
Hawkins / Sexualitaet

(umgeleitet von Hawkins.Sexualitt)





BW 200+ [im integeren Zustand]


Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)



Sex and gender symbols

Der Körper des Mannes gehört der Frau,
der Körper der Frau gehört dem Mann.

"Paarregel" nach Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) deutsche Äbtissin des Benediktiner-Ordens, katholische Heilige, Mystikerin, Kirchenlehrerin, Gelehrte,
Heilkundige, Komponistin, Schriftstellerin


Einsamkeit und das öffentliche Eingeständnis von Einsamkeit ist das größte Tabuthema der Welt. Vergiss Sex oder Politik oder Religion.
Ja sogar Niederlagen. Sprich von Einsamkeit und du bist allein im Raum.
Douglas Coupland (*1961) deutschstämmiger kanadischer bildender Künstler, Schriftsteller, Roman Miss Wyoming, Random House, Kanada, Januar 2000




Tabus – Geld ♦ Sex ♦ Macht ♦ Tod

Geld, Sex, Macht und Tod gelten im menschlichen Zusammenleben als Tabus. Übersetzt spricht dieser Begriff vom Heiligen und zugleich vom Verbotenen. Diese Themen sind im Kollektivbewusstsein mit Scham [BW 20], Schuld [BW 30] und Angst [BW 100] behaftet; doch auf einem spirituellen Weg sind sie wichtige Lernaufgaben, an denen ein Mensch die Gelegenheit hat zu wachsen. Diese Prüfsteine auf unterschiedlichen Stationen des Weges weisen den spirituellen Aspiranten besonders klar und deutlich auf ihre Schatten hin und bringt sie ans Licht.

Die drei evangelischen Räte

Die so genannten drei evangelischen Räte sind Gelübde

  1. der Armut,
  2. der Keuschheit und
  3. des Gehorsams von zölibatär lebenden Mönchen und Nonnen [früherer Jahrhunderte], die ihr Leben dem Geist geweiht hatten. Sie dienten als ein Mittel, um ihren Ego-Impulsen entgegen zu steuern.
    Diesen Weg zur Umgehung 'heißer Eisen' wählte auch der indische hinduistische Heilige Ramakrishna. Er nahm nur junge Männer als Schüler an, die ein armes und keusches Leben zu führen hatten. Ramakrishna war strikt gegen
    den Umgang mit Geld und die Ausübung von Sex. Er grenzte diese belasteten Themen einfach aus.


Dr. David Hawkins, in dritter Ehe verheiratet, ehemals gut verdienender Chef der größten psychiatrischen Praxis in den Vereinigten Staaten und nach Weisung des Geistes zeitweise Dungbaron und Einsiedler kommentierte die evangelischen Räte mit folgender Einstellung: Ein wahrhaft spirituell Lebender widmet sich heutzutage ebenfalls dem ausgewogenen Umgang mit Geld und Sexualität, statt diese Themen, die als Fallen gelten, auszublenden oder zu negieren.

Siehe auch: ► Tabu

Radikale Wahrheitsübung – D. Hawkins

In seinen Seminaren zum Thema Sucht, Schmerz und Sexualität erläuterte David Hawkins die
radikale Wahrheitsübung als generelle Abhilfe bei Suchtverhalten, Krankheit und Schmerzen.
Vier Schritte zur Loslösung
1.Höre auf, über deine Empfindungen (Drang) zu grübeln (mentieren) und sie mit Namen (Geschichte, Diagnose, Urteilen) zu versehen.
2.Leiste deinen Empfindungen keinen Widerstand mehr.
Erlaube ihnen, über ihren angestammten Platz hinauszuwachsen und sich in deiner Aura zu auszubreiten.
3.Übe dich in der Haltung "Mögen noch mehr dieser Empfindungen auftauchen."
4.Nimm sie ganz an und erlaube ihnen, sich im Prozess der Übergabe vollständig aufzulösen.

Die vier Schritte zur Loslösung von Notstandsgefühlen1 im nichtintegeren Bereich lassen sich beispielsweise anwenden bei

  1. Sexueller Begierde, Hungergefühlen oder Verlangen sonstiger Art, bei aufkommden Krankheiten und Schmerzen (wie bspw. auch bei Operationen ohne Narkose)
  2. Schuld- und Schamgefühlen und Angst wegen des Verlangens,
  3. Stolz, nachdem man seiner Begierde nachgegeben hat und kurzfristige Befriedigung dadurch spürte und
  4. bei sonstigen illusionären Gefühlszuständen.


Wer loslässt, wächst über seine wollüstigen Begierden und Gefühle der Scham, Schuld, Angst, Wut und des Stolzes hinaus und erreicht einen gelassenen, nicht verhafteten Zustand, in dem er gleichermaßen in Frieden ist, ob nun das Verlangen vorhanden ist oder nicht, ob es auftaucht oder verschwindet. Der Gelöste betrachtet sein Verlangen aus der Haltung der Harmlosigkeit und weiß, wann es angemessen ist und wie es angemessen zu befriedigen ist.


Um eine Bewusstseinsstufe hinter sich lassen zu können,
muss man sie sich in Gänze zu eigen gemacht haben.


Beschleunigen: Die Haltung, dass die anstehenden Schatten-Empfindungen noch stärker auftauchen mögen, ist eine be-
schleunigte Form, '100 Prozent Verantwortung zu übernehmen' für das, was da ist. Man anerkennt seine Empfindungen vollständig und führt sie nicht (mehr) aus. Die Vorstellung, dass das Verlangen endlos sei, gibt man ebenfalls auf.
Es stellt sich heraus, dass es im Prozess der Hingabe austrocknet und irgendwann einfach aufhört.

Quellen (engl.): D. Hawkins, Videovorträge der Office Visit Serie, aufgenommen 1986:
B-1 Drug Addiction and Alcoholism und ► A-8 Pain and Suffering und ► A-4 Sexuality
Siehe auch : ► Krankheit und ► Emotionen und ► Schmerz und ► Spirituelle Übungen und ► Sucht

Zitate zum Thema Sexualität und Begehren / Sexuality

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

Personal avowals

  • Seduction [...] so many of the gurus you read on the Internet today fall for seduction. And I warn people, when you
    get in the high 500s you emanate an energy field of love that is entrancing to people. They fall in love with
    Back east one week I remember seven different women came up and asked to go to bed. "I know this is going
    to sound strange that we haven't even met yet, but I [...]". Over and over again. I's not love. So they misinterpret
    spiritual love, the energy field, as personal love.
    Also because of the attraction, power over others. To exploit
    others, usually monetarily. Power over others, specialness, [...] exploitation of people, teachers who try to tell you
    what to do, your sex life, your marriage, this kind of thing. It becomes an inflated egotism. And a truly enlightened
    being has no interest in controlling anyone or anything, [...] much less your sex life.
    Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, 10. January 2007
⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • The temptation, the weakness of the 500s, is love-and-seduction. Source unknown


  • Throughout history and up to current time, there have been a number of well known "gurus" who became addicted
    to sex, power and money
    , and who covered up their actions with clever rationalizations. Those who exhibit wealth,
    a veneer of spiritual trappings, and who approve of sexual acting out attract many followers. Source unknown



Contrasting pairs of emotions, feeling states, and attitudes on the issue of sexuality In alphabetical order

Positive (strong) response (above 200) Negative (weak) response (below 200)

  1. Attractive Seductive
  2. Carefree Frivolous
  3. Devoted Possessive
  4. Erotic Lustful
  5. Loyal Chauvinistic
Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 9 "Power Patterns in Human Attitudes", S. 146-147, Hay House, February 2002


Junges Mädchen wehrt sich gegen Eros' Pfeil.
William-Adolphe Bouguereau, französischer Maler, 1880
  • Denying basic biological needs and instinctual drives is futile. Blocking normal sexual outlets merely results in abnormal sexual outlets. The solutions that have power are the ones realis-
    tically based at the level of Acceptance (350) rather than condem-
    nation (150, the level of Anger). In Amsterdam, one section of the city is traditionally designated as a red-light district, quiet and sere-
    ne with a pastoral atmosphere; its streets are safe. In Buenos Aires, parts of parks are set aside for lovers. The police patrol these areas to protect rather than harass, and all is peaceful.
    Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 11 "Power in the Marketplace", S. 168, Hay House, February 2002


  • Question: Sex and money are the temptations that are emphasized by many spiritual groups as the traps to be avoided?
    Answer: That tradition has value but also ambigous results. First, it creates an aversion and a sense of sin or guilt about the issues. It also inflates their importance, thereby creating a fear. It is not sex and money that are the problems but the attachments to them. In the nonattached state, there is neither attraction nor aversion. Teachers such as Ramakrishna forbade both sex and money to his young male students. He held that they could be contaminated by even just the energy of sex or money. Inasmuch as greed and desire calibrate below 200 [125], avoidance was an attempt to fore-
    stall attachment. However, the desire for sex or money stems from within and can remain within the ego, even though it is not indulged or acted upon. At beginning levels of spiritual training, avoi-
    dance may well be the best course, because desires are so strong.
    The mere willingness to sacrifice sensual pleasure or wordly gain is already of value in learning how to transcend attractions and instinctual drives, and the intensity of spiritual commitment is enhanced. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 239, 2003


  • Whether to eat meat or have sex or work for money are all classic life koans (puzzles, paradoxes) which present themselves to the spiritual initiate. They are valuable because they unearth numerous belief systems for examination. They involve looking at meaning, significance, values, propositions, and attachments. It is rewarding to give up the attachment to the glamour of "being spiritual", "holy", or "special". I. Reality and Subjectivity, chapter 22, 2003


  • The core of the ego is a rebellious anarchist, atheist, and exhibitionist that expects life to be an endless Roman orgy, including intoxicating abandon and polymorphous, perverse sexuality that permits abuse of the naive and vulnerable. Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 13 "Truth: The Pathway to Freedom", S. 253, 2005


  • Emotionality of infatuation releases adrenaline and sex hormones, and the much-celebrated phenomenon cali-
    brates amazingly enough at only 145, which reveals that its origin is primarily the mating instinct from the animal na-
    ture. In contrast, the consciousness level of Love is accompanied by the release of endorphins. The frantic nature
    of the mating instinct is a reflection of nature's way of propagating the species, and very often, after a temporary
    mating, a couple parts, although some species, such as swans, mate for life. Love also appears in the animal king-
    dom as an accompaniment to the wagging tail of the dog and the purr of the cat, and it also expresses as maternal
    love in its self-sacrificial nature. Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, S. 247-248, 2006



Desire, Wanting, Craving
Tree of Good and Evil
Expulsion from Paradise
Disowned carnal sexuality
"out there"
Shortlived driven satisfaction

Sadness, loss, incompletion, lack, guilt, shame, frustration, anxiety, neuroticism, dysfunctionality
Letting go of desiringness
Tree of Life
Garden of Eden
Reowning one's sexuality
"in there"
Longterm emerging contentment

Spontaneous unfolding, aliveness, goodness, eroticism of the heart, sense of innocence, sense of rejoining with oneness, awareness of truth, joy, gratitude, sacredness, subtlety, mystical state, "greatest human experience", completion
Compiled from Healing and Recovery, chapter 6 "Sexuality", S. 192-197, 2009
See also stage 1 and 4 here:
Three mating drives Helen Fisher ∞ Three types of integration of Yin and Yang Lao Tzu
Three stages ✏ ONEness  – 1 ✏ 1,000 – ⚡ D. Hawkins


  • People are the source of their own sexuality. Healing and Recovery, chapter 6 "Sexuality", S. 190, 2009



universal man and universal woman are mutually attractive and transformative.

  • Out of lovingness emerges the desire to experience the other person's energy. In that clear space, masculinity and femininity are mutually attractive. It is as though universal man is with universal woman, transcending the personality.
    Healing and Recovery, chapter 6 "Sexuality", S. 190, 2009


  • When that sense of oneness occurs, it is as if we transcend all of time, as if we have been all of men forever and all of women forever. We own the source, we are that out of which the experience arises. We are no longer at the effect of it, but the expression of it, with its incredible sacredness and beauty. Healing and Recovery, chapter 6 "Sexuality", S. 195, 2009



Recontextualizing problems in regard to sexuality

Returning to the joy of our innocence

  • Recontextualization settles the problems that man has talked about having to do with sexuality because, in the subtlety of that inner experience is the reconnection with the joy of our innocence. The whole question of whether God approves of sex disappears.
    In the experience of that aliveness, oneness, and joy as one moves up to an infinite state of inner peace and completion (because completion is peace), it is found that peace is that sense of absolute oneness and the rejoining with oneness. Within the sexuality that arises out of the heart is the return to the experi-
    ence of being complete. It is the mystical quality of transcendence, a sense of unlimited everywhereness.
    Healing and Recovery, chapter 6 "Sexuality", S. 195, 2009



Transcending homosexuality

  • One can pray about the matter. Biologically 6% of males are born with a homose-
    xual orientation. It occurs in primitive societies. […] It seems to be biologically based. […] It also occurs in animals to a small percentage. What you do is you
    try to move it up to the highest level of love and you will eventually transcend it.
    Removed audio interview The True Meaning of Healing and Recovery, prweb.com, presented via the broadcaster Blogtalk-
    , US American talk radio program Align Shine Prosper, host Doreen Agostino, minute 41:51, aired 23. September 2009


Geburt der Venus
Sandro Botticelli, italienischer Maler
  • Approaching sexuality from the viewpoint of desire itself [...] we saw that desire has sort of a negative energy field. And the negative energy field seems to bring in the propensity for all of these negative energy fields to come in. So that it isn't just the desiringness, but it seems to bring with it a whole negative energy field which makes us prone to the guilt and the apathy, the grief, the fear, the anger, the pridefulness, the anxiety about performance. When we're free of desire, therefore, we're released from guilt. We're released from remorse. We're released from anticipation, from maybe it won't happen. All of these energies arising then, almost en mass, almost as a unit. We begin, we let go worrying about what's going to happen with sexuality as we get older. The whole question about 'are you over the hill' when you're 40, 50, 60, whatever 'over the
    hill' means in your cultural group. The anxiety about giving and getting, the desire to keep, to own, to hold, to manipu-
    late, to control. All of that disappears. If the orientation now is coming from the heart, if one is let go of desiringness, then it is only another way of being with another person. And we find that sexuality continues on into old age unimpaired. Archival Office Visit Series Sexuality, A-4, end 1970s/early 1980s


  • I noticed that the skin, and that one's energy – overall available energy, one's libido, one's erotic interest in life – is more than sex. It's an interest, a pleasurable, joyous interest in all of life.
    Office Series – Farmingdale, New York, Seminar Giving Up Illness through A Course in Miracles, sponsored by "The Bridgebuilders", host Saul Steinberg, first publisher of ACIM, host Dan McGrew, CD 1 of 3, 11. June 1983


  • There's enough unconscious as well as conscious sexual guilt to give everybody a case of herpes, right? I mean, who doesn’t walk around in this Protestant ethic without all kinds of sexual guilt?
    Office Series – Farmingdale, New York, Seminar Giving Up Illness through A Course in Miracles, sponsored by "The Bridgebuilders", host Saul Steinberg, first publisher of ACIM, host Dan McGrew, CD 2 or 3 of 3, 11. June 1983



Pop bisexuality

  • Pop bisexuality represents degeneracy in civilization. Video presentation demonstrating muscle testing Power vs. Force, Volume Series I, 2 DVD set, 1996



Childhood sexual abuse memories

US American psychoanalyst and critical author on Sigmund Freud's theoretical concepts and psychoanalysis Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, Ph.D. (*1941) debunked Freud's seduction theory in his book The Assault on Truth. Freud's Suppression of the Seduction Theory, 1984.
See also: Confabulation

  • Childhood sexual abuse memories are false 80% of the time. They're mostly unconscious fantasies. Freudian theories are closer to the truth about it than modern pop psychology. Video presentation demonstrating muscle testing Power vs. Force, Volume Series I, 2 DVD set, 1996



  • Sex, money, eating and other expressions necessary for physical survival calibrate at 200-205. They're basically neutral with little, if any, power. The intentions behind them can have major consequences.
    Sedona Seminar Perception and Positionality, 3 DVD set, 19. June 2004


  • You project your own animal lust onto someone else and you think they have sex appeal. It is a hard one to get rid
    of when you are young (transcending sexual desire).
    Sedona Seminar God, Religion and Spirituality, 3 DVD set, 10. December 2005


  • Who doesn't walk around in this Protestant ethic without all kinds of sexual guilt?
    Sedona Seminar God, Religion and Spirituality, 3 DVD set, 10. December 2005



  • Question: My ego is going through turmoil. Some attachments are difficult to work with. I have been trying to let them go, but it is hard.
    Answer: Look to see, if there are building blocks below. What are your attachments?
    Reply: Sexual pleasure.
    Answer: Sensual attachments are very common and hard to overcome. Try to be without and you will find that you don't need it. Be with the cravingness. For example you can go without food for days. Live it (the attachments) out. They will burn out. You are really addicted to sensory pleasure. Letting go of it will teach you that there are no sensory needs. These are animal instincts. You can be happy living in a box with only an apple to eat. What you need karmical-
    ly will be provided. Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, Sedona Creative Life Center, 8. November 2006


  • Women are more non-linear than men! That should increase compatibility of the sexes. [Calibrated as true.]
    Sedona Seminar Is the Miraculous Real?, 3 DVD set, 9. December 2006



Homosexuality – biological fact

  • Answer: I view homosexuality as biologic and gentle. When it creates a dilemma it utilizes all of one's psychological and spiritual understandings to try to understand what it is. [Homosexuality] is no more of a bond than heterosexuality, which is an addiction.
    What you try to do is: Let go the addiction part of sexuality. So that you are not run by it and reach a platonic state. To me that's ideal.
    The fulfillment of that potential / pathway is unconditional platonic love. So that you almost get to the point that you would die for them [the loved one] out of an intense spiritual love. […] You turn it to a pathway. Addiction serves as a pathway, a fast way to God. […] You either get it or die.
    Sedona Satsang Q&A Golden Word Book Signing hour, CD 2 of 3, track 5, minute 1:20-4:30, 13. January 2007




  • [Paraphrased] Masturbation is not that big of a problem as it's not really hurting anyone. It's been demonized and people used to say it caused mental illness. Attachment and lust can be blocks to higher states.
    Sedona Seminar The Human Dilemma, 3 DVD set, 18. August 2007



Sex addiction: Extinguishing the tempting and triggering mental pictures

  • In today's world it is hard to do [extinguishing the tempting and triggering mental pictures].
    Lust is paraded across the television set night after night, lust in one form or another. It's like an obsession.
    A school principal can't appear to tell us about […] She's got to have cleavage down to here. [Points at his lower chest.] What does she need cleavage for to tell us about the problems she's having with her kindergarden? If I were
    the producer of that show I would tell her, "Get a big safety pin and button the damn thing up, for God's sake. We are
    not running a whorehouse here, we are running a television program." The parade of lust is just endless.
    Sedona Seminar Belief, Trust and Credibility, 3 DVD set, 14. June 2008



Homosexuality is genetic.

