
Hawkins / Fallen





Fallen – Versuchungen ♦ Prüfungen



Realitätsvermeidung – Verleugnungsverhalten auf dem geistigen Weg

Zehn fehlangewendete spirituelle Konzepte zur Realitätsvermeidung
༺༻Spiritueller Bypass
Geistige Fallgrube
1.Positives Denken
Sich selbst und anderen Positivität vorheucheln, um über den nicht geheilten Schatten hinwegzutäuschen, oft einhergehend mit dem überfliegenden Mantra "Alles ist gut." 
2.Intellektualisierungs-Falle Flucht in den Verstand, um allein in und durch Gedanken zu leben, unentwegtes übermäßiges Intellektualisieren Kopf-Trip mit dem Ziel, sich von der Gefühls-
welt zu lösen; gut ausgebildete Fähigkeit, Bewusstseins-Modelle zu artikulieren, ohne herzlich und echt fühlend zu sprechen
3.Bezeugungs-Falle Stets im Zeugen- oder Beobachter-Bewusstsein leben, wie aus der Ferne auf den eigenen unerlösten Schmerzkörper starren und glauben, man sei präsent; hilfreiche Dissoziations-Techniken mit dem Leben selbst verwechseln Pseudo-Gleichmut mit glänzenden Augen, sehr eingeschränkte Fühlfähigkeit; Der unerlöste innere Schmerz erstarrt zu einer Waffe, die sich nach innen gegen das eigene Selbst richtet.
4.Pragmatismus-Falle Bemühen, sich stets auf die greifbare, praktische Realität zu konzentrieren, um eine Einheits- oder Gesamtbild-Erfahrung zu vermeiden Häufig bedeutender materieller Erfolg und spiritueller Bankrott
5."Alles-Ist-Eins"-Falle Bemühen, sich stets auf das Einheitsbewusstsein zu konzentrieren, um spezifische Probleme, Heraus-
forderungen und irdische Bedürfnisse zu vermeiden
Ungeerdetsein und Unvermögen, sich die eignen Bedürfnisse zu erfüllen, Abdriften ins große Mysterium
Sich selbst als "nichtdual" einschätzen, um dem menschlichen Kampf auszuweichenNichtduale Vermeider entfernen das Unangenehme (Identifikationen, gestörtes Gefühlsrepertoire, Ich/Selbst, Körper) aus ihrem Wahrnehmungsspektrum, um ihre Menschlichkeit zu transzendieren und damit das notwendige Wasser
auf der Seelenmühle fernzuhalten.
7.Verantwortungs-Falle Konzepte ("Welt als Spiegel", "Nicht-Urteilen") missbrauchen, um die eigene Mit-Verantwortung beziehungsweise die Verantwortung der anderen für falsches Handeln zu umgehen, gestützt auf die überfliegende Idee, dass es kein Fehlverhalten gibt Ziel dieses Vermeidungsverhaltens ist, ungesundes Verhalten weiterhin zu erdulden oder fortsetzen zu können und Opfer zu entmutigen, einen rechtmäßigen und notwendigen Heilungsprozess einzuleiten
8."Du-bist-nicht-deine-Geschichte"-Falle Durch Bagatellisierung der eigenen Geschichte dem Schmerz und der Verwirrung der persönlichen Lebenserfahrungen entfliehen.Die eigene Geschichte beinhaltet das zu bearbei-
tende karmische Material (Identifikationen, Gefühls-
leben, ungelöste Probleme). Dieses Wasser auf der Seelenmühle fördert das spirituelle Wachstum.
9.Karmische Verträge Einzelereignisse auf eine seelische oder universelle Absicht zurückführen ["Das hast du dir so kreiert", "Es war so bestimmt", "Deine Schwingung hat es angezogen", "Alles geschieht aus einem bestimmten Grund"], Bemühen, dem Schmerz, Unerklärlichen und Fehlgeleiteten vieler Erfahrungen zu entfliehen Scham, persönliche und zwischenmenschliche Realitätsverleugnung, Unvermögen Mitgefühl zu zeigen und Heilung anzustreben
10.Vergebung Unerlöste Emotionen und Beziehungserfahrungen durch voreilige, vorgetäuschte Vergebung vermeiden, jene beschuldigen, die noch nicht verziehen haben, Heilungsvermeidung.Wahre Vergebung erfordert, seine Emotionen und die Erinnerungen seiner Erlebnisse zu konfrontieren, gefolgt von einer bewussten Entscheidung zu vergeben.
Quelle: ► Artikel Spiritual Bypassing – 10 Wege, die Realität zu vermeiden, englisches Original 10 Ways to Bypass the Real, 20. März
2014, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Elephant Journal, Jeff Brown, M.A., kanadischer Rechtsanwalt, Psychologe, körper-
zentrierter Psychotherapeut, Autor, 10. März 2014, übersetzt und nachgedruckt von der Schweizer Zeitschrift Sein, November 2014
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Spiritual bypass
Siehe auch: ► Wirklichkeit und ► Prüfungen und ► Schatten und ► Weg

