
Wiki / Moeglichkeit

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Bildung, rechtes Drittel Bleiglasfenster
Charles Lewis Tiffany (1812-1902)
amerikanischer Künstler; Tiffany Studios, 1890
Linsley-Chittenden Hall, Yale University



Sichtweisen von Entscheidungsträgern

Pitcher beim Wurf

Folgende Anekdote stammt aus der Feder des amerikanischen theoreti-
schen Physikers John Archibald Wheeler (1911-2008). Wheeler, der selbst ein Empiriker war, überdachte er die unterschiedlichen Standpunkte seiner beiden Kollegen. Die Einstellung des Realisten Albert Einstein wich von der Möglichkeit ab, die Niels Bohr einräumte. Der dänische Quanten-
physiker glaubte, dass ein Kollaps der Wellenfunktion Partikeln wie etwa
Elektronen, ihre ausgeprägte Wirklichkeit übermittelt.


Drei Schiedsrichter werden darüber interviewt, mit welcher Methode sie beim Baseball-Spiel die Bälle als Gewinn- oder Verlustpunkte werten. Jeder Schiedsrichter erging sich in technischen Details und erläuterte, wie er sich bestenfalls hinter den Catchern positioniert. Der Journalist forderte alle drei Experten, auf die Frage ''Wie entscheiden Sie wirklich? zu antworten.

Der erste Schiedsrichter, ein Empiriker, rühmt sich: "Ich werte Bälle so, wie ich sie sehe." Vergangenheit
Der zweite Schiedsrichter, ein Realist, behauptet: "Ich werte Bälle so, wie sie sind." Gegenwart
Der dritte Schiedsrichter, ein Potentialist, sagt: "Die Bälle existieren überhaupt nicht,
solange ich sie nicht bewerte."
Siehe auch: ► Perspektive und ► Witze und ► Standpunkte und ► Entscheidung
See also: ► Points of view – umpires and physicists

Zitate zum Thema Möglichkeit / Possibility

Zitate allgemein

Wahrlich, wahrlich ich sage euch: Wer an mich glaubt, der wird die Werke auch tun, die ich tue, und wird
größere als diese tun.
Johannes 14, 12 (NT)


Er [Jesus] aber sprach: Was bei den Menschen unmöglich ist, das ist bei Gott möglich. Lukas 18, 27 (NT)



  • Tu zuerst das Notwendige, dann das Mögliche, und plötzlich schaffst du das Unmögliche. Zugeschrieben Franz von Assisi [Giovanni Bernadone] (1181/82-1226) italienischer katholischer Heiliger, Ordensbruder, Prediger, Gründer der Franziskani-
    schen Orden
    , Sozialreformer, zitiert in: Aphorismen.de



  • Wer nur eine Möglichkeit hat, ist in einer Zwangslage.
    Wer zwei Möglichkeiten hat, steckt in einem Dilemma.
    Und wer drei Möglichkeiten hat, kann frei wählen.
    Populäres Zitat von Moshé Feldenkrais (1904-1984) ukrainisch-jüdischer Physiker, Judolehrer, Entwickler der Feldenkrais-Methode, Autor, zitiert in: My Zitate



  • So manche Wahrheit ist lange oder ganz unwirksam geblieben, allein deshalb, weil die Möglichkeit, dass sie Tatsache werden könne, nicht in Betracht gezogen wurde. Nur in dem Maße, als durch den Geist eine Gesinnung des Friedens in den Völkern aufkommt, können die für die Erhaltung des Friedens geschaffenen Insitutionen leisten, was von ihnen verlangt und erhofft wird. Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) deutsch-elsässischer Arzt, evangelischer Theologe, medizinischer Missionar, Kulturphilosoph, Humanist, Organist, Friedensnobelpreisträger, 1952, Autor, Die Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben, C.H.Beck Verlag, München, 1991, 10. Auflage 9. Oktober 2013

Lösungsstau angesichts der "Rechtfertigung Gottes"

Barth führt aus, dass der Mensch nicht dazu berechtigt sei, Gott hinsichtlich der Existenz des Bösen anzuklagen.


