genug sind, der Rest der Bevölkerung jedoch sucht nach Gott – und die Menschen gehen dazu ganz unterschiedliche Wege. Dabei sind auf all diesen Wegen doppelt so viele Frauen wie Männer unterwegs. Artikel Sind wir Sinnsucher? Zur Umfrage 'Spiritualität in Deutschland', präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Mike Kauske, Heft 21, 2007
See also: ► Spiritualität

Deutsche Spiritualitätsstudie (2006/2007) – Statistische Ergebnisse

Der Pressemitteilung zur Studie Spiritualität in Deutschland der Identity Foundation Düsseldorf im April 2007 ist zu entneh-
men, dass

  • Jeder zweite Deutsche glaubt, dass der Kosmos von einer geistigen Macht zusammengehalten wird. Fundamentalismus ist in Deutschland wenig ausgeprägt.
  • 15 Prozent der Deutschen sind spirituelle Sinnsucher, die der Spiritualität eine
    sehr hohe Bedeutung zumessen.
    • Der Anteil der Frauen liegt hierbei doppelt so hoch wie bei den Männern.
  • 35 Prozent der Deutschen sind Religiös Kreative.
  • 10 Prozent der Deutschen sind Traditionschristen.
  • 40 Prozent der Deutschen sind unbekümmerte Alltagspragmatiker (naturwissenschaftlich orientiert)
    • 20 Prozent davon sind Atheisten, die sich nach eigener Aussage so bezeichnen.

  • 67 Prozent der Deutschen gehören einer Konfession an.
  • 45 Prozent der Deutschen fühlen sich von der christlichen Religion angesprochen.
  • 11,3 Prozent der Deutschen sind konfessionslos.
  • 10,1 Prozent Deutsche sind aus der Kirche/Konfession ausgetreten.
Quelle: ► Pressemitteilung Repräsentative Studie der Identity Foundation über Spiritualität in Deutschland
in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Hohenheim
, Identity Foundation, Düsseldorf, April 2007
Siehe auch: ► Spiritualität und ► Atheismus
See also: ► Spirituality studies in Germany (2007)

Himmelsleiter – BW-Stufen des Geistes – D. Hawkins

Stufen des Geistwirkens
Ebene (BW)
Unter 200
50% der gängigen New Age / esoterischen Literatur Abwesenheit des Geistes
025Militanter AtheismusGeistesferner Gotteshass
035InquisitionGeistesferne Hexenverfolgung
165Opferhaltung Abwesenheit des Geistes
165AtheismusGeistesferne Philosophie
185New Age Bewegung Naivität ist die Schattenseite der spirituellen Strebenden. Viele Menschen schwelgen ausschließlich in ihren Fantasien hinsichtlich
der spirituellen Entwicklung.
180Moralisch-sittliche Sünden Abwesenheit des Geistes
185Skeptizismus Abwesenheit des Geistes
185Relativismus Abwesenheit des Geistes
190Atheistische BewegungGeistesferne Ideologie
190Channeling, Durchschnittswert von medialen Durchsagen Abwesenheit des Geistes
190Erkenntnistheoretischer Relativismus Abwesenheit des Geistes
190Das Luziferische (Ego), das sich weigert, Gottes Souveränität anzuerkennen Abwesenheit des Geistes
190Lässliche Sünden Abwesenheit des Geistes
Unter 200Homo SapiensMensch ohne Infusion des Geistes
AgnostizismusIndifferenz Gott gegenüber
Beginnende Anwesenheit des Geistes
Über 200Homo SpiritusVom Geist erfasster Mensch
390Esoterik Anwesenheit des Geistes
460Metaphysik Anwesenheit des Geistes
480-485TheologieWissenschaft und Lehre von Gott, konfessionsgebunden
500Domäne der SpiritualitätHandlungsimpetus ist das Glück anderer;
Synchronistischer Fluss der Ereignisse
Domäne des Geistes
500Beginn der SubjektivitätDas Denkmodell der Objektivität übersteigend
550Vergebung und Hingabe an Gott Haltung in der Domäne des Geistes
555Imaginierte Kontrolle dem Willen Gottes übertragenVolkstümlich als "heilig" bezeichnet, Heiligkeit2
570Wunder-Phänomene, Heiligmäßiges, HeiligenstatusBeginn der Mystik
595Heiligkeit des Lebens→ Mitfühlen mit allen Lebewesen, Einsicht in das menschliche Herz
Sättigung in der Domäne des Geistes
600+ErleuchteteJenseits des gewöhnlichen menschlichen Daseins, wirken meist im Verborgenen als Erlöser
700+Weise, MenschheitslehrerWirken meist öffentlich, sofern es ihr Auftrag
1000AvatareHöchste menschliche Verwirklichung auf Erden
Maximale Geisterfüllung auf Erden
Unter 200
bis < 499
ReligionBewusstseinswerte des Buddhismus
Bewusstseinswerte des Christentums
Bewusstseinswerte des Hinduismus
Bewusstseinswerte des Islam
Bewusstseinswerte des Judentums
See also: ► Celestial ladder – Spirit-based LoCs – D. Hawkins