Zitate zum Thema Fallen und Versuchungen / Temptations

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Hüte dich vor Naivität und Leichtgläubigkeit. Sie ist eine der größten Fallen auf dem geistigen Weg. Quelle unbekannt



Mut Sich aufspielen, Machogehabe, Waghalsigkeit
Neutralität Desinteresse, Zivilfeigheit
Bereitwilligkeit Übertriebener Einsatz, übermäßiger Aktivismus
Akzeptanz Es unterlassen, angemessen zu handeln
Vernunft Intellektualisieren, fixiert sein im Kausalitätsdenken
Liebe Verführung, Ausbeutung, sich irrtümlicherweise persönlich angesprochen fühlen
Freude/Ekstase Mangelhaftes Urteilsvermögen
Quelle: ► FU Erleuchtung ist möglich. Wie man die Ebenen des Bewusstseins durchschreitet, Teil 5, S. 342, 2007

Quotes by D. Hawkins

Personal avowals

  • On one occasion, there was no worldly presence, but on the consciousness level, there was an encounter with a more rarified luciferic presence that promised great power if one went into agreement with it. When this was refused, it re-
    treated. This occured at what might be analogously referred to as a high-altitude fail/pass test. One could see and know that Christ had passed through that temptation and had also refused it. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 258-259, 2003


  • Be aware, that all that is out here – and frankly, it wants to get you. I hate to tell you that. You can love the tigers out there, although it doesn't pay to push them. You can stand for what you are without necessarily provoking them. The reason I say this is because in this experience, what the world calls personal, such a thing did happen. More than once. It can happen in the nonmaterial world, and for those, who are spiritually committed in the dangerous one of spiritual seduction. Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, 3 DVD set, 14. December 2002
⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013





Self refuting statement

Cult FAQ, Self refuting statements, presented by NZ Cult List 1999-2015

  • Question: How can one get out of this trap?
    Answer: Although various methods have been described, one that is helpful is to cease having opinions about anything. Because all opinions are vanities, they are based on duality and tend to reinforce it. It is observable, for instance, that spiritual organizations which have a very high calibrated rating have 'no opinions on outside matters'. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, chapter 19, S. 292, Veritas Publishing, revised edition 2002


  • Doubt is the ego. One could say that the ego is primarily a complex doubt structure that keeps itself rolling on by manufacturing endless, unsolvable problems, questions and distractions. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 7, 2003



Psychic attacks


  • Most of the prevalent negative spiritual practices attract the spiritually naive by their "feel good" glamour and unique-
    ness, e.g., get a psychic reading or Tarot card seance, have fortunes told, get "channeled" advice from a "mas-
    ter" on the "other side"
    , or fable in the occult with various forms of magic, seances, or rituals.
    Truth vs Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter "Spiritual Truth", S. 389, 2003