  • [Paraphrased] Homosexuality is genetic. It is not a personal failure or a moral issue. 6% of the population is born homosexual. It also exists in the animal king-
    dom. Cottonwood Seminar Spiritual Life in Today's World, 3 DVD set, 16. October 2010



Sex addiction

Recovery and Withdrawal, formerly published by reuniting.info

  • One thing a sex addiction does to our character is deprive men of their power. Many addictive behaviors are an attempt to regain personal power, and this is especially so with sexual addictions. A man can escape their feelings of power-
    lessless by masturbating to fantasy or porn or they can pursue validation from a woman by achieving sex with her. These acts fall short of truly empowering yourself as a man. If this behavior goes unchecked, a man can have serious problems asserting his genuine needs
    to a woman and will remain unfulfilled in gaining true intimacy. Self-doubt, weakness, and depression can take over a
    man's character and render him incompetent in meeting the demands of life and any fulfilling relationship. By giving
    our addictions so much power, we are throwing our power away to women at every step. This is unnatural for a man
    to do as a man, by nature, is a leader and protector. A woman does not want to see a groveling worm with no self
    control and a wishy washy nature.
    They require that a man have a strong core. If a woman is attracted to a worm, she is sick, and she will undoubtedly
    reinforce 'wormy' behaviors in him, which he will more than willingly do for the sake of meeting his sexual desires. As
    long as we stay active in our sexual addictions, we will remain emotional children in men's bodies and never experien-
    ce the feeling of living up to our adult nature. It's a form of emotional retardation and can only produce depression as
    we are not living according to our nature and not exercising our true talents and capacities.
    Sedona Seminar What is Real?, 3 DVD set, 16. June 2007

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Es ist nicht gut, dass der Mensch allein sei. 1. Mose 2, 18 (AT)


Wisst ihr nicht: Wer der Hure anhängt, ist ein Leib [mit ihr]? Denn "es werden", heißt es, "die zwei ein Fleisch sein."
Wer aber dem Herrn anhängt, der ist ein Geist [mit ihm]. Flieht die Unzucht! Jede Sünde, die ein Mensch begeht, ist
außerhalb des Leibes. Wer aber Unzucht treibt, sündigt gegen seinen eigenen Leib. Oder wisst ihr nicht, dass euer
Leib ein Tempel des Heiligen Geistes ist, der in euch ist und den ihr von Gott habt, und dass ihr nicht euch selbst
gehört? Denn ihr seid teuer erkauft; darum preist Gott mit eurem Leib.
Apostel Paulus, 1. Korinther 6, 16-20 (NT)


Weder die Frau noch der Mann dürfen eigenmächtig über ihren Körper verfügen; sie gehören einander.
Apostel Paulus, 1. Korinther 7, 4 (NT)


Denn ihr seid zur Freiheit berufen worden, Brüder. Nur ⟨gebraucht⟩ nicht die Freiheit als Anlass für das Fleisch,
sondern dient einander durch die Liebe! […] Wenn ihr aber einander beißt und fresst, so seht zu, dass ihr nicht
voneinander verzehrt werdet! Ich sage aber: Wandelt im Geist, und ihr werdet die Begierde des Fleisches
nicht erfüllen. Denn das Fleisch begehrt gegen den Geist auf, der Geist aber gegen das Fleisch; denn diese
sind einander entgegengesetzt, damit ihr nicht das tut, was ihr wollt. Wenn ihr aber durch den Geist geleitet
werdet, seid ihr nicht unter ⟨dem⟩ Gesetz.
Brief des Paulus an die Galater 5, 13-18 (NT)


Persönliche Bekenntnisse


Weibliche Sexsklaven von "erleuchteten" tibetisch buddhistischen Lamas

  • Meine Einwilligung, in eine geheime sexuelle Beziehung einzutreten, basierte vor allem auf der Verpflichtung zu Hingabe und Gehorsam, die für alle, die in der nächsten Umgebung des Lamas lebten, von zentraler Bedeutung ist. Ausserdem machte die Forderung, den Lama als göttlich anzusehen, es mir praktisch unmöglich, sein Urteilsvermögen bezüglich aller Fragen, die meine eigene spirituelle Entwicklung betrafen, anzu-
    zweifeln. June Campbell (*1945) schottische Religionswissenschaftlerin, akademische Feministin, ehemalige Kagyu-Nonne, persönliche Übersetzerin des tibetischen Lamas Kalu Rinpoche, Göttinnen, Dakinis und ganz normale Frauen. Weibliche Iden-
    tität im tibetischen Tantra
    , S. 165, Theseus, 1997


  • Tatsächlich jedoch lief das, was geschah, den ursprünglich eindeutig egalitären tantrischen Vorstellungen völlig zuwider, da ich mit Forderungen konfrontiert wurde, in denen weder Achtung meinem Körper und meiner Person gegenüber zum Ausdruck kam, noch Rücksicht auf meine Gefühle genommen wurde [...] irgendwann sah ich mich dann nicht mehr in der Lage, weiterhin eine Beziehung zu einer angesehenen Autoritätsperson [Kalu Rinpoche] aufrechtzuerhalten, die ständig meine Persönlichkeitsgrenzen verletzte und von mir bedingungslose Unterwerfung erwartete. June Campbell (*1945) schottische Religionswissenschaftlerin, akademische Feministin, ehemalige Kagyu-Nonne, persönliche Übersetzerin des tibetischen Lamas Kalu Rinpoche, Göttinnen, Dakinis und ganz normale Frauen. Weibliche Iden-
    tität im tibetischen Tantra
    , S. 166, Theseus, 1997


  • Für mich ist der Körper der Tempel der Seele und Sex ein Geschenk Gottes. Der Moment, in dem wir einen Orgas-
    mus haben, ist dem der religiösen Ekstase ähnlich.
    Paulo Coelho (*1947) brasilianischer esoterischer Erfolgsautor, Roman Elf Minuten, Diogenes Verlag, Zürich, 2003


  • Prostituierte sind ja die Mülldeponie der Gesellschaft. […] Zu der Zeit, als ich eingestiegen bin, war Prostitution
    ja das Allerletzte. Dann war es noch das Vorletzte und heute tun mindestens viele so, als sei es nicht mehr das
    Letzte. Domenica Niehoff (1945-2009) ehemals Deutschlands prominenteste Prostituierte, Domina, Streetworkerin, 1996


Bis 1974 galten Schwule und Lesben in den USA als krank oder wurden juristisch verfolgt, bis die American Psychiatric Association, auch durch Betreiben von Dr. R. Spitzer, Homosexualität von der Liste der psychischen Störungen strich. Im Jahr 2001 zog Spitzer
sich den Zorn der US-amerikanischen Homosexuellen zu, als er an einer fragwürdigen Studie mitarbeitete, wobei er 200 Menschen interviewt hatte, die behauptet hatten, eine sogenannte Reparativtherapie (Konversionstherapie) habe ihre sexuelle Orientierung geändert.





  • Begehre, wen du willst, aber vergewissere dich immer, dass die Entscheidung deine eigene ist. Wirklich frei sind wir erst, wenn wir unser Leben und unsere Sexualität nicht von Zeiterscheinungen diktieren lassen. Jean-Claude Guille-
    (*1944) algerisch-französischer Schriftsteller, Essayist, Die Tyrannei der Lust, Luchterhand Literaturverlag, 2001




  • Wenn Sex richtig verstanden wird, gibt es bald keine Persönlichkeits- und Machtprobleme mehr zwischen Paaren.
    Wir realisieren gar nicht, wie kraftvoll Sexualität ist und wie sie unseren Alltag und unsere Partnerschaft beeinflusst.
    Diana Richardson, südafrikanische Pionierin der sexuellen Evolution, Buchautorin, zitiert in: Webseite sattundgluecklich.de,
    Eva-Maria Zurhorst, Datum unbekannt


  • Wirkliche Erotik kann nur wachsen zwischen Gleichen und nicht zwischen Ungleichen.
    Alice Schwarzer (*1942) führende deutsche Feministin, Herausgeberin der Zeitschrift EMMA, Journalistin, Autorin, Alice im Männerland. Eine Zwischenbilanz, "Und ewig zittere das Weib", Buch Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 2002
  • Die Objektwahl des geschlechtsreifen Individuums wird auf das gegenteilige Geschlecht eingeengt, die meisten außer-
    genitalen Befriedigungen als Perversionen untersagt. Die in diesen Verboten kundgegebene Forderung eines für alle
    gleichwertigen Sexuallebens setzt sich über die Ungleichheiten in der angeborenen und erworbenen Sexualkonstitu-
    tion der Menschen hinaus, schneidet eine ziemliche Anzahl von ihnen vom Sexualgenuss ab und wird so die Quelle
    schwerer Ungerechtigkeit. Sigmund Freud [BW 499] (1856-1939) österreichischer Neurologe, Tiefenpsychologe, Begründer
    der Psychoanalyse, Religionskritiker, Autor, zitiert in: Freud. Gesammelte Werke. 1890-1939, PDF, S. 167, Erstveröffentlichung in: Internationale Zeitschrift für Ärztliche Psychoanalyse, Bd. 3 (4), S. 189-203, 1915


  • Liebe und Sex gesunder Menschen ist, obwohl sie häufig Gipfel großer Ekstase erreichen, nichtsdestoweniger
    auch den Spielen von Kindern und jungen Tieren vergleichbar. Sie sind fröhlich, humorvoll und verspielt.
    Abraham Maslow [BW 475] (1908-1970) US-amerikanischer transpersonaler Psychologe, Glücksforscher, Motivation und Persönlichkeit, S. 228, Rowohlt Verlag, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 2002


  • Die erotische Liebe ist die trügerischste Form der Liebe. […] Häufig wird die Exklusivität der erotischen Liebe
    mit dem Wunsch verwechselt, vom anderen Besitz zu ergreifen. Man findet oft zwei "Verliebte", die niemanden sonst
    lieben. Ihre Liebe ist dann in Wirklichkeit ein Egoismus zu zweit; es handelt sich dann um zwei Menschen, die sich
    miteinander identifizieren und die das Problem des Getrenntseins so lösen, dass sie das Alleinsein auf zwei Perso-
    nen erweitern. Erich Fromm (1900-1980) deutsch-amerikanischer Sozialpsychologe, Psychoanalytiker, humanistischer Philo-
    soph, Autor, Die Kunst des Liebens, Die Kunst des Liebens, New York, 1956


  • Der Sündenfall unserer Spezies liegt in der Abkehr von der Tradition der Verehrung des Weiblichen und der weibli-
    chen Sexualität und von allem, was Sexualität für uns bedeutete.
    Naomi Wolf (*1962) US-amerikanische Literaturwissenschaftlerin, politische Aktivistin, führende Sprecherin der Dritten Welle des Feminismus, Schriftstellerin, Vagina. Eine Geschichte der Weiblichkeit, Rowohlt-Verlag, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 2. Mai 2013


  • Die kulturelle Wahrnehmung der Vagina prägt das weibliche Gehirn. Wenn eine Frau also ein Leben lang hört, dass
    ihre Vagina als 'klaffende Wunde' oder 'Schlitz' bezeichnet wird, wird sich diese Wahrnehmung ihrer Vagina neural in
    ihrem Gehirn verankern; hört sie dagegen regelmäßig die Bezeichnung 'Jadetor', werden Gehirn und Wahrnehmung
    von dieser einfühlsameren Metapher entsprechend geprägt.
    In der chinesischen Han-Dynastie (206 v. Chr.-220 n. Chr.) oder im Indien des 5. oder im Japan des 13. Jahrhunderts,
    als die Vagina als allerheiligster Ort im allerheiligsten Tempel eines heiligen Universums galt, fasste auch das weibli-
    che Gehirn die Vagina als heilig auf. Als die Kultur des mittelalterlichen Europa die Vagina während der Hexenverfol-
    gungen als Tummelplatz des Teufels und Tor zur Hölle brandmarkte, dürfte sich eine Frau in ihrem Kern beschämt
    gefühlt haben.
    Eine Frau im elisabethanischen England, wo die Vagina als 'Loch' beschrieben wurde, dürfte innerlich Leere oder
    Wertlosigkeit empfunden haben; und nach Sigmund Freud, als die Kultur zumindest in Deutschland, England und
    Amerika die vaginale Erregbarkeit zum Test für Weiblichkeit erhebt, empfindet sich die Frau womöglich als unzu-
    reichend weiblich.
    Wenn die Kultur, der eine Frau angehört – wie heute in der sexuellen Hochglanz-Athletik des Westens –, das Ideal-
    bild der Vagina als Produzentin auf Knopfdruck abrufbarer multipler Orgasmen vermittelt, wird die Frau das Gefühl
    haben, einer ständigen Prüfung unterworfen zu sein, die sie nicht bestehen kann.
    Naomi Wolf (*1962) US-amerikanische Literaturwissenschaftlerin, politische Aktivistin, führende Sprecherin der Dritten Welle des Feminismus, Schriftstellerin, Vagina. Eine Geschichte der Weiblichkeit, Rowohlt-Verlag, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 2. Mai 2013




Kontext der Sexualangst

  • Nun beweisen gerade Menschen mit Sexualangst, die sie nicht durch Abstumpfung und Flucht nach vorne überspielen können, dass sie die geschlechtliche Hingabe als ein ganzheitliches, leib-seelisches Sich-füreinander-Öffnen und In-sich-Eindringen betrachten, sonst hätten sie ebensowenig Angst vor der Sexualität wie vor dem Essen und Trinken als bloßer Bedürfnisbefriedigung. Ohne es zu wissen, haben sie also die richtige Auffassung von der Sexualität und be-
    weisen gerade durch ihre Angst eine größere Begabung zur Liebe als andere, die diese Angst nie wahrgenommen haben.
    Sie sehen nicht nur die erotische Hingabe richtiger, sondern auch die damit verbundenen Schwierigkeiten. Sie über-
    spielen diese Schwierigkeiten nicht in einer abgespaltenen, einseitig auf körperliche Spannung und Entspannung
    ausgerichteten Sexualität, sondern müssen nun beginnen, sich in den vielfältigen Formen der Hingabe an das Du
    zu üben, unter anderem auch in der Sexualität.
    Peter Schellenbaum (1939-2018) Schweizer Psychoanalytiker, Sachbuchautor, Das Nein in der Liebe. Abgrenzung und Hingabe in der erotischen Beziehung, S. 98, Kreuz Verlag, Stuttgart, 5. Auflage August 1992, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1. Februar 1993



  • Scham beruht auf der inneren Überzeugung, nicht annehmbar zu sein. Dr. Patrick Carnes (*1944) führender US-ame-
    rikanischer Sexsuchtexperte und -therapeut, Minneapolis, Autor, Wenn Sex zur Sucht wird, S. 259, Kösel, München, 1992


  • Wir müssen den Kindesmissbrauch und die Ausbeutung verletzlicher Erwachsener offen benennen.
    Dr. Patrick Carnes (*1944) führender US-amerikanischer Sexsuchtexperte und -therapeut, Minneapolis, Autor, Wenn Sex zur Sucht wird, S. 435, Kösel, München, 1992


  • Scham und Heimlichkeit waren mitverantwortlich für die Entstehung der Sexsucht und Scham und Heimlichkeit (Sicherheit in der Anonymität) und behindern auch ihre Überwindung. Dr. Patrick Carnes (*1944) führender US-ame-
    rikanischer Sexsuchtexperte und -therapeut, Minneapolis, Autor, Wenn Sex zur Sucht wird, S. 439, Kösel, München, 1992



Freuds verworfene Verführungstheorie

  • Sigmund Freud hatte 1896 frühzeitig erkannt, dass zahlreiche Kinder, in erster Linie Mädchen von Familienangehörigen und hier hauptsächlich von ihren Vätern sexuell missbraucht wurden. Diese Entdeckung war hochexplosiv und mochten seine FachkollegInnen nicht akzeptieren, so dass Freud geschnitten und isoliert wurde. Als S. Freud seine «irrtümli-
    che» Auffassung aufgegeben hatte, bekam er wieder Zugang zur medizinischen Fachwelt, von der er zuvor geschnit-
    ten worden war. Freud widerrief 1905 öffentlich die Verführungstheorie (d.h. sexueller Kindesmissbrauch), und schon
    1908 hatten sich ihm angesehene Ärzte angeschlossen: Paul Federn, Isidor Sadger, Sandor Ferenczi, Max Eitington,
    Carl Gustav Jung, Ludwig Binswanger, Karl Abraham, Abraham Brill und Ernest Jones. Psychoanalytiker waren
    nicht besonders interessiert an Freuds Motiven seines Gesinnungswandel, auch wenn sie mit ihm überzeugt waren
    und sind, dass die Psychoanalyse sich nur in der Absage an die «Verführungstheorie» entwickeln konnte.
    Dr. phil. Rudolf Sponsel (*1944) deutscher klinischer Psychologe, Psychotherapeut, Erlangen, bezugnehmend auf die Forschungs-
    ergebnisse und Aussagen von Dr. Jeffrey Masson (*1941) über Freud, Der Widerruf der Missbrauchstheorie ("Verführungstheorie") durch Sigmund Freud, 30. August 2001, zuletzt geändert 15. Januar 2007


  • Wer Sex hat, lebt länger und besser. Männer, die oft ejakulieren, leiden seltener an Prostatakrebs und Infarkten. Bei Frauen dagegen kommt es darauf an, wie zufrieden sie mit ihrem Sexleben sind – es wirkt sich stressdämpfend aus und führt zu niedrigeren Brustkrebsraten.
    Interview mit Ann-Marlene Henning, deutsche Neuropsychologin, Sexologin, "Jeder ist für seinen Orgasmus selbst verantwortlich", präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel, Wlada Kolosowa, 23. Mai 2012


  • Sexueller Missbrauch von Kindern ist eine sexuelle Handlung eines Menschen an einem Kind, wobei der Erwach-
    sene seine eigenen Bedürfnisse nach Intimität, Nähe, Macht und Kontrolle auf Kosten des Kindes auszuleben sucht. Dr. Suzanne M. Sgroi, US-amerikanische Internistin, 1982


  • Es gibt keine gute Sexualität, keine endgültige, beruhigende, revolutionäre Lösung in der Liebe.
    Pascal Brucker, Alain Finkielkraut, Die neue Liebesunordnung, Hanser Verlag, S. 55, Rowohlt Taschenbuch, 96. Auflage 1989



  • Frauen messen die Qualität der Partnerschaft daran, ob sie mit ihrem Partner über alles sprechen können, für
    Männer hingegen ist Spaß und Sex erstrangig.
    Manfred Hassebrauck (*1953) deutscher Professor für Sozialpsychologe, Universität Wuppertal, Quelle unbekannt



Frühsexualisierung durch Schulerziehung

  • Wir brauchen die sexuelle Stimulierung der Schüler, um die sozialistische Umstrukturierung der Gesellschaft durchzuführen und den Autoritätsgehorsam einschließlich der Kinderliebe zu den Eltern gründlich zu beseitigen.
    Prof. Dr. Hans-Jochen Gramm (1925-2011) deutscher emeritierter Professor der Erziehungswissenschaft, Institut für Pädagogik,
    TU Darmstadt, Comenius-Preisträger, Handbuch für Lehrer Anleitung zur Handhabung der Rahmenrichtlinien für Sexualkunde in
    , 1967



Persönliches Bekenntnis eines Internet-Pornografie-Süchtigen

Erektile Dysfunktion als Folge von Pornografiekonsum

  • Die Wissenschaftler vermuten, dass während der sexuellen Höhepunkts eine Mischung aus Dopamin und Oxytocin im Gehirn freigesetzt wird, die nach den Worten des Verhaltenstherapeuten Andrea Kuszewski wie ein "biochemischer Liebestrank" wirken. Er ist verantwortlich dafür, dass man eher dazu neigt, eine emotionale Bindung mit dem Menschen einzugehen, mit dem man Sex hatte. Es braucht jedoch keineswegs den körperlichen Geschlechtsakt, um die Neurotransmitter abzufeuern. Wenn man Inter-
    netpornos anschaut, "verbindet man sich mit den Darstellern," sagt Kuszewski. "Und aufgrund der chemischen Stoffe
    fühlt man den Drang, immer wieder Pornos anzuschauen, um dieses Gefühl zu haben." Das ermöglicht Männern,
    sich nicht nur mittels Pornografie einen runterzuholen, sondern auch mitunter eine neurologische Bindung dazu auf-
    zubauen. Demnach können de facto ein Verhältnis mit Pornografie haben.
    Davy Rothbart, US-amerikanische Schriftsteller, zitiert in: Artikel Does Men's 'Bond' with Porn Ruin Them for Real-Life Sex?, prä-
    sentiert von Healthland Time, Maia Szalavitz, 9. Februar 2011


