
Hawkins / Erleuchtung





BW 600+



(c) All rights reserved by Lars Basinski

Vor der Erleuchtung:
Holz hacken und Wasser holen,
Nach der Erleuchtung:
Holz hacken und Wasser holen!

Weisheit des Zen-Buddhismus



Definition von Erleuchtung

"Erleuchtung bezeichnet nach der am weitesten verbreiteten Auffassung eine religiös-spirituelle Erfahrung, bei der das Alltagsbewusstsein eines Menschen überschritten wird und eine besondere dauerhafte Einsicht in eine, wie auch immer geartete gesamtheitliche Wirklichkeit erlangt wird."
de.Wikipedia, Status 2007
"Erleuchtung bezeichnet eine religiös-spirituelle Erfahrung, bei
der jemand den Eindruck erhält, sein Alltagsbewusstsein sei überschritten worden und er habe eine besondere, dauerhafte Einsicht in eine – wie auch immer geartete – gesamtheitliche Wirklichkeit erlangt. Im heutigen allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch versteht man unter "Erleuchtung" gewöhnlich eine plötzliche Erkenntnis oder Eingebung."
de.Wikipedia, Status 2019


Der Weg zur Erleuchtung beinhaltet Meditation und Gedankenkontrolle (Vermeidung von negativen Gedanken und Förderung von positiven Gedanken).

Liebe, Erlösung, Erleuchtung – 500er-Bereich

Wahre Liebe, Erlösung und Erleuchtung geschehen automatisch als Folge des vorhandenen Bewusstseinsfeldes.
Wesentlich ist die Erkenntnis, dass das Ego, stets die Urheberschaft für spontane Abläufe beansprucht.


Du bist sowohl der Zeuge, der Beobachtende als auch der Erlebende.1


Der Seinszustand der Erleuchtung und das Reich der Nicht-Dualität beginnen ab der Bewusstseinsstufe 600,
erst ab BW 700 wird Erleuchtung dauerhaft.

Aussagen zur Erleuchtung – D. Hawkins

Hawkins über seine eigene Erleuchtung
David R. Hawkins ging im Alter von 38 Jahren am 10. Januar 1965 in den Ego-befreiten Seinszustand der Erleuchtung, der sich durch die Kraft des Spirits selbsttätig weiter entwickelt. Hawkins brauchte über dreißig Jahre, um den Zustand der Nicht-Dualität zu integrieren, was ihn dazu führte, ab 1995 offiziell als Lehrer auf dem Weg zur Erleuchtung tätig zu sein. Er folgte seinem inneren Ruf.


Hawkins lehrt, dass der Prozess des Pfads der Erleuchtung [BW 600+] niemals zuvor in der menschlichen Geschichte so detailliert beschrieben worden ist als in seiner Lehre.
50 Prozent der Erleuchteten verlassen nach dem Ereignis des Übergangs in die nonduale Ebene den irdischen Lebensraum, andere übernehmen – nach einer Phase der Anpassung – einen Lehrauftrag. Um in den Raum der Stille zu gelangen, bedarf es der Aura eines Lehrers auf einer höheren Ebene, der den Aspiranten durch die Klippen und Fallen führen kann.2


In einem seiner Seminare in den Jahren 2004 oder 2005 gab Hawkins bekannt, dass heutzutage

die Chancen, den Zustand der Erleuchtung zu erreichen, tausend mal günstiger seien als in der Vergangenheit. Dies
ist die Folge des allgemein gestiegenen Bewusstseinsniveaus der geamten Menschheit.


Erleuchtung kommt wie ein Blitz, wenn sie kommt.


Nach Hawkins gibt keine allmählich fortschreitende und auch keine partielle Erleuchtung. Sicher kann man sagen, dass der bestens ausgebildete und eifrige Adept sich für die Erleuchtung vorbereitet hat. In ähnlicher Weise erhitzt sich ein Wassertrop-
fen solange, bis er den Zustand des Kochens erreicht hat. Kochendes Wasser brodelt nicht teilweise, sondern insgesamt. In dem Augenblick, wenn erhitztes Wasser in kochenden Zustand umschlägt, findet eine Eigenschaftsveränderung statt. Der Aggregatzustand des Wassers hat sich schlagartig verändert.

Vier Entwicklunggsstadien der menschlichen Erfahrung – D. Hawkins

Der Mensch durchläuft – vereinfacht gesagt – vier Entwicklunggsstadien.
Drei der Stadien bewegen sich im nicht-erleuchteten Zustand, eins im erleuchteten.


Das Gros der Menschheit (95%) bewegt sich im Reich der Inhalte und der Dinglichkeit. Sie bewegen sich in den beiden ersten Evolutionsstufen, die im Massenbewusstsein bestätigt werden und als real gelten. Die Skala des Bewusstseins nach David Hawkins nennt folgende evolutionäre Gewichtung:

1.78% [85%] der Menschheit sind sippenbewusst und kämpfen ums Überleben – auf Kosten anderer.
2.22% [15%] der Menschheit übernehmen Verantwortung, tragen zum Allgemeinwohl bei – der Großteil innerhalb des Dualitäts-basierten Denkmodells.
3.Nur 4-5% aller Menschen können echt lieben und aus sich heraus glücklich (dankbar, demütig, verzeihend, mitfühlend ...) sein, was der Mehrheit widersinnig erscheint. Sie verzichten auf äußere Motivationsquellen und streben das Bewusstsein der Einheit an. Tiefsitzende Fehlüberzeugungen und Krankheiten können durch die Gegenwart ihres Feldes zu heilen beginnen. Verstärkt wird der Effekt durch Gruppenhandlungen.
4.Nur eine Handvoll Menschen erreicht den Erleuchtungszustand, sie operieren nicht mit Inhalten, sondern aus dem Kontext des Ganzen heraus. Wenn sie nach Erreichen dieses Allbewusstseins auf Erden weiterleben, wirken sie, ob sichtbar oder unsichtbar, als Miterlöser. Sie sind eine fleischgewordene Gnade Gottes unter den Menschen.
Siehe auch:Gruppenstrukturen (Stämme) in Firmen und der Gesellschaft, US-amerikanischer Management-Berater
Dr. David Logans 10-jährige Langzeitstudie bestätigt die drei nicht-erleuchteten Entwicklunggsstadien der menschlichen Erfahrung.
Vier Entwicklunggsstadien des Menschseins nach David Hawkins

Skala von 1-1000
Bewusstseinsart Prozentuale
Unter 200
Nicht wirklich
Sippen- und Mangelbewusstsein
Nichtinteger, dem Ganzen Energie raubend
REAL (fassbar)
Inhalt / Dinglichkeit
78 [85] von 100
Zunehmende lineare Wahrheitsgrade
Individuell verantwortliches und übendes Bewusstsein
Integer, beitragend, dem Ganzen Energie zuführend
18 [10] von 100
Beginnende nichtlineare Wahrheitsgrade
Liebes- und Füllebewusstsein
Beginnende Auflösung des Dualitäts-basierten Denkmodells, zunehmende Verbundenheit mit Allen/Allem
4-5 von 100
Über 600
Beginnende Nonduale Wahrheitsgrade
Ganzheits- und Allbewusstsein
Wirkt erlösend zum Wohl des Ganzen
ab BW 600 in sich gekehrt, ab BW 700 wieder der Menschheit zugewandt
NEUSCHÖPFENDKontext / Abstraktheit
Nur Wenige
0,0...1 von 100

Einssein und Vielfalt

Für 78% [85%] der Menschheit ist der Baum ein Baum, der Mond der Mond.
Für ganz wenige ist ALLES EINS.
Erleuchtete können zugleich und widerspruchsfrei Einheit und Vielfalt bezeugen, beobachten und erleben.


Am Anfang sind Berge Berge, und Flüsse sind Flüsse.
In der Mitte sind Berge keine Berge, und Flüsse sind keine Flüsse.
Am Ende sind Berge wieder Berge, und Flüsse sind Flüsse.

