
Wiki / Biomilieu





Biomilieu  ❄  Fließgleichgewicht  ❄  Ganzheitsmedizin  ❄  Umweltbewusstsein






Pendelkugeln in Bewegung



Die Mikrobe ist nichts, das Milieu ist alles!
Pierre Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908)
französischer Chemiker, Mediziner, Pharmazeut



Zitate zum Thema Biomilieu-Ganzheitsmedizin / Bio milieu-terrain medicine

Zitate allgemein

Persönliche Bekenntnisse



Vier Thesen zur Covid-19-Plandemie von Dr. Claus Köhnlein

  • THESE 1 – Die Zahl der Covid-19-Infektionen nicht höher ist als bei grippalen Infektionskrankheiten in der Vergangenheit. "Der Bevölkerung wird immer eingebläut, dass die Fallzahlen scheinbar exponentiell steigen." Das ist tatsächlich nicht der Fall. Es wird kumulativ berichtet: Verdreifacht sich die Zahl der Testung, verdreifacht sich die Zahl der positiv Getesteten. Der Anteil der positiv Getesteten bleibt aber immer gleich. Es wird suggeriert, dass sich hier etwas ausbreitet; in Wirklichkeit breitet sich nur der Test aus.
    THESE 2 "Es wird versucht ein neues Krankheitsbild zu etablieren." Allerdings gibt es nur allgemeine Symptome,
    die man sehr häufig bei anderen Infektionen sieht. Bei jeder Nasennebenhöhlen-Entzündung (Sinusitis) tritt ein Geschmacks- und Geruchsverlust auf, der jetzt Covid-19 zugeschrieben werde.
    "Das mögen zwar Coronaviren sein, aber das ist absolut nichts Neues. Covid-19 ist eine selbstlimitierende Krankheit, eine Schnupfen-, eine Hustenkrankheit. Die geht weg, wenn Sie mit heißem Wasser inhalieren."
    THESE 3 – Das Einzige, das wir gegen Viren haben, ist unser Immunsystem. Das muss gestärkt werden.
    Fallbeispiel: Die Frage stellt sich, ob der Patient an der Krankheit oder wegen der Übertherapie gestorben ist.
    THESE 4 "Die Sterblichkeit von Infektionskrankheiten war drastisch rückläufig, deutlich vor Einführung der Impfungen. Das spricht nicht für die Impfpraxis als die Maßnahme, die Infektionskrankheiten zurückgedrängt hat."
    Artikel Vier Thesen von Corona-Skeptiker Claus Köhnlein im Check von Ex-Klinikum-Chefarzt Daniel Jaspersen, präsentiert von
    der deutschen regionalen Tageszeitung Fuldaer Zeitung, Laurenz Hiob, 14. Mai 2020; zitiert aus dem: Videointerview mit Dr. med. Claus Köhnlein, deutscher Arzt, Autor, RUBIKON im Gespräch: "Der Virus-Wahn" – (Claus Köhnlein und Johannes Vorndran), präsentiert von dem aufgelösten kritischen online Fernsehkanal Rubikon, Gastgeber Johannes Vorndran, YouTube Film, 39:11 Mi-
    nuten Dauer, eingestellt 9. May 2020



Zitate gegen Impfung

Persönliche Bekenntnisse

  • Dr. Max von Pettenkofer (1818-1901) hat die Stadt München von der Cholera befreit. Nicht durch Impf-
    ung, sondern durch eine gute Wasserversorgung und Abwasserversorgung.

    Sein Zeitgenosse Dr. Robert Koch (1843-1910), der Bak-
    terienjäger von damals – sein heutiges Pendant ist "Prof." Christian Drosten) war anfangs stark auf Bakterien fixiert. Er schickte ein Reagenzglas mit Choleravibrionen, den Er-
    regern der Cholera, nach München. Max von Pettenkofer trank den Inhalt vor dem versammelten Auditorium aus und bekam keine Cholera. Hier kam die Auseinandersetzung deutlich zum Ausdruck.
    Dr. Koch soll noch ein zweites Reagenzglas geschickt ha-
    ben. Ein Oberarzt von Pettenkofer hat den Inhalt getrunken und daraufhin Cholera gekriegt. Er glaubte schon stärker an die neue Theorie von Robert Koch, und hat die Krankheit im Sinne einer selbsterfüllenden Prophezeiung auch be-
    kommen. Es gibt auch noch die starke Komponente der Psychosomatik, des Einflusses der Seele, die sich in der Medizin trotz der Psychoneuroimmunologie noch nicht ausgebreitet hat.
    Videointerview mit Dr. med. Rüdiger Dahlke (*1951) deutscher Arzt, Psychotherapeut, Autor, Fälschungen in der Medizin, Sendenummer Nhol_200430-S3, präsentiert von dem Schweizer Privatfernsehen QS24, Gastgeber Alexander Glogg, YouTube Film,  27:28 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 12. Juni 2020

General quotes

Personal avowals


Bio terrain / terrain medicine

  • Bio-terrain theory [concludes] if the self is not a separate discrete individual then your health cannot come from the perfection and the security, the walling off from the world of this separate individual because that's not all of you. You include your relationships, your biological relationships, the microbiome, and the external biome that through viruses and other particles is constantly feeding genetic information through you and electromagnetic information, chemical information, and olfactory information. We are these channels, these nodes, these nexus points in an inconceivably complex matrix of relationship. Our health depends on the health of all. We cannot separate ourselves out, no matter how much we filter our water and eat organic food imported from somewhere that's not polluted yet. We cannot keep out all of the
    bad guys with a big wall and advanced security systems.
    Video interview with Charles Eisenstein Healing Our Disconnect w/ Charles Eisenstein, presented by the YouTube channel Alfa Vedic, host Mike Winner, host Dr. Barre Paul Lando, YouTube film, minute 16:35, 1:22:26 duration, posted 16. July 2020


  • If we think that the pharmaceutical executives or whoever we blame for the problem, we're not actually embracing terrain theory which says, 'Well, why is the body politic so susceptible to predators and psychopaths and ruthless ma-
    nipulative people? Why has this pathogen proliferated in the body politic?' That's to me an important question because if we don't go there the only solution is to kill the pathogens somehow. [Considering] the "solution" of destroying the military-industrial-pharmaceutical-NGO-financial-agricultu-
    ral-educational complex by force and winning a war against them there's only two two possibilities.
Scenario #1 – The most likely is that we abjectly lose be-
cause they're going to be better at all-out war than we are. They're going to be more ruthless, they're more experien-
ced, they have the guns, they have the money, they have the media, they have the mind control devices.
Scenario #2 – We become better at those technologies than they. And that whole different approach is called changing the terrain.
Video interview with Charles Eisenstein Healing Our Disconnect w/ Charles Eisenstein, presented by the YouTube channel Alfa Vedic, host Mike Winner, host Dr. Barre Paul Lando, YouTube film, minute 20:52, 1:22:26 duration, posted 16. July 2020


  • DO GERMS CAUSE DISEASE? Or could it be the other way around [...] first, the disease, then the germs. Natural Hygiene contends that germs do not cause disease. They are not the originators. Most diseases occur when people allow themselves to become enervated, that is, low in nerve energy. As a consequence, the organs of excretion fail to function normally and waste material accumulates in the body. When this waste continues to build up, exceeding the body's toleration point, a crisis arises. The body, to offset this overabundance of poisonous matter, begins to react. The result of this reaction is sometimes a cold, the flu, pneumonia, or some such, depending on the individual. At this crisis point of elimination, germs may or may not be present. They are sure to come later, not to attack, but to assist in the cleanup or cleansing process. Dr. Alec Burton (1930-2016), cited in: Quote collection Contagious Diseases and the Germ Theory, PDF, presented by Dr. Bernarr, D.C., D.D., undated


  • We said before that so-called "germs" are ubiquitous. They are ever present, in many varying forms in both healthy and sick people. These microbes kick into what modern scientists call 'pathogens', when the media is toxic and conducive
    to clean up. When you enter into a healing crisis, and your body is throwing off toxins, these "germs" appear out of your very substance, to help eliminate, process and break down these toxins. Germs have absolutely no causal relationship to disease. But germs do appear to help you clean out, because put quite simply, your disease is your cure!
    Dr. William P. Trebing, US American chiropractor, Good-Bye Germ Theory. Ending a century of medical fraud, S. 154, Xlibris, paperback edition 12. August 2004, 2006