  • Sex mit Liebe ist das Größte, aber Sex ohne Liebe ist auch nicht schlecht.
    Mae West (1893-1980) US-amerikanische Filmschauspielerin, Sexsymbol, Drehbuchautorin, zitiert (engl.) in: Quotefancy


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Sexualität

Zitate über Heilige Sexualität von Laotse / Huahu jing

Wang Fou, Taoist, Autor, Brian Walker, Übersetzer des Originals, Laotses unbekannte Lehren.
Das Hua-Hu Ching
, Aurum im Kamphausen Verlag, 1. Auflage 10. September 2003


Obwohl die meisten Menschen ihr gesamtes Leben damit verbringen, ihrem biologischen Impuls zu folgen, ist dies nur ein winziger Teil unseres Wesens. Wenn wir von Samen und Eiern besessen bleiben, sind wir zwar mit dem fruchtbaren Tal der Fortpflanzung der Mysteriösen Mutter verbunden, doch nicht mit ihrem unermesslichen Herzen und allwissenden Geist.
Wenn wir uns mit ihrem Herzen und Geist vereinigen wollen, müssen wir Yin und Yang in uns selbst integrieren und ihr Feuer nach oben lenken. Dann haben wir die Macht, mit dem gesamten Wesen der Mysteriösen Mutter zu verschmelzen. Das bedeutet wahre Evolution. Paragraph 65


Die drei Arten der Integration von Yin und Yang sind:

  1. Die erste Integration von Yin und Yang ist die Vereinigung von Samen und Ei im Mutterleib.
  2. Die zweite Integration von Yin und Yang ist die sexuelle Verbindung des reifen Mannes mit der reifen Frau.
    Beide [1. und 2.] haben mit Fleisch und Blut zu tun, und alles, was in diesem Reich empfangen wird, muss sich eines Tages wieder auflösen und vergehen.
  3. Erst die dritte Integration bringt etwas Unsterbliches hervor […] Das neue Leben, das von dieser letzten Integra-
    tion erschaffen wird, ist sich seiner selbst bewusst, doch ohne Ego ist es fähig, in einem Körper zu leben ohne anzuhaften. Es wird von Weisheit statt von Emotionen geleitet. Es ist vollständig und tugendhaft und kann nie-
    mals sterben. Paragraph 66


Postkartenszene am Badestrand, Kalifornien
Erstes Jahrzehnt des 20. Jahrhunderts

Weil immer höhere Vereinigungen von Yin und Yang für die Empfängnis immer höheren Lebens notwendig sind, können einige Lernende in der Kunst der ge-
genseitigen Kultivierung
unterwiesen werden, in der Yin und Yang unmittelbar in das Tai Chi [die diszipli-
nierte Übung] des Geschlechtsverkehrs integriert wer-
den […] Wenn wahre Tugend und wahre Meister-
schaft zusammenkommen, […] kann die Übung zu
einem profunden Gleichgewicht der grob- und fein-
stofflichen Energien des Lernenden führen [andern-
falls kann sie eine zerstörerische Wirkung haben].
Paragraph 67


Das Ergebnis davon ist eine verbesserte Gesundheit, ausgeglichene Emotionen, das Ende von drängenden Impulsen und starkem Verlangen und, auf der höchsten Ebene,
die transzendente Integration des gesamten Energiekörpers. Paragraph 67


Der Zugang eines Menschen zur Sexualität ist ein Kennzeichen seiner Entwicklungsebene. Wenig entwickelte Menschen praktizieren gewöhnlichen Geschlechtsverkehr. Sie überbetonen die Geschlechtsorgane und vernachlässigen dabei die übrigen Organe und Systeme des Körpers.
Die gesamte angesammelte Körperenergie wird auf einen Schlag entladen, und auch die feinstofflichen Energien werden gleichermaßen vergeudet und zerstreut. Dies ist ein großer Rückschritt.
Für diejenigen, die nach den höheren Regionen des Lebens streben, gibt es die engelsgleiche gegenseitige Kultivie-
. Weil sich jeder Teil des Körpers, des Gemüts/Verstandes und des Geistes nach der Integration von Yin und Yang sehnt, wird der engelsgleiche Geschlechteraustausch mehr vom Geist und weniger von den Geschlechtsorganen ge-
Während gewöhnlicher Geschlechtsverkehr anstrengend ist, ist engelsgleiche Kultivierung ruhig, entspannt und natürlich. Wo gewöhnlicher Geschlechtsverkehr nur die Geschlechtsorgane miteinander verbindet, verbindet die engelsgleiche Kultivierung Geist mit Geist, Verstand mit Verstand und jede Zelle des einen Körpers mit jeder Zelle des anderen Kör-
pers. Der Höhepunkt liegt nicht in der Auflösung, sondern in der Integration ["nicht in der Trennung, sondern in der Ver-
schmelzung"?] und ist eine Gelegenheit für einen Mann und eine Frau, einander zu transformieren und in das Reich von Glückseligkeit und Ganzheit zu erheben. Paragraph 69


Die Fesseln der Leidenschaft und des Begehrens weben ein festes Netz um uns […] Die Falle der Dualität ist hartnäckig. Gebunden, starr und gefangen kann man keine Befreiung erlangen. Durch gegenseitige Kultivierung ist es möglich, das Netz zu entwirren, die Starrheit aufzuweichen und die Falle zu öffnen. Indem wir unsere Yin-Energie in der Quelle des universellen Lebens aufgehen lassen und aus der gleichen Quelle die Yang-Energie beziehen, lassen wir die Individualität hinter uns, und unser Leben wird rein und natürlich. Frei von Ego leben wir natürlich, arbeiten rechtschaffen, werden von unerschöpflicher Vitalität erfüllt und sind für immer vom Rad der Geburt und des Todes befreit.
Wir müssen eines verstehen: Spirituelle Freiheit und Einheit mit dem Tao (Dao) sind keine zufälligen Geschenke, sondern der Lohn für die bewusste Wandlung und Entwicklung des Selbstes. Paragraph 70


Buch: Marnia Robinson, US-amerikanische ehemalige Firmenanwältin, Forscherin, Autorin zu altehrwürdigen Empfehlungen
     zur heiligen Sexualität, Das Gift an Amors Pfeil. Von der Gewohnheit zum Gleichgewicht in sexuellen Beziehungen, Arbor Verlag,
     20. April 2010
Writen reference:
Removed article: Marnia Robinson, US American former corporate lawyer, researcher, author on ancient sacred-sex prescriptions,
     Into the Realm of Bliss and Wholeness, presented by reuniting.info, 11. Mai 2005
Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag Huahu jing, ~300 v. Chr.
Reference: de.Wikipedia entry Huahujing, ~300 BC
Siehe auch: ► Laotse und ► Seele und ► Spirit und ► Körperlichkeit und ► Ganzheit und ► Integration

Quotes by various other sources

It is not good for the human being to be alone. Genesis 2, 18 (OT)


And the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. Mark 10, 8 NIV, 1984 (NT)


(Or) do you not know that anyone who joins himself to a prostitute becomes one body with her?
For "the two," it says, "will become one flesh." But whoever is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit
with him. Avoid immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the immoral
person sins against his own body.
Apostle Paul, 1 Corinthians 6, 16-18 (NT)



Two becoming ONE

Paraphrasing the Apostle Paul, 1 Corinthians 6, 16-18 (NT)

There is more to sex than mere skin to skin. Sex is as much spiritual mystery as physical fact.
As written in Scripture, "The Two Shall Become One." […] We must not pursue the kind of sex that avoids commitment and intimacy, leaving us more lonely than ever – the kind of sex that can never "become one." There is a sense in which sexual sins are different from all others. In sexual sin we violate the sacredness of our own bodies, these bodies that were made for God-given and God-modeled love,
for "becoming one" with another.
Eugene Peterson (1932-2018) US American pastor, scholar, poet, author,
The Message. The Bible in Contemporary Language, NavPress, 11. October 2005


  • Sexual fantasies are distortions of perception by definition. They are a means of making false associations, and obtaining pleasure from them. Man can do this only because he IS creative. But although he can perceive false associations, he can never make them real except to himself. As was said before, man believes in what he creates. If he creates a miracle, he will be equally strong in his belief in that. The strength of his conviction will then sustain the belief of the miracle receiver.
    NO fantasies, sexual or otherwise, are true. Fantasies become totally unnecessary as the Wholly satisfying nature of reality becomes apparent. The sex impulse IS a miracle impulse when it is in proper focus. One individual sees in another the right partner for "procreating the stock", and also for their joint establishment of a creative home. This does not involve fantasy at all.
    If I am asked to participate in the decision, the decision will be a Right one, too.
    In a situation where you or another person, or both, experience inappropriate sex impulses, KNOW FIRST that this is an expres-
    sion of fear
    . Your love toward each other is NOT perfect, and this is why the fear arose. Turn immediately to me by denying the power of the fear, and ask me to help you to replace it with love. This shifts the sexual impulse immediately to the miracle-impulse, and places it at MY disposal.
    Then acknowledge the true creative worth of both yourself AND the other one. This places strength where it belongs. Note that se-
    xual fantasies are ALWAYS destructive (or depleting), in that they perceive another in an inappropriate creative role. Both people
    are perceived essentially as "objects" fulfilling THEIR OWN pleasure drives. This dehumanized view is the source of the DEPLE-
    TING use of Freud's description is purely NEGATIVE, e., as a release from the UNPLEASANT. He Freud also observed that the
    tension from id impulses never completely abates.

    What he should have said is that the shift from miracle-impulses to sexual impulses was debilitating in the first place, because of
    the level-confusion involved. This set up a state in which real release was impossible. Note also that Sigmund Freud's notion of
    sex was as a device for inducing RELAXATION
    , which he confused with PEACE.
    Inappropriate sex relaxes only in the sense that it may induce physical sleep. The miracle, on the other hand, is an ENER-
    GIZER. It always strengthens, and never depletes. It DOES induce peace
    , and by establishing tranquillity (not relaxation) it enables both giver and receiver to enter into a state of Grace. Here his miracle-mindedness, (not release from tension) is re-
    Tension is the result of a building-up of unexpressed miracle-impulses. This can be truly abated only by releasing the miracle-drive, which has been blocked. Converting it to sexual libido merely produces further blocking. Never foster this illusion in yourself,
    or encourage it in others. An "object" is incapable of release, because it is a concept which is deprived of creative power. The recog-
    nition of the real creative power in yourself AND others brings release because it brings peace.
    A Course in Miracles Urtext, chapter 1, section 3, 1976, revised 1996

Personal avowals


Diane Hamilton's statement wringing her hands, squinting her eyes

Note: The names of the scandalous "elephants in the room" – Marc Gafni, Genpo Roshi – were not mentioned once, neither by Diane Hamilton [former lover and supporter of serial sex offender Marc Gafni, successor of Genpo Roshi] nor by any of the other panelists.

  • Prior to all these so-called [sex] scandals […] I was a narcissistic boomer who belie-
    ved that my sexuality (and that of my partners) was really my own business […]
    I really have woken up to the karmic impacts and to the responsibility to others how deceit plays in these things and how undermining unconsciousness in the sexual domain can be.
    So I have an agreement with my students which is that they have my agreement that
    I will never sleep with a student and that I will do my best to keep my erotic life in inte-
    grity. And beyond that it is none of their business. That's where it's at.
    Video panel with Diane Musho Hamilton, US American mediator, Zen Buddhist sensei, teacher of Zen and Integral spirituality, Big Mind lineage holder, cofounder of The Boulder Mountain Zendo, author, Diane Hamilton, Shinzen Young, Sofia Diaz and Kenneth Folk – Getting a Handle on Scandal, presented by Buddhist Geeks, Vimeo video, minute 1:16:48, 1:20:49 duration, posted 3. January 2014



  • The erotic has often been misnamed by men and used against women. It has been made into the confused, the trivial,
    the psychotic, the plasticized sensation. For this reason, we have often turned away from the exploration and conside-
    ration of the erotic as a source of power and information, confusing it with its opposite, the pornographic. But
    pornography is a direct denial of the power of the erotic, for it represents the suppression of true feeling. Pornography
    emphasizes sensation without feeling.

    The erotic is a measure between the beginnings of our sense of self and the chaos of our strongest feelings. It is an
    internal sense of satisfaction to which, once we have experienced it, we know we can aspire.
    Audre Lorde (1934-1992) Caribbean-American activist, poet, writer, Bonzani Camille, coauthor, The Uses of the Erotic. The Erotic
    as Power
    , Kore Press, 1. January 2000
  • God-consciousness is 100 million times more blissful than sexual experience.
    Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa [LoC 620] (1836-1886) Indian Hindu saint, mystic, source unknown


  • Let me point out the connection between the opening of the parasympathetic nervous system, the rising of the kun-
    , and orgasm. Only a brain can have an orgasm. An orgasm is when your energy goes from crotch to
    Not when you have a muscular spasm.
    Many things in life are miniorgasms. [...] It's a cognition. It's when the body and the mind agree about something.
    That's an opening of the first [chakra] center.
    Audio presentation by Rev. Rosalyn L. Bruyere (*1946) US American energy healer, aura reader, spiritual teacher, white honorary medicine woman, founder of "The Healing Light Center Church", Sierra Madre, California, presented by "The Asilomar Conference Center", Pacific Grove, California, deleted MP3, minute 6:57, 83:18 minutes duration, 7. August 1988



  • Sex is like fire or water. Fire and water can aid a man [...] or kill him. Taoistic teaching



Sexuality is the universal "partnership principle" in Nature, which is the basis of every interchange. It is not restricted to reproduction and cohabitation.

Source provider walter-russell.de/en

  • Mankind has thought of sex in terms of a relation between the opposite sexes in organic living systems, never for a moment including sex relations in the mineral kingdom, in hot suns, or the ice caps of the poles of planets. We used such terms as cohabitation and sex relation as though the sex relation is entirely separate and apart from other relations, and as though its reproductive effect is limited to living things that die or decay.
    From now on, sex will be regarded in our new perspective as being expressed continuously and perpetually in all things. Instead of thinking in terms of cohabitation and human sexual relationships, sex should be thought of as the interchange between pairs of oppositely unbalanced conditions for the purpose of balancing these conditions in every effect of motion in the entire universe. "Good effects" are those in which the interchange is balanced – and "bad effects" are those in which balance is not complete. Walter Russell (1871-1963) US American polymath, natural philosopher, mystic, architect, painter, sculptor, builder, author (unified theory in physics and cosmogony), Lao Russell (1904-1988) English visionary philosopher, coauthor, Home Study Course
    in Cosmic Consciousness
    , unit 3, lesson 10, 1950, revised edition 2001


Shiva und Shakti
  • Sex is the creative principle. It is the dual desire force in Mind for expressing its One Idea. Without a division of the one unconditioned Light into two seemingly conditioned lights, Creation could not be. Sex is not a thing, it is a condition of a thing.
    An electrically balanced condition of anything is sexless whether it be a man, woman, electric battery, or the atmosphere. A sexed condition is an unbalanced condition. An electric battery which is fully charged is dually unbalanced by the opposite electric pressu-
    res of compression and expansion. These two opposite unbalanced conditions violently desire to return to the oneness of balance from which they were divided into two. A short circuit between the two poles of the battery will give it that balance. We then say it is dead, for it will no longer perform work by expressing its desire for balan-
    ce. Walter Russell (1871-1963) US American polymath, natural philosopher, mystic, architect, painter, sculptor, builder, author (unified theory in physics and cosmogony), The Secret of Light, S. 100, University of Science and Philosophy, 3rd edition 1994


  • We understand people of normal sexuality to be those who have no sexual conflicts of any kind. Sexual energy is divided into three distinct types.
    1. First: the energy having to do with the reproduction of the race and the health of the physical body in general.
    2. Second: the energy having to do with the spheres of thought, feeling and will.
    3. Third: the energy that is found related with the Divine Spirit of man.
Indeed, sexual energy is without a doubt the most subtle and powerful energy normally produced and transported through the human organism. Everything that a human being is, including the three spheres of thought, feeling and
will, is none other than the exact outcome of distinct modifications of sexual energy.
Samael Aun Weor (1917-1977) Columbian founder of the Universal Christian Gnostic Movement, lecturer, author, The Perfect Matrimony. Why Sex and Religion are Inseparable, chapter Normal Sexuality, Glorian Publishing, 1950, 1. May 2012


  • The physical union of a man and a woman, in essence, is a supernatural act, a reminiscence of paradise, the most beautiful of all the hymns of praise dedicated to the Creator by the creature; it is the alpha and the omega of all crea-
    tion. Samael Aun Weor (1917-1977) Columbian founder of the Universal Christian Gnostic Movement, lecturer, author, The Mys-
    tery of the Golden Blossom. The Magic of Spirituality, Sexuality, and Love
    , Glorian Publishing, 4. January 1972, paperback, 25. Fe-
    bruary 2015


  • We display outrageously and obsessively that which we do not fully possess or have deeply at our disposal. If we are displaying sex with unseemly exaggeration and preoccupation, then we have not found the heart of sex and made it
    a fully integrated part of individual and social life.
    Sigmund Freud [LoC 499] (1856-1939) Austrian neurologist, founder of psychoanalysis, deep psychologist, author, cited in: Thomas Moore, Ph.D. (*1940) US American professor of religious studies, Catholic monk, psychotherapist, musician, writer, The Soul of Sex. Cultivating Life as an Act of Love, Bantam Books, 1992, reprint edition 26. January 1994, Harper, 1st edition 1. May 1998



Reptilian brain testosterone-driven fuck or kill impulse

[Paraphrased] When men first meet a person, their deepest internal instinct is fuck it or kill it.

  • [I]t appears that testosterone basically has two, and only two, major drives: fuck it or kill it. Ken Wilber [LoC 490] (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, cons-
    ciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, Sex, Ecology, Spirituality. The Spirit of Evolution, S. 55-56, Shambhala Publica-
    , Boulder, Colorado, 1995, 2nd revised edition 2. January 2001



Sexual bipotentiality – Homosexuality

  • The human condition and the animal condition is that we're born with both systems. We're not born with a male system in a female system. The male system comes when you're still a fetus and your gonads secrete testosterone. And the testosterone tells the brain to be male. And if that doesn't occur at the right time the male brain remains female. So that's why we have homosexuality because we are bipotential. We're both male and female in the beginning at a brain level. Of course, genetically your female XX chromosome or male XY chromosome control [...]. The Y-chromosome controls testosterone secretion when you're still in the fetus. So that manufactures the male brain. A lot of people don't understand that a male can be male on the outside which is controlled by other genes, but be a female inside the brain. A female can be totally female on the outside, but maybe the mother was treated with steroids and the brain can be masculinized. So a female looking body can feel like a male. So this is why we have this confusion that America is still having great problems with. I think other civilized countries have accepted it [whereas] America is still doing the gender wars. Homosexuality is a sin in the mind of many Republicans. Video interview with Jaak Panksepp, Ph.D. (1943-2017) Estonian-born American professor of psychology, Bowling Green State University, psychobiologist, neuroscientist, College of Veteri-
    nary Medicine, Washington State University, author, From psychiatric ward to understanding happyness, presented by the Estonian Research Council TeaMe, YouTube film, minute 14:19, 1:05:01 minutes duration, posted 10. January 2013



Luminous cognizance

  • The act of sexuality between humans, who have stabilized to some degree in that realization, is simply the bodily re-enactment of the eternal recognized unity of consciousness and light. There is not actually consciousness and light; it is cons-
    cious light, a luminous cognizance. David Deida deida.info (*1958) US American sex researcher and psychologist, teacher, author on men/woman relationships, cited in: Arjuna Ardagh, The Translucent Revolution, New World Library, 15. June 2005



Who coined the term SEXISM?:

Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique (1963) made the term "sexism" known to the public debate and as a consequence issued laws to strenghten women's position in society


  • Interviewer: Why don't men require any foreplay?
    Daniel Amen, M.D.: Because they are always ready [...] one of God's tricks on us. The part responsive to testosterone is 2.5 times bigger in men than in women.
    Daniel Amen, M.D. (*1954) US American physician, child and adult neuropsychiatrist, medical director of the Amen Clinic, self-help advisor, lecturer, author, Differences Between the Male and Female Brain – On The Psychology of Men, presented by the US Ame-
    rican television network ABC, talk show The View, YouTube film, minute 2:22, 7:55 minutes duration, posted 17. October 2007


  • Masturbation: the primary sexual activity of mankind. In the nineteenth century it was a disease; in the twentieth, it's
    a cure. Thomas S. Szasz (1920-2012) Hungarian US-American professor emeritus of psychiatry, psychoanalyst, social critic of the moral and scientific foundations of psychiatry and scientism, The Second Sin, "Sex", S. 10, Anchor Press, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1st edition 1973



Female sexuality:

Female sexuality is complex. One in seven women are unable to climax.