The Paranormal ⇔ the supernatural

Dichotomy [i.e. level clash] between the prerational and the postrational stages

  • Paranormal phenomena are confused with the supernatural and are attractive to the curious. Traditional scripture, as well as highly evolved sages and teachers, warn "not to go there" because the astral realms are not spiritual and represent other realms and dimensions for which the human mind is not equipped with pro-
    tective discernment. Thus, it is perilous to invoke spirits and otherworldly entities. Occult practices have a sizable and unseen downsize, despite the popularity of various Tantric exercises, "white magic," incarnations, Tarot cards, channeled masters, psychic readers, etc.
    Truth vs Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 17 "Spiritual Truth", subheading "The Paranormal", S. 390, 2005


  • Spiritual evolution is a process of unfoldment, emergence, and purification as a consequence of what one has
    become rather than a result of what one is doing or has been. Spiritual errors can be concluded by humility and
    caution as well as forewarning. Temptations occur along the pathway and have been alluded to in the discus-
    sion of the various levels. It is best to periodically review them so as to be on guard. Those temptations that repre-
    sent levels below 200 are often suppressed and therefore may suddenly re-emerge unbidden at levels over 200.
    Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, S. 314-315, 2006


  • Spiritual evolution is a process of unfoldment, emergence, and purification as a consequence of what one has become […]
    Temptations occur along the pathway and […] the various levels. […]
200CourageBravado, machismo
250NeutralityIndifference, withdrawal
310WillingnessOvercommitment, overinvolvement
350AcceptanceFailure to take appropriate action
400ReasonStuck in cause and effect, intellectualism
500LoveSeduction, exploitation, misidentified as personal
540Joy/EcstasyPoor judgment
Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, S. 314-315, 2006


  • The seeming obstacles along the path consist of two components:
    1. a seemingly attractive pay-off or pleasure, and
    2. fear of its presumptive alternative (i.e. lack if pleasure).




The glamorized attracts the naive.

  • Fortunate is the seeker who has not been led away from the straight and narrow path by diversions and popularized attractions. People spend lifetimes searching for authentic teachings and become sidetracked by the seduction of attractive, glamorized aberrations from the truth. These turnout to be fictional or romanticized fantasies that attract the naive person's inner child. Spiritual fairy tales abound and impress the credulous for whom anything is labeled 'spiritual' is imbued with a magical glamour. To go through that stage is routine during initial, uncritical enthusiasm and explora-
    tion. Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, chapter 5 "Clarifications", S. 93, 2007


  • The safeguards that protect one along the way from temptations that arise consist of forewarning plus humility, gratitude, and importantly, respect. One becomes grateful for the truth and its fruits and respectful of its origin. The integrous [LoC 200+] are also respectful [LoC 300+] of the possible pitfalls and temptations that may be encountered; therefore, this respect is reflected by alertness to such limitations. Humility is paradoxically a quality of respect. Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 141, 2007



Spiritual dryness

  • There may be long, dry periods where seemingly nothing is progressing. That is a deception; a 'long, dry period' is what is happening as though it were a test of re-
    solve. These periods can be traversed by transcending the spiritual ego's wish to seek gain via 'progress'. Frustration itself is therefore a sign of trying to control that which is not really controllable.
    Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, chapter 19 "Practicum", S. 351-352, 2008



  • The first big trap for spiritual evolution is right and wrong, and the idea of fairness. This is kindergarten. In kindergarten, on the playground, they talk about "this is fair, that is fair." Sometimes I see something on television that is absolutely absurd. There is a woman whose three children have been killed in an automobile accident or a bus crash, and this woman appears on television and sobs, getting into all kinds of self-pity, and says, "It's not fair." Not fair! It is so absurd to say, under the circumstances, that it is "not fair". Interview with D. Hawkins, Dialogues on Consciousness and Spirituality, transcript on "Advanced States of Consciousness", spiral-bound, Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 1. January 1998
    Removed from Veritas Publications' sale offer mid 2013


  • In highly advanced states, when you start to become a serious threat to those forces opposed to God, you can expe-
    rience psychic attacks. They'll look for anything potentially vulnerable in you, some chakra out of balance, some positionality still held. Sedona Seminar Thought and Ideation, 3 DVD set, 28. February 2004