Zitate zum Thema Erleuchtung / Enlightenment

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

Persönliche Bekenntnisse

  • Es erscheint absurd, dass man den Körper jemals als "Ich" betrachtete. Man sieht das als eine vorübergehende Ausfallserscheinung und Vergesslichkeit an. Es ist so, als hätte man auf geheimnisvolle Weise vergessen, wer
    man wirklich ist
    , und dies jetzt voller Freude wieder entdeckt. Alle Ängste und Wechselspiele des Lebens verschwin-
    den. Man ist frei, sogar vom Tod, und erinnert sich nun, dass man es immer gewesen ist und immer sein wird, und
    dass Überleben niemals in Frage gestellt war. Das All-sehende Auge, S. 104, 2005


  • Es ist, als wäre man mühsam einher getrottet, um einen Berg zu erreichen, und fände sich plötzlich allein auf dem
    Gipfel des Kilimandscharo, von wo aus nichts als ein unendlicher Ausblick auf schneebedeckte Berge zu sehen ist.
    Auf dem Gipfel stellt man auf irgendeine geheimnisvolle Art und Weise fest, dass man auch der Berg, genauso wie
    der Himmel und die weiten Schneefelder ist. Niemand ist da, selbst der Körper steht da, als wäre er etwas ganz
    Unwichtiges, wie ein Schlitten. Er erscheint in der Landschaft ganz seltsam und unwesentlich. Man schaut auf den
    Schlitten herunter und wundert sich über die Verrücktheit, mit der man einst dachte, man sei ein Schlitten.
    Das All-sehende Auge, S. 234, 2005
⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • Bitte nicht um die Erleuchtung, sondern bitte darum zu dienen. Quelle unbekannt


  • Die Menschen fragen "Wie erlangt man den Zustand des Gewahrseins?", doch nur wenige befolgen die Schritte,
    weil sie so einfach sind.
    1. Zuerst war das durchdringende Verlangen da, diesen Zustand zu erreichen.
    2. Dann begann die Selbsterziehung, ausnahmslos mit gleichbleibender und universaler Vergebung und Güte zu handeln. Man muss allem und jedem gegenüber mitfühlend zu sein, auch gegenüber dem eigenen Selbst und den eigenen Gedanken.
    3. Als nächstes stellte sich die Bereitschaft ein, Wünsche in der Schwebe zu halten und
    4. den Eigenwillen in jedem Augenblick hinzugeben.
FU Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, "Vorwort", S. 21, Hay House, Februar 2002


Buddha Amitābha, Mongolien, 18. Jht.
  • Wahrheit und Erleuchtung werden nicht erreicht oder erwor-
    Sie sind ein Zustand, der sich von selbst einstellt, wenn die dafür passenden Bedingungen eingetreten sind.
    FU Das All-sehende Auge, 2005


  • Erleuchtung beschreibt jene spirituellen Zustände, in denen genügend Blockaden entweder absichtlich oder unbewusst be-
    seitigt worden sind, so dass sich plötzlich ein größerer Zusam-
    menhang eröffnet und dadurch ein erweitertes Bewusstseinsfeld
    beleuchtet, klar legt und offenbart wird, das als inneres Licht erfahren wird. Das ist das Licht des Gewahrseins, die Strahlung des SELBSTES, das als tiefe, allumfassende Liebesfähigkeit hervorbricht. FU Das All-sehende Auge, 2005


  • Wenn Erleuchtung leicht zu erlangen wäre, wäre sie ein allge-
    meines Phänomen. Jedoch sind die Chancen, statistisch ge-
    sehen, weniger als eins in zehn Millionen.
    Das All-sehende Auge, S. 67, 2005


  • Bei BW 600 hört auch die Identifikation mit dem physischen Kör-
    per auf, und damit verschwindet die größte aller Ängste, der Tod
    selbst, als mögliche "Wirklichkeit". Wie ein Schmetterling aus seinem Kokon zum Vorschein kommt, jubelt der jetzt befreite Geist, der nicht mehr dem physischen Plan angehört, da das SELBST vollkommen unsichtbar ist.
    Das All-sehende Auge, S. 103, 2005


  • Der Zustand […] Erleuchtung […] [ist] bereits eine Wirklichkeit und braucht deshalb nur erlaubt zu werden, um er-
    kannt zu werden, um sich durchzusetzen. Was bereits "ist", bedarf keiner Zukunft. Akzeptanz ist eine immer präsente
    Option. Vollständige Überantwortung an GOTT entschleiert die Wahrheit. Nichts ist verborgen, nur das Ego ist blind. Die Realität liegt nur knapp außerhalb des Verstandes. Aus Angst, sich in nichts aufzulösen, leugnet das Bewusst-
    sein seine einzige Wirklichkeit: dass es alles ist – sein unendliches, immerwährendes Allsein, aus dem Existenz
    selbst hervorgeht.
    FU Das All-sehende Auge, S. 401, 2005


  • Erkenne, dass Erlösung und Erleuchtung […] verschiedene Ziele darstellen. Erlösung erfordert die Reinigung des Egos, Erleuchtung erfordert seine vollständige Auflösung. Das Ziel der Erleuchtung ist anspruchsvoller und radikaler. Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 167, 2006



  • Frage: Man hört die Aussage, dass jeder bereits "erleuchtet" sei. Wie ist das zu verstehen?
    Antwort: Es bedeutet, dass das SELBST als Grundlage und Essenz der Existenz eines Jeden bereits anwesend und seine Entdeckung möglich ist. Die Aussage enthält aber eine Unmöglichkeit, weil sie fälschlicherweise ein Verständnis von Erleuchtung behauptet und weil sie außerdem die Falschheit einer Hypothese zum Ausdruck bringt. Erleuchtet zu sein bedeutet, die Wahrheit zu kennen. Folglich ist die Aussage, dass ein Wissendsein der Wahrheit in demjenigen sei, der die Wahrheit nicht kennt, eine unrichtige Aussage. Was man realistischerweise darüber sagen könnte, ist, dass die endgültige Wahrheit im Inneren darauf wartet, entdeckt zu werden.
    Weitgehend OU Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, Kapitel "Perspektiven", 3. Frage, S. 460, 2006



  • Buddha hat gesagt, für jemanden, der einmal etwas über Erleuchtung gehört hat, ist der Ausgang gewiss, da sich dieser Mensch niemals wieder mit etwas Geringerem zufrieden geben wird. Er hat hinzugefügt, dass sich dies durch eine gewisse Anzahl von Lebenszeiten hinziehen kann, aber am Ende ist Erleuchtung die sichere Bestimmung die-
    ses Menschen. Damit ist auch gesagt, dass jemand, der an Material wie diesem hier interessiert ist, zur Erleuchtung
    bestimmt ist. Erleuchtung ist möglich. Der mystische Weg aus der Dualität, 2007


  • Das, was die Welt als DEN Seinszustand [der Erleuchtung] betrachtet, ist eine Serie von Zuständen.
    FU Sedona Seminar Causality: The Ego's Foundation, DVD 1 von 3, Minute 14:47, Januar 2002

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

Personal avowals
D. Hawkins' on his own enlightenment [via an LSD trip]

  • I succumbed to a progressive and fatal illness that did not respond to any available treatment. By the time I was 38 I knew I was about to die. I didn't care about my body, but my spirit was in extreme anguish and despair. As my final moment approached, the thought flashed through my mind, What if there is a God? So I called out in prayer, "If there
    is a God, I ask Him to help me now."
    I surrendered to whatever God there might be, and went unconscious. When I
    awoke, a transformation of such enormity had taken place that I was struck dumb with awe.
    Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 294, Veritas Publishing, 1st edition 1995; S. 11-12, Hay House, February 2002



The state of enlightenment replaced Hawkins' normal consciousness in January 1965.