  • For women to orgasm it's like we need a series of catalysts to get us over the mountain. There are a lot of women who experience difficulty with orgasm. It doesn't mean they don't enjoy sex, though. For us as women it's not the goal of orgasm, it's the goal of pleasure or a connection.
    Danielle Hannington, Australian Perth-based clinical psychologist, sex therapist, Secrets of the female orgasm, presented by the New Zealand publication Stuff, 10. November 2010


  • Activities such as caressing, kissing, hugging, gazing, and orgasm can replenish the chemical bond of love in the brain. Louann Brizendine, M.D., Ph.D. (*1952) US American neuropsychiatrist, professor of neurobiology, UC Berkeley, founder of the first US clinic to study and treat women's brain functions, lecturer, author, The Female Brain, Broadway, 1st reprint 7. August 2007



Men's caving in tendency:

Orthodox Judaism calls for two weeks of abstention per menses cycle.

  • After intimacy man goes into cave [...] and don't bother him until he comes out! Video presentation by John Gray (*1951) US American relationship counselor, lecturer, author, What Do I Do When My Man Goes to His Cave?, presented by the MarsVenus Blog, 10:57 minutes duration, posted ~2. May 2013


  • Sex addiction is an intimacy disorder. Sex addicts feel so alone, so ashamed and so unworthy of intimacy and love. Drew Pinsky, M.D. (*1958) US American board-certified internist, radio and TV personality, addiction medicine specialist, assistant clinical professor, Keck USC School of Medicine, source unknown


  • In Love and Survival, Dean Ornish makes the point that love and intimacy are more powerful determinants of
    health than improved diet, stopping smoking, genetic make-up, more exercise, or prescription drugs.
    Article Biology's Mandate to Separate, presented by the removed website reuniting.info, Marnia Robinson, US American former corporate lawyer, researcher and author on ancient sacred-sex prescriptions, 28. July 2005



The addictive culture of dominance keeps triggering repeated sex scandals of men in power position.

  • Question: Eliot Spitzer, Dominique Strauss-Kahn and most recently Herman Cain. Why do we keep hearing about powerful men in politics and sex. What's the connection?
    Answer: Dominance has been sexualized. If we could eroticize equality in a deep way we would create revolution. Because the various kinds of patriarchal cultures have subordinated women in order to control reproduction then the normal idea of sexuality is dominance and passivity instead of cooperation and mutual pleasure. They got born into a culture that told them that sexuality
    was about dominance and they had the right to dominate women. And they are hooked on it. It's like a drug.
    Deleted video interview with Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's move-
    ment, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, Women and the Financial Crisis, presented by the pay television network Bloomberg Television, host Stephanie Ruhle, YouTube film, minute 2:09, 3:59 mi-
    nutes duration, posted 8. November 2011


  • Sex is governed by a primitive part of the brain known as the reward circuitry […] the 'temptation center,' as its biological function is to drive us to act impulsively when confronted with activities or substances that once furthered
    our ancestors' survival or the passing on of their genes. (Sadly for modern man, this same center of the brain is very susceptible to temptations with which our ancestors never had to cope: fast food, Internet porn, recreational drugs,
    and readily available alcohol, to name a few.)
    The reward circuitry is dominated by a neurochemical known as dopamine. It's associated with all addictions. […] We're likely to feel like we're 'in love' when it's high. When it drops, we 'fall out of love.' […] perfect love may cast out fear, but fertilization-driven love engenders it. […]
    Yet statistics show that intimate relationships with trusted companions both increase longevity and protect health, which suggests that overcoming our biological imperative may indeed be wise. Article Open Letter to Gnostic Scholars, presented by the removed website reuniting.info, Marnia Robinson, US American former corporate lawyer, researcher and author on ancient sacred-sex prescriptions, undated



Past the big O:

The neurochemical hangover after an orgasm is resulting in (mood swings) in the limbic system.

  • Events occurring in the brain when we are in love have similarities with mental illness. Article The Science of Love, archived by the British website BBC Science, undated/archived


  • In the beginning was nature. The background from which and against our ideas of God were formed, nature remains the supreme moral problem. We cannot hope to understand sex and gender
    until we clarify our attitude toward nature. Sex is a subset to nature. Sex is the natural in man.
    Camille Paglia, Ph.D. (*1947) US American professor of arts, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (*1984), social
    critic, dissident feminist, author, Sexual Personae. Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson, opening sentence, S. 1,
    Yale University Press, 1990




  • The situation is complicated by the fact that orgasm itself creates a drug-like high. [This was observed, while vie-
    wing scans of men ejaculating. The brain scans of men ejaculating are comparable to the brain scans of people shoo-
    ting heroin.] Gert Holstege, Dutch scientist, Brain activation during human male ejaculation, presented by the free MEDLINE database PubMed, published by the weekly peer-reviewed scientific journal The Journal of Neuroscience, issue 23 no. 27,
    S. 9185-9193, 8. October 2003



Confirmed as true by 2009 study at Ohio State among the most well-adjusted couples.:

  • The honeymoon lasts less than a year. American saying


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Sexuality

Love poems

  • Those people are happy who relish love's pleasure
    Enjoying Aphrodite's sensual embrace
    As a ship riding easy on a calm sea,
    Avoiding the obsession that leads to disgrace.
    For sex, like a horsefly, can madden with its sting,
    And Eros has two arrows to his string [...]
    A mere scratch from the first brings lifelong joy,
    But the second wounds to death, and breeds despair.
Euripedes [LoC 470] (480/485/484-406 BC) Ancient Greek philosopher, writer, Iphegenia at Aulis, 405 BC


  • At night I dream that you and I are two plants
    that grew together, roots entwined,
    and that you know the earth and the rain like my mouth,
    since we are made of earth and rain.
Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) Chilean politician, poet, writer, Nobel laureate in literature, 1971, Regalo de un Poeta,
Vergara & Riba, Editoras, 2000

⚡ Entity attachments via sexual intercourse – Love bite interference


  • Pay attention to whom you share your intimate energy with. Intimacy at this level intertwines your aural energy with the aural energy of the other person. These powerful connections, regardless of how insignificant you think they are, leave spiritual debris, particularly within people who do not practice any type of cleansing, physical, emotional or otherwise.
    The more you interact intimately with someone, the deeper the connection and the more of their aura is intertwined with yours. Imagine the confused aura of someone who sleeps with multiple people and carries around these multiple ener-
    gies? What they may not realize is that others can feel that energy which can repel positive energy and attract negative energy into your life. Blog article featuring Lisa Chase Patterson, Sex And Aural Energy, presented by the publication OA News, Helen Noronha, 27. February 2017
  • There is always a drawing of [occult] vital forces from one to another in all human social mixture that takes place auto-
    matically. Sex is one of the most powerful ways of each drawing upon the other's vital force, or of one drawing
    the other's
    , which also often happens in a one-sided way to the great detriment of the "other". In the passage come many things good and bad, elation, feeling of strength and support, infiltration of good or bad qualities, interchange of psychological moods, states and movements, depressions, exhaustion – the whole gamut. People don't know it – which is a mercy of God upon them – but when one gets into a certain yogic consciousness, one becomes very much aware and sensitive to all this interchange and action and reaction, but also one can build a wall against, reject etc.
Lake with Dead Trees (Catskill), 1825
American painter Thomas Cole (1801-1848)
People who have desires add to the mental formation a kind of small envelope, a vital shell which gives it a still greater reality. These peo-
ple are usually surrounded by a number of tiny entities which are their own formations, their own mental formations clothed with vital force, which come all the time to strike them to try to make them rea-
lize materially the formations they have made.
You have perhaps read the books of Maurice Magre (1877-1941). He describes this; he had come here, Maurice Magre, and we spoke and he told me that he had always noticed – he was highly sensitive – he had always noticed that people who have [excessive/pathologi-
cal] sexual desires are surrounded by a kind of small swarm of enti-
ties who are somewhat viscous and rather ugly and which torment them constantly, awakening desire in them.
He said he had seen this around certain people. It was like being surrounded by a swarm of mosquitoes, yes! But it is more gross, and much uglier still, and it is viscous, it is horrible, and it turns round and round the person and gives him no peace, and
it awakens in him the desire that has formed these entities and they batten on it. It is their food. This is absolutely true. His observation was quite correct. His vision was very true. It is like that. The sex-vampire eats up the other's vital and gives nothing or very little. Sri Aurobindo [Aurobindo Ghose] [LoC 605] (1872-1950) Indian British Hindu philosopher,
yogi, mystic, guru, freedom fighter, poet, The Hidden Forces of Life. Selections from the Works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother,
Lotus Brands, Wisconsin, June 1999, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publications, Pondicherry, India, 1st edition 16. March 2009



Intercourse may transfer and attach entities.

  • The openness and surrender during sexual intercourse can allow the exchange of attached entities between two people. The thoughts, desires and behaviors of an attached entity are experienced as the person's own thoughts, desires and behaviors. The thoughts, feelings, habits and desires do not seem foreign if they have been present for a long time, even from childhood. This is a major factor in the widespread denial of the concept and lack of acceptance of the phenomena of discarnate interference and spirit attachment, obsession or possession.
    Dr. William J. Baldwin, US American counselor, therapist, exorcist, author, Spirit Releasement Therapy. A Technique Manual,
    1992, Headline Books, 2nd edition June 1995


  • People also pick up entity attachments through sex. Sex is much more than a physical interaction, it is an energetic exchange, and opening into another person on an energetic and spiritual level. The act of sex creates a connection between your energy field (aura) and the energy field of the person you are having sex with. When this connection
    is made you will pick up or absorb whatever is attached within the other person's energy field.
    If you have sex with someone that has an entity or demon, you will absorb that entity into yourself. You will basical-
    ly be making a choice to allow or invite anything within the person's energy field you are having sex to come into
    you. It is important to understand what sex actually is and what it creates beyond physical pleasure, and to choose
    the correct people who you want to open yourself to on that level.
    Peter Michael, US American leader of The Spiritual Clearing Institute, source unknown, undated


  • Sexual chemistry and sexual intercourse itself is also a preferred method of creating a powerful link for psychic feeding.
    It is very important to not participate in the normalization of sexual behaviors that are not based in mutual respect and deep reverence. This may sound prudish but I do think human sexuality is powerful and threatening
    to the dark forces and they use normalizing sexual deviance and loose sexual behaviors to destroy people and to
    prevent the true spiritual potential of human sexuality from being realized and enjoyed.
    There is no comparison when
    sacred sexuality is honored, realized and or known. Lower forms of sexuality are then obviously repulsive, low and degrading to every person involved.
    Having the good sense to set appropriate boundaries, finding and addressing our blind spots and past traumas that create unconscious reactions and developing the capacity for highly evolved skills of discernment is of extraordinary importance. If we have not addressed our own blind spots and unconscious triggers or do not have a clear sense of what is really going on, this can be one of the easiest ways that narcissists and entities can use to take and misuse
    our energy. Eve Lorgen, US American UFO/alien abduction researcher, consultant in anomalous trauma, hypnotherapist, coach, author, The Dark Side of Cupid. Love Affairs, the Supernatural, and Energy Vampirism, Keyhole Publishing Company, 1st Kindle edition 28. July 2012


Incubus, coloured aquatint, 1870
  • Needless to say, the alien love bite hypothesis is not some-
    thing easily proven, but it became the name and definition of a type of experience in which its victims felt as if a powerful love match seemed to be set up elsewhere by a supernatural puppet master pulling some very potent emotional strings.
    Eve Lorgen, US American UFO/alien abduction researcher, consultant in anomalous trauma, hypnotherapist, coach, author, The Dark Side of Cupid. Love Affairs, the Supernatural, and Energy Vampirism, Keyhole Publishing Company, 1st Kindle edition 28. July 2012


  • [R]elationship self-help books dealing with toxic relationships, trauma and addictions, emotional vampires, dangerous men, and psychopathology […] [n]one address the paranormal element of orchestration and interference in conjunction with being drained emotionally, in a powerfully connected love relation-
    that doesn't end well. While there is often a level of psychopathology present in one of the partners, such as addiction or narcissism, it does not explain other anomalous characteristics of the relationship.
    Eve Lorgen, US American UFO/alien abduction researcher, consultant in anomalous trauma, hypnotherapist, coach, author,
    The Dark Side of Cupid. Love Affairs, the Supernatural, and Energy Vampirism, Keyhole Publishing Company, 1st Kindle
    edition 28. July 2012


  • In several of the cases, individuals reported feeling that their partner was some kind of conduit or host being over-
    shadowed or temporarily possessed by another spirit.
    In the case of Wiz and Koral, Wiz experienced a twisting, contorting knot in his solar plexus area after having sex
    with Koral. As the relationship progressed, he became confused, exhausted, and depressed. Even after he and
    Koral broke up, Wiz continued to experience paranormal activity and unusual dreams, as if a dark force followed
    him around, sucking his energy. He reported this to me years after the relationship ended, and could feel a distinct
    energy-draining sensation between his shoulder blades, as if an entity had become attached to the back of his
    heart chakra area. This often happened in conjunction with sexual "astral attacks" in which he believed his sexual
    energy was being siphoned by predatory inter dimensional entities.
    What could be happening with the Dark Side of Cupid is an indirect form of psychic feeding. One partner tends to
    have the greater psychic vampire features, but instead of being a direct, consciously feeding vampire, the partner
    is used as a sort of portal for an interdimensional, parasitic entity. The Dark Cupid is accessing the two lovers'
    energy through some kind of mediated energy transfer. The question may then be, "Is Cupid, or whomever is
    behind this mask, a psychic vampire?"
    One of the disconcerting issues that Dixon brought up with deep psychic feeding or communion with a vampire
    is the permanent psychic link that will be maintained with the donor or unwitting partner. This powerful connec-
    tion is often felt as true love for the one being fed upon. For the vampire, the partner may be nothing more than
    an energy fix or addiction. This may result in unrequited love for the unfortunate ones caught in the nest of psy-
    chic feeders, as unintentional as it may be. A hazardous by-product of psychic vampire sexual feeding, is a po-
    werful connection which feels like one’s true love or soul mate. Hence, the counterfeit soul-mate connection.
    Eve Lorgen, US American UFO/alien abduction researcher, consultant in anomalous trauma, hypnotherapist, coach, author,
    The Dark Side of Cupid. Love Affairs, the Supernatural, and Energy Vampirism, Keyhole Publishing Company, 1st Kindle
    edition 28. July 2012


  • Is Cupid a type of a reptilian or another being that is feeding on humanity and playing us on a chessboard with our
    love relationships? […] If these beings are doing that they are missing something.
    The sexual energy or what I call shakti-prana-kundalini energy is the prized drug of the reptilians. They know how to activate those energy centers in our body so that that happens. So sometimes when people have these experiences
    [a love bite] they think it is really blissful and wonderful and they are getting spiritually enlightened, but at the same time these beings are messing with them and they get very confused. [...] They find themselves having these inter-
    dimensional attacks from linked entities. Deleted video interview with Eve Lorgen, US American UFO/alien abduction researcher, consultant in anomalous trauma, hypnotherapist, coach, author, Paranormal Romance, presented by the independent webcast Freeman TV, host Freeman, film maker, TV producer, radio talk show host, lecturer, author, YouTube film, minute 16:15 and 16:52, 55:21 minutes duration, posted 9. March 2015


  • Vast beings, living for thousands of years in your terms, make their living ruling and parenting you, seeking their value from you because you have considered yourselves valueless and purposeless. Those who would rule you on the phy-
    sical and multidimensional planes understand the power of your genitals to create life, pleasure, pain, and death. They use your genitals as doorways without you even realizing it.
    You are re-gridding Earth and changing the frequency so that one-by-one lights go on and fields of energy are estab-
    lished. You must learn how to stop feeding those vampires who suck your energies, from the astral planes, from the dimensions, and from on and under the Earth herself. Your sexuality and how it is used are the key elements.
    It is in this very deep part of your regenerative self, your sexual organs, the core of your being, that many of the main problems lie, problems so dark, so secret that no one would dare speak of them. Yet they must be revealed. To relin-
    quish power over your sexual organs is truly to abdicate the power of living.
    By power we mean a sense of connectedness and accountability, the maturity to know when to express yourself se-
    xually and when not to
    […]. First you must make peace with the sexual organs of your being because it is here that
    life springs forth […]. And most of all, seek to understand the power of your sexuality, to infuse its expression only
    with love, for sex without love is truly not worth experiencing.
    Within the sexual frequency, you exchange with one another. So if you are bonding yourself and chemically exchan-
    ging with a person who is not of your likeness, you are taking on their garbage because you are exchanging energy
    quite intimately
    . Even if you don't want to be with this person, the sexual experience stays with you because you
    have had an electromagnetic exchange. Barbara Marciniak (*1948) US American trance channel, inspirational speaker,
    author, Tera Thomas, editor, Bringers of the Dawn. Teachings from the Pleiadians, Bear & Company, 1. December 1992

Quotes by Barry Long, Stan Dale, David Schnarch


Male model of sexual expression: Orgasmic obsession

  • Man is sexually obsessed. He can't get it out of his head. And he feeds that obsession. The only way to get rid of that obsession is to start to starve it, not to suppress it because it ruins man's life, it ruins woman's life, it ruins everybody's life – sex. Video interview with Barry Long (1926-2003) Australian spiritual teacher, tantra teacher, press secretary, editor, writer, Barry Long 1996 (part 3), YouTube film, minute 1:28-2:27, issued 1996


  • You can't be in a state of love if you are going for an orgasm.
    Barry Long (1926-2003) Australian spiritual teacher, tantra teacher, press secretary, editor, writer, source unknown


  • Woman has been utterly fooled by man, pathologically brainwashed. And as modern woman congratulates her-
    self on her progress in breaking down male domination in the world, she fails to perceive that she is as firmly hooked
    as ever on his orgasmic sexuality and his clitoral substitute for love.
    Barry Long (1926-2003) Australian spiritual teacher, tantra teacher, press secretary, editor, writer, Making Love. Sexual Love
    the Divine Way
    , Barry Long Books, 1. September 1998, 18. November 1999


  • If woman doesn't know the difference between love and sex she gets distracted from what she is. And when she is
    not what she is she gets moody, unhappy, unfulfilled. Barry Long (1926-2003) Australian spiritual teacher, tantra teacher,
    press secretary, editor, writer, Love or Sex?, YouTube film, minute 0:20, 3:47 minutes duration, posted 5. June 2007



True love is the true authority of a man over a woman.