Zitate zum Thema Spiritualität / Spirituality

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Spiritualität bezieht sich korrekterweise auf jene Aspekte des Bewusstseins, die sich auf das Gewahrsein der Wahrheit und des Göttlichen beziehen und auf alle Bezüge zum Absoluten und zur allgegenwärtigen Realität, welche die Quelle und die unendliche Domäne all dessen ist, was als Existenz an sich vorhanden ist. FU Quelle unbekannt


  • Eine hilfreiche Annäherung besteht darin, die Liebe zu GOTT an die Stelle des Getriebenwerdens vom eigenen Willen zu dieser Suche zu setzen. Man kann jeden Wunsch zu suchen loslassen und erkennen, dass der Gedanke, es gäbe irgendetwas Anderes als GOTT, eine durch nichts begründete leere Vorstellung darstellt. [...] Aus einer grenzen-
    losen Liebe zu GOTT erwächst die Bereitschaft, alle Beweggründe aufzugeben außer demjenigen, nur GOTT voll-
    kommen zu dienen. So wird es immer mehr zum Ziel, ein Diener GOTTES zu sein, statt Erleuchtung zu erlangen. Ein vollkommener Kanal für GOTTES Liebe zu sein, bedeutet, sich vollständig auszuliefern und das Ziel der Suche des spirituellen Egos auszumerzen. Reine Freude wird dann zum Ansporn für jede spirituelle Arbeit.
    OU Das All-sehende Auge, S. 69, 2005



  • Spiritualität bedeutet nicht, verweichlicht zu sein. Herzen und Blumen und wir alle singen ein Lied miteinander – das ist nicht immer der Fall. Der spirituelle Weg erfordert nicht, empfindlich und verweichlicht zu sein. Er erfordert Stärke und Mut, Heldenmut, die Fähigkeit, körperliche Qualen auszuhalten und sich unterwegs von nichts abschrek-
    ken zu lassen. Er kostet dich alles, was du hast. Und ohne göttliche Hilfe ist er überhaupt nicht möglich.

    Sedona Seminar Vision, 3 DVD-Set, 25. Februar 2005

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

Personal avowal on his own NDE

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • A spiritually oriented person values all of life's experiences and sees each one as an opportunity to evolve spiritually. Source unknown


  • Spirituality properly refers to those aspects of consciousness that pertain to the awareness of truth and divinity and in-
    cludes all references to the Absolute and all-present Reality, which is the Source and infinite domain of all that exists
    as Existence itself. Source unknown


  • The downside of religion divides, whereas spirituality unifies. Source unknown




At LoC 600:



At LoC 600:



Jacob's Ladder, 1805, British Museum, London
William Blake (1757-1827) English painter
  • It is helpful to remember that neither Truth nor En-
    lightenment is something to be found, sought, ac-
    quired, gained, or possessed.
    That which is the Infi-
    nite Presence is always present and its realization occurs of itself when the obstacles to that realization are remo-
    ved. It is therefore not necessary to study the truth but only to let go of that which is fallacious. Moving away the clouds does not cause the sun to shine but merely reveals that which was hidden all along. Spiritual work, therefore, is primarily a letting go of the presumably known for the unknown, with the promise of others who have done it that the effort is more than well rewarded at the end.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 117, 2001


  • Spiritual evolution is almost like a space ship taking off from Earth's gravity; it is difficult at first but it finally lea-
    ves the gravitational field. Energy consuming intentiona-
    eventually dissolves into effortless surrender and one becomes the recipient of unfolding awareness. Revela-
    tion replaces discovery.
    Understanding presents itself and becomes self-revealing by grace without effort.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, chapter 8 "Be-
    yond Causality. The Will: Understanding And Comprehension", S. 126, Veritas Publishing, revised edition 2002


  • Question: So What can the spiritual seeker do to be of help to society?
    Answer: To endeavor to evolve spiritually is the greatest gift one can give. It actually uplift s all mankind from within because the nature of power itself. Power radiates and is shared, whereas force is limited, self-defeating,
    and evanescent. All society is subliminally and subtly influenced by every kind and loving though, word or deed.
    Every forgiveness is a benefit to everyone. The universe notes and records every action and returns it in kind. Kar-
    ma is actually the very nature of the universe because of the innate structure and function of the universe itself. In
    the universe time is measured in eons. Beyond that, it doesn’t even exist at all. Every kindness is therefore forever.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 204, 2001


  • The downside of spiritual education is the buildup of the vanity of 'I know' and the devaluation of people who are 'not spiritual'. Therefore it is important as a foundation to spiritual training and education to learn how consciousness ma-
    nifests as the ego and its mechanisms. I. Reality and Subjectivity, 2003


  • Commitment to the highest spiritual goals tends to bring up the ego's defects, which is to be expected. Defects are inherent the ego's structure and should not be taken personally. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 183, 2003


  • Throughout time, spiritually inspired individuals who have been devoted to the search for core truth itself have repor-
    ted that beyond ordinary mind, there is a potential experiential capacity that enables the realization of the presence
    of the field itself as the source of all existence. Truth vs Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 8-9, 2005


  • Advanced research into the nature of consciousness now demonstrates conclusively that there is no division bet-
    ween science and spirituality. In fact, they merely represent different frequency ranges of their common substrate.
    Truth vs Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 9, 2005