  • The person I had been no longer existed. There was no personal self or ego, only an Infinite Presence of such unlimited power that it was all that was. This Presence had replaced what had been 'me,' and my body and its actions were controlled so-
    lely by the Infinite Will of the Presence. The world was illuminated by the clarity of an Infinite Oneness which expressed itself as all things revealed in their infinite beauty and perfection.
    Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 294, Veritas Publishing, 1st edition 1995; S. 11, Hay House, February 2002


  • Question [Interviewer]: About this part [enlightenment], I have a couple of questions. At that moment, did you have a family? Were they worried about you?
    Answer: Yes. And there was this miraculous change, but there was nothing I could say about it. There is nothing one can say about such things. They are so far-reaching and of such a dimension, and so far beyond ordi-
    nary human experience that there is nothing one can say. One could not just walk down the sidewalk and say, "Hey, by the way. I just got enlighte-
    ned yesterday."
    And the other person would say, "Yeah, right, sure. Does it pay anything?" Now everything is transformed and there is absolutely nothing one can say about it. It was like the inner part of me – whatever had been my individual self – was struck dumb with awe. It was awesome beyond all meaning of the word – to be the witness of the presence of that which is in its naked expression as all of existence. Although the mind is stopped, one is at one with all that is known, so there is, in the instant, the experience of those attributes of God described as omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence. The power is infinite. The knowing-
    ness is also infinite. All things are known.
    It does not mean that all things are denoted by the intellect because one would have to have an interest in such things. It is like, in the presence of omniscience, all things are knowable; therefore, one does not bother knowing about the specific. Once you know how to make gold, there is no point in collecting it anymore. There is no point in collecting information. It is like you have the infinite com-
    puter of all possibility, so if there is anything you would want to know, all you would have to do is ask. And in that
    state, what do you suppose you ask? Nothing. There is nothing to ask! To ask a question is coming out of ignorance,
    is it not? In the presence of omniscience, there is no ignorance, so there is nothing to ask. So if you ask me
    what question would I like to know, there isn't any, to tell the truth. There isn't any answer I'm interested in, except
    to demonstrate [via muscle testing] for a viewer. Interview with D. Hawkins, Dialogues on Consciousness and Spirituality, transcript on "Advanced States of Consciousness", spiral-bound, Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 1. January 1998
    Removed from Veritas Publishing's sale offer, mid 2013



At the moment of enlightenment the personhood of D. Hawkins ended.

Receiving guidance by one's "own" SELF

  • The incredible beauty of all things shone forth in all their perfection, and where the world saw ugliness, I saw only timeless beauty. I spent years in inner silence, and the strength of the Presence grew. I had no personal life; my personal no longer existed; I was an instrument of the Infinite Presence, and I went about and did as it willed. People felt an extraordinary peace in the aura of that Pre-
    sence. Seekers sought answers from me, but as there was no such individual as David any longer, I saw what they were doing was finessing answers from their own Self, which was not different from mine.
    Interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins, Power vs. Force, presented by the US magazine In Light Times, Kathryn M. Brinkley, August 2004; citing from: Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, "Preface", S. 14-15, Hay House, February 2002


  • I went to the depths of Hell, which are far worse than anybody has ever described aptly. […] At the time I was an atheist. In the midst of being in this timeless Hell, a voice from within said, "If there is a God, I ask Him to help me.”
    I then went into oblivion and when I came out the mind was silenced. There was only a stunning awareness of all
    of existence as Divinity. Subsequent to that, the mind never did think again! […]
    It [hell] can be experienced by anybody, anytime if they’ve got the right karmic set-up. If they have asked the question that can only be answered in that way. Karmically, you're driven to a certain point where you precipitate the only expe-
    rience that will finally solve it. I went from atheism to spiritual despair and then into what Thoreau would call
    a 'maximal possible condition'.
    That's what speaks now.
    Interview Power vs. Force, presented by the US magazine In Light Times, Kathryn M. Brinkley, November 2004


  • I have experienced the ultra pits of hell, and the highest consciousness you can experience in this realm.
    Sedona Seminar Conviction, 3 DVD set, 16. July 2005

Statement related to Hawkins' students and enlightenment

  • People (attending in this group) get attracted to that for which they are karmically destined for. This is a gifted group. Less than one in 10 million will tell you that enlightenment is their goal. That is how rare it is. Each one of us
    here represents 10 million people. The group here influences the consciousness of all of mankind […] by virtue of
    our intention, that which we have become. We say yes to the potential that Jesus Christ taught. That which you af-
    firm becomes more powerful within yourself. Each and every one of us here is destined for enlightenment. Other-
    wise you wouldn't be here. It's already happened in the "future", or else we wouldn't be here. This is a course on
    how to reach enlightenment, the straightest and narrowest way I know.
    Sedona Seminar God, Religion and Spirituality, 3 DVD set, 10. December 2005


  • [Y]ou may not become enlightened necessarily in this lifetime. It's possible, but it takes a drivenness. In this case [Hawkins] there was a drivenness to get to the core and essence of the self, and it took a trip through hell. It has
    to be an extreme commitment to try to do it in one lifetime. Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, 10. January 2007
⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

Three simple requirements for enlightenment

  1. An intense desire to experience Pure Awareness.
  2. The discipline to act with constant and universal gentleness and forgiveness towards everything, without exception, including towards one's self and one's thoughts.
  3. The willingness to hold one's desires in abeyance and surrender one's personal will in every moment. Source unknown


The Desire for Enlightenment

Place de la république, Lille
  • Traditionally, the pathways to God have been through the heart (love, devotion, selfless service, surrender, worship, and adoration) or through the mind (advaita, or the pathway of nonduality). Each stage may seem more comfortable at one stage or another or they may alternate in emphasis. Either way, it is a hinderance to consider that there is a personal self or an 'I' or an ego that is doing the striving or seeking which will become enlightened. It is much easier to realize that there is no such thing as the ego or an "I" identity that is doing any seeking, but instead, it is an impersonal aspect of consciousness that is doing the exploring and see-
    king. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 35, 2001


  • A useful approach is to let the love for God replace the will-
    fulness that is driving the seeking. One can release all desire to seek and realize that the thought that there is anything else but God is a baseless vanity. This is the same vanity that claims authorship of one's experiences, thoughts and actions. With reflection, it can be seen that both the body and the mind are the result of the innumerable conditions of
    the universe and that one is at best the witness of this concordance.
    Out of an unrestricted love for God arises the willingness to surrender all motives except to serve God completely. To
    be the servant of God becomes one's goal rather than enlightenment.
    To be a perfect channel for God's love is to surrender completely and to eliminate the goal seeking of spiritual ego. Joy itself becomes the initiator of further spiritual work. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 36, 2001


  • […] few people follow the steps, because they are so simple.
    1. First, the desire to reach that state was intense.
    2. Then began the discipline to act with constant and universal forgiveness and gentleness, without exception.
      One has to be compassionate towards everything, including one's own self and thoughts.
    3. Next came a willingness to hold desires in abeyance and surrender personal will at every moment.
      As each thought, feeling, desire, or deed was surrendered to God, the mind became increasingly silent.
⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • The last step to enlightenment is taken by God. Source unknown


  • Like the sun, the inner Self is always shining, but because of negative clouds, we do not experience it. It is not neces-
    sary to program oneself with the truth; it is only necessary to remove that which is false. The removal of the clouds
    from the sky to illuminate the negative allows one to experience the energy fields of that which is positive. It is only
    the removal of the negative that is necessary – the willingness to let go of the habits of negative thinking. The remo-
    val of the obstacles to the experiencing of this will result in an increasing sense of aliveness and a joy of one's own
    existence. Source unknown


Sedona, Arizona
  • Question: How to reach enlightenment?
    Answer: People wonder, "How does one reach this state of awareness?" I can only share my own experience, and note that few follow the steps because they are so simple.
    1. First, my desire to reach that state was intense.
    2. Then began the discipline to act with constant and universal forgiveness and gentleness, without excep-
      tion. One has to be compassionate towards every-
      thing, including one's own self and thoughts.
    3. Next came a willingness to hold desires in abeyance and surrender personal will at every moment. As each thought, feeling, desire or deed was surren-
      dered to God, the mind became increasingly silent. At first, I turned over whole stories and paragraphs, then ideas and concepts. As one lets go of wanting to own these thoughts, they no longer reach such elabo-
      ration, and begin to fragment while only half formed. Finally, I could turn over the energy behind thought itself, before it even became thought.
    4. The task of constant and unrelenting fixity of focus, allowing not even a moment of distraction from meditation, continued while doing ordinary activities. At first this seemed very difficult, but as time went on, it became habi-
      tual, automatic, requiring less and less effort, and finally effortless.
The process is like a rocket leaving earth.
  1. At first, it requires enormous power,
  2. then less and less as it leaves the earth's gravitational field,
  3. and finally it moves through space under its own momentum.



