
Wiki / EinKursInWundern

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Problematische Buchserie / Problematic book series

Ein Kurs in Wundern (EKiW)
Textbuch, Übungsbuch, Handbuch für Lehrer, 1976



cc by denkrahm

Nichts Wirkliches kann bedroht werden.
Nichts Unwirkliches existiert.
Hierin liegt der Frieden GOTTES.

Ein Kurs in Wundern [EKiW] Textbuch,
Einleitung, 1994, 1996

"Zuträglicher" Kult



Ein Kurs in Wundern
Greuthof, Gutach i. Br., Deutschland 1994
Übersetzung Margarethe Tesch, Franchita Cattani

Enthält die drei Bände /Hardcover):

  1. Textbuch (672 Seiten)
  2. Übungsbuch (489 Seiten)
  3. Handbuch für Lehrer (100 Seiten)

ISBN 3-923662-18-1


Originalausgabe (englisch):
A Course in Miracles – Text, Workbook for Students, Manual for Teachers
Foundation for Inner Peace, Mill Valley, California, 2nd edition 1992
Hardcover: ISBN 0-9606388-9-X
Softcover: ISBN 0-9606388-8-1
Paperback: ISBN 1-883360-17-X


Die Erstveröffentlichung (first edition) von A Course in Miracles erfolgte 1976, damals noch in drei einzelnen Bänden.
Die deutsche Übersetzung basiert auf der zweiten Ausgabe (second edition).


Nach Angaben des Greuthof Verlags wurde Ein Kurs in Wundern über 1,7 Millionen Mal verkauft in dem Zeitraum 1976 bis 2004.


Ein Kurs in Wundern, A Course in Miracles, ACIM sowie EKIW sind eingetragene Marken.


Aufgrund seiner hohen Verbreitung wird in referenzierenden Texten häufig abkürzend von dem Kurs gesprochen.

Beschreibung von Ein Kurs in Wundern

Der Kurs in Wundern besteht aus drei Teilen.

  1. Das Textbuch (Grundlagenbuch) ist die (alte/neue) Lehre von Jesu. Es bietet grundlegendes Wissen, Hintergründe und Erklärungen an. Schwerpunkte: Nichtdualität, Vergebung, Sühne, Reich Gottes und Wahrnehmung. Es wird dabei ein
    dem Kurs spezifisches Verständnis dieser Begriffe gegeben.
  2. Das Übungsbuch ist eine praktische Anwendung der Lehre im Selbststudium mit 365 Übungen. Da maximal eine Übung pro Tag empfohlen wird, ist das Übungsbuch auf mindestens ein Jahr Selbststudium ausgelegt.
  3. Das Handbuch ist für EKiW-Lehrer gedacht.


Der über 1000 Seiten umfassende Longseller, in der Regel kurz Kurs genannt, zählt seit seiner Erstauflage 1976 in den Ver-
einigten Staaten von Amerika wohl zu den meist verkauften christlich-spirituellen Büchern der letzten Jahrzehnte. Weltweit wur-
den seither über 1,7 Millionen Exemplare in mittlerweile 14 Sprachen verkauft.


Der Kurs ist nicht identisch mit der konsensuellen Lehre der etablierten christlichen Kirchen. Für diese ist allein schon die Aus-
sage, dass der Kurs von dem historischen Jesus von Nazareth diktiert worden sei, inakzeptabel. EKiW löst teils Kontroversen und Auseinandersetzungen aus, so wie es in der bisherigen Menschheitsgeschichte fast ausnahmslos der Fall gewesen ist, wenn etwas Neues das Etablierte "bedroht", da es Veränderungen beinhaltet.


Erneuerung ist gerade bei lange etablierten Lehren sinnvoll, da sie durch menschliche Fehler häufig von der ursprünglichen Lehre abgewichen, verfälscht oder verwaschen worden sind. Im Kurs wird darauf hingewiesen, dass er für Individuen geschrie-
ben worden ist und nicht als Heilige Schrift einer neuen Kirche verstanden werden möchte. Damit wurde die Frage im Vorhin-
ein beantwortet, ob der Kurs eine Erneuerung des Christentum bedeutet. Einzelnen ist es möglich, ihre Einstellung zu erneuern
und zu erweitern oder eben nicht.


Ein Kurs in Wundern ist ein stilles Werk, das kein großes Aufhebens von sich macht. Wer dieses Werk zu lesen beginnt, dem wird schon bald offenbar, dass es einen in sich hohen Anspruch hat. Und wer sich darauf einlässt, den Kurs an sich zu erfah-
und erst hinterher zu studieren, wird eine deutlich transformative Wirkung bemerken.


Dr. David Hawkins, der 14 Jahre lang selbst ein Lehrer des "Kurses" in Sedona war, testete die EKiW-Bücher kurz nach deren Entstehen, anhand der von ihm entwickelten Bewusstseinsskala. Das Textbuch kalibriert bei Bewusstseinswert 550, das Arbeits-
buch bei Bewusstseinswert 600. Der gemessene Unterschied von 50 Bewusstseinspunkten zwischen dem EKiW-Lehrbuch (Textbuch) und dem EKiW-Arbeitsbuch führt Hawkins darauf zurück, dass im Textbuch tendenziell die Denkposition des Egos vertreten ist. Das Ego wird etwas dämonisiert.


Quelle: ► David R. Hawkins, Discovery of the Presence of God, S. 185, 2007; Hingabe an Gott, S. 203, 2009

⚡ Geschichtlicher Hintergrund von Ein Kurs in Wundern

Als 56-Jährige begann die Agnostikerin und Forschungspsychologin Dr. Helen Schucman (1909-1981) den Kurs in Wundern (EKiW) zu channeln und zu transkribieren, wobei sie sich über Jahre jedem Schritt des Wegs widersetzte.


Dr. Helen Schucman

Der Kurs erhebt keinen Anspruch darauf, ein endgültiges Werk zu sein. Des Wei-
teren wird schon einleitend betont, dass EKiW nur eine Ausgabe des universellen
Lehrplans neben vielen anderen sei, die letztendlich allesamt zu GOTT führten.
Auf S. xvi des Vorwortes von EKiW wird darauf hingewiesen, dass der Kurs nicht
als Grundlage einer weiteren Kultbewegung zu verstehen ist, wiewohl sich Stim-
men erhoben haben, die das, was die Bücher ausgelöst haben, zu den neuen religiösen Bewegungen zählen.


Um einem möglichen Personenkult vorzubeugen, wurden die Namen des Mediums Helen Schucman und ihres Unterstützers William Thetford, Ph.D. (1923-1988)1 nicht als Autoren auf dem Bucheinband erwähnt. Beide waren zur Entstehungszeit des Kurses Professorenkollegen im Fach der klinischen Psychologie an der medi-
zinischen Fakultät der Columbia-Universität in New York.