  • I don't see any virus when I go looking for one other than the same old colds and flu we've had for thousands of years. So I think it's just a manufactured-up excuse [for social engineering].
    We need to understand what a virus is. It is something that we produce in ourselves. It doesn't come from somewhere out there. It can, but a virus is a degenerative stage in a cell. That is not recognized by science at this point. They don't recognize either that bacteria is a stage of degeneration in a human cell. Virus is an early stage, bacteria is a
    little bit later. And the goal of a virus is to destroy the organism because it's no longer healthy. Same thing what in-
    sects do in a field of beans or wheat or corn. If the plant is not helpful insects attack to take it down and clean it up.
    Their nature is garbage collectors. Viruses do the same thing in the human body. And we are just pretty ignorant
    about that. And that would ruin the model that the AMA has, so they don't acknowledge that that's the case, I think
    they're getting closer to that. But I don't see a virus. When you really study the PCR test it's like they're testing for
    a piece of our own DNA. Everybody's got it. So of course they're saying, 'Oh you've got the virus.' You don't have
    anything. What you've got is a piece of your own DNA. How stupid. We're in a place where we don't know enough
    as a population to be able to know when somebody's trying to hoodwink us. We're too ignorant, and we're too un-
    schooled. When you get somebody who's a real con man they're going to have a little tiny bit of truth and a whole
    lot of con. And people will hear the truth and they'll put that together with the con and then they'll swallow the whole
    thing. Q&A video session with Penny Kelly, US American engineer, kundalini awakened psychic, science translator, teacher, lecturer, spiritual consultant, naturopathic physician, author, [04 Jan 2021] Recording: Tea & Consciousness, YouTube film, minute 67:48, duration, 2:27:28 duration, recorded 4. January 2021, posted 18. January 2021


  • I'm finally hearing after twenty years of a few doctors, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and a couple of others, that are saying, 'Hey guys, the germ theory is not correct. And it's not. You don't pick up a virus, you develop a virus. You don't
    pick up a bacteria, you develop a bacteria. And when you see the so called pleomorphic stages of a cell, that go through sixteen stages of degeneration before it just quits all together – the last stage is cancer – then you begin to understand that the virus and the bacteria are just early stages of physical degeneration in which a cell changes shape, changes form, changes function and becomes a somatid, actually not a cell. That somatid is the basic unit
    of life, way more basic than a cell. And as it degenerates, it goes through these sixteen stages of deformation. And when it gets to the viral and bacteria stage the job is to take down the individual who is degenerating. It's the same function internally as insects are in the plant world. You've maybe heard me talk about insects, they fly around, and they have these antennae that are sensing the aura around you or around a plant or an animal. If you're off tune or
    out of tune or if you're off color or you're not healthy they zoom right in and starts taking bites out of that plant. They will attack an animal, they will attack an individual. That's what the antennae are for. It's for finding where are the frequencies that are out of tune that indicate degeneration. And so bacteria and viruses come from within. They
    are transferable once somebody starts one, you can transfer it to somebody else but only if they're also in a pre-degeneration stage.
    If they're not that bacteria virus doesn't even touch them. We have to move away from this military model of disease which is we're being attacked and into personal responsibility for 'Wow we're degenerating', enough that our own
    body is beginning to tear us down which is the same job that an insect has in the plant world. It's to get rid of plants
    that aren't worth reproducing. And it's the same thing in the humans.
Video Q&A session with Penny Kelly, US American engineer, kundalini awakened psychic, science translator, teacher, lecturer, spiritual consultant, naturopathic physician, author, RECORDING [01 March 2021] Tea & Consciousness with Penny Kelly, pre-
sented by the YouTube platform Penny Kelly, YouTube film, minute 23:13, 2:38:25 duration, posted 15. March 2021


Reference: ► Quotations that refute Germ theory, presented by the publication alternativeprinciplesforhealth

Quotes against vaccination

Personal avowals

Model posed tip-toe on champagne bottle, 1904


  • There is no question that perfect sanitation has almost obliterated this disease (smallpox), and sooner or later will dispose of it entirely. Of course, when that time comes, in all probability the credit will be given to vaccination. Sanitation did for Prussia what 35 years of compulsary vaccination was unable to accomplish. At the present time in Prussia, smallpox is almost extinct. It is not that people are being vaccinated more; they are vaccinated less.
    Dr. Walter R. Hadwen, M.D., The Case Against Vaccination, 1896, cited in: Trung Nguyen, J. T. Biggs, Leicester. Sanitation versus Vaccination, S. 64, The National Anti-Vaccination League, London, 1912, Forgotten Books, classic paperback reprint 1. February 2019


  • There is no question that perfect sanitation has almost obliterated this disease (smallpox), and sooner or later will dispose of it entirely. Of course, when that time comes, in all probability the credit will be given to vaccination.
    Dr. John Tilden (1851-1940) US American physician versed in alternative healthcare, cited in: Trung Nguyen, J. T. Biggs, Leicester. Sanitation versus Vaccination, S. 64, The National Anti-Vaccination League, London, 1912, Forgotten Books, classic paperback reprint 1. February 2019


Englische Texte – English section on Bio milieu / terrain medicine

Pasteur's germ theory ⇔ Béchamp's microzymian theory

༺༻    Favored germ theory
Role of the microbe – Pathogenesis
Louis Pasteur·•·Medical·establishment
    Suppressed microzymian theory
Role of the host internal milieu – Salutogenesis
    Antoine BéchampClaude BernardRobert O. Young
1.The body is sterile.Microbes exist naturally in the body.
2.Disease arises from micro-organisms outside the body.Disease arises from micro-organisms within the cells of the body.
3.Micro-organisms are generally to be guarded against.These intracellular micro-organisms normally function to build and
assist in the metabolic processes of the body.
4.The function of micro-organisms is constant. The function of these organisms changes to assist in the catabolic (disintegration) processes of the host organism when that organism dies or is injured, which may
be chemical as well as mechanical.
5.The shapes and colours of micro-organisms are constant.Micro-organisms are pleomorphic (having many forms): they change their shapes and colors (shape-shift) to reflect the condition of the host.
6.Every disease is associated with a particular micro-organism.Every disease is associated with a particular condition.
7.Micro-organisms are primary causal agents. Disease results when microbes change form, function, and toxicity according to the terrain of the host. Hence, the condition of the host organism is the primary causal agent.
8.Disease can "strike" anybody.Disease is built by unhealthy conditions.
9.To prevent disease we have to "build defences."To prevent disease we have to create health.
[*] Cell deterioration proceed in following stages:
1. Phagocytosis (and all of its processes) 2. Bacterial 3. Fungal 4. Parasitical 5. Viral (virus).
Claude Bernard (1813-1878) was the first French physiologist to understand that disease to be a general, underlying condition,
affected and determined by the body’s internal environment (the terrain). The state of the terrain is based on four factors:
  1. the body's acid/alkaline balance
  2. the body's electric/magnetic charge
  3. the body's degree of poisoning
  4. the body's nutritional status.
Humans do not catch diseases. They build diseases with what they eat, drink, breathe, feel, think, and believe into existence. Both generating disease and restoring health take an effort. The presence of germs (virus, bacteria, yeast or mold and their associated exotoxins, endotoxins and mycotoxins – acids) does not constitute the presence of a sickness or disease. Bacteria are scavengers of natue avid to reduce dead tissue to its smallest element. Germs or bacteria have no influence on living cells. Germs aka microzymas flourish as scavengers at the site of disease. They are living on the unprocessed metabolic waste and diseased, malnourished, nonresistant tissue in the first place. Germs are not the cause of the disease, any more than flies, maggots, and rats cause garbage. Mosquitoes do not cause a pond to become stagnant. Firemen tend to appear at burning buildings, which doesn’t mean they set the house on fire.
Three viral hypotheses:
Progressive HypothesisRegressive Hypothesis ⇔ Standard model: Virus-First Hypothesis
► Article The Origins of Viruses, presented by the publication Nature Education, David R. Wessner, Ph.D., department of biology,
     Davidson College, volume 3 issue 9 page 37, 2010
► Article by Susan Dorey, Louis Pasteur Recants His Germ Theory, issued 16. February 2011, revised 31. January 2018
► Article Germ theory vs terrain theory, presented by the publication Nutritionist Resource, Cressida Elias, 11. March 2020, updated 27. September 2022
Reference: ► Table chart by Seun Ayoade, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, The Differences Between Germ Theory And Terrain Theory, PDF,
presented by JOJ Nurse Health Care, volume 4, issue 2, 19. September 2017