  • When you work with people with questionable energies, they will sense for your vulnerability, whichever chakra it is, whatever is involved with your karma. As Jesus taught, avoid these energies.
    Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, 3 DVD set, 16. October 2004


  • The way out is to picture the worst possible scenario and surrender to that. You perpetuate what you resist. Some-
    times it’s karmic blockages that need to be resolved, and when you do, it disappears.
    Sedona Seminar Transcending Barriers, 3 DVD set, 18. June 2005


  • [Paraphrased] Distraction is the biggest enemy to spiritual progress. People want to blame it to demons and etc. But really most people just get distracted. Sedona Seminar Practical Spirituality, 3 DVD set, 25. October 2008

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Nehmt euch vor den falschen Propheten in acht, die in Schafskleidern zu euch kommen, inwendig aber sind sie raubgierige Wölfe.
An ihren Früchten werdet ihr sie erkennen. Liest man vielleicht jemals Trauben von Dornsträuchern oder Feigen von Disteln?
Ebenso bringt jeder gute Baum vortreffliche Frucht hervor, aber jeder faule Baum bringt wertlose Frucht hervor; ein guter Baum
kann nicht wertlose Frucht tragen, noch kann ein fauler Baum vortreffliche Frucht hervorbringen. Jeder Baum, der nicht vortreffl-
iche Frucht hervorbringt, wird umgehauen und ins Feuer geworfen. Ihr werdet also diese wirklich an ihren Früchten erkennen.
Matthäus 7, 15-20 Bergpredigt (NT)


  • Je höher nämlich Ihr spiritueller Entwicklungsstand ist, desto stärker werden Sie von Versuchungen bedrängt; je weiter Ihre eigene Verfeinerung fortschreitet, desto raffinierter werden die Versuchungen. Das geht schier endlos so weiter. Genau das kommt zum Ausdruck in den Angriffen der Maras auf den Buddha. Dieser Punkt ist, was die eigene per-
    sönliche Erfahrung angeht, in gewisser Weise die höchste Entwicklungsstufe in der Welt der Hungrigen Geister. Des-
    halb müssen die Maras kommen, und deshalb sind die Versuchungen notwendig. Erst durch sie wird der Unterschied
    zwischen wach und verblendet wirklich klar.
    Chögyam Trungpa (1939-1987) umstrittener tibetischer buddhistischer Meditationsmeister, Meditationslehrer, Künstler, Grün-
    der der Naropa University, Autor, Die Insel des Jetzt im Strom der Zeit, S. 156, Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1998


  • Wo du stolperst, da grabe nach dem Schatz. Pädagogenweisheit


Referenzen: de.Wikiquote-Einträge Versuchung und ► Prüfung


Quotes by various other sources


  • The universe will test you over and over and over again to make sure that you are committed. Until you are committed you'll always will be rudderless. Once you are committed – I am speaking of personal experience – the universe then falls on line with you and will support you.
    If you are committed to being a jerk […] the universe will support you.
    If you are committed to being whatever […] the universe will support you.
    If you are committed to do indeed what you say you want to do the universe will support you but it will also test you. It will throw thunderbolts up your butt and say, […] "You think you are really committed now?" And if you can finally stand up and say: "Yes, I absolutely am," you'll be supported. […] People will come and support you, you'll find all sorts of things to support you. Video presentation by Stan Dale (1929-2007) US American sex, love and intimacy expert, transactional ana-
    lyst, founder of the Human Awareness Institute, 1968, radio broadcaster, workshop leader, recipient of the Mahatma Gandhi peace me-
    dallion, author, Are you committed?, 1 minute duration, May 1993


  • It's clear what you like: having sex, wining and dining, and making yourself a career without having to make an effort. Running after what you like and running away from what you don't like is what is meant by 'wandering around in the impermanent world'. Even a rat begins to run if you give him an electric shock. Kodo Sawaki (1880-1965) influential Japanese Zen master of the 20th century, To You. Collected Zen Sayings, chapter 5, to be published