Als Psychologin und Pädagogin, konservativ, was die Theorie anging, und in Glaubensfragen atheistisch, arbeitete ich in einem sehr angesehenen und hochgradig akademischen Rahmen. […] Auch wenn ich mich inzwischen etwas besser an das Unerwartete gewöhnt hatte, war ich dennoch äußerst erstaunt, als ich niederschrieb: "Dies ist ein Kurs in Wundern." So wurde ich mit der STIMME bekannt. Sie war tonlos, schien mir aber eine Art schnelles inneres Diktat zu geben, das ich in einem Stenoheft aufzeichnete. […] Es versetzte mich zwar in gro-
ßes Unbehagen, aber mir kam nie ernsthaft in den Sinn, damit aufzuhören. Es schien ein besonderer Auftrag zu sein, den ich irgendwie, irgendwo auszuführen eingewilligt hatte.
Dr. Helen Schucman (1909-1981) US-amerikanische Professorin für medizinische Psychologie, Schreibmedium des Werks Ein Kurs in Wundern, Vorwort von »Ein Kurs in Wundern«, 1975


        Zeitspur des CIA-Agenten William Thetford       
Das Buch und die Bewegung von "Ein Kurs in Wundern" ist sowohl ein Projekt der Bewusstseinskontrolle als eines der neuen geplanten Religionen zur Förderung der NEUEN WELTORDNUNG, wofür der US-amerikanische Geheimdienst CIA in Fortsetzung der Bewusstseinskontroll-Experimente der NAZI-Ärzte vorwiegend in den 60iger/70iger Jahren arbeitet/e.
༺༻ZeitraumHistorisches Ereignis
1.1951-1953 Thetford arbeitete für das Projekt BLUEBIRD, ein früheres CIA-Bewusstseinskontrolle-Programm, das zu dem infamen MKUltra Projekt geführt hat.
2.1954-1955 Thetford war Director der Abteilung für klinische Psychologie des Institute of Living in Hartford, Connecticut.
3.1955-1957 Thetford war Assistenzprofessor der Psychologie der CIA-unterstützten "Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology", Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
4.1965-1972 Als CIA-Agent war Thetford möglicherweise Dr. Helen Schucmans Agentenführer, der ihre medialen Durchsagen für "Ein Kurs in Wundern" überwachte. Schucman befürchtete, dass EKiW sich als Kult erweisen würde.
5.1971-1978 Zusammen mit David Saunders leitete William Thetford das CIA-Bewusstseinskontrolle MKULTRA Unterprojekt 130 "Persönlichkeitstheorie".
6.Juni 1976 Autorisierte Veröffentlichung der ersten drei Bücher des "Kurses" in drei gebundenen Bänden
"It seems Dr. Thetford had ties with the CIA and was working on Project BLUEBIRD, which was later rolled over into the MK ULTRA Project. MK ULTRA was a program focused on mind control, it was created in the 1950s by the CIA with the goal to learn ways to manipulate people's mental states, alter brain function and create Manchurian Candidates (mindless assassins) often through the use of drugs and hypnosis. Under the MK ULTRA umbrella there were over a hundred sub projects from the 1950s well into the 1970s and Thetford worked on "Personality Theory", subproject 130."
Victoria Hardy, presented by American Chronicle, 20. December 2007, cited in: Randall Sullivan, The Miracle Detective. An Investigative Reporter Sets Out to Examine How the Catholic Church Investigates Holy Visions, S. 580, Grove/Atlantic, 1. December 2007


Das EKiW-Arbeitsbuch statuiert, dass EKiW-Schüler alles "verlernen" müssen, was sie zu wissen glauben und sich der EKiW-"Umerziehung" anheimgeben. Ihnen wird empfohlen, sich ausschließlich mit der EKiW-Literatur zu beschäftigen
und auf die Auseinandersetzung mit anderen Lehren zu verzichten.


Nach zweijähriger quälender Depression starb Dr. Schucman einen jämmerlichen Tod. Sie verfluchte die EKiW-Bände, die sie selbst gechannelt hatte.

"Ich hasse dieses verdammte Buch." Dr. Helen Schucman (1909-1981) US-ameri-
kanische Professorin für medizinische Psychologie, Schreibmedium des Werks Ein Kurs in Wundern, 1975, Gespräch mit ihrer Vertrauensperson Benedict J. Groeschel, C.F.R. (1933-2014) US-amerikanischer franziskanisch-katholischer Priester, Psychologe, zitiert in: Blogartikel von Dr. Timothy Conway, A Brief Critical Analysis of A Course in Miracles, ACIM [Kurzanalyse von Ein Kurs in Wundern], präsentiert von Enlightened Spirituality, 2007



Geschrieben im Hinblick auf seine Freundin und ehemalige Lehrerin Dr. Helen Schucman

Groeschel schlussfolgerte, dass EKiW – das den Anspruch stellte, das dritte Buch der Bibel zu sein – von einer diabolischen Wesenheit stammen könnte.

Diese Frau, die so wortgewaltig [in EKiW] geschrieben hat, dass das Leiden tatsäch-
lich nicht existiere, verbrachte die letzten beiden Jahre ihres Lebens randvoll mit Wut in der schwärzesten psychotischen Depression, der ich jemals begegnet bin. Benedict J. Groeschel, C.F.R. (1933-2014) US-amerikanischer franziskanisch-katholischer Priester, Psychologe, Aktivist, ehemaliger Gastgeber der Fernsehtalkshow "Sunday Night Prime", gesendet über das Eternal Word Television Network, ehemaliger Student und Vertrauter von
Dr. Helen Schucman, Autor, A Still, Small Voice. A Practical Guide on Reported Revelations [Eine stille, kleine Stimme. Ein praktischer Führer hinsichtlich der schriftlich aufgezeichneten Offenbarungen], S. 79, Ignatius Press, 1. Februar 1993


See also: ► Critique – ⚡ ACIM resulting from CIA mind control

Sekundäre Reaktionen auf den 'Kurs'

Der Kurs ist ein in sich geschlossenes Werk. Dennoch besteht Bedarf an (bestenfalls autorisierten) Lehrern sowie Sekundär-
literatur dazu, die von Anfang an und bis zu seinem Tod 2014 hauptsächlich Dr. Kenneth Wapnick beigesteuert wurde. Auch diese Betrachtung drückt aus, dass es Interessierten ein Anliegen ist, darüber zu schreiben, zu lehren, seine Phänomenalität zu erklären. Dabei darf man sich vergegenwärtigen, dass der Kurs zum Selbststudium geschrieben wurde und eben keinen Lehrer, Interpreten oder eines Instituts bedarf; so auch die Lehre, die vorgeblich von Jesus stammt, der weder Institutionalisierung, Po-
litisierung noch Ausübung von Zwang mit, durch oder aus seiner Lehre angestrebt hatte. Jesus hat zu seinen Lebzeiten eine "neue" Lehre in die Welt gebracht. Diese urchristliche Lehre wird vorgeblich im Kurs wieder aufgegriffen und weitergeführt.
Auf die Frage, ob der Kurs theologisch umfassend ist, antwortet das Lehrer-Handbuch:

Eine universelle Theologie ist unmöglich, eine universelle Erfahrung ist jedoch nicht nur möglich, sondern nötig.
Handbuch für Lehrer, B-Einl. 2:5, 1994

Auf die Frage, weshalb der Kurs erst in jüngerer Zeit von Jesu übermittelt worden ist, gibt Die Illusion des Universums folgende Antwort: Vor 2000 Jahren sei es Jesus nicht in vollem Umfang möglich gewesen, seine Lehre zu vermitteln. Heutzutage sei die Offenheit für metaphysische, spirituelle Lehren entschieden größer geworden.


For as we've already pointed out, the world could only understand so much two thousand years ago. Today, even though the world
is just as insane as it was back then, it is in a position to learn much more.
Gary Renard, The Disappearance of the Universe, S. 150, Fearless Books, Mai 2003

Kurs-Empfehlungsgeber – David R. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

Der als Kultführer ausgewiesene Amerikaner Dr. David D. Hawkins (1927-2012) kannte die Herausgeber von EKIW persön-
lich und lehrte EKiW ~14 Jahre lang. Er empfahl ausdrücklich die Anwendung des Kurses. Er selbst hat dadurch eine ganze Reihe von Wunderheilungen diverser chronischer Erkrankungen erlebt und war jahrelang als Kurs-Lehrer tätig. Bis Anfang 2006 war er Beitragender für Webradiosendungen präsentiert von dem nahe seines Wohnort Sedona, Arizona, gelegenen Miracle Centers. Hawkins zufolge ist der historische Jesus nicht, wie deklariert bzw. interpretiert, die Quelle von EKiW.