Written references:
► Article You Cannot Catch Bugs, Germs, Bacteria or Candida/Fungi, presented by the blogspot "Healing Naturally", Bee Wilder,
     3. April 2015
► Article Pleomorphism and Germ Theory Explained, presented by the publication Live Blood Online, 3. November 2017
► Article Meet the trillions of viruses that make up your virome, presented by the independent, non-profit, academic Australian media
     outlet The Conversation, 9. October 2018
► Article Germ Theory Versus Terrain: The Wrong Side Won the Day, presented by the publication Weston A. Price Foundation,
     Merinda Teller, Ph.D., 30. July 2019
► Blog article Dismantling The Viral Theory, presented Robert O. Young, DSc, Ph.D., US American naturopathic practitioner,
     issued 11. November 2019, updated 25. January 2020
► Article What is a virus? How do they spread? How do they make us sick?, presented by the independent, non-profit, academic
     Australian media outlet The Conversation, Lotti Tajouri, associate professor of biomedical sciences, Bond University, 13. March 2020
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Germ theory denialism
Literature by Ethel Douglas Hume, US American author
Pasteur Exposed. The False Foundations of Modern Medicine. Germs, Genes, Vaccines, 1923, C W Daniel, 2nd edition 1. June 1989
Bechamp or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the history of biology, 1923, A Distant Mirror, 11. November 2006
► Article Germ Theory Versus Terrain: The Wrong Side Won the Day, presented by the quarterly journal Wise Traditions in Food,
     Farming and the Healing Arts
of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Merinda Teller, MPH, Ph.D., 30. July 2019
► [*] Article The Deception of Virology & Vaccines — Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious, presented via Reddit, u/JGCS7,
     2. March 2020
Coronavirus is a respiratory virus manufactured by cells in the lungs and respiratory areas to cleanse themselves of systemic toxicity.
Schriftliche Quellen (deutsch):
► Artikel Unterschied zwischen Bakterien und Viren, präsentiert von der lexikalischen Webseite blutwert.net, undatiert
► Artikel Echte Pandemien – inszenierte Pandemien?, präsentiert von der Publikation Naturstoff Medizin, 26. August 2020
Videoangebot (deutsch):
► Lehrvideo nach einem Aufsatz von Kristina Peter, Die Mikrobe ist nichts, das Milieu ist alles!, YouTube Film, 24:13 Minuten Dauer,
     eingestellt 11. Juni 2017
Siehe auch: ► Debatte um die spontane Lebensentstehung (1860-1880)




"There are no specific diseases, there are specific disease conditions."
Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) celebrated English nurse, statistician, writer, pioneer in nursing during the Crimean War

"The primary cause of disease is in us, always in us."
Pierre Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908) French scientist, physician, chemist, pharmacist, 1883

"If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat, diseased tissue – rather than being the cause of the diseased tissue. In other words, mosquitoes seek the stagnant water, but do not cause the pool to become stagnant."
Rudolf Virchow [Father of modern pathology] (1821-1902) German physician, cited in: Susan E. Cayleff, US American professor of women's studies, San Diego State University, writer, Nature's Path. A History of Naturopathic Healing in America, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1st edition 29. March 2016

Pasteur's work on immunity induced with serums and vaccines shows he recognized the importance of the soil. In any event, it is rather significant that Pasteur attached so much importance to this point that on his deathbed he said to Professor Louis Rénon who looked after him: 'Bernard avait raison. Le germe n'est rien, c'est le terrain qui est tout.' ("Bernard was right, the germ is nothing, the milieu [the environment within] is everything.")
Louis Pasteur [Father of microbiology] (1822-1895) French chemist, physician, microbiologist (on his deathbed), cited in: Hans Selye, M.D. (1907-1982) Hungarian-Austrian-Canadian pioneering endocrinologist, father of stress research, author, The Stress of Life, S. 301, 1956, McGraw-Hill Paperbacks, reissued 1976, 2nd paperback edition 1. March 1978

"[D]epending on its inner state, germs arose within the body itself that, in Rife’s opinion, were not the cause but the result of disease states."
Article by Christopher Bird, 150 Years of Suppression, presented by the Australian based bimonthly alternative news magazine Nexus, 1991

"The germ theory proposes you get rid of the flies, while it makes more sense to clean up the garbage attracting them."  Bill Nelson, developer of the QXCI machine


"The worrisome iatrogenic challenges posed by superbugs [viruses] and vaccine failure are bad enough. However, the Pasteur-influenced medical model also must accept a share of blame for the widespread disruption of the human mi-
that is such a standout feature of the modern ill-health picture. […] If the medical community were honest, it would be forced to admit that the model of disease that catapulted Pasteur to fame has played itself out and is pushing us to disability and death."
Thomas Cowan M.D., US American naturopath, author, Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness, S. 137, Chelsea Green Publishing, 3. September 2018

"It may be hard to fathom, but the human body is occupied by large collections of microorganisms, commonly referred to as our microbiome, that have evolved with us since the early days of man. Scientists have only recently begun to quantify the microbiome, and discovered it is inhabited by at least 38 trillion bacteria. More intriguing, perhaps, is that bacteria are
not the most abundant microbes that live in and on our bodies. That award goes to viruses.
It has been estimated that there are over 380 trillion viruses inhabiting us, a community collectively known as the human virome. But these viruses are not the dangerous ones you commonly hear about."
Article Meet the trillions of viruses that make up your virome, presented by the independent, non-profit, academic Australian media outlet The Conversation, David Pride, M.D., Ph.D., US American associate director of microbiology, University of California San Diego, Chandrabali Ghose, Ph.D., visiting scientist, The Rockefeller University, 9. October 2018

"The embarrasing secret among virologists is that from 1933 until the present day, there have been NO experimental studies proving that influenza – either the virus or the disease – is ever transmitted from person to person by normal contact. […] All efforts to experimentally transmit it from person to person, even in the middle of the most deadly disease epidemic the world has ever known, have failed." Arthur Firstenberg (*1950) US American activist on the subject of electro-
magnetic radiation and health, author, The Invisible Rainbow, S. 93, Chelsea Green Publishing, reprint edition 9. April 2020

""Unfortunately, the decade is characterized by climbing death rates, caused by lung cancer, heart disease, traffic acci-
dents and the indirect consequences of alcoholism and drug addiction,"
wrote Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet (†1985), recipient of the Nobel Prize for Medicine, in his 1971 book Genes Dreams and Realities: "The real challenge of the pre-
sent day is to find remedies for these diseases of civilization. But nothing that comes out of the labs seems to be signi-
ficant in this context; laboratory research's contribution has practically come to an end. For someone who is well on the
way to a career as a lab researcher in infectious disease and immunology, these are not comforting words."
To biome-
dical scientists and the readers of their papers, Burnet continued, it may be exciting to hold forth on "the detail of a che-
mical structure from a phage's [viruses from simple organisms] RNA, or the production of antibody tests, which are typi-
cal of today's biological research. But modem fundamental research in medicine hardly has a direct significance to the
prevention of disease or the improvement of medical precautions."
But mainstream medicine avoids this theory like the
devil does holy water. Instead, one tries to demonstrate the pathogenicity (ability to cause disease) of these particles
through experiments that could hardly be more arcane. For instance, test substrates were injected directly into the brains
of lab animals. This was the procedure with BSE and polio, for example; and even the famous Louis Pasteur had ap-
plied this method in his rabies experiments, in which he injected diseased brain tissue into the heads of dogs (Pasteur
became famous through these experiments, and only years after his death were these studies found to be pure put-on).
The industry now says that "direct injections into the brain" are unrealistic, and thus ultimately provide no evidence of
pathogenic effects. Why not suppose that a virus, or what we term a virus, is a symptom – i.e. a result – of a di-
Medical teaching is entrenched in Pasteur and Koch's picture of the enemy, and has neglected to pursue the thought that the body's cells could produce a virus on its own accord, for instance as a reaction to stress factors. The experts discovered this a long time ago, and speak of "endogenous viruses" – particles that form inside the body by the cells themselves."
Torsten Engelbrecht, German journalist, author, Claus Köhnlein, M.D., German physician, internist, author, Virus Mania. How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense, S. 45, Trafford Publishing, 1st paperback edition 19. September 2007


See also:
Audio- und Videolinks – Stefan Lanka
Quotes by Andrew Kaufman
The history of the Western pharma cartel

Dismantling the virus theory – Stefan Lanka

  • Viruses which are claimed to be very dangerous – in fact do not exist at all. Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecu-
    lar biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author, cited in: Ramiel Nagel, Healing Our Children, S. 264, Golden Child Publishing, 2009


  • For viruses as the cause of illness there is really no place in biology. Only when I ignore the New Medici-
    from Dr. Hamer, according to which shock events are the cause of many diseases, when I ignore the knowledge of chemistry about the effects of poisoning and deficiency and if I persistently ignore knowledge of physics about the effects of radiation, there is room for fancies like pathogenic viruses.