  • To be a fully integrated male, a man has to assimilate in his body the divine female energies that woman can only release to him through right physical lovemaking. But the man has to be man enough. He has to be able to love her enough; that is, love her selflessly during the actual act of lovemaking. He has to be able to absorb and express sufficient love in his body to reach the highest part of her, and love enough to extract the divine energies
    from her deepest center.
    To be able to love in this way is his only true authority over woman.
    Barry Long (1926-2003) Australian spiritual teacher, tantra teacher, press secretary, editor, writer, Making Love. Sexual Love
    the Divine Way
    , excerpt Making Love, The Barry Long Trust, Barry Long Books, 1. September 1998, 18. November 1999


  • Love is true and sex is false. Barry Long (1926-2003) Australian spiritual teacher, tantra teacher, press secretary, editor,
    writer, Love or Sex?, YouTube film, minute 0:52, 3:47 minutes duration, posted 5. June 2007


༺༻ Sex is false. Love is true.
1. Sex is violent i.e. it's trying to reach an end,
either an orgasm or the power over another.
2. Sex is impatient. Love is not impatient. [...]
3. Sex can be interrupted. [...] Love is always there and there is nothing to be interrupted. [...]
4. Sex is also demanding [...]
[Sex wants to] disappear into the excitement.
Love does not imagine other bodies [...] while I am making love to. [...]
5. Sex as sex pursues ardently and then
forgets about love.
Love does not get discontented, love does not get frustrated. [...]
6. Sex does have to get release [...] Love does not have to get release.
Source: ► Barry Long (1926-2003) Australian spiritual teacher, tantra teacher, press secretary, editor, writer,
Love or Sex?, YouTube film, minute 1:05, 3:47 minutes duration, posted 5. June 2007
Compare with Hawkins' calibrations:
Nonintegrous linear LoC 145 Possessive sexual desire / covetousness (passion)
Integrous linear LoC 250 Integrously practiced sexuality (lovemaking)
Integrous nonlinear LoC 500+ True love / authentically loving one/more fellow humans/beings and parts of creation


  • Men have been programmed by society not to be intimate.
    What do men want from women? – Sex.
    What do women want from men? – Security and Money.
    What kind of relationship does that make? – Prostitution.
    We [men] lie a lot. [...] We are gonna fake it. [...] Truthfully what we [men] want is the same that you [women] want. Men are women turned inside out. We are. Audio interview with Dr. Stan Dale (1929-2007) US American sex, love and intimacy expert, founder of the "Human Awareness Institute", Intimacy [i.e. "into me you see"], YouTube film, May 1993


  • I encourage couples to forget about technique, and "follow the connection" during sex to know what to do next. We also suggest hugging 'til relaxed, eyes open sex, and even eyes open orgasm. […] In informal surveys I've con-
    ducted around the world, it seems that only about 15-30% of all couples have sex with their eyes open, and only
    about half that number can orgasm that way. This means that most people have to shut their eyes to "tune out" their
    partner in order to be able to orgasm. Many people like sex in the dark with eyes closed because it's a way of kee-
    ping intimacy during sex to a tolerable level, not because it's more romantic. The intimacy and passion many coup-
    les seek is hiding right under – or actually right above – their noses.
    Interview with David Schnarch, Ph.D. (*1946) US American clinical psychologist, marital and sex therapist, author, An Interview with Dr. David Schnarch. The Sex Therapist, presented by the publication SheKnows, 28. September 2007

⚡ Quotes by Frederick Philip Lenz, III [Rama]

Personal avowals

  • I believe that sexuality is essentially unimportant in the spiritual process. Yet people seemed to make it awfully important.
    I believe that love is totally important in the spiritual process – in any form, because it is the spiritual process.
    Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, Sophisticated Sexuality – Rama (Dr Frederick Lenz) YouTube film, minute 50:55, 1:12:58 duration, recorded 1983, 28. August 2012




Both genders fear sexuality.

Men fear impotence, women fear an overflow of sexuality.

  • Men are terrified of their sexuality. They're all afraid of impotence. Women are terri-
    fied of their sexuality because they've got so much of it. And we live in a society that says they don't. And it's very incongrent because women are told that they don't have sexuality, that men are sexual and women basically are not and actually quite the opposite is true in terms of the kundalini and the structure of the subtle physical [bodies]. Women are much more sexual – as Masters and Johnson have discovered – than men are and people are very put off by that. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, Sophisticated Sexuality – Rama (Dr Frederick Lenz) YouTube film, minute 65:36, 1:12:58 duration, recorded 1983, 28. August 2012


  • Sexuality is neither good nor bad. It depends how you approach it. Change is necessary. The most basic change that we make has to do with our sexual identity. Sex does not matter. It's not important, unless you make it impor-
    tant. People place much too great a charge on sexuality. It's not necessary to be celibate to attain enlightenment. It's necessary to be yourself. There will come a time though when you will probably be celibate for a while on your way
    to enlightenment in one incarnation or another. […] Then you'll return to relationships or sexuality perhaps when you
    have sufficient detachment so that it won't be sex anymore. When you're with someone it will be a giving, a pure self-
    effacement, pure giving, a transfer of energy. There won't be any desire. There will be no concern for the personal
    self or physical satisfaction. Then it can't be harmful. Your emotions won't get wrapped up.
    Every action will be service and self-giving.
    Audio lectures by Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, talk Women / Men and Self Realization - Rama (Dr Frederick Lenz) Lakshmi Series, 1 of 30 talks, presented by the Rama Meditation Society,
    YouTube film, minute 15:18 and minute 43:35, 54:30 minutes duration, recorded 1982-1983, posted 26. August 2012



Karmic transfer during sex




Choosing an intimate partner

  • Human beings are confused, deluded and generally un-awakened. So as a person who seeks to increase their energy, you have to be very careful about who you have intimate contact with. Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, Sexuality, presented by ramaquotes.com, undated



Quotes on Karezza

Then the bridegroom came down to the bride. [...] Since that marriage is not like the carnal marriage, those who are to
have intercourse with one another will be satisfied with that intercourse. And as if it were a burden they leave behind
them the annoyance of physical desire. [...]
[Once] they unite [with one another], they become a single life. [...] For they were originally joined to one another when
they were with the Father before the woman led astray the man, who is her brother. This marriage has brought them
back together again and the soul has been joined to her true love.
Jesus, Sacrament of the Bridal Chamber, Exegesis on the Soul [lust-free intercourse], cited in: James M. Robinson (1924-2016)
US American professor emeritus of religion, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California, member of the Jesus Seminar,
editor, The Nag Hammadi Library, S. 195-196, Harper Collins, 1988




Heart sex

  • Heart sex brings us closer together. It allows us to relax in the comfort of a partner we love. We don't have to worry about orgasms and can enjoy the plea-
    sures that come from being closely bonded. It also relieves stress and allows us to make love much more often. We don’t have that feeling of distance that often comes after orgasm or that feeling that
    we must "do it again, and again, and again."
    • Bigger, better, faster isn’t always the best way to live and to love.
    • Deeper, slower, easier has a lot to be said for it.
Article by Jed Diamond, Ph.D. (*1943) US American psychotherapist, marriage and family counselor, author, Hot sex is how you
got here in the first place. Heart sex is how to stay together.
, presented by the US American publication Good Men Project,
9. December 2012
  • The ordinary hasty spasmodic method of cohabitation is deleterious both physically and spiritually, and is frequently a cause of estrangement and separation. Alice Bunker Stockham M.D. (1833-1912) US American obstetri-
    cian, gynecologist, fifth woman to be made a doctor in the United States, promoting gender equality and Karezza, Karezza. Ethics of Marriage, S. 23, first issued 1902, Kessinger Publishing, reprint 26. July 2004


  • In the physical union of male and female there may be a soul communion of great power.
    Alice Bunker Stockham M.D. (1833-1912) US American obstetrician, gynecologist, fifth woman to be made a doctor in the United States, promoting gender equality and Karezza, Karezza. Ethics of Marriage, S. 13, first issued 1902, Kessinger Publishing,
    reprint 26. July 2004


  • Men and women practicing Karezza [gentle, conscious lovemaking without conventional orgasm] attest that their
    very souls in union take on a procreating power, and that it seems to have an impregnating force, far transcending
    in power and intelligence any ordinary thought force. Alice Bunker Stockham M.D. (1833-1912) US American obstetrician, gynecologist, fifth woman to be made a doctor in the United States, promoting gender equality and Karezza, Karezza. Ethics of Marriage, S. 104, first issued 1902, Kessinger Publishing, reprint 26. July 2004


  • The technique is not based on control. During intercourse you are not seeking to avoid orgasm or to manipulate your bodily energies; you are merely closing your eyes, feeling those energies stream into your heart, head and genitals and those of your lover, and allowing them to circulate […]. You are always relaxing, falling back into the heart. Effort-
    less awareness is the key. All your energies will be drawn upward, diffused throughout the body […]. As this takes place, lustful tendencies will be transmuted into feelings of love and the need for conventional orgasm will lessen. Alice Bunker Stockham M.D. (1833-1912) US American obstetrician, gynecologist, fifth woman to be made a doctor in the United States, promoting gender equality and Karezza, cited in: James N. Powell, Energy abd Eros. Teachings on the Art of Love, S. 182,
    William Morrow and Company, 1985


  • Church father Augustine of Hippo (b. 354 CE) is well known for his prayer, "Grant me chastity and continence […]
    but not yet!"
    Less well known is his conclusion that because sex is a consequence of the "animal" in man – and ani-
    mals have no interest in using sex to foster love or unity – the proper use of sex in marriage is strictly for breeding.
    […] Augustine's error has been used to fend off some of sex's most uplifting gifts. In the last century, when Belgian
    and French Catholics discovered that gentle intercourse without orgasm was a "means of achieving a more perfect,
    more spiritual conjugal love," the pope condemned it.
    Blog article by Marnia Robinson, US American researcher, author, Intercourse vs. Orgasm, presented by the US American
    liberal-oriented online newspaper Huffington Post, 18. October 2009, updated 17. November 2011


  • Now the light is the chrism (the anointing fluid). The Gospel of Philip, Wesley W. Isenberg, translator, passage 69, The Gnostic Society Library. The Nag Hammadi Library, revised edition Harper Collins, San Francisco, 1990


  • The alien powers do not see those who are clothed in the perfect light, and so they are not able to restrain them.
    By the rite of sacramental union, one is ensheathed in this light. The Gospel of Philip, Wesley W. Isenberg, translator,
    passage 70, The Gnostic Society Library. The Nag Hammadi Library, revised edition Harper Collins, San Francisco, 1990


  • Those who say they will die first and then rise are in error. If they do not first receive the resurrection while they
    live, when they die they will receive nothing. The Gospel of Philip, Wesley W. Isenberg, translator, passage 72, The Gnos-
    tic Society Library. The Nag Hammadi Library, revised edition Harper Collins, San Francisco, 1990




  • Christ comes again to heal this wound [which Adam began when he engaged in procreative sex], to rediscover the
    lost unity, to enliven those who kill themselves in separation, reviving them in union. Man and woman unite in the
    bridal chamber, and those who have known this sacred embrace will never be separated. Jean-Yves Leloup (*1950) French writer, philosopher, theologian, orthodox priest, The Gospel of Philip. Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and the Gnosis of Sacred Union, "Sacrament of the Bridal Chamber", LL 78-79, Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont, 16. August 2004




  • As you acquire the habit of giving your sexual electricity out in blessing to your partner from your sex-organs, hands, lips, skin, eyes and voice, you will acquire the power to satisfy yourself and her without an orgasm. Soon you will not even think of self-control, because you will have no desire for the orgasm, nor will she. J. William Lloyd (1857-1940)
    US American individualist anarchist, author, The Karezza Method. Magnetation, The Art of Connubial Love, Forgotten Books, first published 1931, reprinted 7. May 2008


  • Karezza makes marriage more delicious than courtship, more romantic than wooing, and maintains an endless, satisfying honeymoon. […] Nothing else known makes the course of true love run so smooth as Karezza.
    J. William Lloyd (1857-1940) US American individualist anarchist, author, The Karezza Method. Magnetation, The Art of
    Connubial Love
    , Forgotten Books, first published 1931, reprinted 7. May 2008


  • Two souls and bodies seem as one, supported and floating on some divine stream in Paradise. […] This is the real ideal and end of Karezza. You will finally enter into such unity that in your fullest embrace you can hardly tell yoursel-
    ves apart and can read each other's thoughts. You will feel a physical unity as if her blood flowed in your veins, her flesh were yours. For this is the Soul-Blending Embrace.
    J. William Lloyd (1857-1940) US American individualist anarchist, author, The Karezza Method. Magnetation, The Art of Connu-
    bial Love
    , S. 48, 32, Forgotten Books, first published 1931, reprinted 7. May 2008


  • In successful Karezza the sex-organs become quiet, satisfied, demagnetized, as perfectly as by the orgasm, while
    the rest of the body of each partner glows with a wonderful vigor and conscious joy […] tending to irradiate the whole
    being with romantic love; and always with an after-feeling of health, purity and well-being. We are most happy and good-humored as after a full meal. J. William Lloyd (1857-1940) US American individualist anarchist, author, The Karezza Method. Magnetation, The Art of Connubial Love, S. 13, Forgotten Books, first published 1931, reprinted 7. May 2008


Hangover after orgasm (especially for men)
See references: ► The Karezza Method (full text) and ► The Soul-blending Embrace, reuniting.com

  • It is the common experience that there is a sense of loss, weakness, and dispelled illusion, following quickly on the
    first grateful feeling of relief. There has been a momentary joy, but too brief and epileptic to make much impression
    on consciousness, and now it is gone, leaving no memory. The lights have gone out, the music has stopped. The
    weakness is often so severe as to cause pallor, faintness, vertigo [dizziness], dyspepsia [indigestion], disgust, irri-
    tability, shame, dislike, or other pathological or unloving symptoms. This especially on the man's part, but perhaps
    to some extent on the woman's part too. Even if no more, there is lassitude, sudden indifference, a wish to sleep.
    A wet blanket has fallen, for the time at least, on the flame of love. Romance drops and crawls like a winged bird.
    J. William Lloyd (1857-1940) US American individualist anarchist, author, The Karezza Method. Magnetation, The Art of Connu-
    bial Love
    , Forgotten Books, first published 1931, reprinted 7. May 2008
See full text
  • The wine of sex may sometimes go to the head and lead to a preoccupation with sex bordering on satyriasis
    or nymphomania, just as any other passion may become an emotional intoxication. He notes that love and
    the thrill of sex are delightful, but if continued too long the inevitable result is that the nerves become power-
    less to appreciate or respond. […] and finally may end by devitalizing love and sex themselves.
    J. William Lloyd (1857-1940) US American individualist anarchist, author, The Karezza Method. Magnetation, The Art of
    Connubial Love
    , Forgotten Books, first published 1931, reprinted 7. May 2008


  • The more frequently [orgasm] is employed, the more love dies, romance evaporates, and a mere sexuality, a mat-
    ter-of-fact relation, or plain dislike, takes the place of the glamour of courtship days. […]
    As women learn [Karezza’s] transcendent importance to their happiness and health, they will demand it and refuse
    all men that cannot supply that demand. That will be a force that cannot be withstood.
    Woman is by birth the Queen of Love and will certainly assume her inheritance and control in her own sphere and
    realm. Prediction on the Women's Movement of J. William Lloyd (1857-1940) US American individualist anarchist, author, The Karezza Method. Magnetation, The Art of Connubial Love, Forgotten Books, first published 1931, reprinted 7. May 2008

See reference: ► The Karezza Method (full text)



  • The story of original sin is not without basis; it is a fable which conceals some true traditions. One of these has to do with the procreation of the bodies of human beings. [...]
    The naive story covers a history of disquieting results. The use of the procreative power was the "original sin."
    The result following the procreative act was to give to the human race the tendency to unlawful procreation; and this tendency was one of the means of bringing on ignorance and death in the world. The penalty of the original sin of [humans] is that they are now dominated by that which they originally refused to govern [the sexual urge]. When they could govern they would not; now that they would govern, they cannot. One proof of that ancient sin is present with every human in the sorrow that follows an act of mad desire which, even against his reason, he is driven to commit. [...]
    The origin of the story of original sin was when [man, as originally created] in his perfect body was in the Realm of Permanence. There, in the trial test for bringing its [male and female] into balanced union, it failed. Therefore it came into this world of birth and death, and it periodically re-exists in a man body or in a woman body.
    Harold Waldwin Percival (1868-1953) British West Indian philosopher, author, Thinking and Destiny, S. 59-60, S. 386, The Word Foundation, 1946, 1974, 14th printing 2010

Cited in: Article Von Urban's "Sex, Perfection and Marital Happiness. A Taste of Heaven", presented by the removed website reuniting.info, Marnia Robinson, US American former corporate lawyer, researcher and author on ancient sacred-sex prescriptions, 11. July 2005


  • Once plighted, no man would not go whoring,
    They'd stay with the one they adore,
    If women were half as alluring
    After the act as before!
    Greek Anthology


  • If you are not in a hurry to finish the act, the [...] sex organs melt into each other. A deep silent communion happens between two body energies, and then you can remain for hours together. […]
    There is a natural slowing down when any act is done with awareness. […]
    Woman can feel immediately if a man has intention behind his touch, and this very often closes down her body. Drop your agendas and programming when you are with a woman. Just be present in yourself and in your heart, sharing your being, touching and caressing with love. […]
    [A loving penis] can begin to "catalyze" what has accumulated in the female body and allow her to relax and trans-
    form into pure love – the true quality of woman. […]
    Anger and frustration levels reduce dramatically when hot sex and ejaculation are avoided or reduced.
    Diana Richardson, South African pioneer of the sexual evolution, Tantric Sex for Men. Making Love a Meditation Destiny Books, Destiny Books, 18. June 2010


References: en.Wikipedia entry Karezza and ► Karezza (Reddit forum)
See also: ► Developmental stages of the sexual union – Tao

Quotes by Jenny Wade – Transcendent Sex


Unio mystica

The "unio mystica" state has long had sexual connotations. Being one with God was likened to sexual union with one's beloved. This was not the result of the mystic believing the union was sexual or seeing sexuality where it did not exist, but instead, it was the way the mystic herself described the experience.

Personal testimony

  • "Beside me on the left appeared an angel in bodily form. [...] He was not tall but short, and very beautiful; and his face was so aflame that he appeared to be one of the highest ranks of angels, who seem to be all on fire. [...] In his hands I saw a great golden spear, and at the iron tip there appeared to be a point of fire. This he plunged into my heart several times so that it penetrated my entrails. When he pulled it out I felt that he took them with it, and left me utterly consumed by the great love of God.
    The pain was so severe that it made me utter several moans. The sweetness caused by this intense pain is so extreme that one can not possibly wish it to cease, nor is one's soul content with anything but God. This is not a physical but a spiritual pain, though the body has some share in it – even a considerable share."
    Teresa of Ávila [LoC 715] (1515-1582) Spanish Carmelite nun, Roman Catholic saint, mystic, theologian, cited in: article Bernini’s Ecstasy of St. Teresa, presented by the project Art History II, Dr. Beth Harris, Dr. Steven Zucker, undated


Ecstasy of St Teresa (1647-1652), Santa Maria Della Vittoria,
Cornaro chapel, Rome, sculptor Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680)
Bernini executed Teresa's description of her mystical union with God.




  • Transcendent sex can result in:
    • Becoming whole and shedding a lifetime of shame and guilt about sexuality.
    • Healing from sexual trauma and abuse to enjoy making love.
    • Acquiring paranormal abilities for healing or psychic gifts.
    • Creating healthier lives, especially leaving dysfunctional relationships and careers.
    • Becoming a spiritual seeker after a lifetime of atheism, doubt, or a religion that did not fit.
Jenny Wade, Ph.D., US American developmental psychologist, researcher, lecturer, consultant, Transcendent Sex. When Lovemaking Opens the Veil, Paraview Pocket, original edition 6. April 2004



Transcendent sex vs. the most intense "regular" sex.

