
Wiki / DieGroessteAngst

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Leuchtkraft der Kinder Gottes



Vom Sonnenlicht erleuchtete Wolke


Die größte Angst – Marianne Williamson

          Die größte Angst          




Unsere größte Angst ist nicht, unzulänglich zu sein.
Unsere größte Angst besteht darin, unermesslich mächtig zu sein.
Unser Licht, nicht unsere Dunkelheit, ängstigt uns am meisten.
Wir fragen uns, wer bin ich überhaupt,
um strahlend, bezaubernd, begnadet und phantastisch sein zu dürfen?
Wer bist du denn, dass du das nicht sein darfst?
Du bist ein Kind Gottes.
Es dient der Welt nicht, wenn du dich klein machst.
Sich herabzusetzen, nur damit unsere Mitmenschen sich nicht verunsichert fühlen,
hat nichts mit Erleuchtung zu tun.
Uns allen ist es bestimmt, wie Kinder zu strahlen.
Wir wurden geboren, um die Herrlichkeit Gottes in uns zu verwirklichen.
Es ist nicht nur in einigen Menschen, sondern in jedem von uns.
Und wenn wir unser Licht leuchten lassen,
geben wir damit anderen unwillkürlich die Erlaubnis, dasselbe zu tun.
Wenn wir losgelöst sind von unserer eigenen Angst,
wird unsere Anwesenheit andere befreien – ganz ohne unser Zutun.




Quelle: ► Marianne Williamson (*1952) US-amerikanische visionäre spirituelle Lehrerin, politische Aktivistin, Referentin, Autorin,
Rückkehr zur Liebe. Harmonie, Lebenssinn und Glück durch "Ein Kurs in Wundern", Kapitel 7 über die persönliche Macht,
3. Abschnitt, [1992] Goldmann Verlag, 24. September 2004
Referenz: ► Deutsch synchronisierter Filmausschnitt von Coach Carter, Unsere größte Angst,
YouTube Film, 0:56 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 27. April 2008
Siehe auch: ► Angst und ► Ein Kurs in Wundern und ► Echtheit undZu schwer zu kontrollieren – Wangari Maathai


Achtung: Die mittlerweile aufgelöste Webseite LS Publishing startete mit obigem Zitat ein Internet-Gerücht, demzufolge der südafrikanische Präsident Nelson Mandela es in seiner Amtsantrittsrede am 10. Mai 1994 in Pretoria verwendet haben soll.
♦◊♦ Marianne Williamson erklärte in einem Webradio-Interview mit Ken Wilber ~2007, dass ihr mithilfe des Internets berühmt
gewordenes Zitat Unsere größte Angst bei keinem Anlass jemals von Nelson Mandela verwendet worden ist.

Zitate von Marianne Williamson

  • Bis wir nicht die dunkle Seite eines Menschen kennen gelernt haben, wissen wir nicht wirklich, wer er ist.
    Bis wir ihm nicht seine dunkle Seite verziehen haben, wissen wir nicht wirklich, was Liebe ist.
Marianne Williamson (*1952) US-amerikanische visionäre spirituelle Lehrerin, politische Aktivistin, Referentin, Autorin,
Illuminata. A Return to Prayer, Riverhead Trade, 1. November 1995

Englische Texte – English section on The deepest fear

Our deepest fear – Marianne Williamson

          Our deepest fear          




Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness
that most frightens us.1
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people
won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God
that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we're liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.