Life is symbiosis.

  • Biological structures, that produce something negative, have never existed. The foundation of all biologi-
    cal life is being together, is symbiosis, and there is no place for war and disturbance. War and distur-
    bance in biological life is an opinion of sick and criminal brains.


  • During my studies I have never found any evidence for the existence of viruses that make one sick [...]. Structures that have been characterized as viruses can be found in many types of bacteria and in simple, bacteria-like forms of life. [...] Very important, viruses are components of very simple organisms [...] and of many bacteria. In bacteria they are called phages. But in more complex organisms, especially human beings, or in animals and plants, none of the structures that have been called viruses have ever been observed. Unlike bacteria in our cells, the mitochondria [...] viruses can leave the cells because they are not needed for their survival. So viruses are components of cells that can leave the cells. They sup-
    port other cells, in that they transfer energy substances to them. Nothing else has ever been observed.
    The actual, scientifically proven viruses have a helping, supporting and not at all a disturbing function within the highly complex processes of the cell. Furthermore, in cases of illness one has never seen or isolated a structure in the sick organism or its body fluids that can be called a virus. The claim of the existence of any disease-causing virus is a transparent fraud, a fatal lie with dramatic consequences.


Interview with Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author, cited in: article Keine Panik – Die Wahrheit über Vogelgrippe, H5N1, Impfen und AIDS – Interview mit Dr. Stefan Lanka
[Don't Panic – The Truth About Bird Flu, H5N1, Vaccination and AIDS], presented by Vitalstoff Journal, 2005


  • Nobody could show any proof or any picture of an isolated HIV virus.  Minute 15:30
  • [Dr. Lanka went to the District Court of Dortmund Jan 16, 2001.]
    Dr. Ulrich Marcus, the press spokesman of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) informed me that the HIV virus cannot
    be isolated.
    "1  Minute 15:53
  • Lanka: "The photos of the alleged viruses are not showing an isolated virus but cells or cell particles."  Minute 26:29
    Video presentation by Caroline Markolin, Ph.D., Canadian-based Austrian literary scholar, lecturer on naturopathic NGM medicine, Virus Mania The Truth about Infectious Diseases Part 2, YouTube film, 50:12 minutes duration, posted 9. January 2018, reposted 8. April 2020


Dr. Stefan Lanka
  • Science can be considered science only if its claims are verifiable, reproducible
    and if they allow predic-tions. Science also needs external control, because, as we
    will see, a part of the medical sciences has lost touch with reality for quite some
    time. Anyone who has knowledge of biology and the genesis of life, of the develop-
    ment and functions of the tissue, of the body and of the brain, will automatically
    question the assumptions about viruses.
    In the reality of the body and of its mechanisms, there is no place for hypothetical
    malignant processes. All biological processes, including those that can end in suf-
    fering, pain and death, are originally meant to be useful.
    A different approach to the virus phenomenon is possible and necessary: any lay-
    man with some back-ground knowledge reading scientific papers about pathogenic
    viruses can realize that such viruses do not exist and what is being described are
    only typical components and characteristics of cells.
    Article by Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author, Dismantling The Virus Theory. The "measles virus" as an example, PDF, presented
    by the German bimonthly magazine Wissenschafftplus, S. 39, June 2015


Inconsistencies of the conventional medical virus theory (clinical virology)

  • I refer to the review (88 pages) by Professor Karlheinz Lüdtke titled Zur Geschichte der frühen Virusfor-
    published by the Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte in 1999. In there Professor Lüdtke explained that clinical virology, i.e. the virology practiced by physicians, had disbanded itself around the years 1951 and 1952. At that time, a virus was actually defined as a toxin, as a disease poison, as an enzyme that does something, and so on. The same is claimed to be true for bacteria. Here we would have a tetanus toxin or a Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) toxin or a botulinus toxin. In reality, they are harmless enzymes. By means of control experiments it was discovered that the claim these were dangerous enzymes was based on a false assumption. Firstly, the enzymes were not dangerous, and se-
    condly, the proteins found in the enzymes were completely normal components of healthy cells. That is what medicine has figured out and published and thereupon dissolved itself. That was correct. Up until the years 1951/1952 there was no virology any longer. Professor Lüdtke stated very clearly that from 1953 onwards a dogma emerged according to which the hereditary substance, the nucleic acid in the cell nu-
    cleus, was the blueprint and functional plan of life. According to this dogma, viruses are practically dange-
    rous genetic material. A change had occurred. From now on the virus was no longer a poisonous body [Latin virus = venom], but dangerous genetic material. This was a new dogma. Young, unsuspecting che-
    mists who thought it was great, who didn't take the time to read, simply adopted this concept and thus founded a new virology, without realizing that the old one had been completely abandoned. So suddenly
    a new virology was created which is still in use today. It postulates that a virus is a very dangerous piece
    of genetic material that programs cells to die and multiplies by the billions. The very dangerous viruses
    would remain dormant for another 20 years and then multiply and dissolve the body. This is the new gene
    dogma upon which viruses are dangerous gene fragments that can be encased by proteins and a shell.
    This dogma is still upheld even though the gene dogma was abandoned in the 1990s because it was dis-
    covered that the nucleic acid changes so extensively and permanently that it cannot be a hereditary sub-
    stance at all. Ivan Illich has shown that medicine, when it is forced to make a profit, cannot give up any-
    thing it once invented. Otherwise it would collapse. That is why it is not given up. There are careers at-
    tached to it.  Mintue 0:13


Changing paradigmsThe concept that mutated genes trigger disease is refuted.

  • Question: Some people in science know that there are no viruses and that the idea of dangerous heredi-
    tary material is not tenable either. What do we get sick from then? Many people believe that they get in-
    fected. And a lot of people also believe that they will get the diseases that their parents and siblings al-
    ready had. What is the answer to this question?  Minute 6:39
Answer: First of all, we have to be able to assume that the old ideas are wrong. I strongly advise you to deconstruct the old ideas yourself in order to make room in yourself for a new idea, for a deeper, better understanding. […]
Today, almost everything is explained genetically, the construction and function plan of human cells is crucial, and cell mutations lead to diseases. […]
The article Erbgut in Auflösung, presented by the weekly magazine Die Zeit, Ulrich Bahnsen, June 16, 2008 (online version November 6, 2008) definitely refutes the idea of genes as disease triggers. The artic-
le clearly shows that until now it has been believed that there is a gene sequence that we have studied, which of course comes from a white man, from the Nobel Prize winner James Watson (*1928), who ap-
parently discovered the structure of the genetic material (1953). And this sequence would have been spe-
cified. When changes occur, when there are diseases, we study the so-called gene sequence of a patient and find out that it has changed. And then you say that a mutation, a disease gene, has occured. This is exactly what this article refutes in black and white. That does away with the malformation that has been going on since Virchow. Rudolf Virchow (1831-1902) attributed everything to the cells, assigned absolute meaning to the cell information, namely that defects in the cells would produce diseases. When you under-
stand where the maldevelopment comes from, you begin to feel safe. It is a great feeling when this old burden, that the faults lie within oneself, is lifted off. That is original sin theology in action, the belief that
I inherited something from my parents, that I have bad genes and so on. It's a relief to learn that all this cannot be and to understand where it came from. Now you have already paid half the bill. The other half is to investigate what is actually the case. Here again the historical analysis is helpful, namely that Virchow stole information from an important scientist (Remak), claimed it as his own, i.e. plagiarized it, and simul-
taneously suppressed essential findings of this researcher. Today Remak's findings are the foundation of evolutionary biology. I like the term evolutionary biology (also in terms of individual development and hu-
man development) very much. Since about 1650 evolutionary biology, also known as embryology, has shown that all changes always remain in only one tissue layer, in one of four tissue layers from which all organs are being built. These tissue layers are also called cotyledons, indeed because the nucleus (germ) sprouts from them. Virchow's contemporary, Robert Remak (1815-1865), formulated this theory in detail, put it in its final form, and showed that first tissue is formed, then stem cells migrate, and only then do they differentiate. So it is the tissues that have priority and not the cells. Of course, Virchow suppressed this portion in order to popularize his cell theory of disease, which is now the basis of all medicine. And it was only in 1981 that Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer (1935-2017) reconnected to these findings, which had re-
mained untouched and unused for more than a century. What makes us sick, are the influences on tissue formation, tissue maintenance and tissue recycling, as it were, and again the very same influences are decisive in healing. Dr. Hamer began to rediscover this fact in 1981, and was then able to formulate this into a system of a scientific, i.e. verifiably comprehensible theory of health, illness and healing.
Minute 7:12