  • Transcendent sex involves altered states that seem to come out of nowhere and overcome one or both lovers. The term "transcendent sex" comes from the sense of transcending (going beyond or breaking through) the usual sense of space, time or self that constitute normal, waking consciousness. For instance, a person might suddenly be out of body, hovering over
    the bed, or traveling back in time to a past life, or expanding to include the consciousness of all living creatures.
  • In transcendent sex, there is a pervasive sense that these events participate in, or come from, a supernatural force, which people usually associate with Spirit, however understood. Whether it’s stepping into another reality, seeing visions, being possessed by a power animal or imploding into the utter emptiness of the Void, most people attribute a numinous quality to the events, even if they consider themselves atheists or agnostics. They feel they have been given
    a glimpse of the Greater Reality, the Absolute, Truth, God.
  • Transcendent sex involves relationship, even if it occurs when a person seems to be alone. It is rooted in the ground created by the lovers, even when one person is taken so far beyond reality that the partner and the lovemaking recede into infinity. Or, in some cases, even when the partner is not human or appears not to be "real" in the ordinary sense.
    Jenny Wade, Ph.D., US American developmental psychologist, researcher, lecturer, consultant, Transcendent Sex. When Lovemaking Opens the Veil, Paraview Pocket, original edition 6. April 2004


  • "I was taken up beyond my body and the warmth of the sun on my skin and the clear blue sky until I went in that golden
    sunlight and cerulean blue. Then I shot out beyond it into the vastness of space where all was silence and the blackness
    lit by stars. Everything there looked clear and beautiful and cold, yet I could feel the life pulsating through it, the fierce fires
    of the distant suns and burning stars. It was beauty and it was love and there I was in the middle of this universe stretching
    forever. I wanted to stay there always. Rachel cited in: Jenny Wade, Ph.D., US American developmental psychologist, researcher, lecturer, consultant, Transcendent Sex. When Lovemaking Opens the Veil, S. 111, Paraview Pocket, original edition 6. April 2004



Unio mystica

  • My awareness of her [becomes] intermittent. [...] It's as though I'm moving through her to something beyond her, beyond me. That's the religious part. She's a conduit, but then in that state, bodies become irrelevant, and in a way, she does, too, I'm embar-
    rassed to say.
    I'm actually opening myself to God and surrendering to God and feeling God entering into me. The energies are so strong. [...] It's something which is only articulated for me in the language of feeling. [...] This takes me beyond the edges of lan-
    guage. It's a combination of yearning, giving way to surrender, a tremendous joy, and it explodes into God in a way that doesn't even have any content. Feeling God's rays streaming into you, being lit up by that.
    Blake cited in: Jenny Wade, Ph.D., US American developmental psychologist, researcher, lecturer, consultant, Transcendent Sex. When Lovemaking Opens the Veil, S. 183 Paraview Pocket, original edition 6. April 2004



Faces of God

The remarkable insight which some mystics, both Christian and otherwise, have understood was that the face of God was in reality [...] their own face, their self-hood.

  • The same staggering realization reverberates throughout the reports of lovers during transcedent sex. [...] The moment of recognition for one man was "[...] the purest ecstasy and awakening." [...] "It's real, he insisted". [...] "I can embody all my spirit, and it is divine. [...]" "Was there a face to God? No. Or a presence? The presence was us. We were just there. It just was."
    Jenny Wade, Ph.D., US American developmental psychologist, researcher, lecturer, consultant, Transcendent Sex. When Lovemaking Opens the Veil, S. 189, Paraview Pocket, original edition 6. April 2004


  • It's like nectar, you know. You just drip with nectar, and people want to suckle. Doesn't matter if they're men or women, they want to. Woman cited in: Jenny Wade, Ph.D., US American developmental psychologist, researcher, lecturer, consultant, Transcendent Sex. When Lovemaking Opens the Veil, S. 208, Paraview Pocket, original edition 6. April 2004



Some choose comfort, others seek ultimate mystical union in their sexual quests.

  • I can live without sex [...] but I cannot live without intimacy. [...] (However,) sex in the right situation with a person is not just about sex, not about that moment, but about what's going on in their lives.
    Mike cited in: Jenny Wade, Ph.D., US American developmental psychologist, researcher, lecturer, consultant, Transcendent Sex. When Lovemaking Opens the Veil, S. 228, Paraview Pocket, original edition 6. April 2004



Effects of transcendent sex

After transcendent sex, one may become more spiritual but not necessarily more religious.
Religious beliefs had no relationship to the production of altered states.
Out-of-body experiences were one exception and occurred mostly after sex.

  • [Transcendent sex events] led to "increase an individual's inclination to spirituality but outside the confines of most formal religious ideologies. Jenny Wade, Ph.D., US American developmental psychologist, researcher, lecturer, consultant, Transcendent Sex. When Lovemaking Opens the Veil, S. 285, Paraview Pocket, original edition 6. April 2004


Additional sources featuring Jenny Wade, Ph.D., US American developmental psychologist, researcher, lecturer, consultant, author  
► Review of Transcendent Sex. When Lovemaking Opens the Veil, 2004, presented by primal-page.com, John A. Speyrer, 2004
► Article Transcendent Sex. Pioneering psychologist Jenny Wade's surprising study of mystical experiences in the bedroom, presented by
     the dissolved US American magazine What is Enlightenment? / Enlightennext, Elizabeth Debold, Ed.D., US American gender researcher,
     senior teacher of evolutionary enlightenment, cultural commentator, senior editor of dissolved magazine WIE / EnlightenNext (2002-2011),
     author, March-May 2009
► Audio interview/transcript Transcendent Sex: When Lovemaking Opens the Veil, presented by the US American web radio station
     Extatica, host Ellen Eatough, aired December 2004

Quotes on Internet pornography addiction


Personal avowal of a Net-porn addict:

Rothbart describes his own experience of having to fake orgasm with a woman, because his overuse of porn had made reaching climax during intercourse nearly impossible.

  • [S]cientists speculate that a dopamine-oxytocin combo is released in the brain during orgasm, acting as a "biochemical love potion," as behavioral therapist Andrea Kuszewski calls it. It's the reason after having sex with someone, you're probably more inclined to form an emotional attachment. But you don't have to actually have sex in order to get those neurotransmitters firing. When you watch porn, "you're bonding with it," Kuszewski says. "And those chemicals make you want to keep coming back to have that feeling." Which allows men not only to get off on porn but to potentially develop a neurological attachment to it. They [Men] can, in essence, date porn.
    Davy Rothbart, US American writer; cited in: article Does Men's 'Bond' with Porn Ruin Them for Real-Life Sex?, presented by Healthland Time, Maia Szalavitz, 9. February 2011


  • [I]t's certainly possible that porn is affecting men's libidos in deleterious ways and that this is, consequently, hurting their partners as well. But whatever's going on, the problem with porn isn't that men are bonding with it. It's that opportunities to satisfy the lust for variety have never been more available – while there is more stress than ever on loving relation-
    ships. Article Does Men's 'Bond' with Porn Ruin Them for Real-
    Life Sex?
    , presented by the US American weekly news magazine TIME, Maia Szalavitz, 9. February 2011




  • Pornography is a drug. The Internet has made pornography the crack cocaine of visual addictions. [...] Social science research shows that pornography really harms a person no matter what their religious perspective or non-perspective is. It harms their relationships, it harms the ability to form emotion, to think, to feel. Numerous studies have shown this. But still, people in denial can act out in pornography thinking it won't hurt them. It will. 100 percent of the time.
    Video presentation by Donald L. Hilton Jr, M.D., US American neurological surgeon, University of Texas Health Sciences Center,
    San Antonio, Pornography and its impact on the Brain, presented by the platform SA Lifeline Foundation, YouTube film, minute
    9:53, 13:23 minutes duration, posted 8. September 2010


  • [Paraphrased] The global reach of explicit pornography creates addicts, desensitizes men and degrades, debases, dehumanizes and objectifies women.
    Video interview with Gail Dines, US American professor of sociology and women's studies, Wheelock College, Boston, anti-pornography campaigner, The pitfalls of porn, presented by the international state-funded 24-hour English-language news TV
    channel Al Jazeera English, host Riz Khan, YouTube film, 22:33 minutes duration, posted 16. September 2010



Reference to:

Percentage given in an article published by Adult Video News, pornography industry publication


See also: ► Internet und ► Neurowissenschaft

Quotes from the movie My Dinner with Andre (1981)

  • ANDRÉ GREGORY: In the sexual act there's that moment of complete forgetting which is so incredible, and in the next moment you start to think about things – work on the play, what you've got to do tomorrow. [...]
Psyche revived by the kiss of Love
Marble statue, 1793, museum Louvre, Paris, France
Antonio Canova (1757-1822) Italian sculptor
I think it must be quite common. The world comes in quite fast. Now, that may be because we don't have the courage to stay in that place of forgetting, because that is again close to death. Like people who are afraid to go to sleep. In other words, you interrelate, and you don't know what the next moment will bring. And to not know what the next moment will bring, I think, brings you closer to a perception of death. So that, paradoxically, the closer you get to living, in the sense of relating constantly, I guess the closer you get to this thing that we're most afraid of. US American comedy-drama film My Dinner with Andre (1981) – Full Movie, transcript, produced by Janus Films, 1981, YouTube film, 1:51:43 duration, posted 18. January 2021


  • ANDRÉ GREGORY: I think that's why people have affairs. [...] It's a good feeling. But then that feeling goes very quickly. [...] Well, have an affair and up to a certain point you can really feel you're on firm ground. There is a sexual conquest to be made. There are different questions: does she enjoy the ears being nibbled? How intensely can you talk about Schopenhauer at an elegant French restaurant, or whatever nonsense it is. It's all I think to give you the semblance that there's firm earth. But have a real relationship with a person that goes on for years – well, that's completely unpredictable. Then, you've cut off all your ties to the land, and you're sailing into the unknown, into uncharted seas. US American comedy-drama film My Dinner with Andre (1981) – Full Movie, transcript, produced by Janus Films, 1981, YouTube film, 1:51:43 duration, posted 18. January 2021

Quotes by Moir and Jessel – Brain Sex. The Real Difference Between Men and Women

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On the biology of gender, the biological differences between men and women
ChapterChapter titles
OneThe differences The truth is that virtually every professional scientist and researcher into the subject has concluded that the brains of men and women are different. There has seldom been a greater divide between what intelligent, enlightened opinion presumes – that men and women have the same brain – and what science knows – that they do not.
TwoThe·birth·of·difference It is not until six or seven weeks after conception that the unborn baby 'makes up its mind', and the brain begins to take on a male or a female pattern. What happens at that critical stage in the darkness of the womb, will determine the structure and organisation of the brain: and that, in turn, will decide the very nature of the mind. It is [...] a story largely unknown, but now, at last, beginning to unfold in its entirety.
ThreeSex in the brain What we are, how we behave, how we think and feel, is governed not by the heart, but by the brain. The brain itself is influenced, in structure and operation, by the hormones. Given that brain structure and hormones are different in men and women men and women will behave in different ways. Understanding the exact relationship between brain structure, hormones and behavior would take us a long way to discovering the answer to some of humanity's most exasperating riddles.
FourChildhood differences Each sex has a mind of its own at birth. Innate differences in brain structure mean that from infancy and through childhood, the male and female paths increasingly diverge. Biology – accentuated by social attitudes which may themselves have a biological base – makes the destiny of men and women different, gives them different priorities, ambitions, and behavior.
FiveThe brains come of age With the onset of puberty, the human mechanism is past the blueprint stage. Now the hormones take on their second role, fuelling, powering, and informing the brain and our subsequent behavior as human beings. [...] Before puberty, in spite of all those infant sexual differences we have already documented, girls and boys have the same kinds of hormones circulating at the same levels in their bodies. Once the hormone levels increase, however, the changes are dramatic.
In girls, at around the age of eight the level of female hormones begins to rise. [...]
The hormones of boys come on stream about two years later than girls.
SixThe ability gap Just as puberty dramatically sorts out the girls from the boys in their behavior and social attitudes, the hormones play their part in accentuating differences in mental abilities and aptitudes. The chemistry largely dictates the structure of our brains and the disposition of the functions in it. It should not be surprising, then, to find that differences in the organ of thought affect the things we choose to think
about, and how well we apply our minds to them.
SevenHearts and minds Physically, men and women are generally attracted to each other because of their differences. Ask any group of men from any culture to assess the attractiveness of a female, and they will tend to opt for the figure which curves where they are flat, is soft where they are strong and – though this may be a matter for aesthetic as much as scientific debate – swells where they are narrow. The same, in reverse, is true of women, who will tend to express a preference for men with broad shoulders tapering to narrow hips. [...] Yet in every other respect, we expect the sexes to be attracted to each other because of their similarities. Any computer-dating questionnaire will try to match intellectual like with like.
EightLike minds The hormonal theory [of sexual deviancy] would explain why sexual deviancy is so much more common in men. Men have to go through a hormonal process to change their brains from the natural female pattern present in all of us, whatever our eventual sex, from the first weeks of our life in the womb; they have to be soaked in extra male hormone and restructured – so in the process of reconstruction the chance of mistakes is much greater than in the female, who doesn't need any reconstruction of her brain.
NineThe marriage of two minds Our new knowledge of what makes us tick, and tick to different rhythms, is not of itself going to revolu-
tionise the complex design of marriage – we will present no new marital blueprint. We believe that much of the stress in this most vital of relationships stems from the misconception that men and women are essentially the same people. The contradiction between this assumption and the facts can lead to exasperation, bitterness and recrimination.
TenWhy mothers are not fathers Nothing is said to bring men and women closer to each other than the shared experience of parenthood. The truth more often is that, because of the different perspective each partner brings to it, few things more dramatically define the difference between men and women. However disappointing the fact may be to a devoted father, there is something unique in the relationship between a mother and a baby.
No known society replaces the mother as a primary provider of care.
ElevenMinds at work We live in a world where we are no longer surprised to find a female prime minister, a female judge, a female rabbi or a female pilot. But there are still remarkably few women in top jobs, considering the
large increase in the number of well-educated women. That is likely to remain the case.
TwelveBias at work The Wall Street Journal once spoke of female careers being 'sabotaged by motherhood', demonstra-
ting, in a few words, several misconceptions. First, many women do not see their retirement from the world of paid work as a disaster – home and family are a fulfilling and rewarding occupation. Secondly, motherhood is a career in itself, as any single-parent journalist will soon find out; and finally, even the most reluctant mothers, holding their new-born baby, find the notion that they have been somehow 'sabotaged' simply does not arise. If there is any question of sabotage, it is women who sabotage their own self-esteem. Too often they have defined career success and achievement in male terms.
Source: ► Dr. Anne Campbell, formerly Moir, US American geneticist, David Jessel, US American journalist, Brain Sex. The Real
Difference Between Men and Women
, first published by Michael Joseph, division of Penguin, 1989, Delta, 1. August 1992
Written reference: ► Removed article Pornography & Sexuality – Exploring the Male & Female Brains,
presented by the publication Netnanny, 23. February 2010
See also: ► Women and ► Gender research


Male lust is blind. High testosterone acting on the male brain increases the narrow focus and "single-minded" approach to the "object" of his desires. After orgasm, testosterone levels subside and the male brain starts to receive a wider input of information without the "narrowing" effect of larger amounts of testosterone present during arousal.
Dr. Anne Campbell, formerly Moir, US American geneticist, David Jessel, US American journalist, Brain Sex.The Real Difference Between Men and Women, first published by Michael Joseph, division of Penguin, 1989, Delta, 1. August 1992

Englische Texte – English section on Sexuality

Love embrace ⇔ conventional sexual intercourse

Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
Expulsion from Paradise
Disowned carnal sexuality
"out there"
Shortlived driven satisfaction
Sadness, loss, incompletion, lack, guilt, shame, frustration, anxiety, neuroticism, dysfunctionality
Letting go of desiringness
Tree of Life
Garden of Eden
Reowning one's sexuality
"in there"
Longterm emerging contentment

Spontaneous unfolding, aliveness, goodness, eroticism of the heart, sense of innocence, sense of rejoining with oneness, awareness of truth, joy, gratitude, sacredness, subtlety, mystical state, "greatest human experience", completion
Source: ► Compiled from Healing and Recovery, chapter 6 Sexuality, S. 192-197, 2009
See also stages 1 and 4 here:
Three mating drives Helen Fisher ∞ Three types of integration of Yin and Yang Lao Tzu
Three stages ✏ ONEness  – 1 ✏ 1,000

Sex – keywords

And the two will become one flesh.
So they are no longer two, but one.

Mark 10, 8 NIV, 1984 (NT)


Sex is

  • a spiritual mystery.
  • an ingrown physical fact.
  • a function of survival and procreation calibrating at 200-205.
  • a means of pleasure.
  • biological in nature.
  • a classic life koan.
  • nonintegrous [LoC 145].
  • Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
  • a projection of animal lust onto another.
  • "out there".
  • oblivious about love.
  • desirous, wanting, craving, lusting.
  • incomplete.
  • dysfunctional, neurotic.
  • will find abnormal outlets when blocked in its normal expression.
  • prone to attachment.
  • addicting.
  • impatient.
  • demanding.
  • shortlived driven satisfaction.
  • frustrated, sad, grieving loss.
  • aggressive, violent.
  • possessive.
  • goal oriented (orgasm, power over another).
  • pursues ardently for its own sake.
  • insists to get release.
  • indulging in excitement.
  • infatuous.
  • emotionalized.
  • guilt laden.
  • can be interrupted.
  • can be satanic seduction.
  • more than mere skin to skin.
  • Libido is more than sex.

Myths about orgasm debunked

New insights about orgasms
༺༻Common beliefActual truth
1.The more intense the orgasmic sex, the better for a relationship. The very passion that drives humans together can also drive us apart. Sexual satiation is a subconscious signal to the primitive part of the brain. It compels mammals to find an existing mate less appealing, while novel po-
tential mates register as especially attractive. "Monogamous" mammals may experience a brief honeymoon before they tire of their beloved. The phenomenon of tiring of a mate after sexual satiation, seen in all mammals tested, even in females, is known as the "Coolidge Effect".
2.Frequent orgasm is the best way to stay in love with each other. At the beginning of a new relationship, lovers are flooded with "honeymoon neurochemistry," pumping them up with adrenaline, lowering serotonin, and altering testosterone levels. It is this drug-like "high" that temporarily hooks lovers to each other and masks the highs and lows of the passion cycle. It is not their orgasms. Because orgasm sets off subtle uneasiness during the days and weeks following, it can actually push lovers apart, once their honeymoon neurochemistry fades. What really bonds lovers is relaxed, affectionate, daily contact, such as skin-to-skin contact, kissing, comforting stroking, and generous acts. These cues soothe the amygdala in the primitive brain, and make us want to stay bonded with those we associate with this comforting intimacy.
3.The orgasm cycle ends after the refractory period. Orgasms can increase irritability, dissatisfaction, sexual frustration apathy, cravings for junk food, which may make the respective partner appear less attractive. After orgasm an extended cycle of neurochemical changes is set off in a primitive part of the brain. The initial high is an intense rush of neurochemicals. Brain scans of people climaxing resemble those of people shooting heroin. It takes up to 15 days for the brain to return to equilibrium. As their neurochemistry fluctuates during this time lovers may experience uncharacteristic mood swings. As these shifts are subtle, most intimate partners do not connect them with climax.
4.Orgasm is the only path to sexual satisfaction. Ancient Chinese Taoists distinguished between intercourse and orgasm. Affectionate intercourse is beneficial. Recent research is confirming that warm touch (including intercourse) and close, trusted companionship soothe our nervous system, support good health and increase longevity. Various traditions have taught that it is possi-
ble to make love gently and frequently with lots of periods of relaxation (instead of orgasm). Lovers report that they not only feel satisfied, energized and more loving, but, paradoxically, also less sexually frustrated. By ma-
king love often, but smarter, mates can counter depression, anxiety, sexual frustration and disharmony.
5.Frequent orgasm is good for you. The most powerful benefits of frequent sex arise from affectionate touch and close, trusted companionship rather than from orgasm itself. Frequent orgasm can not only breed disharmony, has been shown to decrease sperm count for up to five months. Orgasm can increase sexual frustration, because libido often rebounds with even greater intensity during days after sexual satiation. (The brain seeks relief from uncomfortable feelings). Frequent orgasm may make women perceive men as less attractive and less friendly, and is associated with higher rates of depression. Orgasm frequency is not understood as a risk factor for prostate disease by physi-
cians. Recent research confirms that men who were more sexually active in their twenties had slightly higher rates of prostate cancer.
Source: ► Transcript on an interview with Marnia Robinson, US American former corporate lawyer, researcher and author on
ancient sacred-sex prescriptions, The truth about orgasms, presented by the TV station ABC7News,
San Francisco, California, 25. August 2009
See also: ► Sexuality and ► Articles by Marnia Robinson and ► Audio and video links (engl.) – Marnia Robinson

Three Daoist types of Yin ∞ Yang integration and sacred sexuality

  • Although most people spend their entire lives following the biological impulse, it is only a tiny portion of our beings.
    If we remain obsessed with seeds and eggs, we are married to the fertile reproductive valley of the Mysterious Mother but not to her immeasurable heart and all-knowing mind.
    If you wish to unite with her heart and mind, you must integrate yin and yang within and refine their fire upward. Then you have the power to merge with the whole being of the Mysterious Mother.
    Wang Fou, taoist, author, Brian Walker, translator, Hua Hu Ching. The Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu, verse 65, HarperOne,
    San Francisco, 1995, Harper Collins, revised edition 4. August 2009


Poppies, Isles of Shoals, 1890
Frederick Childe Hassam (1859-1935) American painter
  • Three types of integration of Yin and Yang
    1. The first integration of yin and yang is the union of seed and egg within the womb.
    2. The second integration of yin and yang is the sexual union of the mature male and female.
      Both of these are concerned with flesh and blood, and all that is conceived in this realm must one day disintegrate and pass away.
    3. It is only the third integration which gives birth to something immortal.
      In this integration, a highly evolved individual joins the subtle inner energies of yin and yang under the light of spiritual understanding. Through the practices of the Integral Way he refines his gross, heavy energy into something ethereal and light. This divine light has the capability of penetrating into the mighty ocean of spiritual energy and complete wisdom that is the Tao. The new life created by the final integration is self-aware yet without ego, capable of inhabiting a body yet not attached to it, and guided by wisdom rather than emotion. Whole and virtuous, it can never die. Wang Fou, taoist, author, Brian Walker, translator, Hua Hu Ching. The Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu, verse 66, HarperOne, San Francisco, 1995, Harper Collins, revised edition 4. August 2009



  • Because higher and higher unions of yin and yang are necessary for the conception of higher life, some students may be instructed in the art of dual cultivation, in which yin and yang are directly integrated in the tai chi of sexual intercourse. […] If genuine virtue and true mastery come together […] the practice can bring about a profound balancing of the student's gross and subtle energies [otherwise it can have a destructive effect].
    Wang Fou, taoist, author, Brian Walker, translator, Hua Hu Ching. The Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu, verse 67, HarperOne, San Francisco, 1995, Harper Collins, revised edition 4. August 2009


Peak orgasm: "The peak orgasm" – It is the goal of conventional sex. One applies force and effort to rush to the summit and collapses into a prolonged phase of recovery. Dopamine levels peak and crash accordingly.