  • Spirituality is often confused with passivity [LoC 145]. Moral obligation to respect and honor life includes one's
    own as well. [...] Moral stance is not the same as physical action, which in and of itself, is neutral.
    Full acceptance [...] does not mean becoming an apologist for grossly negative, destructive behavior. A bully may misperceive a bystander as a potential enemy, but that does not mean that one thereby allows oneself to be need-
    lessly gored. Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 69, 2006



Sudden changes by catastrophes: tribulation, turbulences and catalysis

  • Catastrophic experiences are the seeds, the very essence, of the ultimate spirit-
    ual experience
    . Within it and following it to its very center core, totally walking off the cliff in complete abandonment, the full surrender to the experience is the very seed and core of that which the spiritual seeker has been searching for all along. Healing and Recovery, chapter 8 "Handling Major Crises", S. 254, 2008


  • The founders of the original religions taught pure spirituality, and then it was interpreted by man’s ego. If man under-
    stood what was said, we would have world peace. Instead they began to look for differences and ownership and
    claims to exclusivity, and so religion as compared to spirituality became divisive instead of unifying. And that's why
    I believe in spirituality, because spirituality emphasizes what is common to all and unifies. That’s why I say in the
    book that religion divides and spirituality unifies; that's why I look for the spiritual truth behind each religion.
    Deleted interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012), Truth vs. Falsehood, presented by the US American magazine New Connexion (1999-2007), Miriam Knight, September 2004


  • People try to make spirituality complicated. Yet, it is a very simple thing: goodwill towards all of life, being kind to yourself and others, being forgiving, and seeing the beauty of all that exists. It is important to see the simple things because the ego is built of bricks. Once you remove one or two bricks the whole wall comes falling down. You don't have to go to an ashram for three months and eat figs. Just the willingness in ordinary life to be kind and for-
    giving and compassionate is enough.

    Interview Power vs. Force, presented by the US magazine In Light Times, Kathryn M. Brinkley, November 2004


  • Spirituality doesn’t force itself. When your own needs are met, then you try to fulfill the needs of the world.
    Interview Conversations on higher consciousness, part II of III, presented by the dissolved US American Four Corners Magazine, Pamela Becker, June/July 2007


  • There's no "either-or-ness" about spirituality. Untitled audio interview, presented by the suspended US American web radio station "Beyond the Ordinary", hosts Nancy Lorenz and Elena Young, 60 minutes duration, aired 10. February 2004


  • Context is what creates meaning, significance. All of human life is lived from the nonlinear domain. Although we
    handle an object in the linear it's the nonlinear that gives us significance. It gives it meaning. Human life then is
    lived subjectively as the experiential presence of consciousness itself as it registers the linear domain.
    Deleted video presentation by D. Hawkins On Spirituality, excerpted from Seminar Title unknown, date unknown, minute 4:02,
    7:42 minutes duration, posted 1. September 2011


  • Spirituality is in a different paradigm than the Newtonian paradigm. Chicago Seminar Title unknown, 10. April 2004


  • The downside of spirituality is naïvete, especially in the 500s. It’s not really denial; it’s that it’s incomprehensible that other people can live in a different way. 49% of the United States lives below 200. 51% are integrous. Above 200, you can say, "That’s illegal and immoral," and people will say, "Oh, yes." Below that, they say, "So?" It’s almost as if there are two different societies.
    The sharks see that you’re walking around in a happy, blissful state, and they head for you. You're walking around in flowers and butterflies. That's Sedona. Someone says, If we all pray for peace, we'll have it, and that’s the last thing
    he says before he's riddled with bullets. There aren't many spiritual teachers that teach you not to be stupid.
    Sedona Seminar Perception and Positionality, 3 DVD set, 19. June 2004



Lecture notes:

  • Spirituality does not mean being effete. Hearts and flowers and we’re all going to sing a song – not always. It doesn’t require being delicate and effete. It requires strength and courage [LoC 200], valor [LoC 505/535], the capacity to experi-
    ence physical agonies and let nothing deter you along the way. It takes everything you've got, and without Divine help it’s not even possible.

    Sedona Seminar Vision, 3 DVD set, 25. February 2005



Lecture notes:

  • Spirituality is not an intellectual game. How long does it take to become en-
    lightened? If you’re serious about spiritual development, not just as an intellec-
    tual exercise, and you're ready to say with supplication: "I surrender all to Thee O Lord, I pray to be Thy servant" – be ready for anything, and let someone know how you want your affairs handled. Be prepared in case spiritual reality moves much faster than you anticipated. Who's going to pay the bills and empty the wastebasket now? Nobody. People will say you've gone crazy, gone totally mad, and of course you have. There's a point at which you get a fire in the belly; spiritual growth takes priority over every-
    thing. Someone asked: Even me? Hawkins' answered: Yes, even you. Sedona Seminar Vision, 3 DVD set, 25. February 2005


  • Spirituality starts at 500 and goes on up. The 400s are still caught up in the linear world.
    Sedona Seminar Alignment, 3 DVD set, 16. April 2005



Standing up for the truth

  • Spirituality means to stand up for truth. When you commit to the truth, you stand up for it. It’s up to your wisdom to decide how and when to express it.
    Sedona Seminar Transcending Obstacles, 3 DVD set, 3. September 2005