Hinweis: Laut Hawkins ist zwischen dem Textbuch und dem Arbeitsbuch ein fühlbarer Qualitätsunterschied vorhanden, der nach der von Hawkins entwickelten Skala des Bewusstseins mit 50 Bewusstseinspunkten zu Buch schlägt. Im Textbuch (Bewusstseinswert 550) wird tendenziell die Denkposition des Egos vertreten, was im Arbeitsbuch (Bewusstseinswert 600) nicht mehr der Fall ist.


Das innere Diktat für EKiW [aufgenommen vom Medium Helen Schucmann] wurde nicht von dem nämlichen Jesus em-
David R. Hawkins (1927-2012), Sedona Seminar God vs. Science. Limits of the Mind, 3 DVD-Set, 17. Februar 2007

Thema Angst – Ein Kurs in Wundern

Wie auch der umstrittene Lehrer David Hawkins, spricht der Kurs davon, dass Angst unwirklich ist – ein Irrtum. Angst existiert in Wahrheit nicht. Der Kurs spricht davon, dass Angst nur ein Zeichen ist für ein inneres Verlustgefühl. Durch Liebe kann dieses Verlustgefühl ausgeglichen werden. Dann löst sich Angst auf. Aus Sicht des Heiligen Geistes ist Angst somit als ein Hilferuf nach Liebe. Da Angst und Angriff unweigerlich miteinander verknüpft sind, ist auch jeder Angriff ein Ausdruck des Sehnens nach Liebe.
Angst ist ein – im Endeffekt – nicht funktionierender Abwehrmechanismus, der versucht, die Liebe zu verbiegen, zu maskieren und zu verschleiern.


Quelle: ► Ein Kurs in Wundern, Textbuch, S. 217f (T.12.I.8-10), 1976
Siehe auch: ► Angst

Zitate zum Thema Ein Kurs in Wundern (EKiW) / A Course in Miracles (ACiM)

Zentrale Aussagen des Kurses – Kurzzitate

  • LEKTION 29: Gott ist in allem, was ich sehe.
  • LEKTION 33: Es gibt eine andere Art, die Welt zu betrachten.
  • LEKTION 41: Gott geht mit mir, wohin auch immer ich gehe.
  • LEKTION 48: Es gibt nichts zu fürchten.
  • LEKTION 50: Ich werde von der Liebe Gottes erhalten.
  • LEKTION 61: Ich bin das Licht der Welt.
  • LEKTION 74: Es gibt keinen Willen außer Gottes Willen.
  • LEKTION 77: Ich habe ein Anrecht auf Wunder.
  • LEKTION 94: Ich bin, wie Gott mich schuf.
  • LEKTION 108: Geben und Empfangen sind in Wahrheit eins.
  • LEKTION 121: Vergebung ist der Schlüssel zum Glück.
  • LEKTION 187: Ich segne die Welt, indem ich mich selbst segne.
  • LEKTION 195: Liebe ist der Weg, den ich in Dankbarkeit beschreite.
  • LEKTION 200: Es gibt keinen Frieden außer dem Frieden Gottes.
  • LEKTION 229: Die Liebe, die mich schuf, ist, was ich bin.
  • LEKTION 240: Angst ist in keiner Form gerechtfertigt.
  • LEKTION 244: Nirgends auf der Welt bin ich in Gefahr.
  • LEKTION 251: Ich brauche nichts als die Wahrheit.
  • LEKTION 264: Ich bin umgeben von der Liebe Gottes.
  • LEKTION 281: Ich kann durch nichts verletzt werden als durch meine Gedanken.
  • LEKTION 308: Dieser Augenblick ist die einzige Zeit, die es gibt.
  • LEKTION 325: Alle Dinge, von denen ich denke, dass ich sie sehe, spiegeln Ideen wider.
  • LEKTION 330: Ich will mich heute nicht wieder selbst verletzen.
  • LEKTION 338: Nur durch meine Gedanken werde ich beeinflusst.
  • LEKTION 340: Ich kann heute frei von Leiden sein.

Zitate aus EKiW

Zentrale Frage


  • Unsere einzige Aufgabe in jeder Situation besteht darin, dass wir unseren Widerstand gegen die Liebe aufgeben.


  • In der Zeit existieren wir für- und miteinander. In der Zeitlosigkeit existieren wir mit Gott.


  • Angst und Liebe sind die einzigen Gefühle, deren du fähig bist. Textbuch, Kapitel 12, I., 9., 5, 1976, revidierte Ausgabe 1996


  • Ein Wunder ist eine Berichtigung. Weder erschafft es, noch verändert es tatsächlich überhaupt. Es schaut lediglich
    auf die Verwüstung und erinnert den Geist daran, dass falsch ist, was er sieht. Es hebt den Irrtum auf, doch versucht
    es nicht, über die Wahrnehmung hinauszugehen noch die Funktion der Vergebung zu überschreiten. So bleibt es in-
    nerhalb der Grenzen der Zeit. Doch ebnet es den Weg für die Rückkehr der Zeitlosigkeit und das Erwachen der Lie-
    be, denn die Angst muss vor dem sanften Heilmittel, das es bringt, entschwinden.
    Ein Wunder enthält die Gabe der Gnade, denn es wird als eins gegeben und empfangen. Lektion 341, 1994


  • Lehrer sind nicht vollkommen, sonst wären sie nicht hier. Doch es ist ihr Auftrag, vollkommen zu werden, und so
    lehren sie Vollkommenheit. Immer wieder, auf viele verschiedene Weisen, bis sie selbst die Lektion gelernt haben.
    Ein Kurs in Wundern, Einleitung im Handbuch für Lehrer, 1994


  • Die Sünde wird als "Mangel an Liebe" definiert. Textbuch: T-1.IV.3:1, 1994


  • Du schließt dich selbst gerade durch das Urteil aus, dass du anders bist als derjenige, auf den du projizierst. Da du auch gegen das, was du projizierst, geurteilt hast, greifst du es weiterhin an, weil du es weiterhin von dir getrennt
    hältst. Indem du dies unbewusst tust, versuchst du die Tatsache, dass du dich selbst angegriffen hast, aus deinem Bewusstsein fernzuhalten, und bildest dir auf diese Weise ein, dass du dich selbst in Sicherheit gebracht hast. Die Projektion wird dich aber immer verletzen. Textbuch: T-6.II.2-3, 1994


  • Unser Gefühl der Unzulänglichkeit, der Schwäche und der Unvollständigkeit kommt von der starken Investition in das "Mangelprinzip", das die ganze Welt der Illusionen beherrscht. Ein Kurs in Wundern Vorwort, Miraclestudies.net, 1976


  • Das kleine Ich sucht sich durch äußere Bestätigung, äußere Besitztümer und äußere Liebe zu erhöhen. Das SELBST, das GOTT erschaffen hat, braucht nichts. Es ist auf ewig vollständig, sicher, geliebt und liebend. Es sucht mit anderen zu teilen, statt zu bekommen; sich auszudehnen, statt zu projizieren. Es hat keine Bedürfnisse und will sich nur aus dem gegenseitigen Bewusstsein der Fülle heraus mit anderen verbinden.
    Ein Kurs in Wundern Vorwort, Miraclestudies.net, 1976


  • Wenn du heilst, dann ist es genau dies, was du lernst. Du erfasst den unveränderbaren Geist in deinem Bruder, indem dir klar wird, dass er nicht anderen Geistes geworden sein kann. Auf diese Weise nimmst du den HEILIGEN GEIST in ihm wahr. Es ist allein der HEILIGE GEIST in ihm, DER niemals anderen GEISTES wird. Er selbst mag meinen, er kön-
    ne es, sonst würde er sich nicht als krank wahrnehmen. Daher erkennt er nicht, was sein SELBST ist. Wenn du nur das Unveränderbare in ihm siehst, hast du ihn nicht wirklich verändert. Dadurch, dass du dein Denken über seinen Geist für ihn änderst, hilfst du ihm die Änderung aufzuheben, die sein Ego in ihm herbeigeführt zu haben glaubt.
    Ein Kurs in Wundern, Textbuch, S. 121, 1974, 1976, revidierte Ausgabe 1996