Deleted excerpted audio (video) radio interview with Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist,
vaccination critic, publisher, author, Ausschnitt Dr. Stefan Lanka: Viren entwirren [Dr. Lanka – Untangling Viruses], presented by the podcast of the Austrian Association for the Promotion of Regional and Alternative Cooperation
and Economic Methods Ent-Decke, host Marion Schumann, filmed in Langenargen, Lake Constance,
24. February 2017, YouTube film, 13:21 minutes duration, posted 8. Mai 2020


  • The discovery of phages, the so-called bacterial "viruses", reinforced the wrong assumption and the belief that there were human and animal viruses that looked the same and had the same structure. This is not and cannot be the case, for several different reasons. [...] It was only later discov-ered that merely the bacteria which had been high-ly inbred in the test tube could turn into phages themselves, by contact with phages, but this never applied to natural bacteria or bacteria which had just been isolated from their natu-
    ral environment. [...] Before it could be established that the "bacterial viruses" cannot kill natural bacteria, but they are instead helping them to live and that bacteria themselves emerge from such structures, these "phages" were already used as models for the alleged human and animal viruses. [...]
    The "bacteriophages", correctly defined as incomplete mini spores and building blocks of the bacteria, have been scientifically isolated, while the supposed pathogenic viruses have never been observed in humans or animals or in their body fluids and have never been isolated and subsequently biochemically analysed.


  • The density gradient centrifugation is the scientifically required standard technique for the demonstration of the existence of a virus. Despite the fact that this method is described in all microbiology manuals as
    the "virus isolation technique", it is never applied in experiments meant to demonstrate the existence of pathogenic viruses.
      1. Centrifuge tube with silicone beads gradient layered with a suspension of viruses and cellular particles.
      2. Centrifuge tube with "bands" of viruses and cellular particles after centrifugation.
      3. By extracting the viral band with a pipette, the virus is thus isolated and purified.


  • With his unscientific experiments and interpretations that he [ John Franklin Enders, born in 1897 in the family of a rich financier] had never confirmed through negative controls, Enders brought the entire "viral" infectious medicine to a dead end. Enders, like many infectious diseases specialists, worked for the U.S. military, which had always been and remains to date a huge victim of the fear of contagion. […]
    During his experiments, Enders et al. sterilised the tissue cultures in order to exclude the possibility of bacteria killing the cells. What he didn't take into consideration was that the sterilisation and the treatment of the cell culture when preparing it for the alleged infection was exactly what was killing the cells. Instead, he interpreted the cytopathic effects as the existence and the action of polio viruses, without ever having isolated a single virus and described its biochemistry. The necessary negative control experiments, which would have shown that the sterilisation and the treatment of the cells prior to the "infection" in the test tube was killing the cells, have never been performed. However, for this "performance" Enders received the Nobel prize in 1954.
    1954 is also the year in which Enders applied and introduced the same technique in order to allegedly replicate the measles virus. As he had been awarded the Nobel prize for the alleged polio virus the same year, all researchers believed his technique to be scientifically valid. Thus, to date, the entire concept of measles has been based upon this technique. Thus, the measles vaccines do not contain viruses, but particles of dead monkey kidney tissue or human cancer cells. […]
    Enders and his colleagues ignored their own reservations and cautions expressed in 1954, when they had observed and noted that many cells also died after being treated normally (i.e. without being "infected"), which they thought to have been caused by unknown viruses and factors. All these facts and cautions were subsequently disregarded.


  • In that experiment 2, Enders et al. cut down dramatically on the nutrient solution and added cell-destroying antibiotics to the cell culture before introducing the allegedly infected fluid. The subsequent dying of the cells was then misinterpreted as presence and also isolation of the measles virus. No control experiments were performed to exclude the possibility that it was the deprivation of nutrients as well as the antibiotics which led to the cytopathic effects. Enders' and his colleagues' blindness can be explained by the fact that he truly wanted to help people, while the virus hysteria was intensifying after the war and during the cold war. It can also be explained by the fact that Enders and many of his colleagues had no idea about medi-
    cine and they were competing with the Soviet Union for the development of the first measles vaccine.


  • The fifth publication [handed in by Dr. David Bardens in 2011] is a review describing the consensus pro-
    cess as to which nucleic acid molecules from the dead cells would represent the so-called genome of the measles virus. The result is that dozens of researchers teams work with short pieces of cell-specific mole-
    cules, after which – following a given model – they put all the pieces together on paper. However, this jig-
    saw puzzle made of so many pieces was never scientifically proven to exist as a whole and was never
    isolated from a virus, for a measles virus has never been seen, neither in humans nor in a test tube.
    Referring to this publication, the court-appointed expert stated that it described the gold standard, i.e. the entire virus genome. It is obvious that the expert did not read this paper, whose authors stated that the exact molecular composition and functions of the measles virus genome will have to be the object of fur-
    ther research, which is why they had to rely on other virus models in order to achieve a consensus on the structure and functions of the measles virus genome.


Article by Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author,
Dismantling The Virus Theory. The "measles virus" as an example, PDF,
presented by the German bimonthly magazine Wissenschafftplus, pp. 38-44, June 2015


The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) ruled in the measles virus process. The 1st Civil Senate of the BGH con-
firmed the judgment of the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court (OLG) of February 16, 2016. The € 100,000 that I
offered in 2011 for scientific proof of the existence of the alleged measles virus does not have to be paid to the
plaintiff. The latter was also ordered to pay all the costs.


Five experts contributed to the process and presented the results of scientific studies. All five experts, including Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Podbielski unanimously found that none of the six publications included in the process contain scientific evidence for the existence of the alleged measles virus.


Genetics disproves claims to existence
The results of investigations into the so-called genetic fingerprint of the alleged measles virus were brought into the process. Two recognized laboratories, including the world's largest and leading genetic institute, indepen-
dently came to exactly the same results. The results prove that the authors of the six publications on the measles virus process were wrong and as a direct result all measles virologists are still wrong: they have misinterpreted normal components of cells as components of the suspected measles virus.
Because of this mistake, in a decade-long consensus-building process, normal cell components were put together to form a model of a measles virus. An actual structure that corresponds to this model has so far not been found in either a human or an animal. With the results of the genetic studies, all claims of existence to the measles virus have been scientifically refuted.


The authors of the six publications and all other participants did not notice this mistake because they violated the fundamental scientific obligation, "lege artis", to work according to the internationally defined rules of science. They did not carry out any control experiments. Carrying out the control experiments would have protected au-
thors and humanity from this serious error. This error became the basis of the belief in the existence of all disea-
se-causing viruses.[1] The court-appointed expert Prof. Dr. Dr. Podbielski has explicitly confirmed on request of the trial court on page 7 of the protocol [2] that the authors did not carry out any control experiments.


On February 16, 2016, the OLG Stuttgart overturned the wrongful judgment of the first instance, dismissed the lawsuit and referred, among other things, to the central statement by Prof. Podbielski regarding the six publi-
cations. The plaintiff attempted to overturn the judgment of the OLG with a complaint to the BGH. He justified his subjective but factually incorrect perception of the procedure in Stuttgart and the claim that our naming of facts about measles is a threat to public health. The plaintiff's claims were clearly rejected by the BGH. The BGH has thus confirmed the judgment of the OLG Stuttgart of February 16, 2016[3].


The six publications presented in the process are the relevant publications on the "measles virus." Since there are demonstrably no other publications besides these six publications in which attempts have been made to prove the existence of the measles virus using scientific methods, this now has the highest judge's authority Judgment in the measles virus process and the results of the genetic studies.