  • A person's approach to sexuality is a sign of his level of evolution. Unevolved persons practice ordinary sexual intercourse. Placing all emphasis upon the sexual organs, they neglect the body's other organs and systems. Whatever physical energy is accumulated is summarily discharged, and the subtle energies are similarly dissipated and disordered. It is a great backward leap.3
    Where ordinary intercourse is effortful, angelic cultivation is calm, relaxed, quiet, and natural.
    Where ordinary intercourse unites sex organs with sex organs, angelic cultivation unites spirit with spirit, mind with mind, and every cell of one body with every cell of the other body.
    Culminating not in dissolution but in integration, it is an opportunity for a man and woman to mutually transform and uplift each other into the realm of bliss and wholeness. Wang Fou, taoist, author, Brian Walker, translator, Hua Hu Ching. The Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu, verse 69, HarperOne, San Francisco, 1995, Harper Collins, revised edition 4. August 2009


Valley orgasm: "The valley orgasm" – Taoists taught a non-orgasmic practice. Unconventional sex is very peaceful, ecstatic, extended, merging experience. One reaches a state of non-attachment and deep union while exchanging Divine power. It cannot be forced. It does not trigger high-dopamine spurts.

  • The cords of passion and desire weave a binding net around you. [...] The trap of duality is tenacious. Bound, rigid, and trapped, you cannot experience liberation.
    Through dual cultivation [bonding subtle sexual intercourse] it is possible to unravel the net, soften the rigidity, dismantle the trap.
    Dissolving your yin energy into the source of universal life, attracting the yang energy from that same source, you leave behind individuality and your life becomes pure nature. Free of ego, living naturally, working virtuously, you become filled with inexhaustible vitality and are liberated forever from the cycle of death and rebirth.
    Wang Fou, taoist, author, Brian Walker, translator, Hua Hu Ching. The Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu, verse 70, HarperOne, San Francisco, 1995, Harper Collins, revised edition 4. August 2009


Book Hua Hu Ching [Huahujing] (~300 CE), cited in: article Into the Realm of Bliss and Wholeness, presented by reuniting.info, Marnia Robinson,
     US American former corporate lawyer, researcher, author on ancient sacred-sex prescriptions, 11. May 2005
Article Bad Lao Tzu meme adds to growing list of mis-identified quotes online, presented by Scripturient, Ian Chadwick,
     7. February 2012
See also: ► Lao Tzu and ► Soul and ► Physicalness and ► Wholeness and ► Integration


          Differentiating orgasms         
"Peak·orgasm" Conventional
driving-apart sex

Applied by force, requires an effort to rush to the summit, collapses into a prolonged phase of recovery Dopamine levels peak and crash accordingly.
"Valley·orgasm" Unconventional
bonding sex

Non-orgasmic practice as taught by Taoists
Very peaceful, ecstatic, extended, merging experience, a state of non-attachment, deep union while exchanging Divine energy, cannot be forced upon Triggers no high-dopamine spurts


We understand people of normal sexuality to be those who have no sexual conflicts of any kind.
Sexual energy is divided into three distinct types.
          1. First: the energy having to do with the reproduction of the race and the health of the physical body in general.
          2. Second: the energy having to do with the spheres of thought, feeling and will.
          3. Third: the energy that is found related with the Divine Spirit of man.
Indeed, sexual energy is without a doubt the most subtle and powerful energy normally produced and transported through the human organism. Everything that a human being is, including the three spheres of thought, feeling and will, is none other than the exact outcome of distinct modifications of sexual energy.
Samael Aun Weor (1917-1977) Columbian founder of the Universal Christian Gnostic Movement, lecturer, author,
The Perfect Matrimony. Why Sex and Religion are Inseparable, essay Normal Sexuality, Glorian Publishing, 1950, 1. May 2012

Developmental stages of sexual union – Tao

Three Daoist types of integrating Yin and Yang
Expressing Divinity
Divine Mother
Quality of union
Type of integration of
Yin and Yang

Biblical commandment
Fertile reproductive valley Mother's womb
Ordinary intercourse
Biological impulse
Union of
sperm and egg

Be fruitful! Mortality

Fertile reproductive valleyBiological impulse
Male sex organ and
female sex organ

Ordinary intercourse
Sexual union
of mature male and female partners

Multiply! Mortality

Immeasurable heart
Allknowing mind
Inner being of the refined individual
Yin and Yang fired upward

Union of
spirit with spirit,
mind with mind,
every cell with every cell of both bodies
Angelic mutual cultivation
Practice of the integral way
Selfawareness without ego
Refining of gross energy
to subtle light energy
In the body, not attached to it

Calm, relaxed,
quiet, natural
Be stewards to the Earth!
Improved health,
Harmonized emotions,
Healing of addictions
Appeasing of negative impulses
Transcendent integration of the entire energy body
Mastery, Whole, virtuous
Mutual uplifting and transformation, bliss



Field for the
conception of higher life
Source: ► Wang Fou, taoist, author, Brian Walker, translator, Hua Hu Ching. The Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu,
verse 66, HarperOne, San Francisco, 1995, Harper Collins, revised edition 4. August 2009
See also:
Tables I and ► Lao Tzu and ► Consciousness-Tables and ► Virtue and ► Tao
Three Daoist types of Yin ∞ Yang integration and sacred sexuality and ► Quotes on Karezza


Three known brain researched stages of mating and bonding
༺༻ LoCExpressionRelationshipBrain chemical Legend
1. 145 Lust None Testosterone
  "These hormones get you out looking for anything."
Dr. Helen Fisher
2. 250 Attraction Short-term Monoamines:
Also activated by cocaine and nicotine
Triggers sweating, heart racing
Most important love chemical, may trigger temporary insanity
Love-struckness, losing appetite, needing less sleep, obsessive daydreaming about the new lover
3. 250 Attachment
Long-term Oxytocin
Released by the hypothalamus gland during intimate exchange, orgasm, child birth, breast feeding, builds strong bond between mother and child
Controls the kidneys [see also prairie vole]
Attachment is the bond that keeps couples with children together.
Reference: ► Archived article The Science of Love, presented by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), undated/archived

Variety of transcendent sexual experiences

Mystical sexuality in its diverse expression
Altered transcendent sexual experiences cannot be forced.
Those who have suffered severely from childhood trauma have a higher probability
of having nonordinary altered states of consciousness.
47%50%Merging with the partner Actual dissolving of each partner's bodies into the other but not with other physical objects in the locale is mentioned more frequently than any other.
38%29%Kundalini Many mystical experiencers refer to the serpent power that consists primarily of feeling particularly powerful energy fields (heat, light, being turned into liquid) based in and arising from the base of the spine.
32%26%Third presence An invisible intelligent force field which develops between the partners seemingly arises "from their mutuality." It seems like the Holy Ghost or a state of grace and produces beatific feelings.
25%25%Out-of-body experiences Characterized by surprise as one learns that they feel outside of their body. The view is usually from above one's body or it may be a change from the indoors to outdoors. Going through walls becomes a possibility. Most often this was felt after sex; not during or before.
21%24%Past lives Some believed to be reliving the lives of their ancestors. The visions and biographical elements were detailed.
22%13%One with nature The experiencer feels a sense of being united with all of creation, including all life forms and inaminate objects, such as planets, mountains and animals.
25%Only 3%Visions Other beings, other entities appear. Often they just felt a strong presence. 14% of the experiencers went beyond this and had actual visions. They were thought to be angels, demons or greater or lesser gods.
6%11%Clairsentience A feeling of suddenly becoming aware of an important truth, such as, having a profound insight or a spiritual or religious revelation. That is the origin of many new and old religions!
It is clearly descending understanding of the reason of existence; the purpose of one's
life, etc, but don't ask the experiencer to explain, as many of the truths cannot be put into
words. Yet some can and do write down their detailed revelations; they feel compelled
to do so.
8%5%Trepasso Seeing another head or succession of heads (perhaps, inhuman) on the lover's body.
6%5%Deity possession A feeling of being possessed by various deities; some evil, some good such as Jungian archetypals.
Source: ► Jenny Wade, Ph.D., US American developmental psychologist, researcher, lecturer, consultant,
Transcendent Sex. When Lovemaking Opens the Veil, Paraview Pocket, original edition 6. April 2004

Online study of sexual desire (2011) – Ogas and Gaddam

Alfred Kinsey's sexologic study at the Indiana University was supposed to systematically document the sexual interests of the average American during and after World War II. In the 1940s and the 1950s Kinsey surveyed 18,000 middle-class Caucasians at the Indiana University.
Exposed as a concealed pervert homosexist, Kinsey focussed on social engineering. His agenda was not on gathering genuine data on the sexual behavior of average American men and women. He published two groundbreaking books, representing the Kinsey Reports, on deviant, aberrant human sexual behavior:

Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, 1948, and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, 1953.


Combining online behavioral data (related to erotica, pornography, and other sexually-related materials) with cutting edge neuroscience Ogi Ogas and Sai Gaddam's online study of sexual desire 2011 comprises the analysis of a billion web searches, a million web sites, a million erotic videos, a million erotic stories, millions of personal ads, and tens of thousands
of digitized romance novels consumed by millions of unwitting anonymous Internet users.


Online study of the expressions of sexual desire of the genders 2011
Aspects      Men's sexual interests            Women's sexual interests      
General result The male sexual brain differs much more from the female sexual brain than is commonly believed.
Body and psycheWith men physical arousal and psychological arousal are united.Women's psychological arousal is
separated from their physical arousal.
Sexual patternsMen's sexual interests are formed
during adolescence and rarely change.
Women's sexual interests are dynamic, plastic
and change frequently throughout their lives.
80 and 60% of men are aroused by dominance cues.
20 and 40% of men are aroused by submission cues.
Most men prefer to play a dominant role in the bedroom.
80 and 60% of women are aroused by submission cues.
20 and 40% of women are aroused by dominance cues.
Most women prefer to play a submissive role in the bedroom.
Sexual brainThe male sexual brain resembles a reckless hunter.The female sexual brain resembles
a cautious detective agency.
Cues / StimuliThe male sexual brain can be aroused by a single stimulus.The female sexual brain requires multiple simultaneous stimuli ("all over the map") to become aroused.
Visual / ImaginaryMale arousal is 90% due to visual images.Women like stories.
Women enjoy writing and sharing erotic stories with other women.
Preferred themes: two heterosexual men having sex
Age preferenceThe majority of men prefer erotic images and videos featuring middle aged women (40s, 50s, and 60s). 
Figure preferenceMen prefer overweight women to underweight women
to get sexually aroused.
Gay menExcept preferring males, the sexual brain of gay men is virtually identical to that of straight men. 
Pornography98% of paid online pornography is watched by men.2% of paid online pornography is watched by women.
Ogi Jonathan Ogas (*1971) US American cognitive neuroscientist, Sainath Gaddam, M.D., Bachelor of Technology Boston University,
     A Billion Wicked Thoughts. What the World's Largest Experiment Reveals about Human Desire, Dutton Adult,
5. May 2011
Counter article:
Rethinking Ogas and Gaddam's 'A Billion Wicked Thoughts'. Does Internet porn reveal our sexual desires – or alter them?, presented
     by the US American publication Your Brain on Porn, Gary Wilson, US American science teacher, 26. July 2012
See also: ► Sexuality and ► ⚡ Kinsey's K-bomb unleashed "sexual liberation" brutalization and political control


"A feminism that approaches the bedroom on equal footing and then proceeds mutually through asymmetrical power roles would be a sexually healthy form of feminism. One that needs to maintain equal power roles in the bedroom would limit sexual satisfaction."
Ogi Jonathan Ogas (*1971) US American cognitive neuroscientist, author, cited in: article Feminism as the Anti-Viagra: Do Equal Rights in
Bed Kill the Mood?
, presented by the US American broadcasting corporation ABC News Medical Unit, Courtney Hutchison, 14. April 2011

Sexuality as imbued by the Old Testament

It is not good for the human being to be alone. Genesis 2, 18 (OT)

Coupling: Human are social beings and pair bonders by nature.


The Song of Solomon [Song of Songs] celebrates the physical intimacy between a man and a woman.

Celebration of intimacy and sex


So she [Sarah] laughed silently to herself and said, "How could a worn-out woman like me enjoy such pleasure,
especially when my master [my husband] is also so old?"
Genesis 18, 12 New Living Translation, 2007 (OT)

Sex and virility in old age: Abraham's menopausal wife Sarah contemplates having sex with her elder husband.


Adultery – concerning more than a third of modern populations – is held as a capital crime in the Old Testament.

Sexual infidelity: King Solomon was a bigamist. He had 700 wives and 300 concubines.


Sexual abuse defies that all human beings were created in the image and likeness of the divine. Sexual violence undermines extended families, societies and whole cultures. Also King David himself committed this crime. Revenge taken on the perpetrator of sexual abuse leads to more abuse, to war, to death.

Sexual abuse


Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned;
they did not help the poor and needy.
Ezekiel 16, 49 (OT)

Homosexuality vs. sexual violence (attempted rape): Genesis 19 claims that all male Sodomites sought to "know" i.e. have sex
with the two visitors [otherworldly beings]. In the story of Sodom and Gomorrah the prophet Ezekiel does not condemn Sodom for homosexuality but for pride, gluttony, and neglect and for failing to take care of the poor.

BW-Werte: Sexualität / Sexuality

BW-Werte der Sexualität – kalibriert von D. Hawkins

Sexualität in diversen Ausprägungen
Zwingend linear – unter BW 200: ohne Liebe, Wahrheit, Kraft
Integer linear – über BW 200: verbunden mit Liebe, Wahrheit, Kraft
Integer nichtlinear – über BW 500: wahre Liebe und Spiritualität
BW-Wert Sexbezogene Handlung / Thema
5Hersteller/Vertreiber Herstellung/Vertrieb von sadistischer Kinderpornografie5
14Zuhälter / Zuhälterei (Sexverkauf durch andere)6
35Sexueller Sadist / Sadismus7
60Sexuell motiviertes Stalking8
60Pornografie im Internet (mit Kindern)9
6510- 135Pädophilie
75Pornografie im Internet (für/mit Erwachsene/n)11
80Bestrebungen, Sexualkontakte zwischen Erwachsenen mit Jugendlichen zu liberalisieren/legalisieren
(See: United States: North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA)), seit 197812
95Neotantra, angeboten in Form von neuzeitlichen Gruppenseminaren
105Pornografie (als Aktmalerei)13
125Haltung der Katholischen Kirche zur Pädophilie katholischer Geistlicher14
135Polygame Sekten(strukturen)
145"Wahnsinnig" verliebt sein
145 Possessives sexuelles Begehren (Passion)
160Ehebruch – Sexuelles Fehlverhalten18
180Theologische Theorie über und die Haltung der röm.kath. Kirche zur Verhütung19
200 Anfang des Liebens
200 Diverse Sexpraktiken zur Gewährleistung des Überlebens und des Fortbestands der Spezies
200-499Liebe zu (einem) Partner/n/Mitmenschen in progressiv verlaufenden Übungsstadien (mit und/oder ohne Sex)
~205Menschlicher Körper20
205Empfängnisverhütung und Verhütungsmittel21
235Pro-Abtreibungs-Haltung (US-amerikanische Gesellschaft)22
250 Integer praktizierte Sexualität (Liebesakt)23
250Anti-Abtreibungs-Haltung (US-amerikanische Gesellschaft)25
265Gesetz zur Eheschließung unter Homosexuellen (im US-amerikanischen Staat Massachussetts)26
310 Playboy Magazin27
335Gesetz zur nichtehelichen Lebensgemeinschaft (US-amerikanisches Gesellschaftsleben)
405Gesellschaftlicher Status von Frauen/Kindern in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika28
425Gesellschaftlicher Status von Männern in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika29
500+Authentisches Lieben eines/mehrerer Mitmenschen eines/mehrerer Lebewesen und von Teilen der Schöpfung
515Buddhistisches Tantra
540+Bedingungslose Lieben aller Menschen aller Lebewesen sowie der gesamten Schöpfung
560+Mitgefühl ( Com-Passion)
Exzerptiert aus diversen Quellen:
► D. Hawkins, Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 94, 95, 104, 106, 122, 149, 181, 183, 188, 2005
► Audiointerview Ohne Titel, präsentiert von dem aufgelösten US-amerikanischen Webradiosender "Beyond the Ordinary",
     Gastgeberinnen Nancy Lorenz und Elena Young, Minute 54, 60 Minuten Dauer, gesendet 10. Juni 2003
See also: ► LoC calibrations on sexuality – D. Hawkins