  • Vergebung ist im HIMMEL unbekannt, wo das Bedürfnis danach unvorstellbar wäre. In dieser Welt jedoch ist die Ver-
    gebung eine notwendige Berichtigung für all die Fehler, die wir gemacht haben. Vergebung anzubieten, ist die einzige Möglichkeit, sie selbst zu haben, denn sie spiegelt das Gesetz des HIMMELS wider, dass Geben und Empfangen das-
    selbe sind. […] Durch die Vergebung wird das Denken der Welt umgekehrt. […] Indem wir keinen in der Schuld gefangen halten, werden wir frei. Ein Kurs in Wundern, Vorwort, Miraclestudies.net, 1976

Quotes excerpted from ACIM

A Course in Miracles via Helen Schucman (1909-1981) US American professor of medical psychology, Columbia University, New York, psychic "scribe" [for Jesus of Nazareth] of the book
A Course in Miracles, Table of Contents, 1975




  • Miracles rearrange the order of perception, and places the levels in their true perspective. This heals at all
    levels, because all sickness comes from confusing the levels. ACiM, S. 12, Murine Press Edition, 2008






Caveat Coercion * Brainwashing

  • It is crucial to say first that this is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you establish the curriculum. It means only that you can elect what to take when. It is just because you are not ready to do what you should elect to do that time exists at all.
    A Course in Miracles. Urtext, Introduction, Miracle Principles 1-14, presented by courseinmiracles.com, undated




  • Some of the ideas you will find hard to believe, and others will seem quite startling. It does not matter. You are merely asked to apply them to what you see. You are not asked to judge them, nor even to believe them. You are asked only to use them. It is their use which will give them meaning to you, and show you they are true. Remember only this – you need not believe them, you need not accept them, and you need not welcome them. Some of them you may actively resist.
    None of this will matter nor decrease their efficacy. But allow yourself to make no exceptions in applying the ideas
    the exercises contain. Whatever your reactions to the ideas may be, use them. Nothing more than this is required.
    A Course in Miracles, Introduction, paragraph 5, Course In Miracles Society, 2011


  • Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against
    it. A Course in Miracles, textbook, lesson 16 "The Forgiveness of Illusions", S. 338, #6, 1976, revised 1996


  • Vulnerability or invulnerability is the result of your own thoughts. Nothing except your thoughts can attack you. Nothing except your thoughts can make you think you are vulnerable. And nothing except your thoughts can prove to you this
    is not so. A Course in Miracles, workbook, lesson 26, 1976, revised 1996


  • You are what God created or what you made. One Self is true; the other is not there. Try to experience the unity of your one Self. Try to appreciate Its Holiness and the love from which It was created. Try not to interfere with the Self which God created as you, by hiding Its majesty behind the tiny idols of evil and sinfulness you have made to replace
    It. Let It come into Its Own. Here you are; This is You. And light and joy and peace abide in you because this is so.
    A Course in Miracles [ACIM], workbook, lesson 93, 1976, revised 1996




  • There is one major difference in the role of Heaven's mesengers, which sets them off from those the world appoints. The messages that they deliver are intended first for them. And it is only as they can accept them for themselves that they become able to bring them further, and to give them everywhere that they were meant to be. Like earthly messen-
    gers, they did not write the messages they bear, but they become their first receivers in the truest sense, receiving to prepare themselves to give. A Course in Miracles, textbook, lesson 154, #6, 1976, revised 1996




  • When we are all united in Heaven, you will value nothing that you value here. For nothing that you value here do you value wholly, and so you do not value it at all. Value is where God placed it, and the value of what God esteems cannot be judged, for it has been established. It is wholly of value. It can merely be appreciated or not. To value it partially is not
    to know its value. In Heaven is everything God values, and nothing else. Heaven is perfectly unambiguous. Every-
    thing is clear and bright, and calls forth one response. There is not darkness and there is not contrast. There is no variation. There is no interruption. There is a sense of peace so deep that no dream in this world has ever brought
    even a dim imagining of what it is. A Course in Miracles, textbook, S. 266, 1976, revised 1996, revised 1996


  • The Thought of God created you. It left you not, nor have you ever been apart from it an instant. It belongs to you.
    By it you live. It is your Source of life, holding you one with it, and everything is one with you because it left you not.
    The Thought of God protects you, cares for you, makes soft your resting place and smooth your way, lighting your
    mind with happiness and love. Eternity and everlasting life shine in your mind, because the Thought of God has left
    you not, and still abides with you. A Course in Miracles, workbook, lesson 165, 1976, revised 1996


  • Simply do this: Be still, and lay aside all thoughts of what you are and what God is; all concepts you have learned about the world; all images you hold about yourself. Empty your mind of everything it thinks is either true or false, or good or bad, of every thought it judges worthy, and all the ideas of which it is ashamed. Hold onto nothing. Do not bring with you one thought the past has taught, nor one belief you ever learned before from anything. Forget this world, forget this course, and come with wholly empty hands unto your God. Is it not He Who knows the way to you? You
    need not know the way to Him. Your part is simply to allow all obstacles that you have interposed between the Son
    and God the Father to be quietly removed forever. God will do His part in joyful and immediate response. Ask and
    receive. But do not make demands, nor point the road to God by which He should appear to you. The way to reach
    Him is merely to let Him be. For in that way is your reality proclaimed as well.
    A Course in Miracles, workbook, lesson 189, paragraph 7, 1976, revised 1996


  • The Holy Spirit's voice is as loud as your willingness to listen. It cannot be louder without violating your will, which He seeks to free but never to command. A Course in Miracles, textbook, Urtext, chapter 8, section 8, 1976, revised 1996


  • Awe should be reserved for revelation, to which it is perfectly and correctly applicable. It is not appropriate for miracles because a state of awe is worshipful, implying that one of a lesser order stands before his Creator. You are a perfect creation, and should experience awe only in the presence of the Creator of perfection. The miracle is therefore a sign
    of love among equals. Equals should not be in awe of one another because awe implies inequality. It is therefore an inappropriate reaction to me. An elder brother is entitled to respect for his greater experience, and obedience for his greater wisdom. He is also entitled to love because he is a brother, and to devotion if he is devoted. It is only my de-
    votion that entitles me to yours. There is nothing about me that you cannot attain. I have nothing that does not come from God. The difference between us now is that I have nothing else. This leaves me in a state which is only poten-
    in you. A Course in Miracles, textbook, chapter 1 The Meaning of Miracles, section 2 Revelation, Time and Miracles, first page, 3rd paragraph, 1976, revised 1996


  • When you are weary, remember you have hurt yourself. Your comforter will rest you, but you cannot. You do not know how, for if you did you could never have grown weary. Unless you hurt yourself you could never suffer in any way, for that is not God's Will for His Son. Pain is not of Him, for He knows no attack and His peace surrounds you silently.
    God is very quiet, for there is no conflict in Him. Conflict is the root of all evil, for being blind it does not see whom
    it attacks. Yet it always attacks the Son of God, and the Son of God is you.
    A Course in Miracles, textbook, S. 198, 1976



Mercy – guilt

  • You who have been unmerciful to yourself do not remember your Father's Love. And looking without mercy upon your brothers, you do not remember how much you love Him. Yet it is forever true. In shining peace within you is the perfect purity in which you were created. Fear not to look upon that lovely truth in you. Look through the cloud of guilt that dims your vision, and look past darkness to the holy place where you will see the light. The altar to your Father is as pure as He who raised it to Himself. Nothing can keep from you what Christ would have you see. His Will is like His Father's and He offers mercy to every child of God, as He would have you do.
    Release from guilt as you would be released. A Course in Miracles, textbook, S. 264, 1976, revised 1996




  • Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. Helen Schucman and William Thetford, "Jesus' Course in Miracles", chapter 16 The Forgiveness of Illusions, S. 162, 2000


  • Now you must learn that only infinite patience produces immediate effects. This is the way in which time is exchanged for eternity. Infinite patience calls upon infinite love, and by producing results now it renders time un-
    A Course in Miracles [ACIM], textbook, chapter 5 "Healing and Wholeness", section VI "Time and Eternity", 1976, revised 1996


  • Miracles reawaken the awareness that the spirit, not the body, is the altar of truth.
    A Course in Miracles, textbook, chapter 1, T-1.I.20, verse 1, 1976, revised 1996


  • Revelation unites you directly with God.
    Miracles unite you directly with your brother.
    Neither emanates from consciousness, but both are experienced there.
    A Course in Miracles, textbook, chapter 1, T-1.II.1, verse 5-7, 1976, revised 1996


  • There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. If fear exists, then there is not perfect love.
    However: Only perfect love exists. If there is fear, it produces a state that does not exist.
    A Course in Miracles, textbook, chapter 1, T-1.VI.5, 3-8, 1976, revised 1996


  • Perception is based on a separate state, so that anyone who perceives at all needs healing. A Course in Miracles, textbook, chapter 3 Innocent Perception, section 5 "Beyond Perception", paragraph 10, sentence 3, 1976, revised 1996





  • The truth is true. Nothing else matters, nothing else is real, and everything beside it is not there. Let Me make the one distinction for you that you cannot make, but need to learn. Your faith in nothing is deceiving you. Offer your faith to Me, and I will place it gently in the holy place where it belongs. You will find no deception there, but only the simple truth.
    And you will love it because you will understand it.
    A Course in Miracles, textbook, chapter 14, T-14.II.3-9, 1976, revised 1996




  • You but mistake interpretation for the truth. And you are wrong. But a mistake is not a sin, nor has reality been taken from its throne by your mistakes. God reigns forever, and His laws alone prevail upon you and upon the world. His Love remains the only thing there is. Fear is illusion, for you are like Him.
    A Course in Miracles, textbook, chapter 18 T-18.III, 6-12, 1976, revised 1996



Essence of 'teachers of teachers'

  • There are those who have reached God directly, retaining no trace of worldly limits and remembering their own Identity perfectly. These might be called the Teachers of teachers because, although they are no longe visible, their image can yet be called upon. And they will appear when and where it is helpful for them to do so. To those to whom such appearan-
    ces would be frightening, they give their ideas. No one can call on them in vain.
    A Course in Miracles, manual for teachers, S. 64, 1976, revised 1996



Spirit, Holy Spirit, and soul

  • Spirit is the part that is still in contact with God through the Holy Spirit, Who abides in this part but sees the other part as well. The term 'soul' is not used except in direct biblical quotations because of its highly controversial nature. It would, however, be an equivalent of "spirit," with the understanding that, being of God, it is eternal and was never born.
    A Course in Miracles, manual for teachers, S. 79, 1976, revised 1996


  • The only real safety lies in projecting only the Holy Spirit because, as you see His gentleness in others, your
    own mind perceives itself as totally harmless. Once it can accept this fully, it does not see the need to protect itself.
    A Course in Miracles, textbook chapter 6, section 4, verse 42, 1976, revised 1996




  • Before you make ANY decisions for yourself, remember that you have decided AGAINST your function in Heaven, and consider carefully whether you WANT to make decisions here. Your function here is only to decide AGAINST deciding what you want, in recognition that you do not KNOW. How, then, can you decide what you should do? Leave all decisions
    to the One Who speaks for God, and for your function as He KNOWS it. So will He teach you to remove the awful
    burden you have laid upon yourself by loving not the Son of God, and trying to teach him guilt instead of love. Give
    up this frantic and insane attempt, which cheats you of the joy of living with your God and Father, and awaking glad-
    ly to His Love and Holiness which join together as the truth in you, making you One with Him.
    When you have learned how to decide WITH God, all decisions become as easy and as right as breathing. There
    is no effort, and you will be led as gently as if you were being carried along a quiet path in summer. Only your own
    volition seems to make deciding hard. The Holy Spirit will not delay at all in answering your EVERY question what
    to do. He KNOWS. And He will TELL you and then do it FOR you. You who are tired might consider whether this
    is not more restful than sleep. For you can bring your guilt into sleeping, but not into this. A Course in Miracles, textbook, chapter 14, section IV, S. 280, Foundation for Inner Peace, 3rd edition 1976, revised edition 1996



  • I must have decided wrongly, because I am not at peace. I made the decision myself, but I can also decide other-
    wise. I want to decide otherwise, because I want to be at peace. I do not feel guilty, because the Holy Spirit can
    undo all the consequences of my wrong decision if I will let Him. I choose to let Him, by allowing Him to decide
    for God for me. A Course in Miracles, textbook, 1976, revised 1996


  • Projection makes perception. The world you see is what you gave it, nothing more than that. But though it is no
    more than that, it is not less. Therefore, to you it is important. It is the witness to your state of mind, the outside
    picture of an inward condition. As a man thinketh, so does he perceive.
    Therefore, seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world. Perception is a result
    and not a cause.
    And that is why order of difficulty in miracles is meaningless. Everything looked upon with vision
    is healed and holy. Nothing perceived without it means anything. And where there is no meaning, there is chaos.
    A Course in Miracles, textbook, chapter 21, 1976, revised 1996


  • I am responsible for what I see. I choose the feelings I experience;
    And I decide upon the goal I would achieve.
    And everything that seems to happen to me, I ask for,
    And receive as I have asked. A Course in Miracles, textbook, chapter 21, 1976, revised 1996




  • The ego arose from the separation, and its continued existence depends on your continuing belief in the separation. [...] Against the sense of temporary existence spirit offers you the knowledge of permanence and unshakable being. No one who has experienced the revelation of this can ever fully believe in the ego again.
    A Course in Miracles, textbook, S. 60, Foundation for Inner Peace, 1976, revised 1996


  • No ego has experiened love without ambivalence, the concept is beyond its understanding. [...] There is a kind of experience so different from anything the ego can offer that you will never want to cover or hide it again. It is ne-
    cessary to repeat that your belief in darkness and hiding is why the light cannot enter.
    A Course in Miracles, textbook, S. 61, Foundation for Inner Peace, 1976, revised 1996


  • In the presence of knowledge all judgment is automatically suspended, and this is the process that enables recogni-
    tion to replace perception. A Course in Miracles, textbook, chapter 3 "Innocent Perception", section 6 "Judgment and the Authority Problem", paragraph 3, sentence 6, 1976, revised 1996




Freedom = dependence on God
Ego = strifing for independence

  • Can you believe that autonomy is meaningful apart from Him [God]?
    The belief in ego autonomy is costing you the knowledge of your depen-
    dence on God, in which your freedom lies.
    The ego sees all dependency as threatening, and has twisted even your longing for God into a means of estab-
    lishing itself. But do not be deceived by its interpretation of your conflict. The ego always attacks on behalf of separation. Believing it has the power to do this, it does nothing else, because its goal
    of autonomy is nothing else. The ego is totally confused about reality, but it does not lose sight of its goal. It is much more vigilant than you are, because it is perfectly certain of its purpose. You are confused, because you do not know
    yours. A Course in Miracles, textbook, Urtext, chapter 10, section 6, 26. August 1966


  • Thus is love seen as treacherous, because it seems to come and go uncertainly, and offer no stability to you. You
    do not see how limited and weak is your allegiance, and how frequently you have demanded that love go away,
    and leave you quietly alone in "peace." A Course in Miracles, textbook, chapter 29.I.4, verse 7, 1976, revised 1996