  • In den Experimenten über Atomvorgänge haben wir mit Dingen und Tatsachen zu tun, mit Erscheinungen, die ebenso wirklich sind wie irgendwelche Erscheinungen im täglichen Leben. Aber die Atome oder die Elementarteilchen sind nicht ebenso wirklich. Sie bilden eher eine Welt von Tendenzen und Möglichkeiten als eine von Dingen und Tatsachen.
    Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976) deutscher theoretischer Physiker, Entwickler der Heisenbergschen Unschärferelation, 1927, Physiknobelpreisträger, 1932, Autor, Physik und Philosophie, Hirzel, Stuttgart, 2000, 7. korrigierte Auflage 1. Dezember 2006





90% der Lebensereignisse unterliegen der eigenen Kontrolle, 10% entziehen sich der Kontrolle

  • In der Psychologie gibt es die sogenannte "90/10-Regel", die besagt, dass unsere Reaktion auf Ereignisse uns viel mehr beeinflusst als die Ereignisse selbst. In der Tat werden gerade einmal 10% unseres Lebens durch das bestimmt, was uns passiert: ein begangener Fehler, die Verspätung des Flugzeugs oder der Stau, was uns zu spät zur Arbeit kommen lässt. Andererseits hängen 90% direkt davon ab, wie wir auf diese Situationen reagieren, die eben jene 10% ausmachen. Es ist bewiesen, dass Individuen in dersel-
    ben Lage auf sehr unterschiedliche Weise reagieren. Unsere erste Reaktion gegenüber eines gerade stattgefunden unschönen Ereignisses entscheidet darüber, ob wir einem mehr oder weniger angenehmen Tag etwas Positives abgewinnen können.
    Es ist wichtig, diese Regel zu berücksichtigen, da wir uns so bewusst werden können, dass wir den Großteil un-
    seres Lebens kontrollieren: nämlich 90%.
    Wenn uns klar wird, dass es nur 10% gibt, die außerhalb unserer
    Kontrolle liegen
    , befreit uns das auch von unnützen Gefühlen, in die wir sonst jede Menge Energie stecken.
    Artikel Die 90/10-Regel: Die Veränderung beginnt bei dir, präsentiert von der Publikation Gedankenwelt, 14. Juli 2017


  • Ernst Bloch zerlegt die Kategorie Möglichkeit in vier Schichten:
    1. das formal Mögliche – das, was nicht der Logik widerspricht (formal zulässig)
    2. das sachlich-objektiv Mögliche – das, was nach Maßgabe der Erkenntnistheorie möglich ist (objektiv vermutbar)
    3. das sachhaft-objektgemäß Mögliche – das, was gegenstandstheoretisch möglich ist (objektgemäß offen)
    4. das objektiv-real Mögliche – das, was in der Materie Latenz und Tendenz hat (der Prozessmaterie entsprechend)
Ernst Bloch (1885-1977) deutscher neomarxistischer Philosoph, Schriftsteller, Hauptwerk Das Prinzip Hoffnung. Werkausgabe: Band 5, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main, 30. Juni 1985



Möglichkeit Wahrscheinlichkeit Gewissheit

  • Was in einem schwachen Feld eine Möglichkeit ist,
    wird in einem stärkeren Feld zur Wahrscheinlichkeit und
    in einem Feld der Unendlichen Macht (wie etwa der Göttlichkeit) zur Gewissheit.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, FU Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, Kapitel 3, "Inhalt und Kontext", S. 68, 2008


Referenzen: de.Wikiquote-Einträge Möglichkeit und ► Das Mögliche


  • Das Mögliche soll der Entschluß
    Beherzt sogleich beim Schopfe fassen,
    Er will es dann nicht fahren lassen
    Und wirket weiter, weil er muß.
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) deutscher Universalgelehrter, Bühnendichter, Schriftsteller, Drama Faust. Eine Tragödie, Seite 18, J.G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung, Tübingen, 1808

General quotes

As I do these things, so shall ye do them, and greater things. John 14, 12 (NT)


Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible with God. Luke 18, 27 New International Version, 1984 (NT)



  • Strive for the impossible. That is where the new will emerge.
    Nicanor Perlas III (*1950) Filipino activist, Right Livelihood Award laureate, 2003, source unknown


  • Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities – always see them, for they are always there.
    Norman Vincent Peale [Influence LoC 435] (1898-1993) US American minister, progenitor of the theory of positive thinking, author, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • Whatever you're meant to do, do it now. The conditions are always impossible. Doris Lessing (1919-2013) British biogra-
    pher, playwright, librettist, poet, novelist, cited in: article Doris Lessing: key quotes, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, 18. November 2013