  • Ebene 800 – In the 700's teachers address primarily individuals or groups, in the 800's and 900's, the concern is with the salvation of mankind as a whole [...] The concern in the 800's and 900's is with enlightenment and the spiritual inspiration of all humanity, along with the raising of the level of consciousness of all of mankind. There is also the capacity to comprehend and delineate the nature of consciousness itself and communicate that information in such
    a way as to support comprehension. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, 2001


  • It could be said in ordinary language that one is being pulled along by the future rather than being propelled by the past. It is obvious that unless one was destined for enlightenment, one would not even be interested in the subject. To even aspire to such a state is actually quite rare. In an entire lifetime, the average person does not meet even one other person who is primarily interested in reaching enlightenment. The path can be arduous and deman-
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 37, 2001



  • It is helpful to remember that neither Truth nor Enlightenment is something to be found, sought, acquired, gained, or possessed. That which is the Infinite Presence is always present and its realization occurs of itself when the obstacles to that realization are removed. It is therefore not necessary to study the truth but only to let go of that which is falla-
    cious. Moving away the clouds does not cause the sun to shine but merely reveals that which was hidden all along. Spiritual work, therefore, is primarily a letting go of the presumably known for the unknown, with the promise
    of others who have done it that the effort is more than well rewarded at the end.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 117, 2001



The Flowing Rock of Antelope Canyon, Arizona
  • There is no inner 'thinker' behind thoughts, no 'doer' be-
    hind actions, no 'seeker' of enlightenment. Seeking occurs
    on its own when the time is right, and it emerges as a fo-
    cus of attention. All aspects and qualities of conscious-
    are self-actuating and energize each other under
    the general direction of the will.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 132, 2001


  • Question: Where does one begin the search for spiritual truth self-realization called enlightenment?
    Answer: It is simple. Being with who and what you are. All truth is found within. Use verified teachings as a

    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 175, 2001


  • Question: Is there a shortcut to enlightenment?
    Answer: Yes, indeed. One can spend endless lifetimes studying all the spiritual and philosophical teachings of the world and merely end up confused and discouraged. Seek to 'know', not to 'know about' . 'Know' implies subjective experi-
    ence; 'know about' means to accumulate facts. In the end, all facts disappear and there are none to be known. If one realizes that one's own Self is the All of Everything that is, has been, or ever could be, what is left that one needs to know? Completeness is, by its very nature, total and complete. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 177, 2001


  • Question: Why is knowledge such a block to enlightenment?
    Answer: The thought "I know" precludes the ultimate awareness of the real "I am". The word "know" is dualistic and assumes a dichotomy between a separate subject, "the knower" and something external to be known.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 180, 2001


  • The moment of enlightenment or realization is like the very ultimate "Yin-and-Yang" experience. It is a given that is received. The ultimate surrender opens the door for Revelation which stands forth to be received. This is the ultimate power of Yin. The Presence stands forth with such enormous power that it seems like the ultimate Yang presence. Enlightenment is the product of that union; thus, it is absolutely complete and final. The occurrence is like the birth of
    a new nebula, a new star. This may sound exaggerated unless it is realized that it is not the local, limited 'you' that be-
    comes enlightened. On the contrary, the Self is the All of the entire Universe; therefore, others who have arrived at that state have described it as 'cosmic consciousness' because of the enormity of the 'event'. It should not be forgotten that this occurrence impacts the total consciousness of all mankind and does so for many thousands of years, and on into time without end. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, chapter 14, S. 208, Veritas Publishing, revised edition 2002


  • To enter the domain of reality is like going through a fine screen – only clear water can traverse through it and
    all the fish, bugs, and debris are left outside. Only pure consciousness devoid of content can pass through the
    barriers of perception and become the clear water beyond the screen.
    When it is said that no person can be
    enlightened, it means that personhood is filtered out by the screening and cannot pass beyond. (This statement
    calibrates at 600.) The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 262, 2001


  • […] the state or condition termed enlightenment already is a reality and therefore needs only to be allowed to be realized in order to prevail. What already "is" requires no future. Acceptance is an ever-present option. Complete surrender to God unveils the Truth. Nothing is hidden; only the ego is blind. Reality lies just beyond the
    Out of fear of becoming nothing, consciousness denies its only reality that it is everything – the infinite, ever-
    lasting Allness out of which existence itself arises.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 373, 2001


  • Enlightenment is merely the emergence of truth when the obstructions to the realization of that truth have been removed. By analogy, the shining of the sun is not conditional upon the removal of the clouds; it merely becomes apparent. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 42, 2003


Jacob's ladder
  • If, in the exact passing moment of each instant, there is a complete willingness to totally surrender to it, one can suddenly, in a flash, transcend the ego, and the way opens for Realization wherein the Light of God as Self reveals the Source of Existence and Reality. If the ego has neither past, present, nor future to focus on, it falls silent. It is replaced by the Silence of the Presence, and thus, the way to sudden enlightenment is present at all times. It occurs natu-
    rally when the fascination with the story of the 'me' of the past, present, or future is relinquished. The illusion of 'Now' is repla-
    ced by the reality of 'Always'.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, chapter 5, paragraph 6, S. 94, 2003


  • 7. Clarify that it is not a personal 'you' that is seeking enlightenment but an impersonal quality of consciousness that is the motiva-
    Spiritual inspiration and dedication carry forth the work.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, chapter 6 "Realization", S. 109, 2003


  • The seeking of Enlightenment is a very major commitment, and is in fact, the most difficult of all human pursuits. It can be alterna-
    - arduous and exhilarating,
    - exciting and tedious,
    - demanding and inspired.
    - There are great breakthroughs as well as exasperating, seemingly impossible obstacles.
    It is to be expected that this pattern is par for the course. The ego puts up resistances and struggles for survival.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 183-184, 2003



Oneness and diversity are the same.

  • Inasmuch as the entire universe and everything in it is a karmic unity, the Allness of Reality is the realization of enlightenment. If all is a karmic unity that origi-
    nates from the same source, then to see any separation is an artifact of perception. In Reality, the one and the many are the same. I. Reality and Subjectivity, chapter 15 "Karma", S. 251, 2003



  • Question: Is the statement "I am enlightened" possible for a true sage?
    Answer: The term "enlightenment" is semantically correct. It is the recognition and realization that one's reality is
    the light of the Self and that it stems from within as an awareness and profound, self-evident Reality.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 362, 2003





  • The desire to reach Enlightenment is already a Divine gift to be treasured and revered. "Many are called but few are chosen" could be rephrased as "Many are called but few choose to follow," Thus, the choice is by decision and as-
    sent of the inner will, and by this assent, the enormous power of Divine Will aligns with intention and empowers de-
    to overcome all obstacles. Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 45-46, 2007


  • Thus, the only requirements are:
    1. first, to exist,
    2. then to have heard of enlightenment,
    3. and then to seek it as a realizable goal.



  • The serious, dedicated search for Enlightenment is
    • energized by intention and
    • empowered by devotion, which leads to
    • the inner search for truth characterized by meditation and a contemplative lifestyle.




Caveat to methods of altering consciousness


  • The chances of becoming enlightened are now more than one thousand times greater than at any time in the past; thus, reaching the level of Unconditional Love (cal. 540) is a very attainable and practical goal. From the level of Unconditional Love, the pathway is increasingly joyful. Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man, S. 299, 2008


  • Those who became enlightened often went through agonizing periods of facing the utmost of negative experien-
    that was buried in their unconscious, of owning their own shadow, of looking at what they had held as most hate-
    ful and owning it, and then letting go of it (the 'dark night of the soul'). The letting go of what was the farthest removed
    from the truth in those positions at the bottom of the scale, the letting go of those positions that came out of self-hones-
    ty, led to the realization of the Truth. Healing and Recovery, S. 164-165, 2009





  • The human mind can wrestle to no avail for an understanding of en-
    lightenment. As Dr. Hawkins points out: "In actuality, enlightenment
    is neither a state nor a viewpoint; yet it is both, and there is no state-
    ment about it that is completely accurate."