  • Now you are being shown you can escape. All that is needed is you look upon the problem as it is, and not the way
    that you have set it up. How could there be another way to solve a problem that is very simple, but has been obscu-
    red by heavy clouds of complication, which were made to keep the problem unresolved? Without the clouds the pro-
    blem will emerge in all its primitive simplicity. The choice will not be difficult, because the problem is absurd when
    clearly seen. No one has difficulty making up his mind to let a simple problem be resolved if it is seen as hurting him,
    and also very easily removed.
    A Course in Miracles, textbook, chapter 27.VII.2, Foundation for Inner Peace, 1976, revised 1996


  • The ark of peace is entered two by two. […] And as this purpose is fulfilled, a new world rises in which sin can enter not, and where the Son of God can enter without fear and where he rests a while, to forget imprisonment and
    to remember freedom. A Course in Miracles, textbook, chapter 20.IV.6, Foundation for Inner Peace, 1976, revised 1996


  • It is impossible to accept the holy instant without reservation unless, just for an instant, you are willing to see no past
    or future. You cannot prepare for it without placing it in the future. Release is given you the instant you desire it. Many
    have spent a lifetime in preparation, and have indeed achieved their instants of success. […] It is extremely difficult
    to reach Atonement by fighting against sin.
    Nor is a lifetime of contemplation and long periods of meditation aimed
    at detachment from the body necessary. All such attempts will ultimately succeed because of their purpose. Yet the means are tedious and very time consuming, for all of them look to the future for release from a state of present unworthiness and inadequacy.
    A Course in Miracles, textbook, chapter 18.VII.4, Foundation for Inner Peace, 1976, revised 1996


  1. Love is not learned.
  2. It's meaning lies within itself.
  3. And learning ends when you have recognized all it is not.
  4. That is the interference; that is what needs to be undone.
  5. Love is not learned, because there never was a time in which you knew it not.
  6. Learning is useless in the Presence of your Creator, Whose acknowledgment of you and yours of Him so far transcend all learning that everything you learned is meaningless, replaced forever by the knowledge of love
    and its one meaning.
A Course in Miracles, textbook, chapter 18 IX, verse 12, 1976, revised 1996


  • Here is the ultimate release which everyone will one day find in his own way, at his own time. You do not need this
    time. Time has been saved for you because you and your brother are together. This is the special means this course
    is using to save you time. You are not making use of the course if you insist on using means which have served
    others well, neglecting what was made for you.
    A Course in Miracles, textbook, chapter 18.VII.6, Foundation for Inner Peace, 1976, revised 1996


  • What seemed once to be a special problem, a mistake without a remedy, or an affliction without a cure, has been transformed into a universal blessing. Sacrifice is gone. And in its place the Love of God can be remembered, and
    will shine away all memory of sacrifice and loss.
    A Course in Miracles, textbook, chapter 26.II.7, Foundation for Inner Peace, 1976, revised 1996



Holy relationship

  • This holy relationship, lovely in its innocence, mighty in strength, and blazing with a light far brighter than the sun that lights the sky you see, is chosen of your Father as a means for His Own plan. A Course in Miracles, textbook, chapter 22.VI.4, Foundation for Inner Peace, 1976, revised 1996


  • Your way will be different, not in purpose but in means. A holy relationship is a means of saving time. One instant spent together with your brother restores the universe to both of you. You are prepared. Now you need but to remember you need do nothing. It would be far more profitable now merely to concentrate on this than to consider what you should do. When peace comes at last to those who wrestle with temptation and fight against the giving in to sin; when the light comes at last into the mind given to contemplation; or when the goal is finally achieved by anyone, it always comes with just one happy realization; "I need do nothing."
    Here is the ultimate release which everyone will one day find in his own way, at his own time. You do not need this time. Time has been saved for you because you and your brother are together. This is the special means this course is using to save you time. You are not making use of the course if you insist on using means which have served others well, ne-
    glecting what was made for you. Save time for me by only this one preparation, and practice doing nothing else. "I need do nothing" is a statement of allegiance, a truly undivided loyalty. Believe it for just one instant, and you will accomplish more than is given to a century of contemplation, or of struggle against temptation.
    To do anything involves the body. And if you recognize you need do nothing, you have withdrawn the body's value from your mind. Here is the quick and open door through which you slip past centuries of effort, and escape from time. This is the way in which sin loses all attraction right now. For here is time denied, and past and future gone. Who needs do nothing has no need for time. To do nothing is to rest, and make a place within you where the activity of the body cea-
    ses to demand attention. Into this place the Holy Spirit comes, and there abides. He will remain when you forget, and the body's activities return to occupy your conscious mind.
    A Course in Miracles, textbook, chapter 18 T-18, VII.5-7, Foundation for Inner Peace, 1976, revised 1996



References: en.Wikiquote entries A Course in Miracles and ► Helen Schucman

Zitate von anderen Quellen


("J" = Jesus)

  • Ein Kurs in Wundern ist ein von Jesus diktiertes Schriftwerk, in dem er Anleitun-
    gen dazu gibt, wie wir Menschen wieder zum Reich Gottes zurückkehren kön-
    nen. Gary R. Renard (*1951) US-amerikanischer Autor zum Thema Ein Kurs in Wundern (EKiW), referierender Lehrer, Die Illusion des Universums, S. 150, Goldmann Arkana, März 2006

Quotes by David R. Hawkins on Gary Renard (ACIM)

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


  • To me, the key to all spiritual advancement is humility. In other words, the beginning realization is that what you think, how you feel, what you see. And what you think is going on has nothing to do with reality, and that is the kind
    of grand delusion which is some kind of vanity. The minute you begin to suspect that the product of your mind – its
    endless thoughts – is all nonsense, of probably no value whatsoever, there starts the beginning of a process. Then
    the person says, 'well, if I'm not experiencing reality as it really is in truth, then how is it in truth?' In A Course in Miracles they use the term Holy Spirit. The next step is to say [...] 'My own perception is very partial and very bia-
    sed, and therefore, I ask God to reveal to me the truth of what is really going on.' What eventually happens is a total transformation of perception. Interview with David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. (1927-2012) US American former ACIM teacher,
    Dialogues on Consciousness and Spirituality, transcript on "Advanced States of Consciousness", part 2, S. 51, spiral-bound,
    Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 1. January 1998  
    Transcript removed from Veritas Publishing's sale offer in mid 2013


  • A Course In Miracles came about in a rather unique way. She [Helen Schucman] got it from 'inner dictation' [...] NOT from an entity. It came as a progressive unfolding of a 'knowingness' in a lady that had no, or very little, spiritual awareness. She agreed to come with this knowingness and record it. Apparently, by contract from the celestial realm. She certainly didn't live by it. Her commitment was to be a secretary and simply type her knowingness as it unfolded. David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. (1927-2012) US American former ACIM teacher, Sedona Seminar Title unknown, month unknown 2002


  • I want to make that clear so that you can’t complain that spiritual work has not worked for you, because it is a pro-
    found commitment
    . If you are doing the Course in Miracles let us say, it means you got to forgive all the time con-
    tinuously, no matter what
    . Doesn’t mean you can make an exception here or an exception there. It means continu-
    ously, because the one or two things you hide behind is usually a stack, that is why you are hanging on to it.
    David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. (1927-2012) US American former ACIM teacher, Sedona Seminar Devotion: The Way to God Through the Heart, DVD 2 of 3, minute 0:34:00-0:45:00, 27. September 2002



("J" = Jesus)

  • A Course in Miracles has been given by J in order to show you how to return to the Kingdom of Heaven. Gary Renard (*1951) US American speaker and author on the issue of A Course In Miracles (ACIM), Fearless Books, May 2003, S. 150, Hay House, 2004

Englische Texte – English section on A Course in Miracles

Critique – ⚡ ACIM resulting from CIA mind control

Critique – ACIM is allegedly a product of CIA-financed MKUltra mind control


The ACIM Workbook states that ACIM students "unlearn" everything they think they know and are subject to ACIM's "re-education."
They are told to stick ONLY to ACIM literature and refrain from other teachings.