All national and international statements on the suspected measles virus, the infectiousness of measles, the benefits and harmlessness of the measles vaccination have been deprived of scientific evidence and thus the legal basis.
Through inquiries triggered by the measles virus competition, the head of the National Reference Institute for Measles at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Prof. Dr. Annette Mankertz, admitted an important fact. This ad-
mission can explain the increased vaccination damage rate especially for measles vaccination and why and
how this vaccination triggers autism.
Prof. Mankertz has admitted that the "measles virus" typically contains cell components (ribosomes, the protein factories of the cells). Since the measles vaccination consists of "whole measles viruses", this vaccine contains cell-specific structures. This explains why measles vaccination triggers more frequent and stronger allergies and autoimmune reactions than other vaccinations. The court appraiser Prof. Podbielski stated several times that the RKI's claim that ribosomes in the measles virus were wrong, has refuted the existence claims of a measles virus.


During the proceedings it was also recorded that the highest German scientific authority in the field of infectio-
logy, the RKI, failed to prepare and publish studies against the alleged measles virus, contrary to its legal man-
date in § 4 Infection Protection Act (IfSG). The RKI claims that it has carried out internal investigations into the
measles virus, but refuses to hand over or publish the results.


Newsletter by Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author,
Der Bundesgerichtshof hat entschieden: Wir haben den Masern-Virus-Prozess endgültig gewonnen!,
presented by the German bimonthly magazine Wissenschafftplus, 2016


  • Contrary to what most people believe, there are no pathogenic viruses. The claims about the existence of viruses and viral diseases are based on historic misinterpretations and not, as I thought in the past – on fraud or deliberate deception. We now have new, better, and in a positive sense "scientific" discoveries and explanations for the origins, therapy and prevention of not just "viral" diseases.
    The phenomenon of simultaneous or subsequent appearance of symptoms in different persons, which has been until now interpreted as contagion and was believed to be caused by the transmission of pathogens, is now also easy to understand through new discoveries. Thus, we now have a new view of life (which in reality is an old view) and of the cosmological integration of biological processes.
    The "new", rather re-discovered perspective could only originate outside of the official "science"; one of the reasons for this is that the people involved in scientific institutions do not fulfill their first and most important scientific duty – to permanently doubt and double-check every theory. Otherwise, they would have already discovered that the misinterpretation had been taking place for a long time already and had become a dogma only extremely unscientific activities in the years 1858, 1953 and 1954.
    The transition to a new explanation of health, disease and healing will only succeed because all the con-
    cerned therapists and scientists can save face with it. From history and the new perspective on biology and life, we now also have explanations for the emotions, the ignorance of all kinds of human behavior. This the second optimistic message. Coming out of a dead end and forgiving the errors of the past can take place even more effectively, the more one understands what happened and learns for the future.


Article by Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author,
The Virus Misconception, 12 pages, PDF, presented by the German bimonthly magazine Wissenschafftplus, excerpted from issue 1, 2020
; Alternatively: Article The Misconception Called Virus, presented by
the online publication Global Research, Makia Freeman, 24. July 2020


  • [Paraphrased] In the living(!) organism there are no viruses or bacteria that cause illness, but only the normal flu or pneumonia, which are necessary special programs of the body aiming at accelerated detoxification.
    There are no disease-causing viruses(!) inside the organism. Bacteria do exist in the human body where they perform meaningful tasks in the human body. Video presentation with English subtitles Dr. Stefan Lanka – Pandemie-Theater (2009)
    [Dr Stefan Lanka – Pandemic Madness the Repotage 2020], presented by klein klein Media, recorded 2009, Gloria.tv film, 1:37:49 duration, posted on YT 19. February 2016, reposted 16. March 2020



On the Greek history of the virus theory

  • In the 19th century, when it was possible to detect smallest amounts of toxins, it was found that in no illness toxins can be detected. In none, until today. And the theory proved itself as wrong. But the entire thinking was based on it, which meant to give mercury compounds preemptively. [...] The idea of epidemics appearing also emerged in history, again from Ancient Greece. It was claimed that the illness demon would possess and defile a person. From this the Greek word "miasma" [defilement] is derived. Defilement, one is tarnished by the illness demon and one can transmit the disease to others.
    The disease demon infects me, reproduces within me, and can be passed on to others where disease causing toxins would be produced. Video presentation (excerpt) with English subtitles by Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author, Dr Stefan Lanka Pandemic Theater History of the Infection Theory Part 1, recorded 2009, trans-
    lated 2020, YouTube film, minute 9:09, 42:14 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2020



Pictures of isolated viruses are fraudulent.

  • Here, no isolated virus is shown. What is shown is a thin section through a lympho-
    cyte, which is simply claimed to produce viruses. That's a bold lie, because all lymphocytes look like this. Every human lymphocyte looks the same when you cut through it.
    Isolated photos as evidence have no scientific value whatsoever, because the whole explanation of what has been done
    in detail is not being availed. In a scientific documentation every step of the procedure has to be described. Of course,
    on an isolated photo on the internet, this documentation is missing. Given you are sent a photo as evidence outside of
    the corresponding scientific publication, that in itself is proof of fraudulent intent. Deleted video presentation (excerpt) with English subtitles by Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author, Dr. Stefan Lanka: Pandemics caused by viruses are fraud!, presented by klein klein Media, recorded 2009, translated 2020, YouTube film, minute 2:44, 9:51 minutes duration, posted 28. February 2020


  • Question: Why are people so willing to believe in the virus?
    Answer: People are so willing to believe in the virus is because people are lazy. And there's a tendency to be lazy when you have easy explanations for everything. Of course, it's not that easy. We have to go back more than hundred years in science, and you are well aware that people try to explain every illness by the activity of bacteria. Read their literature and you see how they cheated. Read Geison's book on Pasteur (1995) and you see the fundamental flaws, only with one, two, three illnesses he could prove that bacteria have a role in illness. At least it's there. [...]
    They are always in search to find easy explanations for complex illnesses. Video presentation (excerpt) by Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author, Stefan Lanka Interview – Why HIV has never been isolated – Part 1 of 2, recorded in the 1980s, YouTube film, minute 9:06, 10:31 minutes duration, posted 8. April 2020


Influenza from CDC showing these as the H1N1 virus
  • Virologist Lanka therefore concludes that the pictures the CDC is showing are liposomes from dead cell cultures that have been reduced, and then centri-
    fuged with a solvent. In addition he feels that US attempts that supposedly wrested a virus from cadaver specimens were contrived and deceptive.
    Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author, cited in: Article by Dr. Lawrence Broxmeyer, M.D., US American physician, New York Institute of Medical Research, New York, The Great Influenza Pandemic: What Really Happened in 1918?, presented by the open access online publishing Scientia Ricerca, 7. November 2017


  • I realized that the whole group of viruses to which HIV is said to belong, the retroviruses, in fact do not exist at all. Interview with Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author, presented by Zenger's Magazine, San Diego, California, December 1998



Antibody tests are meaningless.

  • I'm absolutely sure that no antibody test in medicine has any absolute meaning. Especially in HIV antibody testing, it is clear that the antibodies that are detected in the test are present in everybody. Some people have them in higher concentrations, and some in lower concentrations, but only when you reach a very high level of antibodies – much higher than in any other antibody testing – are you considered to be 'positive.' This is a contradiction in terms because in other antibody tests, the lower your level of antibodies, the higher your risk for a symp-
    tomatic infection. But with HIV they say you are 'positive' only when you have reached a very high level of antibodies. Below this level, you are said to be negative. Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author, cited in: Trung Nguyen, Naturalopy. Precept 4 Health, S. 91, 2015