    Often synonymous with Self-realization, enlightenment is the nondua-
    listic state that begins to emerge at the level of consciousness deno-
    ted as Peace. Enlightenment isn't a goal to be obtained; it is a con-
    dition that manifests when the ego/mind is transcended. Enlightenment isn't an end in itself. Again, from Dr. Hawkins: "Enlightenment is a progressive realization and does not represent a finished product, or a final end, or the completion of the evolution of spiritual possibility." Dissolving the Ego, Realizing the Self. Contemplations from the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., edited by Scott Jeffrey, chapter 11 "Enlightenment", S. 183, Hay House, August 2011



  • Enlightenment is merely the consequence of transcending duality, in which the total oneness of everything and its di-
    vinity shines forth with very stunning clarity. Stunning enough to take you out of the world for some years, I’ll tell you. Deleted interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012), Truth vs. Falsehood, presented by the US American magazine New Conne-
    xion (1999-2007), Miriam Knight, September 2004


  • Question: Being on a dedicated spiritual path is not all love and light – we hazard ourselves along the way, meeting
    with unpleasant obstacles and traumas.
    Answer: That's because you're bringing up the negative karma. A spiritual life can be quite tumultuous because you're pulling up what you were blanketing, ignoring and denying. At a certain level, it is all love and light. You only get into real trouble if you start seriously searching for enlightenment. Interview with David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., presen-
    ted by the US American magazine Holistic Networker, host Gina Mazza Hillier, Tony Cecala, 13. August 2005


  • Question: We can't "will" enlightenment to happen. If it's not under the control of the will, is it related to personal karma?
    Answer: Yes. The mental and spiritual composite, consciousness-wise, of the average human being is quite complex. It's made of up of thousands of decisions, agreements, options that have been taken, it's really quite complex to unra-
    vel, otherwise, enlightenment would be common. Interview with David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., presented by the US Ameri-
    can magazine Holistic Networker, host Gina Mazza Hillier, Tony Cecala, 13. August 2005



  • Enlightenment classically calibrates at level 600 and then on up to 1,000 with the disappearance of linearity as the presumed reality. Identification with limitation ceases, and the process then becomes one of transcending limiting contextualizations that are related to the emergence of the qualities or levels of consciousness by which the unma-
    nifest becomes Manifest. Thus, the most advanced levels of consciousness have to do with expansion and dominion of nonlinear context and paradigms that are beyond precise linear description or definition.
    Newsletter by Veritas Publishing, September-2, 22. September 2009


  • The real power that leads to enlightenment arises out of the heart. Do you understand what I am saying? Out of your love for the leader of China arises your own salvation, because you only discover the power of your love when you express it.
    Video presentation Undoing the Barriers to Spiritual Progress, Volume Series V, 3 DVD set, recorded in the 90ties, published 2000


Burg Eltz


  • That which you are is the witness, the observer and also the experiencer.
    This is happening automatically as a consequence of the field of consciousness. The realization that the ego will always take credit for spontaneous occurances is essential.
    Audio series The Discovery, CD 5 of 6 "Advanced Practices for the Committed Mystic", "The nine central elements of seriously committed inner spiritual work", Nightingale-Conant, United Kingdom, May 2007



  • What the world considers THE state [of enlightenment] is one of a series of states. Sedona Seminar Causality: The Ego's Foundation, DVD 1 of 3, minute 14:47, January 2002


  • Enlightenment happens automatically when we let go of the ego by letting go of positionalities. Enlightenment is not something we have to seek or work toward. Houston, Texas, Seminar The Realization of the Presence of God, 11. October 2003


  • A contemplative lifestyle is the fastest way to enlightenment. In a contemplative lifestyle we identify with the field rather than with the content. Houston, Texas, Seminar The Realization of the Presence of God, 11. October 2003


  • People think, Enlightenment is over here and I’m going to grab it. But it's formless; it's a cloud, a miasma. When the willingness is total and complete, then it happens on its own, in 1/10,000th of a second. It doesn't require effort, it doesn't require agony, it doesn't require penance. Consciousness of its own seeks the realization of all that it is.
    Sedona Seminar Identification and Illusion, 3 DVD set, 14. August 2004


  • When you surrender to God, you can be asked, if is it okay with you if you don't become enlightened? If you answer yes, you've earned the right to become enlightened. Sedona Seminar Vision, 3 DVD set, 25. February 2005


  • Question: Can you reach enlightenment reading your books?
    Answer: I would presume it's putting it into practice that makes the difference. But even having heard of it makes a difference. Once you’ve heard of enlightenment, reality is recontextualized. Potentiality becomes actuality when conditions are favorable. You don't actually cause the apple to fall; you just change the timing of it. Intentionality is extremely powerful. All of creation is the actuality of the intentionality of God, who just had a spark. Intentionality is different at different levels of consciousness because everything becomes recontextualized. Sedona Seminar Vision,
    3 DVD set, 25. February 2005


  • It's willful to even insist that you're going to be enlightened. Who wants to be enlightened? The ego. […] So surrender your personal will to God and pray, "I align myself with Thee, O Lord, that I may be thy servant that I may fulfill my infinite potential to Thy glory." Sedona Seminar Alignment, 3 DVD set, 16. April 2005


  • At Enlightenment, the experiencer dissolves and the brilliance of Divinity shines forth and stuns the mind silent.
    Sedona Seminar Transcending Obstacles, 3 DVD set, 3. September 2005


  • One reason so few people make it to enlightenment is because you can spend a lifetime going through these high-
    ways and byways. The road is strewn with falsehoods. […] There are 10,000 ways to get there [to Heaven].
    Sedona Seminar Spiritual Truth vs. Spiritual Fantasy, 3 DVD set, 17. June 2006


  • Question: Is it better not to have children when pursuing enlightenment?
    Answer: No, because you can be in a monastery for years and get nowhere, or you can be a busy parent and get enlightened in an instant. Sedona Satsang Q&A, Sedona Creative Life Center, 2 CD set, 8. November 2006


  • So spiritual evolution is not a smooth track. There are not many Buddhas on this planet [...] over the millennia. So enlightenment is extremely rare. One reason is, it is frankly very difficult to go through the whole spiritual evo-
    lution, to handle the ups and handle the downs. Sedona Satsang Q&A, CD 2 of 2, 10. January 2007


  • Enlightenment is extraordinarily rare, it is for the few. You have to have a drivenness that is unnatural. The gravity of the negativity in this world is so profound that to get away from it is very difficult. Only with the help of a
    great Teacher do you even have a chance. Sedona Satsang Q&A, CD 2 of 2, 10. January 2007


  • Question: Is everyone eventually destined for enlightenment?
    Answer: No, there are other realms. And you may not become enlightened necessarily in this lifetime. It's possible,
    but it takes a drivenness. Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, 10. January 2007


Hiking trail, Sedona, Arizona
  • Question: Is having children compatible with the path of enligh-
    Answer: Is it a distraction or an opportunity to further your skills? It would be how you hold it. It could be that the child advances your consciousness faster because of the love you have toward it. If you are looking for monastic drivenness, then a child would be out of the question – more women are turning toward that now.
    Sedona Seminar God vs. Science. Limits of the Mind, 3 DVD set,
    17. February 2007


  • Question: If one intends enlightenment, is it best to envision this lifetime or just forget the timing and leave it all up to God?
    Answer: Forget about the time. You know what the work or pathway is and just do the work. There is no way you can know how you are doing. Just when you think you are doing the worst, you can break out into somewhere you have never been before. The best thing is to just persevere. You are being attracted by your destiny. Your destiny is pul-
    ling you. You have said yes to this. You set the machinery in motion when you decided to become enlightened. You
    have now realigned your whole life. The future is pulling you, so let go resisting it.
    Sedona Seminar God vs. Science. Limits of the Mind, 3 DVD set, 17. February 2007


  • The enlightened state does not announce itself. You pray to God to understand the essence of Divinity and Love.
    Then in one happy moment when karmic propensities prevail, the State reveals itself.
    Long Beach, California, Seminar The Clear Pathway to Enlightenment, 3 DVD set, 8. March 2008


  • It is enlightened to seek enlightenment. Less than one in 10 milliion people will say, "My primary goal in life is to be-
    come enlightened."
    (Calibrated as a fact.)
    Long Beach, California, Seminar The Clear Pathway to Enlightenment, 3 DVD set, 8. March 2008