  • Because a thing seems difficult for you, do not think it impossible for anyone to accomplish. Marcus Aurelius (121-180 AD) Roman Emperor (161-180 AD), last of the Five Good Emperors, important Stoic philosopher, author, first translation into English 1792, Meditations, Penguin Classics, 31. October 2006


  • What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are. Anthony Robbins (*1960) US American life coach, motivational speaker, self-help author, cited in: Brainyquotes



  • Everything is possible for
    1. one who believes,
    2. still more for one who hopes,
    3. even more for one who loves,
    4. and most of all for one who practices and perseveres in these three virtues.
Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection [Nicholas Herman] (1614-1691) French Carmelite lay brother, theologian, mystic, cook, sandalmaker, The Practice of the Presence of God, 1692



  • Only he who attempts the absurd is capable of achieving impossible.
    Miguel de Unamuno, collection of Essays and Soliloquies, S. 104, 1925; cited in: Compilation by Burton Stevenson, The Home
    Book of Quotations: Classical and Modern
    , 1935, falsely attributed to Albert Einstein
  • It always seems impossible until its done.
    Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) leading South African anti-apartheid activist, prisoner for 27 years during apartheid, first black president of South Africa (1994-1999), cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote




The three laws of prediction

  1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is probably very wrong.
  2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
  3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishible from magic.
Sir Arthur C. Clarke, CBE, FRAS (1917-2008) British inventor, futurist, novelist, science fiction author, Profiles of the Future. An Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible, essay Hazards of Prophecy. The Failure of Imagination, The Orion Publishing Group,
Phoenix, 1962, new revised edition 14. December 2000
Wikipedia; Clarke's three laws of prediction
  • Short version of The three laws of prediction
    1. "It's completely impossible – don't waste my time";
    2. "It's possible, but it's not worth doing";
    3. "I said it was a good idea all along."


  • To the timid and hesitating everything is impossible because it seems so. Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) Scottish historical novelist, playwright, poet, popular throughout much of the world in the 19th century, cited in: Brainyquote


  • These places of possibility within ourselves are dark because they are ancient and hidden; they have survived and grown strong through darkness. Within these deep places, each one of us holds an incredible reserve of creativity and power, of unexamined and unrecorded emotion and feeling. The woman's place of power within each of us is neither white nor surface; it is dark, it is ancient, and it is deep. Audre Lorde (1934-1992) Caribbean-American activist, poet, writer, Sister Outsider. Essays and Speeches, S. 36, Crossing Press, Trumansburg, New York, 1984, reprint edition 1. August 2007


  • The average is indicative of a trend, not of a necessity or of a universal truth. Often, it is those outside the norm, the exceptional ones, who point to the truth of what is possible. Tal Ben-Shahar, Ph.D. (*1970) US American organizational behaviorist, lecturer on positive psychology and leadership, Harvard University, Boston, faculty of the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya, Israel, writer, Happier. Learn the secrets of daily joy and lasting fulfillment, S. 138, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2007



From dissolution new formerly impossible solutions may arise.

  • Revolutions destroy the perfect and then they enable the impossible. They never go from everything is good to everything is good. There is a lot of noise in the middle. If we look at the music business; first the Internet destroyed the record label business. And only now is it enabling independent musicians to get heard. Seth Godin (*1960) US American entrepreneur, public speaker, author, cited in: removed educational documentary The Future of Learning, presented by Ericsson – Networked Society, YouTube film, minute 17:21, 20:17 minutes duration, posted 19. October 2012


Thousand year huge old oak tree
Natural monument, Borlinghausen, Germany
  • Yes, a key can lie forever in the place where the locksmith left it, and never be used to open the lock the master forged it for. Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) Austrian British philosopher, Georg Henrik von Wright, translator, selection of personal notes Culture and Value [Vermischte Bemerkungen, 1977], S. 54, 1946, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, England, 1970


  • Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible. Miguel de Unamuno, Vida de D. Quijote y Sancho. Según Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, S. 175/176, Libreria de Fernando Fe, Madrid, Spain, 1905; misattributed to M. C. Escher (1898-1972) Dutch graphic artist



  • There is nothing impossible to him who will try.
    Alexander the Great [Alexander III of Macedon] (356-323 BC) king of Macedon, ancient Greece, cited in: Brainyquote



  • Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt man doing it. Chinese proverb


  • Lead, follow or get out of the way. Expression in the US American Air Force


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Possibility

Literary quotes

  • Always listen to experts. They'll tell you what can't be done and why. Then do it. Robert Heinlein (1907-1988) US American science fiction writer, science fiction novel Time Enough for Love, G.P. Putnam's Sons, June 1973