Written sources (English/German) featuring Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author
► Article, translated by Jürgen Faas, Dr Stefan Lanka Debunks Pictures of "Isolated Viruses", December 2001, updated 2. March 2002
     Alternative source: Dr. Stefan Lanka Exposes The "Viral Fraud". Pictures of "Isolated Viruses" Debunked
► Thesis, Virology: State of the Art PDF available, November 2015
► Article Anti-Vaxxer Biologist Stefan Lanka Bets Over $100K Measles Isn’t A Virus; He Wins In German Federal Supreme Court, hqanon,
     21. January 2017
► Article Biologist Proves Measles Isn’t A Virus, Wins Supreme Court Case Against Doctor, presented by the publication Natural News,
     Dave Mihalovic, 27. January 2017
► Artikel Go Virus Go. Der Bundesgerichtshof lässt den Glauben an die Viren untergehen. [Go Virus Go. The Federal Supreme Court
     lets the belief in the viruses perish.], presented by the bimonthly magazine Wissenschafftplus, February 2017
► Excerpt Measles Virus put to the test. Dr. Stefan Lanka wins in court..., PDF, presented by Learning GNM, 2017
► Article by Dr. Lawrence Broxmeyer, M.D., New York Institute of Medical Research, New York, The Great Influenza Pandemic:
     What Really Happened in 1918?
, presented by Scienciaricerca, 7. November 2017
► Transcript Dr. Stefan Lanka: The history of the infection theory. (English transcript), presentend by the blogspot abruptearthchanges,
     Sacha Dobler, 17. November 2017
► Article by Dr. Stefan Lanka, Misinterpretation of virus. Beginning and end of the corona crisis, translated via truthseeker.se,
     presented by the German bimonthly magazine Wissenschafftplus, issue 2/2020 June 2020
Media offerings featuring Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author
► Video snippets Dr Stefan Lanka Snippets, recorded in the 1980s, YouTube film, 22:35 minutes duration, posted 8. April 2020
► 2-part video interview, presented by Immunity Resource Foundation archive, host Huw Christie, London, 1996, YouTube film, posted
     26. February 2013
     ⚑ Stefan Lanka Interview – Why HIV has never been isolated – Part 1 of 2, 10:31 minutes duration
     ⚑ Stefan Lanka Interview – Why HIV has never been isolated – Part 2 of 2, 9:12 minutes duration
     ⚑ Combined cutting with sound enhanced quality Dr Stefan Lanka Why HIV Has Never Been Isolated, YouTube film,
     19:49 minutes duration, posted 8. April 2020
► Video interview via machine voice, INTERVIEW STEFAN LANKA. Challenging BOTH Mainstream and Alternative AIDS Views,
     hosted by Zenger's magazine, San Diego, California, December 1998, YouTube film, posted 17. February 2010
     ⚑ 1998-12 Zenger's interview with Stefan Lanka (1/5), 9:17 minutes duration
     ⚑ 1998-12 Zenger's interview with Stefan Lanka (2/5), 9:19 minutes duration
     ⚑ See more machine voiced videos on Zenger's channel
► Video presentation Dr. Stefan Lanka (Snippets) "hiv aids = death?", excerpted from Gary Null's 2003 documentary; snippets from
     Deconstructing The Myth of AIDS [2:10:02 duration], Dailymotion film, 22:36 minutes duration, 8. May 2010
► Deleted video presentation with English subtitles Dr Stefan Lanka – Pandemie Wahnsinn die Repotage 2020 [Dr Stefan Lanka –
     Pandemic Madness the Repotage 2020], presented by klein klein Media, recorded 2009, translated 2020, YouTube film,
     1:30:50 duration, posted 31. March 2020
     ⚑ Deleted excerpt Dr. Stefan Lanka: Pandemics caused by viruses are fraud!, YouTube film, 9:51 minutes duration, posted 28. February 2020
     ⚑ Excerpt Dr Stefan Lanka Pandemic Theater History of the Infection Theory Part 1, 42:14 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2020
► Dubbed video interview Virologist Says Measles Virus Doesn't Exist – Offers 100K Reward For Anyone With Actual Evidence,
     presented by the local German TV station Regio TV, recorded 10. April 2014, YouTube film, 10:54 minutes duration, posted 5. March 2017
► Audio interview Infectious Myth – Stefan Lanka – There are no Viruses – 04.12.16, presented by the Podbean podcast The Infectious
, host David Crowe, 59:55 minutes duration, aired 12. April 2016
► Video interview Dr Stefan Lanka Measles Virus On Trial, YouTube film, 6:17 minutes duration, posted 6. April 2020
Five-year "measles virus trial" – Higher Regional Court in Stuttgart, 16. February 2016
► Removed audio interview Dr Stefan Lanka': Myth of Germ Theory, interviewed by Gary Null PhD, presented by the US American leftist, liberal
     or progressive Progressive Radio Network PRN.FM, program Gary Null Show, host Gary Null (*1945) US American talk radio host
     author on alternative and complementary medicine and nutrition, YouTube film, 1:0525 duration, posted 21. July 20203
► Video interview with Discussion with Stefan Lanka, presented and hosted by Tom Cowan, M.D., US American naturopath, author,
     YouTube film, 1:05:53 duration, posted 25. March 2021


Referential writings referencing Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author
► Article by Dr. Harald Walach (*1963) German molecular biologist, vaccination critic, publisher, author, What is a "scientific fact"?
     A small case study: "the measles trial"
, presented by Feli Popescu, 22. January 2016
► Blog article by John Blaid, The existence of ANY "virus", presented via steemit, 17. March 2020
► Article by Stefan Wolf, The infection paradigm, English translation availed by Björn Eybl, Corona psychosis. Are you affected by it too?,
     presented by gaia-energy.org, 8. April 2020
Referential audios and videos referencing Dr. Stefan Lanka
► Blog Talk radio interview with Dr. Amandha Dawn Vollmer, Canadian naturopath, SCIENTISM: The Cult of Vaccines ~ Amandha
     Vollmer, BSc, Nature Doctor ~ Host Elkordy
, presented by the "The Mary and Sallie Show", program "SCIENTISM, The Cult of Vaccines",
     host Elkordy, aired 26. October 2017, odysee film, 1:58:54 duration, posted 27. October 2017
The biased cult doctrine of allopathic scientism has infected the medical schools, the corporations and the public at large.
► Video presentation by Caroline Markolin, Ph.D., Canadian-based Austrian literary scholar, lecturer on naturopathic NGM medicine,
     Virus Mania The Truth about Infectious Diseases Part 2, YouTube film, 50:12 minutes duration, posted 9. January 2018, reposted 8. April 2020
In-depth analysis of the standard “Virus”-theory in the context of German New Medicine (GNM).
First reference to Dr. Stefan Lanka at minute 8:17

► Video presentation by Dr. Amandha Dawn Vollmer, Canadian naturopath, Measles is Not A Virus {} The Myth of Contagion,
     Yummy Doctor, 1:30:49 duration, 31. March 2019
References to Dr. Stefan Lanka minute codes: 10:06, 35:46 37:30, 45:14, and 85:59
Recommended documentary by Dr. Lanka
► Teaser trailer On the Back of a Tiger. Official Trailer, Vimeo film, 2:03 minutes duration, posted 14. September 2018
A group of maverick scientists unravel the fatal flaws in the existing scientific and medical establishments, revealing how they've led to failures in treating the most devastating diseases. A paradigm shift in conventional science will ultimately lead to a better understanding of disease, aging, and nutrition.
See also: ► Disease and ► Quotes by Andrew Kaufman
Siehe auch: ► Audio- und Videolinks – Stefan Lanka

Quotes by Andrew Kaufman

NOTE: The posting of following quotes by A. Kaufman was censored and penalized by Facebook in 2020.

Dr. Andrew Kaufman
Only familiar with the long dismissed terrain theory of medicine for three years, the outspoken US American psychiatrist Andrew Kaufman, M.D. became widely known to a social media audience during the worldwide Covid 19 hysteria. Kaufman was termina-
ted from his job for not wearing the officially mandated face mask that has both detrimental effects on one's physical and psychologi-
cal health. Already prepared for expulsion to happen and with a backup plan at hand, he transitioned out of medicine and decided
to speak up as a critic of both the conventional germ theory, Big Pharma and the corrupted system in general.
Like his colleagues in the medical profession he had been comple-
tely indoctrinated in germ theory, taken as "consensual science". Following the general mode of operandi he had his children vacci-
nated – until he became doubtful of the practice and started to re-
search the field of vaccination. When Kaufman concluded
      "There is no research to support germ theory."
      "There is no research to support vaccine."
it was foreseeable that his days in conventional medicine were numbered.