  • A group dedicated to the discovery of truth, salvation, and enlightenment above all else represents about 2.5% of
    the population. Sedona Seminar Practical Spirituality, 3 DVD set, 25. October 2008


  • It is NOT already determined which lifetime someone will become enlightened in. (Calibrates as true.)
    Prescott Seminar Freedom. Morality and Ethics, 3 DVD set, 8. November 2008


  • To be enlightened means to surrender […] ignorance out of humility. Not out of desperation, not out of wantingness,
    but out of humility you surrender that ignorance. "I, of myself, do not know, O Lord. I, of myself, do not know." So we surrender our ignorance and our limitation and our not knowingness to God, and in return, we become enlightened.
    Sedona Seminar A Unique Sedona Seminar including Korean Translation, DVD 3 of 4, ending blessing, 6. December 2008


  • The number of people interested in Enlightenment is less than 1 in 10 million.
    "My goal in this life time is enlightenment" is true for 1 in 10 million. (Calibrated as true.)
    Prescott Seminar Happiness, 3 DVD set, 25. April 2009


  • The first great karma is to hear of enlightenment.
    The second or next great karma is to pursue it.
    The third and greatest is to pursue it and achieve it.
    "Everybody in this audience has good karma." (Calibrated as true.) Prescott Seminar Happiness, 3 DVD set, 25. April 2009


  • Enlightenment is a releasing of attachment and aversion, first in the senses. [...]
    It’s half full because it’s half empty. Spiritual goals cannot be lost. They endure for all time.
    Prescott Seminar Happiness, 3 DVD set, 25. April 2009



Somebody : nobody paradox of enlightenment

  • So you work like a dog to reach enlightenment, then you realize there's nobody to become enlightened. You thought there was somebody or some individual that's going to become enlightened and then you find out that that's fiction. [Laughter] You wasted your whole life pursuing the fiction that you [someobody] are going to become enlightened. Then you discover there is nobody to become enlightened! What a relief. Nobody here has to become enlightened. You don't have to buy into that goal in life. You say the heck with enlightenment. I just want to be stupid and ugly. To be happy if you're stupid and ugly means you're enlightened.
    Cottonwood Seminar Handling Spiritual Challenges, DVD 1 of 3, 24. April 2010

Zitate von anderen Quellen

  • Die Erleuchtung zu erlangen, ist in etwa wie das Spiegeln des Mondes im Wasser. Der Mond wird nicht nass und das Wasser nicht zerrissen. Obwohl der Mond riesig ist, findet er Platz in einer kleinen Pfütze. Und so wie der Mond das Wasser nicht zerreißt, zerspringt der Mensch nicht durch Erleuchtung, und so wie das Wasser dem Mond keinen Wi-
    derstand entgegenbringt, so gibt es auch kein Hindernis im Menschen, das die volle Erleuchtung verhindern könnte. Dogen Zenji [BW 740] (1200-1253) spiritueller Lehrer des japanischen Zen-Buddhismus, zitiert in dem mittelalterlichen japanischen Text Shōbōgenzō, verfasst 1231-1253


  • Man glaube nicht, dass in der Unio mystica die Seelenkräfte und Sinne und Leidenschaften immer in Frieden bleiben. Die Seele selbst dagegen, ihr Zentrum, ja. Teresa von Ávila [BW 715] (1515-1582) spanische römisch-katholische Heilige, Karmelitin, Kirchenlehrerin, Fritz Vogelsang, Herausgeber, Übersetzer, Die innere Burg, PDF, Erstausgabe 1588, Diogenes
    Verlag, Zürich, 1979, Neuausgabe Juli 2006



Über die "Unio mystica":

Vereinigung der Seele mit Gott schon im diesseitigen Leben

  • Der Abgrund, der geschaffen ist, leitet in sich den ungeschaffenen Abgrund, und die zwei Abgründe werden ein einig Eins, ein lauteres göttliches Wesen, dann hat sich der Geist in Gottes Geist verloren, in dem grundlosen Meere ist er ertrunken. Johannes Tauler [BW 640] (~1300-1361) katholischer Theologe, neuplatonischer Dominikaner, Rheinland-Mystiker, Volksprediger, Predigten, übertragen und eingeleitet von Walter Lehmann, Band 1, Predigt 41 "Ascendit Jesus in naciculum quae erat Simonis", S. 185-186, Eugen Diederichs, Jena, 1913, Johannes Verlag, 5. Taschenbuchauflage 1. Juli 2011



Kommentar zu Nagarjuna, einem der wichtigsten buddhistischen Philosophen

  • Mitgefühl [BW 560+] ist die Wurzel aller Zufriedenheit, egal in welcher spirituellen Tradition. Gute Handlungen bringen gutes Karma.
    Wir haben keine wahre Existenz. Es gibt kein abgetrenntes Selbst.
    (Anm.: Das betrifft die drei ersten Entwicklungsstadien.)
    Wir sollten Erleuchtung anstreben – der Weg ist für alle offen.
    Lama Geshe Sonam Rinchen (1933-2013) tibetisch-buddhistischer Geshe Lharampa, Quelle unbekannt


  • Erleuchtung ist nicht durch Imaginieren von Lichtwesen zu erreichen, sondern indem man sich die Dunkelheit be-
    wusst [zu eigen] macht. Carl Gustav Jung [BW 540] (1875-1961) Schweizer Psychiater, Psychoanalytiker, Gründer einer neuen Schule der analytischen Tiefenpsychologie, Autor, zitiert in: Goodreads Quotable Quote



Siehe auch:

Differenzierende Stellungnahme von D. Hawkins (oben)

  • So ist es völlig unnötig, ja kontraproduktiv, den Versuch zu unternehmen, ein Buddha zu werden, weil man nämlich ein Buddha ist. In der Sprache des Tao: Man braucht sich nicht an das Tao zu halten, weil man ohnehin keine andere Wahl hat. Es besteht keine Notwendigkeit, Befreiung zu suchen, weil man bereits frei ist. Die Erleuchtung oder Befreiung lässt sich folglich nicht durch bewusstes Bemühen erlangen, weil man sie ja schon hat. Die Befreiung gipfelt folglich nicht im Ausstieg aus dem samsara; sondern in der Einsicht, dass man nie darin war. B. Radcliff, A. Radcliff, Zen denken, S. 113-114, Herder Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1995


Die klugen und törichten Jungfrauen – Ausschnitt (1838-1842)
Friedrich Wilhelm Schadow (1788-1862) deutscher Maler
  • Wenn du es wagst, das Banner der Erleuchtung hochzu-
    halten, wirst du von allen Seiten angegriffen werden. Aus
    dem Inneren wirst du von deinem eigenen Verstand (das Ego-mind) angegriffen werden und von außen wird der Ver-
    stand (das Ego-mind) der anderen dich angreifen. Jeder, der es wagt unwillkürlichen Erfolg damit zu haben, stellt eine riesige Bedrohung dar. Damit die wahre Freiheit in dir über-
    lebt, gilt es, dich dafür einzusetzen. Du musst gleichzeitig und ständig in jeder Hand ein Schwert führen, eins für dei-
    nen eigenen Verstand und das andere für den der Umge-
    bung. Du musst bereit sein, sie zu verwenden. Jeder, der wahrhaftig frei sein möchte, muss bereit sein, allein in der Wahrheit zu stehen. Andrew Cohen (*1955) abgedankter
    US-amerikanischer Guru (1986-2013), Musiker, Gründer und Herausgeber des aufgelösten Magazins What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, Autor, "Wöchentliche Zitate" aus seinem Unterricht, Datum unbekannt