After two years of painful depression Dr. Schucman died a miserable death. She cursed the book ACIM that she had channeled.



Referring to his friend and former teacher Dr. Helen Schucman

Groeschel concluded that ACIM – claimed to be the 3rd book of the Bible – might have been sourced by a diabolical entity.

  • This woman who had written so eloquently [in ACIM] that suffering really did not exist, spent the last two years of her life in the blackest psychotic depression I have ever witnessed, full of rage.
    Benedict J. Groeschel, C.F.R. (1933-2014) Catholic priest, psychologist, activist, former host
    of the television talk program Sunday Night Prime, broadcasted on the Eternal Word Television Network, former student and confidente of Dr. Helen Schucman, author, A Still, Small Voice.
    A Practical Guide on Reported Revelations
    , S. 79, Ignatius Press, 1. February 1993


  • But besides the frightening evil of the physical experimentations done on innocents, Project BLUEBIRD was focused on the mind and how to manipulate and control through the use of drugs and hypnosis. The goal was to create Manchurian Candidates by causing amnesic barriers, by shattering the old personality to birth new and efficient ones and implan-
    ting hypnotic codes and triggers so that the person being manipulated would never understand his role.
    And according to the documents obtained by Ross, they were actually quite successful. Interestingly enough, this was
    the world in which Dr. Thetford was involved when his research assistant suddenly began hearing the voice of Jesus in
    her head and A Course in Miracles was born.
    Victoria Hardy, presented by the "American Chronicle", 20. December 2007, cited in: Facebook comment Oprah, Christ, MK-ULTRA
    (and a Course in Miracles)
    , 2. December 2014, cited in: Randall Sullivan, The Miracle Detective. An Investigative Reporter Sets Out
    to Examine How the Catholic Church Investigates Holy Visions
    , S. 580, Grove/Atlantic, 1. December 2007


Father Groeschel met Schucman at Columbia University while she was scribing the Course and he was writing his dissertation on the relationship between science and theology, he found her to be witty, engaging and a stimulating conversationalist. He was confused by her reactions to writing A Course in Miracles, as she would often state, "I hate that god-damn book."

Dr. Helen Schucman
  • Groeschel also knew Thetford (the man who took notes for Schucman's book) during his time at Columbia University and described him as "probably the most sinister person I ever met" [...] Groeschel stated that Thetford was very excited about A Course in Miracles and personally arranged for its publication. It seems Thetford was quite a mystery at the University and none of his colleagues knew, until after he retired, that he had also been working for the CIA during his em-
    ployment. […]
    Groeschel initially read the Course as "religious poetry," but grew steadily more negative in his assessment of it as the years passed and sales of the three vo-
    lumes passed into the millions of copies. From his point of view, A Course in Miracles served to undermine authentic Christianity more effectively than just about any other work he could recall, and while he was inclined to reject the position of St. John of the Cross that "these things are diabolical unless proven otherwise," doubts had crept in over the years. Most troubling to him by far was the "black hole of rage and depression that Schucman fell into during the last
    two years of her life," the priest explained. She had become frightening to be
    with, Groeschel recalled, spewing psychotic hatred not only for A Course in Miracles but "for all things spiritual." When he sat at Schucman's bedside as she lay dying, "she cursed, in the coarsest barroom language you could imagine, 'that book, that goddamn book.' She said it was the worst thing that ever happe-
    ned to her. I mean, she raised the hair on the back of my neck. It was truly terrible to witness."
    Facebook comment Oprah, Christ, MK-ULTRA (and a Course in Miracles), 2. December 2014, cited in: Randall Sullivan, The Miracle Detective. An Investigative Reporter Sets Out to Examine How the Catholic Church Investigates Holy Visions, S. 580, Grove/Atlan-
    tic, 1. December 2007


  • [M]ore needs to be said about William Thetford, Schucman's department head and close colleague, and the one who so eagerly encouraged her to keep scribing "the Voice" in the earliest days. According to his vita (as some have sleuthed
    it and posted to an earlier version of the Wikipedia page on Thetford), "from 1951 to 1953 Thetford worked on Project BLUEBIRD, an early CIA mind control program that led to [the infamous] Project MKULTRA. [...] From 1955 to 1957
    he was an assistant professor of psychology at Cornell University's CIA-funded Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology. [...] From 1971 to 1978 Thetford, along with David Saunders, headed the CIA mind control Project MKULTRA Subproject 130: Personality Theory." Given the ACIM's overt aim, especially in the Workbook, to have its students "unlearn" everything they think they know and be subject to the ACIM's "re-education," Thetford's major role in the editing of ACIM and his prior and later involvement with CIA mind-control work is NOT reassuring.
    Blog article by Timothy Conway, Ph.D., A Brief Critical Analysis of A Course in Miracles, ACIM, presented by the publication Enligh-
    tened Spirituality
    , 2007


  • Furthermore, it has been alleged that among the subjects deleted from the original versions were remarks concerning
    "the CIA." When some of these original versions were first published on the Internet in the late 1990s, they were almost as quickly removed by a court injunction brought by none other than Wapnick himself. […]
    So could the book be part of some mind control experiment? Author and Yogi Joel Kramer states that the Course could
    be considered a classic authoritarian example of programming thought to change beliefs. Long time teacher of the Course, Hugh Prather, notes that the Course students often become, "far more separate and egocentric", with many ul-
    timately, "[losing] the ability to carry on a simple conversation". He admits that he and his wife Gayle, "had ended up less flexible, less forgiving, and less generous than we were when we first started our path!" Furthermore, the book starts off
    as a psychic channelling session and this is an area that the CIA was involved with in the 1970s. So not only was Thet-
    ford an MK-ULTRA employee, the book itself, and the method in which it is said to have come about, also fits a CIA area
    of interest. Article A Course in Miracles: a CIA exercise in mind control?, PDF, presented by the publication radiant lunatic [Conspiracy Times], ~June 2007


        CIA Timeline: William Thetford       
It seems that ACIM was installed as a mind control project as and one of the new planned religions in order to back the NEW WORLD ORDER for which CIA works in continuation of the mind control experiments issued by some NAZI doctors.
༺༻Time·spanHistoric event
1.1951-1953 Thetford worked for Project BLUEBIRD, an early CIA mind control program that led to the infamous Project MKULTRA.
2.1954-1955 Thetford was director of clinical psychology at the Institute of Living in Hartford, Connecticut.
3.1955-1957 Thetford was an assistant professor of psychology of the CIA-funded Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, Cornell University.
4.1965-1972 As CIA agent Thetford was possibly Dr. Helen Schucman's handler overseeing her channeling of ACIM. Schucman dreaded that ACIM would turn into a cult.
5.1971-1978 William Thetford along with David Saunders headed the CIA mind control Project MKULTRA Subproject 130: Personality Theory.
6.June 1976 Authorized publication of the first three sections of the "Course" in a set of three hardcover volumes
It seems Dr. Thetford had ties with the CIA and was working on Project BLUEBIRD, which was later rolled over into the MK ULTRA Project. MK ULTRA was a program focused on mind control, it was created in the 1950s by the CIA with the goal to learn ways to manipulate people's mental states, alter brain function and create Manchurian Candidates (mindless assassins) often through the use of drugs and hypnosis. Under the MK ULTRA umbrella there were over a hundred sub projects from the 1950s well into the 1970s and Thetford worked on "Personality Theory", subproject 130.
Victoria Hardy, presented by the "American Chronicle", 20. December 2007, cited in: Oprah, Christ, MK-ULTRA (and a Course in Miracles),
2. December 2014, cited in: Randall Sullivan, The Miracle Detective. An Investigative Reporter Sets Out to Examine How the Catholic Church Investigates Holy Visions, S. 580, Grove/Atlantic, 1. December 2007


