
Wiki / EckhartTolle





Eckhart Tolle
(*1948) deutsch-kanadischer Lehrer spiritueller Themen




Der Baum der Krähen, Ölbild, 1822
Caspar Friedrich (1774-1840) deutscher Maler


Zitate zum Thema Eckhart Tolle / Quotes on the topic Eckhart Tolle

Zitate von Eckhart Tolle


  • Zeit ist überhaupt nicht kostbar, denn sie ist eine Illusion. Was dir so kostbar erscheint, ist nicht die Zeit, sondern der einzige Punkt, der außerhalb der Zeit liegt: das Jetzt. Das allerdings ist kostbar. Je mehr du dich auf die Zeit konzen-
    trierst, auf Vergangenheit und Zukunft, desto mehr verpasst du das Jetzt, das Kostbarste, was es gibt.
    Eckhart Tolle (*1948) deutschstämmiger kanadischer Lehrer spiritueller Themen, Erfolgsautor, JETZT! Die Kraft der Gegenwart.
    Ein Leitfaden zum spirituellen Erwachen
    , 1999, J. Kamphausen Verlag, 1. Juli 2000




Quotes by Eckhart Tolle

Personal avowals

  • 'I cannot live with myself any longer.' This was the thought that kept repeating itself in my mind. Then suddenly I be-
    came aware what a peculiar thought it was. 'Am I one or two? If I cannot live with myself, there must be two of me: the
    'I' and the 'self' that 'I' cannot live with.' 'Maybe,' I thought, 'only one of them is real.' I was so stunned by this strange realization that my mind stopped. I was fully conscious, but there were no more thoughts. Then I felt drawn into what seemed like a vortex of energy. It was a slow movement at first and then accelerated. I was gripped by an intense fear, and my body started to shake. I heard the words 'resist nothing,' as if spoke inside my chest. I could feel myself being sucked into a void. It felt as if the void was inside myself rather than outside. Suddenly there was no more fear, and
    I let myself fall into that void. Eckhart Tolle (*1948) German-born Canadian teacher on spirituality, bestselling author, The
    Power of Now. A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
    , Namaste Publishing, 1997, New World Library, 1999



Deep crisis:

  • That's an important point for many people to reach. That sense of deep crisis – when the world as they have known it, and the sense of self that they have known that is identified with the world, become meaningless. That happened to me. I was just that close to suicide and then something else happened – a death of the sense of self that lived through identifi-
    cations, identifications with my story, things around me, the world. Interview with Eckhart Tolle (*1948) German-born Cana-
    dian teacher on spirituality, bestselling author, Ripples on the Surface of Being, presented by the dissolved US American magazine What is Enlightenment? / Enlightennext, Andrew Cohen (*1955) resigned US American enlightenment guru (1986-2013), musician, founder of the dissolved magazine What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, author, issue 34, 2006


Future prospects

  • SOM: Do you believe that humanity is ready for this transformation?
    E. Tolle: Yes, I see signs that it is already happening. For the first time there is a large scale awakening on our planet. Why now? Because if there is no change in human consciousness now, we will destroy ourselves and perhaps the planet. The insanity of the collective egoic mind, amplified by science and technology, is rapidly taking our species to the brink of disaster. Evolve or die: that is our only choice now. Without considering the Eastern world, my estimate is that at this time about ten percent of people in North America are already awakening. That makes thirty million Americans alone, and in addition to those people in other North American countries, about ten percent of the popu-
    lation of Western European countries are also awakening.
    This is probably enough of a critical mass to bring about
    a new earth. So the transformation of consciousness is truly happening even though they won’t be reporting it on to-
    night’s news. Is it happening fast enough? I am hopeful about humanity’s future, much more so now than when I wrote
    The Power of Now. In fact, that is why I wrote that book. I really wasn't sure that humanity was going to survive. Now
    I feel differently. I see many reasons to be hopeful.
    Interview with Eckhart Tolle (*1948) German-born Canadian teacher on spirituality, bestselling author, Creating a New Earth Together, presented by the US American magazine Science of Mind, Kathy Juline, reissued by eckhart teachings, 2018



  • The opposite of life is not death. The opposite of death is birth. Life has no opposite. Life is eternal.
    Eckhart Tolle (*1948) German-born Canadian teacher on spirituality, bestselling author, Stillness Speaks, New World Library,
    new edition 1. August 2003


  • The beginning of freedom is the realization that you are not "the thinker." The moment you start watching the
    thinker, a higher level of consciousness becomes activated. You then begin to realize that there is a vast realm
    of intelligence beyond thought, that thought is only a tiny aspect of that intelligence. You also realize that all the
    things that truly matter – beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace – arise from beyond the mind. You begin to
    awaken. Eckhart Tolle (*1948) German-born Canadian teacher on spirituality, bestselling author, Practicing the Power of
    Now. Essential Teachings, Meditations, and Exercises from the Power of Now
    , New World Library, 25. September 2001;
    cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote



  • Do not accuse each other of being unconscious. The moment you start to argue, you have identified with a
    mental position and are now defending not only that position but also your sense of self. The ego is in charge.
    You have become unconscious.
    At times, it may be appropriate to point out certain aspects of your partner's behavior. If you are very alert, very
    present, you can do so without ego involvement – without blaming, accusing, or making the other wrong.
    When your partner behaves unconsciously, relinquish all judgement. Judgement is either to confuse some-
    one's unconscious behavior with who they are or project your own unconsciousness onto another person and
    mistake that for who they are. To relinquish judgement does not mean that you do not recognize dysfunction
    and unconsciousness when you see it. It means "being in the knowing" rather than "being the reaction" and
    the judge.
    You will then either be totally free of reaction or you may react and still be the knowing, the space in which the
    reaction is watched and allowed to be.
    Instead of fighting the darkness, you bring in the light. Instead of reacting to delusion, you see the delusion
    yet at the same time look through it. Being the knowing creates a clear space of loving presence that allows
    all things and people to be as they are. No greater catalyst for transformation exists.
    If you practice this,
    your partner cannot stay with you and remain unconscious.
    If you both agree that the relationship will be your spiritual practice [...] Learn to give expression to what you
    feel without blaming.