  • Erleuchtung geschieht, wenn man versteht, dass es in Wahrheit kein Ich gibt, außer als Konzept. Ramesh Balsekar [⇓ BW 760 auf ≤200] (1917-2009) indischer Advaitalehrer,
    Schüler von Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Quelle unbekannt
    • Wenn die Gefühle von Schuld und Feindschaft verschwinden, kümmert man sich nicht mehr um Erleuchtung. Wenn es einem wirklich egal ist, kann Erleuchtung jederzeit eintreten. Ramesh Balsekar [⇓ BW 760 auf ≤200] (1917-2009) indischer Advaitalehrer, Schüler von Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Quelle unbekannt
    • Erleuchtung geschieht, wenn Gott die Hypnose auflöst, die Er geschaffen hat. Ramesh Balsekar [⇓ BW 760 auf ≤200] (1917-2009) indischer Advaitalehrer, Schüler von Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Quelle unbekannt
    • Erleuchtung geschieht, wenn man versteht, dass es in Wahrheit kein Ich gibt, außer als Konzept. Ramesh Bal-
      [⇓ BW 760 auf ≤200] (1917-2009) indischer Advaitalehrer, Schüler von Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Quelle unbekannt


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Erleuchtung



Schlagwort der Erwachens-Szene in den 70-iger Jahren

Quotes by various other sources

Personal avowals


Constant awakening

  • I don't believe there are awakened people or enlightened people. There are people who are in a stream of awakening where the attention can be so much given to this stream of awakening that it becomes a constant stream. […]
    I don't really find it useful to think that you have this moment of flip and then it's all over. What I have noticed is that the infinite dimension of ourselves and the human dimension of ourselves really always co-exist. [...] It is about constant awakening [...] and not to giving importance to a state. Skype video interview with Arjuna Ardagh [LoC 455] (*1957) British US American spiritual teacher, author, Arjuna Ardagh: Experiences with Osho – Poonjaji, MP3, presented by the podcast Buddha
    at the Gas Tank. Interviews with "ordinary" spiritually awakened people
    , host Rick Archer, US American former TM meditator, host
    and founder of Batgap, aired 3. November 2012, YouTube film, minute 1:04:05, 1:48:30 duration, posted 11. November 2012





Intimacy ⇔ transcendence




No personalized enlightenment

  • Even the enlightened person remains what he is, and is never more than his own limited ego before the One who dwells within him, whose form has no knowable boundaries, who encompasses him on all sides, fathomless as the abysms of the earth and vast as the sky. Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, R. F. C. Hull, translator, Psychology and Religion. West and East – Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 11, Answer to Job [Antwort auf Hiob, Rascher 1953, 1961, 1967, Walter Verlag, 1985], paragraph 758, 1954, Princeton University Press, 1973, 2nd edition January 1975



  • Who is willing to take what I am willing to give?
    [Wer ist bereit, das (an)zu nehmen, was ich zu geben habe?]
    Nisargadatta Maharaj [BW 710] Indian Hindu sage, saint, source unknown



  • There are, strictly speaking, no enlightened people, there is only enlightened activity.
    Shunryu Suzuki Roshi [Works LoC 565] (1904-1971) Japanese US American Sōtō Zen master, author of Zen's Mind, Beginner's Mind, 1973, cited in: Paul B. Farrell, Zen Millionaire. The Investor's Guide to the "Other Side", 2007
  • A human being!
    Even if he is born in the time of a Buddha, it is rare fortunate to see the Enlightened One.
    Even if he is able to see the Enlightened One, it is his rare fortune to have his heart awakened in faith.
    Even if he has faith, it is his rare fortune to awaken the heart of wisdom.
    Even if he awakens the heart of wisdom, it is his rare fortune to realise a spiritual state which is above discipline and attainment.
    Buddha [LoC 1000] (563-483 BC) Indian Avatar, teacher of enlightenment, central figure of Buddhism, Kasyapa Matanga, Indian Buddhist monk, who introduced Buddhism to China in the 1st century CE, translator, The Sayings of the Buddha in Forty-Two Sections, Gobharana, Upasaka Chu Ch'an, John Blofeld, 1978


  • When Bodhidharma came from the West, he just pointed out that the substance of which all men are composed is Buddha. You people go on misunderstanding; you hold concepts such as "ordinary" and "Enlightened”, distracting
    your thoughts outwards where they gallop like horses! All this amounts to beclouding your own minds. So I tell you
    Mind is the Buddha. As soon as thought or sensation arises, you
    fall into dualism. Beginningless time and the present moment are the same. There is no this and no that. To understand this truth is called complete and unexcelled Enlightenment.
    Huangbo Xiyun [LoC 960, variable LoCs] (770-850) Chinese Chan master of Zen Buddhism, John Eaton Calthorpe Blofeld, trans-
    lator, The Zen Teaching of Huang-Po. On the Transmission of Mind, preface by P'ei Hsiu, Chinese scholar, S. 58, Grove Press,
    18. January 1994


  • The unadulterated love of one person can nullify the hatred of millions.
    Mahatma Gandhi [LoC 760] (1869-1948) Indian Hindu sage, spiritual activist leader, humanitarian, lawyer, nonviolent freedom fighter, cited in: AZ Quotes


Bryce Canyon and Antelope Canyon, Arizona


  • There is no difference between an enlightened man and an ignorant one. What makes the difference is that one realizes it, while the other is ignorant of it. Hui Neng (638-713) sixth Chinese Chan Buddhism patriarch, The Diamond Sutra and The Sutra of Hui-neng, S. 79, Shambhala, Boston, 2005


  • Enlightenment only comes after a structured journey of many, many awakenings.
    Leslie Temple Thurston, South African American consciousness shifter, teacher of enlightenment, source unknown


  • Enlightenment must come little by little – otherwise it would overwhelm.
    Idries Shah (1924-1996) Persian spiritual author, Sufi teacher, The Sufis, S. 124, Octagon Press, 1999; cited in: AZ Quotes


  • Really there is no East, no West. Where then is the South and the North?
    Illusion makes the world closed in.
    Enlightenment opens it on every side. Inscription on the inside of the hats of Japanese Buddhist Pilgrims


  • Before enlightenment chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.
    Wu Li (~1632-1718) Chinese landscape painter, poet during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912), source unknown


  • The enlightened person of today and of 2,000 years ago is equally free. But now, for the first time in human history, we have the potential for a far more expansive, fuller spiritual experience than ever before possible. Ken Wilber [LoC 490] (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, cited in: article The Future of Spirituality, presented by the publication Integral Life, undated



  • So many spiritual teachers and gurus will look at their disciples and say, "I am God. I have realized." But the important thing is that you are realized. Whether I am or not is of no consequence to you whatsoever. I could get up and say "I am realized," and put on a turban and yellow robe and say "Come and have darshan, I'm guru, and you need the grace of guru in order to realize," and it would be a wonderful hoax. It would be like picking your pockets and selling you your own watch. But the point is, you are realized. Now, what are we saying when we say that? We are obviously saying something very important, but alas and alack, there is no way of defining it, nor going any further into words about it. When a philosopher hears such a statement as tat tvam asi, "You are it," or "There is only the eternal now," the philosopher says, "Yes, but I don't see why you are so excited about it. What do you mean by that?" Alan Watts [LoC 485] (1915-1973) British religious philosopher, minister, Episcopal priest, Zen expert, speaker, writer, The Philosophies of Asia. The Edited Transcripts, chapter 1 "The Relevance of Oriental Philosophy", C.E. Tuttle, 1999


  • The Eastern view of enlightenment as beyond reason allows gurus to undermine reason. This precept alone makes
    the guru dangerously feedback-proof, for he automatically escapes accountability for any behaviour. If pressed, the guru can easily reply, "You can't possibly understand what I'm really doing because you're not enlightened." This stance, if believed, makes acceptable any incongruity between ideas and action. The guru can reverse any challenge
    or criticism by saying "It's your problem; your ego is getting in the way." He, of course, has no ego.
    US American author couple Joel Kramer (*1937) and Diana Alstad, The Guru Papers. Masks of Authoritarian Power, part 1 "The Assault on Reason", Frog / North Atlantic Books, 1st edition 20. May 1993


  • Ascension is an expansion of the number of frequencies that you can handle moving through and pick up the infor-
    mation carried by those frequencies. So you do approach in some of those very, very expanded states of what I call
    all knowing consciousness, all-powerful consciousness, and a consciousness that knows every single molecule of
    the whole cosmos. You can't imagine it until you've experienced it. It's something that I would never have understood
    until I experienced it. […]
    The process of turning into light is a slow one you want it to be slow and steady. You have to take care of yourself
    while you're making that transition. […]
    The more evolved ascended beings don't really stay here [on Earth]. They come here but they often stay out of sight.
    Video session with Penny Kelly, US American engineer, kundalini awakened psychic, science translator, teacher, lecturer, spiritual consultant, naturopathic physician, author, Patreon Q&A Livestream, YouTube film, minute 30:01, 1:40:08 duration, posted 27. May 2021