Quotes by David Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


  • It is best to be prepared for the fact that the world has little or no understanding of such a state or the actual necessity for such a transition. […] The eventuality of a major leap in consciousness is seldom taken into consideration as a serious possibility, much less a likelihood, amongst most spiritual aspirants who, unless forewarned, may not have made anticipatory plans. […] The emergence of progressively higher levels of consciousness requires periods of adjustment and thus, worldly function may be impaired. Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012), Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, S. 262-266, 2006



Field related emergence of: Possiblity ⇔ Probability ⇔ Certainty



  • Within a certain context and to a certain degree all things are possible. At the same time they are not. […] It's the error of mixing levels. […] You can walk on water at this level, if you try it on that level you are drowned. What's true at one level is not true on another level. […]
    You see what applies to the abstract level may not necessarily apply to the concrete. […] It is true but only within a certain context. [Limitations are humanness, protoplasm, gender, age, space and time.]
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Advaita. The Way to God through Mind, 3 DVD set, August 2002


  • We have innate within us, a tremendous, intense, powerful devotion. We don’t have to develop it, we only have to rediscover it. There is within us already pre-existent, an energy of such enormous power that one summons up that power to relinquish any and every attachment that stands in the way. You won’t find the willingness to do that within the ego structure. The ego will instantly give you an argument why it should not persist in the direction that it is positioned. So, one has to reach deeper within oneself. At the very innate core of one’s being is a spiritual power of enormous strength, which alone can accomplish the impossible. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Integration of Spirituality and Personal Life, Poco Diablo Resort, DVD 2 of 3, minute 00:33:15, February 2003


  • The field is invisible, all encompassing, without space and time, forever and always present, the infinite. The human mind cannot conceive it. It is exquisitely gentle and powerful. The field is infinitely powerful, like a giant elec-
    tromagnetic field with no ending. The field is so powerful that it includes all potentialities. Within the field, potentiality is actualized by intention. Karma is innate potentiality. If you continuously hold a thought, it will become happening. Otherwise no one would become enlightened. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, DVD 1 of 3, opening lines, 16. October 2004



  • Potentiality becomes actuality when conditions are favorable.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Vision, 3 DVD set, 25. February 2005


  • Potentiality becomes actuality under appropriate conditions. What is one of the conditions? Intention! Intention drives
    all spiritual evolution … your intention. The intention is part of the outer field. By intention potentiality becomes actuality.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Transcending Obstacles, 3 DVD set, 3. September 2005


  • The fact that you are created as a human is subject to the laws / karma of protoplasm. […] You can control, you can transcend things within a certain context. […] Within a certain context and to a certain degree all things are pos-
    sible. At the same time they are not.
    […] It's the error of mixing levels. […] You can walk on water at this level, if you
    try it on that level you are drowned. What's true at one level is not true on another level. […] The spiritual sophistication
    is the discernment of levels. At the [consciousness] level of 600 you stop mixing levels. […]
    You see what applies to the abstract level may not necessarily apply to the concrete. […] It is true but only within
    a certain context. [Limitations are humanness, protoplasm, gender, age, space and time.]
    […] Your capacity to control or change things is quite limited actually. On the one hand the miraculous is possible and yet at the same time you're not really limited either. They seem like conflicting statements, but actually they are not. They are two different contexts. Dr. David Hawkins, Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, 7. January 2009

Englische Texte – English section on Possibility

Points of view – umpires and physicists

Batter, catcher and umpire

Following anecdote was designed by the US American theoretical physicist John Archibald Wheeler (1911-2008). Empirist himself, he described the perspectives of his colleagues: the realist Albert Einstein and the potentialist Niels Bohr who believed the collapse of the wave function gives particles like electrons their distinct reality.


Three baseball umpires are being interviewed about how they decide whether to call a pitch a ball or a strike. Each umpire talked about his po-
sitioning behind the catchers and other technical details. The interviewer challenged all three of them, "How do you really decide?"

The first umpire, the empiricist, said: "What it really comes down to is,
I calls 'em like I see 'em."
The second umpire, the realist, stated: "My eyesight is just a little better, but
I calls 'em the way they are."
The third umpire, the potentialist, smiled and said: "They ain't nothin' until I calls 'em." Future
See also: ► Perspective and ► Jokes and ► Albert Einstein and ► Decision and ► Points of view

Optimists ⇔ pessimists

Optimists tend to be more stress-hardy, more happy, draw less illnesses and live longer.
Pessimists tend to be much less happy, draw more illnesses and die earlier.