  • Question: Where do dreams of success and goals fit in with spirituality?
    Answer: You want to fulfill your potentiality and use your talents. Goals and dreams aren’t necessarily contradic-
    tory to spiritual growth.
    Developing your talents/potentiality is not in conflict with spiritual growth.
    Sedona Satsang Q&A, Sedona Creative Life Center, 2 CD set, 13. September 2006


  • Question: My spiritual journey is lonely [...] not being around others who feel the same way. People are not on the
    same path.
    Answer: That should not compromise the love you have for people. It should be unconditional. There is a certain
    separation in which your spiritual family becomes closer than your birth family.
     That is pretty characteristic. 
    The birth family is more limited. But there is another kind of closeness with your birth family. They can balance
    each other out. You can talk with your birth family about whatever else is interesting. You don't have to become
    isolated. You do become nonattached.
    Sedona Satsang Q&A, Sedona Creative Life Center, 2 CD set, 13. September 2006


  • A person who is literal doesn't get what spirituality is all about. The pedestrian, linear, concrete world […] they
    are unable to intuit context, spiritual reality. So people criticize the high-calibrating spiritual practices.
    Sedona Seminar Spiritual Practice and Daily Life, 3 DVD set, 21. October 2006


  • [Paraphrased] Spiritual means you are interested in the essence of the Truth within the teachings. Thus a person
    can be religious and spiritual if he or she is interested in the essence of the Truth within the teachings.
    Sedona Seminar Practical Spirituality, 3 DVD set, 25. October 2008

Zitate von anderen Quellen


  • Während die Menschheit ihre Mystiker stets vordergründig verehrte, hat sie unentwegt unwillkürlich aus dem Hinter-
    halt intrigiert, um die Botschaft der 'Heiligen' auszumerzen, die sich ohne Erlaubnis der Dogmenhüter den Luxus ihrer persönlichen Spiritualität leisteten.
    Andrew Harvey (*1952) indisch-britischer Religionswissenschaftler, Rumi-Übersetzer, Visionär, Lehrer der mystischen Traditionen, Architekt des heiligen Aktivismus, Dichter, Autor, Teachers and Seekers: An Interview with Andrew Harvey, präsentiert von der
    US-amerikanischen Zeitschrift Yoga Journal, Catherine Ingram, Heft 123, S. 60f, Juli/August 1995



  • Wir müssen die Heiligkeit des einzelnen 'Ichs' bewahren und eine Gemeinschaft bilden, in der sich die individuellen 'Ichs' radikal verändern können und den Durchbruch schaffen zu einer kritischen und zeitgenössischen Spiritualität. Interview mit Roland Benedikter (*1965) Südtiroler europäischer Stiftungsprofessor für Soziologie, Politikwissenschaftler, Autor zu Themen der Kulturanalyse und Gesellschaftsentwicklung, Spirituell aber nicht religiös. Jenseits der postmodernen Spiritualität, präsen-
    tiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Elizabeth Debold, US-amerikanische Genderforscherin, Lehrerin, Chefredakteurin von WIE / What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext (2002-2011), Kulturkommentatorin, Autorin, Heft 19, ~2005/2006


  • Bisher hatte ich geglaubt, dass wir bei der Frage unseres Lebensstils zwischen der Wissenschaft und Vernunft einer-
    seits und der Spiritualität andererseits wählen müssten. Inzwischen betrachte ich dies als eine irrige Entscheidung.
    Wir können das Gefühl der Heiligkeit nicht nur in der Naturwissenschaft, sondern wohl auch in jedem Lebensbereich wiederbeleben. Dr. med. Larry Dossey (*1940) US-amerikanischer Internist, spiritueller Referent, visionärer Autor, Reinventing Medicine. Beyond Mind-Body to a New Era of Healing, HarperOne, 1. Auflage 8. September 1999


  • Wahre Spiritualität ist Wissen-schaft, Religion ist Glauben-schaft.
    Om C. Parkin (*1962) deutscher Advaita-Lehrer, mystischer Buchautor

Exzerpiert aus:

Archivfilm Wie man sein Gehirn optimal nutzt, 2008, 2:05:20 Minuten Dauer, archiviert 13. November 2018


  • Der Mensch ist darauf angewiesen, sich eine übergeordete Welt zu bauen, die dazu beiträgt, dass er seine Resourcen überhaupt ausschöpfen kann. […] Der Mensch ist ein spirituelles Wesen, das sich selbst transzendiert. Und das ist im Hirn angelegt. Er kann gar nicht anders. Man kann die Religionen alle abschaf-
    fen. Sie sind nicht im Hirn angelegt, aber die Spiritualität kann man dem Menschen nicht wegnehmen. Sie wird immer wiederkommen.
    Videopräsentation mit Prof. DDr. Gerald Hüther gerald-huether.de (*1951) deutscher Neurobiologe, Professor für neurobiologi-
    sche Grundlagenforschung, Universität Göttingen, wissenschaftlicher und populärwissenschaftlicher Referent und Autor, Spiritualität, gelöschter YouTube Film, Minute 1:12, 1:54 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 17. Februar 2011