Critique on the propagandized "new" Corona virus, Covid-19, vaccination plans and population control


Video interview with Andrew Kaufman, M.D., US American forensic psychiatrist, natural healing consultant, public speaker, The Agenda Behind The COVID Hoax by Dr. Andrew Kaufman MD, presented by YouTube channel
and host Marshall Hodge, Bitchute film, 50:12 minutes duration, posted 18. June 2020


  • Since there is currently no evidence of a virus and no evidence of a new disease then the vaccine must be for some other purpose. They've never isolated the Sars-Cov2 virus, they've just picked out this piece of RNA from it and constructed that in some kind of sequence from a really messy source. [...] This is the same exact technology by which they make genetically modified organisms. I see that as an attempt to make us a genetically modified organism. [...]
    This could manipulate the population in a profound way.  Minute 13:46


  • The adjuvant aluminum (hydroxite) is pervasive in all vaccines. We all know that aluminum is highly toxic [...] And
    they say, 'it increases the antibody response.' What they really mean is, 'it is so toxic that it causes your body to have
    a shock reaction that your immune system makes extra antibodies because it's so toxic.' [...] The adjuvant (preser-
    vative) mercury
    is one of the most toxic non-radioactive substances known.  Minute 25:46


  • Nano particles made of toxic metals (tungsten, antimony, lead) were found in vaccines. The researchers were not given information (about the purpose of those metals) from vaccine manufacturers at all.  Minute 27:37


  • This kind of stuff in vaccines and what we can see is that it is the cause of quite a lot of disease in our society and you know so perhaps it's just a way to keep people debilitated and ill such that they can't really rise up or that they're easier to control.  Minute 28:27


  • And then there's this other aspect about transhumanist agenda. Transhumanism is sort of the philosophy of aug-
    menting our human traits with some form of technology and by genetically modifying us.  Minute 28:49


  • Democide means that the government is killing its own people.  Minute 41:35


Video interview with Andrew Kaufman, M.D., US American forensic psychiatrist, natural healing consultant, speaker, Dr. Andrew Kaufman
     with Bob Unger – Covid Hoax
, host Bob Unger, US American lawyer, Odysee film, 54:14 minutes duration, posted 15. July 2020
► Deleted blog article Who is Dr. Andrew Kaufman and his Professional Background,
     presented by the blogspot weblyf.com, James Herer, 18. April 2020


Future prospects to further the terrain model – convention and documentary


  • In order to prevent future tyranny [Covid-19 plandemic] like this we really have to shift the medical paradigm away from germ theory which is a bankrupt and disproven theory. And we need to move towards something more positive, more empowering, and more scientifically accurate which I believe is terrain theory. I think that we could be held hostage to any kind of epidemic or pandemic outbreak in the future as long as we maintain this false germ theory paradigm. This is kind of the fundamental issue. So I partnered up with Marcy Cravat who is an award-winning documentary filmmaker. We are going to make a feature-length high production value film about this issue. So far we've got some very exciting participants – Dr. Kelly Brogan and Dr. Stefan Lanka so far, and there'll be a few more. We are planning to put on a conference on germ theory terrain theory paradigm shift in the United States. We wanted to do this in Europe. And we're still looking for opportunities, but the travel bans are preventing we Americans and we Europeans from uniting together. This is really kind of a tragedy because we really need to pull together in this situation and not be kept apart. So I'm going to be moni-
    toring the travel situation and I actually have a team on the ground in Europe who are gung-ho to organize a conference if we're able to. We're not going to let this situation stop us, so we're going to do it in the United States instead. It will be an in-person conference not any vote virtual world BS. We're going to bring people together in person and we're going to have to overcome some obstacles to make that happen. We're pretty committed. And that's going to help finance the remainder of the film because it is expensive to do this. We're trying to fund it ourselves so that we don't have to be influenced by
    anyone else's opinion who's a financier. This is a project I'm really excited about and I think it could be really important for
    the future of our healthcare system and our freedom.
    Video interview with Andrew Kaufman, M.D., US American forensic psychiatrist, natural healing consultant, public speaker, Dr Andrew Kaufman Reports the Frankenstein Viral Genome Sequence Fraud, presented by the YouTube channel Outside the Box, host Jason Liosatos, US American, artist, peace advocate, author, Bitchute film, minute 53:59, 59:02 minutes duration, first posted 22. July 2020, reposted 28. August 2020


See also: ► Medicine and ► Dismantling the virus theory – Stefan Lanka



Links zum Thema Biomilieu-Ganzheitsmedizin / Bio terrain-Terrain medicine


Literature (engl.)

Written summary THE CONTAGION MYTH
Community audio, The Contagion Myth – Thomas S. Cowan, Sally Fallon Morell (2020), MP3, 19 chapters

Externe Weblinks

Die Adjuvantien, fälschlicherweise als Hilfsstoffe in Impfstoffen bezeichnet, sind unheimlich gefährlich.
Keine einzige mRNA-Impfung hat jemals in Tierversuchen funktioniert – Im Gegenteil!
In allen Impfstoffstudien werden keine Placebo-Studien durchgeführt – In der Placebogruppe sind die sogenannten Adjuvantien (Hilfssubstanzen) immer enthalten.
Diese Studien werden in den ärmsten Ländern durchgeführt, bei denen keiner etwas mitbekommt.

External web links (engl.)

Virology is a "Fraudulent Pseudoscience" and is a "dying field" according to published Biomedical Scientist Simon Lee who has over 30 years in his field with almost a decade of which he spent working in the field of virology.

Audio- und Videolinks


Audio- und Videolinks – Stefan Lanka

Im lebenden(!) Organismus gibt es keine krankmachenden Viren oder Bakterien, sondern nur die ganz normale Grippe oder Lungenentzündung, die notwendige Sonderprogramme des Körpers sind und dessen beschleunigte Entgiftung bewirken.

Besprechung des Masern-Virus Prozesses (2013-2016) Die Berichterstattung über Lankas Arbeit war sehr einseitig. Der Ausgang des Prozesses wird entweder falsch dargestellt oder einfach überhaupt nicht erwähnt.
Drei Kriterien für Wissenschaftlichkeit a) Nachvollziehbarkeit, b) Überprüfbarkeit, c) Vorhersagemöglichkeit bereitgestellt

Fortsetzung: Masern-Virus Prozess. Was ist ein Virus? Was macht den Menschen krank

Neue tomographische Technik zur Grundlagenforschung für die Ursubstanz des Lebens Wasser

  • Dr. Stefan Lanka – Interview – Viren, 26:24 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 26. März 2020

Zusammenschnitt aus allen drei Interviewteilen

Dr. Lanka erklärt die Grundlage der Corona-Pandemie. Virologen (er-)finden Viren. Über Kary Mullis und dessen PCR Test.

Linklose Medienangebote

  • Videodoppelvortrag von Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) deutscher Molekularbiologe, Virologe, Impfkritiker, Verleger, Autor und Karl Krafeld, deutscher Diplompädagoge, Gesellschaftswissenschaftler, Autor, Lehrvideo Impfen. Die Überwindung des globalen Impfverbrechens ist die Weltrevolution – Reupload: Geschichte, Politik und Fragen zu Viren und Impfung, aufgenommen von
    Arnold Völkl, 2003, YouTube Film, 3:58:58 Dauer, eingestellt 23. Mai 2020
  • Videopräsentation von Dr. Stefan Lanka (*1963) deutscher Molekularbiologe, Virologe, Impfkritiker, Verleger, Autor, Dr. Stefan Lanka: Pandemien durch Viren sind Betrug!, YouTube Film, 9:51 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 28. Februar 2020

Referentielle schriftliche Quellen und Videos

Linkloses Medienangebot

  • Referenzvideo von Barbara Kahler, deutsche Veterinärmedizinerin, Generalsekretärin der politischen Partei Neue Mitte, Impf – Freiheits – Befürworter | #Impfzwang, YouTube Film, 6:30 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 3. Mai 2020

Auf Kampfbegriffe wie "Impfgegner" und "Verschwörungstheoretiker" verzichten, stattdessen bevorzugt sagen "Impffreiheitskämpfer"


See also: ► Dismantling the virus theory – Stefan Lanka

Audio and video links (engl.)

Audio and video links (engl.) against (mandatory) vaccination

Vaccines contain known toxins that can cause neurological damage. Vaccine makers do not create the same safety studies for vaccines as they do for other drugs. Giving children a vaccine is like playing Russian roulette with them. Mandatory vaccination is a way for vaccine makers to profit off
of our children.

Videos, documentaries, and audio books


Interne Links




1 Quoting from the German book by Lanka / Krafeld, Vaccination. Genocide in the Third Millennium?, first published in 2001

2 decribed in the scientific paper by Enders et al., Propagation in tissue cultures of cytopatho-genic agents from patients with measles, (Proc Soc Exp Biol Med, volume 86, issue 2, pp. 277-286, issued June 1954

3 Alternative source: Audio interview with Dr. Stefan Lanka, 'Dr Stefan Lanka', German Biologist and Virologist: The Myth of Infectious Disease and Germ Theory, YouTube film, 1:00:50 duration, posted 21. July 2020


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