Sources featuring Marianne Williamson (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, political activist, visionary, lecturer, author,
Our Deepest Fear by Marianne Williamson, presented by Goodreads Quotable Quote, undated
A Return To Love. Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles", chapter 7 "Personal Power", section 3, Harper Collins, 1992
► Video interview Oprah's Favorite Passage from A Return to Love, presented by Harpo Studios, program "Oprah's Lifeclass", full episode
     of the US American daytime self-help talk show Super Soul Sunday, host Oprah Winfrey (*1954) US American actress, visionary,
     billionaire, philanthropist, 3:22 minutes duration
[*] , aired 29. July 2012
See also: ► A Course in Miracles and ► Too hard to control – Wangari Maathai


Caution: This quote has become famous by an unconfirmed rumour distributed via the Internet (first launched by
the meanwhile terminated website LS Publishing) according to which the South African president Nelson Mandela
(1918-2013) had referenced it in his inaugural address in Pretoria on May 10th, 1994.
► Statement 'Deepest fear' quote not Mr Mandela's. US author Ms Marianne Williamson's words often
wrongly attributed
, presented by Nelson Mandela Digital Archive nelsonmandela.org, 9. November 2007

[*] It is an odd urban myth. And I have no idea where it came from. Marianne Williamson, Minute 6:29 and 6:57
The famous quote Our deepest fear has NEVER been mentioned by Nelson Mandela at any occasion.
Audio interview with Marianne Williamson, host ⚡Ken Wilber, ~2007

Quotes by Marianne Williamson and Nelson Mandela

  • There is a difference between romance and love. Often the true path of love begins only when romance has begun to taper off, for love is the capacity to see light when darkness has begun to eclipse it. Love is easy when romance still lights everything in shades of pink, when the experience of a relationship is like the canvas of a sweet Impressionistic painting. Once the reality of our wounding reveals the darkness still lurking in all of us, romance might die, while true love does not. Marianne Williamson (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, political activist, visionary, lecturer, author, Illuminata. A Return to Prayer, Riverhead Trade, 1. November 1995


  • Until we have seen someone's darkness, we don't really know who they are.
    Until we have forgiven someone's darkness, we don't really know what love is. Marianne Williamson (*1952) US Ameri-
    can spiritual teacher, political activist, visionary, lecturer, author, Illuminata. A Return to Prayer, Riverhead Trade, 1. November 1995


  • We enter into a covenant that we shall build the society in which all South Africans, both black and white, will be able
    to walk tall, without any fear in their hearts, assured of their inalienable right to human dignity – a rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world. Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) leading South African anti-apartheid activist, prisoner for 27 years during apartheid, first black president of South Africa (1994-1999), Inaugural Address, Pretoria, South Africa, 10. May 1994


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Marianne Williamson

Courage to stand up for one's beliefs

Briefly before the US American speaker and bestselling author Marianne Williamson was about to start her lecture she was informed:

"First Lady Laura Bush is among the audience."

Williamson wondered if she would bog down or give her speech regarding her view on then current US president George W. Bush's politics whatsoever.
She decided to honor her stance even when facing an awkward situation.
She took care to refrain from personally demonizing the sitting President Bush or embarrassing his wife in public.


At the end of her talk shortly before shaking hands she was about to say to Laura Bush that she felt sorry, if she had offended her in any way. Laura Bush stopped her before she could open her mouth and repeated twice,

"You did great. You did great."


Source: ► Removed video presentation by Marianne Williamson (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, political activist, visionary, lecturer, author, Marianne Williamson – CMED guest 2006, part 7 of 7, presented by Myss Free Media, 1:00 minute duration, posted January 2006
See also: ► Courage to stand up for one's beliefs in the face possible embarrassment
Siehe auch: ► Mut, in einer prekären Lage die eigene Überzeugung vorzutragen


Links zum Thema Die größte Angst / The biggest fear


Literature (engl.)

External web links (engl.)

Audio and video links (engl.)

  • Video interview Oprah's Favorite Passage from A Return to Love, presented by Harpo Studios, program "Oprah's Lifeclass",
    full episode of the US American daytime self-help talk show Super Soul Sunday, host Oprah Winfrey (*1954) US American actress, visionary, billionaire, philanthropist, 3:22 minutes duration excerpted from deleted full episode 42:29 minutes duration,
    aired 29. July 2012


Interne Links

Englisch Wiki




1 Do not allow people to dim your shine because they are blinded. Tell them to put on some sunglasses, cuz we were born this way, bitch! Lady Gaga

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