Isatis tinctoria, Färberwaid, Botanischer Garten
Utrecht, Niederlande, Mai 2005
  • Spiritualität bedeutet, vom Standpunkt der Nicht-Dualität aus zu handeln. [...]. Jede Handlung geschieht aus einem Zustand der Dualität heraus, wenn sie jedoch auf Nicht-Dua-
    lität basiert, dann ist sie eine spirituelle Praxis, [...].
    Ich setze also das Wort Praxis mit Nicht-Dualität gleich. Wenn ich Arbeits-Praxis sage, dann meine ich […] eine nicht-dualistische Arbeit. Das macht sie spirituell, das macht sie zur Praxis. Wenn du aus einer dualistischen Haltung her-
    aus meditierst oder um eine Einweihung bittest, dann ist das für mich keine Praxis. Es ist nicht spirituell. Es ist eine Kopie alter Verhaltensweisen.
    Gelöschtes Interview mit Tetsugen Bernard Glassman [BW 455] (1939-2018) US-amerikanischer Zenmeister, Initiator und Leiter verschiedener Sozialprojekte, Sachbuchautor, Bernie Glassman Sees No Boundaries [Bernie Glassman kennt keine Grenzen], präsentiert von dem unabhängigen buddhistischen zweimonatlich erscheinenden Magazin Shambhala Sun, später umbenannt in Lion's Roar, Gastgeber Melvin McLeod, Greyston, Mai 1996


  • Spiritualität (lat.: spiritus = Geist, Hauch) bedeutet im weitesten Sinne eine Form von Geistigkeit als Gegensatz
    zum rein rationalen Denken und einer materiellen Körperlichkeit
    . Sie steht für die gelebte Verbindung zum Form-
    losen, göttlichen, transzendenten oder der Unendlichkeit. Sie ist auch eine Art Lebenspraxis. Sie bezeichnet das Bewusstsein, dass die menschliche Seele ihren oder der menschliche Geist seinen Ursprung einer göttlichen oder transzendenten Instanz verdankt oder zu einer absoluten höheren Wirklichkeit in Beziehung steht.
    Wikipedia online Enzyklopädie, Stand 14. Mai 2007


  • Es ist offensichtlich, dass sich eine Vielzahl von Bedeutungsnuancen mit dem Begriff Spiritualität verbindet. Nicht nur die konkreten Ausprägungen der Spiritualität unterscheiden sich, sondern auch das grundsätzliche Verständnis. Er-
    schwerend kommt hinzu, dass die Begriffe Religiosität und Spiritualität insbesondere im englischsprachigen Schrift-
    tum oft synonym gebraucht wurden, obwohl ihnen unterschiedliche Konzepte zugrunde liegen. In dem 1936 erschie-
    nenen Oestergaards Lexikon wird spirituell als "geistig, geistreich, auch geistlich, kirchlich" beschrieben und der Be-
    griff Spiritualität als "Geistigkeit, geistiges Wesen", die im Gegensatz zur Materialität steht.
    Oestergaards-Lexikon, 1936


  • Religion ist für diejenigen, die an die Hölle glauben. Spiritualität ist für jene, die schon dort waren.
    David Bowie [David Robert Jones] (1947-2016) britischer Popmusiksänger, Musiker, Schauspieler, Musikproduzent und -arrangeur, zitiert in: Zitate berühmter Personen


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Spiritualität

Quotes by various other sources

The first man Adam became a living being, the last Adam a life-giving spirit. The spiritual
did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual. The first man was of the
dust of the earth, the second man from heaven.
1 Corinthians 15, 45 (NT)





  • We are explorers and the most compelling frontier of our time is human consciousness. Our quest is the integration
    of science and spirituality, a vision that reminds us of our connectedness to the inner self, to each other, and to the
    Earth. Edgar Mitchell, Sc.D. (1930-2016) US American Apollo 14 astronaut, 6th man walking the moon, founder of IONS,
    cited in: Daily Good. News that Inspires





  • To say that there is still a chasm between our current scientific understanding of the universe and the truth as I saw it
    is a considerable understatement. I still love physics and cosmology, still love studying our vast and wonderful univer-
    se. Only I now have a greatly enlarged conception of what "vast" and "wonderful" really mean. The physical side of the universe is as a speck of dust compared to the invisible and spiritual part. In my past view, spiritual wasn't a word that
    I would have employed during a scientific conversation. Now I believe it is a word that we cannot afford to leave out.
    Eben Alexander III, M.D. (*1953) US American former neuroscientist, neurosurgeon, near death experiencer, author, Proof of
    Heaven. A Neurosurgeon's Near-Death Experience and Journey into the Afterlife
    , Simon & Schuster, New York, 1st edition
    23. October 2012
  • We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Anonymous, falsely attributed to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin [LoC 500] (1881-1955) French philosopher, Jesuit priest, trained paleontologist, trained geologist


  • The religious idea of God cannot do full duty for the metaphysical infinity. Alan Watts [LoC 485] (1915-1973) British
    religious philosopher, minister, Episcopal priest, Zen expert, speaker, writer, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • Western psychology and psychiatry thus tend to discard globally any form of spirituality, no matter how sophisticated and well-founded, as unscientific. In the context of mechanistic science, spirituality is equated with primitive superstition, lack of education, or clinical psychopathology. When a religious belief is shared by a large group within which it is perpetuated by cultural programming, it is more or less tolerated by psychiatrists. Under these cir-
    cumstances, the usual clinical criteria are not applied, and sharing such a belief is seen as not necessarily indicative
    of psychopathology. Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D. (*1931) Czech US American psychiatrist, consciousness researcher, co-deve-
    loper of transpersonal psychology, teacher, author, Beyond the Brain. Birth, Death and Transcendence in Psychotherapy, Suny Series, Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology, State University of New York Press, January 1986