"Enlightened" rankism (unhealthy imposed hierarchy)

  • Any relationship that implies hierarchy is fundamentally deeply a lie and a decep-
    tion. […] Ecology is really the nature of life. Unfortunately, the sense of inadequacy and the need to project superiority which has dominated politics and business and all sorts of things has been imposed on spirituality so that we have developed this notion of the enlightened and the unenlightened. Life itself does not contain any inherent hierarchy in it. It is the play and interaction of the ocean with itself. […] There is a difference between mentally imposed hierarchy and natural hierarchy.
    Skype video interview with Arjuna Ardagh [LoC 455] (*1957) British US American spiritual teacher, author, Arjuna Ardagh: Experien-
    ces with Osho – Poonjaji
    , MP3, presented by the podcast Buddha at the Gas Tank. Interviews with "ordinary" spiritually awakened people, host and founder of Batgap Rick Archer, US American former TM meditator, aired 3. November 2012, YouTube film, minute 1:33:19, 1:48:30 duration, posted 11. November 2012



The hierarchical relationship between teacher and student

The heterarchical relationship between coach and coachee

  • The hierarchical relationship becomes a disservice not only to the student who gets taken advantage of, but actually it becomes a disservice to the teacher because their possibility to evolve personally, to their possilbilty to learn from life to become a better vehicle of love actually gets shut down.
    The [humility and shadow work of a teacher who failed] is bypassed when we have this pedestal thing going on. This is where the democratization from a teacher/student relationship to a coaching re-
    lationship is such a relief and such an evolutionary invitation for everyone.
    Skype video interview with Arjuna Ardagh [LoC 455] (*1957) British US American spiritual teacher, author, Arjuna Ardagh: Experien-
    ces with Osho – Poonjaji
    , MP3, presented by the podcast Buddha at the Gas Tank. Interviews with "ordinary" spiritually awakened people, host and founder of Batgap Rick Archer, US American former TM meditator, aired 3. November 2012, YouTube film, minute 1:42:40, 1:48:30 duration, posted 11. November 2012


  • Divinity reveals itself from within the self, where it lies dormant until such time as the soul is ready and willing to exter-
    nalize it. There are four qualities necessary to liberate the soul: desire, faith, willingness and obedience. Of the
    four, obedience is the last to which the ego personality will succumb. It is not enough to read all the right books and
    quote all the great sages. The divine laws of cause and effect must be obeyed.
    Louix Dor Dempriey, US American spiritual teacher, Dawn of Enlightenment, cited in: Jasmuheen (*1957) Australian breathe-
    rian, speaker, author, Ambassadors of Light. World Health World Hunger Project, S. 15, Australia, January 2000



  • If you dare to take up the banner of enlightenment, you will be attacked from all sides. From the inside you will be attacked by your own mind and from the outside you will be attacked by everyone else's mind. Anyone who dares to succeed automatically presents a huge threat. If true freedom is going to survive within you, you have to be willing to fight for it. You have to have a sword in each hand at all times. One sword is for your own mind and the other sword is for everyone else's mind. You must be ready to use them. Anyone who wants to be truly free must be willing to stand alone in the truth. Andrew Cohen (*1955) resigned US American enlightenment guru (1986-2013), musician, founder of the dissolved US American magazine What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, author, "Weekly Quotes", date unknown


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Spiritual enlightenment

Index: Erleuchtung / Enlightenment – Bücher von D. Hawkins

Englische Werke

  • Buch 2E Shortcut to Enlightenment [Abkürzung zur Erleuchtung], S. 177
  • Buch 3E Sudden Enlightenment (Plötzliche Erleuchtung), chapter 21, S. 94, The Steps of Enlightenment [Die Schritte der Erleuchtung]

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins

The enlightened state: dissolution of the personal self, no-bodyness performing talkingness


Links zum Thema Erleuchtung / Enlightenment


  • Padmasambhava [Lotosgeborener] (8.-9. Jht. n. Chr.) tibetisch-buddhistischer tantrischer Meister, Begründer und Botschafter
    des Buddhismus in Tibet zur Zeit des Königs Thrisong Detsen in Tibet, Der Führer auf dem Weg zur Wahrheit, Arbor Verlag,
    Schönau, 1991
  • Swami Sivananda (1887-1963) indischer hinduistischer Yoga-Meister, Vedanta-Lehrer, Gründer der "Divine Life Society", Sadhana. Ein Lehrbuch mit Techniken zur spirituellen Vollkommenheit, Mangalam Verlag, S. Schang, Lautersheim, 1998

Literature (engl.)

Sections: 1. Presumptions of enlightenment (Motivations for seeking); 2. The Dangers of Mystical Experience; 3. Corruption and Consequence;
4. Disillusionment, Humility and the Beginning of Spiritual Life

Five national awards for best spiritual book of 2010

Externe Weblinks

  • Gelöschter Bericht von Rani, niederländische Satsanglehrerin, Erleuchtung: davor, währenddessen, danach – Eine Satsang-
    lehrerin steigt aus
    , präsentiert von dem Archiv der deutschen Monatszeitschrift Connection, Mai 2005

Englische Originalversion auf Ranis deaktivierter Webseite Ranimu.org, Mai 2005

Linklose Artikel

  • Interview mit Vimala Thakar, Zu vollkommener Revolution erwachen: Erleuchtung und die Weltkrise, präsentiert von dem Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Ausgabe 6, ~2001
  • Interview mit Toni Packer, Michael Barnett, Douglas Harding, Byron Katie, Erleuchtung im Tempo der heutigen Zeit. Welche Be-
    deutung haben Erleuchtungserlebnisse im Hinblick auf die sich verändernden Lebensbedingungen des 21. Jahrhunderts?
    , präsen-
    tiert von dem Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Craig Hamilton, US-amerikanischer WIE-Chefredakteur (1998-12/2006), Ausgabe 10, 2004
  • Artikel Die neue Erleuchtung. Erleuchtung für das 21. Jahrhundert, präsentiert von dem Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)",
    Andrew Cohen (*1955) abgedankter US-amerikanischer Guru (1986-2013), Musiker, Gründer und Herausgeber des Magazins
    What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, Autor, Ausgabe 13, 2004

External web links (engl.)

Buddhist teacher on the issue of fear in Zen and on the path to enlightenment

Linkless articles

  • "More than a book review of Walter Truett Anderson's Enlightenment Unplugged. The Next Enlightenment: Integrating East and West in a New Vision of Human Evolution [Mehr als eine Buchbesprechung], presented by the dissolved US American magazine "What is Enlightenment? (WIE)", Carter Phipps, US American executive editor of WIE / EnlightenNext magazine, journalist, author of Evolutionary Spirituality, issue 12, 1998
  • Article What is enlightenment, presented by the dissolved US American magazine "What is Enlightenment? (WIE)", issue 14, fall-winter 1998

Several authors give statements on the issue of enlightenment.

Audio- und Videolinks

Audio and video links (engl.)

  • Video interview with Thich Nhat Hanh [LoC 460] (1926-2022) Vietnamese France based Buddhist monk, peace activist, teacher,
    poet, author Ram Dass interviews Thich Nhat Hanh, sponsored by the "World Forum", San Francisco, California, 28. September 1995, hosted by Ram Dass [Richard Alpert] [LoC 420] (1931-2019) US American professor of psychology, student of the Indian Hindu guru Neem Karoli Baba, spiritual teacher, MKUltra agent, author, YouTube film, 9:52 minutes duration, posted 29. May 2007


Interne Links

Englisch Hawkins


Englisch Wiki



1 Audioserie von und mit David Hawkins, The Discovery, 6 CD set, Advanced Practices for the Committed Mystic, 'The nine central elements of seriously committed inner spiritual work', Nightingale-Conant, United Kingdom, May 2007

2 Zusammengefasst aus Audioserie von David Hawkins, The Discovery, presented by Nightingale-Conant, 6 CD set, Advanced Practices for the Committed Mystic, United Kingdom, May 2007

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