  • The desire of power in excess caused the angels to fall; the desire of knowledge in excess caused man to fall.
    Francis Bacon [LoC 485] (1561-1626) English philosopher, statesman, scientist, lawyer, jurist, pioneer of the scientific method,
    author, Essays, S. 32, Jazzybee Verlag, 2016; cited in: AZ Quotes


  • Glamour can always be found where there exists:
    1. Criticism, when careful analysis would show that no criticism is really warranted.
    2. Criticism, where there is no personal responsibility involved. By that I mean, where it is not the place or
      the duty of the man to criticize.
    3. Pride in achievement or satisfaction that one is a disciple.
    4. Any sense of superiority or separate tendency.
Many other clues to a right recognition of glamour might be given, but if all of you would pay close attention to the above four suggestions, you would release your lives most perceptibly from the influence of glamour and be of
greater service consequently to your fellowmen. I have endeavored to give you here some practical assistance
in this difficult battle between the pairs of opposites, which is the major cause of glamour.
Alice A. Bailey [LoC 445] (1880-1949) British US American theosophist, metaphysician, author writing by inner intermediary
dictate, Glamour. A World Problem [LoC 560] dictated by Djwal Khul, member of Great White Brotherhood [LoC 560+/-],
S. 66, Lucis Publishing Company, June 1995


  • Men are so simple, and yield so much in immediate necessity, that the deceiver will never lack dupes.
    Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527) Italian civil servant of the Florentine Republic, humanist, historian, diplomat, political philo-
    sopher, founder of modern political science, writer, The Prince and the Art of War, chapter 18, S. 89, 1513


  • Compassion automatically invites you to relate with people because you no longer regard people as a drain on
    your energy.
    Chogyam Trungpa (1939-1987) controversial Tibetan Buddhist meditation master, holder of both the Kagyu and Nyingma
    lineages, scholar, teacher, poet, artist, originator of a radical re-presentation of Shambhala vision, Carolyn Rose Gimian, editor,
    Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism. Selected Writings, chapter "The Open Way", S. 76, Shambhala Publications, Boston
    and London, 2003



Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Temptation


  • Commitments and work
    The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep.

    Robert Frost (1874-1963) US American poet, source unknown


  • Whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad [with power]. Acient proverb,
    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow [Work LoC 465] (1807-1882) US American educator, poet, character of Prometheus in the
    poem "The Masque of Pandora", 1875, cited in: The Complete Poetical Works, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, S. 303, 1893

Englische Texte – English section on Temptations

Four rounds of consciousness evolution

Four temptations of consciousness development
Money ♦ Eros/Sex ♦ Force (Domination/Subjugation) ♦ Death
Life / Survival ♦ Love ♦ Power ♦ Surrender
༺༻Firy Ring
1. ME
Life / Survival

Status quo

Selfidentity EGOcentric level
Subjective selfimage – Ego/Self
2. YOU


Intersubjective Relationships
Intention, Comparing
(Setting and dissolving boundaries)
ETHNOcentric level
'Objective' perception
of other/s
3. WE
Calling out
Loving radically tenderly freely

Shadow work
Art of Differentiating
Speaking the awful truth gracefully
Constructive criticism
WORLDcentric level
Manifold reactions from inside and outside, above and below, entwined integration
Subjective perception
of the community
4. IT
TABOO unlocked
Karma redeemed
Letting go
New status quo
New design
New creation

Convictions, feelings, impulses
Be still, know I am God.
COSMOcentric level
Based on a broadened view of reality

Transformed people are capable to incorporate more self-awareness and love as a result of maturity.

See also:
Encountering and integrating four layers of generational shadow – RHH ♦ Mother ♦ Grandmother ♦ Goddess

Index: Fallen auf dem geistigen Weg / Temptations – Bücher von D. Hawkins

Englische Werke

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins


Links zum Thema Fallen und Versuchungen / Temptations


Literature (engl.)

Five national awards for best spiritual book of 2010

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Englisch Hawkins



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