  • In spite of all the enforced physical and mental primitiveness of the life in a concentration camp, it was possible
    for spiritual life to deepen.
    [...] They were able to retreat from their terrible surroundings to a life of inner riches
    and spiritual freedom.
    Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) Austrian psychiatrist, psychotherapist, neurologist, Nazi death camp survivor, meaning researcher, foun-
    der of logotherapy, Man's Search for Meaning. An Introduction to Logotherapy, earlier title From Death-Camp to Existentialism,
    1959, [German original: Ein Psychologe erlebt das Konzentrationslager, 1946], S. 56, Washington Square Press, New York, 1963


  • If a prisoner felt that he could no longer endure the realities of [concentration] camp life, he found a way out in his mental life – an invaluable opportunity to dwell in the spiritual domain, the one that the SS were unable to destroy. Spiritual life strengthened the prisoner, helped him adapt, and thereby improved his chances of survival. Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) Austrian psychiatrist, psychotherapist, neurologist, Nazi death camp survivor, meaning researcher,
    founder of logotherapy, Man's Search for Meaning. An Introduction to Logotherapy, earlier title From Death-Camp to Existen-
    , 1959, [Ein Psychologe erlebt das Konzentrationslager, 1946], Washington Square Press, New York, S. 123, 1963


  • We started with this kind of New Age consciousness, which immediately got routed into the consciousness of
    health, the discovery of the self, the self-awareness movement, the movement of the victim, woundedness, and
    the inner child. That became the "surrogate spirituality movement." [...]
    The new mystic is not someone who retreats into the ashram or into the monasteries, but rather is someone
    who remains a very effective lay person in the field – a mother, a lawyer, a teacher, a functioning person in the
    field – while having a very animated soul. [...] The mystic actually experiences the power of God. Their soul be-
    comes animated. They go from the theory of God, to the fact of God. They go from "I believe", to "I know."
    Interview with Caroline Myss Myss.com (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling
    author, Entering the Castle of the Soul, presented by host Randy Peyser, 2007



The re-spiritualization of medicine: Recent indicators (in the United States)

  • In 1997, the Joint Commission on Accreditation strongly recommended that every healthcare institution have a vehicle in place to assess the spiritual history of inco-
    ming patients. This is now a requirement. [status 2010]
  • In 1998, the Association of American Medical Colleges required every graduating student to be able to take a spiritual history, and to demonstrate an appreciation of the role of spirituality in delivering compassionate care. Video keynote speech by Larry Dossey, M.D. (*1940) US American internist, pioneer of spiritualizing health-
    care, public speaker, author on complementary medicine, Spirituality and Health, presented at the LOHAS Forum 2010, Boulder Colo-
    rado, 23.-25. June 2010, Spirituality and Health. What the Fuss Is All About?, part 2 of 5, YouTube film, minute 1:30-4:27, 13:03 minutes duration, posted 16. August 2010




Sacred Activism

  • A spirituality that is only private and self-absorbed, one devoid of an authentic poli-
    tical and social consciousness, does little to halt the suicidal juggernaut of history.
    On the other hand, an activism that is not purified by profound spiritual and psycho-
    logical self-awareness and rooted in divine truth, wisdom, and compassion will only perpetuate the problem it is trying to solve, however righteous its intentions. When, however, the deepest and most grounded spiritual vision is married to a practical and pragmatic drive to transform all existing political, economic and social institutions, a holy force – the power of wisdom and love in action – is born.
    This force I define as Sacred Activism.
    Andrew Harvey (*1952) Indian-British religious scholar, Rumi translator and explicator, teacher of mystic traditions, architect of Sacred Activism, poet, novelist, author, presented by Harvey's website andrewharvey.net, excerpted from Harvey's book: The Hope. A Guide to Sacred Activism, Hay House United Kingdom, 7. September 2009



Authentic spirituality:



Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Spirituality

Englische Texte – English section on Spirituality

Celestial ladder – Spirit-based LoCs – D. Hawkins

Spirit-filled levels of conscienceness
LoCTopic Legend
Below 200
50% of the current New Age / esoteric literature Absence, lack of Spirit
025Militant atheismHatred of God
035InquisitionWitch hunt
165Sacrificial attitude Absence, lack of Spirit
165AtheismSpirit adverse philosophy
180Moral ethical sins Absence, lack of Spirit
185New Age movement Naivety is the shadow side of the spiritual aspirants. Many people indulge exclusively in their fantasies about spiritual development.3
185Skepticism Absence, lack of Spirit
185Relativism Absence, lack of Spirit
190Atheistic movementSpirit adverse ideology
190Channeling – average LoC of channeled messages Absence, lack of Spirit
190Epistemological relativism Absence, lack of Spirit
190The Luciferian (Ego) refusing to recognize God's sovereignty Absence, lack of Spirit
190Casual sins Absence, lack of Spirit
Below 200Homo SapiensMan without infusion of Spirit
AgnosticismIndifference towards God
Beginning presence of the Spirit
Above 200Homo SpiritusMan seized by Spirit
390Esoterics Presence of Spirit
460+Metaphysics Presence of Spirit
480-485TheologyScience and teachings about God, denominational
500Domain of SpiritualityAction impetus is the happiness of others;
synchronistic flow of events
Domain of Spirit
500Beginning of subjectivityTranscending the mind set of objectivity
550Forgiveness and devotion to God Attitude within the domain of Spirit
555Imagined control tranferred to the will of GodPopularly called "holy", Holyness4
570Miracle phenomena, wholesomeness, SainthoodBeginning of mysticism
595Holiness of life→ Compassion with all living beings, insight into the human heart
Saturation in the domain of Spirit'''
600+Enlightened beingsBeyond the ordinary human existence, mostly working in secret as redeemers
Spirit-filled status
700+Wise men, teachers of humanityMostly work in public, given it is their mission
Spirit-filled status
1000AvatarsHighest human realization on Earth
Maximal earthly Spirit-filled status
Below 200
bis < 499
ReligionLoCs of Buddhism
LoCs of Christianity
LoCs of Hinduism
LoCs of Islam
LoCs of Judaism
Siehe auch: ► Himmelsleiter – BW-Stufen des Geistes – D. Hawkins

Spirituality studies in Germany (2007)

Results of the German study on spirituality by Identity Foundation, April 2007
The press release "Pressemitteilung zur Studie Spiritualität in Deutschland" of the Identity Foundation in Düsseldorf in April 20075 reported:


  • Every second German believes that the cosmos is held up by a spiritual power.
  • Fundamentalism is rarely expressed in Germany.
  • 15 % of the Germans are "spiritual seekers" on a quest for meaning who value spirituality very highly.
    • This group consists of two thirds of women and one third of men.
  • 35% of the Germans are religious creatives.
  • 10% of the Germans are traditional Christians.
  • 40% of the Germans are happy-go-lucky pragmaticians (science oriented)
    • 20% of which view themselves express as atheists.

  • 67% of the Germans belong to a denomination.
  • 45% of the Germans feel sympathy for the christian faith.
  • 11.3% of the Germans are nondenominational.
  • 10.1% of the Germans have disestablished a church association / denomination.


60% of the Germans (2/3 women and 1/3 men) [or 80% of the Germans according to another broader unnamed statistics] are interested in religious subjects, God, life after death.


Results of the studies on spirituality by Identity Foundation, March 2006 and April 2007
In March 2006 the scientific Identity Foundation in collaboration with the university Hohenheim carried out a study on »Spirituality in Germany«. 1,000 persons participated.
Results are:

  • Every second German believes that the cosmos is sustained by a spiritual power.
    • Two thirds of those who confirmed their interest both in spirituality and religion are women, one third are men.
  • Fundamentalism is rarely found in Germany.
See also: ► Consciousness-Tables
Siehe auch: ► Deutsche Spiritualitätsstudie (2006/2007) – Statistische Ergebnisse

Religion and public life – PEW Forum surveys

Since 1962 The PEW Forum on Religion & Public Life has conducted surveys and analyzed existing surveys of religious trends in
the United States of America.
A recent PEW survey released in August 2009 detected an emerging trend of mixing elements of worship services and faiths.


One-third of Americans (35%) say they regularly (9%) or occasionally (26%) attend religious services at more than one place, and most of these (24% of the public overall) indicate that they sometimes attend religious services of a faith different from their own. Aside from when they are traveling and special events like weddings and funerals, three-in-ten Protestants attend services outside their own denomination, and one-fifth of Catholics say they sometimes attend non-Catholic services.


Overall, people in religiously mixed marriages attend worship services less often than people married to someone of
the same faith. But among those who attend religious services at least yearly, those in religiously mixed marriages
attend multiple types of services at a higher rate than people married to someone of the same religion.


Nearly half of the public (49%) says they have had a religious or mystical experience, defined as a "moment of sudden religious insight or awakening." This is similar to a survey conducted in 2006 but much higher than in surveys conducted in
1976 and 1994 and more than twice as high as a 1962 Gallup survey (22%). In fact, this year's survey [status 2009] finds that religious and mystical experiences are more common today among those who are unaffiliated with any particular religion (30%)
than they were in the 1960s among the public as whole (22%).


► Article Many Americans Mix Multiple Faiths. Eastern, New Age Beliefs Widespread, presented by the nonpartisan US American fact tank
     Pew Research Center, 9. December 2009
► Audio interview with Greg Smith, Do You Believe In Miracles? Most Americans Do, presented by the non-commercial US American
     media organization National Public Radio (NPR), YouTube film, 17:15 minutes duration, aired 23. February 2010
Referring to the survey "Religion Among the Millennials" from the Pew Forum: 79% Americans believe in miracles.