The founder of Positive psychology Dr. Martin Seligman distinguishes
pessimism and optimism by differentiating the attributional styles of people.
Selfabsorbed pessimists
take life's challenges [job loss, disease, divorce] as a
personal, pervasive, permanent threat (the 3 Ps).
Realistic optimists
take life's challenges more stress hardy
by seeing them as possibilities for change for the better.
They take difficult situations in life as personal.They see things realistically as a challenge for ingenuity and change.
They see problems as pervasive.They keep a sense of sovereignity – in areas where they (still) have it.
They see their problems as permanent.
"It is never going to change."]
They have a commitment to a world view that expands possibilities.
See also: ► Psychology


Both optimists and pessimists contribute to society. The optimist invents the aeroplane, the pessimist the parachute. George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Irish politician, pacifist, satirist, dramatist, Nobel laureate in literature, 1925,
unsourced, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote

The impossible dreamer Don Quixote – Robert Fuller

Impossibility  ❁  Possibility
༺༻ Reasons for failure – Impossibility Reasons for success anyway – Possibility
1. An interior witness acts as an impartial judge of our shifting fortunes, tracking our wins and losses. Our notion of selfhood is misconceived. Autonomous, independent beings we're not.
2. [Paraphrased] As individuals, our point of view is inseparable from our personal history. "The successful man adapts himself to the world, the loser persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the loser."
George Bernard Shaw
3. When we think we've won, Nature moves the goal posts. We can as well program intelligent machines to incorporate the better angels
of our nature as to reproduce our pathologies and pursue our depredations.
4. Dreams shatter on the rocks of reality; imagination runs aground on the shoals of practicality.
5. We desire the eternal, but are bound in time. 
6. The heart, formerly the seat of the soul, is now seen as a pump made of muscle.
Source: ► Blog article by Robert W. Fuller, Ph.D. robertworksfuller.com (*1936) US American professor of physics,
college president, dignity and rankism researcher, lecturer, author, 6 Reasons You Can't Win (And 3 Reasons You Can Anyway),
presented by the US American liberal-oriented online newspaper HuffPost, 16. January 2015, updated 6. December 2017

It is impossible...

1.   It is impossible to make others see where they have made a mistake.
2.   It is impossible to be carried to a secure and peaceful harbor on a ship
      crafted by anxiety or fueled by fearful feelings.

3.   It is impossible to gain real happiness at the expense of someone else's pain.
4.   It is impossible to genuinely elevate yourself by pushing another person lower.
5.   It is impossible to take advantage of others without living in secret fear of them.
6.   It is impossible to realize the fulfillment of the Divine as long as we remain filled
      with ourselves.

7.   It is impossible to rise above any fear or worry whose root we have not found,
      uncovered, and removed from our own present misunderstanding.

8.   It is impossible to receive forgiveness in life without having learned what it means
      to freely forgive.

9.   It is impossible to wish another person any kind of ill, for any reason, and not be
      made sick ourselves.

10. It is impossible to resist or hate any condition in life and learn from it
      at the same time.

Source: ► Guy Finley (*1949) US American former professional songwriter, musician, philosopher, founder of the nonprofit organization Life of Learning Foundation, educator, author of self-help books,
Let Go and Live in the Now. Awaken the Peace, Power, and Happiness in Your Heart, S. 122-123,
Red Wheel/Weiser, York Beach, Maine, 2004


Links zum Thema Möglichkeit / Possibility


Literature (engl.)

Wikipedia: Clarke's three laws of prediction

Externe Weblinks

External web links (engl.)

Audio- und Videolinks

Linklose Medienangebote

  • Audiointerview mit Dr. Christoph Quarch (*1964) deutscher Philosoph, protestantischer Theologe, Publizist, Mit dem Schrecken davongekommen. Gerade noch mal gut gegangen! – Geschichten von unglaublichen Lösungen in letzter Sekunde, präsentiert von dem werbefreien Hörfunkprogramm des Westdeutschen Rundfunks Köln WDR 5, Sendung "LebensArt – Hörer im Gespräch", Gastgeberin Bergit Fesenfeld und Ruth Schulz, 15. Dezember 2010

Audio and video links (engl.)

Linkless media offering


Interne Links

Englisch Wiki




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