Sexuality – LoC calibrations by D. Hawkins

Various expressions of sexuality and bonding

Force driven linear realm – Below LoC 200: Lacking power, truth, love
Integrous linear realm – Above LoC 200+: Associated with power, truth, love
Integrous nonlinear realm – Above LoC 500+: Expression of true love and spirituality
LoC Sex related action / Topic
5Sadist child pornographer/pornography30
14Pimp / pimping and pandering31
35Sexual sadist / sadism32
60(Sexually motivated) Stalking33
60Internet pornography (including children)34
6535- 135Pedophilia
75Internet pornography (adults)36
80Advocacy for liberalizing / legalizing sexual contact between adults and minors
(See US pedophile and pederasty organization: 'Man/Boy love'), since 197837
95Neotantra as offered in modern group seminars
105Nude painting (Pornography)38
125Attitude of the Catholic Church in regard to the pedophilia of their clergymen
135Polygamous i.e. polyamorous cult (structures)
145"Madly" fallen in love
145 Possessive sexual desire / covetousness (Passion)
160Adultery – Sexual misconduct41
180Theological theory of the attitude of the Catholic Church in regard to contraception
200 Beginning of learning to love
200 Various sexual practices to assure sustenance and survival of the species
200-499Learning to express love (for) a/more partner/s/fellow beings in progressively growing stages
(including and/or without sex)
~205Human body42
235Pro-abortion attitude / legalized abortion in the United States 44
250 Integrously practiced sexuality (lovemaking)45
250Anti-abortion attitude in the United States47
265Gay Marriage law (US American law in Massachussetts)48
310Playboy Magazine49
335Cohabitation / Common-law marriage (US American law)
405Position of women / children in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika50
425Position of men in the United States51
500+ True love / authentically loving one/more fellow humans/beings and parts of creation
515Buddhist tantra
540+Unconditional love / unconditionally loving all fellow humans/beings and parts of creation
560+Compassion ( com-Passion)
Excerpted from various sources such as:
Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 94, 95, 104, 106, 122, 149, 181, 183, 188, 2005
► Untitled audio interview, presented by the suspended US American web radio station "Beyond the Ordinary",
     hosts Nancy Lorenz and Elena Young, minute 54, 60 minutes duration, aired 10. June 2003

LoC calibrations (engl.): Sexuality

Downward spiral of pornography

  • LoC 310 – 'Playboy' magazine
  • LoC 105 – Nude painting (Stationary pornography)
  • LoC 80 – Advocacy for liberalizing / legalizing sexual contact between adults and minors
  • LoC 75 – Internet pornography movies (adults)
  • LoC 65-135 – Pedophilia
  • LoC 60 – Internet pornography movies (including children)
  • LoC 5 – Production, producer, actors of sadist child pornography movies

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins

  • Video Archival Office Visit Series Sexuality, A-4, end 1970s/early 1980s
    Sex and spiritual conflict (guilt, religion, programming, social belief systems)
    Low-energy and high-energy sex
    Overcoming impotence and lack of response
    Transcending desire so that one is not at the effect of it
    Sex and gender, Yin and Yang energies
    Owning one's "opposite" within oneself
    The love of sex, sexual energy of the love relationship
    Dysfunctional sexuality: a key to understanding the problem in the relationship, a projection of distorted self-image
    Does God approve of sex?
    Sex and age; does it get better the older one becomes?
  • Video Sedona Seminar Enlightenment, lecture 4, Poco Diablo Resort, 3 DVD set, August 2003

Extinguishing the tempting and triggering mental pictures


Links zum Thema Sexualität und Begehren / Sexuality


1. Besitz 2. Spiel 3. Macht 4. Herz 5. Reinigung 6. Licht 7. Gnade

Literature (engl.)

Book reviews
Sex in the Forbidden Zone – by Peter Rutter, and words on power in therapy, presented by Amanda Williamson, Exeter, Devon, 15. May 2013
Book Review: Sex in the Forbidden Zone By Peter Rutter, presented by the Wordpress site notsobigsociety, Phil Dore, 1. August 2015

Google excerpt: Peace Between the Sheets

Interviews with 91 people who spontaneously experienced transcendent awarenesses during sexual encounters

Review by Marnia Robinson, US American former corporate lawyer, researcher and author on ancient sacred-sex prescriptions,
Tantric Sex for Men, 12. November 2010

Externe Weblinks

Buchbesprechung von: Naomi Wolf (*1962) US-amerikanische Literaturwissenschaftlerin, politische Aktivistin, führende Sprecherin der Dritten Welle des Feminismus, Schriftstellerin, Vagina. Eine Geschichte der Weiblichkeit, Rowohlt-Verlag, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 2. Mai 2013

Linklose Artikel

  • Interview mit Jose Cabezon, Schwul/Hetero, Mann/Frau, Selbst/Anderer. Was hätte wohl der Buddha zur Schwulen- und Lesben-
    befreiung zu sagen gehabt?
    , präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Amy Edelstein, Ausgabe 11, Oktober 2003
  • Artikel Frauen, die mit ihren Gurus schlafen […] und warum sie es gerne tun, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Jessica Roemischer, US-amerikanische Pianistin, Komponistin, Lehrerin, Autorin, Ausgabe 14, Herbst
  • Artikel Warum ziehen sich Liebende nach dem Sex voreinander zurück?, präsentiert von der aufgelösten Reuniting.info, Marnia Robinson, US-amerikanische ehemalige Firmenanwältin, Autorin zu der Thematik heiliger Sex, 20. Oktober 2006
  • Artikel Der Coolidge-Effekt, präsentiert von der aufgelösten Webseite Reuniting.info, Marnia Robinson, US-amerikanische ehemalige Firmenanwältin, Autorin zu der Thematik heiliger Sex, 21. Oktober 2006

External web links (engl.)

  • Wikipedia entries Erototoxin notional addictive chemical claimed to be released in the brain from looking at pornography, Freud's seduction theory Sigmund Freud posited this hypothesis in the mid-1890s and covered up his abandonment of this theory until 1906., Oedipus complex, Sexuality
  • Personalities

The nympheon (bridal room) described by The Gospel of Philip

ArticSexual coercion and the misperception of sexual intent, presented by the academic journal Clinical Psychology Review, volume 28,
issue 1, S. 48-66, January 2008

Removed articles by Marnia Robinson

  • Article by Marnia Robinson, US American former corporate lawyer, researcher, author on ancient sacred-sex prescriptions, Bonding Behaviors, PDF, presented by reuniting.info, undated
  • Blog article by Marnia Robinson, US American former corporate lawyer, researcher, author on ancient sacred-sex prescriptions, Into the Realm of Bliss and Wholeness, presented by reuniting.info, 11. May 2005
  • Blog article by Marnia Robinson, US American former corporate lawyer, researcher, author on ancient sacred-sex prescriptions, The Big 'O' Isn't Orgasm, presented by reuniting.info, 23. June 2005
  • Blog article by Marnia Robinson, US American former corporate lawyer, researcher and author on ancient sacred-sex prescriptions, Sexologists of the Past, 14. July 2005

Three sages who advised the middle path of lovemaking – Lao Tzu, Jesus, and A.B. Stockham, MD.

  • Blog article by Gary Wilson, US American science teacher, Studies expand oxytocin's role beyond 'cuddle hormone' ,
    presented by reuniting.info, 15. November 2010
  • Blog article by Marnia Robinson, US American former corporate lawyer, researcher, author on ancient sacred-sex prescriptions, Will Orgasms Keep You in Love? A steady drip of oxytocin may help sustain relationship harmony., presented by reuniting.info,
    1. November 2011

Audio- und Videolinks

Audio and video links (engl.)

Physical body (Life); subtle body (Light); causal body (Emptiness)

  • Dr. Lana Holstein and Dr. David Taylor, US America sexexperts, The Seven Dimensions of Love, YouTube film, 1:22 minutes duration, posted 14. March 2007

1. Biology, 2. Sensuality, 3. Desire / Mating, 4. Heart Love / Commitment, 5. Intimacy / Trust / Truth, 6. Appreciation / Revealing Radiance
7. Ecstasy / God Union

  • Video TV interview with Judith Reisman, Ph.D. (1935-2021) US American professor of communications, social critic of the work and legacy of Alfred Kinsey, president of the Institute for Media Education, cultural conservative author, Sexual Sabotage, presented by the Book TV, produced by the US American cable television network C-SPAN, recorded at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, 10:05 minutes duration, posted 9. April 2012
  • Video presentation by Jeanice Barcelo, US American sociologist, educator, birth activist, whistleblower, Pornography and the Deliberate Manipulation of Human Sexuality, presented by conference "Free Your Mind", Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 4. April 2016, Bitchute film, 1:12:46 duration, posted 22. October 2017

Deliberate and methodical manipulation of human sexuality during the 20th century. Beginning with the Rockefeller-funded "research" of professor Alfred Kinsey, a known sadomasochist and pedophile, and continuing on with the introduction of pornography which now saturates the world and
has been moved into kindergarten, classrooms. Children, relationships, and the human ability to love is under direct assault.

  • Audiobook (extract) presentation/narration by Barry Long (1926-2003) Australian spiritual teacher, tantra teacher, press secretary, editor, writer, Making Love – Sexual Love the Divine Way, issued 2020, YouTube film, 45:47 minutes duration, posted 13. Decem-
    ber 2022
  • Audio podcast by Barry Long (1926-2003) Australian spiritual teacher, tantra teacher, press secretary, editor, writer, Transforming sex into love, presented by the Australian Podcasts, The Barry Long Podcast, 1:30:37 duration, aired 9. October 2023

Linkless media offerings

  • Video presentation by Helen Fisher, Ph.D. (*1945) Canadian-American research professor of biological anthropology, human behavior researcher, Center for Human Evolutionary Studies, Rutgers University, expert on romantic love, chief scientific advisor to Chemistry.com, Find out why we're addicted to love, presented by The Science Network (TSN), co-founding director and host Roger Bingham (*1948) British science communicator, writer, public television producer, 1:54:00 duration, 9. June 2006
    "Romantic love is not an emotion, but a drive."
  • Audio interview with David M. Buss, Ph.D. (*1953) US American professor of psychology, University of Texas, Austin, evolutionary psychology researcher on human sex differences in mate selection, author, Evolved Sexuality, presented by the dissolved platform Culture Snob, 26. October 2006

Overturned myths of social sciences during Buss' research:
1. Universality of the sex differences between men and women.
2. Importance placed on love as a human universal in longterm mate selection.
3. Ubiquity of sexual conflict.

  • Video TV interview with Daniel Amen, M.D. (*1954) US American physician, child and adult neuropsychiatrist, medical director
    of the Amen Clinic, self-help advisor, lecturer, author, Amen Clinic for Behavioral Medicine, Sex on the Brain, presented by the
    US American commercial broadcast television network NBC, YouTube film, 5:36 minutes duration, posted 17. October 2007
  • Video interview with Colin Ross, M.D. (*1950) Canadian psychiatrist, trauma expert, president of the International Society for
    the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (1993-1994), researcher, lecturer, author, Homosexuality was a Mental Disorder until the
    80s! Gender Identity & Psychiatry
    , presented by Psychetruth, host-correspondent Corrina Rachel, YouTube film, 19:28 minutes duration, posted 25. July 2013
  • Video interview with Eve Lorgen, US American UFO/alien abduction researcher, consultant in anomalous trauma, hypnothe-
    rapist, coach, author, Paranormal Romance, presented by the independent webcast Freeman TV, host Freeman, film maker,
    TV producer, radio talk show host, lecturer, author, YouTube film, 55:21 minutes duration, posted 9. March 2015
    The nefarious agenda (to manifest the New World Order) of interdimensional entities requires them to feed off of the sexual potency of humans.

Audio and video links (engl.) – Marnia Robinson

Audios and videos by and with Marnia Robinson, US American former corporate lawyer, researcher and author on ancient sacred-sex prescriptions
TypeOfferingTitle ♦ Sponsor ♦ LocationDuration
Release date
Removed videoPresentationThe Hidden Factor in Relationship Disharmony, presented by Reuniting.info43:2615. February 2009
YouTube videoPresentationHealing with Sexual Relationships9:1810. May 2009
Removed audioInterview[MP3, presented by Jefferson Public Radio, program Jefferson Exchange, host Keith Hente13:533. June 2009
Removed audioInterviewCupid's Poisoned Arrow: From Habit to Harmony in Sexual Relationships, presented by the web radio station Psychjourney, host Deborah Harper36:317. July 2009
Removed audioInterviewDo Orgasms Lead to Divorce?, MP3, presented by the dissolved Energy Talk Radio, program "Divorce Guru", host Kim Hess54:5624. November 2009
Removed audioInterviewCupid's Poisoned Arrow. From Habit to Harmony in Sexual Relationships, presented by the US American web radio station KBOO, Portland, program Pathway Radio, host Tom Park27:1114. February 2010
AudioInterviewOvercoming The Monogamy Challenge, MP3, presented by the web broadcast Stay Happily Married, host Lee Rosen25:5214. June 2010
AudioInterviewKarezza/Sex and Bonding–Interview with Marnia Robinson, presented by the dissolved podcast "Joyful, Authentic Living", host David Pittle28:3415. January 2011
TV YouTube videoInterviewWhat Really Bonds is Less Orgasms and More Intercourse, presented by the MaxVanPraagTV, program Love & Sex Talk, episode 24, host Max J. Van Praag, Bliss Productions, San Rafael, California27:1727. December 2012
TV YouTube videoInterview From Habit To Harmony In Sexual Relationships – Cupid's Poisoned Arrow – Marnia Robinson, presented by YouTube channel Unconventional Living, host Dman41:112. May 2015
AudioInterviewHow Orgasms Are Hurting Your Relationship (and how to fix it), presented by the web broadcast program Relationship Alive, host Neil Sattin1:01:2822. September 2015
YouTube video
InterviewCupid’s Poisoned Arrow: From Habit to Harmony in Sexual Relationships
Marnia Robinson: Cupids Poisoned Arrow
, presented by the Pathwaves Show, host Tom Park
2. March 2016
22. May 2016
YouTube audioInterviewHow Orgasms Are Hurting Your Relationship (and how to fix it), episode 05, presented by Relationship Alive!, host Neil Sattin1:01:3017. August 2016

Neither John Gray (waiting it out in the cave) nor Dr. Ruth Westheimer (firing it up) can offer a viable solution to 14 days of neurochemical hangover (mood swings) in the limbic system past the big O.
"Events occurring in the brain when we are in love have similarities with mental illness."  Source BBC
"Love is an amalgam of seemingly incompatible and ungovernable mood swings."  Frank Tallis (*1958) British clinical psychologist, specialized on OCD, author
The situation is complicated by the fact that orgasm itself creates a drug-like high.  Gert Holstege, Dutch scientist, Brain activation during human male ejaculation, presented by the free MEDLINE database PubMed, 8. October 2003 [This was observed, while viewing scans of men ejaculating. The brain scans of men ejaculating are comparable to the brain scans of people shooting heroin.]

YouTube videoReviewCupid's Poisoned Arrow – Marnia Robinson (Karezza), presented by the platform The Way Within35:3423. May 2019

Audio and video links (engl.) – Leonard Shlain

  • Video presentation by Leonard Shlain, M.D. sextimeandpower.com (1937-2009) US American associate professor of surgery, UC San Francisco, chairman of laparoscopic surgery, researcher, author of Art and Physics, The Alphabet vs. the Goddess, Sex, Time, and Power, Sex, Time and Power, YouTube film, 49:48 minutes duration, posted 1. November 2012

Due to profound alterations in female sexuality the big-brained Homo sapiens suddenly emerged 150,000 years ago.

  • Video presentation by Leonard Shlain, M.D. sextimeandpower.com (1937-2009) US American chairman of laparoscopic surgery, associate professor of surgery, UC San Francisco, researcher, writer, "The Big O", YouTube film, 53:56 minutes duration, posted 1. November 2012

Women want iron to cover their menstrual blood loss – Humans spent 99% of their experience as hunters/gatherers (tribes consisted of 150-225 persons; hunting parties consisted of 9-12 men in their prime) – Female Orgasm – G-Spot as the antedote to birth pain – Humans exhibit the most expressive homosexuality for an extra supply of aunts and uncles to help raising children in a village – Youth, health and beauty [subcutaneous fat, pheromenes] most attracts men to women

Linkless media offerings

  • Audio interview with Leonard Shlain, M.D. sextimeandpower.com (1937-2009) US American chairman of laparoscopic surgery, associate professor of surgery, UC San Francisco, researcher, writer of Art and Physics, The Alphabet vs. the Goddess, Sex, Time, and Power, Leonard Shlain Interview, University of Toronto’s CIUT, presented by the US American web radio station Massive Change, host Jennifer Leonard, 54:24 minutes duration, aired 7. October 2003

Topic: evolution of female sexuality and its relationship to both the human brain and size of the female pelvis, the difference between Western and Eastern notions of time, and the difference between our current visual culture and previous text-based cultures

Audio and video links (engl.) – Sex addiction – Patrick Carnes

  • Video workshop for therapists by Patrick Carnes, Ph.D. C.A.S. drpatrickcarnes.com (*1944) leading US American sex addiction specialist and therapist on "addictive society, sex addiction, Internet porn", Minneapolis, creator of the International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals (ITAAP), author, Why Treatment Works, YouTube film, 40:53 minutes duration, posted 24. March 2017

Audio and video links (engl.) – Internet pornography addiction – Gail Dines

Social and cultural impact of pornography in American society. Boys first view porn at the average age of 11.5 years resulting in an unhealthy understanding of sexuality.

  • Video interview with Gail Dines, US American professor of sociology and women's studies, Wheelock College, Boston, anti-pornography campaigner, The pitfalls of porn, presented by the international state-funded 24-hour English-language news
    TV channel Al Jazeera English, host Riz Khan, YouTube film, 22:33 minutes duration, posted 16. September 2010

The global reach of explicit pornography creates addicts, desensitizes men and degrades, debases, dehumanizes and objectifies women.

Audio and video links (engl.) – Internet pornography addiction – Gary Wilson et al.

  • Video documentation on Pornography addiction, a health hazard that western culture, written and directed by Jonathan Schneider, YouTube film, posted 2007

Internet pornography is NOT harmless. Interviews with sociologists, psychologists, scientists and law enforcement officials detail the negative
side effects of pornography consumption.

  • Animated video series by Gary Wilson, US American science teacher, presented by BodyWisdomVideos, YouTube animation, posted 6. June 2010

Discussing the relationship between pornography and brain circuits

Discussing the physiology of erections, ED, virtual overstimulation, recovery from Internet porn

"Love is an addiction based on porn."

Wilson explains the science behind the effects of pornography on the brain and body, how addiction is developed, and the widely published! misleading idea of "perceived addiction."

Linkless media offering

  • Full audiobook by Gary Wilson, US American science teacher, Your Brain on Porn, 4:58:25 duration, posted 5. July 2021


Interne Links

Englisch Hawkins


Englisch Wiki



1 Energieraubende Emotionen

2 See Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique, published 1963. This book made known the term "sexism" known to the public debate and as a consequence issued laws to strenghten women's position in society

3 Article Your Brain on Sex, presented by the removed website reuniting.info, Marnia Robinson, US American former corporate lawyer, researcher and author on ancient sacred-sex prescriptions, 25. June 2005

4 Quotes on Karezza

5 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 183, 2005

6 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 188, 2005

7 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 183, 2005

8 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 183, 2005

9 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 181, 2005

10 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 183, 2005

11 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 181, 2005

12 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, 2005

13 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 104, 2005

14 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 337, 2005

15 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 337, 2005

16 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 95, 2005

17 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 95, 2005

18 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 106, 2005

19 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 337, 2005

20 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 94, 2005

21 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 94, 337, 2005

22 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 149, 2005

23 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 95, 2005

24 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 106, 2005

25 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 149, 2005

26 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 149, 2005

27 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 122, 2005

28 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 95, 2005

29 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 95, 2005

30 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 183, 2005

31 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 188, 2005

32 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 183, 2005

33 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 183, 2005

34 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 181, 2005

35 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 183, 2005

36 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 181, 2005

37 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, 2005

38 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 104, 2005

39 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 181, 2005

40 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 95, 2005

41 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 106, 2005

42 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 94, 2005

43 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 94, 2005

44 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 149, 2005

45 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 95, 2005

46 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 106, 2005

47 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 149, 2005

48 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 149, 2005

49 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 122, 2005

50 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 95, 2005

51 Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 95, 2005

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