LoC calibrations (engl.): Spirituality, Spiritual traditions and schools by D. Hawkins

LoC – Orientations and movements

  • LoC 510 – Free Masonry
  • LoC 500 – Domain of SPIRIT, spirituality, nonlinearity, impetus on the happiness of others, syncs, flow
  • LoC 480-485 – Theology (science of God, bound to religions)
  • LoC 460 – Beginning of spiritual teachings by true teachers
  • LoC 460 – Metaphysics – presence of spirit
  • LoC 450 – Druids
  • LoC 405 – Rosicrucians
  • LoC 400 – Knights Templar
  • LoC 390 – Esoterics – presence of spirit
  • LoC 390 – Enneagrams
  • LoC 365 – Theosophy
  • LoC 350 – Freethinker
  • LoC 320 – Universalist Church
  • LoC 250 – Telepathy
  • LoC 210-405 – Astrology
  • LoC 210-405 – Numerology
  • LoC 203 – White Magic
  • LoC 200 – Integrity – spirit induced
  • LoC 200 – Superstitition
  • LoC 200 – Fundamentalism
  • LoC 200 – Agnosticism


Source: ► Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 398, 2005; and others

Index: Spiritualität / Spirituality – Bücher von D. Hawkins

  • Buch 2, Spiritualität S. 73, S. 115, S. 305, S. 310


  • Buch 2E, Spirituality (Defined) S. 57, Spirituality and Consciousness S. 57, S. 217
  • Buch 3E, Spirituality & Daily Life S. 299
  • Buch 5E, Commitment (spiritual), S. 329

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins

  • Audio interview God, Religion, Spirituality, and Xmas!, presented by the suspended US American web radio station "Beyond the Ordinary", hosts Nancy Lorenz and Elena Young, 60 minutes duration, aired 13. December 2005


Links zum Thema Spiritualität / Spirituality


Literature (engl.)

Sections: 1. Presumptions of enlightenment (Motivations for seeking); 2. The Dangers of Mystical Experience; 3. Corruption and Consequence;
4. Disillusionment, Humility and the Beginning of Spiritual Life

Five national awards for best spiritual book of 2010

Externe Weblinks

Linklose Artikel

  • Artikel Gott als biologisches Zubehör, archiviert von der deutschen Monatsfachzeitschrift Psychologie Heute, Januar 2007
  • Artikel Sind wir Sinnsucher? Zur Umfrage 'Spiritualität in Deutschland' , präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Mike Kauschke, Heft 21, 2007
  • Artikel Das Göttlich-Weibliche, enthüllt. Führt uns eine weibliche Spiritualität über das Patriarchat hinaus?, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Elizabeth Debold, US-amerikanische Genderforscherin, Lehrerin, Chefredakteurin von WIE / EnlightenNext (2006-2011), Kulturkommentatorin, Autorin, Heft 27, ~2007/2008

External web links (engl.)

⚡ Critical articles

Audio- und Videolinks

Audio and video links (engl.)

Spirituality means waking up.

  • Video interview with Deepak Chopra, Indian US American co-founder of "The Chopra Center", What is spirituality?, presented by the US American web portal Big Think, 3:33 minutes duration, posted 9. November 2007
  • Different short presentations by Alan Watts [LoC 485] (1915-1973) British religious philosopher, minister, Episcopal priest, Zen expert, speaker, writer, Zen Spirituality, animated YouTube film, 9:29 minutes duration, posted 25. March 2008
  • Video interview with Robert Thurman, Ph.D. (*1941) US American college professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies, Columbia University, president of the US Tibet House, theologian, philosopher, educator, civil rights leader, author, named among the 25 most influential people by TIME in 1997, Spirituality vs. Religion, presented by the US American web portal Big Think, 3:02 minutes duration, posted 27. July 2009
  • Documentary movie about DMT DMT: The Spirit Molecule (2010), navigator Joe Rogan, YouTube film, 1:13:47 duration, recor-
    ded end of 2010, posted 24. November 2016
  • Video presentation by Matthew Fox (*1940) US American Episcopalian (formerly Roman Catholic) priest, author, Science & Spirituality: Together Again, Matthew Fox, sponsored by the Science And Nonduality (SAND) conference 2016, San Jose, California, 23. October 2016, YouTube film, 32:07 minutes duration, posted 28. March 2017

"A mistake about creation results in a mistake about God."  Pre-modern philosopher Thomas Aquinas (13th century)
Both the Catholic monk Thomas Merton (murdered by the CIA) and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel challenged the world of technology.

Linkless media offering

  • Video presentation by Michael Nagler, US American professor emeritus of classics and comparative literature, UC Berkeley,
    Our Spiritual Crisis, sponsored by Cody's Books, San Francisco, California, recorded by the event video production company Fora.tv, 35:56 minutes duration, 28. February 2006

Recovering human wisdom in a time of violence

Audio and video links (engl.) – Larry Dossey


See also:
Healing Audio and video links (engl.) – Larry Dossey and ► Medicine Audio and video links (engl.) – Larry Dossey
Science Audio and video links (engl.) – Larry Dossey and ► Consciousness Audio and video links (engl.) – Larry Dossey
Intuition Audio and video links (engl.) – Larry Dossey and ► Wholeness Audio and video links (engl.) – Larry Dossey


Interne Links


Englisch Wiki



1 Sedona Seminar Emotions and Sensations, 3 DVD set, 17. April 2004

2 Sedona Seminar Transcending Obstacles, DVD 3 of 3, minutes 43:00-44:18, 3. September 2005

3 Sedona Seminar Emotions and Sensations, 3 DVD set, 17. April 2004

4 Sedona Seminar Transcending Obstacles, DVD 3 of 4, minutes 43:00-44:18, 3. September 2005

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