Siehe auch: ► ⚡ Geschichtlicher Hintergrund von Ein Kurs in Wundern

Critique – ⚡ ACIM spreading half-truth

  • There are quite popular systems of thought these days, such as Christian Science or the A Course in Mira-
    , which define evil as unreality. It is a half-truth. The spirit of evil is one of unreality, but it itself is real. It really exists. To think otherwise is to be misled. Indeed, as several have commented, perhaps Satan's best deception is its general success in concealing its own reality from the human mind.
    M. Scott Peck (1936-2005) US American psychiatrist, psychotherapist, author, People of the Lie. The Hope for Healing Human Evil, S. 208, Touchstone Press, 1st edition 1983, 2nd edition 2. January 1998


  • The Sedona Method, ACIM, and the 12 steps programs are all invested in "surrendering" emotions. Reviewing or challenging the existing mind frame of the predatory social paradigm, they miss to inspect the dominant-submissive social construct that keeps producing childhood trauma resulting in pain-killing but destructive addictions. They also lack to convey to recovering addicts: emotional and social intelligence skills and empowerment/leadership skills.
    Audio interview with Linda Kohanov (*1950) US American riding instructor, horse trainer, speaker, author, Equine Magic With
    Linda Kohanov, Spielberg's War Horse, Happy Trails Sag
    , presented by the US American radio show hosted by Robert Phoenix,
    minute 16:30 [Four stages of effective usage of emotions], minute 71:08, 102:14 minutes duration, aired 21. December 2011



Note: All truths are half-truths.

  • There are no whole truths: all truths are half-truths. It is trying to treat them as whole truths that plays to the devil.
    Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947) English mathematician, philosopher, pioneering integralist, metaphysical educator, authorr, Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead, "Prologue", 1954, Praeger Publishers, reprint edition 1. February 1977, David R. Godine Publisher, 2001


  • Merely telling students to no longer believe the thoughts that stem from trauma and abuse doesn’t address the reason they are experiencing those thoughts. Any momentary relief a student will receive from temporarily switching off their thoughts will be short-lived. If the core wound is not dealt with the person will not find freedom from the painful or traumatic experience. They will find that those thoughts revisit them regularly.
    Healing occurs when someone is met where they are with empathy, care, and connection. By claiming a student is
    not really suffering and dismissing their pain as a "story" or "belief in their thoughts" Katie is trivializing their experi-
    ence. She regularly does this live, on stage with abuse victims and trauma survivors. Katie is missing an opportunity
    to deeply listen and instead invalidates their reality. [...]
    What these new age teachers mean is that healing can occur by using quick fix mental techniques. A Course In Mi-
    , for example, describes a miracle merely as a shift in perception from fear to love.
    But those who under-
    stand the process of healing know that shifting a perception, denying a thought or suppressing an emotion won't ad-
    dress the real underlying problem. Article by Be Scofield, US American activist, web designer, DJ, producer, blogger for ma-
    gazine Tikkun, writer, A Critique of Byron Katie's The Work, presented by the publication The Guru, 24. October 2019

Course sponsor – David R. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

Personal avowal

  • Through the study of A Course in Miracles and meditation, kundalini (spiritual energy) began flowing up the back. So, one does the Course of Miracles continually and if the physicality gets healed or not is totally irrelevant! In that state,
    the kundalini energy pours in and you don't need anything! I trusted God and the Course in Miracles 100%.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012) former US Amerian ACIM teacher, Sedona Seminar God Transcendent and Immanent, 3 DVD
    set, November 2002



Lecture with a group of ACiM students:

Topic: "Dissolving the ego by understanding its mechanisms rather than by opposing it."

  • Question: If The Course is at [level of consciousness] 600, does that mean it is not from Jesus Christ?
    Answer: It can't be at 1000 because at 1000, there's really nothing to say.
    Video presentation by Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012) former US Amerian ACIM teacher, Undoing the Barriers to Spiritual Progress, Volume Series V, 3 DVD set, recorded in the 90ties, Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 2000


Links zum Thema Ein Kurs in Wundern (EKiW) / A Course in Miracles (ACiM)


Literature (engl.)

Externe Weblinks

Allgemein – Infos (deutsch)

External web links (engl.)


Critical external web links (engl.) – ACIM


Audio- und Videolinks

Audio and video links (engl.)

  • Video documentary Part One – The Visionaries, produced for the PBS series, narrated by Sam Waterston, filmed at the "Foundation for 'A Course in Miracles'", former location in Roscoe, New York, and at the "Foundation for Inner Peace", Tiburon, California, 2001, YouTube film, 8:11 minutes duration, posted 11. November 2008

Showing Judith Skutch Whitson, Gloria Wapnick, Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D., speaking about the scribe Helen Schucman and her associate William Thetford

  • Video presentation by Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012) former US Amerian ACIM teacher, Sedona Seminar Vision, lecture 1,
    DVD 2 of 3, 25. February 2005

Textbook of the ACIM

Danger of spiriutal by-passing: students using non-dualism as a defense against dealing with their ego

Linkless media offering

  • Video documentary The Story Behind A Course in Miracles, produced 1987, YouTube film, 2:25:14 duration, reposted
    22. October 2012

The documentary covers the time frame 1965-1972, presenting "The Foundation of Inner Peace", featuring Judith Skutch Whitson,
William Thetford (1923-1988), Helen Schucman (1909-1981), and Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D. (1942-2013)

Online-Foren, Gruppen, Blog-Einträge zu EKiW

Online forums, groups, blog entries on ACIM (engl.)


Interne Links

Begriffe und Themen des Kurses


Englisch Wiki




1 William Thetford und David Saunders waren die Leiter des CIA Unterprojekts 130 namens Persönlichkeitstheorie (1971-1978) im Rahmen von Project MKULTRA zur Erforschung und Anwendung von Bewusstseinskontrolle. Quelle: William Newton Thetford Professional Vita

2 Harry M. Tiebout, M.D. (1896-1966) US American psychiatrist, promoter of the Alcoholics Anonymous approach to the public, fellow professionals and patients, president of the National Council on Alcoholism (1951-1953). The Act of Surrender in the Therapeutic Process, presented by the peer-reviewed scientific Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, # 10, 48-58, 1949

3 William Thetford and David Saunders headed the CIA mind control Project MKULTRA subproject 130 named "Personality Theory" (1971-1978).
Source: William Newton Thetford Professional Vita


Bedienhinweis 1: Die hier und in SpiritualWiki angegebenen EKiW-Zitate beziehen sich, wenn nicht anders angegeben, auf die unter "Buchdaten" beschriebene zweite Ausgabe (dt./engl.).
Bedienhinweis 2: Diverse Seiten der SpiritualWiki nehmen Bezug auf Ein Kurs in Wundern. Sie sind leicht auffindbar, indem man beispielsweise 'EKiW' oder 'ACIM' in die Stichwortsuchzeile einträgt.


Anhand der Skala des Bewusstseins (von 1-1000), erarbeitet von Dr. David R. Hawkins, hat das EKiW Textbuch einen Bewusstseinswert (BW) von 550 und das Übungsbuch von 600. Diese Werte platzieren Echtheit Ein Kurs In Wundern in den Bereich der nichtlinearen Spiritualität, die Wunder ermöglicht.
Quellen: Ein Kurs in Wundern (Lehrbuch und Arbeitsbuch): Hingabe an Gott. Der mystische Weg aus der Dualität, Kapitel 11 "Lehrer und Lehren", S. 203, 2009
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