    Eckhart Tolle (*1948) German-born Canadian teacher on spirituality, bestselling author, The Power of Now. A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment, chapter 8 "Enlightened Relationships", S. 133, Namaste Publishing, 1997, New World Library, 1999


  • So it is perfectly possible for an enlightened person, if the need for male or female polarity is not met, to feel a sen-
    se of lack or incompleteness.
    Eckhart Tolle (*1948) German-born Canadian teacher on spirituality, bestselling author, The Power of Now. A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment, chapter 8 "Enlightened Relationships", S. 144, Namaste Publishing, 1997, New World Library, 1999


  • Naming something as bad causes is an emotional contraction within you. When you let it be, without naming it, enormous power is suddenly available to you. Eckhart Tolle (*1948) German-born Canadian teacher on spirituality,
    bestselling author, Stillness Speaks, New World Library, new edition 1. August 2003


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Eckhart Tolle


Reference: ► The Wisdom of Eckhart Tolle
See also: ► Key phrases describing the hyperdimensional cultural psychosis spanning ages

Englische Texte – English section on Eckhart Tolle

Tolle's awakening

Born in 1948 in Lünen, Germany, Tolle received no formal education between the age thirteen and twenty-two. He says that he simply stopped attending school due to a hostile environment, a decision his father wholeheartedly supported. On his own time he took language classes, read literature and studied astronomy. Unhappy as a child, Tolle thought about suicide from an early age, something that would periodically haunt him until his later awakening.

Eckhart Tolle

"How can I eliminate myself from this world," he wondered. Entering the Uni-
versity of London at age 22, Tolle studied psychology and philosophy and gra-
duated with the highest mark possible. He subsequently received a scholarship
to continue his work at Cambridge University. It was here, in 1977, at the age
of 29, that Eckhart's life took an unexpected turn.
After years of an "unbearable" and "loathsome" existence Tolle awoke terrified
in the middle of the night to be faced with his worst demons. "I cannot live with myself any longer" he repeated to himself over and over again. Everything
was "so alien, so hostile and so utterly meaningless" that he longed for anni-
hilation and non-existence. Living had become almost entirely superficial. The "motivating power" behind his life, particularly his academic career, was "fear and unhappiness." The facade he had built for himself was tumbling down.
Then, as if a deeper and more profound consciousness took over, Tolle began asking himself "Am I one or two? If I cannot live with myself, there must be two of me: the 'I' and the 'self' that 'I' cannot live with." Maybe, one of them wasn't true he wondered. His body began shaking as a powerful fear overcame him. The words "resist nothing" internally echoed in his chest. For the first time he
felt the void inside himself as opposed to outside. Abruptly the fear disappea-
red and he let himself "fall into the void."
The next morning Tolle awoke to a different world. It was beautiful and alive. He saw love expressed in the dawn sunlight peeking through the curtains. As he
became emotional he walked around the city as if he was born again.
After this profound inner shift Tolle claims to have lived in a "state of uninterrupted deep peace and bliss" for around five months. He studied spiritual texts, worked with teachers and eventually spent two years in a state of profound joy while sit-
ting on park benches. He was realizing that his shift in thinking had peeled back the layers to reveal the "ever-present 'I am': consciousness in its pure state prior to identification with form." Tolle had discovered something of immense value and was now ready to share it with the world.

Source: ► Article Why Eckhart Tolle's Evolutionary Activism Won't Save Us, presented by the progressive Jewish interfaith
magazine Tikkun, Be Scofield, US American activist, web designer, DJ, producer, blogger, writer, 7. July 2012



Links zum Thema Eckhart Tolle und sein Werk


Literatur (engl.)

Externe Weblinks

  • Wikipedia-Einträge
  • Persönlichkeiten Eckhart Tolle
  • Interview mit Eckhart Tolle (*1948) deutschstämmiger kanadischer Lehrer spiritueller Themen, Erfolgsautor, Kleine Wellen an
    der Oberfläche des Seins
    , PDF, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Andrew Cohen (*1955) abgedankter US-amerikanischer Guru (1986-2013), Musiker, Gründer und Herausgeber des aufgelösten Magazins What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, Autor, Ausgabe 5, ~2000

Linklose Artikel

  • Artikel Die Zeit ist der Feind. Eine Rezension von Eckhart Tolles "Jetzt! Die Kraft der Gegenwart, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Carter Phipps, US-amerikanischer Redaktionsleiter des aufgelösten Magazins WIE / EnlightenNext, Journalist, Autor zum Thema evolutionäre Spiritualität, Amy Edelstein, Ausgabe 5, ~2000

External web links (engl.)

  • Possibly dissolved "Eckhart Tolle Discussion Community", online discussion forum

Critical articles

Audio and video links (engl.)

Audio and video links courtesy of Eckhart Tolle TV

After several bouts of depression Carrey had an encounter with awakening induced by a DMT drug experience.


Interne Links



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